Notes from Underground – February 2025

2/19/25 – On a different note, separation from external events can be spiritually healthy. Separation from God is not. We can’t prioritize anything in the external world over God. Our relationship with God must always come first.

2/19/25 – This period is not going to end well for our country, and it might not end well for the world.

2/19/25 – Ukraine can’t go forever without having elections and now seems like a good time to do so. As the National Review noted, it’s personal for a certain person. It would also just be good to have new leadership. War is grueling for anybody. Zelensky did what he could for his country.

2/19/25 – If it hasn’t been obvious, a certain person wants our country to be more like Russia. We understand that “conservatives” have elaborate justification schemes for their support of this horrible person, but it’s simply denial and delusion.

2/18/25 – National Review: But the white South African did the same thing at Twitter, which wasn’t unionized. His managerial style sucks. He is unlikable, arrogant and incompetent…and in this context, he has ulterior motives.
Why DOGE Functions So Awkwardly

2/18/25 – It’s been a year’s worth of news in a month. We are going to live our lives and go at our pace. This project is a labor of love, which is what it will remain until the end. We will never owe anything to anyone, and we will always tell our readers the truth as we see it.

2/16/25 – Dei created the world in divine diversity. Amen.
Holy Eucharist and Annual HBCU Welcome Sunday

2/16/25 – The National Review kicked us off, but as a nation, we need to have a serious and respectful discussion about morality. What do we find moral or immoral? These judgments often end up translated as policies.

2/15/25 – The Europeans are lazy, entitled free-riders who think their white skin gives them privileges and rights to things it does not. They continue to take advantage of post-colonial countries, which they have exploited and have yet to make whole. They have not done justice to them by righting past wrongs. Instead, they persist in wrongs and seemingly have nothing to offer the world. After having stolen other people’s and country’s wealth to become developed countries, European countries still get more from the world than they give it. They are white supremacy at its most hidden and hypocritical. It is remarkable and revealing that liberals have an affinity for one of the most exploitative and entitled parts of the world.
We have agreed with this for a long time: “The blunt reality is that there will be dwindling appetite and patience in the U.S. Congress—and in the American body politic writ large—to expend increasingly precious funds on behalf of nations that are apparently unwilling to devote the necessary resources or make the necessary changes to be serious and capable partners in their own defense—nations apparently willing and eager for American taxpayers to assume the growing security burden left by reductions in European defense budgets.
Indeed, if current trends in the decline of European defense capabilities are not halted and reversed, future U.S. political leaders … may not consider the return on America’s investment in NATO worth the cost.”
The hard reality is that the deal on the table now is the unfortunate outcome of the terrible decisions the Biden administration made to inadequately support Ukraine. He was a weak man with poor judgment and so egoistical and selfish that he has put our country’s democracy in peril. Access to Ukraine’s minerals was crassly presented because this administration specializes in crass (and cruelty, incompetence, corruption and lawlessness), but it is not unfair, which is ultimately more important. In the future, Ukraine might be able to regain lost territory. However, Europeans need to lead that mission. For the first time in their entire history, Europeans might actually try to positively contribute to the world instead of profiting from it.
Listen Closely to What Hegseth Is Saying

2/15/25 – It’s not Associated Partisan. It’s Associated Propaganda. It’s all propaganda, right and left. It’s just a matter of degree. They aren’t stating facts. They’re all telling you what to think because the press asserts that “we have the freedom to make editorial choices” and think they are really smart and better than the American people. The public is well aware of the news media’s high opinion of itself and of its freedom to make “editorial choices.” It is the main reason the public has such a low opinion of said news media. The question isn’t about whether it has this freedom or can exercise it. It’s about its judgment and the use of it. The public is clearly of the opinion that it has abused this freedom. Ultimately, that’s the hill the press is dying on, literally and figuratively.

2/14/25 – On a different note: Listen to Billy Graham (Flashback Friday) and Arthur Brooks, then John Coltrane on love.

2/14/25 – This is how to read the news. You read a conservative paper and a liberal paper. Sometimes, they are so far apart, it’s like you’re reading about two different stories. Accurate reporting lies somewhere in between the two. This is where we’re at as a country.

2/14/25 – Democrats don’t know how to prioritize or weigh competing interests in a way that is responsive to the broader American electorate. They allow themselves to get captured by “advocacy” groups with narrow interests that are often at odds with the American people. They are virtue signaling pros. This is not governance. Phonies to the left.
This administration cares only about real estate deals. The whole world is a real estate deal. It has no moral compass. Republicans’ position on abortion is nothing but cover for their greed and a moral token to allow their phony Christians to support them on theological grounds. Phonies to the right.

2/13/25 – Christians serve a higher power. We often end up the last line of defense because of this. We are unwilling to compromise on the central tenets of our faith. Expect a battle until the bitter end. We will not break. “First, we can urge church leadership to stand up for religious freedom. This week more than two dozen Christian and Jewish denominations and ecumenical groups joined a lawsuit against the Trump administration’s rescission of the Department of Homeland Security’s ‘sensitive locations’ policy.”
Faith groups sued the Trump administration for its immigration policies. Church leaders should support them.

2/13/25 – The AP is clearly picking its battles. Maybe its trans trolls who like to spam accounts because we’re all supposed to give in to their bullying, their white cultural hegemony, are helping it exercise this particular brand of “judgment.”

2/13/25 – Some valuable information.
The Tesla Revolt

2/13/25 – When we link to anything, it’s simply the independent exercise of our First Amendment rights. Nothing more should be read into it than that.

2/13/25 – Investors can individually choose to short Tesla stock if they can tolerate the financial risk – again, if they can tolerate the risk.

2/13/25 – Foreign countries can choose to ban Teslas from being sold in their markets.

2/13/25 – We need a campaign to encourage people to stop buying Teslas. Much of the white South African’s wealth is tied to its stock price.

2/13/25 – Christianity, our Constitution and our country and…capitalism are all under assault. We have to protect all of it. Well-regulated capitalism works. It’s being undermined by the kleptocrats. We must protect it.

2/12/25 – Are conservatives deranged by their racism? Somehow they searched on a website that has practically never mentioned “Obama,” “obama savior” because they are so fixated on their pink-tinged, paper-colored skin and their jealousy of a black man holding the presidency that they can’t see or think straight. They do this while hypocritically worshipping an orange-painted genetically inferior man who thinks of himself as a god.

2/12/25 – Is the National Review drunk on greed and power? Conservatism implies temperance. Apparently, conservatives are so ridden with avarice, worshipping their golden calf, that they’ve lost their morality and their values. Their “religiosity” is merely a façade intended to cover up their immorality.

2/11/25 – Is the white South African going to use the vast quantity of data he has illegally gotten access to, in violation of Americans’ and others’ privacy rights, to better train his AI models and potentially put his competitors at a disadvantage?

2/11/25 – The most dangerous people in the world are the people who either lack a conscience or who don’t have a healthy relationship with it and, therefore, with God.

2/11/25 – The criminals Macdonald pardoned, who he calls “patriots”: “NPR has identified dozens of defendants with prior convictions or pending charges for crimes including rape, sexual abuse of a minor, domestic violence, manslaughter, production of child sexual abuse material and drug trafficking.”
Criminal records of Jan. 6 rioters pardoned by Trump include rape, domestic violence

2/11/25 – If only Macbeth had right-wing propaganda, the pardon power, and loyalty tests, he might have been able to wash the blood stains from his hands. Then again….

2/11/25 – When you’ve done something wrong, such as inciting an insurrection, which is a mortal sin, the thing to do is repent. Instead….

2/10/25 – We need the international community to issue arrest warrants and arrest the criminals. Civil lawsuits need to be filed where there are any damages. Move fast.

2/9/25 – This has been the most incompetent start for an administration in recent American history. It has been TechNuts “moving fast and breaking things,” and it has harmed our nation. The rollout of their policy changes has been indiscriminate, careless and wholly lacking in thoughtful consideration of its ramifications. It’s been an embarrassment for them…and, unfortunately, for our country. It has done long-lasting reputational and material damage to us as a nation. We need to do better, America.

2/9/25 – The goal for any truly practicing Christian is to be as guided by the Holy Spirit as one can be. It often involves being willing to sacrifice everything. Vance is not guided by the Spirit. He isn’t trying to balance the tenets of the Catholic faith with the demands and hard choices involved in the governance of a nation as large and complicated as ours. Going to church once a week is not enough. It is the minimum. One has to spend time truly transforming and orienting oneself to God. He has a lot of work to do. Some of it is theological, but much of it is personal and spiritual.
This is Catholicism. We practice good works. While the secular virtue-signalers virtue signal, we do our work quietly and discretely. He cast aspersions on the Catholic bishops, in his own self-declared religion, without understanding their financial realities or the fact that much of the work we do is ultimately funded or supported by the laity. We tithe and volunteer. We do all of this out of love for God and for each other. An ordered list of loves is likely indicative of a disordered love for oneself and God. If the first item on the list is oneself or one’s family (as the secularists have), nothing compels a person to go beyond it. One could give everything and do everything for oneself or one’s family. Yet, as Christians, we are expected to sacrifice for others, with “sacrifice” literally meaning giving something up, such as what one would give to the first item on the list. If doing good works isn’t his cup of tea, this isn’t the right denomination for him. There are other denominations that do not have these theological and spiritual demands and proud heritage. He’s free to leave at any time, whether it’s Catholicism or Christianity. However, neither Catholicism nor Christianity, a faith that belongs to millions of people around the world, will be changing for him or for anyone else.
They won’t be able to reshape Christianity to their political misinterpretations. A certain person is the 47th president. A pope’s term is on average much longer, and Pope Francis is the 266th successor to St. Peter. The papacy will continue long after this debased political moment and movement passes. More importantly, Christianity will continue, continually reorienting itself to Christ. It has waxed and waned, parts of the Body of Christ have become diseased and later cured, for 2,000 years. Christianity will endure. The question is: Will our country endure given its present trajectory, a republic if we can keep it?
‘A Very Christian Concept’
JD Vance got a lot wrong about St. Augustine’s ordering of loves

2/9/25 – God created all people equal. Let’s reflect this divine equality in our world. Happy Sunday!

2/9/25 – Justice is not pandering to white fragility and white people’s fictional grievances. It is rectifying past wrongs done to indigenous people and minorities. Move forward bravely and boldly with righteousness.

2/9/25 – Normally, property rights ought to be respected. In South Africa’s case, however, the white people, who call themselves Afrikaners, are colonizers who stole black South Africans’ land. Afrikaners aren’t owed anything. They are exploitative invaders on the ancestral lands of a people with whom they have no genetic, ethnic, historical or cultural connection. The South African government would be entirely in its right to reappropriate the stolen land and make the white people stateless. It is choosing not to do so out of a sense of restraint and reconciliation.
However, if South Africa wanted to deliver justice to its native people and to catapult itself economically as a nation, it could do land redistribution. Take the land and divide it equally between its citizens who want land, accounting for the current ownership and the condition of the land. This one act would make the quality of South Africans’ lives immeasurably better. South Africans, meaning its black people, deserve that, and it would be long overdue justice.

2/9/25 – The latest bogeyman for the superior white race is DEI. In reality, it hasn’t really done much for minorities, especially relative to the gross disadvantages inflicted upon them by said superior white race. DEI does something else though. It is a convenient excuse for the superior white race to use to explain why their own status is in decline. See working-class white men.
The playing field is still considerably tilted in white people’s favor, and they still try to prevent more qualified and capable minorities from entering their white-dominated professions because they are clearly so confident in their white abilities. Yet, even after all of this effort to maintain the status quo that favors them, they are still becoming less competitive within our country and around the world.
There is a good reason for this. White people’s sense of superiority was always a fiction, and as this reality becomes more obvious to everyone, they have created all kinds of new fictions, such as DEI, as a carapace for their fragile egos. What minor benefits DEI conferred upon minorities is not worth the lie that white people can then use to bandage their wounded self-love. DEI is now gone. Let’s see what other creative lies the superior white race will come up with next to protect themselves in the real world and in the imaginary one that exists only in their mind?

2/9/25 – The white South African who fancies himself a genius is an imposter. The reforms our institutions need require the diplomacy of a statesman and the cost-cutting skills of a surgeon. He has neither. He blusters on X and wields a sledgehammer of servile adolescents with no knowledge of the systems or the institutions they are infiltrating. Instead of increasing efficiency, they are compromising our cyber and national security. This is what happens when an unrestrained white ego is indulged and not told the truth about the limits of his knowledge and his ability. He mistakes himself for a god and puts a nation at risk. Sound familiar? It’s a match made in hell.

2/9/25 – The current trend of white nationalism is in part a response to the legitimate problems in western governance and in part a convulsion of white people’s wounded self-love.

2/8/25 – Everything I have, God gave to me. In the truest understanding of reality, I earned nothing. Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. When I go to my maker, may it be in perfect love and humility. May I have lived a life worth living. May my ancestors say, “We are proud of you, child. You honored us and God, not by power, money or fame, but by your decency.”

2/8/25 – Many, with some notable exceptions, of the world’s plutocrats have become global parasites. The cited period in the article, the Renaissance, is notorious for the corruption of the church and the city-states. That said, it does say something about the Christian faith that even at a moment and in a place where it was being practiced quite terribly, the religion still had a corrective influence on the baser and insatiable appetites of men.
It is practically incontestable that our secular society has no corrective influence, and the outcome of the “humanistic tradition,” whatever it is, is moral decline. The grotesque extravagance and narcissism of the plutocrats is a mark of their moral, intellectual and personal degradation. They don’t love God, country, our planet or their fellow human beings. They love themselves. Having incinerated everything of value, everything that makes life worth living, with their insatiable greed, their souls have become blackened by its ash. They might win people’s envy, but they don’t earn people’s respect. All they have is stuff. Maybe it can redeem their souls at the Final Judgment.
The Rise of the Selfish Plutocrats

2/8/25 – When you adopt a new country as your home, you have certain rights…and certain responsibilities. In the United States of America, it is to honor our Constitution and to defend it from all threats, internal and external. Whether our ancestors are buried on this soil or not, we will keep sacred the sacrifices of the countless patriots that came before us. We swore our allegiance before God and our fellow compatriots. We have a divine obligation to them and to our country, and we will honor it and our oath, no matter the cost. God bless America.

2/8/25 – It is probably not something most Americans have spent time thinking about, but it is rather remarkable that almost all Americans speak English, even if as a second language. When you look at older parts of the world, India and Europe being good examples, they speak many different languages. Even though they are more homogenous (yet still heterogenous) than us in other respects, racially, ethnically, religiously, etc., they are more heterogenous in their languages. This is because they are older and developed differently. The Roman Empire clearly left a linguistic imprint on Europe, yet it wasn’t one of a single language.
In the United States, however, the various English dialects blended into one English dialect, and subsequent waves of immigrants, whether from Europe or elsewhere, ended up adopting the dominant English language, perhaps while retaining their native language in more limited settings. (Note: The many French words in English were from the Norman conquest in the 11th century, predating the American colonies.) The dominance of English might make us less linguistically rich, but as stated earlier, it is a structural advantage, particularly in terms of labor mobility.
It is an interesting area of scholarship. What are the specific features of human history, such as migration and conquests, that made India and Europe linguistically heterogenous and the United States relatively homogenous?

2/8/25 – Remember: God loves us. We are never alone. He walks with us through it all. Don’t be afraid. Pray and keep the faith.

2/8/25 – Democrats need to get it together and lead. They need to clean their house and make it more appealing to the broader electorate. Stop with the policies that the American people have told you time and again that they don’t want. We are a democracy. Live up to it. They also have to end the influence of interest groups. There are three main parts to the Republicans: TechNuts (libertarians), MAGA (nationalists), and conservatives. The easiest to peel off are economically disillusioned MAGA and principled conservatives. Elected Democrats and the conservatives who left the Republican Party need to start working with our international partners. Render the person and the people they don’t want to work with in the current administration for obvious reasons as irrelevant as possible. Help other democratic countries rise to this moment. Help them help themselves, us and the world. We rise and fall together. Blue state governors need to liberate themselves from the federal government and make themselves more prominent on the world stage. They need to insulate the blue states by making them practically independent governing bodies and beef up their National Guard. All of these groups need to prepare for a suspension of elections on some bogus pretext, such as a national security emergency. The lawyers need to be ready. This is not a complete list….

2/7/25 – We will always tell you the truth.

2/7/25 – Flashback Friday continued: “11/6/24 – To the brilliant people saying the Harris Walz campaign shouldn’t have told voters that a certain evil person is a fascist. Campaign strategy is not our thing. We are in the business of telling the truth as we see it, and that is the truth. We have a moral obligation to warn people of where things are heading. We care about all of our fellow Americans, and we are not going to withhold highly important information for some cynical political calculation.”
An excerpt from “11/9/24 – This time around it’s even worse as Elon Musk is going to be inaugurated in a few months. We seem to be living through a bizarre period in American history where there is some front man who wins the presidential elections, but it’s not really the same person who’s governing. Instead, it’s some carnival of God knows who and why.”

2/7/25 – Flashback Friday: “10/17/24 – If you aren’t one of them, you are what we call a laborer. Know what that means. Know what it has meant in our country’s history. It has meant that your life can be treated like it’s worthless. It has meant that you and your family can be subjected to state-sanctioned terror and oppression. MAGA wants to go back in time. That’s where they’re going to take us.
An excerpt from “8/18/24 –The Republicans are disgustingly selfish and greedy when it comes to taxes. Their approach is designed as a winner-take-all system. It’s effectively a lottery that impoverishes the rest of the country and turns our economy into a plutocracy and a kleptocracy. Nobody is so smart, talented, or hardworking that they can justify this inequality. Those people need to stop lying to themselves. It’s unbridled greed. It’s an addiction and a moral weakness.”

2/7/25 – Or is the white South African with bad genes the ultimate malicious plutocrat? Or maybe both.

2/7/25 – Christians already have a savior, Jesus Christ. We don’t need any other savior.

2/7/25 – Is the white South African with bad genes the ultimate white savior?

2/7/25 – One of the greatest advantages the United States has over Europe (the eurozone), which does not have automatic fiscal transfers, or India is that we all speak the same language, so we have greater labor mobility. Well-governed blue states can profit from this structural advantage.

2/7/25 – Let’s make the federal government practically irrelevant.

2/7/25 – Blue state governors should expand all of their business relationships in foreign countries and build trade agreements with them directly.

2/7/25 – “U.S. Rep. Angie Craig, a Democrat representing portions of southern Minnesota farmland, slammed the attacks on USAID, saying the move ‘hurts the rural economy and damages the proud heritage of American farmers feeding the world.’” In addition to other countries, blue states with larger agricultural industries could step in and purchase the US farmers’, who provide this aid, surplus crops. For the state of MN, it’s approximately $70 million. For MN, “From the American people in the state of Minnesota.”
Shuttering of USAID could mean the end of millions in income for Midwest farm operations

2/7/25 – We want the stories and the images of the effects of the dismantling of USAID to be shared with the world and for the world to know who did this to them – MAGA, the South African, and the current administration.

2/7/25 – It is well-documented that before the election we said that a certain person is a fascist and that Elon Musk would be president. Some people in the legacy media called it hyperbole. It was an accurate forecast. It didn’t take a crystal ball. It just took a brain.

2/6/25 – One way or another, America as it was originally conceived will be preserved even if we have to endure a rupture in the process. The American people are too tough and love liberty too much to ever succumb to tyrants.

2/6/25 – Perhaps the most practical protection against tyranny is states’ rights and independence, and our citizens’ free mobility between them, which is also labor mobility.

2/6/25 – American hegemony has been declining for years, and the current administration is the nail in the coffin. Before it, Biden’s foreign policy can be characterized as weak and full of blunders. MAGA wants America “first.” They might get it, but it won’t be what they think it will be. It will be America less influential in the world. The other paradox is that the current administration and the conservative movement in general has been wanting to diminish the role of the federal government. As it is, after this chaos, states will reassess the degree to which they want to be dependent on the federal government, particularly to fund critical services. If MAGA and the conservatives get what they want, the federal government, and therefore, the presidency and Congress, also lose influence. If blue states, which are generally richer, get sick of the situation and, as a thought experiment, refuse to pay federal taxes because the Constitution has been so violated, would the federal government even continue to exist? Also, without fiscal transfers, red states would fall into decline and would be less able to compensate for the loss of blue state revenue. If the federal government does continue to exist, it would be in significantly diminished form. And so, if he tries to make himself a king, he might end up one not of a country but of a country’s federal government that would no longer exist. With a federal government laid waste and a country rendered irrelevant, it would be an epic Pyrrhic victory.

2/6/25 – It has been a long time coming, but other democratic countries need to step up and lead. We can’t have a situation where a rogue, authoritarian president comes to power, on a marginal popular vote, and acts like he has been elected to be king of the world, against the wishes and the vote of half of the country. Also, it was bait and switch. He did not run on “owning” Gaza or making Canada the 51st state. No American voted for that platform. No American, not even MAGA, voted for imperialism. Democratic countries around the world, north and south, need to start leading.

2/6/25 – Is the conservative party the party of lawlessness?

2/6/25 – From now until the day he dies, the South African should face a criminal or a civil lawsuit. Perhaps we should even sue his progeny. We need to take this approach with every aspiring kleptocrat. We are not going to protest in the streets, but we are happy to crowdfund the lawsuits, one kleptocrat at a time, starting with the South African. They might be billionaires, but even if all Americans contributed were small amounts, in the collective, we could raise trillions. We will put a stop to this lawlessness.

2/6/25 – If the South African cannot follow American laws, he and his concubines and his illegitimate children are free to leave. He can relocate his harem to South Africa…if it will have him. Our country needs to get rid of this unAmerican menace.

2/6/25 – If the federal government doesn’t send the money to the states that they are legally owed, then the states and its residents shouldn’t send the money to the federal government that it is legally owed.

2/6/25 – The European Union would also be wise to take aggressive and swift legal action against the South African for any and every violation of their laws. Let us hold the rich people who break things responsible for the things they break.

2/6/25 – If the United States cannot use its power responsibly, then other countries need to fill this vacuum and use their power responsibly. We will not have a world that falls into chaos.

2/6/25 – The European Union would be wise to use this moment to bring itself to relevance. Where the United States has pulled out of supplying the Global South with necessary aid, supply it with this aid. It can have on the bags of food and other supplies that it delivers, “From the European Union’s people.”

2/6/25 – We need neutral countries, such as India and Switzerland, to broker a two-state solution – now. October 7, 2023 wasn’t an opportunity for Israel. It was a tragedy. All parties will respect the two-state solution, and the consequences of not doing so must be detailed and enforced.

2/6/25 – We need numerous – civil cases – the American people against the South African for violating our privacy rights and disrupting and damaging the government that our taxes pay for. Multiple civil cases. Let’s hold the rich people who break things accountable for the things they break.

2/5/25 – “‘The gift of God is absolutely gratuitous,’ he said. ‘It’s not something you earn. It’s something that’s there. It’s something you just have to accept. This is the gift that has been given. There’s no place to go to get it. There’s no place you can go to avoid it. It just is. It’s part of our very existence. And so the purpose of all the great religions is to bring us into this relationship with reality that is so intimate that no words can possibly describe it.’”
Thomas Keating, pioneer in centering prayer, interfaith dialogue, dies at 95

2/5/25 – Imagine the whole world with nobody saying anything. Just for a little while, we all just went silent and sat with our maker quietly.

2/5/25 – From Thomas Keating’s Open Mind, Open Heart: “The root of prayer is interior silence.” Blessed silence. No words from anyone, anywhere. Just love for God and God’s love for me. Silence is divine union.

2/5/25 – To be clear, beyond the DNA and the linguistics, one should also look at the history of the region or country, such as migration, invasions, trade, religion, etc. In my case, all of it is consistent. All of it makes sense and fits given everything I know. There will be more findings, and some might be contradictory. It hasn’t been yet though, which is kind of remarkable.

2/5/25 – This finding is consistent with my own and my family’s DNA. We belong to one ethnic group (meaning not recently mixed genetically in the way many people are), but the ancient DNA connection is to the Caucasus/Steppes. This stuff is so fascinating! Putting together the pieces of the puzzle of human history.
Ancient DNA Points to Origins of Indo-European Language

2/5/25 – The international relations and economics, topics near and dear to us, is so bad. You don’t treat people or other countries like this. The US did need to take a tougher approach with allies (to a lesser degree) and foes about some things, but this is not how you do it. The implementation is terrible. It is so disrespectful, belligerent and irrational. “Owning” Gaza…. What is that? It gets worse every day. We need to take a break. We’re going to read the Bible, some fiction, etc. We’ll be back after a break to talk about other things because this is just too depressing.

2/5/25 – We hope everybody’s read The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, from St. Paul, MN. Bloomberg makes a keen reference to it. The problem with rich people who break things is that they don’t end up paying the price for the damage they inflict. Therefore, they don’t learn anything. The rest of us are left paying the price and cleaning up the mess.
Trump and Musk Are Vandalizing the World

2/4/25 – Liberals are too generous and permissive. Conservatives are too stingy and heavy-handed. It’s like Goldilocks with governance. Can we just have a balanced and thoughtful approach to governance?

2/4/25 – MAGA might enjoy mistreating people and countries, in other words, making enemies, but it is a foolish approach. We’re one country. Our enemies, many of whom might have once been our friends, can team up against us, and we won’t be able to defeat them. Setting aside how unwise this approach is in terms of national security, it’s also just not how a great country becomes greater. You can get what you want with firm diplomacy and honest dialogue about what we find unfair. Continue like this, and we’re basically inviting an attack. And it would all have been completely unnecessary.

2/4/25 – Once we’ve lost our friends and trading partners, our government is destroyed and our country is poorer and less secure, then what do we do? This is definitely not going well, not that anybody who didn’t vote for him expected it to go well. It’s a matter of exactly how much damage will be done and if it can even be repaired.

2/4/25 – The temptation is to let the current administration get everything it wants and not say anything. Let them and their voters learn a good lesson. The problem is that this would be immoral….

2/4/25 – Canada is a great neighbor and friend, and any talk of making it the 51st state is deeply disrespectful and goes contrary to American values and international law. We respect and truly appreciate our Canadian friends. (We also love their maple syrup.) The American people have no interest in violating Canada’s sovereignty, and our leaders need to stop with these belligerent messages. We also do not understand the tariffs for Canada. Does anybody understand the goal with any of this? If there is personal animus towards Justin Trudeau, that’s a personal problem. Don’t make it the American people’s problem. Americans didn’t elect people to office to enact their personal vendettas. Our representatives need to serve the American people and our interests.

2/4/25 – There are many times non-white people might feel furious at white people for all of the unnecessary suffering they have brought on others. We might not always be charitable, and that is understandable. However, we need to remember that most of the people who suffered under white people were other white people. We need to remember that the vast majority of the people who fought in the Union Army in our bloodiest war, the Civil War, during which an estimated three-quarters of a million souls were lost in total, were white people. The same race that oppressed helped liberate. Not only can this fact help us moderate our justified anger, but it gives us hope.

2/4/25 – We, no matter our race or ethnicity, including white people, rise and fall together, all of us as a nation and as a world. We have to stand up for each other in the face of injustice, or evil will win. Let’s have healthy, respectful competition and cooperation between nations. Let’s have healthy, respectful competition and cooperation between individuals. Yes, we often want to win, but ultimately, the goal is to bring out the best in each other.

2/4/25 – An excerpt from Isabel Wilkerson’s Caste and a quote from one of the most intelligent men in human history, Albert Einstein, “‘The separation of the races is not a disease of the colored people,’ Einstein told the graduates at commencement [at the historically black college], ‘but a disease of the white people. I do not intend to be quiet about it.’ He became a passionate ally of the people consigned to the bottom. ‘He hates race prejudice,’ W.E.B. Du Bois wrote, ‘because as a Jew he knows what it is.’”

2/4/25 – The Republican Party seems to work from the assumption that public school teachers and principals are inferior to private school teachers and principals. Our public schools have award-winning teachers and principals who are able to teach a diverse student body with a variety of needs beyond academics. These schools often educate poor students facing a host of challenges. It is simply more challenging…but also more rewarding. It’s easier to teach students who are coming from economically stable, supportive families. It’s much harder to teach to a whole person who needs a lot of additional care and support. If we lose the talent that many of our public school teachers and principals bring to the classroom, it will make the country less competitive.

2/3/25 – The new administration should continue with Biden’s approach of using industrial policy to develop the industries of the future in the USA. This is decidedly not a neoconservative economic approach, but it will help make our country more competitive.

2/3/25 – The thing to know about David Frum is that he is consistently an arrogant a—hole. He has a lot of sympathy for the Jewish people, his own people, but he doesn’t give a s—t about the injustices other people have faced. F—k him.

2/3/25 – Maybe The Atlantic’s David Frum can keep his asinine, ignorant criticisms of India to himself. He wasn’t involved in the liberation of a country from approximately 200 years of British barbarism and exploitation (almost as long as we’ve existed as a nation), knows absolutely nothing of the country’s cultural, economic or political history, and has no knowledge of the many problems the country had to deal with post-colonialization, including the decimation of the economy by the British. Frum has also been indoctrinated by western neoconservative economic views and is simply regurgitating them in a vitriolic manner because that’s what he does.

2/3/25 – To Russia: There have been many “great” empires: Greek, Roman, Golden Horde, British, etc. Where are they now? The world does not do imperialism anymore for a good reason. In the long-run, it fails. The country loses materially and morally. Only fools use failed methods. If you want to dominate, you have to be willing to compete with the current rules of engagement: Be the country that can contribute the best and the most to the world.

2/3/25 – There is a difference between asserting American power and simply disrespecting other nations. Remember: Some of these countries, such as India and China, are proud ancient civilizations. They have been on the world stage for thousands of years. We have been on it for a few hundred years. This is a big difference. Naturally, these other countries do not take kindly to disrespect. Also, in the case of India and China, although they have had much friction over millennia, they are both Asian countries and share many cultural values. So, one would be wise to be careful about the relationships they are burning and to consider the consequences they may have with respect to the new alliances those countries might make.

2/3/25 – We know that many people are scared, but this is actually an exciting time to be alive. Never before has international interactions been so robust. America has gotten complacent and decadent. We can’t have this. We can’t have the most diverse group of people ever assembled become content with mediocrity. We need to be excellent. To be our best, we need great opponents, and we have them. India and China are worthy competitors. They are filled with ambitious people hungry for the prize. Africa is on its way. We respect all of our competitors. We intend to play and win fairly. We are Americans, after all. We have this question for American Gen Z and younger parents: Are your kids going to be able to compete? Maybe you should send them to school…. Let the games begin.

2/3/25 – In general, the diversification of trading partners, agreements and blocs is good for the world and international trade. From the perspective of any one nation, this might not seem beneficial. A country might want to “freeze” international trade when it dominates it, but this is not only impossible but ultimately brittle for it and for other nations. The pandemic taught the world some hard lessons, and it seems to have learned that it needs to diversify its economic relationships. This is good for all of us.

2/3/25 – Even after reading numerous articles on this topic, we’re not clear on what the new administration’s logic is regarding tariffs. That said, it might be that they would like to substitute internal revenue, taxes, which is a progressive tax system, with external revenue, tariffs, which would be a regressive form of revenue. The main difference between taxes and tariffs in this respect is that the residents of a nation are required to comply with its tax laws. Sovereign nations are not required to comply with tariffs. They can simply walk away from those trading relationships. They have this right and will exercise it to find the best trading deals that they can. Therefore, not only will exporters and consumers be hurt by tariffs, but the revenue base, both internal and external, will also shrink. As we said before, in economics and in life, there is no free lunch. Where everyone tends to make mistakes as it relates to designing policy is that they do not account for all of the ramifications of their policies, especially ones that they are predisposed to not seeing because of their biases, which we all have.

2/3/25 – India: Get the reparations. The Indian people deserve the reparations. They deserve justice.

2/3/25 – The reason India has been an economic powerhouse for all of human civilization (with the exception of British exploitation, which wasn’t India’s fault – see the reparations demanded below) is because of…(drumroll) trade. No other country in the world has this proud legacy. While Europeans were living in caves or whatnot, the Indus Valley Civilization (India) had elaborate, relatively egalitarian cities with plumbing and public baths and was exporting various goods to Mesopotamia and the ancient world. With the stated exception, India has had strong relationships with its trading partners. If a country loses its relationships with its trading partners, it will become less rich. There is no doubt about this. Although there are certainly benefits to autarky, and it should always be a consideration, one of the most important things a country can do is build mutually beneficial and respectful relationships with other countries. So, think long and hard. We’d like the American people, especially our farmers, manufacturers, and other exporters, to have a voice in where we go as a country. They deserve that. What do you think, America?

2/2/25 – Let’s speak of JUSTICE on this Sunday, shall we. Of the three great contemporaneous ancient civilizations: Egypt, Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley Civilization (India), the former two having been historical trading partners with India, the only one that has remained an economic and cultural force throughout civilization is India. Egypt still exists but not as it once did.
If it hadn’t been for the British’s unprecedented exploitation of the country, it is entirely possible that India would have the most dominant economy in the world. Even after this extreme exploitation, India still has a powerful economy.
The genetic degenerates pretending to have some privileged lineage, the British monarchy, aka the inbred sociopaths, needs to be dissolved, and India needs to be repaid the estimated 43 TRILLION dollars in wealth that was stolen from her.
The Unmaking of India: How the British Impoverished the World’s Richest Country

2/2/25 – Indians: Instead of fighting about who’s more Indian, a total waste of time and energy, focus on getting well-deserved and long overdue reparations.

2/2/25 – From the New York Times, a voter says, “A lot of the time, he said, Republicans seem to support policies that hurt people. When Democrats have bad ideas, as he sees it, ‘They’re not trying to hurt people, they’re just stupid.’” The American people are so smart. From Mark Twain, the cruelty of I didn’t think. Happy Sunday!

2/2/25 – Let’s keep having the debate. A review of some other tensions: freedom/innovation and law/order (see below); and from some time back: free will (prochoice) and justice (death penalty) and sanctity of life (prolife and anti-death penalty). We generally honor sanctity of life but make some exceptions to allow for both abortion and the death penalty. We almost never take an all or nothing position, and immigration is no different. We don’t care if we are disappointing everyone. We are not here to be your friend. We are here to tell you the truth.
As it relates to mercy for migrants “versus” rule of law (it’s actually not either/or), mercy and compassion for migrants is not sinful. It is incorrect to describe it as such. However, mercy can be sinful. The Catholic Church and other Christian institutions should have taken a much tougher stance with child sex abuse. Their “mercifulness” was sinful because the acts were extremely sinful. Whether mercy is sinful or not depends on the context. It is not sinful in the context of migrants because they naturally want to flee their home countries for many good reasons. Fleeing one’s country, even when breaking the laws of another country, by definition is not sinful because it is not immoral. Their actions are motivated by fear and a survival instinct, and that’s understandable. Sinfulness isn’t determined by laws. It’s determined by morality, which may or may not overlap with laws.
However, the Biden administration did not adequately prioritize the rule of law for our own country. The open border policy was terrible governance. It created all kinds of problems: practical ones for our nation and moral ones. Our own country’s safety, stability and economics are always important. How do we house that many people coming in that fast? We couldn’t, and one could literally see it, even in northern states. Equity for migrants is also important. We can’t take in the whole world, so we need to have a system that is fair. Venezuelans making up 60% or Latin Americans making up 80% of TPS recipients is not fair to TPS seekers of other nations. What we see is that Latin Americans have too much advocacy and others do not have enough. It needs to be more balanced.
What would Jesus say? We don’t know, but we know what he said. He said all of the things people quote him on about mercy and compassion, but he also said “Give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, and unto God what is God’s,” meaning follow our worldly laws. (We expect Republicans to follow the law and pay their taxes.) As we said before, we can’t cherry-pick which laws we follow. That is a surefire way to destroy our country. If you don’t like a law, you can try to get Congress – and Congress alone – to change it, but the law is the law. All people, including and especially the current administration, are expected to follow the law. As it relates to migrants, we provided what we think is a balanced approach before. (See below.) We need to continue to accept immigrants and migrants, such as refugees and asylum seekers, but the system needs an overhaul. We need comprehensive immigration reform. We need to properly absorb them at a quantity and pace that is manageable for our country, while maintaining our enviable assimilation process and taking an equitable approach. We also need to do soft power: helping their home countries strengthen their law enforcement capabilities and more Peace Corps. (Again, see below.)
Empathy for immigrants sounds like Christianity 101. Here’s why some say it’s a sin.

2/1/25 – To start Black History Month, let’s say this. If anybody thinks black people are inferior, they are out of their mind. They are an incredibly beautiful, talented, smart and viable group of people. Africa is rising.

2/1/25 – Skin color is arguably the worst indication of a person’s “race.” (Hint: Most people are mixed.) In any case, skin color is highly deceptive. One of the strange things about many white people is that they can get extremely brown, as tan or tanner than many naturally brown people. Many fair brown people are genetically less “white” than darker people if you analyze their DNA. You have to look at a variety of factors: indigenous groups, migratory patterns, wars and conquests, anthropology, religion, culture, linguistics, DNA and biological features (hair type, facial features, etc.) You’re putting together a puzzle of human migration and growth, which involves many factors. So, everyone can stop with their skin color obsession, whether lighter or darker. It’s practically meaningless.

2/1/25 – The British were primarily Anglo Saxon, white people, not Caucasians. (See below for the distinction.) The Aryans (Iranians) were not Anglo Saxon, so rest easy, not related to the colonizers. The Aryans were also not Arabs, Turks or Mongols (Genghis Khan). Mughals were Turks/Mongols. The Aryans were Iranians (Persian), a different ethnic group from Arabs, Turks and Mongols, and the Persians’ language is Farsi, which is still spoken in South Asia today. Farsi is not a Semitic language. It’s an Indo-European, specifically Indo-Iranian language. The Aryan/Dravidian “divide” is manmade. It is possible that South Indians might be more “original to the land” to some degree; however, Indians, north and south, have varying genetic markers of the Aryan migration, which occurred several thousand (about 4,000) years ago. Almost all Indians are mixed with it. Many Indians also likely have genetic markers of the Mughals. Stop having ridiculous blood and soil debates. You’re not winning anything, and you’re losing social cohesion.

2/1/25 – The Republican Party would be wise to be the Party of Lincoln. Racism and hatred of other ethnicities will do long-term damage to a party that has a venerable origin.

2/1/25 – Were the American people deceived by the Biden administration and the liberal legacy media for the past four years?

2/1/25 – Did the liberal legacy media deceive the American people not only about Biden’s infirmity but also on the scale, scope and composition of his administration’s open border policy? The American people deserve answers.

2/1/25 – Among many other answers, the American people deserve answers from the Biden administration as to 1) who was actually running the country because Biden seemed too infirm to do much quality decision-making and 2) who made the decision to give almost 2/3 (60%) of TPS (based on the list below) to Venezuelans. Remember: this is the same administration that had a disastrous pull out from Afghanistan. Why not the Afghanis who helped us? With a world on fire, why not more distributed across the many regions in the world that had people with legitimate claims for TPS?

2/1/25 – There were over 711,000 Venezuelans who received Temporary Protected Status (TPS) between 2021 and 2023. That is an extremely high amount. It is more than all of the other countries on the list combined. The American people deserve to get an answer from the previous administration as to why Venezuelans got preferential treatment. Was it because of a special interest group?
How Temporary Protected Status has expanded under the Biden administration

Notes from Underground – January 2025

1/31/25 – One of the hardest things for Americans when they travel abroad is the lack of order and efficiency. We’re a well-ordered society. We like lines, and we naturally make them. For as freedom-loving and entrepreneurial as we are, we know that you also have to have law and order. They keep our society free and maintain property and other rights. We cannot have this downward slide.
The South Africans were not raised in our culture. They do not understand the careful balance we have maintained between these two things that are in tension: freedom/innovation and law/order. They do not respect our laws and our order. They can always go back to South Africa, but this is how our American society is designed and operates. It is well-designed and well-balanced, and we are not changing it for them or for anybody.

1/31/25 – The world has slowly drifted into disorder. The frog is now boiling. We cannot have a world in disorder. We need to put it in order. The presidency is not a monarchy, and it will never be a monarchy. Anybody who is scheming along those lines needs to be prosecuted for it. Either respect our Constitution, or get the f—k out. All officers swear an oath to the Constitution. They follow it, or they pay the legal ramifications for it.
Elon Musk and all of those other South Africans pledged an oath to the Constitution. They either respect it, or get the f—k out. The Nazis also thought they were genetically superior when they were genetically inferior. We’re not going to let a bunch of genetic degenerates take over our country or our world. Nobody elected Elon Musk or any of the tech bros suffering from a god-complex to anything. The world and everybody else need to put them in their place. Now.
The Catholic Church needs to focus on cleaning its house. It has not kept its house in order. When a priest or a religious person is accused of a crime. The person needs to be immediately removed from all duties, and a criminal and an internal investigation need to be conducted. If the allegations are found to be credible, the person needs to be removed from their position permanently. The priest needs to be immediately defrocked. This is not what the Catholic Church and many other religions institutions did. Clean the Lord’s house!
Companies need to order their employees back to the office, and they can either comply or be fired. Parents need to send their children to school, or the government needs to hold them accountable. We cannot have a lawless world, and that is what has been happening for a long time. The pandemic seemed to exacerbate this trend. There will not be a functional world for us to live in or for your children to inherit. Impose order – now!

1/31/25 – If people want more immigration, then Congress – and Congress alone – needs to fix the immigration system.

1/31/25 – Who knew that liberals, so virtuous and compassionate and such, would be advocating for illegality in the name of economic growth? Who knew that they would care more about economic growth than any other metric for a country, such as the ones that measure how well it takes care of its own people? Well, what’s obvious is that no matter which side, right or left, the law is not to be respected. It’s to be ignored when it benefits their ideology. This is a dangerous approach that will destroy our country. Stop it.

1/31/25 – We have laws that everyone needs to follow. You don’t get to make up our laws because you’re a liberal, a conservative, a rich person, a poor person, whatever. Nobody is above the god—m law. Follow it.

1/31/25 – Congress holds the power of the purse – not the president. It’s in our Constitution. Follow the law.

1/31/25 – Congress decided that TikTok should be sold or banned. It needs to be sold or banned. Follow the law.

1/31/25 – Kids need to go to school. It’s the law. Follow the law.

1/30/25 – Tulsi Gabbard is entirely unfit for the Director of the DNI, a department that shouldn’t even exist, and we all know why. She should not be confirmed.
You Know Why

1/30/25 – Just like one needs to use both the carrot and the stick, one needs to use both soft and hard power. In many cases, soft power will be enough. We should provide support to help Latin American countries strengthened their law enforcement capabilities. It will help their immigrants and migrants remain in their own countries, as many of them would like to do and would prevent them from having brain drain and labor shortages with lasting implications. It will also help build goodwill and good relationships with our neighbors, which we need. Americans want to have good relationships with other countries. We just don’t want to be taken advantage of or have our country become destabilized.
We should also promote and better fund the Peace Corps. JFK said, “And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you–ask what you can do for your country.” He established the Peace Corps in 1961 by Executive Order. Boosting this program can instill patriotism and share American values with other countries while providing them with services and expertise that they need. It is a great program, and a good way to use soft power.
President Kennedy establishes the Peace Corps

1/29/25 – Whenever your argument is that the United States should do x, ask yourself if any other reasonable country in the world would want to do it. If your answer is no, then you have the measure of the strength of your argument. Another measure: When your argument is that other countries are really screwed up, so we should help them by screwing up our own country, you’ve basically lost the argument.

1/29/25 – The Atlantic seems to be suggesting that we deport the Latin American illegals to China. They can then replace the Chinese workers that are already underpaid and mistreated. The illegals can send remittances back…and all of the rest of it. Just apply their argument to China instead of to us. Of course, China would then still be able to go to Latin America for trade. This arrangement should solve everyone’s problems, right. Let’s ask China. What does it think? No, not so much. Can’t imagine why.
Strong-Arming Latin America Will Work Until It Doesn’t

1/29/25 – One way the new administration could make a significant contribution to the world and one that is well-suited to its passions is to help countries and regions, especially Mexico, and Central and South America, to which it is deporting many illegal immigrants and migrants, strengthen their law enforcement capabilities. This could involve providing intelligence or expertise. It would very much benefit these countries since they all have been dealing with drugs and violent gangs. The safer and more stable these countries are, the less likely the illegals are to try to reenter illegally and the more likely the countries are to prevent the production and illegal importation of drugs into the USA.

1/29/25 – Part of why America’s assimilation process is so effective is that we have people from everywhere. Originally, the indigenous population first encountered primarily English (not British, English) colonialists. Over time, there were other Europeans and then the rest of the world. If we have mostly immigrants and migrants from one part of the world, as Europe, which does not have anywhere near as good an assimilation process, is also experiencing, it will screw up our otherwise well-functioning assimilation process and, therefore, our social cohesion. We don’t want this. We need an equitable immigration system that will maintain assimilation and social cohesion.

1/29/25 – It seems as if the National Review has been more critical of the new administration in its first week than the liberal legacy media was of the Biden administration during its entire four years. Glad to see that some publications are still doing their job.

1/29/25 – No country on the planet, including China and Russia, are filled with bad people. They are just governed poorly, and some of them pose a threat to us. We need to be proactive about maintaining our national competitiveness and security. However, acknowledging that every nation has legitimate claims to their points of national pride is basic decency. The way the British treated China during the Opium Wars was abhorrent. They shouldn’t have done it. They shouldn’t have done a lot of things, particularly colonialism. These are human beings, children of God, with inherent dignity and rights. We wouldn’t have won WWII without Russia’s Red Army and Ukraine. They sacrificed tremendously. But remember, many in the Russian Red Army were later executed by Stalin for simply having seen the West. The country still disrespects this legacy. The Russians have also contributed greatly to the arts. They should return their focus to the contributions the world values for generations to come and that bring their people pride instead of the follies of imperialism and oligarchy. Legacy is not about money and power. It’s about how the world perceives what your country and its people contribute to it. This is why our country, the United States of America, for all of our mistakes and ill-advised endeavors, is still considered a great country. We could dominate the world by force, yet we, as a people, have consistently chosen not to do so. We have chosen instead to be a country that dominates by our contributions. We consistently intend to make the world better by who we are and what we do – and importantly, by what we don’t do. We encourage China and Russia, which have proud, long traditions that we respect, to do so as well.

1/28/25 – The liberal legacy media seems to be falling into the trap of TDS. Maybe that’s good for their business or maybe not. It’s certainly not good for our country. We used to call him “the evil one” because his actions, such as spreading falsehoods about the free and fair election he lost and inciting an insurrection that nearly killed members of Congress and disgraced our great country, were often so awful.
He is more accurately and less hyperbolically inadequately morally formed. He learned discipline and ambition, likely from military school and his father, but he didn’t get much if any moral formation. It is obvious. You don’t see him grappling with moral questions or restraining himself based on moral values. So, we can keep criticizing him for not demonstrating something he was never taught or simply never learned, or we can meet him where he is and as who he is and help him learn moral formation. This is what we mean by redirecting him to the light of Christ.
The same applies for Elon Musk, who is clearly neurodivergent. Are you going to keep criticizing him for being neurodivergent? What do you intend to accomplish with that approach? We need to help him be more deliberate in his thought processes and less impulsive. However, the media is also deeply flawed. It is not mature and balanced. It panders to shallow liberals with quick and easy answers, who care more about virtue signaling than about the people they are virtue signaling about. It is all performance.
There is nothing fundamentally wrong with him wanting to deport people who are in the country illegally. Although we sympathize with their plights, these immigrants and migrants are breaking our laws, and as long as they are being treated humanely and with dignity, it is quite legal to deport them. We reiterate that we do not want ICE in our schools, hospitals, or places of worship. That will not go over well with the vast majority of the country. ICE can do its job successfully outside of those sensitive locations. The people who are deported are always free to follow legal channels to immigrate to our country.
However, we need a fair and controlled immigration system, not one that privileges Mexico, Central and South America because of proximity. We also don’t care what implications this has on trade, so everybody needs to stop bringing it up. He would be wise to stop using something that isn’t related to immigration, such as economics, when asserting our laws. As we said before, there is no debate to be had. They broke our immigration laws. They are citizens of another country, and we are, now, transporting them back to their country.
Additionally, the asylum seekers and refugees who were on track to enter our country lawfully really should be allowed in. In case anybody missed it, this really pisses us off. They spent years being vetted. It is an extensive process, and many faith-based organizations work to facilitate it. It is patently unfair to them. They waited. They followed the law. Allowing them in will also positively reinforce our legal immigration processes and incentivize others to use it instead of simply showing up at our border. We will not be siding with the legacy media on these issues because they contributed greatly to our dysfunctional immigration situation. They should be ashamed of themselves for contributing to the predicament these people are now in.
As it relates to Greenland, see below. We should offer them a good deal, and they can decide. It’s in our national security interest. His interest in the Panama Canal is also about national security, and we have yet to be convinced one way or another about it. A lot depends on how people are treated. Perception and goodwill matter. Treating people firmly but with respect is a good approach.
We are a country of laws filled with good people who do a lot for the world. We didn’t achieve our position of power by luck. Our people made this happen, and everybody, the legacy media and all people in power, would do well to remember it. You are representing an entire nation of good, hard-working people. Represent us well. We want justice, law, order, and respect for each other and people around the world. We are also a compassionate and generous people, and we need to live up to these virtues while meeting the needs of our own people. Right now, we are not meeting our people’s needs. We can achieve the changes we need to make as a country without betraying our values. Allowing illegal immigration is not one of our values. It is a violation of our laws. Making fair deals with other nations that are in our and their interest is also not a betrayal of our values. In short, everybody needs to be calmer, clearer-headed, and more objective. This isn’t about sides. This is about what is best for our country.

1/28/25 – We won’t link to them (or any non-Jewish site on this topic), but the AP has had some of the best coverage of Holocaust Remembrance Day. The stories and images are haunting. I learned about the Holocaust as a teenager. It was the most traumatic experience of my young life. I kept having nightmares about it. I will never forget it. I felt like I lost my innocence. The evil was of such magnitude, I had to revise my understanding of evil. It remains so painful to revisit. It is the reason I feel such a strong bond with the Jewish people. What do we say to them? What can we say? We will never forget, and we will remember not just on one day. To the Jewish people: We will do everything we can to protect you. You have our word.

1/28/25 – Conservatives – NOT MAGA – Conservatives, we need you as a country to figure out how you are going to balance this crap out. The left is detached from reality, and they are screwing up our country. In their imaginary world, we don’t have competitors or enemies who want to destroy us. They are oblivious to the threat that China poses to us. See the events of today, as it relates to DeepSeek AI. Let’s get rid of the “military industrial complex.” Yes, what a great idea! Let’s become China’s and Russia’s slaves. Let’s let the entire world into our country unvetted. Right, like terrorists or gangs or economic constraints don’t exist. Like countries don’t naturally want to control who comes into their country, when and for how long for many good reasons. We cannot continue like this. They are idiots. We need this ideological situation to be more balanced. Figure it out. You have to balance it out.

1/27/25 – Today is the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. There has been a lot of weeping and anger over the past few days. It’s emotionally taxing to go from the massacre of millions of innocent people to current events. Good night.

1/27/25 – Is everybody going to pretend that they didn’t see our homelessness increase, in part, because of Biden’s disastrous open border policy? Firstly, that’s no way to run an immigration system. You have people who have been waiting for years for asylum or refugee status with migrants simply walking across the border. Now, all those people who went about it legally are royally f—ked because of the – Latin American – and that’s who it was, special interest groups. OK, libs, get your f—king heads on straight. Also, this is North America, not Latin America. Our northern states are brutally cold. We cannot have our citizens living on the streets. So, f—k you, virtue signaling morons. You f—ked them all, just so you can feel better about yourselves. Do you understand? F—k you.

1/27/25 – Hey libs: You have permission to agree with the new administration. It will be OK. You’ll still know who you are…to whatever flimsy degree you knew it before. You’re welcome.

1/27/25 – The negatives: The shameful pardons of the January 6 criminals are a forever disgrace. American history will judge him negatively for it (and for the insurrection he incited). The attempt to end birthright citizenship is sad and pathetic. American history will not be kind to him on it either.
The positives: The use of American power is finally back, and it is a stark contrast to Biden and even Obama. Biden was particularly weak. Just like liberals’ sad parenting styles, letting kids run them around like they are a putz, they don’t know how to get other people or countries to do what they tell them to do. For example, Columbians who are here illegally are Columbian citizens. They are not stateless. When we deport them, Columbia needs to accept them. Period. There is no debate to be had. Foreign policy was a disaster under Biden because he was a weak, old man who apparently never learned how to control his kid….
The question: The new administration knows how to use the stick. Does it know how to use the carrot? You need to know how to use both. Buying Greenland is not a bad idea. In fact, it is a good idea. Greenlanders, who seem to be quite nice people, want independence. Becoming a territory of America, the most powerful country in the world, is a good position and deal for them. As a free people, they can vote. We make our pitch, and they can decide on their future.

1/26/25 – To the Indian people: No, you didn’t grow out of the Indian soil. There was an Aryan migration, and you can see it anthropologically, linguistically, and genetically. Get a grip, already.

1/26/25 – A note on race, we might consider a better term for white people than Caucasian. The Caucuses is a region that is associated with many different people, for example, (Mizrahi) Jewish, Iranians or Russians. They can all be from the Caucuses. In fact, Indians, can also have DNA that traces back to the Caucuses because of the migration that occurred several thousand years ago from basically present-day Iran into India. Aryans, which the monster Hitler tried to appropriate, also historically referred to Iranians. Are Jews, Iranians, or Indians white? No. Are Russians white? It actually depends, but for the most part, yes, because Scandinavians populated the region, who are not the same people as those from the Caucuses. We propose simply white people instead of Caucasian.

1/26/25 – Americans are not cruel. We are good, kind people. We don’t want family separations or ICE in our schools or places of worships. That would be traumatizing, not just for the illegal immigrants or migrants, but for everybody. We can’t have children or people who are praying to their God traumatized like that. We are communities. We are friends with each other. The country of Columbia needs to accept their migrants who are being deported, but all people are children of God, and they have rights granted to them by God. They need to be treated humanely and with dignity. Our elected representatives reflect our entire nation, not just MAGA. Represent us well.

1/26/25 – We also agree that all of the Palestinian people, not just in Gaza, should be absorbed by the surrounding Arab states. Why doesn’t Jordan want them? Is it because they aid and abet Hamas terrorists? All of those Arab people in Arab states don’t know how to live with others in peace, including, perhaps especially, other Muslims. They can start practicing living with others in peace by living with other Arabs and Muslims, same ethnicity, same religion. If the Israelis did not have to deal with these people, they would be just fine.

1/26/25 – To the Christian people: Go to church. Let the Gospel penetrate your heart of stone and make it a heart of flesh. Remember: Jesus Christ was a Jew who gave himself freely in the greatest act of self-sacrifice. The cross is what matters. Happy Sunday.

1/26/25 – To the Jewish people: We will always care about you and tell you the truth. You need to be careful. The danger signs are going off. They have been going off. You need to work on building (global) alliances because the war has done Israel reputational damage. On top of that, you have characters like Elon Musk, who is, to put it mildly, an oddball, (2 trillion dollars, really, he pulled it from his a–…), on some mission to save what he views as the world’s endangered human races. In the process, he is enlisting white supremacists. He has also been worried about Japan. Think about it: Japan and Germany. These things have a way of taking on a life of their own. Who else was obsessed with the proliferation of the white race in as melanin deficient an expression as possible? He has money, power and satellites, and he’s a little out there. (Not a monster, but at the very least, misguided and has poor judgment….) The warning signs are going off. Create and execute a plan for the Jewish people’s and Israel’s self-protection. Belatedly, Shabbat Shalom.

1/25/25 – The Europeans can’t learn. They keep making the same mistakes over and over and over again, but know this – they are the superior race.

1/25/25 – We would like to ask the Jewish people, especially American Jews, are you really going to save Europeans, the people who tried to erase your ethnoreligious group from the earth and who have treated you badly during your entire time in Europe, from themselves in the event of yet another world war that they bring on themselves? What did you ever do to them? Were you forcing your religion on them? No. Were you interfering somehow in their lives or liberties? No. They are jealous sociopaths, but that’s their problem. Are you really going to fund their rescue and send your children over there to risk their lives to help them, especially after what they did to you?
World War II was a different matter entirely. We needed to save the Jewish people, and we acted too slowly. Without a good reason like that, are we really supposed to save Europe? Do you know how many of those awful, genetically screwed up people who can’t get over their grotesque self-love are anti-Semitic? How many are Muslims who want to destroy the Jewish state? Is it Europe, or is it Eurabia? You know, the other part of the world that can’t stop with the wars. How many of their own people, other Muslims, have they killed or displaced? The assumption is that “they are our friends,” like there is some great kinship with Europe and Europeans. No, there is not. For many people around the world, the Europeans are not our friends, and we resent and dislike them intensely for numerous good reasons.

1/25/25 – Europeans have chosen to create godless, socialist governments and societies with people who depend on the state for everything domestic and on the United States for things like national security. They are entitled and lazy. They do not donate their time, talent or treasure. They are a selfish, self-centered, narcissistic people and a bad influence on the rest of the world. They have exported their science worship, communist proclivities and white-skin, white-culture worship, which has warped non-white countries’ and their people’s sense of self-worth and contributions to humanity. Europeans have done the world tremendous harm with their self-love, unfounded sense of genetic superiority, and subjugation and exploitation of majority non-white countries, including China, which is not a capitalistic country. They have done the world tremendous damage and have yet to make any real reparations for their grievous wrongs. In spite of all of this, they sit on their moralistic thrones, looking down on the rest of the world, including the USA.
It is long overdue that Americans ask them to repay, in reasonable terms, the aid that we have provided them. This is becoming more of a moral imperative as our own country has become less white, particularly when our citizens are coming from post-colonial countries that were terribly exploited by the Europeans. If the Europeans were even remotely as superior or morally upright as they claim to be, they would, of their own volition and out of a sense of justice, repay the post-colonial countries they exploited. In any case, Americans should ask for repayment and use that money to build housing and provide healthcare for our vulnerable citizens. Our citizens do not have free post-secondary education or healthcare, and part of the reason for it is because we have been subsidizing the security of one of the worst regions in the world, which has committed some of the most heinous acts of violence in human history. Pay us back, with interest.

1/25/25 – The United States of America does not owe the world anything. We are our own country. Our people live and work in this country. They pay taxes to it, and the American people are the ones who are supposed to benefit from our taxes. We are a hard-working people. We are also a generous and compassionate people. Our kindness has been taken advantage of and taken for granted. We want to continue helping poorer countries, but our aid needs to be understood as a gift from the goodness of our people. Nobody, no country, whether rich or poor, is entitled to anything from us.

1/24/25 – We would like to hear convincing arguments about how American benevolence has actually benefited America. The left keeps talking about American greatness and all the respect we get because that’s how the world perceives us, but that’s not the reality. For example, Europe, that we saved twice from itself, disdains us and takes us for granted. (They should be required to repay us and all of the post-colonial countries they exploited.) Many countries that we spend our taxpayer money on also seem to begrudge us our generosity and are never satisfied with what we give whether it is blood or treasure. So, if the argument is that all of our benevolence, which is certainly questionable as an unequivocal assertion since there has also been much hypocrisy and self-interest, has been rewarded with goodwill and gratitude, the evidence does not seem to support the argument. If it exists to a convincing degree, present it to us.

1/24/25 – We strongly disagree with Tulsi Gabbard. She is a dangerous person and choice to head the DNI. (Ideally, we just do away with the department altogether.) Her personality is bizarre, to put it mildly. More importantly, she is so lacking in principles and so ambitious that she would sell out anybody, including MAGA and its leaders, and the country if it meant that she would become more powerful. She is a dangerous person – to every American and to our country as a whole.

1/24/25 – We said that we would make it known where we agreed with the new administration. We agree with renaming the “Gulf of Mexico” to the “Gulf of America.” Firstly, this is not a particularly consequential decision, so no need for outrage, unless, of course, you’re into outrage for outrage’s sake, which unfortunately many of you are. Secondly, the United States of America is often called America because it’s the only country on both continents, North America and South America, with America in its name. However, the Gulf of America would refer to both continents and our country. This seems quite all encompassing and fine.

1/23/25 – “First, the incoming president should direct the National Institutes of Health to immediately disclose all data and evidence from its ongoing study. Physicians and families deserve to know what the authors and federal authorities are hiding.
Second, the president should order the Department of Health and Human Services to conduct a systematic review of all available evidence on the efficacy of transgender treatments for children. The European countries that have conducted such reviews have generally found that the evidence is lacking, and they have subsequently restricted children’s access to puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries.
Third, the president should work with Congress to ban all taxpayer funding for child sex-change treatments, which could be included in a reconciliation package early in the new year. This would lay the groundwork for a broader ban — either legislatively or through regulation — on all transgender medical interventions for children.
The Biden administration is complicit in a disturbing and dangerous experiment on children, showing no regard for evidence or ethics. As president, Trump must do what his predecessor has refused to do: provide the transparency that Americans deserve and the protections that vulnerable children desperately need.”
Trump Can Bring Transparency to the Transgender Mess

1/23/25 – We are also going to make an appeal to the new administration, particularly the beautiful Vance family. Vance has midwestern roots, and one of the things he might understand is that we value our great outdoors. This holds true across political parties and people. Our midwestern states are diverse, but we all share a love of nature. It is a common cultural value.
As Catholic to Catholic, we ask that he respects not just our religious tradition regarding God’s creation, but also the way our people love our land. This is a tradition we share with our indigenous populations, our great stewards of God’s creation, and with other religions, including Hinduism.
Our planet is God’s cathedral. It was built by him, and it belongs to him. It might be hard for someone who grew up in NYC to understand our love affair with nature, but it is our divine solace. It is an important way that we connect with our creator. By reveling in the mystery of his work, the abundance and diversity of life that he gave us as a gift, we remind ourselves that we are one with him and all of his creation.
We pray that his adorable, young children might develop a love of nature, and with it, a love of God. It will serve them well their whole lives. No matter what happens they can rest in the palm of the work of the Lord, our planet, with its wild, pristine places. Please protect these sacred spaces. Please respect their value as they are, untouched by human greed and corruption. His children can take comfort that God is ever-present with us, no matter what trials and tribulations we face, in his house, our common home, our planet.

1/22/25 – There are definitely policy differences between Christian denominations, and they can be substantive. However, we are always asked to love our neighbor as ourselves. This is part of the greatest commandment. Is it easy? No, it’s not. We have hard questions with which we need to grapple as a country. How do we live up to this commandment, but still remain a country of laws that serves our people well? We are a country, not a charity organization, and we need to have calm discussions about what we can ask of our people. The American people are good. They are compassionate, generous and kind. They work hard. We love them. Let’s have the discussion. To do that, we need to listen to each other. You can’t listen to someone when you’re in a state of moral outrage.
Matthew 22:37-39

1/22/25 – Being in a state of outrage is no way to live for the next four years. When you feel outrage – breathe. Step away from the technology, and read the Bible. We have to calm down as a country, or we won’t make it. A religious person, a Christian made an appeal on behalf of the vulnerable. Christians have been doing this since Christians existed. We understand that this might have felt critical and inappropriate to some, and perhaps it was. It might have made him feel defensive about the policy actions he had telegraphed that his administration would be taking. More importantly, the act does not merit this level of outrage. Sermons routinely call us to act with compassion and kindness, no matter how conservative or liberal the church. Listen to Billy Graham’s, who was conservative, sermons: agape love, the good Samaritan, who is our neighbor? You are all over-reacting to standard sermon themes. Breathe. God loves you. This is what matters. The cross is what matters.

1/22/25 – David, he is not. A man called by God. He is not, his hand. The Bible won’t touch. And we all know why. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.
On Donald Trump and the Inscrutability of God

1/22/25 – All technology is fleeting. Man’s inventions do not endure because man does not endure. Focus on your eternal soul.
Billy Graham: Technology, faith and human shortcomings

1/22/25 – Sic transit gloria mundi.
All glory is fleeting

1/21/25 – The late, great Billy Graham on love.
True Love

1/21/25 – “Liberals often lack the ability to sacrifice the self or create foundations that last. They can’t let go of their own need for change and control and stand still in a patient, humble way as people of faith often can. No surprise that Jesus prayed not just for fruit, but ‘fruit that will last’ (John 15:16). A rarity, it seems.” (Richard Rohr, Everything Belongs)

1/21/25 – “Health can become the new name of salvation. I suppose the religion of health is as close as a materialist culture can come to salvation…. The universe, [true religion] reassures us, is radical grace. Therefore, we do not need to be afraid. Scarcity is not the primary experience, but abundance…. We let the media and passing material objects define success. The self, therefore, is always outside, and we live in constant dissatisfaction. What a tortured way to live! We suffer, quite frankly, from a lack of contact with reality….” (Richard Rohr, Everything Belongs)

1/21/25 – Pardoning the January 6 criminals is yet another disgrace associated with that shameful day. He keeps doing things he shouldn’t do. But remember: Jesus is the final judge. Justice will be served.

1/20/25 – In full disclosure: This website wasn’t created in response to the call in the Super Soul Sunday episode with Sister Joan Chittister, which we watched for the first time today. The website was created after discernment, inspired by the Holy Spirit. The 2019 episode, however, is remarkably relevant, and we encourage everybody do so some soul searching, as they say. In Christian terms, listen to the Holy Spirit, and then act.

1/20/25 – From 05/26/2019, you might not agree with all of Sister Joan Chittister’s points or her politics, but she provides helpful suggestions on how to live a well-lived life. You have a soul. Nurture it. Find God. Find your North Star. Find a love outside of yourself or your family and orient yourself to service. God bless you on this MLK, Jr. day. He was a prophetic voice. We didn’t deserve him, but God gave him to us anyway. He gave himself to us anyway.
Sister Joan Chittister: The Time is Now

1/20/25 – The Jewish people, the world’s perpetual scapegoats, were always vulnerable to hatred being directed to them. Nonetheless, they chose to break the silence, and they chose to stand with our black sisters and brothers in one of the most pivotal moments in their history. Don’t be silent. Don’t be selfish. Don’t be afraid. God loves us. We have nothing to fear.
Jews in the Civil Rights Movement

1/20/25 – This is one of our favorite days of the year. The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., an imperfect person like the rest of us, is such an inspiration. Sometimes, we forget that he had to overcome his own fears, like the Apostles. Nobody is eager to die, especially not young. Yet, he answered a higher calling. Let us not diminish the sacrifices he made for the rest of us – all of us, including white people. Dehumanizing other people corrupts all of our souls. This is not a healthy place for anybody to reside spiritually. When you can look at anyone and see their divine spark, you have liberated yourself from a worldly hierarchy. You have entered a divine understanding of life.

1/20/25 – At the risk of this approach being commercialized or corrupted, if you are really into living a long life, which is a rather odd thing to be fascinated with, we would like to redirect you to bio-spirituality. Our bodies are not just vessels for our existence. They are the divine house in which our entire beings live. Invite God into your body, heart, mind and soul, and use his divine direction to guide you to your purpose. The way you live and treat your body becomes a reflection of living life in response to a higher calling. You honor God by treating your body, your whole person, the planet and each other with respect. It doesn’t matter how long you live. How are you living? What are you doing with your life? Are you honoring the divine gift, no matter its duration, that is life?

1/19/25 – We built a monument to man who knew he would not live a long life. Similarly, Jesus’s life was also short, yet he transformed the world like no other. Longevity is over-rated, and we’re training ourselves for something that doesn’t really have much value in and of itself. How many people have lived long lives, yet nobody really knows what they did in all of that time?
Now, people are obsessing over whether alcohol is damaging to their health. Of course, it is. It’s a poison. But everything is damaging. The air you breathe, the food you eat, the water you drink, your body is designed to need things to sustain your life, and those same things destroy your life. Your body is built to live and to die.
In Jesus’s first public miracle, there is an abundance of joy. They aren’t worried about death or the ill-effects of alcohol. They are celebrating two lives becoming one. They are celebrating the potential of new life being brought forth from that divine union, man and woman creating new life. Just before Jesus dies, he has a dinner. It was more sober than the wedding at Cana, but the recurring theme throughout his ministry is one that celebrates life. They knew how to live. Do we know how to live? They knew how to love. Do we know how to love? These are the things that matter. Not longevity.

1/19/25 – MLK, Trump and the wedding at Cana: A call to listen and heal

1/19/25 – “Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I’m not concerned about that now. I just want to do God’s will. And He’s allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I’ve looked over. And I’ve seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land!” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

1/19/25 – Time keeps marching on. The days go by far too fast, and before you know it, you’re at a stage of your life when you count in days or months, not in years. What if we lived our whole life counting in days and months? Would we make the same decisions? How much money do we really need for “retirement”? Why even retire? What is our purpose? What are we doing? Do any of us actually know what we’re doing?

1/19/25 – “Fix your hearts or die.” May David Lynch rest in peace.

1/18/25 – Shabbat Shalom to our Jewish friends. To all non-Christian Americans, we have your back. We will always fight for your right to practice your faith openly and freely. We believe that all people are made in the image of God. Do not be afraid.
How dangerous is Christian nationalism?

1/17/25 – We’re only a few days away from the inauguration. We’re not going to let this presidency consume our lives. When something rises to a certain level of importance, we might comment on it. As always, we will comment on other things as well: God, life, learning. God is the most important – always. Also, this time, we’re taking a different approach to a certain person. This is not an easy thing to do given his authoritarian proclivities and that he incited an insurrection. However, the last approach we took didn’t work. He was reelected, and it was draining. It was also not morally correct.
The approach we’re going to take this time is to give him some space to grow as a human being. This is the right thing to do for almost anybody, even someone like him. In full disclosure, it has required some spiritual work to get to this place. We pray that we can hold to it. We know that it is the Christian approach. It’s definitely not about forgetting, and it’s not about forgiveness. It’s about our fundamental belief in redemption. We didn’t always treat him like that the last time, and that was a failure on our part. We need to own it.
It’s going to be challenging, and we might fail here and there, but instead of raging about him and the offensive things he will inevitably say and do, we’re going to approach him like someone who needs direction to the light of Christ. We’re going to keep redirecting away from the darkness and to the light. We’re also going to give him credit for what he does well. The media and many of the rest of us failed to do that the last time, which was not fair to him or to the half of the country that voted for him. We like to say that if you want to change the world, you have to change yourself. So, here’s our contribution.

1/16/25 – OK, well, we don’t do words. If/when there is an actual transformation, we’ll let people know. Until then, there’s just words.
The Washington Post’s New Mission: Reach ‘All of America’

1/16/25 – “D.C. is a company town, and the federal government is that company.” That’s a good line. When proximity to power is all you have, you might want to fix your brand. The newspaper fell prey to the extreme left, and it lost its credibility. It is very hard to get it back. It wants to retain its rabid progressive readers while attracting more moderate readers. It remains repellent because it is simply unserious. At present, it is practically a joke, and no amount of Pulitzer Prizes can change the fact that the public doesn’t trust it, and it shouldn’t. It hasn’t done anything to regain its trust. Fundamentally, when a billionaire owns a paper, readers are right to be naturally skeptical of the person’s motives. The paper losses tons of money, and it wouldn’t survive without Bezos’s financial support. He might be tiring of bankrolling it, but we are tiring of its (increasingly) poor quality. At least half of the paper is devoted to crap articles intended to attract unserious idiots. If it cannot sustain quality and quantity, we would say go for quality, but that means having quality writers and staff, which it does not have (enough of). Have a nice day.
Losing Jennifer Rubin Is Good News for the Washington Post

1/16/25 – If we were a serious country, which we are not, we would focus on the two main existential threats we face. One is climate change, which affects the entire world. Another is what many reasonable people are bringing up, our unpreparedness for war. We risk being seriously attacked or even conquered by an enemy power in the near future.
Related to this, TikTok needs to be banned because it is a national security threat, and smartphones need to be banned in all schools for students. Our young people are not ready for war. Their bodies and minds have been ruined by their phone addiction. You have been warned. You can live in the fiction you’re living in, thinking you can have everything, living lifestyles that are unsustainable for our planet, blind to the realities of the world, but when the reality hits, and it will hit, it’s going to be hard – very hard.

1/15/25 – As a quick response to Bloomberg and Berger’s article, we have a question: does anybody understand tradeoffs? (We’re not linking to the WaPo except to criticize it until this unacceptable situation is fixed. It does not meet our standards.) The reason we ended up here is because we had a bunch of neoliberal economists who insisted on free trade, with a practically cultlike devotion to the doctrine, without seriously considering the tradeoffs associated it. It damaged many of our manufacturing communities, which never recovered despite being promised training and other jobs, and it compromised our national security and our autarky.
Everybody wants everything, but that’s not how life works. If you want something, you have to give up something else. You want a family; you have to give up a considerable amount of freedom and personal time. You want to live in Southern California; you have to give up homeowner’s insurance. You want data centers; you have to fork over a ton of energy and water to keep them cool, which might cost you our planet. You want AI, same thing. You want more people, cost you our planet. You want fast-fashion and a disposable consumer culture; you have to give up our planet. You get the idea. There is no free lunch! Yet, these economists, who definitely know better, pretended as if there were. They made their careers on this deception because they were myopically focused on economics, without giving adequate consideration to either political economy or national security, and the dysfunctional economics profession rewarded them for it.
Updating weaponry production and working with the private sector and all that seems fine. The Atlantic had an article on it. But on a more fundamental level, we need serious leadership, and we are sorely lacking in this area. People are not being honest with the American people. You can’t have everything! There are always tradeoffs in economics and in life. So, what are your priorities?
The Crumbling Foundation of America’s Military

1/15/25 – And on a much less important note, see how the Washington Propaganda’s “Style” section is a dumping ground for random articles. The font is not even consistent with the rest of the sections. It is not well-organized, and there is inadequate attention to detail. We have never seen a major American newspaper look like this. What is going on with this newspaper?

1/14/25 – The Washington Propaganda, aka the Sean “Diddy” Combs of newspapers, is waxing pedophile deep. Maybe the rest of us are just too puritanical, with our old-fashioned “Christian values,” and we simply don’t understand that (their) groomers and pedophiles are more complex than they might seem.
Actually, let’s apply their consideration, “To what extent should we care about the torments experienced by abusers themselves?” to their own reporting, shall we: “In the Name of God”? It is well-known that many pedophiles were sexually abused themselves. Or wait, does their outrage only apply to the church, but not to secular or to LGBTQ+ contexts to which they are sympathetic? Maybe the considerations should depend on the perpetrator. Well, some might call this bias, but we’re pretty certain that the Washington Propaganda would not be able to see it because it’s not able to see much of anything.
We have an unambiguously unsparing position on pedophiles. There is no “ethical uncertainty.” We remember what Jesus said: “But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.” Jesus is referring to those who simply cause children to sin. Imagine what the punishment would be for the rape, torture or killing of an innocent child, which all children are.
Unfortunately for the Washington Propaganda, they have no core principles or values. They simply have the profit-motive and the propaganda-motive, using what was once a well-respected newspaper to indoctrinate and possibly groom the American people. Another thing is certain: whoever is leading the Washington Propaganda is totally incompetent and unprincipled and should be permanently removed from the journalistic profession.

1/13/25 – If Bezos cannot fix the Washington Propaganda, he needs to sell it, but it is unacceptable as is. In its present condition, it is a disgrace. The Atlantic, whose founding precedes the Washington Propaganda’s founding by about two decades, does not have this problem. The Atlantic is not an embarrassment to itself (and to the country), and it too has had to survive in a dramatically changed media environment.

1/13/25 – Stories that should be covered that affect large groups of vulnerable people, who are struggling for basic things, like their own survival, are not being covered because of the biases of the disgusting propaganda. They should be ashamed of themselves.

1/13/25 – Are certain publications within the ignorant, intellectually deficient, atheist, liberal legacy media groomers? This is a fair question. For example, on December 31, right after Jimmy Carter’s passing, a man known for his faith, which even his detractors would agree with, the Associated Propaganda came out with a propaganda piece on Sarah McBride and categorized it as “religious news.” Just a few days ago, the Washington Propaganda also came out with a propaganda piece on her. We don’t know anything about her except she’s trans and a politician. Like most politicians are, she seems self-centered, attention-seeking, ambitious and narcissistic. They are almost all this way. Let’s make this abundantly clear. We don’t give a f—k about Sarah McBride because we don’t give a f—k about most politicians, right or left. We also don’t give a f—k about Joseph R. Biden Jr. (Guess who? Of course, the Washington Propaganda), Ilhan Omar, AOC or any other darlings of said propaganda.
Do you know who we care about? The American people and the world’s most vulnerable people. We aren’t virtual-signaling hypocrites, and we aren’t pandering to politicians. We actually care about people who are worthy of being cared about. Also, do you know who serves the American people? The American people, and much better than any of these worthless, narcissistic politicians ever will. The indoctrinators in the American media might actually try caring about and listening to the American people, instead of pretending to listen to them while shoving down their throats their own views and values…or grooming them because that’s what turns them on.

1/12/25 – If the Trump administration’s conservative wing could help the persecuted church, that would be a gift to the world. Nigerian Christians are being slaughtered, almost 10,000 souls. It’s unconscionable. It’s also, in particular, other African, Middle Eastern and Asian countries. Some areas have had Christian communities since the beginning of Christianity while others are more recent converts. We strongly believe in religious freedom for everyone. All people should be able to practice their faith openly and freely without discrimination or persecution.
2025 GCR Red List

1/12/25 – To our beloved Angelenos and others, we’ll get through everything. It might be hard right now, but God loves you, and God does not abandon his people. Never forget that.

1/12/25 – Ah, the winter cold. So fun. Perhaps it’s a bit strange, but I feel particularly close to and grateful for God when I’m sick. It forces me to slow down, consider my mortality, and makes me feel so blessed to be alive. Life is a divine gift. God gave us everything. We love him.

1/11/25 – We are entering a period of great uncertainty. Politically, it’s going to be challenging for many of us. Climate change is real, and more natural disasters will strike. Can we get ourselves to this place: God, wherever you take me, I will go? I love you. I trust you. And I know you love me. If it means death, may my last moments be nothing but love for you.
During Jesus’s last moments, he briefly felt forsaken, abandoned. I used to wonder why this was. My personal conclusion was that God the Father, as an eternal being, couldn’t die with Jesus’s fully human body. So, he was “forsaken” in that respect. His body would die alone, but his soul was never abandoned. In the Catholic Church, we say “ashes to ashes, dust to dust,” to remind ourselves of our own mortality. This is physical matter, but our souls will be with God, even in death.

1/11/25 – Everyone has a different definition of contemplative prayer. To me, it’s just being in a state of love with God. There are no petitions. There is just our relationship. Jesus would often go and pray to the Father alone, which I once thought was a bit odd. Why would the Son of God need to pray so much to God the Father? As fully human, like us, Jesus also needed to just be with God the Father. As humans, we need space to be with our creator, not expecting anything of each other. We need to spend time simply in mutual love.

1/10/25 – Christianity is gloriously weird. That’s what we are, and that’s how we like it. If all we had to offer the world is more of what the world has to offer, well, that’s not much of an offering. We are offering something decidedly different. We are picking up our cross and following Jesus, in whatever capacity we can. Christianity is a reversal of the world order. We worship someone who we view as the incarnation of the divine and who allowed himself to be sacrificed on a cross for our salvation. Understand what Christianity is. This is what it is, and this is why we practice it.
The Saint America Needs Now

1/10/25 – “Like many in the movement, she didn’t attend church very often.” People, Christianity is not a political movement. Knock it off! The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is heretical. The Prosperity Gospel is heretical. Not believing in the Trinitarian God and calling yourself a Christian is also heretical. Christians are one-third of all the people on the planet. There is no other group of people in the world that is as large, diverse, and geographically dispersed. It is a powerful religion for these and other reasons, and we cannot lose our grip on what our religion is and what it is not. It is a dangerous proposition for everybody, Christians and others. All truly practicing Christians must assert the central tenets of our faith and remind everyone – including the institutions of the church itself – that we are not about earthly power. We are about divine power and serve God, the Father (the creator), the Son (fully divine and fully human, Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit (the paraclete, our helper). People need to stop corrupting or abusing our religion.
The Army of God Comes Out of the Shadows

1/9/25 – Another question is: what are the similarities or differences between the Messianic Jewish and the Christian understanding of God? The Christian understanding is the Trinity. (Christians: This is not open to debate.) In some respects, the Jewish understanding seems more open than the Christian one. God is “I am who I am.” So, the question remains: Why can’t the Word be made flesh? Again, with respect to the Jewish people, this is a genuine question, not an insult pretending to be a question.

1/9/25 – This was quite interesting. One of the most challenging aspects of reading the New Testament from a Christian perspective is that it is clear that Jesus makes many Jewish references, for obvious reasons, such as he was Jew, but, as a non-Jew, it is hard to know what they are all referencing. An area of confusion is the relationship and dynamic between the Sadducees and the Pharisees. One interpretation can be, as is perhaps posited, that Jesus’s positions were common for the Pharisees of Jesus’s time or earlier. However, this is often not how it is presented in the New Testament. There is clearly a tension there between these sects and Jesus and his followers. Also, if the Pharisees became the dominant group of rabbinic Judaism, did they evolve in their beliefs, and, not to sound heretical to the Jewish people, but might some of their evolution been influenced by Jesus’s teachings, as captured in the New Testament? This is meant to be a respectful question.
Regarding the anti-Semitic interpretations of the text, Paul and Jesus were both Jews, so it would be a bit like saying that black people are racist against themselves. (They did not consider themselves “Christians.”) There does not seem to be any self-loathing there, either conscious or unconscious. Paul and Jesus are both proudly Jewish, following their customs and were certainly not aligned with the Roman rulers. The disciples were poor nobodies from Galilee, after all. The Jewish high priests were closer to the powerful Roman rulers, even if sometimes at odds with them. However, there are two main points of contention in the citations: for the former, the circumcision of Gentile adults, which Paul was against, and for the latter, the nature of Jesus. For the first, Paul is known for his, at times, strong language, but we interpret it as a strong position against circumcision of Gentile adults, not as a strong position against Jews. For the second, Jesus’s life was literally under threat, so that entire section needs to be understood as his interrogation by the Pharisees and “the Jews” specifically referenced in the section, who were perhaps influenced by these Pharisees, not as a reference to the Jewish people in general.
What Jews Can Learn from the New Testament

1/9/25 – Speaking of a well-functioning society, this is not it. We are not in a good place as it relates to our social lives and social cohesion. When you’re on the internet, make it productive. (See the suggestions below.) You also have to not be on the internet or on any technology. It will drain you. You also have to spend time physically with others. It actually affects you physically, i.e. chemically, and more importantly, you risk becoming psychologically and spiritually warped without human contact. Can social interactions, in their endless variety, be weird? Sure, because all humans are weird. Remember we said that we like our “Christianity intense, demanding, gloriously weird and focused on God.” We’re all gloriously weird. So, a gloriously weird God is a perfect reflection of us. Be who you are, but also, be considerate of others being able to be who they are. Don’t overthink the thing. Whatever social anxieties you have, others also have them. Some people have just spent more time working through their anxieties and on their interpersonal skills. Like with any skill, you have to start somewhere. Start where you’re at. Make time for others in-person and stick to it. And you have to put your phones away, and be present with people. The phone addiction must be cured.
PS There are too many great excerpts. Read and/or listen to the whole thing.
The Anti-Social Century

1/9/25 – Let’s consider the internet in the abstract. A diverse group of people can hop on it and interact with each other. It is effectively a global public forum. Some people will have more expertise or spend more time working on certain things than other people. If you’re contributing to the discussions that take place on the internet, which we highly suggest you do, sometimes you’re teaching, and at other times, you’re learning.
Most educators set expectations. Otherwise, they have unruly classes where students are not learning. So, since almost all people contributing to the internet end up in the role of the teacher and the student depending on the context, let’s set some expectations for each other. You have work in good faith. If you’re entering the public forum to simply disrupt, distract or delude others, you’re not working in good faith. The idea is that you’re participating because you genuinely want to make our world, our country and our culture stronger and better. This is also not just about your self-interest, but the common good.
In case anybody missed it, human beings have a lot of emotions. Most of us can sense when we’re getting upset and try to rein in some of our emotions. We rephrase to be less harsh, change our tone, etc. Sometimes, maybe often, we don’t get completely to where we need to be. So, another expectation is that we’re going to show each other some grace. We’re not going to expect each other to be perfect because none of us are perfect.
Another expectation is that we actually try to keep an open mind. Imagine that you’ve already made up your mind about, well, everything. Why are you even participating then? You clearly have nothing to learn. The entire point of going to school or, well, living life is to learn and grow. To do this, you do have to actually want to learn and grow. Consider that maybe you’re wrong. Consider various perspectives, and what is fair to more than just you, but what is fair for a lot of people who have different values, beliefs, desires and needs. Here, this is almost always what governs our positions, not our personal preferences. On this point, we have quite a bit of work to do as a country.
So, let’s contribute to this (global) public forum in good faith, show each other grace, and keep an open mind. Consider other perspectives, and think about what others might need or want, not just what you need or want. Ask yourself: what would be fair to all people considering that people have different values, beliefs, desires and needs that are often in conflict with each other? In a well-functioning society, nobody gets everything, but everybody gets something.

1/7/25 – We have a suggestion for everyone who’s interested in Christianity. Pick a church. Go visit it. Document your experience as objectively as you can, and then send your description to the church leadership. You can even include the Pope if it’s a Catholic Church. Let’s let them hear directly from the people what their experiences are.

1/7/25 – We like to say that God (meaning the Trinitarian God, which is the only God that exists in all of Christianity) is love, and he is. The question is: Are we love? Say you disagree with gay people, trans people, another religion’s believers, immigrants, MAGA, the left, etc., can you simply state why you disagree, or do you have to engage in hate. Say you disagree with trans, an often-debated example. Does that mean you should bully them or treat them cruelly? Let’s not pretend that this is an abstract question because as you read this, it is happening, at least, on social media. Or can you just say I disagree with x, y, and z, and this is why. What often happens is instead of people simply providing the reasons for the disagreement, which you are entitled to, it becomes a reason to hate the person and then hateful actions follow. If we’re being honest, we know that we all do this, at least, occasionally and, at least, to some lesser degree.
Although there are many wonderful churches, at least half of all the churches we’ve visited can be characterized as unfriendly. Many people of color have described predominantly white churches as racist. Is this love? A church, any church, is the Lord’s house. It is supposed to be a house of love. Are we treating it as such? Or is it instead being treated like a country club for the elect or “the superior race”? We strongly believe in religious freedom, and obviously, any church or other religious institution can have requirements for membership, sacraments, etc. The church, however, is open to everyone – meaning everyone. This is also a central tenet of our faith. Are we actually treating it like this? Even a more conservative church is supposed to be open to everyone. You can state what your beliefs and expectations are, but you do need to treat all people with love. If you’re not doing that, you need to fix it. God is love. The question is: Are we love?

1/7/25 – If you’re looking for lies or to hear what you want to hear, this is not the place for you. We do truth and only truth.

1/7/25 – Any “confusion” regarding Christology must be fixed. It might involve meetings with various leaders throughout the church. We are not Judaism with a nice guy who did nice things. That’s still effectively Judaism. It’s not a different God. We are also not humanism, which is not really anything. They either conform, or they can leave. There are existing traditions that will work for them, but that is not what Christianity is.

1/6/25 – God bless the Capitol Police and the other good men and women who defended our rule of law and our Constitution on January 6, 2021. May they rest in peace.

1/6/25 – On January 6, 2021, the president at the time incited an insurrection that resulted in the death of Americans. He betrayed our Constitution and the American people. He did so because he didn’t like the outcome of a free and fair election. He lied to the American people about the result of the election. These are the facts, and they will remain the facts until the end of time. His actions were the single most shameful act of a president in American history.

1/6/25 – “In his homily on New Year’s Day, Pope Francis insisted belief in the Divinity of Jesus Christ is central to Christian faith — again, a remarkable thing on which to insist precisely because, on paper at least, it should have been settled seventeen centuries ago.” Do you know why this is? Because we are moving backwards! Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. It’s everywhere. And do you know why? Because people don’t read. They don’t think. Apparently, they don’t even know how to rest. It’s totally ridiculous. We are not going to redebate matters that were settled by people who actually had knowledge and intellects. We are not going to redebate them with people who know nothing and have lazy, untrained minds.
For Francis, Council of Nicaea anniversary is about Christology, not just Christian unity

1/6/25 – Forgive us if we don’t seem particularly sympathetic to the decline of Christianity in the west. Nobody is preventing westerners from practicing the faith. There are more churches than one could ask for: orthodox Christianity, various denominations and traditions, conservative, liberal, etc. You get the idea. It’s not a grocery store with two kinds of cereal. The choice is abundant. Westerners are choosing to worship themselves instead. In some cases, they are worshipping pagan, often Nordic, gods, and of course, their white race. So, no, we don’t feel sorry for them, and we’re not going to expend a lot of energy trying to save them from themselves and their self-worship. There are millions of people around the world who are literally risking their lives for Jesus Christ. They are sometimes dying for him. They love him that much. They are being persecuted to death. They are our modern martyrs, and we love them. May their faithful souls rest in heaven with our Lord.
This worship of a false god in western societies began during the Enlightenment period, and this is its inevitable culmination. The Jewish people also had this problem. God had to remind them numerous times to worship him and not false gods. Unlike the Jewish people, whose history is unique, in the case of western Christians, Christianity quickly became the state religion of a large, dominant empire, the Roman Empire, and the people didn’t have to struggle to practice their faith openly and in peace, effectively, after Constantine’s conversion. Therefore, it’s more difficult to determine exactly how strong the faith of the vast majority of its European practitioners were. Obviously, there were many European Christians of deep faith, and some were canonized by the Catholic Church. However, given the past 400 years of history since the Enlightenment, it is an open question exactly how strong the vast majority of Europeans’ faith ever really was. And when you subtract the first 300 to 500 years of Christianity, it’s a little more than 1,000 years of “Christendom,” not the full 2,000 years of the religion’s existence and with several schisms during that 1,000-plus-year period. In any case, if they want to be practicing Christians, we know that they can quite easily do so. We are not going to cater to their egos. They need to work it out.

1/5/25 – Today, in the Catholic Church, we celebrate the Epiphany. A Greek word, which in its original meaning, means manifestation. The Word becomes flesh, the baby Jesus as human manifestation of God the Father. We want everyone, especially the persecuted church that is growing in areas of the world that are only now being truly introduced to the Word and to Jesus Christ, to know that Christianity belongs to them as fully as to anyone else.
In fact, before the Apostles decided to bring what was at the time a rather small and unaccepted Jewish sect to the Gentiles, the decision had already been made. It was made at the Epiphany. None of the three wise men, the Magi, also from Greek, “magoi,” were Jewish. They were also not white. They were from the east. Christianity was intended to be for everyone, the four corners of the earth, at least, from the birth of our savior.
Especially to recent African converts, the world might tell you that you are less than. Evolutionary theory can never escape its dark, unholy human hierarchy, but as Christians, the concept of superiority is antithetical to our religion. We believe all people, in all parts of the world, are made in the image of God and that all people are made equal. To the persecuted church, you are as fully human and as fully Christian as any of us can be. A religious ancestry is nothing but a genetic line. It is ultimately meaningless. All that matters is your soul.
More broadly, when the world discriminates against the persecuted church or anyone of genuine faith, when it inflicts violence and cruelty upon you or humiliates you, you remember our Lord and our God, Jesus Christ on the cross. You have a bond with our creator, and they cannot break it. We chose as a people to make the cross, the instrument of torture, death and humiliation, as the symbol of our faith. It was a pronouncement to the world that no matter how they treat us, we will continue to love our God. We will not be ashamed of him. In fact, we will raise him up in the most painful moment of his life as an act of our defiant and pure love. We are praying for you. Keep the faith, and peace be with you.

1/5/25 – The Christian creeds are not optional. You have to believe in our God, including the divinity of Jesus Christ, to be a Christian. If you believe in the Old Testament, but not the New Testament, we encourage you to explore Judaism. The Jewish people are good people. They have brought the world more than it ever deserved from them. Reach out to them to see what their conversion process is and their requirements are. It is fairly extensive and long, but a spiritual journey isn’t a race. It is a lifelong journey and a commitment to God. Of the Abrahamic religions, there is also Islam. They also have had great thinkers and beautiful places of worship. A popular Persian Islamic scholar and mystic is Rumi, who wrote lovely poetry. Islam is going through a particularly difficult period right now, but this hasn’t always been the case.
You can also learn about and possibly join other religions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. There are also many indigenous spiritual practices. They are often deeply connected with God’s creation, our planet, in ways that other religions have a harder time putting into practice, even if they share some of their understandings on a theological level. All of these religions and spiritual practices also have long, rich traditions and deep insights to offer, and like all religions, beautiful places of worship.
Keep your mind, heart, and soul open to God. We want you to have a deep, genuine spiritual life, whether that’s in Christianity or elsewhere. As Christians, we do not force our faith on anyone. Every person on the planet is granted with God’s free will. It is your choice to make. As Christians, we do ask that you put in the time and the work. We want you to understand the faith, and if you choose to join us, to do so of your own free will and inspired by the Holy Spirit.

1/5/25 – As a preface to the following remarks, as a church, we always welcome anybody and everybody. As mentioned below, there are about 2.4 billion Christians in the world, and as a rough estimate, 60% to 70% of them are non-white. Africa has the most Christians, followed by Latin America. Christianity is oppressed in many countries in Asia and in the land of its birth, the Middle East. Nonetheless, it has millions of followers in Asia and throughout the persecuted church. It has many believers who have to practice in secret. They are true believers.
In contradiction to the popular western narrative, Christianity is not desperate for followers. In comparison to the rest of the world, it is in relative decline in the west. That’s its loss and its problem. The west routinely brings a lot of problems on itself and on others, such as colonialism. This is one of the risks of worshipping your race and yourselves instead of the one true God.
There are many holy and fine religious people and clergy, men and women. There are also many holy and fine laity, men and women. They are devout and live the faith. However, if we’re being fully accountable, we know that none of us follow Jesus Christ as we ought to. We routinely fail in living up to his example and the faith. Yet, the church grows. There is a simple reason for this – Jesus Christ. Testimony after testimony, conversion after conversion demonstrate the power of Jesus. It is an awesome power. It can transform someone. It is like a ray of light that pierces the nerve and electrifies the soul. One finally sees. Christians never have to worry about the state of Christianity. It is in good hands. It is in God’s hands.

1/4/25 – Even when I was a kid, albeit a little strange in some ways, I wanted a romantic life. By this, I don’t mean romance like dating or marriage, but with life. I would lie on the ground and stare up at the night sky and think this is so beautiful. It felt romantic. Or I would wake up early, grab a seasonal fruit that I loved, so that I could watch the sunrise. Another romantic moment. I have memories from my early twenties, when I fancied a bohemian aesthetic, on some random adventure with someone, nothing special yet romantic. My memory is filled with these romantic moments. Most of them are not captured or documented anywhere. This is a gift. If they had been documented, they likely would not seem romantic to me anymore. They would likely seem boring or maybe even unpleasant.
We make the assumption that by documenting everything, we’re capturing memories that we can later savor. However, what makes a memory is sometimes the things you’re leaving out of the picture or the video and the things you’re capturing in your selective memory and your subjective experience. The romanticism wasn’t in the thing itself. It was actually in my desire to live as if the world’s beauty and my own desire for it were a reciprocal relationship. I wanted my life to be filled with beauty and romance, and I approached the world wanting whatever it gave me to be material, possibly transformed by me, to satisfy this desire.
One can get beautiful still shots, and I still appreciate those images, often not so much for their memories, but for their aesthetics. However, videos often get too much information and yet not enough. Ever since the pandemic, many churches started recording some of their masses/services. Even though I go to church at least weekly, I watch the ones I can’t make but would have liked to have attended. These recordings are never the same as the real-time experience. The video experience is decidedly not romantic. We forget all kinds of valuable things all the time. We can view this as a loss, or we can view choosing to live in the romance of the moment as simply more valuable. What we end up forgetting might not have been worth remembering anyway.
Parents, Put Down Your Phone Cameras

1/4/25 – A different Marian story, American style. The first reference is to Exodus in the Hebrew Bible, the Old Testament. If there are only two books that you read of Moses’s five, we encourage you to read the first two, Genesis and this. The second reference is to the death and the resurrection of Lazarus in the New Testament. You might wonder why choose these two. Well, you’re talking about a people that were freed from slavery, so the Exodus story would naturally have resonance. The second is reminding us that in the midst of our suffering, we might not understand God’s plan, but he does not abandon his people. This is how this first story overlaps with the second. We trust God. Emmanuel, God with us.
From the comments (lightly edited): “Who is listening in 2024?” “I will listen to this album until the day I die, Amen”
Mary Don’t You Weep

1/4/25 – Our Christian faith tradition is rich, long and diverse. We have been a global church since the birth of the faith. There are about 2.4 billion Christians in the world (1/3 of the total population). We started with a dozen. We are doing fine. We have many different churches. Anybody, no matter their race, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, etc., can find a church that will accept them as they are. We also suggest that you explore other religions and spiritual traditions. Go to them with an open mind, heart and soul. The main thing is to figure out if you believe in God, and if you do, which god. This is your life and your journey. Take the time to make it fulfilling.

1/4/25 – If you’re looking for perfection, this is not the place for you. We can’t offer it even if we wanted to.

1/4/25 – Once one experiences a conversion experience, one risk, which we spoke about before is spiritual pride, and perhaps with it, another risk, is expecting perfection. You weren’t perfect before your conversion. You aren’t going to be perfect after. If you aim for perfection, you risk always feeling disappointed in yourself. You remain a human being like everyone else. Lean into being human. Put yourself out there as a human being: share the faith, the insights you’ve had because of the gift of grace you were given, and just be you as you are while still continuing to work on yourself, your spiritual life and your journey. Take yourself seriously, but that doesn’t mean expecting perfection. Expecting perfection will lead to spiritual exhaustion and burnout, and rather ironically, it is not a Christian approach to your own humanity. We view ourselves as sinners, always, because we are.
This is one of the main ways Christianity is different from the secular world. Look at social media. People are creating entire fictional accounts of themselves and their lives to create the illusion of perfection. Even when they are “bringing their whole selves,” there is an inescapable performative aspect to it. It feels like a display not for personal growth but for “professional growth.” They spend hours on this. They have damaged their bodies, minds, and souls to create a false self and/or to attract other people’s attention and often other people’s envy. This is a sad way to live a life. It is also antithetical to Christian beliefs and way of life. We return to the solitude of our contemplative practices as connection, cleansing and clarity. To be connected to God, we can’t create a false self. We are coming as we are, in our sinfulness, our imperfections, but also in our great love for God. That’s how we meet him because that’s the truest expression of where we are at. We go to God with an honest accounting and presence in our full humanity. Go to the world in the same way.

1/3/25 – A Greek Chant, Agni Parthene, sung by Malayali Christians (Nasrani, the word comes from Jesus of Nazareth, also known as Thomas Christians), an Indian ethno-religious group. (The script you see is the Greek script. The church, St. Mary’s Indian Orthodox Cathedral, is located in Bahrain.)
From the comments (lightly edited): “I am a Hindu. I always feel happy and blessed when I hear this song. It gives me a divine energy. I have heard the Russian and English versions of this song. But this is the first time I am hearing it in an Indian language. Very powerful song. I have subscribed to this channel too. Happy Easter to my brothers and sisters. God bless everyone.” One of the greatest joys we have as human beings is sharing in each other’s religious music and traditions. All are always welcome.
Agni Parthene

1/3/25 – So, another realization is that we assumed that people were just being lazy, which never goes over well…. Although there is an element of laziness, more precisely laziness as expressed as a lack of self-discipline, once the addiction has taken hold, it becomes a pathology. It’s like a self-inflicted disease. We are looking at a sick country – one of phone addicts, who have compromised the integrity of their bodies, minds and souls.

1/3/25 – Know this: As soon as you reach for your phone when you’re resting, as described below, you’ve stopped resting. You can say it’s relaxing, but you’ve stopped resting because you’re asking your brain to do things, likely when it is telling you it needs to stop doing things.

1/3/25 – Maybe to some people, you don’t need God. You can just worship yourself. You don’t need to think. The elites and others will tell you what to think. You don’t need rest. You need to be a slave. We don’t agree with this, and we don’t think that it’s the way to live a life.

1/3/25 – A few weeks ago, when we were explaining the basics of the God question, we said that our culture is retrograde, that we are moving backward instead of forward. Since then, there was the realization that people aren’t thinking for themselves or at all. They are just copying others. We had to emphasize that people actually have to do the work and think. Now, we’re explaining rest. God and rest would be intuitive to even the most uneducated indigenous person. Please tell us that this is progress. It’s not.

1/3/25 – As I’m processing this disconcerting information, I’m realizing something, and it’s scary. Many people have likely gotten so addicted to their phones that it has damaged their relationship with their own bodies. In other words, my body and my mind tell me when I need to rest. Sometimes, maybe often, I override it because I am working or I have a deadline, whatnot, but when I can, I give it what it needs. This is not the same as sleeping. It’s resting. I go idle. I’m still conscious. It’s not the deep, restorative rest that only sleep can give, but it’s still restorative. I’m letting my body and my brain relax. I’m not asking anything of it. I’m not trying to control it. I’m just letting it be, like letting a field lie fallow, but for short(er) periods of time. What this is telling me is that it’s not just that your phone is causing mental health problems and sedentary habits, it’s also inhibiting an appropriate response to the call your body is making for you to rest. Some people might not even be hearing the call because they have gotten so disconnected from their own bodies. You’re not actually giving your body and your mind what they are telling you they need and want. You’re giving them the opposite thing.

1/3/25 – Wait, are people not resting? So, y’all are not resting and not thinking? I’m totally confused by what’s going on. Have you always been this way, or only after you developed your phone addiction? I never developed a phone addiction because I don’t like it that much, and I never put addictive apps on it.

1/3/25 – As I read this article, I found myself engaging in some metacognition, including thinking about what I hate the most. I hate tedious activities – with a passion. It requires a lot of discipline to get through them. I get quite irritable and pray to God to have enough patience to deal with them. Often, these are bureaucratic activities, like paying taxes, that are often required or semi-required. You have to do it. (Pay your taxes.) These kinds of activities require your brain to actually function, but they are repetitive, unsatisfying (meaning I’m not learning anything I would like to learn), and exceptionally tedious. If anyone asked me whether I would like to do nothing or one of these activities, there is no doubt, I would say nothing.
In fact, there is not a single day, when for at least some part of it, however brief, I don’t do anything. I just sit or lie there and think. I do nothing. I end up here either because I’m tired and need a break, or because I just feel like it. If I have the time, I can do this for a long time, hours. I do not find it boring at all. I find it relaxing. I’m resting, not sleeping or even daydreaming, just resting, thinking, not thinking, not doing anything. Walks, which I consider doing something, are especially good for relaxing and stimulating thought. I also get to be outside and get some exercise. I view prayer and meditation as doing something, the most valuable thing I can do, connecting with the divine. (And no, I almost never have a temptation to reach for my phone during any of these activities or resting. I routinely forget about it.)
I also routinely take breaks as I’m reading. I’ll pause, look away or even walk away from the text, process my thoughts, and then go back to reading the same text or writing as a reflection, during and/or at the end of the text. If I’m unable to write physically, I’ll write in my head and hope that I don’t forget too much, having a certain amount of confidence that enough of my original thoughts will come back to me when I am able to write them down. (I’m sure I forget stuff all the time, but who really cares.) In general, while I’m reading, I often need some time to think about not just what the author is saying but also my initial response to it. Unless I’m taking a test or something that’s timed, I can be a slower reader for this reason.
It was rather startling to read that other people don’t seem to like to do nothing. Frankly, it scares me a little. Apparently, this is because they are afraid of their own thoughts. I’m at a loss as to what to say about that. I mean, how can one be afraid of their own thoughts? It’s like they are afraid of themselves. They also categorize this as boredom. How can being alone with one’s thoughts be boring? I don’t understand this. So, apparently, I’m living in the modern world with a bunch of people who live in it with me but in a very different way, which probably explains a lot. I wish I had some advice to give, but I don’t because I don’t understand this way of being.
I Want Your Attention. I Need Your Attention. Here Is How I Mastered My Own

1/2/25 – You have to think. It’s one of the great joys of life: being your own, independent thinking person as God made you. You are nobody’s slave. Don’t make yourself into one.
The 73 Percent Solution

1/2/25 – We don’t do resolutions, but this is a good idea. You could break up the year into fourths, although not particularly spiritual, but as financial quarters, and assess how the resolutions are going, to possibly make modifications. You could also do so according to the suggestions here, such as monthly, “Rosh Hodesh, the celebration of the new month.”
This was a great insight: “To help the Israelites break out of their slave mentality, they had to take control over the way they marked time. To be truly free, they had to take time into their own hands.” Sometimes, people like to say that “we are corporate slaves.” Obviously, they don’t mean this literally. Maybe the best New Year’s resolution is simply to be more mindful of how you’re spending your time and not do so as if you’re a “slave.”
“If nothing else, we can commit to being moon watchers, gaining our inspiration from the cycles of the natural world, taking in the tides of time that have captured the imagination of our people through the ages. Together with an appreciation of the rhythm of the Jewish calendar, we can learn to trust in a process that allows us to continually assess our goals and keep ourselves on a path of growth and personal exploration throughout the year.”
The Jewish Way to Make a New Year’s Resolution

1/2/25 – “They need to think of Liturgy as a kind of school.” It’s a good description for the Liturgy of the Word. In the Catholic tradition, the mass is divided into two halves. The first half is called the Liturgy of the Word, and the second half is called the Liturgy of the Eucharist. If you think about Jesus’s Ministry as, first, his preaching and healing, and subsequently, his death and resurrection, the structure of the mass follows the structure of his ministry.
How Is Syriac Christian Thought Different from Greek and Latin Thought?

1/2/25 – Obviously, Jesus didn’t speak Latin. He spoke Aramaic (Galilean dialect, Aramaic script). (We speak English (various dialects, Latin script).) From this parent language, Aramaic, comes Hebrew (Jewish) and Syriac (Christian). They are both in the Semitic language family (as is Arabic (Muslim)). This is the Lord’s Prayer (also called the Our Father, Notre Père in French) in Syriac Aramaic. The translation is provided in the comments.
From the comments (lightly edited): “I have the heritage of both, the Chaldean (Syro-Malabar) and Antiochian (Syro-Malankara) Syrian Christians, and I am proud! God bless you all. Love from India!” She’s referring to the historical relationship between the Indian and the Middle Eastern churches, Syrian Christians. The Indian counterpart in terms of rite, hymns and language to the specific Middle Eastern church is in parentheses. (All Christians of this Syrian heritage need to remember that spiritual pride is also a sin.)
Abun d’bashmayo (Syriac Aramaic) The Lord’s prayer
Abun d’bashmayo — Notre Père en araméen syriaque — Syriac Aramaic Lord’s prayer

1/1/25 – A Gregorian chant as an initiation for the New Year. It is an over 1,000-year tradition in the Catholic Church to sing it on this day. Even if you don’t understand the words, try to sing along in the Latin. You just copy the sounds.
Veni Creator Spiritus / Come Holy Spirit

1/1/25 – Reporters need to adhere to journalistic standards and report what is happening in the country and what the American people think in an unbiased and objective manner. That is not what is happening, and the public has lost trust in the news media. Poll after poll has shown this. The American people don’t trust the news media because they are not trustworthy. They can continue to erode whatever remains of this trust or do their jobs correctly. The choice is theirs. We, however, will continue to try to find other sources of information that have more journalistic integrity and are of better quality.

1/1/25 – We have long had a dislike of the Washington Propaganda because it has been the worst abuser of the American people’s trust. It was the most deceptive newspaper regarding Biden’s infirmity. Its reporters and op-ed writers have used the platform to push their own or progressives’ agenda numerous times, in ways beyond what some other news organizations were doing. We will not tolerate even the slightest deception, condescension, manipulation, or insulting insinuation. And The New Yorker is simply completely detached from and out-of-touch with the American people. For a while now, we haven’t even bothered with it.

1/1/25 – On the tedious but necessary topic of the news media. The link, which was chosen in haste, to the article on MacKenzie Scott below was changed yesterday from the AP to ABC News. This change was made for the following reason. The AP’s coverage of religious news, which has been the main reason we read it, has fallen in quality, and lately, it is categorizing stories as religious news when are not. Sports, somehow tangentially tied to religion, is not religious news. It’s sports news. This happened at least twice. The trans politician profile article they recently published is also not religious news, even if it has some minor references to religion. It is political news. We read religious news to get away from politics and other fluffy things we don’t care about, like sports. The content needs to reflect the category.

1/1/25 – Note that we don’t talk about many issues, including anything related to sports or most entertainment (we do talk about some art), bathrooms and whatever else happens on social media since we’re not on it, etc. The Atlantic covers the trans topic from time to time and are a good source for public opinion on this and other topics since they try to present the American public’s views, not their own personal views, and have good writers. This was their latest article on this topic. We do bigger, broader issues: obviously, religion, the planet and the environment, and other life issues, such as housing, education, economics, etc. You get the idea: God, life, learning. Also note that we routinely correct minor errors, such as typos or minor rephrasings, without any notice. Unless the edit is fairly significant, we don’t mention it.
What the Left Refused to Understand About Women’s Sports

1/1/25 – This story is hard. We remember images of koalas being roasted alive in the Australian wildfires caused by climate change. Now, this. We must save the koalas! They need to push the vaccine through now and save them. We love the planet God gave us. We must save as much of it as we can. We owe it to God, the animals, and to ourselves.
Chlamydia could make koalas extinct. Can a vaccine save them in time?

1/1/25 – We cannot survive physically or spiritually without a healthy, thriving planet. The animals that we share this planet with are our friends. When I was young, I covered my walls with posters of wild animals and some pets (and the occasional cutie musician) with stickers of them in between the posters. A favorite was a poster of a baby seal. I would look into the baby seal’s eyes, and it looked back at me with such deep kindness and innocence. It comforted me better than any stuffed animal could. Nature and God’s creatures were my childhood friends, and they are still my friends. The mass extinction of their life on our planet hurts my soul. The natural decline in human populations cannot come soon enough.

1/1/25 – It is 2025. May God bless you and save all of us, our beautiful planet and its amazing creatures.

Notes from Underground – December 2024

12/31/24 – The “Enlightenment” brought the world slavery. Christianity brought the world abolition. The Judeo-Christian belief is that all people are human beings and are created equal by their creator. No exceptions. If anybody says any different in Christianity’s name, they are not practicing Christianity. On that note, we close out 2024.

12/31/24 – Mary’s Song
46 And Mary said:
“My soul glorifies the Lord
47 and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
48 for he has been mindful
of the humble state of his servant.
From now on all generations will call me blessed,
49 for the Mighty One has done great things for me—
holy is his name.
50 His mercy extends to those who fear him,
from generation to generation.
51 He has performed mighty deeds with his arm;
he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts.
52 He has brought down rulers from their thrones
but has lifted up the humble.
53 He has filled the hungry with good things
but has sent the rich away empty.
54 He has helped his servant Israel,
remembering to be merciful
55 to Abraham and his descendants forever,
just as he promised our ancestors.”

12/31/24 – AI is doing surgery. Now, AI should do CEO. Let’s take this all the way.

12/31/24 – Vivek Ramaswamy seems to want to import the Hindu caste system into the United States. Oh wait, it already existed. Hm, but who is in the Brahmin caste?

12/30/24 – There is no morality in the bogus evolutionary theory. That’s yet another fiction imposed on it and on us by the ignorant atheist elites, the intellectual dregs of our society. They are also intellectually dishonest. They are liars. “Crucially, truth is never personal or individual. Commitment to moral virtues divinely ordained is necessary. The only piece of practical advice Dostoevsky gives to the mother is to get her child ‘acquainted with the Gospel’ and ‘teach him to believe in God.’ There is nothing better than the Savior, the great writer tells her. This is an absolute must for Dostoevsky—no person can grow up to be good without Christ…. Herein lies the terrifying part, for the work of parenting starts with my own self—my love of truth, rectitude, goodness of heart, freedom from false shame, and constant reluctance to deceive. I have to embody the love of truth and goodness and live them out in my daily life if I want to teach my children to love what is good.” If you don’t model it, do you actually believe it? And if you don’t believe it, then why are you saying it?
What Dostoevsky Taught Me About Sending My Son to College

12/30/24 – “Billionaire author and philanthropist MacKenzie Scott acknowledged another $2 billion in donations in a blog post on Wednesday, bringing the total she’s given away since 2019 to $19.2 billion.”
Philanthropist MacKenzie Scott reveals another $2 billion in donations in 2024

12/30/24 – To the Washington Propaganda: We understand you to be full of intellectually, socially and personally, especially spiritually, deficient trolls pretending to be journalists and intellectuals. You have no capacity for any level of depth in the insights you present because you have no depth of thought or understanding of the human condition. We understand that when someone mentions God, you think money, materialism, memes and me. You have been indoctrinated by the “greed is good” doctrine, and you are indoctrinators of it. You think in superficial stereotypes and modernist absurdities because you are ridiculous, much like ridiculous yachts. Michelangelo, il divino, doesn’t give a s—t what you or anybody thinks of him. He didn’t care in his lifetime. He certainly doesn’t care now in his eternal home. He knew who he was and who he served. You don’t know anything. So, take your religious bigotry and f—k off.

12/30/24 – The Catholic Church would do well to align with the indigenous people throughout the world to realize Laudato Si. They know better than anyone else how to practice care for our common home, and it would be an opportunity to repair the harm from past wrongs and to do so with restorative practices. We understand the difference between worshipping the creator instead of the created, but can one truly love the creator when violating his command to us to be good stewards of his creation?

12/30/24 – It’s very easy to get wrapped up in politics, but as Christians, we are called to keep our eyes fixed on God and to do his will. As a genuine man of faith, Carter understood the trappings of the world well. He kept the faith. His fidelity to the Lord and his integrity are his legacy. Ay-men. (It’s a cute accent.)
What I Learned From Praying With Jimmy Carter

12/29/24 – President Carter was a man of deep faith. He has gone to the Lord. We respected him, and he made the nation proud. He, his late wife, and his family are blessed. May our God of love bring them comfort. May they know that President Carter will remain beloved by the American people.

12/29/24 – Today, local Catholic Churches marked the start of the Jubilee Year. The idea comes out of the Jewish tradition, our parent religion, specifically from the Book of Leviticus (the third Book of Moses/the Torah). “The Catholic Jubilee Year, established in 1300 by Pope Boniface VIII, is rooted in the Jewish tradition of releasing prisoners, forgiving debts, and restoring harmony every 50 years. [The Catholic Church does it every 25 years.] During the Jubilee, Catholics can receive plenary indulgences, which remove the temporal punishment for sins already forgiven. These indulgences can also be offered by the living for the relief of souls in purgatory.”
In order to fully appreciate any religion, you need to understand that their histories are often intertwined in ways you might not expect. You also need to understand that religious identity is often the central part of many people’s identity, and it too can be more complex than you might expect. For example, I have ancestral roots and spiritual formation in both the eastern and the western Catholic Churches. Both churches existed since the beginning of Christianity, and this legacy continues. Within what we call the “church,” there have also always existed various ethnic groups, and after the birth of the faith, their identities became defined by both the religion and the preexisting genetic, cultural and linguistic history of the ethnic group.
This is not unique to Christianity, which is a religion with the most global adherents and the most geographical diversity, but it can also be found in other religions that are often not associated with this diversity, such as Judaism. The best known Jewish ethnic group are the Ashkenazi Jews, but there are also populations of Sephardic Jews and Mizrahi Jews. The Bagdadi Jews are a Jewish ethnic group from India, not Iraq, also within the broader ethnic group of the Jewish people. There are also Cochin Jews, who were original to Kerala State in India, Bene Israel Jews also in India, and Beta Israel Jews, original to Ethiopia.
Now that we’ve blown your mind a little, we’re going to blow your mind a little more. People often retain the culture that they are living in within their faith tradition. So, here is an Indian dish, Gulab Jamun, which is delicious, common during Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights, which this parent religion shares with its offspring religions, such as Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. “Gulab jamun is one of India’s most famous deserts, though it was introduced by the Persians around 500 BC. The word ‘gulab’ is derived from the Persian words ‘gol’ (flower) and ‘ab’ (water), which refer to the sweet’s rose water-scented syrup. Interestingly, gulab jamun is commonly served at Diwali, the Indian festival of lights, which, much like our own festival of lights, Haunkkah [sic], celebrates bringing light into the world and good triumphing over evil.” Enjoy the richness of our religious and spiritual heritage and the dessert!

12/29/24 – The church is a cross. We turned an instrument of torture and death into the symbol of our faith. In the western tradition, the symbolism of the cross is captured literally in the architectural structure of the church. The big “aisle” in the center is call the nave. As you walk toward the altar at the front of the church, there is an “aisle” that runs perpendicular to the nave. It is called the transept. Together, the nave and the transept form the shape of a cross.
The most common prayer for Christians is the sign of the cross, and in the western Catholic tradition, we do so by tracing the shape of the cross on our bodies. We first touch our finger to our forehead and say silently or aloud, “In the name of the Father,” then the center of our chest (near our heart), “and of the Son,” then the front of our left followed by right shoulders, “and of the Holy Spirit,” “Amen.” This is the Trinity, our God. The prayer is an act of respect for Jesus’s sacrifice for us and a blessing of ourselves. The cross is both suffering and salvation. It is both death and eternal life. We both bear our cross and place our cross at the Lord’s feet. God walks with us through it all. You are not alone.
Note: We have different crosses, and the Jerusalem cross is a traditional one. (It is not associated with a political movement.) We have also different church structures and different rites. Christianity is an ancient religion with diverse traditions. That’s how it was born, and that’s how we want it to stay.

12/29/24 – One can sense that Biden might be having some regrets, what we call “Catholic guilt.” What he and his enablers did was wrong. Biden was selfish and deceived the American people. He shouldn’t have done it. It was a sin. His personal work is to do an examination of conscience and take his findings to God (and the confessional). Of his findings, what he brings to the American people is up to him, and each American can decide what to do with it.
However, as a country we have a problem with people being unwilling to retire and/or give up their positions of power. It is disgraceful and damaging to our nation. It is selfish. Since this problem does not seem to be self-correcting, we need term limits. All of that said, Biden’s greatest legacy is that the nation is not concerned that he will not transfer power peacefully. Harris conceded graciously, as is our tradition, and we all know that Biden will transfer power peacefully. Great men know how to win. Even greater men know how to lose – with grace and patriotism.

12/28/24 – Likely some other denominations as well, but Catholicism has a way of leaving an imprint on the soul. It’s a long initiation and moral formation process, almost intentionally designed to help you find your way back to God if you get lost. (Many of us get lost. You would definitely not be alone in that regard. Some people have yet to be found.) Sitting in a silent church is how I started my own journey back way back when. (I was raised Catholic, and I never stopped being Christian. I just stopped practicing for a while.) I can’t think of a better way to start one’s spiritual journey. A silent church is solace. You can walk through the doors and just sit and be still with God. You don’t have to say anything, do anything, be anything. You’re just there together: creator and created.
If you go to a Catholic Church during off-mass times, a few people might already be there. There has never been a time when anybody was anything but quiet and reverent. It’s very peaceful. (In the grander churches, cathedrals and basilicas, however, be prepared for some tourists….) Pilgrims are visiting Christians, so they’ll be like the rest of the worshippers. You might be able to find the Magnificat, and silently read it. You can pray the rosary. You can kneel in a chapel (off of the aisle) or in a pew. You can also just sit in a pew, and as Michelangelo did, reflect on the crucified Christ. (PS People cry all the time in church. You wouldn’t be alone in that regard either.)

12/28/24 – To the people who are perpetually online memeing, tweeting and whatever else it is you people do, do us all – and yourself – a favor and go on a multi-day silent retreat. No talking. No phone. We’re all sick to death of your ridiculousness….
Find the Divine

12/28/24 – We have a news flash for everybody – meaning everybody, no matter your genetics. You can’t really get “intelligent” at something unless you work on it. People have different natural talents. To get good at anything, they all put in the time, effort and work. You have to do the work!
Another misconception is that all education takes place in a classroom. It doesn’t. You choose your setting. Obviously, K-12 education is required, as it should be, and it should have an equal balance between (logical-mathematical and verbal-linguistic). A misconception is that writing is easy. It’s not. It’s arguably a harder skill to develop than a lot of the logical-mathematical work people end up doing for their jobs. Most good writers are also good readers, and even though these skills might have fallen out of favor in terms of employment, human beings are more than their jobs, and we want them to be able to practice all of these skills (math, reading, and writing) well and to continue to work on them during lifelong learning.
Students need to go to school and do their homework. They need to go to school! No cellphones! Outside of that, they shouldn’t have every aspect of their day be controlled and predetermined. Overbearing parents are killing the development of their creativity, their ability to develop holistically and are interfering in their own discovery of their identity. Kids should choose one or two extracurricular activities (naturalistic, body-kinesthetic, musical, and visual-spatial). They should also have some type of job or volunteering during the summer. This will give them hands-on, real-world experience and build interpersonal skills. The rest of their time should be outside (naturalistic) with friends (interpersonal) – without using their phones. No phones! They should also spend time in their religious places of worship (interpersonal, intrapersonal, metaphysical) on a regular basis, at least weekly. This structure will give them a well-rounded, holistic development, potentially developing every type of intelligence.
Education doesn’t stop once you become an adult, and all adults need to do lifelong learning. They need to model this for their children if they have them and do it for themselves. It’s not about professional ambition. It’s about living a fulfilling and balanced life. They can take classes formally or informally, or they can do what many people do, they pick a couple of things to work on and do it in a social context (interpersonal). It could be learning another language (verbal-linguistic), or a hobby such as gardening (naturalistic) or cooking (body-kinesthetic). It could be a sport (body-kinesthetic), playing a musical instrument (music) or some form of art (visual-spatial). Importantly, all people should spend some reasonable about of time volunteering to help others. Instead of coming home from work and watching hours of TV, doomscrolling or engaging in other bad habits, adults need to model the right behaviors for their children. Give them a balance between structure and freedom, and everybody needs to give themselves a proper, balanced development that continues throughout their entire lives.

12/27/24 – Setting aside the basics for a moment, on a deeply personal level, we cannot have everything that many of us took for granted in our youth simply be discarded. We spent time playing outdoors (developing naturalistic intelligence) with our friends (developing interpersonal intelligence). We read books (many forms of intelligence), which is the foundation for much knowledge. So many middle-aged and older people have mentioned how they feel sad for our youth. We should feel sad for them. This is a tragedy. But we should also feel sad for our whole country. This is no way for us and especially young people to live.
We also need religion to make a forceful comeback. Many people misunderstand religion, and many religions have brought this misunderstanding on themselves. Religion is not a bunch of rules to be memorized and followed. It is a continual process of changing oneself for the better. When practiced correctly, all religions and spiritual traditions are about connecting with the divine. This has a spiritual benefit that is grossly underestimated. It is the opposite of the ill-effects of cellphone addiction, and it is a form of intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence.
In the Christian tradition, fully practicing Christians go to church regularly. This is active application of both intrapersonal intelligence (praying and meditation) and interpersonal intelligence (being in communion in a church and at other related church functions, such as charity drives), and many also study the Bible and related texts either on their own or with others (metaphysical intelligence). It’s three forms of intelligence being practiced within the context of one thing – religion.
The loss of religion has been a tremendous blow for our society, and it has led to intellectual, spiritual and personal shallowness. People are not forming substantive knowledge, soul connection, or identities. They don’t even know how to do any of these things or that they should be working on them. Instead, they create cardboard cutouts and prop them up, slapping stickers to signify to the world who they want the world to think they are. The shallowness of our culture and our people is a sickness, and we must remedy it as soon as possible.

12/27/24 – We have to take care of our people. This is nonnegotiable. We will not have a country if we don’t do this. Everybody must be housed! It is a moral imperative, and we will not be backing down on this. We cannot have people living on the streets. Everybody must be fed! This is also not optional. We cannot have a national crisis regarding food insecurity. Focus on these two things. Start here.

12/27/24 – How might the status quo described below be related to the red-hot immigration debate? When the majority of the country feels disrespected, having immigrants flood the country, whether legal or illegal, will definitely give the people a sense of being replaced. It amplifies the disrespect they already feel because the disrespect is real. They are not imagining it. Effectively, the elites, who look down on the rest of the country, have chosen to stop investing in the people of the country, and the people know it.
Homelessness has risen dramatically, and this is a dangerous situation for our country and our people. We have said this before, and it must be fixed immediately. We are basically not taking care of our people. And the rest of the country know that the atheist, liberal elites don’t really care about immigrants. They care about virtue-signaling. This is all they ever care about.
We shouldn’t have any more immigration legal or illegal – right now. (Emphasis on at this time.) We should focus on serving our people much better than we have. We also don’t need any more technology, and many of the legal immigrants end up working in sectors, such as technology and finance, that have long stopped contributing much of anything that is genuinely helpful to our society. These immigrants are also just making our rising inequality and the hierarchy described below worse.
We need to make the people who actually do what we need in this country feel heard, valued, and respected. This is not about race or anything like that. It’s not about xenophobia. It’s about the dignity of work and actually treating our citizens with respect and taking care of them. Right now, none of those things are happening.

12/27/24 – Let’s consider the status quo, which has been in place for decades if not centuries. Atheists, who are so, so rational (we should worship them and their superior brains), are smarter than religious people, who are stupid and believe in fairy tales. White-collar people, who on average make more money and sit in clean offices, are smarter than blue-collar people, who on average make less money and do physically harder and dirtier jobs.
No direct value is placed on interpersonal intelligence, and no value of any kind is placed on intrapersonal intelligence. Some people who are exceptionally good at sports (body-kinesthetic intelligence), music (musical intelligence), entertainment, and the occasional artist (visual-spatial intelligence), who likely remains obscure to the general public, are well-regarded and well-compensated, but everybody else is discarded in the social hierarchy as intellectually and professionally deficient. This includes people who help others for a living but don’t make much money, such as social workers (interpersonal intelligence), the farmers (naturalistic intelligence) who feed us and without whom we would likely starve to death, the blue-collar workers, such as construction workers (visual-spatial intelligence) who build our houses and without whom our country generally wouldn’t function, and the clergy (interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence, and uncategorized, metaphysical intelligence), who provide pastoral care and nurture our souls.
When these super smart, rational atheist, white-collar workers start losing their jobs, and they start falling in social status, will the society at large still view them as smart? Will these people still parade around with pretentious plumage, brandishing their worthless pedigree, and basking in their smug pseudo-knowledge? These are the same people who spend much of their time online, producing memes and other performance art, to flatter themselves and their insatiable egos, feeding their endless narcissism. Will the society at some point compare, for example, memes to metaphysics and wonder, maybe they were ignorant idiots this whole time, and we just didn’t see it because we actually couldn’t see anything? We were too blinded by the trappings of materialism, money and memes to actually see anything clearly. At that point, will the present social hierarchy invert?

12/26/24 – As a clarifying point, the argument for metaphysics as the highest form of intelligence, aside from epistemology as presented below, could be as simple as it’s the hardest to replace with AI. Arguably, it is also the most abstract. As a thought experiment, ask yourself, what is the hardest intellectual job that exists today, and then see if AI could replace it. Physicists, yes. Mathematicians, yes. Etcetera. Metaphysics, not so much. It’s ancient, and there are secular and religious varieties, such as Christian metaphysics, but they all grapple with questions that aren’t conducive to simple answers.

12/26/24 – In fairness to the dumb atheists and elites, they are doing what most people in our society have been trained to do. They have specialized in one way of thinking. Society rewards this approach with money, prestige and possibly fame, and they have little incentive to deviate from it. After a lifetime of this, they end up intellectually stunted and unable to objectively assess their actual intelligence based on a holistic framework. They also incorrectly generalize from the way of thinking they have mastered to other ways of thinking even if the other ways are actually quite different. (Intelligence and thinking are used interchangeably in this context because they go hand in hand.)
Unless these people decide to pursue other interests for personal fulfillment, they have no incentive to master other ways of thinking. As someone who has studied various subjects that were rather different, I noticed that to be successful in them, I would often have to change the way I was thinking. One could think of it as similar to code-switching for people who know more than one language fluently. Or imagine approaching a creative writing assignment or an art project like it is a math problem, a research paper, or data analysis. It’s not going to work. You have to change the way you’re thinking.
There is a pervasive and real problem in our society: intellectual shallowness and the homogeneity of the elite class. This is the unfortunate result of a society that gives people with effectively the same type of intelligence all the rewards without recognizing that they are also creating hidden societal problems, such as biases and unjustified confidence in conclusions, especially as it relates to empirical matters. It has also amplified group think since these homogeneous elites think and are trained to think in a similar way. In terms of the professional world, let’s face it. Many of the presently high-paying technology and some other white-collar jobs will be replaced with AI. AI will likely be more accurate, more cost-effective, and the simple reality that these workers can so easily be replaced says something about the nature of the work and the intelligence and the thinking involved in the work. It is over-rated. The hard truth for them is that these people have always been over-rated.

12/26/24 – Are the media and other liberal atheists and elites the dumbest people in the country (and in the world)? This is a fair question, and one that we should seriously consider. We know that there are multiple intelligences. What if the highest form of intelligence is metaphysical intelligence, which would include epistemology, since knowing the nature and limits of knowledge would be the foundation for understanding all knowledge? It’s easy to feel smart when you’re actually a dumb person copying other dumb people who have been unjustifiably elevated to positions of power or prestige based on a wrong measure of intelligence, thus treated as smart people. Perhaps many of the difficulties we’re experiencing around the world is because dumb people who think they’re smart are running the show.
8 Intelligences – Theory of Multiple Intelligences Explained

12/26/24 – Metaphysics during dead week is perfect…maybe even divine.

12/26/24 – There is or are important things in the Garden of Eden related to the story and points below. (Hebrew Bible, Old Testament) What is it/are they? Jesus admonishes his disciples for doing something related to the story and points below? (New Testament) What was it?

12/26/24 – Let’s assume that there is a God who created everything. Then, ultimately, we only know what God wants us to know. He can add or subtract from our knowledge as he chooses. The power over knowledge that we think we have and take such pride in is actually an illusion. So, you can call it “supernatural” because it doesn’t fit with your observation, knowledge or doesn’t sound plausible to you. But if there is a God, which believers think there is, to him, there really is no meaningful difference between the natural and the supernatural because they would both be following God’s order. Basically, if you want to do metaphysics well, you have to think in a very different way.

12/26/24 – This is a true story.
God: It’s getting tedious down there. Jesus, should we mess with them a little?
Jesus: Sure, why not.
Believer: What is this thing? God, what do you want us to do with this?
God: I don’t know. I just create stuff. You have to figure out what to do with it.
Believer: It’s ugly and seems rather useless.
God: Your problem.
Scientist: What is this? This is amazing! It’s the missing (evolutionary) link.
Believer: Great. Thanks, God.
God: You’re welcome.
This is life on earth.

12/25/24 – We like our Christianity intense, demanding, gloriously weird and focused on God, not on ourselves. One of the key benefits of a Christian spiritual life is you get to get out of yourself, your neurotic musings, your absurd narcissism, your meaningless materialism and other mundane aspects of the world, including dissecting every joyous interaction with the marvel that is creation into sterile “scientific” dross. By communing with God, we come as close as we can to touching the hem of the divine, and even just the proximity is transcendental.

12/25/24 – The Christian Bible is not the Jefferson Bible. Stop trying to make Christianity into something it’s not so that it would be more palatable to “humanists,” whatever they are, or anybody else. Christianity is also not the Prosperity Gospel, which is heretical. As one can see starting with Jesus’s birth in a manger, surrounded by animals, animal feces and such, it was a humble beginning, and Jesus’s life was characterized by teaching, healing and the ultimate sacrifice. As Jesus said, we cannot serve both God and mammon. Jesus did God’s will. He served God, and Christians are also called to serve God – not themselves. There is no debate on these points. They are theologically settled.

12/25/24 – A Jewish person invited me to their synagogue, and my first response was, “You can do that?” I really didn’t know you could do that. So, I get it. Anybody and everybody is always welcome to our churches. You don’t have to ask, and don’t feel intimidated. If they have one, grab a bulletin at the entrance. It will help you follow along with the mass/service. You can ask ahead of time or when you get there what the rules are for the Eucharist (the body and blood of Christ). Different denominations have different rules. In the Catholic Church, you need to have received the Sacrament of Holy Communion in the Catholic Church because its beliefs about it are a little different from other churches. Also, many Catholic Churches have evening masses because they have a lot of people to serve. The main point is this. Be respectful, observe what is appropriate for the faith tradition you’re visiting and your own if you have one, and just enjoy worshipping with others and connecting to the divine. God loves you wherever you are in your spiritual journey. God bless you.

12/25/24 – Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas! Everyone belongs.

12/25/24 – This has been an emotionally conflicted Christmas, but it is what it is. Jesus was born as a refugee in a manger. God came to us in the flesh as he did. We go to God as we are. Everything belongs.

12/24/24 – It might be hard to believe, but you know what else is about Christianity – Christmas. We know. It’s a lot to process. Maybe this will help you figure it out. “My own dog, gone commercial!” Et tu, Snoopy? Et tu?
Charlie Brown Christmas Special: An Inside Job

12/24/24 – A Christmas Carol is about Christianity? What? No. It’s only a great redemption (and conversion) story with supernatural elements that changed a mean, materialistic man into someone filled with compassion, charity and joy. (See David Brooks below.) People don’t read. People don’t know how to read fiction. (And yes, you do also need to know the Bible to be able to make these connections.) This is where we’re at as a country. It’s truly sad.
No Scrooge He: The Christianity of Charles Dickens

12/24/24 – It is a personal point of embarrassment for me that even having noticed all of these unfavorable characteristics of the left for a long time now, I had still underestimated the scope and the magnitude of the problem. I hope to never repeat this mistake again. It is a hard lesson.

12/24/24 – And don’t think we didn’t notice the timing. The elite liberal atheists (and perhaps satanists) with no moral formation at all, the shallow, superficial and unserious elite university educated, godless hedonists tried to co-opt Christianity right before Christmas to push through their progressive agenda on the death penalty. They think they fooled us. They didn’t. We noticed.

12/24/24 – As a clarifying point, if you ask conservatives about their inconsistent position on abortion and the death penalty as it relates to the sanctity of life, they will likely tell you that they are considering the guilt or innocence of the person. Fetuses are obviously innocent. People found guilty of heinous crimes are obviously not. (If mistakes are being made in the judicial process, then the system needs to be fixed. The irony is that the liberal “institutionalists” are also cherry-picking when they have confidence in the institutions and when they don’t…based on…oh, that’s right, what’s popular in liberal circles.) Therefore, even if you disagree with conservatives, their position has an internal logic that is theologically founded and, at least, understandable. What is the liberals’ internal logic? It doesn’t exist because they have no moral foundation that they use to base decisions on. Also, if we increase abortion rights and eliminate the death penalty, we would become more liberal than Europe. Perhaps their “internal logic” is simply to out-lib the libs….

12/24/24 – Our Christmas gift to you this year is insight into how the richest, most powerful country’s elite make decisions. The liberals copy each other, including positions from liberals in other countries. This is their “intellectual and moral” decision-making process. Birds of a feather flock together.

12/23/24 – For the record, my personal position on abortion and the death penalty are informed by my faith. In terms of abortion, in certain cases, I prioritize free will, which is a theological concept, over the sanctity of life. In terms of the death penalty, in certain cases, I prioritize punishment, which is found throughout the Bible, including capital punishment, over the sanctity of life. What I am not basing my judgment calls on is what other western countries, such as European countries, are doing because I’m not going to decide what’s best for our country on some other part of world, as if they are superior to us (and nonwestern countries). Bear in mind that when the liberals and the liberal media, “the great defenders” of American minorities, use Europe, the godless hedonists in demographic, economic, social, and moral decline, as their moral north star, they are implicitly engaging in bias and racism. All of the nonwestern countries are majority nonwhite and more conservative than the west. One might call this hypocrisy.

12/23/24 – Although people might disagree with the Catholic Church, it is consistent in its position on both abortion and the death penalty. It’s opposed to both, without exception, on the grounds of sanctity of life. In his commutations for all but three cases of federal death row inmates, Biden, a Catholic, is also consistent. He makes some exceptions on both abortion and the death penalty. (This is also our position and likely many Americans’ position.) What’s interesting is that the media seems inconsistent. Many of them seem to want more abortion rights and no death penalty. Just by chance, this also happens to be the inverse of what many conservatives want: no abortion rights and death penalty. Shall we place bets on what “deep values” are informing the media’s inconsistent position? Might it be whatever is popular in liberal circles…and the opposite of the conservative position? Its position is certainly unlikely to be theologically informed because the media are ignorant atheists…perhaps some are even satanists. One never knows…. (The invasion of the occult is real.)

12/23/24 – What should appall the American people is this. Not only have the elites been looking down on ordinary Americans, the people who actually make the country work, but said elites also don’t know anything! For decades, it’s been clear that they are intellectual cowards who parrot each other’s ideas for career advancement and also simply because they are intellectually shallow.
What is becoming more and more apparent is that they haven’t done any work on any level, including on a personal level. This is why they feel so comfortable perched on their self-righteous ivory pedestal preening in their moral superiority. They haven’t taken the time or put in the effort to do any personal work, including spiritual work. And even though they have not done the work, these shallow, superficial, unserious people are simultaneously looking down on the people who have. For many people who come to faith, it’s a long and/or deeply introspective journey – a genuine inquiry of the mind, heart, and soul. The lazy know-nothings are looking down on the people who’ve done the work and actually know something.
The American people deserve to know how much nepotism and “friendship” is actually the basis for hiring because that seems to be part of why we’re getting an elite class that is homogenous, ignorant, and shallow. For example, how many people at the pretentious rag, The New Yorker, were actually hired based on their talent? All these elites, whose ideology is rather suspiciously similar, do is copy each other. They live in an intellectual, spiritual and personal echo chamber. Their ideas aren’t being challenged. They preen each other like birds in a flock.

12/22/24 – Everything David French wrote here is correct, and he presented his argument well. The problem is that people are conflating the way Christianity is or has been practiced with the truth of the thing itself. If a scientific theory is true, it doesn’t become less true simply because scientists don’t put it into practice correctly. You have to differentiate between the truth of the thing and its application. Human beings are fundamentally flawed, and they will never put Christianity (or many other things) into practice perfectly. Did you also know that the grass is green, and the sky is blue? What other obvious statements need to be made here? I’m not seeing any work – truly any work at all. I’m seeing intellectual and spiritual laziness – everywhere, and it’s pissing me off. You have to put in the work. You have to think. Thank you, and have a wonderful day.
Why Are So Many Christians So Cruel?

12/22/24 – The society is shallow, superficial and unserious because the people are shallow, superficial and unserious. You have nobody to blame but yourselves. I am going to justifiably exclude myself. Sorry folks, but I actually take myself seriously and put in the time and the work. I’m not lumping myself in with you, ridiculous people. Everything is performance, and everybody is a performance artist.
In this video, David Brooks talks about hitting a personal low, and then making the slow climb out of it, starting his faith journey. It is very common for people to start their spiritual journey at a low point in their life. This is personal growth. They recognize that they need something important, and they take the time and make the effort to pursue it.
However, this was not my case. I was doing fine. I simply had more time than I normally did. I seized upon it because who knew when it would come around again. The extra time gave me the spiritual and mental space to fully engage in what I, as someone who grew up in a deeply religious Catholic family, intuitively understood would require a lot from me.
I took my spiritual journey seriously, not because of my life circumstances, but because that’s who I am. I have always taken myself and my life seriously. This doesn’t mean that I don’t take risks or make mistakes. In fact, I’ve probably taken more risks than the average person, and like most people, I have made many mistakes. It also doesn’t mean that I haven’t had any fun. I’ve had a lot of fun. It means that I am not going to sell myself short and be satisfied with a life that doesn’t live up to my high standards. I am not talking about money, prestige, etc. I’m talking about genuine fulfillment on substantive – not superficial – measures in every aspect of my life.
If you don’t want to take yourself seriously and put in the work, that’s on you. You own it. Know this though: Your laziness and selfishness are also contributing to the slow and steady erosion of our society. It is retrograde. Our society is moving backward instead of forward. People are asking themselves questions that have already been asked and answered by much greater intellects than the performance artists will ever be – much greater intellects than anybody that exists in our modern world with all of its scientism and self-worship.
Go read some books that force you to think hard. Read and think. Previously, I shared a story about a girl who told my friend that she didn’t want to think, and how my friend and I were just floored by it. “Who doesn’t want to think?” Well, that’s our society now. The Chosen is a good series. As they will tell you themselves, it is intended to be a supplement to the Bible – not a substitute. I’ve been dealing with this for decades now, and I’ve had enough. Do not come to me with your laziness and expect sympathy. I will tell you to do the work. Do not come to me with your superficiality and expect me to respect you. I will tell you to do the work. Take yourself and your life seriously, do the work, or just go home. Happy Sunday!
‘The Interview’: Jonathan Roumie

12/21/24 – There are only two questions to ask: Is there a God, and who/what is that god(s)? In terms of Christianity: Is there a God, and is Jesus Christ the Son of God? Your answer options are yes/yes (Christian), no/moot (atheist), and yes/no (figure out who/what is God). If you haven’t worked out the basics, like the difference between worshipping the created and the creator, or do people who don’t believe in the Christian God go to hell, and such, we can’t help you. Either take this seriously, or just go home. You need to do that work on your own. It’s not hard. Those questions have been asked a million times, in a million ways. In fact, almost all of the questions anyone asks on this topic have actually been answered. You could also try asking Jesus, we mean Jonathan Roumie, but he might be busy dealing with the occult that has invaded our state capitols. Good luck.

12/21/24 – Let us distill the “New Testament question” to its essence, shall we. You either believe the account in the New Testament, one that is often unflattering to its main figures, or you don’t. If you don’t, ask yourself: What did they gain by “lying to us”? Death, often brutally. The disciples just witnessed Jesus being crucified. Some courageous and principled souls are willing to tell the truth even if it comes with death. Do you know anyone who would be willing to lie for no personal gain or even purpose even if it comes with death? It would be a truly novel form of suicide. Someone once said, either Jesus is crazy (delusional), or he is who we believe him to be? These are the choices before you: deception, insanity or truth. There really are no other options. Discern for yourself.

12/21/24 – If you believe in God, let’s put it into more “palatable language” for some, that a “higher power” created the universe, but simultaneously have difficulty believing in the virgin birth or Jesus’s miracles, or basically anything supernatural, we have this to say to you: This is not a logical position. If there is a God who created the universe and everything in it, God can do anything. Happy Saturday!

12/20/24 – We need to open up our national conversation to the religious experience, in its variety and its intensity, not a censored, sanitized version but the full experience with its mysticism and even its strangeness. For many people, this is the most personal and important part of their lives. It shouldn’t be withheld. It should be shared. We want to hear their stories.

12/20/24 – We’re only a few days away from Christmas, for Christians, the day of our savior’s birth. We were given an undeserved gift. The best gift you can give anyone is to act as Jesus did, to show them compassion, love, kindness, and to listen to them. It’s free, and it will be a gift to yourself as much as it is to them.

12/20/24 – Homelessness is a problem we must fix. It is a moral imperative. “There’s no cookie-cutter solution to homelessness. There are basic reasons for the problem, of course (mental health problems, addiction and the like), but once you peel back that onion, you begin to see trauma and particular challenges that require a deep, relational understanding of the individual.” Settled also tries to address this relational component of homelessness.
I’ve been homeless and served the homeless. Real help starts with listening.

12/19/24 – As someone who postponed and postponed and postponed my final sacrament of Christian initiation, I understand well the long spiritual journey. I would say to myself, when I have the time, I will do it. (It was in the Catholic Church, and it’s a process, as it should be.) But it really wasn’t about time. When have I not made time for something I really cared about? I postponed it because I took it very seriously, and I was scared.
I didn’t want to make the single most important commitment I would ever make without being 100 percent sure. This is a commitment between God, my maker, and myself, after all. Nothing else compares. Well, God had other plans. I did a small fraction of the intellectual and spiritual work I had intended to do. The truth is that I confirmed by grace. God knew better than I did that I was ready. How do you explain this to people? Is it logical? What is that?
Similarly, what does one say to someone who experiences a conversion, as David Brooks shares here? “Congratulations,” like it’s the person’s birthday? Maybe it is, in a way. It’s, as they say, a mystical experience. By definition, it is hard to find words, which are used to describe our worldly experience, that are appropriate for or do justice to an otherworldly experience, which by definition a conversion is.
As a Jewish person, Brooks has the great privilege of being able to be both Christian and Jew, or, what some might call, a Messianic Jew. (It’s not Team Christian…. We aren’t in competition with each other or with any other religion.) Most of the Bible is Jewish and incredibly illuminating, but, as someone who’s totally biased, the New Testament, which is considerably shorter, is also extremely powerful.
It is very common after a conversion to feel intoxicating zeal. You want to share it with everyone. You just can’t believe it. The thing you had been fighting becomes the thing you’re fighting for. In our pluralistic and secular society, often times, people temper this exuberance for practical reasons. We don’t want to offend or impose. We don’t want to be obnoxious. But how can we not share this joy? It’s just incredible! Here is Brooks’s share.
A hopefully helpful word to Brooks and others: Beyond any institution, find a supportive spiritual community. Nobody is good at any of this. It’s not about attaining anything. It really is about the longing and the trying. God “rewards” the effort, not the perfection, which we can’t attain even if we wanted to. All God wants is your love. Often times, my prayers consist of nothing more than “God, I love you so much,” and I mean it as much as I could possibly mean it. Trust God completely, and give your heart over to him. It will be in good hands. Shalom and peace be with you, brother.
The Shock of Faith: It’s Nothing Like I Thought It Would Be

12/18/24 – Atheists, agnostics and nones, especially atheists, are one of the best reasons to run, not walk, away from the Democratic Party.

12/18/24 – We want you to reflect on how remarkable it is that in opening of the Jewish religious texts, the story of the creation of the universe in the first (the book of Genesis) of the five books of Moses (the Torah), God rests. Here is this omnipotent, omniscient God, who only has to speak words to create the universe, and the text pauses to inform us that after God creates the universe with his words, God rests. It is the single most incredible detail in any creation story.
Words are a type of sound. When you learn music, you don’t just learn the notes. In between the notes are spaces, and one type of space is formally called rest. The rest of the spaces between the notes are informally called rhythm. Imagine if you had continuous sound with no spaces, no rests. We have another kind of rhythm with space – our breath, the thing that gives us life. Our heart beats to a rhythm, and part of its rhythm is rest.
As a centering exercise, as you reflect on this, connect your breath, with its rest, to the word, with its rest, to God, the divine who rests. As you take in air (inhale), you can feel your chest cavity expand. Then, as you release the air (exhale), you can feel your chest cavity relax. It rests. Rest is part of life. It is necessary to life.
We are trained to think about doing. We forget to think about doing nothing, and that in the doing nothing, we are doing something very important, something designed into life. By doing nothing, we are honoring the God who did everything and then did nothing. God simply rested.
PS If I’ve learned anything from Torah study, it’s that there is never a good translation. Thank you to all of the rabbis for being meticulous and demanding and for regularly reminding us of this point.

12/18/24 – The Hebrew Bible and the Jewish religion came first. Then Christianity. Then Islam. There is the Old Testament and the New Testament. It’s called the Old Testament for a reason. Do not argue with us on these established facts. We’re looking at you, Muslims…. We understand that some of you might hate the Jewish people, but your hatred doesn’t change the facts. Those are the facts.

12/18/24 – Pope Francis shares the importance of humor to life and the use of self-deprecation to elevate all human beings. Self-deprecation in this context is a form of vulnerability without the discomfort for oneself and for others that can sometimes come with it. Also, all clergy are simply human beings, and they would do well to remember this.
Pope Francis: There Is Faith in Humor

12/17/24 – If the heads of tech could keep their pandering to a certain person to a minimum, the American people might retain a modicum of respect for them, which is already at an all-time low. Have some courage and conviction. Have some dignity.

12/17/24 – It goes without saying that nobody wants a dictator either. Don’t delude yourselves. It would be worse than a monarchy, and we already had a war to end it. We are a free people, and we’re going to remain free.

12/16/24 – This was a thought-provoking anecdote from the article below. “To make forests amenable to scientific quantification, planners had to redefine what forest meant. Trees became timber, and everything not a tree was designated as underbrush—useless stuff that got in the way when workers tried to efficiently harvest the timber.
The German rationalists reorganized the forests, planting new trees in neat rows and clearing away all the underbrush. At first, everything seemed to go well. But as the Germans discovered too late, the trees needed the underbrush to thrive. Without the organic messiness that the rationalists had deemed superfluous, the trees’ nutrient cycle got out of whack. They began ailing. A new word entered the German language—Waldsterben, or ‘forest death.’
By focusing on only those parts of the forest that seemed instrumental to their uses, the planners failed to see the forest accurately. In trying to standardize and control the growth process, the planners murdered the trees.
The modern meritocracy misunderstands human beings the same way the German rationalists misunderstood trees.”
Whenever people bring up Germans, we think Jews because they tried to exterminate them. The Jewish people are entirely capable of efficiency. In fact, they have been some of the most industrious people in human history. What might their secret be? Could it be found within the wisdom of their religious texts, which have also asked them to grapple with human complexities and…messiness? The entire Hebrew (and Christian) Bible is a long philosophical consideration of God, life and pretty everything with few easy answers and many hard questions. The messiness is part of the design of the universe, of human beings, of life, of everything.
Lastly, the Hebrew Bible is likely the oldest religious text in the world, and in its opening, it says that on the seventh day, God rested. It commands us to do likewise. In fact, if we don’t sleep, we will die. It’s a disease. More generally, rest is like allowing a field to lie fallow. We do it so it will continue to bear fruit instead of being farmed to death. Responsible rest is not a waste of time. It’s an investment in life.
Best of How To: Waste Time

12/16/24 – This article also by David Brooks brings up good questions, especially regarding who should run the country and what kind of academic training makes for good leaders. We’ve done monarchy. The Revolutionary War rid us of that parasitic nightmare, and none of us want it back. We’ve done aristocracy. Nobody wants spoiled, airhead nepo babies with refined affectations and crude characters. We’ve done elite-university technocrats. (By the way, it’s elite, spelled just like that, not élite, with a French accent aigu. There is also no native English pronunciation of the word with the French é sound. At most, some native English speakers might pronounce it with the French e but never é….) Does our country run by the elite technocrats look like it’s working? It’s clearly not working. Now, a certain person wants to run the country with billionaires. Yes, indeed, this must be the solution. Let’s assume that because they achieved some level of success in one domain, for who knows what reasons, it must generalize to everything. So, of course, this would make them qualified to run the country. Therefore, what’s left? How about the American people in our diversity and collective wisdom run our country. We might not have them élite, fancy degrees or billions of dollars, but we actually know our country and care about it, not just about ourselves. Let’s actually be a democracy.
How the Ivy League Broke America

12/16/24 – “After a visit to one London institution, Dickens wrote to a newspaper to enlist the attention of the readers to the efforts ‘to introduce among the most miserable and neglected outcasts in London, some knowledge of the commonest principles of morality and religion; to commence their recognition as immortal human creatures.’” The connection that Dickens draws between moral formation of outcasts and “their recognition as immortal human creatures” is as pure an expression of Jesus’s teachings as can be. We call it salvation, but the term has lost this explicit understanding.
The Rabbit Room’s ‘Christmas Carol’ Draws on Dickens’s Pure Religion

12/16/24 – The whole piece by David Brooks is worth your time. “America’s Founding Fathers studied the history of democracies going back to ancient Greece. They drew the lesson that democracies can be quite fragile. When private virtue fails, the constitutional order crumbles…. Moral formation is best when it’s humble. It means giving people the skills and habits that will help them be considerate to others in the complex situations of life. It means helping people behave in ways that make other people feel included, seen, and respected. That’s very different from how we treat people now—in ways that make them feel sad and lonely, and that make them grow unkind.”
How America Got Mean

12/15/24 – One of the greatest indictments of western culture is its lack of emphasis on hospitality. It wasn’t always this way. In The Atlantic’s article on George Washington, posted here in October, after winning nothing less than the Revolutionary War, he and his wife performed their duties in the reception of guests, meaning hospitality. It was a remarkable detail. It gave a lot of insight into the American culture of the time. The individualistic turn that western culture has taken has coarsened the cultural component that most defines civilization – hospitality. On this Sunday, ask yourself: how do you treat the stranger? As Jesus said, how you treat them is how you treat God. Happy Sunday!

12/15/24 – The greatest “public space” ever created is the planet God gave us. Nothing else compares. We can sit in the shade of a tree or build a fire in a natural clearing, and we have all we need for community. The “infrastructure” of community is actually not in buildings, but in our posture toward each other and God. You have to actually want to be in community with each other.
That said. Many institutions, particularly religious ones, that we have created are intended to facilitate community within and beyond the physical. Not only is there community, but there is man-made beauty for our senses. It is a lovely complement to our abundant natural beauty. So, maybe just go to church.
“Beck: I mean, how do you get to that place with neighbors and people in your community without a church?
Jackson: I think it’s tough.
Beck: Yeah. It is tough.
Jackson: I think it’s not impossible. I mean, there is something about a shared set of values sometimes that comes from the church, that allows making friendships to be a little bit easier.”
In general, if you have a hard time approaching strangers, think of it this way. Anybody who is well-formed and well-bred is warm, friendly and welcoming. They go out of their way to help others feel included. In many countries and cultures, hospitality is extremely important. If others don’t receive you well when you’re this way, that’s an indictment of them and their upbringing – not of you. You just keep being the way one ought to be. Your persistence in this regard makes the world a better place.
Best of How To: The Infrastructure of Community

12/14/24 – We are not fans of people becoming reliant on drugs for the rest of their lives. Although we all might need to use drugs to manage our health at various points in our lives for different reasons, the general goal is to make one’s way off of them and to return to the body’s natural balance. There are always tradeoffs in economics and in life. If you decide to take a shortcut, such as choosing to take a drug, understand that it’s not a free lunch.
We are also not fans of assailing what are proven and effective vaccines. The timing is worthy of being analyzed to keep them effective but perhaps less overwhelming, especially for young children.
We live as natural lives as we can, and this has helped us stay healthy. Unfortunately, the world has become polluted with chemicals and processed foods, and we are living more sedentary lifestyles.
RFK Jr. is over-the-top, but the general sentiment is not wrong. In fact, many indigenous cultures have been using traditional, natural medicine and continue to use it alongside modern medicine. Generally speaking, the best approach is to start with the most natural, least invasive approach and incrementally try stronger ones if they fail. As mentioned above, one should also try to get off the stronger approaches as soon as possible.

12/14/24 – Israel has indirectly weakened Russia by weakening Iran, and Ukraine has directly weakened Russia. It is in Europe’s interests to finish Putin while he is still reeling from these blows.

12/12/24 – A clarifying technical point on short selling. Naked short selling is illegal, but we all know it’s not being enforced. Therefore, although short selling is presently legal, since the illegal variant is not being enforced, it is arguably safe to presume that much of short selling is in practice also illegal.

12/12/24 – A certain Bishop is rather too enchanted by the siren call of fame and the perilous narcissism that comes with a well-trained mind blessed with natural gifts, too focused on the number of Christianity’s adherents and not focused enough on, well, “the impoverished, self-denying carpenter,” Jesus Christ.
The Catholic Church has committed mortal sins. It will redeem itself completely and without equivocation – and it will change to orient itself totally and completely to Jesus Christ. There are many great priests. We are blessed to have them serve our communities with their kindness, their pastoral care, their knowledge, wisdom and eloquence, their insights into the faith and the human condition, and their guidance. May they remember that they are humble shepherds of a flock that trusts them. God does not betray his flock or its trust. He is true to them and to his Word.
Dumbed-Down Catholicism Was a Disaster

12/12/24 – We have often said that Christianity is a subversive religion. That’s because it is. Coming out of the Jewish tradition, with stories that sound fantastical yet piercingly true to the human condition, Christianity tells a story that goes completely against the human grain – the instinct for survival. Every great author has one thing in common. The stories they tell aren’t about themselves. They are about us. They call the Bible the Good Book. It is a lens into our psyches and our souls. It is also an opportunity for salvation. It’s not the hand of the person who wrote the Bible that’s dangerous and powerful. It’s the power of the word. The salvation is in the Word.

12/11/24 – Should we ban short selling? This is a serious question. It very well could be time. Obviously, investors would still be able to sell stocks. They just wouldn’t be able to sell borrowed stocks. This move might create more competition and bring down prices by helping markets function correctly again or at least better than they have.
One can think of short selling as a run on a healthy bank in the sense that a healthy firm can also come under price pressure not for fundamental reasons (such as liquidity, solvency or other fundamentals) but simply because of the whims or the machinations of market participants. If the argument is that we don’t want runs on banks and go to great lengths, such as FDIC insurance, to prevent them, then why would we want “runs” on stocks? We ban or regulate all kinds of financial activities. Why not ban short selling?

12/11/24 – A research idea for anybody who knows how to correctly compile and analyze financial data. We know that mergers and acquisitions can consolidate firms, thereby, decreasing competition and potentially increasing prices. (For laypeople, this is not price gouging, which has a specific definition and criteria.)
Another way this can happen is…short selling. Here is the argument. Short selling is typically a natural part of a healthy market, but just like a part of the body, it can become unhealthy. Imagine a situation where short sellers are colluding with or are originating in powerful hedge funds, such as Citadel, to drive down the prices of otherwise viable and promising companies, potentially into bankruptcy, on the pretense of market fundamentals.
However, in reality, they are doing this to protect or to inflate the prices of the assets already in their portfolios, such as established companies that already have large market shares,…and perhaps also to protect these dominant companies from (potential) competitors by forcing them out of the market via short selling. In other words, the short sellers could also collude with these established companies to drive their (potential) competitors out of the market.

12/11/24 – One of the problems with doing research is that it is extremely time-consuming when one or a few people work on it. How do we create community research projects while maintaining high quality, accountability and proper attribution? Ideas? A track-changes documentation process for the entire research project, start to finish?

12/10/24 – Journalism has a nepo baby and elite university graduate problem. These people are liberal-biased, arrogant ignoramuses who are out of touch with the American people. The legacy media needs to rid itself of this problem.

12/10/24 – On an unrelated note, we’re fans of getting rid of daylight savings time. It’s unnatural and disruptive. Standard time is healthier, and we need to make things simpler. We hope that this is an easy place to start.

12/10/24 – The beautifully flawed Saint Peter, at the end of his life, basically said that he stayed true to the Lord until the end. He answered the Lord’s call. He did what the Lord asked, and he kept the faith. That’s really it. Nothing more. It’s a divine parsimony.

12/10/24 – Thank you to Paul Krugman for the education. His research, his books and his opinion pieces, his writing in general, were accessible. Parsimony is supposed to be an academic virtue, but it is not treated as such. Also, teaching can often feel like a thankless job, and one wonders what their students are going to do with what one teaches. Often it’s just to serve themselves, but it’s not always. There’s always hope that what one has taught will end up being used, with a purity of heart, for the greater good. Everybody makes mistakes, and Krugman is not an exception. Ultimately, for all of us, the motivations matter more than anything else, and there’s hope in that.

12/9/24 – Can someone rein in a certain person and his personal vendettas and delusions? This isn’t about him. It’s about the American people. Is the incoming administration going to serve the country or what? Liz Cheney or anyone else on the Jan 6 Committee didn’t do anything illegal. The evil one did because he incited an insurrection – the single most shameful moment in American presidential history. We will never forgive him for it. May he burn in hell for it. All of the Jan 6 criminals should serve their time for engaging in unpatriotic and despicable criminality. Serve the f—king American people, a—holes.

12/9/24 – Academia needs to be purged of its anti-Semitism and its religious bigotry. One shouldn’t have to be an intellectually ignorant, bloviating pseudo-intellectual quack and hack, a bigoted, racist, anti-Semite to succeed in an industry that should demand not just knowledge, but as its ultimate goal, wisdom. Academia has become about cultural power, money and prestige. It has stopped being about truth and about serving humanity. It has become a vanity project controlled by immoral, self-worshipping atheists with subpar intellects. This would be a good project for the incoming administration.

12/8/24 – We don’t want to provoke anyone or any more tensions. They are absolutely terrible as it is. However, we do need to state some facts. One assumes that everyone knows this, but many Muslims are intentionally misinformed about their religion and their history. Christianity was born in the Middle East out of the parent religion, Judaism. It basically started out as a Jewish sect. Christianity has existed in the Middle East for about 2,000 years, since the very beginning of the faith. During those two millennia, it did not have “religious wars” on the scale and with the brutality that Europe had.
Islam is the youngest of the Abrahamic religions. It is not fair to Jews or to Christians for it to dominate the Levant. Muslims, no matter their sect, need to learn to live side-by-side with other religions, as mentioned, Judaism and Christianity, but also other lesser-known religions with fewer adherents, in peace. One’s right to practice their religion freely, openly and peacefully should never be conditional on the religion being the country’s majority religion or the number of its adherents. It’s a fundamental God-given right that no person can take away.
So, our hope is that we can open a new chapter for the Middle East, one that establishes a true democracy in a Muslim-majority part of the world that genuinely respects religious freedom, not just in the transactional way that Assad practiced. George W. Bush, an evangelical Christian, said “Islam is peace.” May it be peace in more than just words, but in deeds.

12/8/24 – We’re glad the Assad regime has been toppled. The rebels say that they will extend a hand of peace, freedom and democracy to all Syrians. We hope that the rebels remain true to their word. They pulled off a remarkable victory. May they also pull off a remarkable governance. The Syrian people have suffered tremendously, and they, like all people who live under brutal dictatorships, deserve to have self-governance and to be free.
As always, we pray for the persecuted church, and today, particularly for the Christian minority in Syria. May they be allowed to practice their faith freely, openly and peacefully, and may they be agents of peace, reconciliation and religious harmony in a region that desperately needs all of God’s children to live in peace. Be true to the God of Abraham.

12/8/24 – You might still be able to livestream the Washington National Cathedral’s Handel’s Messiah. It seems that there will not be a recording. Happy Sunday!
Handel’s Messiah

12/7/24 – Damascus has basically fallen. Why does it feel like we don’t have a president? It has often felt like this for the past four years. Hey Biden, maybe less focused on saving your guilty son’s behind and more focused on the people’s business, you know, the people you’re supposed to be serving. What’s the plan here?

12/7/24 – We understand that the loony left’s Palestinian-supporting faction is high on their brain rot induced ignorance pretending to be actual knowledge and their anti-Semitism cloaked in compassion for a people and a culture and even more so a region they do not understand at all. However, they might want to briefly set aside their self-glorifying virtue-signaling whose sole purpose is to solicit admiration for themselves and their “enlightenment” to actually try to understand the situation in the Middle East in its labyrinthine geopolitical complexity. And no, this is not really about religion. It never is. It’s about power and money, as it almost always is.
Iran (autocracy, backing Hezbollah) and Lebanon (totally dysfunctional, Hezbollah) and Russia (autocracy that is trying to destroy a democracy, Ukraine) is allied with Assad, a despotic ruler who has used chemical weapons on his own people.
The Syrian rebels (terrorists) are supported by Turkey (quasi-autocracy) and indirectly aided by Israel (flawed but actual DEMOCRACY) because they are trying to defeat the Hezbollah terrorists.
Now, we would like to ask the loony left’s Palestinian-supporting simpletons: Who are the angels in this situation? You can say the Palestinian people, but aren’t the innocent people throughout the region, who are simply getting caught up in this insanity, just as deserving of compassion. Whose side are you on? If you have an actual working brain cell, you would be on the side of democracy and freedom. Let’s make this very simple for the simpletons: Hamas is a terrorist organization. It is not interested in democracy and freedom. That’s what would take over if Israel loses.
More generally, as the articles says, governments close to Iran, which is on the verge of building a nuclear bomb, end up being toppled because, hard to believe, but citizens actually want their government to serve them, not be a proxy for another country. “Nothing is as shockproof and reliable as a state army composed of citizens whose interests match your own.” This is our suggestion to the loony left’s Palestinian faction. You’re out of your league. Maybe it’s best to just shut up and sit down.
The Fall of Aleppo Was Oddly Familiar

12/7/24 – DeSantis is a better choice. Can we do this?

12/6/24 – There is an institution that specializes in this service. What is it called again? Oh, that’s right, the church. The idea is not to clear your conscience of shame or guilt or to purge yourself of these unpleasant feelings. The idea is to do the work to reconcile yourself to God and to your fellow human beings. In fact, it commonly goes by two names: confession or the Sacrament of Reconciliation. You have to own your sinfulness, confess your sins, do penance and – change your behavior. You actually have to put in the work. What a concept.
Unburden Yourself of Secret Shame and Feel Happier

12/6/24 – A while back, Ray Dalio, who’s probably not a household name, said that the pitchforks are coming for the greedy rich and that capitalism needs to be reformed. It does need to be reformed – desperately so. Also, in case people have missed it, not only is the world generally on fire, but there have been more assassinations or assassination attempts. Unlike what some paranoid people like Elon Musk think, this is not some Democratic or left-wing conspiracy. It simply reflects a growing anger within the world’s population. We have a question for the greedy rich: Do the pitchforks just come with you as innocent, passive bystanders, or are you inviting them with your avarice? Was Marie Antoinette innocent?

12/6/24 – If war comes to our shores, will we be ready, or will a certain person be preoccupied with undermining our military on some witch hunt for “wokeness”? Please tell us: how many angels can dance on the head of a pin? The Ottoman Empire would like to know.

12/6/24 – The Middle East is poised to blow up…even more so than it has. Democracies around the world are in distress, including ours, and we’re in the middle of a presidential transition. Just an average day in an average life, I guess.

12/5/24 – What can we do? We can perform a magic trick. One day, you’re over here on the left. You disappear. Abracadabra, you reappear over there on the right – on the other side. The name of this magic trick is middle finger to the elites.

12/5/24 – Americans: The propaganda gave Biden a pass, and, now, they are trying to gaslight us about it. It’s insult upon insult.

12/4/24 – He made a mess of Ukraine, Afghanistan, the Middle East, the border, the economy…. What didn’t he make a mess of? The Conservative Republicans wanted him to be more aggressive in arming Ukraine. Now, they’re f—ked. He listened likely to the progressive wing, you know, the pie-in-the-sky people who don’t know how to govern anything. He opened the border without thinking through the ramifications both in terms of the integrity of our nation and the economics. He bailed out the plutocrats – again. Oh, and he’s corrupt. In fact, much of the Democratic Party is corrupt. After all those years in Congress, Biden was still bad at governance, and he lacks integrity. That’s why the Democratic Party lost.
How Biden Made a Mess of Ukraine

12/4/24 – Was it an opinion with a red line underneath it when the propaganda refused to accurately and objectively report on Biden? This is a widely shared opinion by the American people of the propaganda. Was the propaganda’s clear double-standard in coverage also an opinion? Was it an opinion to act like an arm of the Democratic Party? There is a reason the American people have a low opinion of the propaganda. It’s because they deserve it. It’s not because we’re delusional. You can’t play favorites. Do your job!

12/4/24 – Just like that, center-right. Barely had to move at all. You can do that in this country. Do you know why? Because we’re a free country and a free people, and we’re going to remain a free country and a free people. Not the right, not the left is going to bully us, coerce us, force us, or oppress us in any way. See Bangladesh and South Korea; well, the American people are a little crazy, and we are a tough group of people. Know it now.

12/3/24 – Hey elites, suck it, you bloviating, pseudo-intellectual quacks and hacks. We’re liberating ourselves from you…forever.

12/3/24 – Biden didn’t just lie about the pardon. Another very important thing he lied about was running again. He is one of the worst presidents in American history.
This Is Who Joe Biden Has Always Been

12/3/24 – Conservatives, figure out the economics, and we’re onboard. The labor secretary pick is a great start.

12/3/24 – The way Democrats win is by turning off all the centrists/moderates and frankly normal people in the country. The country gave you the middle finger, and it’s going to keep giving it to you. Hey, special interest groups, you’re winning the legacy media, but understand this, you’re still losing over and over and over again. So, the country gets to give you and the legacy media the bird. It’s two for one.

12/3/24 – Speaking of said elites, they can’t read books…but we already knew that didn’t we. Liberal excess is a surefire way to a shallow brain. One can’t train a brain to read lengthy, complex texts, when the brain has already been trained by social media, extrinsic motivation and other factors to simply build a façade of erudition. They are an illusion of intellectualism. Walk behind it, and there’s nothing there.
The Elite College Students Who Can’t Read Books

12/2/24 – For those who are counting, this is in addition to The New Yorker, which was removed a while ago because it is too much a slave to the loony left and seems to have no interest in or connection with the vast majority of the country. We’re not interested in being indoctrinated. We’re looking to be informed, and there is a big difference between those two things.
By the way, Notes from Underground is a reference to a novella by Dostoevsky, who was nearly executed for reading banned books and became a devout Christian. It is not a reference to a now dead Hamas terrorist who orchestrated the massacre of innocent Jewish people. There is a big difference between those two people and things as well. If you’re supposedly an erudite member of said elite class, you might want to know a thing or two about literature and about life. It was practically sacrilegious to use his title in that way.

12/2/24 – There is too much to read as it is. The Washington Post is out. It is a puppet of the Democratic Party and its advocacy groups and too close to the Washington elite and its institutions, almost all of which need reform. It does not meet the journalistic standards we expect.

12/2/24 – We would like to ask the Jewish people, who do you think would treat you better: MAGA with their tiki torches and “Jews will not replace us,” the racist liberals with their “Zio b—h,” or the actual conservatives? George W. Bush, for all of his flaws as a president and bad policies, was the same person who said, “Islam is peace” in the aftermath of 9/11. These people are also protectors of religious freedom in general, meaning no matter the religion.
We would like to ask all of the immigrant communities, of these three groups, who do you think will respect your God-given and Constitutional freedom and rights? Who will let you maintain and even respect your traditions and simply allow you to be instead of trying to control your words, even your thoughts? In other words, who will actually let you be free instead of forcing you to be like them with their cultural imperialism and cultural hegemony?
The answer is clear – conservatives. We don’t like their economic policies (too much trickle down, too much tax cuts for the rich, too much faith in the markets (they can fail, people) and too little safety net), and they need to be more judicious in their foreign involvements, but they have principles, and they do the best job of respecting our humanity in its diversity and its complexity. They treat us like children of God because they usually believe in God. These are important qualities to have.

12/2/24 – This might come as a surprise, but the people who genuinely seem the least racist are the practically nonexistent conservatives. They are also the people who have lost the most.

12/2/24 – This is what the American people have for governance. It’s hard to process how bad this is.

12/2/24 – The Republican Party is also corrupt, and a certain person is the worst of them all.

12/2/24 – The Democratic Party, the party of racist white liberals, is corrupt, and the media has been propping up this party and these people.

12/1/24 – We’re so blessed to have such a great community. Community is everything.

12/1/24 – Happy First Sunday of Advent!
“O come, O King of nations, bind
in one the hearts of all mankind.
Bid all our sad divisions cease
and be yourself our King of Peace.”
O Come, O Come Emmanuel

Notes from Underground – November 2024

11/30/24 – No, we don’t live under a rock, and, yes, we’re aware that many traditional immigrant communities might not support LGBTQ+ or abortion rights, especially to the degree that white liberals do. Not having a conversation about these kinds of issues does not work in a big, diverse country like ours, and it is ceding power to the right, which is exploiting it for…what else, tax cuts for the rich. This is always priority one, two and three….
You need to have a discussion so that the cultural thermometer can set itself, similar to the “invisible hand” metaphor, at a mutually comfortable level. We say this as people who do not have a dog in this fight. We are pretty laid-back. People say, these are my pronouns; we use those pronouns. The government says, wear a mask; we wear a mask. However, many people have strong feelings about being told to do things which with they disagree, and their way of being needs to be respected. Also, it’s the height of hypocrisy to say you’re so inclusive and all that, but you don’t actually include. You have to walk the walk. You have to at least try to understand where they are coming from and what their values are.

11/30/24 – Here’s an idea for the media. Instead of presenting everything – truly pretty much everything – from a white liberal perspective, maybe have a little curiosity and seek out people from other communities who make up our American family. For example, instead of writing about domestic responsibilities, such as cooking and cleaning, from a white liberal perspective, why not ask women from traditional cultures how they approach it, and if they have things they would like to share with other women who also have these roles, such as words of comfort or advice.
A word to the wise: when a woman who has a traditional role says something like I spent all weekend cooking and cleaning, instead of asking if her husband splits the duties with her, which highlights a difference in cultures or roles, say something like, I hope you still found time for yourself, or when I’m really busy I like to sneak in a break by [something wholesome], which highlights a commonality. This is really not hard.

11/30/24 – What is our charge? It is that racist white liberals are engaging in cultural imperialism and cultural hegemony. Clergy has almost no role in making this white liberal culture because white liberals tend to be atheists or “nones,” but let’s consider this tangentially related case from this perspective.
First question: Why is the priest punishing (technically, negative punishment, taking away something his parish wants) his parish, including American black people who he feels have been wronged, to accomplish a goal he seemed to have arrived at simply as an act of conscience (to take a gracious interpretation) without consulting black people? Typically, punishment/reinforcement is done to change the behavior of the party that is directly impacted by it.
Second question: Why should he get paid his full compensation or even remain employed at this position when he’s not fulfilling a critically important, arguably the most important, part of his job? Ultimately, the laity pays for the clergy’s compensation.
Third question (series of questions): How does his “communion fast,” imposed not just on himself but his entire flock, accomplish his stated goal of…? What was his stated goal? It was not articulated because he doesn’t know what it is. That’s a problem. If it’s to shame the Episcopal Church into more apologies or reparations, do the ends justify the means? And how are the means aligned with the ends? See the first question.
Lastly, the area of overlap with the charge above is that this seems to be about him. Perhaps he feels guilt, and this is his way of redeeming himself or purging himself of this unpleasant feeling. However, this is not about him. It’s supposed to be about the people he claims to care about, the descendants of slaves. Perhaps less ego, more discernment, more humility, and, well, actually asking the people he claims to care about what they need and want.
To oppose racism, a priest won’t lead Communion. He could be defrocked.

11/29/24 – At this point, our programming will switch to a rather dry subject. Since economics tends to be rather ideologically driven, this statement is necessary. We are not particularly ideological on much of anything, except fundamental values, such as protecting democracy. Again, we are not ideologues.
Many of our institutions are in need of reform, and arguably none more so than the Federal Reserve. The Fed was created to be the lender-of-last-resort, but it was not created to be the perpetuator of moral hazard. This is an inherent contradiction that it has been navigating poorly.
Ben Bernanke was a scholar of the Great Depression, and this academic background informed his decisions during the financial crisis of 2008. It was not received well by the American people even then. Since then, moral hazard has gotten much worse, and the government’s interventions have gotten less transparent. Before, there was at least an attempt at accountability. Now, there is an assumption of “discretion,” meaning staying hidden from the American people.
There seems to be concern about a certain person’s possible unwillingness to respect the Fed’s independence as it relates to monetary policy. An arguably greater concern is his potential involvement to turn one of the most important institutions in the country into an arm for the impending kleptocracy.

11/29/24 – We have a suggestion for the elite liberal media. Maybe try an approach that doesn’t sound condescending. Instead of Dems need a strategy for low-information, low-knowledge voters, maybe Dems need a strategy to fix a toxic brand and the poor perception the American electorate seems to have of it. The question is why does the Democratic Party have these problems? Also, we don’t know why these voters have tuned out, and given the terrible turn our politics has taken, it’s understandable that they might not want to tune in.
The Perception Gap That Explains American Politics

11/29/24 – To the American left: If you are disappointed with the election results, your best option is to humble yourself and to actually try to convince your fellow Americans of the strength of your argument and your policy positions. What we saw and still see is a lot of bullying, cancelling, censoring, and other domineering tactics that are in one way or another undermining American citizens’ Constitutional rights, the integrity of our democracy or simply ineffective.

11/29/24 – The American people are always free to bring their case before our judicial system if they do not agree with the American voters. That is their right under our constitutional democracy and our rule of law. What we cannot have in our democracy is the subversion of the will of the people or minority rule, whether that is by the right or by the left. Minority rule undermines our entire system of government, and that is not a sacrifice worth making for anyone or anything. You can’t believe in or support democracy only when it works in your favor. It has to be a core tenet that you defend no matter the outcome.

11/29/24 – Since there seems to be considerable confusion on both the right and the left, we would like to remind our fellow Americans how democracy works. People vote with ballots and with their feet. Now, we understand that some on the right think that when they lose, the election was rigged and that they must rise up in an insurrection to overturn the legitimate results. No, the candidate just lost in a free and fair election. Accept it, and move on. Now, we understand that some on the left think that even when they lose, they can strong-arm a liberal-biased legacy media, which has already lost credibility and viewership, to push their cultural preferences and policies. No, the American people as a whole – in our great diversity – create our culture and inform our policies, not advocacy groups and not the biased elite liberal media.
The Democrats lost in spectacular fashion because they stopped listening to their voters. The blue states are also losing Congressional seats because voters are moving out of them. At this rate, it is going to be hard for the Democratic Party to recapture the House and even more so the Senate. This same principle can be applied to more local settings. What happens when school districts do not listen to all of their stakeholders and instead allow a vocal minority or racist white liberals to dominate their policies? The families vote with their feet and transfer their children to a different school district.
In both of these cases, economics likely plays a role, but it tends to be overstated. A common blindspot is thinking one is practicing inclusivity when they are not. If you’re losing voters or families, you need to ask yourself a basic question: Am I alienating members of the most diverse group of people assembled in the world – the American family? We cannot be inclusive in this country when extreme policies dominate. We are far too diverse a nation for that approach to work. Therefore, inclusivity will almost always involve listening to all voices and some level of compromise. If you don’t understand this, then you don’t understand how our democracy actually works.
The racist white liberals need to come to terms with the fact that there is a glaring inconsistency in how they view themselves and how they are viewed by our diverse electorate. For example, Ilhan Omar, who has no principles except remaining elected, was booed off the stage at an event with a large, predominantly Somali crowd, you know, black immigrants. Why? Because they view her progressive politics as inconsistent with their conservative values. Racist white liberals hide behind the demographic profile of this subpar politician to push an agenda that is at odds with the conservative values of many or maybe even all of their immigrant communities. It is a cynical game of pretending to be inclusive when in reality they are ignoring or overruling the voices of the minorities living in their own communities. Well, the game is up. Listen to the people, or feel the wrath of the vote.

11/29/24 – Instead of buying a bunch of stuff you don’t need, we encourage you to donate money to organizations that support the homeless, address food scarcity, help the persecuted church and the poorest people in the poorest countries around the world, and protect endangered animals and our planet.
Barnabas Aid
Global Christian Relief
We also encourage people to donate to and to buy merch to support Ukraine. See below for some very cool gift ideas.
United 24
Kyiv Independent
Saint Javelin

11/28/24 – On this Thanksgiving, we are grateful for God’s gift of life and our divine spark. He created us to be free and to be independent thinkers. We are also thankful for our Constitutional rights, particularly our First Amendment rights. On both the right and the left, there are propaganda outlets that are trying to indoctrinate us with their agenda, whether MAGA or “woke.” On both sides, there are militant racists and extremists who are trying to cancel people who are unwilling to adopt their extremist policies and values and to dominate a free people – the American people.
The American Experiment depends on ordinary citizens exercising their God-given and Constitutional rights, which our Founding Fathers and countless ordinary citizens fought and died for us to have. We honor them by remembering them and exercising these rights. We owe it to them and to ourselves to refuse to yield to the pressures from either side. They do not rule us. We rule ourselves in this democracy, in this country that we love. We also love God, and we owe it to our creator to be committed to the truth and to speak it – no matter the cost. God’s will be done. God bless America.

11/27/24 – The Washington Post’s left-wing propaganda versus X’s right-wing propaganda: Two billionaire-owned platforms competing to win America’s “culture wars” is exactly what the country needs.

11/27/24 – On this Thanksgiving Eve, we’re going to say Happy Thanksgiving (in advance), even though we’re not happy. In fact, we’re rather annoyed and unhappy. This is a sad state of affairs. God blessed us. We are a wealthy country, with immense human talent and natural riches – and these are our choices. Both sides are terrible. Our culture, our political options and their governance do not do justice to our people and the patriots who sacrificed for our great country. It’s a national disgrace.
All that said, we’ve always gone into every election clear-eyed about the chances but also hoping our side would win. Why not form a cynical carapace around one’s heart? Because that would change who we are in ways we don’t like. We would rather feel sad and disappointed when the outcome doesn’t go our way to be able to feel hopeful going into it…and coming out of it.
Following the Jewish tradition, Christianity asks you to do many things you don’t want to do. Arguably, love and forgiveness being the hardest among them. But it asks them for good reason. It’s better for you, your relationship with God, and your relationship with each other. So, you might not be feeling a lot of positive things right now for many justified reasons. But often, the best thing, the right thing to do is to feel them anyway because if you allow yourself to stop feeling them, you will change in ways that don’t do justice to yourself and your divine spark, and our world depends on you feeling them anyway.

11/26/24 – If the Democratic Party wants to continue losing, it will listen to the likes of Ilhan Omar, who one Minneapolis/St. Paul metro-area Democratic voter (they exist outside of the 5th), called “a complete idiot.” Happy Tuesday!

11/25/24 – To be clear, this is not about denigrating public schools. We are big supporters of free public schools and quality public education. Many rural communities value their public schools, and this can be true even in urban centers that have considerable challenges. We want the broader culture to improve so that schools can function better because they won’t have to try to compensate for a dysfunctional society. Schools don’t exist in a cultural vacuum, and many of the challenges they are facing reflect societal problems that are beyond their control.
This is the way to improve public schools – not with vouchers. They get voted down for a reason. The people don’t like them. However, we do need to be a nation about excellence, including academic excellence. We want our public schools to be the envy of the world. There is no reason why we can’t get them there if we can improve the culture.
We are also not fans of book bans. Of course, books need to be appropriate for the grade level and, more generally, suitable for children, but we want teenagers to think hard and read challenging material. This material can be a bit subversive because great authors tend to challenge the existing cultures and thinking of their time. That’s OK. You know what else is subversive – Christianity. We also want students to learn the unvarnished truth about our country’s history, but they should also be taught to be patriotic. We need to love our country while we work to improve it.

11/25/24 – The reason why Asians have been more successful than other minority groups has nothing to do with any genetic superiority. That’s a myth. It has to with the retention of their Asian cultures within the dominant American white liberal culture. This is easier to do when they are more recent immigrants compared with the indigenous people who’ve been here since the beginning or black people whose ancestors were brought here many centuries ago as slaves.
When white liberals promote indiscipline, their liberal excesses and such, it benefits them and their children. They are wealthier, and they can provide their children with a safety net and resources that poor and/or immigrant minorities don’t have. They have the luxury of their children failing forward. Meanwhile these racist white liberals flatter themselves with their white saviorism, labeling themselves as inclusive, racially unbiased, culturally tolerant, and such. It’s a lie. In reality, they expect everybody to adopt their values and their culture even when it is not to minorities’ benefit. What it is really about is racist white liberals virtue signaling and stroking their egos at the expense of the very people they claim to care about.

11/25/24 – Uncle Tom has a lot to say. This is the same person who discarded the religious black community that helped him become successful and in full expression of the internalization of self-loathing that was instilled in him by the racist white liberals married a white woman and adopted white liberal culture.

11/25/24 – The racist white liberals don’t understand humility or pluralism. All they understand is themselves. They live in an echo chamber of self-glorification and self-love.

11/25/24 – This is all good advice, but the cultural imperialists, also known as the racist white liberals, don’t think they have anything to learn from anybody. They already know everything. They already have all the answers. Everything is rational. Everything has been answered by science, with nice, clear answers that they can copy from each other’s tweets to signal their intellectual, social and moral superiority. There are no unanswerable questions. They have all been answered by their white gods: themselves, with their precious white skin, and, of course, science.
All that is left is to realize their cultural hegemony, to indoctrinate and dominate everybody else, especially the nonwhite people in the world who have different ways of being, different cultures, social norms, and beliefs. This applies to Egypt, China, India, the Middle East, and smaller indigenous groups throughout the world, ancient civilizations with long-standing religious and spiritual traditions.
Among all of these religious/ethnic groups and civilizations, the racist white liberals are most determined to dominate one group with their cultural hegemony – the Jewish people who have grappled with these questions arguably as long as or longer than any other religious/ethnic group in the world and whose legacy in this regard is indisputable and extensive. This is part of the reason why the bigoted white liberals have a particular hatred of the Jewish people, in addition to, of course, the jealousy of the Jewish people’s success, which in part is due to the benefits of their religion and the hard, often unanswerable, questions it has asked them to ponder for millennia.
Three Ways to Become a Deeper Thinker

11/24/24 – We don’t want or need the left to save us with their cultural hegemony, and we don’t want or need the right to save us with their wannabe dictator. We don’t want or need a savior or a king of this world. We already have one of another world, Jesus Christ. Double Happy Sunday!

11/24/24 – Remember: They believe in science, science, science…. Well, science is observation. It’s not there.

11/24/24 – The most racist people in the world today are white liberals, the white saviors who need to save nonwhite people from themselves. They need to show the rest of the world what cultural values to have, how to raise their children and run their schools, basically do anything and everything, because they know everything. They are superior, after all. They are so much better than the antiquated black, brown, yellow, whatever people with their outdated ways of being, their stupid traditions, their value for religion and basic social mores, such as respectful, dignified conduct, and their appreciation for their ancestors. We should all be revering the white saviors – the liberal, superior white gods. The only glaring problem is that the proof is in the pudding, and the proof is not there. Their children behave much worse on almost every metric than the nonwhite children in all other parts of the world or the ones who maintain traditional parenting and culture while living in the west. Hard truth. Happy Sunday!

11/23/24 – When Europeans, not exactly a bastion of conservatism, say that Americans are too permissive (and they have), you might want to listen. Many of their policies are more conservative than American policies. Liberal Americans are just not aware of it, and the pseudo-intellectual quacks and hacks in the liberal American media refuse to bear any responsibility for the perverse culture that they have created.

11/23/24 – On a linguistic note, the Romance languages also have two forms of “you,” one formal and for adults or people you don’t know, and one informal and for children or people you know. American parenting and, more generally, the culture is garbage, and it needs to be fixed.

11/23/24 – The first on the “DOGE” chopping block should be the entire DNI.

11/23/24 – This is all true, but let’s focus on this statement: “He wears down our standards to the point where vulgarity and crudeness and criminality and incompetence all just become part of our daily life.” You know who else has done this? The left. Remember way back when in the 1980s, when the actual conservatives, who are practically nonexistent anymore, would take issue with vulgarity, crudeness, criminality and incompetence? The left said they were societal progress and cool. They popularized them in the culture and mocked the religious right for being prudish and old-fashioned.
Look at the music. It went from Michael Jackson and Prince to all kinds of foul language, violence and misogyny in hip hop. It’s really cool, right? It made gang violence and mistreating women cool.
Some parents’ kids call them by their first name or, as heard recently, “dude.” This might seem trivial by comparison, but it’s not. It’s undermining an authority structure that even Europeans observe.
Many years ago when I lived in France, I saw a young boy, around eight-years-old, keeping open the door to the apartment building I was living in. In his other hand, he was holding a jug of milk that his mom had likely asked him to buy from the corner store. When I got to the door, he said with perfect Parisian politesse, “Bonjour Madame.” I replied with “Bonjour, merci beaucoup.” Do you remember the last time you saw an American child behave with this level of formality and decorum?
It’s not just France. You can find children behaving this way everywhere in the world – except the United States of America. American Exceptionalism. In schools, they call you, “bro,” or “teach,” or, on a fun day, maybe “b—t”. This is kids being kids, right? It’s cool. It’s progress. Watch the movie “Kids” or read the book, “Lord of the Flies.” The reason you maintain boundaries and authority with kids is because they need it, and society needs it.
Regarding incompetence, see the post below on the elite scam institutions and their fraudulent professors. So, it’s quite easy to blame a certain person, MAGA, or whatever on the right, but really, this started with the left, and it’s degradation of societal norms from the 1960s until the present.
What Pete Hegseth’s Nomination Is Really About

11/21/24 – It’s hard to say if a certain person’s policies will be more recessionary or inflationary. If they are more recessionary, to the degree that unemployment rises enough, the Fed will have to cut rates. If they are more inflationary, the Fed will have to raise rates. They could end up being both, which would be exactly what the American people voted for. Happy Thursday!

11/19/24 – The elites: they are all so smart and superior. You silly plebs with your honest day’s work, you nobodies with your nobody jobs that actually make a difference in the world, if only in small ways, just don’t understand their brilliant scientific minds and papers, how very important they are, and of course, how morally superior they are. They also have pedigree. You have, well, nothing. It’s quite sad for you. Silly little people with your community college or state university degrees from nowhere. They have Wharton or other fancy schools.
For the record, there have been many of these articles and often no repercussions to the “researchers,” the very important people with pedigree and prestigious positions. It’s also a rampant problem throughout academia that remains under-reported. Why, you might ask, are there no repercussions? Because the elites, whether it’s a certain person who intends to become an autocrat or liberal academic frauds, are con-men and con-women, and the institutions are a scam. That’s why.
Let’s close on an optimistic note, shall we.
“Maybe the situation in her field would eventually improve, she said. ‘The optimistic point is, in the long arc of things, we’ll self-correct, even if we have no incentive to retract or take responsibility.’
‘Do you believe that?’ I asked.
‘On my optimistic days, I believe it.’
‘Is today an optimistic day?’
‘Not really.’”
The Business-School Scandal That Just Keeps Getting Bigger

11/18/24 – It isn’t just Japan that has “conservative,” what is actually just normal, family values and educational structures. It’s all of Asia, including all of India. It’s all of Africa. It’s all of the Middle East (where both sexes can go to school). To a somewhat lesser extent, it’s Latin America. Even Europe and the rest of the New World is more normal – with one notable exception, the United States of America. American Exceptionalism.
In every single one of these areas, Asia, Africa and the Middle East, children are expected to contribute to their families and their society. They also don’t end up with entitled, disrespectful crap heads because they know how to raise their children.
In a lot of countries, one’s personal fulfillment is much less important than maintaining one’s family’s respectability. Is this old-fashioned? OK, we’ll be old-fashioned then. Our ancestors sacrificed for us. We will sacrifice for them.
Instruments of a Beating Heart

11/18/24 – What liberals who claim to be so open-minded yet don’t seem to understand anybody else but other liberals who think like they do don’t understand is that their way of viewing children’s behavior does not match the vast majority of the world. They view their kids’ disrespect as “autonomy” and “curiosity” or some s—t like that, generally positively or at least neutrally. The rest of the world views it correctly, negatively, as disrespectful and shameful, and they do not tolerate it. In many countries, parents are also judged negatively when their kids behave like that. The society views it as parental failure because it usually is. If liberals can’t understand this, what can they understand?

11/18/24 – Exactly. Liberal media bias is hurting Democrats and the liberal media. It’s bizarre that they continue down this path.
Liberal media bias is hurting Democrats. Really

11/18/24 – Can conservatives fix this situation regarding families and schools because liberals are not going to do anything that’s helpful? In fact, everything they do seems harmful. There is a vaping and drug crisis playing out in rural and urban schools. It’s beyond any partisan divide, and it desperately needs attention and to be fixed.

11/18/24 – Without a doubt, conservatives are better at raising families and managing schools. Although many of them lack the same challenges and difficulties that public schools face, which are considerable, the parochial schools do a much better job getting students to behave better because they are not afraid to discipline. American conservatives are also much better at raising their children for the same reason. However, other more conservative countries are still better at raising children than American conservatives. If all we were voting on were these two issues, we would vote conservative every time. We don’t like the liberal weirdness. The kids run the show. The parents do nothing resembling parenting, and the schools can’t control their students.

11/18/24 – Although we’re sick of reading post-mortems, this was a very good analysis. From what we can tell, neither the dumb Democrats nor the obtuse and dysfunctional media are learning anything. Instead of addressing their disintegrated “coalition,” which was never as solid as they assumed, the Democrats seem to just be hoping that a certain person’s administration and governance will be so bad that they can win back the White House. Two points: the first for the Dems, and the second for the media. 1. That’s not a good strategy, and even after his stupid childless cat lady comments, Vance is impressive – even to Democratic voters. 2. People are sick of following politics, especially a certain person, and they are checking out. Happy Monday!
The Democrats weren’t stupid or crazy — just wrong

11/17/24 – Resilience is a posture to the world that says, no matter what you throw at me, world, I have enough adaptability, positivity and determination to turn it to my advantage. Bad things will happen. More often than not, you can’t control them. So instead of living in a state of anxiety or fear about what will happen next, what shoe will fall next, know certain things about yourself. Build up that level of confidence in yourself by practicing resilience. It is a skill like anything else. Nothing is more helpful to me than my faith. I love God, and I know that God loves me. Because of God’s infinite love and grace, we can overcome anything, even death itself. Just know this. Do not be afraid. God loves you.

11/17/24 – American parenting is the worst parenting in the world. Fix it. Happy Sunday!

11/16/24 – In addition to the good and the bad habits we talked about below that parents model for their children, which are, generally speaking, the single most important factor for any child’s development, we would like to address the points made in this Atlantic article from 2016. First though, let’s talk about the pandemic. It is a convenient scapegoat to blame teachers’ unions for keeping schools closed too long. In retrospect, they could have opened earlier, and they should have. But a more important question, and from what we can tell, one that has not been asked is: What happened at home?
When children came back from the pandemic lockdown, their social emotional learning was really negatively impacted, arguably more so than their intellectual development. It should never be the case that when children spend more time with their parents, they are terribly impacted in this way. One could look at this from the opposite perspective and argue that the pandemic was a bonding opportunity for parents and children that they normally do not get.
However, instead of happy, well-adjusted children, they came back to school totally wild, even more ill-behaved and disrespectful than they normally are. In general, public schools were not and are still not as important a factor to children’s development as their own families, which is even truer in less developed parts of the world. Yet you do not see this terrible self-regulation with children in many other parts of the world, with greater levels of trauma and poverty, nor would you have seen it in earlier periods in American history, which were also periods of greater trauma and poverty.
This point deserves assertion: Parents are responsible for proper parenting – not teachers. This is the foundation of a child’s development. Parents need to take this responsibility seriously and behave accordingly. Although some political players, especially on the right, are eager to blame teachers, the pandemic was actually a referendum on American parents. When their children came back to school wild, it was as if they hadn’t gotten any developmental direction during that time, meaning they didn’t get any direction from their own parents.
It is also inconsistent to complain about public schools, but when kids are not going to them, such supposedly terrible places that they are, and are instead spending more time at home, somehow they were worse off. Are parents unable or unwilling to provide constructive feedback on their children’s behavior? Are parents incapable of creating social activities for their children? Do they not belong to religious institutions or other social institutions that can provide needed structure and socialization for their children? Not only would this have served as a substitute during the pandemic, but they should be providing this at all times since it is necessary for children’s development, not to mention the parents’ own well-being. (In a forthcoming post, we will elaborate on this point.)
To return to the article, most students who have studied psychology, myself included, are familiar with the punishment/reinforcement matrix to which the article refers. Our criminal justice system is the most prominent example of punishment, less obvious is schools. Ultimately, any good school, like any good parent, finds a balance between accountability and compassion.
Instead of punishment, we would like to see a more holistic approach to accountability. We don’t believe in lowering standards and allowing students to flout rules in the name of compassion. White liberals can be particularly guilty of this. White saviorism doesn’t benefit anybody but the white savior who wants to feel good about themselves. Simply put: if it’s not in the long-term interests of the student, it’s not compassion. It’s laziness and an abdication of one’s professional responsibilities.
This work falls primarily under the purview of education and psychology, and economically driven approaches are not helpful. They can even be harmful. Prosocial behaviors are strongest and most stable when they have been internalized. Economic incentives prevent this outcome as it is an external incentive. As the article points out, students need intrinsic motivations.
There needs to be a major cultural shift in how we view children and students:
1. Parents must be held accountable as the primary influence in their children’s lives. They are not their children’s friends. They are their parents. Schools need to provide support in the form of external resources and in-school events and activities to help them feel a greater sense of connection to their children’s academic lives.
2. Nobody develops in a vacuum, and we need to have a more community-oriented approach to helping young people develop. They need to have other connections in their communities, whether secular or religious, that aren’t about sports or similar activities but about promoting a sense of belonging, contribution and connection.
3. Schools need to assume that students have difficulties outside of their classrooms because they invariably do. It’s just a matter of degree. We need community schools that can help students develop holistically either by providing the other services in-house or by directing students to external resources. Related to this, schools and their staff need to be alert to abuse or neglect, which students often try to hide or are reluctant to share.
4. Schools need to make restorative practices a core and standard part of helping students develop what the article refers to as noncognitive skills. Although it would be helpful for teachers to have a background in restorative practices, in general, it is too hard for teachers to carve out this time in their classes. It should also be provided by professionals who are trained in psychology or social work and in these practices. Again, a sense of connection is important for students (and people more generally).
5. Don’t focus on test scores or grades. You’re reducing students to a number. Focus on helping them develop all of the critical skills they need to succeed and live a happy, productive life.
6. It is unlikely that there is only one best pedagogical approach. Instruction needs to be tailored to the cohort and the individual student where possible. Approaches should be varied as students need to be able to both work well with others and independently. Test-taking is done individually, and they need to work on this skill as well. Also, if students go on to college, lectures are a standard part of instruction, and they need to get used to listening attentively and taking notes for extended periods of time. Students also need time dedicated to intellectual processes without simultaneous social and emotional processes. Over time and with enough practice, the intellectual processes will feel less isolating and more liberating. You get to take a break from people and go into your own intellectual world that you control. Basically, keep the pedagogical approaches diverse and balanced.
7. All of this can be a hard process, and students might not like it or you sometimes or much of the time. You are not there to be their friend. You are there to help them, and often that will mean not saying or doing what they want. This is not about you, your feelings or how you feel about yourself. It’s about them. Be consistent. Be fair. Do your job!
How Kids Learn Resilience

11/15/24 – Does it seem to anyone else that by his national security nominations the evil one is planning to conspire with Russia to invade our country and enslave our people?

11/14/2024 – Social media is cocaine. Social media on your cellphone is crack. You have to change your relationship with your phone and end your relationship with social media. No ifs. No buts. No excuses. It is harming you, and if you have children, your children. Period.

11/14/24 – Let’s talk a little more about productive activities by talking about bad habits. We would argue that the single best thing you could do to improve the quality of your life is to eliminate your bad habit(s). For many people, it’s going to be an unhealthy relationship with their phone and/or social media. As we mentioned, we don’t use social media. Therefore, we don’t have it nor have we ever had it on our phones. That would be like choosing to try crack.
There are other bad habits: Eating unhealthy food or too much food. Playing video games or watching more than an average of one hour of TV, movies or sports per day in any given week, any amount of porn, any amount of substance abuse of any kind, including weed. (Yes, it’s a bad drug and a bad habit.) The occasional drink is fine, but anything more than that is not. If you can’t stop for yourself, do it for your children.
The single best way to help your children improve in all aspects of their lives, academically, socially, and emotionally, is to never expose them to any of these bad habits. Instead of having your children contact you on your cellphone, have them call your place of work or your home line. This will also allow your own brain to focus on productive activities without worrying about people, especially your children, not being able to get a hold of you.
I tell people that I am not a phone person because the expectation is that everyone is always on their phone. Well, I am not, so I now have to tell people something I never had to tell them before. People sometimes get irritated with me for not checking my phone. Although I apologize to keep the peace, frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn. There has yet to be an instance when whatever they desperately needed to get a hold of me about couldn’t just wait. I find being tethered to a phone very annoying. I can also concentrate for hours on end, day after day, often without being aware of it. It’s a good habit. The bad habit and the good habit are opposite sides of the same coin.
When I was growing up, my mom would watch several hours of TV, presumably to relax. I didn’t care for this. I viewed it as a waste of time and a bad habit, and lucky for me, I didn’t pick it up then or later in life. To this day, one of the things I dislike is feeling like I’m wasting my time. It’s my life, after all. Looking back, I was likely an exception. Many, if not most, kids pick up their parents’ bad habits or some related version of them.
Why don’t you observe yourselves for a week and record your activities and routines? When you do this carefully enough, you might notice something beyond the ridiculous amount of time wasted. You might notice that when you engage in these bad habits, it negatively impacts your own intellectual, social and emotional processes.
For children, this impact will be magnified and more damaging, especially on a long-term basis, because of their stage of human development. In other words, the reason why your children might not be realizing their personal talents might have little to do with their abilities or their schools but their unwillingness or inability to regulate unproductive activities. With your own bad behavior, you’re likely damaging your children’s development in the near and potentially long term. It is hard truth and one that must be spoken.

11/12/24 – We all need to rest, reflect and have some silence. We’ll keep this brief. Firstly, rank-and-file Democrats and other Americans did all we could do. We were democracy in action. We should feel proud of ourselves for this. We are so proud of and thankful for you.
When you’re ready, consider continuing to engage with your fellow Americans in all of their diversity in respectful conversations. Also, consider volunteering more to help people in need no matter who they are. It’s rewarding, and you can make new relationships.
Also, consider breaking habits that aren’t productive. We don’t do social media. To us, it has almost no benefits. Personally, I keep my life very simple. I love my profession. I take it seriously and find it rewarding. I like helping people. I enjoy spending time with different people, but also time by myself. I need a lot of time to myself. I love my spiritual life, nature, reading, gardening, the arts and many other things, more than I have time for. Consider making a simple list of the things that bring you joy and spend time on them instead of on bad habits or unhealthy activities.
Lastly, unlike the last time, we’re not giving the carnival and the carnival barker our lives or our joy. If he scares us too much or is too chaotic, we’ll check out, and the people who voted for him can deal with it. We’re going to hold them accountable. We’re also not going to let him dominate our otherwise lovely lives. Life’s too short for that.
But first, just rest and enjoy our beautiful planet. Continue being your lovely, happy selves. God bless you.

11/10/24 – Let’s take a break from politics and talk about something more important. In the midst of this exhausting and stressful week, I had a revelation that was uplifting at a moment when I really needed it. As an immigrant, I have had to adapt my entire life, and after practicing and practicing this skill, I realized that I had actually gotten somewhere. The one thing I really wanted to be able to do was feel entirely comfortable with a wide range of people. I wanted to feel that I could be myself, but also enjoy others’ company as they are. This week, I realized that I had achieved this goal. It felt like a personal triumph.
When I travel to other parts of our own country or to other countries, nothing makes me happier than when people invite me into their lives as they are: to share their food and drink, their culture, their values, their language, themselves as they are. This means I have to receive them without judgment and with the intention of genuine connection. I have to be myself, because nobody likes phonies, but also receive them as themselves. This can be challenging, and it’s not without conflict, but it’s always worth it.
I remember going to Italy several years ago and marveling that the Italians would continue speaking to me in Italian, a language I did not know at all at the time, simply because I was actually trying to respond to them in Italian. (I was basically speaking French with an Italian accent and changing some of the words to Italian if I knew them. Full disclosure: I have long had a fondness for Italy.)
I encourage everyone, no matter their identity or political affiliation, to set aside the politics and yourselves for a while. Instead, go into the world in this posture of: I want to understand you as you are. You will learn so much about others, about yourself, and it will be the richest possible experience you can have with your fellow human beings. When you couple this with a love of nature, you will understand God’s creation in its diversity, its complexity, and its infinite reward. Happy Sunday!

11/9/24 – To Democrats and other fellow Americans who supported Harris Walz, this was a hard loss. Many people worked hard for them. They gave of their time, talent and treasure, and they feel sad and disappointed. It is perfectly fine to feel what you feel. Personally, I’ve been following or involved in politics for a long time, and I’m a bit battle-hardened. I knew this outcome had real potential, and my personality is naturally strict with myself. I don’t really like dwelling on negative things, especially outcomes that were, in many respects, beyond my control. But many people need time to process their feelings. Please do so. Take time to spend with your loved ones, in nature, in simple pleasures, in your places of worship, etc. God loves us. We’ll be fine – no matter what. Just know that.
We also want to thank you for your grace and your dignity. We were naturally sad and disappointed, but we didn’t do what the other side did in 2020. We didn’t embarrass our country by rejecting the loss. Their election denial was a disgrace to the greatness of our nation and our democracy. In keeping with our tradition, we accepted it. Yes, we are frustrated and angry, many of us at the Democratic Party and others within it. However, this is a form of self-reflection and accountability. We can and should use this loss as an opportunity to grow, personally and as a country. Hold your head high because in the way you carried yourselves at a low point in our history, you showed some of our greatest strengths as a nation. You reminded the world to never discount our country. In the way you handled this loss, you sent a clear message to the world. Despite our individual and collective flaws, our people remain some of the finest in the world.

11/9/24 – There are well-governed blue states, and if you are lucky enough to live in one, it’s quite nice. However, New York State is not one of them. The corruption within its Democratic Party and its seeming inability to deliver for its people is a disgrace.
Democrats Deserved to Lose

11/9/24 – “Moments after North Carolina was called for Trump, Reid diagnosed what went wrong for Harris: White women, she said, didn’t come through; it was ‘the second opportunity that white women in this country have to change the way that they interact with the patriarchy,’ and they had failed the test again. On X, commentators immediately jumped on the blame-white-women bandwagon, as if it was an evergreen obituary they all had on file, ready to post within a moment’s notice.”
Do you know how many – white women – liberal, Democrats, in blue states have privately said to us that the “woke” people have lost their minds. That’s correct. They have protected their children from the “wokeness” because they want what is best for them, and the “woke” people were not offering that. These are people who are genuinely kind, compassionate, and inclusive, but they see this bulls—t for what it is. It is not about the people who these phony “progressives” are pretending to care about. It’s about the phonies themselves: their egos, their images and their own advancement.
We love our black sisters. Of course, there is sexism and racism, but the outcome of this race wasn’t ultimately about that. Don’t blame this loss on things that aren’t the main reason, especially when it damages your relationship with our compatriots. It’s not fair to them. You have to let that go, or you’re going to alienate people who are your friends and allies. We get it. You’re hurt and angry. People will show you grace because they are kind and understanding of the situation, but for your own relationships and mental health, try to manage those feelings in healthy and productive ways. Go hang out with some of your white friends, men and women. Nothing dispels irrational feelings like the rationality of love.
What the Left Keeps Getting Wrong

11/9/24 – Speaking of credibility, this is also true. It doesn’t just apply to the Democratic Party. It was insulting to the American people, who kept telling, in poll after poll, what it had accurately assessed about Biden and his decline, to be told that they were wrong, to shut up and fall in line with this nomination. (Remember our posts about Jennifer Rubin, and this bulls—t she was peddling. The media was also covering up for him.) They treated us like we are required to support him when we thought (and correctly so) that we live in a democracy. (See the middle finger the American people just gave the Democratic Party.) In some ways, Biden also effectively refused to leave office, as he clung to power even though he was incapable of governing.
Although we want to show people grace and be respectful of Biden’s years of service to our country and his humanity, it’s absurd to suggest to us that he would have won this election. He would have lost in even more catastrophic fashion. To the Biden people, please do STFU about this. It’s disgraceful, and you’re embarrassing yourselves.
It’s also appallingly insulting and morally wrong to have the Biden family, who by many accounts are too fixated on themselves, both Jill Biden (get over yourself) and Hunter Biden (get help), with strong narcissistic streaks and immoral tendencies, and whoever else in the administration run our country from behind the scenes. The progressives who took advantage of Biden’s senility to push through their agenda that the voters rejected are also complicit in this corruption of our democracy.
Also note these people’s hypocrisy because this was one of the same things that voters took issue with when a certain person was in power. This time around it’s even worse as Elon Musk is going to be inaugurated in a few months. We seem to be living through a bizarre period in American history where there is some front man who wins the presidential elections, but it’s not really the same person who’s governing. Instead, it’s some carnival of God knows who and why.
Trying to protect Biden, Democrats sacrificed their credibility

11/9/24 – NPR is still bad. Some other sites are improving, but there is still a long way to go. Much of the media is biased, and it needs to do a much better job of seeing and reporting things as they are. It didn’t report the truth about Biden’s decline. We have not forgotten that. We have not forgotten anything. Please stop treating the American people like we’re stupid because we don’t have your worthless “pedigree.” The media has to contend with these hard truths if it has any hope of repairing its relationship and credibility with the American people.

11/8/24 – The press needs to better educate itself. This is not a sustainable situation.

11/8/24 – No offense, but especially the opinion writers for the press can live in a liberal bubble within a liberal bubble. It’s like a Russian doll, and they can end up so insulated from the real world that it’s a little perplexing if not scary. These people also have a platform to broadcast this stuff. Look at how terribly wrong Jennifer Rubin has been, and yet people actually read her wrong ideas…. They are not necessarily bad people. They mean well. But if you’re consistently wrong, you’re consistently wrong. In part, they’re often wrong because they don’t seem to know or understand the world as it is.
Regarding the post below, India is a good example because it’s one of the oldest civilizations in the world, but there are many others. Even after all the centuries of colonization, India is so old that British rule was effectively a drop in the bucket of time. The ancientness that you see in these current images are not unique to Hinduism. It cuts across all of India’s many religions, and it’s part of its people, culture and history.
Look at the Middle East, Africa, Asia or even many parts of Latin America. They are not interested in losing their ancientness. It’s part of their national pride and identity. Many parts of the world also have no interest in being like European (or American) culture. They will take economic and quality of life advancements, and that’s it. They have civilizations that predate European civilization, and they want to preserve their traditions and identity.
PS For people who don’t understand religions, prostrating yourself is very common. Priests in the Catholic Church do it to this day on Good Friday. There is nothing weird about it. It’s an act of humility and reverence.
Tens of thousands of Hindu devotees flock to rivers for prayers to the sun god

11/8/24 – Dana Milbank, opinion writer with The Washington Post, writes, “Yes, progressives and Democrats will, over time, need to rethink their strategy for the future, in particular the belief that demographics, and the increasingly multiracial composition of America, would inevitably favor them. [If they have any sense at all, they will do this.] Latinos in particular appear to be following the Irish, Italians and other immigrant groups in becoming part of the dominant “White” culture. [Huh, what!] Democrats will need to find new ways to appeal to men, and they will need to reclaim their populism, somehow heisted by a billionaire who has given huge tax breaks to the rich. [If they have any sense at all, they will do this.]”
With respect, what is he talking about with this: “Latinos in particular appear to be following the Irish, Italians and other immigrant groups in becoming part of the dominant ‘White’ culture”? In what world is he living because it’s not in this one. Dana Milbank is not a bad person, but it’s these kinds of comments that make the rest of us go: they really don’t know anything about the world or its people.
Look at the world. Do you understand what an aberration “white culture” is? Other people do not act like or have the values that white people have. Conservative white people are in the minority in white dominant countries. The “dominant ‘White’ culture” is liberal! Go to Europe, and tell us what you see. This is part of the backlash that you’re seeing. Within the progressive movement, the part that appealed to both liberal and conservative Americans was not the cultural parts, it was the economic policies – to some degree. (Most Americans don’t want socialism.) The cultural part was off-putting in many respects to many people.
As a nonwhite immigrant myself, who comes from a conservative and traditional culture, his comment made no sense at all. We aren’t adopting the “dominant ‘White’ culture.” We are doing the opposite. We are rejecting it. We are remaining true to whatever extent to our own culture. It is what is infusing the dominant liberal white culture with conservatism, holding all else equal, meaning white, conservative Americans constant. Come on people, look at this thing objectively.
PS Rest and recovery should be a standard part of one’s life. It is not only necessary doing particularly stressful periods.
Retreat is not an option

11/8/24 – Although no American elected him to anything, we’d like to congratulate our new President and Vice President, Elon Musk and Elon Musk. America got double the Elon for zero the vote.

11/7/24 – In case you haven’t noticed, we don’t like wasting our time on things that aren’t worth our time. Don’t waste your time on: “who are we?” and all of that s—t. Don’t give this more than it deserves. The thing about politics is that almost always the psychology is more important than the policies. This is just how human beings are. Look at all of our previous posts about what is rational and irrational, etc. Human beings are complicated, as God designed us to be. We are way more complicated than animals, and it is not about our “intelligence,” however that’s defined.
As it relates to this election:
1. People – even well-educated people – don’t understand economics. We said this before. It’s just the way it is.
2. This was always going to be a tough election to win no matter the Democratic ticket because it was going to be against a demagogue, who already had a committed base of support. As we said way back when, Shapiro Whitmer would likely have been the strongest ticket because they are both governors from battleground states. However, winning would not have been guaranteed even with that ticket. It was always going to be hard. So, unless you’re a campaign strategist and this is your job, stop neurotically reconsidering the ticket or the campaign strategy. It’s a counterfactual, and it’s a moot point.
3. If you want to spend your time and energy somewhere, this is where to do so. Democrats insulted the voters because they didn’t listen to them. The elites insulted the voters because they didn’t listen to them. Americans are generally more conservative than Europeans; however, our institutions and our policies have become more liberal than Europe’s in many respects. This is untenable in a democracy. You have to reflect where the people are. Instead, liberals are trying to force their way of thinking and being in the world on people who keep rejecting it. We are a free people. That’s unacceptable to us. This is the hard truth that liberals need to accept, and if they have a kernel of intelligence and integrity, they will fix their party and the way they engage with the American people. (I, personally, will be remaining an Independent. I felt insulted because I was. I wanted a competitive primary. Instead, I got a bunch of arrogant, pseudo-intellectual quacks and hacks telling me what’s best for me and our country. That did not go over well.)
4. Although we agree with many frustrations that our fellow Americans feel, their approach to righting the ship is dangerous and morally wrong. It will backfire on them. It is not our responsibility to act as their protection once they’ve made their decision. We did have a duty to warn them. We fulfilled it. They need to own their decisions, and they will need to fix this mistake once it blows up in their faces.
In summary, stop brooding on the past. It’s done. Focus on protecting yourselves. Make a plan. And if you’re invested in the Democratic Party and elite institutions, they need major reform.

11/7/24 – Make a plan. Resistance is relocating. We warned them. They made their decision. They need to lie or die in the bed they made. Personal accountability is very important, or people don’t learn anything.

11/6/24 – We are surprised by the popular vote, but then again, the polls were misleading and unhelpful.

11/6/24 – To the brilliant people saying the Harris Walz campaign shouldn’t have told voters that a certain evil person is a fascist. Campaign strategy is not our thing. We are in the business of telling the truth as we see it, and that is the truth. We have a moral obligation to warn people of where things are heading. We care about all of our fellow Americans, and we are not going to withhold highly important information for some cynical political calculation. The Democratic Party made numerous mistakes, and once decisions have been made, you have to make the best of them to try to win the election against someone who is entirely unfit for the presidency. There are limits to this though. One of those red lines is withholding information about the dangers the other candidate poses. If the correct campaign strategy were to withhold this information, we still would have focused on it. Also, others can dissect the data, but from the exit polls, that message (protecting democracy) turned out her voters. It just wasn’t enough to convince the other voters who prioritized other things. You could sense that the Democrats were losing this battle, especially with certain segments of the electorate, if you paid any attention to voter sentiment, which the Democratic Party is really good at not doing.

11/6/24 – By the way, if your takeaway from this is, we really should have pandered more to progressives, you really are f—king stupid, and there is no help for you or the Democratic Party. I became an Independent because it refused to have any form of primary, effectively giving its voters the middle finger. Well, the country has given the Democratic Party the middle finger now, hasn’t it.

11/6/24 – This was a foolish decision for those who voted for a certain evil person. However, the Democratic Party and the liberals were not listening to the people. We told you this numerous times, in numerous ways. When moderates and centrists are telling you that your policies are liberal excess and that you should have a primary, and things like that, you really should listen. In any case, you might want to create a plan to leave. It will get that bad…. Or you can stay and fight. It’s obviously a personal choice. Don’t feel bad. You did what you could. The country might not make it, but God is always with us wherever we end up. God loves you. Keep the faith.

11/6/24 – Remember this article. It came out yesterday morning. It infuriated us, but we didn’t have a chance to respond to it, this line in particular: “Then there was the crowd demanding an ‘open process’ to pick the nominee once Biden stepped down. The idea was daft from the start.” We were one of the “daft” ones. We’re not going to say anything more about it because that would be cruel. It is what it is.
Ignoring bad advice is a key to winning

11/5/24 – The Democrats will likely lose the presidential race. It was going to be a very tough election for them to win no matter the ticket, but their original sin was to not have an actual competitive primary and also to allow the progressive wing to have as much influence as it did. Please tell us how daft we are. Good night.

11/5/24 – We’re ready for this election to wrap up. Everybody is exhausted and stressed out. To everyone who did anything to help Harris Walz, thank you! To the people who did a lot, thank you very much! No matter the outcome, we can all hold our heads high. We did what we could, and we did our best. We want to thank, in particular, Kamala Harris. She was put in a tough spot. She worked hard, which is all we could ask. We are proud of her. She is a patriot. Anybody who voted for Harris Walz, on this point, is also a patriot. Let’s pray that God saves us from the evil one. God’s will be done.

11/4/24 – On this eve before election day, our closing argument is this. Sacrifice is sacred. Self-sabotage is stupid. We also understand that there are those who think if they vote for a certain person, they will “own the libs.” We ask you to reconsider the wisdom and the virtue of this goal, and the projection of events to come. Many liberals are well-educated, highly skilled people who can find work elsewhere or withhold their labor or taxes and bring the country to its knees. You only have to look at the brain drain that has occurred throughout the world as their best and brightest fled authoritarian regimes. However, if you’re poorly educated, as much of MAGA is, by definition, you’re more vulnerable to macroeconomic developments, and a certain evil person, who you likely intend to vote for, is more able to enslave you. You might think you’re voting to “own the libs,” when in reality, you’re voting to be owned. For this act of betrayal to your fellow Americans, to our country and to yourselves, you’ll have no one to blame but yourselves. We did our duty as your fellow Americans, and we told you the truth. You were warned.

11/4/24 – To all of the supporters and voters of a certain evil person, we care about you, and we did everything we could to help you see the light. You own your decision for the rest of your lives. Here are a few more articles that you can read and/or listen to and, if you haven’t voted already, we hope will convince you to vote for Harris Walz. They are from people who love our country, and who care about it and all Americans – including you.
Let’s not pretend Democrats don’t engage in culture war issues. They do, and it detracts from the economic issues on which their sense of morality is generally clear and correct. Wealthy Democrats are more likely to vote for higher taxes on higher income earners than Republicans of any class. Why would these Democrats do this, especially when some of their taxes go to the very people who want to “own the libs”? Because they value a society that takes care of its people.
America’s Class Politics Have Turned Upside Down
Why are our brave and patriotic members of the military, who risk their lives to protect us, not suckers and losers, as a certain evil person thinks of them? Because they value a society that protects its people.
Trump: ‘I Need the Kind of Generals That Hitler Had’
Why are many conservatives unwilling to vote for a certain evil person, who has violated many if not all of their core tenets, and are even willing to vote for the presidential candidate of the opposing party? Because they value country over party.
How to Prevent the Worst from Happening
Sacrifice is sacred. Character takes on many forms, and a country is only as good as the character of its people.

11/3/24 – Democracy
They say democracy dies in darkness
Doublespeak with forked tongues in ancient rhymes
Beats into the hearts of misguided men
Foreign flags raised high, house roofbeams brought low
With broken glass, in hallowed halls there lies
Democracy defiled in broad daylight
From Cain and Abel to the end of time
Man cannot govern without divine light.

11/3/24 – The Second Coming

11/2/24 – Fascism
Turning and turning in the widening chasm
Americans cannot hear Americans
Things fall apart; the center cannot hold
Mere fascism is loosed upon the world
The flood of lies is loosed, and everywhere
The integrity of truth is drowned
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

11/2/24 – The American record continues: Clarence Thomas, traitor. Ginny Thomas, traitor. Samuel Alito, traitor.

11/2/24 – “Mr. Trump’s campaign rhetoric comes ever closer to a textbook definition of fascism, threatening to imprison political opponents and suggesting that unfriendly news outlets should have their broadcast licenses revoked. And as Ms. Cheney points out, the Supreme Court’s ruling earlier this summer that Mr. Trump is immune from criminal prosecution for certain official actions he took while in office may embolden him to test his powers further than he did in his first term.”
Why is the presidential election so close? Here are five reasons.

11/2/24 – Could someone calculate the bills that a certain evil person hasn’t paid? For example, what is the total that his campaign hasn’t paid to the cities in which he holds rallies? Understand what this is. It’s the security and other personnel, ordinary residents, who are not being paid for their labor. Let’s read this again: They are not being paid for their labor. It is a form of wage theft. Do you know why he feels that this is his right? Because a certain person has no value for human beings. He thinks of himself as a king, and he thinks of the rest of us as his peasants and subjects.

11/2/24 – Some supposedly widely cited meme from 2015: “‘I never thought leopards would eat MY face,’ sobs woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party.” Krugman says, “It’s hard to explain why this is perfect, but it is.” It is perfect, but it’s not hard to explain. It’s obvious. You just have to use your eyes, your ears and the thing that sits in your skull.
Leopards Are Telling You That They Will Eat YOUR Face

11/2/24 – Some more examples of self-sabotage. Reasons? See below. It’s the same reasons over and over and over again. When you don’t have your priorities in order, you’re f—ked. Please do have a nice day.
Revenge Voting Over Gaza Is a Mistake
Muslim American Support for Trump Is Self-Sabotage

11/1/24 – Save our democracy. We’ll fix everything else after that. We will. As God designed it, in the long-run, nature tends toward balance. Have some faith.

11/1/24 – Some more truths. “In the past, I might have written this essay asking fellow faithful Catholics to examine their consciences and figure out how we can best align our voting choices with our values, but instead, I will say only this: As a Catholic, I simply cannot in good conscience vote for Donald Trump…. According to the Guttmacher Institute, the annual number of abortions actually went up by 11 percent from 2020 to 2023, the first full year after Roe v. Wade was overturned. So rather than protecting the unborn, I would argue that this Supreme Court has done more to protect Mr. Trump.” Ouch. “Focusing on a person’s dignity and well-being through access to health care and education helps families thrive and has a trickle-down effect on the unborn. I call it ‘supply-side pro-life!’… This faith calls us to care for the marginalized and to uphold the dignity of every person. It calls us to work for a future that is rooted in love and justice. It calls us to insist on leadership that aligns with the values we hold sacred. While we are going to continue to advocate for the dignity of the unborn, let’s admit Ms. Harris has Catholic cred on other important issues. Advocating for policies that support working families, a big deal in Catholic social teaching? Check. Affordable health care? Check. Family leave? Yes, please. Her focus on environmental issues aligns nicely with Pope Francis’ call to care for our common home in ‘Laudato Si’. And on immigration, even though her primary campaign message on this has been cracking down on asylum claims, she’s been firm about providing humane policies and a pathway to citizenship, which the Catholic Church has long supported.”
Jeannie Gaffigan: Harris isn’t perfect. But as a Catholic and a mom, I cannot vote for Trump.

11/1/24 – The dominance of white liberals in the Democratic Party is ruining it. Those people are out there for many people, especially almost all minorities, not just black people, who are generally more socially conservative. Also, the simmering gender wars need to stop. It’s counterproductive. Men need women, and women need men. We have different strengths and weaknesses, and we complement each other as God designed it. The way to court men, black, white, whoever, is simply to tell them the truth. They have value as men, and we need them as they are. The problem is that white liberals have lost touch with some fundamental aspects of reality and human beings, such as gender differences are real and also helpful as they are. Instead of the culture wars crap, which are often the luxuries of bored well-to-do white people who desperately need attention to be focused on their “fragility” while other people are genuinely struggling to survive, there should be more focus on “kitchen table” issues, such as economic policies tailored to poor and lower middle-class people of all races. This is a moral imperative. The culture wars are not.

11/1/24 – Let’s speak some truths, shall we. Let’s start with something simple – self-sabotage is stupid. Anybody who is not a favored kleptocrat and votes for a certain evil person is effectively engaging in an act of personal self-destruction, not to mention destruction of our democracy. This is obvious on its face since once you lose free and fair elections, you become an oppressed slave. So, they can all justify their votes with some mirage of, “He cares about people like me…,” or “I was better under…,” but they will regret that inaccurate assessment once they realize that they got conned. The only thing that really matters is that the evil one is, well, evil, a fascist and will destroy our democracy. Everything else is moot. That’s the truth, no matter its political resonance. Some truths that must be spoken might not register because people are too focused on stupid s—t, but they still need to be spoken. More examples of self-sabotage are to come.
Of Course Black Men Are Drifting Toward Trump

Notes from Underground – October 2024

10/31/24 – This Halloween’s best costume goes to the kleptocrats, such as a certain evil person and his evil partner in crime, Elon Musk, who are wearing as costumes the uniforms of ordinary Americans, to con them into thinking they are one of them. They are engaging in this disguise to steal this country’s riches that has been created by the ordinary people who they loathe. The trick is on any and all of their supporters or voters. Happy Halloween!

10/30/24 – Most people – even well-educated people – have a hard time understanding basic macroeconomics. Basic macroeconomics. A government’s budget is nothing like an individual’s or even a large corporation’s budget. If you’re voting for a certain person because of his business background, not only was he a failure at his businesses but that experience DOES NOT translate well to managing a country’s economy or finances.
What should be the most obvious is that a government has control over its money supply. This is part of what we call monetary policy. No individual or corporation has this power. The other important difference is that government spending is part of the GDP identity: GDP is Y = C + I + G + NX. It is a hugely important part of the health of our economy. You can see it in this graphic here.
Components of GDP: Explanation, Formula and Chart
Elon Musk is a degenerate on every level: personal, moral, intellectual. It is absurd that a know-nothing with a severe god complex – who the American people have not elected to any position of power – thinks he should determine how our country operates. If his plan is implemented, there will be a severe recession, and it will damage our economy – in the long-term, not just in the short-term.
He and a certain person – the evil one – want to enslave the American people. Just know this now before you cast your vote. These people are all plutocrats. If you think they care about ordinary Americans, you are dead wrong. They despise you. They think you are stupid lowlives. Get it? You vote for them, and you could be helping to prove them right….
Musk’s Plan to Cut $2 Trillion in U.S. Spending Could Bring Economic Turmoil

10/29/24 – So, this is what you do. You drive, fly or take a train to a swing state and door knock for Harris Walz. If you can’t do this, you get on the phone and make calls. Some people are dedicating serious time to this because it’s just that important. Enjoy being outside during the best time of the year and getting to know your fellow citizens. The American people are wonderful!

10/29/24 – So, this is what you do. You go to vote early. Why? Because there will be fewer people, and you can be as neurotic as you want. You fill in everything extra carefully, especially your identifying information and your signature. You get your ballot. Then, you carefully fill in your ballot. Stare at it. Did you select Harris Walz? Are you sure? Stare at it again. Is the oval filled in perfectly? (In some states, you can take a picture of your ballot.) This is worthy of your obsession, not the other things people are getting distracted by. Then, you fold it up. Then, you unfold it, and look at it one last time. Then, you bring it to the ballot counting machine and watch it go in. Verify on the screen that it was processed. Lastly, you proudly put on your “I voted early” sticker and feel really good about yourself because this was the most stressful election of your life. You did it! You just contributed in the most meaningful way possible to saving our democracy. Patriot.

10/28/24 – We’re not giving the world an accurate representation of our people. Americans are some of the nicest people in the world. In our day-to-day lives, they are kind, helpful, generous, and very polite. Even if they might not like you for whatever reason, they tend to be polite. Yet that’s not what the world sees. They are seeing MAGA’s anger, gun violence, hateful rhetoric, etc., all of the negative expressions without seeing the positive ones. This skews their perception of our people.
We are also considerably warmer than some other parts of the world, such as northern Europe. Even in the Midwest, where people tend to be reserved, or the South, where people tend to be polite over honest, they express themselves. This natural expression, even if it is in disagreement, is an expression of warmth. They trust you enough to tell you what they really think and feel. They trust you to not get (too) offended but to accept it as where they’re at. It’s a testament to the openness of our society and the exercise of our right to free speech. We need to make sure that the world sees us as we actually are, not as some angry, uncouth caricature. Those people are few and far between.

10/27/24 – Many Americans are frustrated with the illegal immigration situation. It needs to be addressed. The frustration seems to be that especially more recent immigrants are getting the benefits of residing in our country without contributing to it over long periods of time. We need to consider if we’re giving resources that could be going to our indigenous people or our black people who were descendants of slaves to these more recent immigrants, who are coming here illegally. Our indigenous people lost the most, and our black people gave the most. Also, there are poor white people who have not been able to climb up the ladder for whatever reason, and they have also contributed greatly to our country. All of our fellow Americans are worthy of our sympathy and help. In general, we need to address in a calm and compassionate way this sense of unfairness they feel that is not entirely wrong while still maintaining our values as a nation to other people and other countries. There is merit to MAGA’s and other Americans’ argument, and perhaps more importantly, we are not doing a good enough job of responding to their pain.

10/27/24 – Door knocking is the best part of politics. Truly. Most Americans – yes, even many MAGA – are just really nice people. You will likely have some unpleasant interactions. It just goes with the territory. If you teach, you know exactly how this goes. You reflect on it, and think next time, I’m going to try this or that and see if it works better. Or I’m going to pause and just be present with this human being where they’re at. It is impossible for every single interaction to go perfectly. You will make mistakes, but you will also learn so much about others – and yourself.

10/27/24 – Is it possible for us to keep our eyes on the prize for the next 10 days? We have to save our democracy from the fascist groomer. Who cares about endorsements? Certainly not the people who read them or don’t read them. Come on, people. Progressives, we need a broad coalition to win. Deal with it. Nobody cares about your feelings. We care about our democracy. Focus on the things that actually matter. Thank you, and Happy Sunday!

10/26/24 – Pennsylvania, people! Democrats need to focus on it more.

10/26/24 – Also, according to the Times/Siena poll, his unfavorability ratings went from +6 on October 6 to +2 on October 23. In two weeks, public opinion of the person everyone knows all too well, who is more awful than ever, supposedly improved 4 points in their poll. Really? Based on what? Or did they change their methodology?

10/26/24 – The small donor donations, volunteers and ground game, and the favorability ratings, according to 538, as of today, a certain person unfavorable +8.7 and Harris +1.4, don’t reconcile with him winning the popular vote, which he never won. It wasn’t even close. You have to look at the totality of evidence, and when it’s not reconciling and going against established trends, such as Republicans having a big disadvantage in the popular vote, reconsider the methodology.

10/26/24 – If your poll is showing that a certain person is leading in the popular vote, you need to check your methodology.

10/25/24 – To the people who claim that Kamala Harris lacks core convictions, with respect, please do STFU. She has spent much of her life fighting to protect innocent people from predators. That’s not just a core conviction but also part of her life’s work. That’s what she’s doing right now also. She’s what stands between a groomer and the rest of the country, between autocracy and democracy. What have you done? Does this core conviction translate well to the Americans who are so obsessed with their own personal inconveniences, such as a moderate level of inflation, that they are prioritizing it over saving our democracy and everything else? Apparently not. It is what it is, but stop pretending that this situation reflects some deep weakness for the Democratic presidential candidate. It doesn’t.

10/24/24 – The most dangerous and most blatant groomer in the country right now is a certain person. Think about what it means to condition someone to something. “[A certain person] condition[s] his followers to accept his Big Lie about the election.” He has “conditioned” them to accept any lie, no matter how outrageous. A certain person is a groomer, and unfortunately for MAGA and, frankly, for the rest of us, they have been groomed. Regarding the question: “Is there ever a moment when you’re remembering too much?” Regarding January 6, no. Never forget.
Trump and the January 6 Memory Hole

10/24/24 – We want all the men in our country to know something important – our country and the women in our country need you. We have always needed you. Among many other things, we need your strength, your protection, your toughness, your vulnerability, your kindness, and your solidarity. We also very much need you to help us save our democracy by voting for Harris Walz.
We don’t want you to be anybody else but yourselves. We want you to be men. (But don’t do the annoying things, though, you know…toilet seats and such. Nobody needs that.) So, whatever messages the extreme right propagandists and a certain person are sending you, just ignore them. Work with the women in our country to build a nation we all deserve to live in – one that values all people and treats all of them with dignity and kindness. Thank you for everything you do for us and our country. God bless you.

10/23/24 – For a potentially historic election like this, you might want to get some Harris Walz merch.

10/23/24 – This is not a forecast, and everyone Team Harris Walz needs to push until the end. However, the small donor money might be a decent proxy for votes, as James Carville mentioned in The New York Times and as The Washington Post reported. If people are engaged enough to donate, they are likely engaged enough to vote. Did anyone analyze the data from 2020 with this hypothesis? Perhaps compare with this year.

10/21/24 – Speaking of working-class chic, our families were not financially wealthy, but we were wealthy in other ways. Our parents made us home-cooked meals with whole ingredients almost every day, partly because they couldn’t afford to do otherwise, but also because it simply tastes better. This is a very good idea. Small farms are much better for our environment, and this type of food is much healthier for our kids.
Another way we were wealthy also seems to have gone out of fashion. We not only ate good food together, but we also talked about culture, especially novels and art. Our families were filled with readers, and we enjoyed the art of a good conversation on textual analysis, art, and other topics that are often associated with the rich. We weren’t rich, but it didn’t matter because libraries are free and museums can be too.
Don’t think that just because you don’t have money, you can’t offer your kids a wealthy life. You can. Take the time to cook and eat healthy food together. Take the time to study and discuss the finer things in life. We are a product of this poor but rich life. You don’t have to have a lot of money to be cultured and healthy. You simply have to value the right things.
Harris should take Walz’s ‘liberal’ school lunch program national

10/21/24 – We are in the stage of the election when the plutocrat pretends to be a pleb. We all know that Harris and Walz were plebs because we all know that they weren’t born rich. We can all keep track of the plot and the point, right? Because that’s the plot and the point. Now, the amusing part of the absurdity is this: here is an evil, dictator wannabe, who’s never done an honest day’s work in his life, who calls his supporters, who for all of their shortcomings do actually work, “basement dwellers;” this person is trying on, that’s right, working-class chic. It’s a costume that’s he’s donning on his latest set. Next, the flannel that fills Walz’s closet because, well, he’s Minnesotan. We’re waiting for the hunting photo op, much like his son does. No, a certain person is not going to f—k working-class Americans over. He and his cronies, such as Elon Musk, also a plutocrat pretending to be a pleb, are not going to horde the nation’s wealth that working-class Americans create. He’s an everyday, working man, just like you.

10/20/24 – On this World Mission Day, we’re on a mission to save our planet, God’s glorious creation that is in great peril. Our planet is on the brink. It is entirely conceivable that all life on earth, which is also all known life in the universe, could come to an abrupt end. As people of faith, perhaps we should not be surprised, but being human, we likely still are. We want to thank our spiritual and religious sisters and brothers of all faith traditions around the world, who are often also indigenous people, for holding the line in this existential battle against the western scientism that is destroying our ancestral lands and the planet at such a rapid pace, we haven’t even fully processed the damage.
We want to give a particular shout out, again in the same week, to our American indigenous friends. We never forget what they did to you, in their arrogance and their unwillingness to live respectfully alongside nature, as you had done for millennia, instead of crushing it into nonexistence. Indigenous people of all spiritual and religious traditions, such as Jains, who treat our natural world with divine love and compassion, understand your pain and your loss. It’s actually all of humanity’s loss, but so many people are too busy amusing themselves to death to recognize the impending death of our planet.

10/20/24 – We would have liked to have shared this yesterday, on the Jewish Sabbath, but unfortunately, we were just too pissed off. We’re still not feeling joy, but maybe that’s the best time to share the article. Sukkot runs until the 23rd, so we have time to find some kind of joy by then. However, the topic couldn’t be better timed: “No matter how you feel, for seven days, practice humility, count your blessings, and gather with family and friends to share in food and drink – and joy will find you.” The killing of the monstrous terrorist Yahya Sinwar, at the start of Sukkot, October 16, was also rather providential.
PS We also noticed that several Christian authors have been writing articles supportive of the Jewish people, particularly during their holy time, which is now also a time of pain. Thank you for these acts of kindness and solidarity. Never again is realized by the sum of individual acts such as these.
Why Humility Is the Key to Well-Being

10/19/24 – At this point, the only thing the world needs from scientists is to clean up the mess they made on earth as noninvasively as possible. Give us back the planet that God gave us. That’s all we want and need, and then, simply disappear from our lives. Thank you, and have a nice day.

10/19/24 – We have a question for Elon Musk: Off the top of your head, can you name a single descendant of Genghis Khan? All this effort to dominate will leave him as a cautionary note in the annals of history, just like every single egomaniacal loser that came before him. (The hashtag belongs to Jack Dorsey.) #TheJesusWay is the only way.

10/19/24 – All true, but another truth is that in addition to businessman, Musk views himself as a scientist, an engineer, a neuroscientist, whatnot. The left supposedly despises the person that has a god complex just like the scientists that they love for doing the very same things: space exploration, basically eugenics (creating humans or superhumans in the lab), replacing humans with AI, etc., just without the overt greed. Ambition, including intellectual ambition, by the way, is also self-interest, in case the left is confused about that. It’s often confused. When you can’t see your own contradictions, in great part, because the self-proclaimed intellectuals have created an intellectual and social bubble around themselves, you’re in a sad, sad state. This is true of MAGA land, and it’s true of lalaliberal land.
Trump Is Elon Musk’s Trojan Horse

10/19/24 – The most dangerous person in the world is a human being who mistakes themselves for god. There are plenty on both the right and the left.

10/19/24 – Why is this presidential election so close? Because we have extreme groups on both sides who are vying for control, and the center is not holding. That’s why. As a country, we deserve to see a truly broad coalition of voters for the winning candidate and candidates with a true mandate. We cannot continue as we have been. This last point regarding the coalition was made by David Brooks, who is more or less a moderate/centrist, and who many on the left refuse to even read. Right now, the extreme left dominates the media and academia, and their science gods are a menace to all life any and everywhere.
Why the Heck Isn’t She Running Away With This?
“The New York Times columnist David Brooks, a longtime Republican who is backing Ms. Harris, recently explained why he is still not ‘fully comfortable’ with the Democratic Party. One reason is the self-congratulation that Democrats can’t seem to help displaying as they dominate the most highly educated segments of society: ‘The more they dominate the commanding heights of society, the more aggressively progressive aristocrats posture as marginalized victims of oppression.’ But most of my Democratic acquaintances have a response to this: They refuse to read anything by David Brooks.”
Why is the presidential election so close? Here are five reasons.
They call themselves intellectuals, and they won’t even read an opposing viewpoint. It’s disgusting. They are pseudo-intellectual quacks. Read it, leftists and scientists. You might actually learn something about yourselves and how much of the country sees you. It’s an objective and accurate assessment.
Confessions of a Republican Exile

10/19/24 – It is definitely a hard call which extreme group is more dangerous. In the short-term, the extreme right, with its affection for demagoguery. In the long-term, the extreme left, with its affection for “science,” by which they mean f—kery. In either case, human civilization and the planet will suffer, in many cases irreparably. Hard truth.

10/18/24 – As someone who considers nature my best friend, personally, I feel quite resentful and bitter about the damage “science” has done to it. So, the science worship will never be well-received for several reasons. Who do you think creates this crap that has done irreparable damage to our planet? Their job is just to observe the world God created and report their findings so we can better understand our natural biological and physical world. Instead, they want to bomb fjords and redirect ocean currents. (Totally absurd.) From weapons of war, including chemical and nuclear weapons, to industrial and household chemicals, to everything, they have done more damage in the past 100 years to the planet than all of human civilization before it. And this is who the left worships while simultaneously claiming to care about the planet. OK.

10/18/24 – This is a long article from 1998, and many readers are going to get lost in all of the details. The Atlantic should offer a summary…. (Ignore anything related to evolutionary theory, seriously.) As we understand the unnecessarily involved article and as it relates to climate change, the key points are that abrupt cooling can happen, often following a warm period, and the planet can take a long time to warm up again after the cooling occurs. The occurrence of abrupt cooling has to do with loops of global currents and (salt) flushing, which can fail for various reasons, one being that too much fresh water mixes with saltwater. This failed flushing later prevents adequate warm water from flowing far enough north to prevent the formation of ice sheets.
Now, for normal people, this means that the dumb MAGA were right in one sense: climate change is a natural phenomenon. However, they understand this change as solely moderate ebbs and flows. These exist, but so do the dramatic changes. The super smart science worshippers are also right in the sense that humans do affect these natural climate changes. Of course, we do, come on MAGA. What don’t we affect?
“We must be careful not to think of an abrupt cooling in response to global warming as just another self-regulatory device.” But that’s what it is. The earth has an internal mean reversion thermometer if you will. However, the scale of the climate’s response would likely be beyond what it would be in the absence of human contributions to climate change. This seems like an entirely reasonable conclusion.
Where the article goes off into lalaland: We are not at all fans of playing God and trying to prevent this natural cycle. Just accept the planet’s cycles as they are, or you can end up doing a lot more damage than you would otherwise do. If one wants to proactively enact policies to prevent displacement, food shortages, or other disruptions from climate change, that’s obviously fine. However, the planet is not a toy for overly confident scientists. It’s God’s creation, and the more they do to it, see the chemicals that are choking life on earth, the more trouble we get into. That’s a fact. If the scientific community had humility and intellectual honesty, they would acknowledge it.
Also, this is yet another appalling example of the science worshippers’ self-idolatry and their seething hatred of religion. “Medieval cathedral builders…undertakings were a far larger drain on the economic resources and people power of their day than anything yet discussed for stabilizing the climate in the twenty-first century.” (Read the suggestions to understand how preposterous this statement is.) We get it. They want more science jobs. That means more taxpayer money funneled to scientists to play around with their science toys, such as our planet. This also pulls resources away from people who don’t have their cushy, well-paid white-collar jobs and are simply trying to feed their families. And what would they deliver for the rest of us? “Fixing” the planet God created that science is currently destroying. Genius. From the gods of finance to the gods of science, some things never change. These people’s arrogance is truly disgusting.
The Great Climate Flip-Flop

10/17/24 – MAGA, you can bounce around from one billionaire to another, hoping that they will save you out of pity. (FYI: Your odds would be better buying lottery tickets.) Or you could try a strategy that actually works: Find solidarity with your fellow Americans, including liberals, who, like you, actually have to work to make a living. Just an idea.

10/17/24 – An interesting feature of modern capitalism is that companies are less inclined to compete for your business by providing you with a great service or product. (How do y’all feel about customer service?) They seem more interested in monopolizing the market. Does that sound familiar to anyone who knows their American labor and economic history?
It is an interesting strategy to pour money into a certain person’s campaign, find and support a scion, but ultimately decide only you can serve your own goals. It’s a very Muskian approach: The only plan is to change the plan. Many of these plutocrats or their progeny would enter politics to control the wheels of power. What better way to dominate markets but to dominate the law and to tailor it to serve oneself?
Although Musk has spread his sperm to rival Genghis Khan, he is still waiting to reap the financial dividends from his sperm spreading. In the meantime, how long before Elon Musk announces his bid for_____ (anything but president or VP since he’s ineligible) or requires repayment from a certain person by being given a powerful political position to serve, of course, himself? He, like a certain person, is entirely self-interested. Elon Musk, traitor, might be a step above, a certain person, insurrectionist, but, you know, this isn’t the shiniest moment in American history.

10/17/24 – MAGA, you want a better life. You have to unite with your fellow laborers, all of them. We don’t need a savior. (Some of us already have one in Jesus Christ. Thank you very much.) We are each other’s champions. We welcome you with open arms.

10/17/24 – MAGA, your “savior” will make you into a slave. You have little power now. You will be completely powerless in his fascist state. You have been warned.

10/17/24 – Don’t believe us. Listen to your fellow laborer, a descendant of this brutal legacy.
John Russell speaks at the 2024 Democratic National Convention | DNC Day 4

10/17/24 – Greed + Fascism = Terror

10/17/24 – If you aren’t one of them, you are what we call a laborer. Know what that means. Know what it has meant in our country’s history. It has meant that your life can be treated like it’s worthless. It has meant that you and your family can be subjected to state-sanctioned terror and oppression. MAGA wants to go back in time. That’s where they’re going to take us.

10/17/24 – Elon Musk, traitor. Timothy Mellon, trust-fund traitor. While our valorous military sacrifice their lives to protect our country, our citizens and our freedom, these parasites want to devour more and more of our nation’s wealth even if it costs us our democracy and our freedom. Know who they are.
Elon Musk has given $75 million, so far, to put Donald Trump back in the White House

10/16/24 – We need more independents and union member leaders running for office. Solidarity forever.
Democrats thought their Senate hopes were dead. They were just in Nebraska.

10/16/24 – Cowards and pustules.
Liz Cheney says she regrets her past support for Donald Trump: Full interview

10/16/24 – There are pustules on the body politic. These pustules are filled with unprincipled ambition and greed. These pustules have different names, but they all share the same ignoble title – traitor. They have betrayed our country and our people. For this great sin, every single one of their names will be followed by their disgraceful title, traitor, and they will all be written into the American record. To a certain person’s wealthy donors who are trying to hide their names, current or future Americans will figure out who you are, and you and your progeny will be remembered as traitors to our democracy.

10/16/24 – Mark Milley reportedly told Bob Woodward that a certain person is “fascist to the core.” This is an objective and accurate assessment.  

10/16/24 – MAGA, he lost the election, and he lied to you about it. As God as our witness, that’s the truth.

10/15/24 – Let’s consider some other forms of denial. Rather apropos, how about election denialism. We’ve had countless number of media figures, politicians, celebrities, you name it, try to convince MAGA that a certain person lost the election, all to no avail. Although it seems impossible to succeed at this daunting task, we would be remiss if we stopped trying. We do think MAGA can get there. It’s just a matter of if it will be too late for our country by the time they do.
MAGA, he lost the election. It’s a fact. There was no rigging or cheating. He simply lost, and he lied to you about it. We understand. You need someone to believe in because you have been let down. (Both parties did let you down.) He comes along, says what you want to hear, and it’s like music to your ears. Many of you are also predisposed to loyalty, which is usually a positive trait, with some exceptions. One of the most important exceptions is when you’re wrong in your assessment of the character of the person to whom you’re giving your loyalty. Instead of being your champion, he has manipulated your emotions to his own benefit and to the peril of our country.
What are some of the objective assessments of a certain person? He is a “person that has no idea what America stands for and has no idea what America is about.” This article compares him to George Washington, who Americans revere for many great reasons, foremost among them are: his sacrifice for our nation, his leadership by example, and his self-restraint. From the article, “No president in history, not even the worst moral weaklings among them, is further from Washington than Trump.” It is an objective and accurate assessment. MAGA, we encourage you to listen to or read the whole article. You might learn something about Washington, our first president, a certain person, our country, and most importantly, yourselves.
The Moment of Truth

10/15/24 – Public service announcement: Time exists. We understand that its abstract nature might make it hard for people to fully grasp it, but let’s try. From the beginning of the universe, as matter was created, so was time. Time marks the birth, and wait for it, the change and the death of matter. From our perspective, this is part of the divine order. Civilizations and calendars vary in how they measure time, but they all measure this abstract concept.
Now, why does this come as a public service announcement? Because it seems that some people want to deny the existence of time. This is as futile as denying the existence of our sun. With time, comes change. No one can stop time and change. You can rage against the dying of the light, but our sun will remain, marking the seasons and the years, and you will die. So too, at some point in the distant future, will our sun.
Our climate is changing. You can deny this reality, but it might end up being a very costly denial. If you are a homeowner, know that just as mortality is real, climate change is real. If we measure superiority by survival, some of the world’s most superior creatures are insects, such as the cockroach, which has outlived the dinosaurs. Although inconvenient for evolutionary theory, let us not confuse intelligence with survival.
Continuing to live in areas that are vulnerable to the effects of climate change is continuing to engage in the denial of the existence of time and change. Although the human brain is sophisticated enough to come up with all kinds of delusions and irrational justifications, this doesn’t mean that they are actually in service of our own survival, not to mention, even remotely tethered to basic physics.
So, again, why do we point out all of these facts in the context of a public service announcement? Well, you might consider adjusting your plans to account for these changes. You might consider accounting for the fact that time exists, and it doesn’t care about you. Even if human beings didn’t contribute to climate change (we do), the climate would change, in ways beyond our control, because it obeys God’s divine order. And since the beginning of the universe, God’s divine order involves time and change.

10/14/24 – It is an interesting strategy to go to some of the bluest states and the bluest cities to try to convince their happy people to be miserable too. Looking at you, a certain person/Vance. We understand that this ticket has a penchant for insults and are perpetual malcontents, but, you know, the rest of us just don’t and aren’t. It might have something to do with our high-quality of life because we live in places where people care for each other instead of hating each other. Next time, come to learn kindness instead of coming to preach hate. You might actually grow as a human being.   

10/14/24 – “The quiet as old as the beginning of time.” As someone who practices contemplative prayer, the quiet is part of my connection with the divine. How can one hear the voice of God when one is always listening to the monkey in one’s head, other people, and the sounds of our unnecessarily complicated lives?
Traditional Republicans were also often conservationists. They understood the value of the natural world. By investing in nature, we also invest in ourselves. Investing in it, including the wild, pristine parts, is wise. 
Personally, nature was my first friend, and it remains my best friend. In it, I found a divine comfort that continues to serve me well. Just as God is always there for me, nature is always there for me. Reveling in God’s creation in its abundance and awe makes me feel grateful simply to be alive. What a gift life is, my own and everything around me.
Like all of us, our indigenous sisters and brothers weren’t perfect, but they understood and respected the value of nature. We could learn from them and return to a way of life that respects God’s creation. White people have been dangerously good at obtaining material wealth and worldly power. They haven’t been good at appreciating the wealth that they had no role in creating, our natural world whose value is infinite, and divine power. Let’s replace this misguided value system with one that elevates God’s creation, in its splendid biodiversity.
We have suggested that people, especially our fellow Americans during this election season, breathe. We also suggest that they spend some time breathing in nature and in silence. Silence is an ancient prayer, one that is as old as the beginning of time. There was no matter, no light, and no sound. There was also no time. There was nothing. Everything that you are, everything that you feel, see and hear, none of it was made by you. It was all made by our creator. All we did was change the composition of God’s existing material. In our misguided pursuit of material wealth and comfort, we have lost so much.
Preserving biodiversity isn’t just about protecting our planet and God’s other creations. It’s about restoring ourselves. We are not whole. We are not oriented to our creator. So, how could we possibly be whole? Instead, we are broken and lost. We either choose to control our destructive, insatiable appetites for power, wealth and comfort, or we lose everything that actually matters. We lose what God gave us, and we will have only our transformation of it. It will be a disappointment and a regret. It already is.
Nations Must Protect What Is Still Wild

10/13/24 – One of the amazing aspects of The Atlantic, founded in 1857, is how long it’s been around. Its own archive is also a national treasure. There aren’t many publications that can boast this. As the article mentions, it has endorsed a candidate for president only four previous times in its entire history: Lincoln, for obvious reasons, in 1860, Lyndon B. Johnson because of the unfitness of his opponent, Barry Goldwater, in 1964, Clinton in 2016 and Biden in 2020, both times because of the unfitness of the opponent. And here we are again, America. Again. Three times with the same guy for the same reasons. God help us.
As The Atlantic notes, this election is yet another turning point. Of the three times, 2016, 2020 and 2024, this time is the most crucial. We are asking you to think about something bigger than yourselves. We are asking you to think about the fate of the American experiment. We are humbly asking you to trust our judgment and our ability to see into the character of this man and into the future of our country under him for a second term. If you can’t trust us, then look at yourselves. Look hard. When you have to preface your support of someone with, “I don’t like how he talks or treats people…,” there is a serious problem. Whatever words come after those words are irrelevant, no matter how important they seem at this particular moment in time. In other words, do not be penny-wise, pound-foolish.
The Case for Kamala Harris

10/13/24 – “I was looking for a country I want to live in.” An informative and funny article about the important and patriotic work the National Archives does. In families, there are often a few people who tend to the documentation of its history. They make the family tree, preserve the photographs, and painstakingly go through a life’s worth of stuff to keep the things that must be kept. They do so for future generations to see, read, feel and weep as they connect with their ancestors.
Our country is a family, and we are making our collective history each and every day we live here. Every day, often without realizing it, ordinary Americans are contributing to our National Archives. Think about the implications of this. Will you be proud of what future Americans see documented about you and your family?
The Equalizer

10/13/24 – “Penny-wise, but pound-foolish.” One of the sad facts about Republicans is that they tend to vote based on lowering taxes and presumably raising their own personal finances and quality of life. This is not a smart approach. Of course, we expect the government to be good stewards of the American people’s purse, and where there is “fraud, waste and abuse,” as the phrasing goes, it should be eliminated. But a people who are pound-wise understand that paying taxes is an investment in ourselves, our country, and the world.
Do you really want to live in a country that does not invest in itself and its people? You can’t live in a bubble. You can’t pay for your own infrastructure, military, local, state and national parks, police, emergency responders, etc. You also can’t pay for your own safety net. Do you know why? Because you don’t know what might happen in the future, not just to you, but also to your friends and family.
A government is more than a bureaucracy. It is a statement of values, and on a practical level, we pool our money to express those values. Solidarity is a verb, and one of the most common expressions of it as Americans is simply paying our taxes. Do so with a generosity of spirit, without grievance, jealousy or bitterness, and do so with the wisdom of investment in yourself, your own family and the other Americans without whom you couldn’t build this great country.

10/13/24 – To everybody: Disconnecting is healthy and wonderful. The more usual and regular posts will start again soon. Hope you enjoy this beautiful fall day. Peace be with you, friends.

10/13/24 – To MAGA world, who are also our fellow countrymen and women, we have a suggestion. Disconnect from the unreal world you’re living in, and spend some time in the real one. Don’t follow anything related to the news or your absurd conspiracy theories, which are like an alien invasion of the mind. The lies have taken over your brains, and they have ceased to operate in the way God intended. Remember: Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” Truth is fundamental to Christianity. When you stop practicing truth, you stop practicing Christianity.
Instead of living in your unreal world, come hang out with us in our blue areas. Go to where your “enemies” live, and see how they live. You might find that it’s actually quite nice. We have a high-quality of life because we pay for it. We pay more in taxes than in red states, and our money goes to our people, our schools, our parks, our roads, our infrastructure, our everything that we value. Are we ever excited about paying taxes? No, but we understand that this is the cost to live in a great area that is well-managed and that this is what it looks like to take care of each other. We also, are you ready for this, help the red areas of the country pay their bills. More likely than not, we send you money.
But this isn’t about money. This is about our country. This is about you stepping out from behind the screen that is feeding you a world that doesn’t exist and stepping into the world that actually does. Come and check us out. We welcome you. Come and talk with your fellow Americans and see how we live, how we treat each other, and what we value. Then, let’s talk. Tell us what you find. We’re listening to you. God bless you.

10/8/24 – Studying the Christian and Jewish texts is addictive. It’s like gardening. You start with one plant, and before you know it, it’s acres of garden. Just like that, the bumble bees are so fat that they fall asleep on your flowers. They are so gluttonous that they don’t care that you are stroking them. They are in bee paradise. You start with one word; well, what about this one and that one. Before you know it, you’re feasting on the Word of God.

10/7/24 – To the Jewish people, we love you. God loves you. We pray for the safe return of the remaining hostages, for the beautiful souls brutally taken from you, for God’s comfort to their families and to you, his Chosen People. We don’t really have the words for moments like these, but you already have them. Today, we pray and read our religious texts. Remember this: although it might not always feel like it, you are not alone. You are never alone. God is with you, and there are good people in the world who will always be there for you, no matter what. Peace be with you. Shalom.
October 7, 2024: Sources for Grief and Comfort

10/6/24 – As a point of clarification: we are not interested in “determining the authenticity of people’s faith” (see below) as it relates to conversions. People will come to conversion in different ways, different measures of head and heart that is impossible for others to truly understand. However, the long initiation process in traditional Christianity is intended to act as a vetting process. It is an important process to retain. However, we do feel entirely comfortable, in fact, that it is a duty to maintain the integrity of the religion and to ask people to leave who violate fundamental tenets of the faith. A red line is worshipping a false god, which is what “Christian nationalists” are doing. It is extremely damaging to the faith, and if left unchecked, it can metastasize and corrupt the body of Christ.  

10/6/24 – The Catholic Church’s leadership is not rising to the challenges of the moment. The leadership has not been focused on Jesus Christ and our faith. It is preoccupied with worldly things.

10/6/24 – Tomorrow, October 7 will be reserved for the Jewish people, who have been persecuted throughout much of their existence. We wish them peace and love. We have been and will always be there for them. Even if the entire world turns on them, we will never abandon them. Our loyalties are always with the people who sacrifice the most and who are the most vulnerable.
The plight of the Palestinians also brings the world much heartache. We are sympathetic to the cry of their innocents. All people of goodwill wish there would be peace in the Holy Land. For the three Abrahamic religions, it is a sacred place. The scale of Palestinian deaths and the destruction of their lives are painful to us. We blame the current Israeli “leadership,” mainly Netanyahu.
Our parent religion is Judaism. This is a historical fact. Any denialism of facts will be met with assertion of truths. We do not receive lies with sympathy. We also do not receive any violence with sympathy. A sad fact about the Middle East is that militant Islam has terrorized the region. It does so presently in Afghanistan and Syria. It has repressive regimes, such as in Saudi Arabia and Iran. All of them treat women as property instead of as human beings with the rights endowed to them by their creator, the God of Abraham.
Militant Islam has driven massive populations of Muslims to misery and fleeing to the safety of regions beyond their homelands. It is a cancer that has metastasized throughout much of the world, especially African countries, with notable exceptions, such as in India. We want to thank our Muslim brothers and sisters in India who have resisted the siren call of extremism. Thank you for peacefully and patiently fighting against Hindu extremism in India.
Islam is the youngest of the Abrahamic religions. This is a fact. Yet it wants to dominate the lands to which the parent religion, the Jewish religion, belongs. This is simply unacceptable. Extremist Islam has driven out the Christians who are original to the Holy Land and the Levant. These Christians can trace their ancestry to the origins of the faith and to this land. They cannot live there because of how violent and intolerant the region has become due to militant Islam.
We have some suggestions for Islam. Practice more peace, humility and tolerance. Also, Judaism and the more traditional forms of Christianity, such as Catholicism, have long periods of initiation into the faith. In the Catholic tradition, it can take over a year to convert. We also do not force people to become or to remain Christian. It would be a violation of their God-given rights and would be spiritually meaningless. Although cradle Catholics are initiated by baptism as infants, it is only one of the three Christian rites of initiation. The other two span the life of the young person. We want people to understand and to think deeply about the demands of our faith. They are considerable, and it is not an easy religion to practice correctly. We also want people to build a personal relationship with our God, especially the Son in the Trinity, Jesus Christ. We ask MAGA “Christians,” who often belong to denominations with less extensive initiation rites, to leave Christianity. They are always welcome back when they can adhere to the tenets and the rigors of our faith.
We encourage Islam to adopt a rigorous initiation process, as both Judaism and traditional Christianity have. We also encourage Muslims to allow their adherents to leave the religion if they so choose. God does not force religion on anyone. We come to him by our choice. We choose to give of our free will our hearts and our lives to him. This change would greatly mitigate the militant strain in Islam. God made us free. Respect the God of Abraham. Peace to our Jewish and Muslim brothers and sisters. May you be instruments of God’s peace.

10/4/24 – Love is more important than politics. We ask blue-collar workers to vote with us, your fellow laborers, for Harris Walz because we think they will be better for labor and for our country. However, we want our first responders to know that you have our hearts, and we have your back no matter what. If a certain person ends up disappointing you, we will not blame you. We will keep fighting for you because you fight for us.
In Michigan, Harris doesn’t get hoped-for firefighters endorsement amid shifting labor loyalties

10/4/24 – Flashback Friday. 8/31/23 – “Men (as a group and to a significant extent) are larger, faster, and stronger than women. This cannot be disputed, and it cannot be understood as some irrelevancy, because it comes with an obvious moral question that each man must answer for himself: Will he use his strength to dominate the weak, or to protect them?… The opposite of toxic masculinity is heroic masculinity…. [I can’t remember the number of times I have cried, more accurately, sobbed when I have thought about this.] Heroic masculinity is the understanding that someone has to climb the endless staircases in the towers. On 9/11, 343 New York City firefighters died at Ground Zero, and there wasn’t one of them who didn’t know, or at least suspect, that he was climbing to his death. They didn’t do it because of a union contract or an employee handbook. They climbed those towers because they knew that it must be written into the American record that heroes were there that day, and that the desperate people inside those buildings had never—not once—been abandoned.” To those who sacrificed their lives for us and their relatives, know that they live in our hearts, minds and souls. We love them with a genuine, grateful love that’s as eternal as their heroic souls.
In Praise of Heroic Masculinity

10/4/24 – To the propaganda: start humbling yourselves and start treating your fellow laborers (and Americans) with more respect and value. You are not better than they are. Start practicing some humility.

10/4/24 – As a reiteration of the argument made in September 2024: The statement that “all people are equal” is false. It is objectively false. The statement that “all people are created equal” is true. It is not an objective statement. It is a moral declaration based on Judeo-Christian tenets. Any conclusions derived from it as an assumption, therefore, depend on this Judeo-Christian belief. Liberal atheists: stop deluding yourselves to claim the contrary.
Although we are unaware of all of these developments regarding conversions and such, we do know that for over 2,000 years, the church has been evolving. We also have no interest in determining the authenticity of people’s faith. Christianity will continue to evolve, and believers of various stripes will come and go. We welcome all new believers to the church, but we want the wealthy, well-educated ones to remember something: you are not the heart of our church. Our church belongs to our God, and Jesus Christ valued above all the poor, the powerless, and the marginalized.
Personally, I would love to claim that my heart just knew, and it alone informed my confirmation. However, it was not the case. I read and analyzed the Gospel for and by myself, and I decided it was true. I also realized that I loved Jesus Christ, while simultaneously understanding that this was a totally irrational love. I marveled at it then and still do now. My head led, convinced by logic, and my heart sealed the decision.
There are millions of people around the world who come to Christ because their hearts just know. They don’t have the same kind of self-consciousness or even surprise that I had at my heart. They might be illiterate, poor, powerless, but they understand him better than many of us will ever understand him. So, while we welcome everyone, the rest of us, including myself, need to walk into the Lord’s house in a posture of humility and gratitude.
Some of Christianity’s Biggest Skeptics Are Becoming Vocal Converts

10/3/24 – To all the blue-collar workers out there, we want you to know something important. We respect you. We value you. And we hear you. The only difference between blue-collar workers and teachers, nurses, and others is that the latter group has to have a college education to work in their profession. We are all laborers. That’s all we are, and that’s all we want to be. Blue-collar workers, we have your back. We are not elites. We are simple folk like you. We work hard, and we come home to our families and our communities that we love. Many of us are God-fearing people.
The Biden Harris administration did more for blue-collar and union workers than the Democratic Party has done in a long time. A certain person is lying to you. The older generation was right. The Republican Party is the party of the business elite. That is who a certain person is. He is a business elite. Although his running mate has more potential to be convinced of our positions, at the moment, he has become a business elite. They are not being honest with you.
Did the Democratic Party before Biden Harris leave blue-collar workers behind? They did, and they need to own that. However, the Biden Harris administration has made changes that we can build on. On a cultural level, the “wokeness” on the left is out of control. Let’s push back on it by splitting the ticket: voting for Republicans or Independents on other races, not the presidential one. Remember: we are laborers, like you, and we have mutual interests. Vote for Harris Walz, and work with us to move this country in the right direction. Solidarity forever.

10/2/24 – Please note that both abortion and immigration are important issues for Catholics. We do not like dehumanizing treatment of immigrants. Stop the demagoguery. Some commentary on the VP debate without the breathlessness. “The U.S. bishops have been lobbying for comprehensive immigration reform for decades. To learn more about their efforts, visit the bishops’ Justice for Immigrants website.”
Vance and Walz showed Americans how to politely disagree. Here are six Catholic takeaways from their debate.

10/2/24 – The liberals went from holding their breath during Biden’s disastrous debate performance to hyperventilating over Vance’s strong debate performance last night. Maybe try just breathing properly. It was a VP debate a month before the election, when most people have already made up their minds.
But of course, that’s not what this is really about. It’s about their sudden realization, with great fear, that Vance has real political potential. (We wrote about this way back when, after the Republican National Convention.) Ironically, the liberals presumably underwent a similar realization, with great elation, with Kamala Harris. In any case, all the breathless commentary all the time is rather tedious. Breathe.
Childish insults and demeaning comments are beneath Vance, who is obviously not an idiot like a certain person. It is also insulting to his own character and intelligence to cover up for a certain person, especially denying that he lost the election and incited January 6th. Many of us watched it with our own eyes. A certain person lost the election, refused to accept his loss and incited an insurrection. These are the facts, and many if not most Americans agree on them. Don’t insult our intelligence or your own.
We also understand that kissing the ring means reciting the lie. That’s the present state of the Republican Party. Vance’s political prospects are promising, but they would be even more so if he would stop dancing with lies. Also, as far as unpopular positions, such as abortion, both sides ended up sharing their positions but in evasive ways. Late-term abortions are not popular, and that’s why Walz (and Harris) danced around it. An abortion ban is not popular, and that’s why Vance (and a certain person) danced around it. Both men had more in common than misspeaking. They both avoided telling the truth about inconvenient lies and clearly and directly stating what their positions are when they know they are unpopular. Here’s an idea: maybe just tell the truth and moderate those positions.

10/1/24 – Thank you to both VP candidates for a substantive and civil debate. The American people won.

10/1/24 – The propaganda, which doesn’t include The Atlantic, needs to own up to the fact that they have contributed to the dumbing and the decline of the American youth. The proof is in the pudding. If their scientism and their wokeness are so great, then why is the American youth so much worse off? On practically every metric, they are worse off than they were: attention span, productive struggle, intellectual ability, especially critical thinking and analytical ability, writing ability, which has always involved argumentation, creativity and facility with language, mathematical ability, interpersonal skills, mental health, and on and on. There likely isn’t an educator of a certain age that hasn’t noticed a marked decline. It’s pathetic. So, spare us the bulls—t. It’s either there, or it isn’t there. And it’s definitely not there. The propaganda, which is dominated by liberals, often atheists, is in great part to blame for it because they help set the cultural tone for the country. They pushed us and the culture to this place. And now, here we are.
The Elite College Students Who Can’t Read Books

Notes from Underground – September 2024

9/30/24 – The analytical approach to the God question was best answered by the religious idiot, Blaise Pascal, called Pascal’s wager. (To those of you who say you want God to show himself to you before you can believe in him: please know that you do sound very much like a genius when you say that.) On the empirical side, the literature around spirituality, and mental and physical health is quite extensive and consistently suggests a positive relationship. (A particularly interesting area for those in the healthcare field is how to incorporate these findings into the practice of medicine, as part of a holistic approach to healing.) This positive finding is also consistently found for prosocial behaviors, such as volunteering, donating, helping, etc. The question is: with so much empirical evidence supporting religious/spiritual practices, why would one choose not to be religious/spiritual? The answer must be liberal indoctrination and the accompanying societal pressures: the liberal atheists’ pressure to be cool and smart by not being religious. Well, we, religious idiots such as we are, will continue to be quite idiotic with our inferior brains, our dumb happiness, our irrational gratitude and so on and so forth. Poor us.

9/30/24 – Many years ago, a friend of mine came to my place with something important that she wanted to share with me. She just had a conversation with another student, and she says to me, “Do you know what she said to me?” Obviously, I didn’t. “She doesn’t want to think.” A look of disbelief must have come over my face. “I know,” my bewildered friend says, “Who doesn’t want to think?” Apparently, a lot of people, and a lot of them are the very same people who try to convince you how smart they are because they don’t believe in God. Happy Monday!

9/30/24 – Actually, let’s take this to its logical conclusion. We already replaced entire portions of our brains that are activated when we engage in spirituality with cellphone use, which is clearly a superior activity…well, according to the liberal atheists. Why bother to think at all about anything? Why stop here? Let’s go all the way. What does the brain really do anyway? AI can do everything for us. Do our laundry, make our beds (that we’re always in), clean our homes, write our papers, do our jobs, do our research…. We can just hang out alone at the pool or better yet alone in our own bedroom.

9/30/24 – So, the perfect, all-knowing humans the liberal atheists like to worship, their gods, who go by their godly name, scientists, were wrong about the appendix. It actually serves a purpose, after all. Interesting. The rest of us, intellectually inferior religious types with clearly deficient analytic abilities, will have to make note that their gods, our humans, can actually be wrong. Oh, wait. It’s actually noted right there in the opening of our religious text. Forgot, blame said deficient intellectual abilities.
But yes, let’s continue this trajectory. Pretty soon, we won’t have to see anybody ever again. We can just do pretty much everything right from our bedrooms. Evolution. Progress. Courtesy of the cool, smart liberal atheists. They are so cool and so smart that they have no need for other human beings…well, except for their gods, our humans, the scientists. That’s what robots and AI are for, after all. Let’s outsource or eliminate any social interaction and dedicate our entire brains to…what are the words…stupid, social, emotional, inferior, spiritual brain is struggling again…got it, rational reason. The other parts of our brain are useless. Genius.
The Death of the Dining Room

9/30/24 – The Catholic Church celebrated the Mass of Solidarity yesterday for world migrants and refugee day. It’s a lot of fun. Readings are done in different languages, worship music and dance from around the world, food and refreshments, and we come dressed in our traditional clothing. God created life in splendid diversity. God always walks with his people. God loves you.

9/28/24 – One last point for the day because there is no way we’re backing down on this. It’s way too important. If you’re a liberal atheist (or even a none), go ahead and ask yourself these simple questions. Watch the young people in the Elevation Worship & Passion Music video below, and ask yourself, could you be in that state? Could you appeal to a higher power with such surrender and love? Do you even have an idea what that might feel like? Now, understand this. Those young people can be in that let’s call it spiritual mode of being in the spiritual world and switch back to being in an analytical mode in the natural world with no problem. Can you or your kids switch like that? (Doesn’t that support Tony Jack’s findings?)
You can try, but you can’t convince us that your inability to do this is somehow superior. Whatever findings there are in the research that kids who are raised with religion are less analytical (good at math, science, etc.) is likely due to confounding factors, such as a lower socioeconomic class, because we know it is positively correlated with rural communities and some poorer urban communities. Don’t try to tell us that this ability is not, to put it into secular terms, a skill, and a highly valuable one at that. It would serve one well through all the inevitable adversities one will face in life. And the data, you know, the science, show it. Flattering oneself with some BS by saying you believe in “science” not the flying spaghetti monster will not change this fact or this reality. But go on with yourself, you’re so cool and so smart.

9/28/24 – The only way to rein in these liberal excesses is to start splitting the ticket. Obviously, getting rid of a certain person.

9/28/24 – There is absolutely no intellectual diversity among the country’s elite, especially the propaganda. They are almost all liberal atheists, give a token this or that. This discrimination in ideology and background has led to glaring imbalances in reporting, intellectual perspectives, and a dearth of critical thinking. Critical thinking is practically nonexistent on certain issues, especially those related to science.
The propaganda has also contributed to the underdevelopment of millions of children’s brains in the country – an entire generation – because of their obvious liberal atheist bias. Those people have no community and no spiritual life, and this has damaged young people’s development. Who knows if they will ever recover from it. All of this and other factors have left deep scars on our country and its people, especially young people’s health. Shame on the propaganda!

9/28/24 – The propaganda (and many elites) would like ordinary Americans to know that they are young, cool, smart, sophisticated, rich and generally so much better than you. You should therefore allow yourselves to be indoctrinated by them, the superior Americans. However, no matter their self-glorifying estimation of themselves, the reality is that much of the country doesn’t trust or like them. And they shouldn’t. They have betrayed the trust of the American people. They are snobs and elites. The reality is that they’re a big part of the reason we’re in this mess: two dysfunctional parties, one headed by a demagogue, and extreme polarization. The disdain is mutual, and the American people’s disdain of the media is justified. No matter how hard they try to indoctrinate you, think for yourselves, and be your own people.

9/28/24 – The liberals like to flatter themselves by thinking that they are free-thinkers and critical-thinkers. They are not. It’s a lie. They are conformists who copy each other’s positions and thoughts. They have caricatures of identities.

9/28/24 – As a metacognitive exercise, when posed with the Linda problem in the video below, I couldn’t answer the question. I refused to choose since I didn’t see any evidence to support either choice. From a purely probabilistic perspective, if I didn’t see any evidence for either, I should have chosen “bank teller,” for obvious mathematical reasons. However, this “answer” would not have been based at all on the information provided, but on pure math.
What was interesting to me is that the vast majority of people actually see evidence in the description for choice b, “bank teller and active in the feminist movement.” Where? Apparently, this is supposed to be based on her age, marital status, personality trait of outspoken, college major of philosophy, concern for issues of discrimination and social justice, and participation in anti-nuclear demonstrations. Are these the characteristics of feminists? In my catalog of mental associations, am I supposed to find some pattern between this description and “feminists”?
I don’t have this association. I have known strong, barrier-breaking women, but none of them would fit this description, and none of them would describe themselves as feminists. They were religious women in traditional marriages, well-educated, with professional occupations that fit their interests and talents. One woman quietly did the hard work of helping migrant and other women for many years. Ultimately, my own personal experience carried more weight in my decision-making than stereotypes of feminists circulating in the culture, which might also give some insight into my unwillingness to yield to societal pressures and stereotypical associations, especially when they go contrary to my own lived experience. In the end, from an analytical and from a social, emotional perspective, nothing in the description gave me any information I could use to even make an association, leave alone a decision, which would also critically depend on how “feminist” is defined.

9/27/24 – Remember: the most important thing in life is not to pursue goodness and truth. It’s to pursue coolness and liberal groupthink.

9/27/24 – The propaganda is also really, really cool, with great taste in music. (They desperately want you to think they’re cool.) It’s not the same canned s—t, regurgitated over and over again for the masses. It’s not the same cheap, misogynist, violent lyrics repeated over and over again with hardly any lyricism. It’s novel and at tiny desks, so obviously, it’s good…and, of course, cool.

9/27/24 – The propaganda, which is full of liberal atheists, is never defensive. They are too rational for that. They only operate out of cold, calculating, unbiased reason. That’s why they have been promoting scientism for decades.

9/27/24 – One of the rather bizarre aspects of liberal atheists is that they are not particularly good at metacognition, especially when it comes to social and emotional reasoning. They seem oblivious to the fact that they are actually (or should be) switching from one mode of being, thinking, and interacting to another, from analytic to empathetic, and vice versa. It has all blurred together in their minds and in their reasoning as “rational.” However, it is not. In fact, some of the most sophisticated ways in which people reason is totally irrational, such as love. In the Christian belief system, love, the most irrational of reasoning, reigns supreme, and with good reason. It’s because love is the greatest of all.
The liberal atheists, deficient in metacognitive abilities, project onto evolutionary theory, some tortured, labyrinthine “logic” for why people would care about say disabled people, gay people, or anybody else, that from a strictly genetic might makes right perspective does not make any sense, which, by the way, goes contrary to the Christian belief that all people are created equal.
The liberal atheists claim that somehow, much like the magical primordial soup, for magically social reasons, this irrational love for others, no matter their objective value to society or to survival of the fittest, fits into evolutionary theory. It does not, and this is an intellectual lie. One only needs to observe how the world actually works, often in the absence of love, to see that it’s not true, you know, empirical observation. The liberal atheists entertain this lie because they can’t bring themselves to be truly intellectually honest since it would lead them to a conclusion that is unfavorable to their intellectually biased conclusion: evolutionary theory is rational reason that explains the totality of human life and its existence. The absolute and objective truth is that is does not, and it never will.

9/27/24 – IQ tests as they are presently designed are critically flawed. They are giving a biased and incomplete picture of human intelligence. At a minimum, they must include measures of social and emotional intelligence, which is the primary way in which human beings reason – that’s correct, reason.

9/27/24 – Some of the words that liberal atheists love saying the most are “science,” (how else could they signal that they are smart, really smart, but by repeating “science” over and over and over again), “evolution,” and “gay.” But isn’t there an inherent issue here? By evolutionary theory, aren’t gay people inherently inferior? What possible benefit to the evolution of the human species could people who are attracted to the same sex offer? In fact, in godless communist regimes, they have tried to violently purge them from society because they view them as threatening the social order and having minimal value in their transactional framework. There is nothing within evolutionary theory that gives gay people any protection from this dehumanizing conclusion.
In the religious context, and as the video below mentions, in the Judeo-Christian tradition, a fundamental tenet is that all people are created equal. As Tony Jack explains, this is objectively not true. It is our belief based on our religious texts and traditional practices. This is why even fundamentalist or conservative Christians who practice the faith correctly make the distinction between the person and the behavior. The faith doesn’t allow them to view any person as inferior because we are all children of God. This obviously also applies to liberal Christians, but they interpret the same texts as God made gay people as they are and/or we are called to love, and they don’t take issue with their behavior. Therefore, of these two frameworks, evolutionary theory and Judeo-Christian beliefs, the latter is more protective of all people, including gay people.

9/26/24 – So, keep in mind certain points of clarification as you watch this interesting Ted Talk about some neuroscience research on different ways of thinking: analytic and empathetic. Firstly, as anyone who’s been paying attention knows, MAGA and “Christian Nationalists” are not really religious people. They are political people pretending to be religious people. So, this doesn’t apply to them. These findings apply to genuinely religious people.
Intuitively, it makes sense that the brain switches modes, if you will, between analytic and empathetic. We’ve all known people with whom we share some difficulty in life (we might have been these people ourselves, well-meaning, but…), and they start analyzing our problem and telling us ways to “fix it.” We were actually looking for empathy (being present for us in our emotions as they are) and support. Also, in “solving our problem,” there’s an implicit criticism. If I were you, I would have done it this way, which is better than the way you’re doing it. In other words, you’re handling it wrong. Obviously, helping does often involve providing guidance and advice, but the delivery and timing matter a lot. First, just let people express their emotions, and be there for them in that space non-judgmentally and supportively.
Lastly, he closes with the point that you can gain this same benefit from reading about history, anthropology, art, literature, etc. This is not the same. Art and literature can provide great insights into the human condition, but the effect is definitely not the same as nurturing a healthy spiritual life. In any case, worth watching and considering…with an open mind, of course.
A scientific defense of spiritual & religious faith | Tony Jack | TEDxCLE

9/26/24 – There is the graceful way of getting old, and then, there is this way of getting old. Richard Dawkins and his ilk are boring trolls. See also the post below regarding narcissism.
The New Atheists Are Getting Old

9/26/24 – So nice to see young people not staring down at their phones but looking up at God. We would like to tell the young people out there: enjoy your youth and beauty, and know this: getting older is glorious. It’s liberating and enriching. We pray that as our children of God age, their faith ripens and that they live and spread the Good News as Jesus intended it to be, for everybody, faith, hope and love.
Same God (Live from Passion 2023) | Elevation Worship & Passion Music

9/26/24 – “When does so much racism, misogyny, and xenophobia finally become so toxic that Republicans join with other decent people in rejecting such behavior?” The entire world is waiting for an answer to this question. This was once the party of Lincoln. What a shameful disgrace!
MAGA Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry

9/25/24 – On a different note (because really how much of this can a person take), one of the amazing things about The Lord of the Rings (the book) is that it started out as a linguistic exercise. Tolkien, who was educated in the classics, wanted to create a fictional language, and after doing so, he built the fictional world around it. Why is this amazing? Well, if you read the post below, in the Jewish and Christian traditions, God speaks, and the universe is created. Tolkien was Catholic, and at least subconsciously, he ended up mimicking this process. His fictional word leads to the creation of his fictional world. We are so blessed to have the spark of the divine. Let’s use it to glorify our creator, and let us always be grateful.

9/25/24 – “‘[T]o put it another, even more familiar, way, if Trump supporters blamed Jews for nailing their Messiah [a certain person] to the cross.” To MAGA: Do you know the number of people who think that you worship a certain person instead of the Christian God? It is a wide and varied group that were not prompted by anybody or any media. They came to that conclusion observing your own words and actions. Do you know how spiritually shameful that is? Think about Moses and the Israelites after they had been delivered out of bondage. Think about the first, very first, commandment. Then, think about what David Frum just wrote. Also, you can’t claim to be a good Christian and hate the very people who gave you the religion. Not only does it go against basic decency, but it also makes no sense.
Trump’s Threat to American Jews

9/25/24 – Hillary Clinton talks about her own conflicts and mistakes in this opinion piece. Are the conspiracy-minded figures on the right, who claim to be so Christian, capable of doing the same? Are they capable of doing an examination of conscience? One of the fundamental Judeo-Christian beliefs is that we are all sinners, which goes back to original sin. So, let’s see their spiritual work. Put it out there as she, the person the right vilified, has done. By the way, you might also want to read the first book on her bookshelf. Truly practicing Christians regularly do spiritual work, and The Prodigal Son is a common parable for deep meditation. Think about how it relates to the opinion piece.
The opinion piece is also worth reading because it’s a glimpse into how hard practicing true Christian tenets is. Jesus was deeply compassionate, and sometimes, this is mistaken as being less demanding. He was arguably more demanding. In his ministry, Jesus was primarily a rabbi (a religious leader), teacher, and a healer. To this day, these are the professions that have some of the highest ethical standards, as they should. You’re dealing with people’s souls, minds, and bodies. Handle with care. He asked us to go against our worldly and survival instincts, and to follow him, to do as he did. Can we do that? Read in the piece what repentance and redemption look like. Does it look easy?
It’s easy to beat your white chest and proclaim your Christianity like it’s your white birthright even though it’s a religion that originated from a brown Jew and his Jewish followers in the Jewish homeland. (For those who are counting, yes, that’s Jew and Jewish exactly three times in the same sentence.) It also spread first to communities that were not white. (Additionally, we treat Greeks and Romans as white, which is not exactly genetically accurate.) From its humble beginnings, Christianity was never a white man’s religion, but a world religion. Don’t forget it, and do the work.
To Err Is Human, to Empathize Is Superhuman
What’s on Hillary Clinton’s Bookshelf?

9/23/24 – Much of this terminology requires a “crank dictionary” or social media, neither of which is going to happen. So, forgive us for not wanting to compromise our sanity to more fully understand the madness. Even without this insight, it’s obvious to anyone paying the slightest attention that the Republican Party has become a magnet for truly crazy, conspiracy-minded people. As a brief sampling: a certain person, you know, the chosen one who is in actuality, well, evil, then there is the black Robinson who is quite jealous of MLK Jr. and wants to bring slavery back seemingly oblivious to the fact that he would be the enslaved not the enslaver (the man needs to seek treatment for his self-loathing and loathing more generally), lies about immigrants eating cats and dogs, and on and on. All of this is the inevitable result of thinking that you’re persecuted, the end of times is nigh, Christianity is under assault, and whatnot. It’s persecution psychosis, persecution complex driven to insane levels by social media, a demagogue and other inflammatory factors.
All one has to do is stop thinking like this. Just stop. If you say you believe in God, you have to actually mean it. Love and trust God. You can see this contraction play out in their own minds and words. Their fears run them around, yet they say, they believe “Christianity will stand the test of time.” Which is it? Of course, Christianity will stand the test of time…in spite of the incredible damage the “crank Christians” have done to it. Let’s just break this down. In the 80s and 90s, they thought they were the silent majority so that justified treating Christianity like a political party. Now, they’re realizing that their extreme political positions pretending to be Christian tenets aren’t broadly popular. So, they’re telling themselves that they’re fine with being the minority, but they’re still going to influence government to force other Americans to do things their way. One person cited of all people the Apostle Paul, someone who was executed by the Roman emperor, as inspiration for this approach. Are they kidding us? They are not martyrs for the faith, and they need to stop flattering themselves with this delusion.
If they are “disappointed,” they have no one else to blame but themselves. When even liberal atheists are telling you that you seem to be worshipping the wrong god, meaning a certain person instead of the Christian God, you might want to pay attention. (They think they can bear witness to the faith after this?) They made a deal with the devil, and now, the devil has political considerations that are not favorable to them, which was inevitable. MAGA, or as their chosen one likes to refer to them, the basement dwellers, need to accept that they got conned. In fact, a certain person doesn’t care about anybody but himself. So, it’s simply a matter of time before all of his constituents are disappointed, particularly, the disgusting, greedy rich who are bankrolling him.
Even David French, who seems genuinely appalled by the degradation of the Republican Party, still hasn’t figured out the real problem. He needs to go deeper in an examination of conscience. He says, “Leaders don’t simply enact policies; they dictate the cultures of the institutions they lead.” To some degree, this is true. However, this is a democracy, and we, the American people, collectively build our country, every aspect of it, including our institutions. Also, Christians aren’t supposed to be focused on earthly leaders, institutions or culture. We’re supposed to be focused on serving God and serving each other. Here’s an idea: stop forcing your idea of Christianity down anybody’s throat, stop associating Christianity with politics, and stop with the persecution psychosis. This might be particularly hard for white people, who are coming out of the European tradition, to understand, but Christianity is not a political party or a state religion. It is simply a religion. All Jesus asked his followers to do is to love God, love each other and live the faith. You live it by humbly doing the Lord’s work day after day. Stop pursuing earthly power. Start pursing divine grace.
Christian Conservatives Face Reality: Increasingly, They Stand Alone
MAGA Wants Transgression. Mark Robinson Is the Result.

9/23/24 – One conclusion is abundantly clear: losing religion has been a disaster for our society and for our world. So much has been lost, and nothing has been gained. Also, the damage that has been done to Christianity by its self-proclaimed protectors must be repaired.

9/22/24 – Happy Sunday! God of Day and God of Darkness

9/21/24 – Some poetry courtesy of the Bible, “Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They neither toil nor spin. Yet not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of these.” Matthew 6:28-29

9/21/24 – Parents need to be held legally accountable for their kids’ cellphone addiction. It’s a form of child neglect and, in some cases, child endangerment.

9/21/24 – Everybody needs to leave X. It’s especially ridiculous for journalists, politicians, and the media to be on it. It’s propaganda and owned by a dictator-wannabe enabler. Come on, already. You need to model what you want to see in others. As Jesus said, “hypocrites.”

9/20/24 – The cheaters, also known as a certain person’s campaign, must be prevented from changing the electoral vote allocation in Nebraska and in requiring a hand count in Georgia. He is a sociopath who wants to undermine our democracy. Stop him! Also, in addition to Pennsylvania, Harris Walz need to push in Nevada and Arizona.  

9/19/24 – Y’all, don’t treat people like they’re dumb. Of course, people should learn and grow, but it’s a matter of whether or not people perceive it as such or as opportunistic flip-flopping to get elected. Walz’s change in position related to gun restrictions seems like a genuine change as a) the society changed (even Gen X didn’t have this level of gun violence, it was just starting at that time) and b) he was a teacher, and, naturally, he probably had a strong reaction to kids being gunned down in their classrooms. In case the media forgot, voters are also human beings, and they understand that people change and grow because they have likely done so themselves. They also intuitively understand the conditions under which this happens organically and the ones under which it’s being forced.
Having read several articles about undecided voters (and channeling Holden), there is a considerable number of them who view Harris as phony and flipflopping to get elected. Are they wrong? The truth is that on some issues, probably not. Unfortunately, we have an election system where politicians stake more extreme positions during primaries and move toward the center during the general election. It’s BS, and it really needs to stop. See ranked-choice voting. So, of course, voters find politicians opportunistic and phony. It’s because they’re being opportunistic and phony. Instead of trying to gaslight them with some phony evolution in ideology or policy position, make the authentic parts shine such that they outweigh the inauthentic parts in voters’ minds. Stop BSing voters and simultaneously claiming to be better than a certain person.

9/18/24 – A certain person loves himself so much, he can’t possibly love anybody else. A cautionary tale for us all.

9/18/24 – One thing is for sure: narcissism is rotting people’s body, mind, and soul. Also coming out of the Jewish tradition, Christianity has historically placed a lot of emphasis on discipline in thoughts, words and deeds. This is not fashionable right now, but it is the way to live, and it desperately needs to make a comeback. Tip to pretty much everyone: stop seeking attention and start seeking goodness, truth, and beauty. Attention-seeking is not a healthy way to live a life. Instead, focus on substance and soul consciousness.
Caravaggio (clearly an Italian name) is known for a style of painting called chiaroscuro. (Also Italian, think clear and obscure combined. Another tip: If you’re trying to learn a Romance language, one of the easiest ways to remember the vocabulary is to find the English version of the same word, e.g. clair(e), also meaning light, is French for clear, and clarity is similar to the Latin root, clar(a/um/us).) Chiaroscuro is basically strong contrast but with paint or similar medium not photography. (If you’re an artist, you know that this effect has historically been easier to achieve with paint and the like than with photography, which is highly sensitive to light and speed.) In Caravaggio’s depiction, the Greco-Roman mythological figure Narcissus stares longingly at his own reflection. The figure is light, and the reflection is dark upon even darker water. Contemplate the poetry in the painting for a bit.
In his depiction, narcissism might seem to be focused on one’s looks, vanity, but it doesn’t have to be focused on personal appearance. It frequently takes other forms, such as attention-seeking. Let’s consider all the different ways one might seek attention: wanting to be famous, wanting to be on stage, wanting “followers” and “likes,” wanting to be published, wanting one’s name on other things, wanting people to admire you, and on and on. If “fame” happens, which, unfortunately, it does even to people who don’t seek it, let it be a byproduct of seeking the good, the true and the beautiful. You must also actively reject the allure of gazing upon yourself. To refer to Michelangelo (yes, again), he signed his name once in a flex of ego. He didn’t do it again, and he really didn’t need to. The latter part of his life was focused on a project that does not bear his name and is not associated with his name alone: the redesign of the Vatican. He simply felt called by God to do the work.
Let us all consider: when you have a bunch of followers, fans and such, does it change the quality of your work and your personal development? Are you trying to please them to maintain and grow this following, or are you trying to please, in religious terms, God, the only audience that matters? There needs to be a purity of intention or the quality of the work and of your person will become compromised. Another considerable benefit is that you’ll have a life in which you can more fully enjoy simple pleasures because you’re more present. Instead of looking into murky water to find even the slightest reflection of yourself, no matter how dark the figure, raise your eyes to God, to our creator of light, and say, I am here to do your will and to bring you, not myself, glory.

9/18/24 – This is a highly relevant and interesting question. Again, thank you to the Jewish people for thinking about these worthwhile questions, which effectively consider not just how to live a meaningful life but one that connects us more deeply to the divine, starting millennia ago. There are numerous types of work, which category, e.g. melakhah (creative) and avodah (menial toil), do types of work fall into? Also, does their categorization depend on individual tastes or habits? Also, when we labor with our bodies, is it spiritually different from laboring with our minds, both of which can be creative? (Michelangelo, yes, it’s an obsession, labored with both, and clearly he was driven by a desire to connect with the divine.)
In the Christian tradition, specifically, coming out of the Benedictine tradition, we say “ora et labora,” pray and work, and work, even repetitive, uncreative tasks, can be treated as a form of prayer. In general, work can be divine and an integral part of our fulfillment. However, our identity is still supposed to be centered around God, not our jobs. This likely overlaps with the Jewish tradition, a certain distance that needs to be maintained with work.
Where Christian and Jewish traditions depart is on the elaboration of what types of work are not allowed on the Sabbath. So, this opens up ambiguity for the rest of us, such as Christians, who don’t have the detailed guidance. What exactly constitutes work? What work should we avoid, and can our own preferences substitute for the missing religious guidance? For secular people, they often don’t think about this in religious terms for obvious reasons. It’s usually thought about in terms of work/life balance. This is even more ambiguous, as there isn’t even a mandate to set aside a single day primarily to worship God.
Not to disagree with the author of The Atlantic piece, Sara Tillinger Wolkenfeld, but simply to consider, say one hates doing the dishes but loves folding the laundry, would this latter task be work (menial toil)? Technically, it’s a chore, but as Lydia Sohn, author of The New York Times piece, asks, do we really want to outsource all of this type of labor? Instead, might we approach it, to use eastern spiritual language, as an opportunity for Zen.
Productivity Is a Drag. Work Is Divine.
The Household Chores You’re Avoiding Are Key to a Deeper Life

9/17/24 – Maybe a certain person would get shot at less if he toned down his demagogic rhetoric. Until then, maybe the money that taxpayers, including the majority of the country that loathes the man, pay should be redirected to secret service for the Haitian immigrants and the school children who had to evacuate their school because of a certain person’s hateful rhetoric. A certain person should hire and pay for his own security detail.

9/16/24 – Many Christians find Einstein’s, a Jew who fled Europe during WWII, General Theory of Relativity and Lemaître’s, a Catholic priest, Big Bang Theory convincing. People can knock themselves out with a theory that isn’t testable or pray that one day it will be, but until it is, just don’t waste our time. No offense, but such is science. Happy Monday!

9/16/24 – Who knew that physicists and economists had so much in common. Apparently, both groups have a penchant for mistaking (mathematical) beauty for truth. Also, what applies on a micro level may not apply on a macro level. So, one would be wise to be cautious about trying to get fundamentally different dynamics to fit together like one jigsaw puzzle.

9/16/24 – “After the service, some parishioners gathered at Rose Goute Creole restaurant for a traditional Haitian meal of rice and beans, fried plantains and pork.” Sounds delicious, but where are the cats and dogs? Remember: As Christians, we are called to lean in to our suffering. Look upon our Lord on the cross, an innocent man crucified based on false allegations, a death he freely chose. We all have a cross to bear. May we do so filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit. May our suffering bring us closer to God. May we embrace it.
To our beautiful Haitian sisters and brothers: Don’t be afraid. God is with us. Jesus didn’t leave us orphaned. The vast majority of Americans stand with you. We don’t believe the lies, and we don’t practice the hate. We try to love as Jesus loved us. Don’t let hateful people change you for the worse. It’s not easy, but when they show you hate, you show them love. Let us be instruments of God’s peace.
Haitians in Ohio find solidarity at church after chaotic week of false pet-eating claims

9/15/24 – Rosh Hashanah, the birthday of the universe, is coming. In anticipation, let’s consider a few things. One can listen to the Psalms sung in Latin or English. It’s lovely, but one wonders, how did this sound in the original Hebrew or Aramaic, or even in Syriac, which is also a Semitic language?
Shakespeare translated into another language is not the same as in the original English. Something is always lost in translation. (However, translation is still better than nothing.) If you’ve ever tried to memorize Shakespeare, it’s a lot easier to do so if you understand its melodic cadence. A word might have many synonyms (semantics/meaning), but it’s harder to find a synonym that sounds the same as the original word.
“Certainly the psalms were songs as well as poems, as the headings of many of them indicate. The religions that sprang from Judaism have all used music and chant as part of the experience of worship, and there is every reason to assume that this was influenced by the practice of the parent religion. Over the centuries, music that accompanies worship has been developed into a high art.” This is absolutely true. The church’s tradition of music comes from the Jewish tradition.
Sometimes, we say the Lord’s Prayer. Other times during the liturgical calendar, we sing it. It’s always powerful, and it’s pretty incredible how musical this simple but complete prayer can be. We sing it without any musical accompaniment. Somehow, we all know the tune. Saying the Lord’s prayer feels like praying. Singing it in unison feels more like an appeal to and a glorification of God.
Imagine you, little speck of a human being, are singing to our omnipotent, omnipresent God. “Where were you when I made the universe?” I didn’t exist, but now, my pathetic little offkey voice is singing to you, my God. We’re glorifying you, our God, through song. How incredible is that!
In the Jewish and Christian traditions, God speaks, and the universe is created, and in the Christian tradition, the Word was made flesh. Words have power, and as we approach Rosh Hashanah, let’s thank our Jewish sisters and brothers for showing us how to use words and song to express our feelings, such as our love for God and for each other.
Music and Jewish Prayer

9/15/24 – Dear Church, we aren’t one-dimensional people, and we don’t want to be one issue voters. God bless you. Happy Sunday!

9/14/24 – Assuming the Fed lowers the target interest rate (to mitigate the risk of recession), if Harris raises the federal minimum wage (which would put upward pressure on wages), and consumers save more and spend less (which would put downward pressure on prices), the economy might rebalance to a better place. Perhaps the administration could consider creating an index fund, managed by federal employees, to supplement Social Security. They could create some tax incentives to encourage using it to save for retirement. Instead of always thinking along the lines of tax cuts or even tax credits, we need to think in more creative and holistic ways.

9/14/24 – The American people deserve a second debate with Harris so that a certain person, the smartest person in the world, can show the world how superior he is – again. Make debates great again.

9/14/24 – If you’re not white and you’re a woman, you’re doubly stupid. If you’re a white man, by the superiority of your genes alone, you’re the smartest. If you’re orange, however, your orange genes make you the smartest, most superior person in the world.
The Real DEI Candidates

9/14/24 – The Harris Walz campaign needs to make Pennsylvania a priority. It needs to spend more there than a certain person’s campaign.

9/13/24 First, read this from a little over a month ago. 8/12/24 – We don’t want to indulge in it too much because we might jinx it. But we’re feeling too joyful to not indulge in it just a little bit. It’s just too good. Like when you eat one small bit of ice cream and then a little bit more, and then you stop.
Now, you get to watch two little clips, like when she baited him into the unhinged immigrants eating cats and dogs, “In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs. The people that came in. They’re eating the cats. They’re eating — they’re eating the pets of the people that live there. And this is what’s happening in our country.” And then, you get to eat a little bit more ice cream (or cats and dogs if you’re an immigrant), “Now she wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison. This is a radical left liberal that would do this.” But then, you must stop. You cannot – repeat cannot – eat the entire gallon of ice cream.
READ: Harris-Trump presidential debate transcript

9/11/24 – Let’s pray for the victims and the first responders of 9/11. We love and remember them all.  

9/11/24 – A certain person quoted Mike Tyson, the domestic abuser, “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.” Well, Kamala Harris just shook a certain person’s hand: “Everybody has a plan until someone shakes their hand.” Was it obvious to others that she kept baiting him, and he kept falling for it? Then, there was her description of a certain person inviting the Taliban, a terrorist organization, to…wait for it…Camp David. Then, there was his own pride in being played by autocrats, such as Victor Orban and Kim Jong Un. His ego is so desperate for flattery that his brain lacks even the most basic self-awareness to realize that the quality of the flatterer matters more than the quality of the flattery. Yes, that’s some fine skills and temperament for negotiation. The emperor wears no clothes, and we pray that when his supporters get bored and leave his rallies early, they might look back one last time at that diminished figure, by age and by his own demons, and see him for who he really is: an insecure con man.

9/9/24 – If a politician can actually be honest with the American people and win elections, they are worth their salt. From Americans to fellow Americans, stop expecting the sun and the moon. This is the real world not a fictional dream (or is it nightmare) where a demagogue says everything you want to hear and makes you feel so so good, but it’s total bulls—t. The truth is that you can’t get everything because that’s simply not the way the world works, yes, even for Americans.

9/9/24 – Just as it was her call to choose her VP running mate, Harris needs to approach the debate as she feels comfortable. However, if we were, by some dream or is it nightmare, in her place, we would have moderately detailed policies that are open to the direct input of the American people. We would say that we are fighting to preserve our democracy and also trying to make it more responsive to the people. Therefore, we would like to actively solicit the direct input of the American people as we refine our positions.
What would they like us to do to make the economy work better for them? How would they like us to address inflation? Typically, inflation is managed by the central bank, and they feel that they have achieved a “soft landing,” meaning they have brought it down without triggering a recession, which is the theoretical tradeoff. The central bank feels pretty good about this. Would Americans rather have a recession but inflation come down further and faster?
Some have argued that Biden was too generous with the stimulus and that the extra money he sent Americans during the pandemic, when many Americans weren’t able to or allowed to work, caused inflation. Was he too generous, or was that the right approach given the tough situation?
Others have said that inflation was caused by supply chain disruptions. Whether or not one follows macroeconomic data, supply chain disruptions were (and still are to some degree) obvious. You could see gaps on store shelves that did not exist prior to the pandemic. What would Americans like us to do to reduce this? We ask because the supply chains we have now were created by free trade economists across the political spectrum who argued that this reduced the cost of goods for consumers? Should we make everything in the United States to potentially minimize supply shocks? We can do that (with considerable re-engineering of our economy) but most everything will cost more? Is this a tradeoff Americans are willing to make?
Economists like to say that there are always tradeoffs. It’s likely the only thing they consistently get right. There are always tradeoffs. So, let’s ask the American people: would they have rather gotten less financial support during the pandemic to avoid inflation later? Would they rather have risked their lives to continue working during the pandemic when there was no vaccine so that they wouldn’t have needed the extra stimulus? Would they like to have more autarky (economic independence) but generally more expensive goods and services? We believe that Americans have the right, as part of our extraordinary experiment in self-governance that we continue to perfect, to make these value judgments and have them reflected in our policies, but they should know one important thing as they do so – there is no free lunch in economics or in life. You always have to trade something off.

9/9/24 – To our fellow Christians who don’t like a certain person, remember that we are Christians first and foremost, even before being Americans, leave alone party, and we’re asking you to set aside differences on the highly sensitive matter of abortion for this particular election. We are also asking that you understand that on this issue, for as surprising as it might seem, we fundamentally agree. The sanctity of life is not in question. It is a central tenet that is nonnegotiable. What has always set Christians apart, from the very first practitioners of the faith, is our abiding love for life and our belief in the spark of the divine that every single human being possesses. The earliest Christians would save abandoned infants that were discarded in a society, the pagan Roman Empire, that was marked by ruthlessness and callousness toward human life.
Our differences are about how and to what degree we account for human sinfulness, fragility and the brokenness of our world. We do not agree on placing this burden entirely on women or indiscriminately overriding their God-given right to free will. However, this does not mean that our accommodations are limitless. They have limits, as they should, and those limits need to be reasonable for both parties, the innocent unborn and their pregnant mothers. We also agree on conservatives’ end-of-life positions to a considerable degree. We definitely agree on the immorality of assisted suicide for people with disabilities. It has been a consistent position of the faith that human beings are not disposable and are not to be discarded because they are or have become inconvenient. That is the position of people like a certain person, and we know that this is exactly the kind of person and attitude toward life that the earliest Christians rejected. Please do not mistake our willingness to make allowances for the human condition on this issue of abortion as an implicit or explicit compromise on the core value of the sanctity of life.
We are asking our fellow Christians of any and all political persuasions to understand these fundamental tenets are not in question and to vote for Harris Walz for this election with one goal: to save our democracy. Like Liz and Dick Cheney are doing, our fellow Christians would not be compromising anything about their position on abortion. They would be making a pragmatic decision that would save our nation. Many lives were sacrificed to liberate us from the British and to preserve our union. Please honor this sacrifice. Please do this for our ancestors and for our future.
After this election, Christians, across denominations, need to hold meetings to find common ground on abortion and related issues. We are well-suited to do this work, and it’s long overdue. It would help our nation heal and right the ship. If we, as Christians, who worship the same God, cannot model dialogue and constructive conflict resolution, what message are we sending the world about our faith? We tell the world that our faith is powerful and that it will transform them. We need to show this. We need to put our words into practice and use our faith for reconciliation.
Pro-life Voters Are Politically Homeless

9/8/24 – As a random and final Sunday observation: One of the odd things about taking communion in different parts of Europe is that the communion line can be chaos, with everyone basically rushing up toward the front of the church. In the United States, people are extremely respectful, calm and orderly. Two sets of pews merge into one line, or each side of the pew or pew gets its own line. In the Lutheran churches, you go up to and kneel at the altar. People wait patiently for the elderly, parents with young kids and the disabled. Nobody is ever pushy. We are in the Lord’s house, after all.

9/8/24 – Having said all of this, spending time by oneself is necessary and a form of self-care. Different people will have varying needs. One of the main problems with being in others’ company is that one has to process their words, needs, etc., and there ends up being a lot of words and emotions everywhere. It can feel like a lot. It’s helpful to consider the religious communities. They are obviously communal, yet they also spend a lot of time in quiet, solitary prayer. Finding some combination of these ways of being: alone in prayer, nature, reading, or simply silence, with community or companionship “in passing,” and with established community that is consistent and recurring, such as friends, family, neighbors and our religious communities, would likely be ideal.

9/8/24 – Both of these articles helped me remember a moment in my life that I still find remarkable. It was many years ago, and I was fairly young. I was living in Paris. It was lunch time, and I was hungry. I popped into a pleasant-looking and very typical Parisian restaurant that was catering to the lunch crowd. The restaurant was almost full, and I was seated at a small table for two. A few minutes later, the hostess asked me if I would be OK with a gentleman joining me. I said that’s fine. It didn’t take long before I realized this was not an uncommon occurrence, and there were expectations regarding La Politesse. You share the bread being the most important. It was Paris, after all. He made a gesture for me to take it first at what was my table and being a lady, which I found rather charming. You offer polite gestures and greetings but not lengthy conversation. You are simultaneously eating alone yet with company. It was civilized, orderly companionship in passing.
Party of one: Restaurants are catering to a growing number of solo diners

9/8/24 – Pretty certain most of us are guilty of this. It seems accurate to say that we are so much more tired than we used to be, and it’s hard to diagnose the reason(s). Many of us don’t even have as many demands as previous generations that had bigger families, and we have so many more conveniences. As an educated guess, it might be that as our societies became more individualistic, we also became more exhausted, which can easily become a vicious cycle leading to us spending less time together in person. Technology and the ever-increasing expectations regarding our professional lives, credentials, etc., might also be factors. In any case, finding ways to break out of this cycle would be good for all of us.
When Life Feels Too Busy for Friendship

9/8/24 – It’s all very tiring. Go to church. Take a break from the rest. Jesus loves you.

9/8/24 – Is Pennsylvania going to hold?

9/8/24 – Democrats would be wise to be careful with abortion. They have support among liberal Christians, but it’s not the secular, we can do anything we want with our bodies kind. It’s accommodative, not an unrestrained right, and it’s more European in law, for as surprising as that might be for the American left.

9/5/24 – David Brooks has an article, “The Junkification of American Life,” that’s also worth reading (and happens to be related to Bai’s critique). Bad habits are easier to not develop than to break. Good habits are harder to develop than to break. The entire key to living a wholesome, productive, healthy life is to try to get yourself on and stay on a virtuous cycle. Then, continuing good habits and avoiding bad habits won’t feel hard. It will feel natural, even routine.
Brooks said that once one tastes good wine, one won’t want to drink Kool-Aid. Not if one has already damaged their palate. When you do drugs, smoke, eat bad food, consume bad things in general, you’re damaging your sensibilities, your body, mind and soul, whether or not you (fully) realize it.
If you’re having a hard time exercising adequate discipline to break yourself of these bad habits, start with simple things: make your bed every day, brush your teeth twice a day, keep your bedroom clean, put your phone away at work, go to your place of worship every week. Choose something small that you could improve, and start there. The goal is to do it consistently until it becomes a routine. Then choose something a little harder. Keep repeating this process.
RE Brooks’s passing comment on ambition, see below.
8/24/23 – “Here’s the question we all need to ask ourselves:… what do I love when I long for achievement?… What do I want when I want accomplishment? What am I looking for in this aspiration?” Recently, we discussed suffering in the context of Job’s life. (See below.) Here, we discuss success in the context of Augustine’s life. One can suffer not just from deprivation, pain, loss, or other negative experiences, but we can also suffer in the midst of our success. Are we going to blame God for this too? What aren’t we going to blame God for? A well-ordered, well-directed love provides protection from the brutal onslaught of the world and the whims of fortune and provides protection from our own egos. The one we’re made for is the one who made us, and it’s only by directing our ambition to glorifying and pleasing him that we can find rest. “Be our glory, let it be for your sake that we are loved.”
PS The audio isn’t the best.
Reforming our Ambition: James K.A Smith

9/5/24 – Matt Bai has an article in The Washington Post, “I understand Trump voters. Do I also have to empathize with them?” which is in part a response to Kristof’s article, which was in The New York Times. (These are worthwhile debates to have.) As is often the case, the Gospel is a good guide for difficult questions or situations. If liberals and others, patriotic Americans, feel anger, even rage at some points, toward a certain person, that’s entirely understandable. It’s also understandable to feel hurt, anger, frustration, and so on toward his supporters without whom he would have disappeared a long time ago. The problem is that giving voice to it doesn’t help the situation, or anything really, even oneself in the long term.
As Bai described, it is true that there are those who would have their dog run over to extend tax cuts, which was a rather clever and accurate description, and there are other deplorables, yes, deplorables, such as the white supremacists who also support a certain person. (Then, there is Elon Musk who is somehow managing to carve out a special spot in the pantheon of despicable autocrats, wannabes and their enablers, by vying to “outwit” the Hitler variety, who was in fact elected, by aiming to have control over the American government, and therefore, the American people, not by election in our democracy but by buying his way to power by supporting a certain demagogue, financially and by spreading his propaganda. Has anyone noticed that both of these people also have no idea what it means to be a good man or a family man? Coincidence? No.)
The most famous example of anger in the Gospel is when Jesus overturns the money changers’ tables in the Temple. What was his intention? To purify the Temple. He clearly chose not to take a diplomatic approach or to try to persuade people but to do so by force and with angry rebuke. Then, there are the numerous examples of Jesus trying to persuade people to follow him. He never uses anger in these cases.
The question is: what is the purpose, and what approach serves that purpose? If the purpose is to persuade voters, anger is not the way to go. It’s love and compassion. If the purpose to rid the country of the scourge of slavery, purification at any costs is the way to go. Word to the wise: we have one mutual goal – keep a certain person out of the White House. It should be ample motivation to keep you on your best behavior. Keep your eyes on the prize, your tongue in check, and listen with the ear of your heart because it will win more votes, and it’s also the right thing to do.
PS The circle example below was in response to Kristof’s piece. Feel free to practice it to get yourself in a place to do this hard work of healing our nation.

9/2/24 – Today, let’s also remember and honor the millions of people throughout the work who work without compensation, sometimes in generational debt bondage, basically slavery. They deserve to be liberated, to have dignified work and to bear the fruits of their labor. They, like all people, have rights, especially the right to be free.

9/2/24 – On this Labor Day, let’s remember that our two-day weekend was brought to us by unions and the Jewish people, the ones who taught the world the value of respecting rest as a divine mandate, a day for God. In the Catholic tradition, ora et labora.
Shabbat as Social Reform

9/1/24 – Belated Shabbat Shalom to our Jewish friends. Every Sunday, Christians’ Shabbat (Sabbath), we thank our Jewish brothers and sisters, without whom we would not have our beautiful religion. We want them to know that they gave us everything, and we are forever grateful to them. Our hearts break for the victims of Hamas’s terrorism and their grieving families. We hear, see and feel your frustration with Netanyahu’s terrible leadership. We understand the ramifications this has had on the Jewish people and the Palestinian people, who are suffering unnecessarily. May the God of Abraham help us find peace and unity.

9/1/24 – We are strongly opposed to any form of religious oppression, discrimination or persecution, and we are strong advocates for religious freedom. Usha Vance is Hindu, as is her right, and this personal choice needs to be respected. Hindus and Hinduism deserve to be treated with kindness and respect, as do people who practice any other faith or no faith.
India has always been a religiously pluralistic country. Before Hinduism arrived and became India’s majority religion, people practiced various forms of spirituality that basically worshipped nature and the creator (some still do), similar to our indigenous brothers and sisters in the United States. Christians and other religious minorities, especially Muslims, have been persecuted in India, particularly after the BJP inflamed religious intolerance.
For Indians, Kerala state has historically had a proud tradition of religious tolerance. Lean on them to revive Gandhi’s India. For Americans, remember our country was founded on religious tolerance, and when you treat religious minorities disrespectfully, it negatively impacts Christian minorities in other parts of the world.
In any and all cases, religious bigotry is unacceptable and not in keeping with Christ’s teachings. As Christians, we are called to be the hands and feet of Christ. We are asked to follow him. As Catholics, we are to be in communion with Christ. He is to live within us. Jesus never persecuted anyone. He was persecuted. Walk humbly with the Lord. Let the Holy Spirit guide your mind, heart and soul.

9/1/24 – Jesus said that we should love our enemies. The persecuted church practices this better than any other Christians in the world. In the face of brutal discrimination and persecution, they extend their persecutors grace. To our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ, we love you, and we pray for you all the time. You are always in our hearts.
Barnabas Aid
Global Christian Relief
The Voice of the Martyrs

Notes from Underground – August 2024

8/31/24 – Note: This post is not for canvassing or engaging Republican or MAGA voters. That advice was provided below. If you are having a hard time engaging with these voters in a way that’s helpful to the Harris Walz campaign, try a restorative practice, a circle, with people having a similar difficulty. Imagine that we are in circle, and the talking piece has been passed to me. This is how I, personally, would express my thoughts and feelings if asked how I feel about Republicans and MAGA supporting a certain person. (This post is longer than what I would normally say at one turn.)
I feel hurt and betrayed that Republicans would support a certain person. I thought that, as Americans, regardless of party, we have a certain understanding about who we are and what or who we support. I thought that we had a shared set of values that we weren’t willing to compromise on. That didn’t hold. A certain person came along, gave voice to the anger and frustration of many on the right, and what I thought we implicitly agreed upon fell away. For this reason and others, it has been a real challenge to not allow my judgments about a person’s character based on who or what they support to affect my feelings toward a certain person’s supporters, who are also my fellow Americans.
The most problematic aspect for me about a certain person has little to do with policy. I view him as someone who has no value for life, including human life. To me, he shows this all the time, particularly in how he treats our military, especially our wounded or dead members. In the framework of our shared values, I thought we revered them and treated them with the utmost respect. He doesn’t. They disgust him, and he calls them suckers and losers. Yet, on one of the most sensitive issues, one that is closest to my heart as a matter of honoring those who sacrifice for our nation with their bodies and their lives, his supporters continue to support him in spite of his disrespectful treatment of our military. To me, this is the greatest of betrayals.
Of the MAGA members who participated in the Jan 6 insurrection, it was the political counterpart since it betrayed our Constitution and what I thought was our mutual understanding of the necessary restraint required for successful self-governance. I understand that they think that they were cheated out of the win, but they weren’t. Joe Biden won fairly. At this point, after so much time has passed, yet they have persisted in the big lie, I don’t view a certain person’s supporters as actually believing the big lie, but as not wanting to believe the truth because it doesn’t conform to what they want to believe as true. It is as if they want to will a lie to be a truth. It doesn’t work that way for anyone. I feel that we have to have a set of shared values that we abide by whether they work in our favor or not, or our whole society and the American experiment falls apart.
I also feel betrayed by Christians, who are often white evangelicals, who support a certain person. Their support for him makes me question their faith, and I have to regularly remind myself to extend them grace. It feels like a lot of work, and at times, I feel quite exhausted by the amount of work all of this takes. As many defectors in their ranks have expressed, I feel that they sold their souls in a Faustian bargain. They say they value the sanctity of life, but they end up supporting someone who has no value for life. This doesn’t make sense to me.
Now, this person’s obvious lack of principles surrounding the sanctity of life, which has been there this whole time, is being expressed in policies that they don’t support (see his flip-flopping all over the place on abortion), and they might feel betrayed. From my perspective, they already betrayed the sanctity of life when they voted for someone who has no value for life. Value for life isn’t limited to a fetus. It applies across the board. Anyway, there is more I could say, but these are the points that cause me the most pain: my feeling of being betrayed by my fellow Americans and my brothers and sisters in Christ on core values that I thought were nonnegotiable.

8/31/24 – This election is shaping up to be very much about gender, but not really about things like trans. It’s about much more fundamental aspects of men and women. Are there differences between them? Obviously. Is it a good thing that there are differences between the genders? Yes, obviously. Now, let’s talk about abortion. This issue ends up affecting women more than men because there are obvious differences between the genders.
You can say, for example, that you don’t care if Walz can change a tire. You care about his character or his governance record, for example, on abortion. That’s fair, but his expression of being a good man is connected to his position on abortion because of this fundamental difference between men and women.
Think about men who have no respect for women. They tend to express this in two general ways: one, they don’t help them, and two, instead, they use them to help themselves, for example, for sex. Like most humans, women want to be loved, and these men exploit this healthy desire to serve their sexual desire. If the women get pregnant, they are the ones left dealing with the consequences of this exploitation and misplaced trust.
What liberal voters hear when conservatives talk about abortion is that they assert that there are fundamental differences between genders and simultaneously say that they don’t care how this impacts women even though it impacts the more vulnerable gender more than the more powerful gender. What they hear is an indifference to the challenges and pain of half of the world’s population.
We have yet to see conservatives address abortion in a way that is coherent and compassionate toward both – by both, we mean both – of the most vulnerable of the three parties it takes to create new life: women and fetuses. Rather understandably, liberals prioritize the rights of the woman over the rights of the fetus for two main reasons: one, the woman is a fully formed human being and two, they think this is a decision that pregnant women (without whom the fetus would not survive) have the right to make. As it relates to this, the questions that conservatives have to answer are: Why do they think they are better suited to make this decision for women (by governmental fiat), and what gives them the right to do so?

8/31/24 – Humans are emotional beings by God’s design. There is no shame in it. Everybody has a right to express their anger and frustration. Do so with confidants or to the moon. Releasing negative emotions will help you stay sane and also prepare you to move into positive emotions.

8/29/24 – Nature is your friend. Love people, but also take breaks from them by spending time with the friend God created for us. Adam had Eve, and Eve had Adam. They both had the Garden of Eden. God sent us a message from the beginning. If you’re always doing something with technology, you’re not availing yourself of this natural therapy. God designed life to be complementary, but you have to spend your time in life, not doing unhealthy things in artificial life.

8/29/24 – Wise advice. Brooks also provides research that supports the values and actions in the Gospel. Changing oneself takes time and patience. We all have to keep working at it because changing ourselves and our world for the better depend on it. It’s not an end. It’s a lifelong endeavor that’s a blessing.
How to Influence People—And Make Friends

8/29/24 – The purpose of church is to worship the Christian God together. If you get too focused on other things, even really helpful things, like feeding the poor, you’re not doing the main thing you’re supposed to be doing. Worshipping our God is what unites Christians. Everyone is going to have their own way of being spiritual, but if you can, in the midst of hundreds or even thousands of people, kneel in a pew and pray with the rest of the world practically disappearing, you’re where you need to be. You’re with God. You have to nurture that core relationship before you can serve anyone else.
The Zoom meetings were unlikely to be the problem. Although they have their drawbacks, Zoom meetings also help people from all over gather together, and they can be highly effective. It was the way they went about the meetings. That said, if you want a healing circle, it is best to do it in person. They should never be contentious. They are sacred, respectful, healing spaces, and the facilitator needs to bring it back to this space if it moves away from it.
The purpose of this church’s Zoom meetings is unclear. What were they trying to achieve? The dynamic of the meetings also seems off. Was one or both parties hurt? Was one party excluded, and if so, how? Were there disagreements on the theology, for example, related to gay marriage? You need to clearly identify the harm first because it determines how to approach the healing.
In any case, having only this article to work from, it seems like it was unsuccessful, because firstly, the purpose of a church is to worship God together, and everything else comes after it. If you work from, we love the same God, and our God tells us to love each other, it’s a natural common ground. It also seems unsuccessful because they seemed to be fighting for their positions and not coming into the discussion in the spirit of understanding and reconciliation. To listen with the ear of your heart means that the ear and the heart has to be open. If they are closed, and your mouth is open, well, that’s not the idea.
Why Did This Progressive Evangelical Church Fall Apart?

8/27/24 – To our industrious, hand-working American women who know how to get things done, how to build things, and how to fix things, we salute you. You work alongside our industrious, hand-working American men, bringing your talents and skills to bear, and do the teamwork that makes our dream work. Thank you.

8/27/24 – To the men who mistake a certain person for masculinity, we want to tell you an obvious secret. He has soft, useless hands. You can tell this just by looking at him. He doesn’t know how to do anything – by anything, we mean anything at all – (it’s rather disgusting, actually) with his pampered hands. He doesn’t know how to change a tire. He doesn’t know how to repair concrete. He doesn’t know how to do anything with plumbing or electricity. He doesn’t know how to put up drywall. Nothing. The man can do nothing.
As a chick who knows how to cut tile with a tile saw, I would never let him do this precise aesthetic work. If you think it’s easy, try to cut delicately patterned marble tile. Basically, whether the task requires more brute strength, which many highly resourceful women end up delegating to their physically stronger counterparts (yes, gender differences as it relates to physical strength are real, and we’re more than OK with it, especially when the tradeoff is being able to create brand new mini humans), or more aesthetically involved work, a certain person would not be chosen for the task. He doesn’t even know how to, are you ready for this, prep and paint. Can you actually see him using those worthless hands to fix damaged plaster?
Obama used his hands to indicate a certain person’s obsession with “crowd sizes.” Well, don’t let a certain person’s obsession with “crowd sizes” detract from the real problem. A certain person claims to be so masculine yet he has soft, useless hands. In fact, he is so pathetically worthless, if you, a man working on say a home improvement project, needed someone who can actually help you with it, you might end up asking the delicate looking, artsy chick (they work at the home improvement stores, go talk with them) who actually knows how to use a tile saw, fix walls and do landscaping, you know, useful things. Thank you, and have a nice day.

8/26/24 – Believe it. “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
1 Corinthians 13:13

8/25/24 – Lincoln quoting Jesus said, “a house divided against itself cannot stand.” The full except from the Bible is: “So Jesus called them over to him and began to speak to them in parables: ‘How can Satan drive out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. And if Satan opposes himself and is divided, he cannot stand; his end has come. In fact, no one can enter a strong man’s house without first tying him up. Then he can plunder the strong man’s house.’” Basically, Jesus is saying that one cannot drive out darkness with darkness. We can only drive it out with light.
This brings us to two points. Firstly, Biden was not able to see what many of us were. The more he clinged to power, the more he became like a certain person, who we used to refer to as the evil one, the devil. His campaign became darkness and depended on voters’ fears to reelect him to the office even though he was no longer fit for it. Secondly, we have to remember to revisit our past and ancient friends. We don’t have to reinvent the wheel. The blueprint to get out of our predicament has been there this entire time. All we needed to do was read or remember it, and then apply it.

8/25/24 – Nobody wove “gird our loins” into their speech at the DNC, which is rather unfortunate. Imagine Michelle Obama saying it with her manicured finger and her facial expression, “gird our loins and do something.” Definitely a missed opportunity.

8/25/24 – Without being aware of it, Christians, perhaps especially Catholics, who regularly practice the faith correctly and have been going to church, have been getting valuable training their whole lives for free. (Be sure to tithe.) Use this gift given to us by Jesus Christ transmitted directly through the church and indirectly through our parents to make the world a better place. It is a gift that needs to keep giving. It was given to us by grace. Give it with grace.

8/25/24 – We hear that a certain person is in a funk. As Christians, we believe in repentance and redemption. At any time, this person is free to end his campaign to focus on the much needed spiritual and personal work he has avoided his entire life.

8/25/24 – On this Sunday, we would like to give a special thank you to the Republicans, especially the Christian ones, who spoke at the DNC. As an act of conscience, they broke with their party, and some also broke with their church. We understand the gravity of the loss. We appreciate their sacrifice and commend them for putting country above party. We promise you we will do the same if the tables are ever turned. Adam Kinzinger’s speech was great, thank you. We know it might feel not just awkward but also spiritually disorienting or lonely, but he did right by the Lord, which is the only thing that matters. Jesus said that he wouldn’t leave us orphaned, and he didn’t. He is always with us. Peace be with you, our fellow patriots and our brothers and sisters in Christ.

8/24/24 – The Catholic Church’s faithful who are practicing the faith correctly are primed to be peacemakers. The Church should offer training in restorative practices and dispatch the laity to areas of conflict, in their communities and around the world, to be repairers of the breach and restorers of the peace. This would be a valuable service to the world and a way to engage the faithful in one of the oldest traditions of the Church.

8/24/24 – The Democratic Party should never have abandoned rural voters. It was immoral, and political expediency doesn’t justify it. There are also many minorities and immigrants in more rural areas. Do they not matter just as much as the ones in urban areas? We should not take any Americans for granted or treat them as disposable. Their needs deserve to be met. Their voices deserve to be heard. And they deserve to be able to vote for candidates who genuinely care about them, not a demagogue who’s pretending to care about them. We also encourage urbanites to go to rural areas, hang out with your fellow Americans, or simply check out their cities and take in our beautiful countryside. We, as Americans, are so blessed. We are one country, for better or for worse. It’s like a marriage, and to make it work, we have to care about each other.

8/24/24 – To our beloved Ukrainians, Happy Independence Day! We know it’s hard. Our Revolutionary War went on for over 8 years. As we presently fight for our democracy, Democrats and others are fully aware that we’re fighting for yours too. To celebrate and to gird our loins (don’t you love Scripture), let’s quote some more Scripture. As Democrats reminded our nation a few days ago, “[W]eeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” Keep the faith. You will prevail.
Psalm 30:5

8/24/24 – When Democratic volunteers go door knocking or calling, the temptation is going to be to talk about a certain person or get mired in policy. Don’t do either of these things. Instead, as we say in the Catholic tradition, listen with the ear of your heart. Listen to the person not to solve their problems, but to really hear them. Hear them with your heart. You can briefly provide the policy, but you’re not in a position to solve their problems. You’re in a position to love them, and how you do that is by really listening to them.

8/24/24 – The Democrats’ huge advantage is that they can, without contraction or hypocrisy, lean into a politics of love. When they interact with voters, of any political affiliation, they have one job and one job alone – to make the person feel loved. They are to be as teachers are with students, meet voters where they’re at. The Democrats might not be well-received. They might be met with hostility and anger, skepticism and cynicism, but they are to make voters feel loved, cared for, respected, and appreciated.
True Christian evangelicals know this well. You don’t convince people of the faith by fighting with them, mocking them, bullying them, appealing to fear, etc. You model the faith with love and compassion, as Jesus taught us and did, and then you keep walking. What is important is not that you convinced them but that you loved them and that they feel loved.
Warren got a standing ovation because Democrats know and appreciate how hard she’s fought for them. You might disagree with her politics. Some might find her to be a statist. But she has strong convictions about fighting for the poor and the middle-class. She works hard and is a tried-and-true policy wonk. God bless her for it. However, when Democrats engage with voters, don’t be a policy wonk. You don’t need to study plans, policies or anything else. All you need to do is connect on the most fundamental of levels with your fellow Americans. Connect with them as people with whom you’re building this amazing country and as human beings. Remember: love conquers all.

8/23/24 – During the DNC, there were so many great speeches. It’s obvious that people are putting their all into defeating a certain person, leveraging their talents as much as they can, in whatever way they can. Harris and Walz both did what they needed to do and then some. Their different identities, backgrounds and styles complemented each other well. The Obamas, dependably great, didn’t disappoint. Also, in their different styles, they gave the base expression to their own legitimate anger toward a certain person. It’s the Democrats’ Party and party, after all. Oprah delivered a moral perspective, as an Independent. And on and on. It was an embarrassment of riches. But one person, an entirely unexpected person, stood out: Gus Walz. He reminded everybody watching of the most powerful thing in the world – love. His father’s genuine expression of love was reciprocated with love and pride without self-consciousness or restraint, beautifully effusive, fully in the moment. And we loved him for it. At a political gathering to nominate the Party’s candidates, the people who the Party hopes to wield political power, this DNC will be remembered for showing the world the power of love. They say that Gus has a superpower. If it’s love, they’re right because that’s what it is.

8/22/24 – Well, well, well, what do we have here? Is that the…Democratic Party? Yes, in fact, it is. You would, however, be forgiven if you had mistaken it for the Republican Party in terms of optics and embracing patriotism. Why the Democratic Party ever ceded patriotism, flag, country, our military or anything else that is at the core of the American experiment is a mystery? That said, if the party had never given up these American things, we wouldn’t have noticed how prominently they were now put on display and the associated message: we are the party that embodies the American ideals in who we actually are, not just in words and optics. We waited to comment until the end of the DNC to see if it was a passing thing or if this was a new party identity and message. Not only did it not pass, it intensified as the convention progressed.
The party also made some more overt gestures with respect to faith. Scripture was quoted during several speeches, with the delegates, who were Biden’s, by the way, at least once reciting passages before the speaker. (See Hakeem Jeffries.) Delegates had them memorized, which indicates that the Christian faith has been there this whole time. Its expression within the Democratic Party was simply suppressed for some unknown reason.
We are the United States of America. We are not France, and we don’t want to be that country. We would never allow a vulgar mockery of the Christian faith, such as one of the most sacred moments, the Last Supper, during the Olympics. Yes, what a great idea. Let’s mock the moments before Jesus’s sacrifice, during which he washes the feet of his disciples, one of the most moving acts in his ministry, by referring to, wait for it, the pagan hedonism of pre-Christian times in the ancient European world, where men would rape young boys, like they presently do in Afghanistan. You know, the very activities that Christianity said was immoral and denounced. So liberal, avant-garde. No, it’s actually not. It’s European filth. The French call it laïcité. It’s not secular. It’s bigotry. It’s hatred of religion. It’s not freedom. It’s repression. It’s not inclusive. It’s exclusive. It’s not cool. It’s disgusting. And it is what we, as Americans, should never allow ourselves to become.
To return to the point, at the convention, there were many “God bless,” or “God bless America,” especially at the end of speeches. We are our own country, and that’s who we want to be. This country started with Christians who were persecuted in Europe. The Judeo-Christian values of our first settlers are the bedrock of our nation. When we say, “God bless you,” we need to mean it. Go through the stories of community and neighborliness shared during the DNC. We have those stories because that’s how we live. Whether blue or red states, that is the American way of life, even now during a more individualistic period. We still help each other. We are still there for each other.
The Democratic convention was a success because it didn’t do what France did during the opening ceremony of the Olympics. It didn’t offend other people’s sensibilities and faith. It didn’t impose misguided values, packaged as “artsy,” on a diverse audience with differing values. It stuck to positive, inclusive messages that defined our nation to unify us. What the Democratic Party was doing before was not as overtly offensive as what France did, but it definitely pandered to a certain limited sensibility that is more interested in being a caricature of cool than in simply being a good, helpful, kind person. Great job. Good night. Now, win by respecting your voters and earning their votes. Win by reaching out to voters who are different from you and showing them that you care about them and that you will fight for them. That’s our country at our best.

8/18/24 – The Democratic Party needs to improve its processes and have competitive presidential primaries every four years. Period. No more turns or next in line. The definition of stupid is to keep making the same mistakes. However, Klein’s general point and observations hold. The Republican Party never pulled together to get rid of a certain person. That’s what it should have done. A certain person is a danger to the Republic. Regarding the role of government, the hatred on the right of the government makes no sense. We pay taxes. It’s not a handout. We collectively pool our money and give it to the things our country and its people value.
Spending Americans’ money on ourselves is the role of the government and the financial expression of our rights as citizens of this country that we build together. We would like to give a shout out to all the beautiful “cat ladies” who have chosen not to have children, for whatever reasons. Maybe some just didn’t find a suitable partner, and as is the Catholic tradition, they didn’t want to engage in the Sacrament of Marriage without feeling certain it would be for life. Maybe they wanted to marry someone of the same faith and the same tradition so that they could raise their children in the faith and the tradition. Maybe they are responsible, careful adults who take marriage and parenting very seriously. Maybe criticisms can go in both directions, and it’s best to just generally stay out of other people’s business. To return to the point, thank you to the “cat ladies” for paying for the well-being and care of other people’s children. We applaud you. Thank you also for not contributing to an overpopulated planet and climate change in this way. (The Pope might want to consider more deeply the inherent contradictions of some of the Vatican’s positions as it relates to these matters.)
When we pay our taxes, which is a patriotic act, we’re saying to our fellow Americans, we are in this together, and we’re going to put our money where our mouth is. It’s all well and good to talk about patriotism. It’s another thing to put your life on the line or to contribute your money to your fellow Americans because you care about them. In many respects, taxes are like insurance. Some of our taxes will benefit all of us, some of us, and some will benefit only other people and not us. We are good with this arrangement because strong countries have people who support and contribute to the collective good, not just to themselves.
Defense is very important, and this is where the left lives in its own idealistic world. We have enemies who will destroy and enslave us if we aren’t able to defend ourselves. One can wish it weren’t so, but it is so. Deal with it. We can have debates about the size of the defense budget and whether those contracts are being granted in an unbiased manner, and such. There is room for improvement on both ends, too much spending and too little, for example, on our Navy fleet.
The Republicans are disgustingly selfish and greedy when it comes to taxes. Their approach is designed as a winner-take-all system. It’s effectively a lottery that impoverishes the rest of the country and turns our economy into a plutocracy and a kleptocracy. Nobody is so smart, talented, or hardworking that they can justify this inequality. Those people need to stop lying to themselves. It’s unbridled greed. It’s an addiction and a moral weakness.
It is also a deficiency of our economic system. The Republicans talk about communism. Look at the Russian and Chinese economies. The Republicans’ diminishment of “big government” would turn our economy into what communist economies have become. It is a mystery why Republicans who aren’t ultra rich fall for such a scam. These wealthy Republicans’ immoral ambitions are also reflective of what we discarded, a monarchy with its royalty amassing ill-begotten wealth and crumbs left for the peasants whose labor did not go to their needs but to fund the extravagance of the lottery winners, whose positions were often acquired through military might and violence. One could go on at length on this topic, but it is Sunday. Remember: give to Caesar what is Caesar’s (not for Caesar but for us, Americans, and our collective good) and to God what is God’s. Jesus loves you. Happy Sunday.
Donald Trump’s Gift to the Democrats

8/16/24 – Whenever you feel lonely, think about Jesus. We are never alone. He is always with us. Let’s fill our beautiful churches with our loneliness. Let’s fill our beautiful world with our loneliness. Especially to those struggling with addiction because of loneliness, you are not alone. In fact, you’re in good company. Instead of turning to a drug to relieve the pain, turn to God and to someone who can walk with you, a fellow broken pilgrim on a spiritual journey to reconcile with God. We can say with certainty that restoring your relationship with your creator will make you whole. Christians, let’s remember our fellow sojourners in the present and in the past, our ancient friends who have made a similar journey. We don’t have to cure ourselves of our loneliness. We just have to be with each other and with God, just like the Apostles and so many Christians who came after them. May God bless you and keep you.

8/16/24 – Christians, let’s nerd out alone and together for a bit. Although categorizing Jesus’s relationships comes with some dangers, it is an interesting question whether his more, let’s call them, intimate relationships were actually outside of his relationships with his disciples, which were characterized by a teacher/student dynamic instead of a confidant/companion one. This podcast also provides some food for thought about loneliness and community versus companionship.
Embracing Loneliness and Finding Your People

8/15/24 – Regarding “Republicans’ language,” it was never their language. It has always been Americans’ language. Freedom. Democracy. Constitution. Our creed. City on a Hill. This is what Democrats and many Independents believe in and are defending. We believe that America is more than just an economic powerhouse or the most powerful country in the world. We believe in this country’s ideals. Like the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., we believe that our country can live up to the words our Founding Fathers put on paper. We believe in the American people, that we have the perseverance and the commitment to these principles to realize our ambitious calling. Similarly, the Christian God doesn’t belong to any one party or people. The Christian God was not white. He was a poor, brown Jew from the Jewish homeland. These values and the Christian God will always belong to the people who truly believe in them.

8/14/24 – Although it would be a treat to see the first not just woman but also woman of color beat a certain person, the race the country deserved to see was two Indian-American women with different political views battle it out. Instead, we have to listen to a certain person ramble on nonsensically, 99.9% of the time about himself. Get serious, America. Let’s have real debates. Let’s have representation that is worthy of our greatness.

8/12/24 – We don’t want to indulge in it too much because we might jinx it. But we’re feeling too joyful to not indulge in it just a little bit. It’s just too good. Like when you eat one small bit of ice cream and then a little bit more, and then you stop. “The prospect of not just being beaten, but being beaten by a woman of color, has sent Trump into a frenzy in a way almost nothing else could.” And trolling the crowd size. It’s been fun and so so good.
Trump Can’t Deal With Harris’s Success

8/9/24 – “They will not replace us” takes a new meaning. Biden, a white man, chose Harris, a woman of brown color (not orange brown but actually brown). Then, Harris chose Walz, a white man. Flanagan chose to mentor Walz. Walz chose Flanagan as his Lieutenant Governor. If he wins, she will “replace him” as the Governor. So, they will actually replace us, but it’s in a mutually beneficial and supportive way. Maybe support more, cook more, hate less. Happy Friday.

8/9/24 – Make democracy fun again.

8/9/24 – Both Harris and Walz seem to love food, but that’s also just normal. Most people love food and love talking about the food they love or even just food in general. A good argument could be made that if 90% of the world’s conversations ended up about food, we might also end up sharing a table and solving our problems the easy way. We just stop caring about winning the arguments and start cooperating.
Usha Vance also brought up food in her speech, but she’s Indian, and the world would be disordered if she hadn’t. When you focus on hate, as a certain person does, there is no room for anything joyful or enjoyable. A certain person’s “power” depends on everyone being miserable, angry and hateful. It’s some weird s—t.
Well, Democrats, for all their intellectualism, abstractions, and such, which can get a little out there, are showing the country that they also just enjoy life in the most elemental yet diverse of ways, with food.
Food is also a celebration of our incredible diversity, which, of course, a certain person hates. Sure, maybe hotdish, lefse or lutefisk is not your cup of tea, but when in Rome…. (By the way, when in Rome, one must have a cup of Italian coffee and fresh Italian pasta.) Food is our collective cultural legacy. It nourishes our souls and our cells. Many restaurant owners go into the business because they want to share that love and culinary and cultural history with others. One of the greatest things about America is that even a smaller city can have food from all over. Our diversity is our strength. God bless America.
The Hotdish Ticket

8/8/24 – Make democracy great again.

8/8/24 – Walz’s knowledge of agriculture and agriculture-related legislation is a real asset. Is he using it to win over voters in swing states? Also, rural Americans like public schools. He can lean into that part of his background and knowledge also.

8/7/24 – Some thoughts for Republicans who don’t like a certain person, Independents who also don’t like a certain person or are undecided, or moderate Democrats who find the Harris-Walz ticket too liberal. It is a very liberal ticket, but let’s breakdown the substance. (We will return to Cass’s points soon…. There’s just been a lot going on in the news.) But until we incorporate his criticisms, consider:
Climate change is real, and they have both been strong on enacting policies to address it. If you’re in the Cass camp, we can find middle ground as it relates to the timing and the weighted mixes of various energy sources. We don’t want people to have to choose between providing for their families or protecting our planet, which all children need, including theirs as well.
On economics, inequality is also real, and Harris and Walz are both champions of the poor and the middle-class, which is critical to a well-functioning society. Giving corporations and the ultra-wealthy more tax breaks won’t create more jobs, and the last tax cuts went too far. So, anything Harris-Walz does regarding them would just rollback that imbalance. (To rich people: stop with the greed. It’s unhealthy for you and harmful to our society.) Also, both sides should remain open to compromise as it relates to economic policy. Be creative. Be flexible.
Regarding unions, although there is always the potential for abuse, as there is for any similarly structured organization, unions help support a strong middle-class. We also want our citizens to be fully engaged in the communities we build together. Union participation and activism is one way to inspire civic engagement. However, unions should not alienate their members, who have different political views, as is their right, and should try to be inclusive and balanced. Unions are good for everybody regardless of class, race, geography, etc.
We need to address abortion like reasonable people. We understand that this is a sensitive issue, especially for some religious people. However, everybody needs to stop being all or nothing. Find a middle-ground. That’s what is required to have a well-functioning pluralistic society.
Complete non-issues:
Free school meals, taxes should go to keeping kids well-fed so that they can learn. This is not controversial. It’s basic to any decent society. On healthcare, we’re not going back. Our citizens deserve better as it relates to a safety net if they fall ill or have preexisting conditions. This is also basic decency. Paid family and medical leave, again, basic, and just aligning us with the rest of the western world. This is what our taxes are supposed to go toward: food, healthcare, families.
Where they go too far:
They are too liberal on certain social issues, such as trans, drugs and such, but ultimately, these polices affect a small percentage of the population, and there is an argument to be made on letting adults make their own decisions. These are not make-or-break issues, and over time, the country will come to a reasonable place on them via the democratic process, the vote, and via the culture itself. Trust the wisdom of time and your fellow Americans to work it out.
Decision by comparison:
Education – Changes do need to be made in K-12 and post-secondary. However, we are not “abolishing the Department of Education.” That’s absurd and crazy. On this issue, the other side is not even in contention. Theirs is not even a plan, leave alone one worthy of consideration.
Immigration – The Biden-Harris administration did not do enough on it. It’s been weak on the border. Our immigration policy is a mess, and the border is a free for all. However, the other side is not just weird, but truly bonkers on this issue. We need to be compassionate, true to our values and agree on and enact responsible policy. We need actually competent adults to do so, and the other side isn’t it.
Foreign policy – Last but not least, we need responsible, thoughtful people who can be leaders without over-extending our citizens and resources or acting irresponsibly. The other side is a disaster on anything related to foreign policy. God help us all if they win, especially as it relates to this issue.

8/6/24 – The other candidates were also excellent. There is a great bench of talented, competent politicians on the Democratic side if only the party could get its act together….

8/6/24 – Minnesota is doing very well – very well – and Governor Walz cares about everybody. If you want competent, compassionate governance, that’s what it looks like. He also chose a Native American Lieutenant Governor, Flanagan, who has been a strong advocate for our indigenous brothers and sisters. That’s very important in a state like Minnesota. We don’t agree with all of his policies. He has been too progressive in some areas, but that’s OK. We live in a pluralistic society. Nobody gets everything their way. There have also been some other mistakes, but that’s inevitable. Nobody is perfect. He has our full support. He’s kind, inclusive and governs well. That’s the point. You vote for the person to do their job well, not undermine our democracy, indulge their narcissism, or focus on appealing to a certain person, to a party of one instead of all of their constituents. If the country votes for him, he will help MAGA also because that’s just who he is. Congrats to him!

8/4/24 – Some related articles to read.
The Christian Case Against Trump
A new movement aims to remake evangelicals’ relationship to politics

8/4/24 – Today is the feast day of St. John Vianney. It’s a good reminder for Christians who are seeking earthly power instead of divine humility. The Jesus Way is not about power in this world. It is about faith, hope, love, humility, compassion, caring for the least of these and so on. Also, Jesus doesn’t force the Way on anyone. They choose it because they love him. While Napoleon sought empire, or a certain person seeks to make our democracy into a dictatorship, Vianney led his flock away from sinful ways to Christ not with political power but simply by living the faith. He started his priesthood by scolding people about their sinfulness but later changed his approach to tirelessly working in the confessional. To our MAGA evangelical brothers and sisters, you aren’t serving God with your approach. You aren’t saving souls, and you aren’t changing hearts. You’re pursuing the wrong thing in the wrong way. Evangelization means living the faith, walking humbly with Christ as a sinner yourself, but trying to do as he asked. It’s about pursing the right thing in the right way. It’s hard work, and it’s definitely not about worldly power. Happy Sunday!
Saint John Vianney

8/2/24 – There are few people whose DNA are “pure,” meaning almost entirely from one genetic ethnic group. These people are usually geographically and/or culturally isolated or come from generations of tightly controlled marriages, such as in India, and have been procreating within the same ethnic group for a long time.
It is absurd to treat all Europeans as if they are all the same ethnic group. They are clearly not. Their differences are also obvious linguistically and culturally. Almost all Europeans are mixed. Also, when Scandinavians, some of the “whitest” people in the world, first started immigrating to the US, they were not treated like the English immigrants who had arrived first. The Scandinavians were treated more like indentured servants.
So, “us against them” is pure fiction and fantasy. The truth and reality are that white people, just like most groups of people in the world, are not a monolithic group, and their DNA proves it. The reason a certain person wants to create an us (white people) versus them (nonwhite people, who are obviously quite diverse) narrative is that his modus operandi is to divide and conquer. It is a time-tested strategy. It often wins, and the people always lose when they fall for it. Don’t be a sucker. Don’t fall for it. It is scientifically and historically baseless.

8/1/24 – Such a sad story. Think about how many elderly and/or disabled people are being “thrown away.” The madman Modi has been so fixated on fueling divisiveness and hate among Indians, he’s neglected important problems, such as India’s growing elderly population and the inadequate infrastructure and support for its citizens to help take care of them. The Hail Hindutva Party has been busy enriching the rich and powerful and turning ordinary Indians against each other with religious bigotry. They and their dear leader, monster Modi, have made the disgusting rich disgustingly richer with disgusting weddings while the poor have gotten poorer. Shame on them! It’s a disgrace!
The elderly are also God’s children. All of us belong to him. It’s unconscionable to treat them this way. No people at all are disposable. It’s a violation of God’s divine order.
As India ages, a secret shame emerges: Elders abandoned by their children
At a home for India’s unwanted elders, faces of pain and resilience

Notes from Underground – July 2024

7/31/24 – All this while, we didn’t know a certain person was white. We thought he was orange. He looks orange, so we thought he was orange. What is the race of orange people? Pretty certain it’s orange. But he says he’s white. He likes Nazis, who also call themselves white, even though a rather prominent Proud Boy doesn’t look white. Is he Hispanic, or is he white? Are Hispanics white? Maybe they’re Indian? No, not that kind of Indian. They’re the other kind of Indian, the Kamala kind, from Asia. Wait, are they Asian, or are they Middle Eastern? What are Indians? Maybe they’re like Nikki Haley, tan white people? Is it tan like orange tan or brown tan, like actually brown people? All brown people are…wait, what are all brown people? They’re so many of them. Too many, there should be more white people says the orange person who says he’s white. And we all know what white people are. We all know what Europeans are. White, right? Wait, what are they? Africans were all over Southern Europe. Are they still European? Why do they look so different from Scandinavians? Strange. In any case, what matters is that according to a certain person, who is always right about everything, Kamala Harris is not the person she says she is. Don’t be fooled. She’s the person a certain person says she is because he knows everything…except the color of his own skin.

7/29/24 – This is psychology 101. The problem for many liberals is that they don’t seem to understand basic human psychology. Actually, they don’t seem to understand many basic aspects of being human. For example, with the “Latin” below, I didn’t “intellectualize it.” As is true for many people, when I read, I hear the associated sounds of the written words in my mind, and the sounds did not fit the patterns of sounds I had thus far encountered in a language that is no longer spoken except in church. That was all I needed to think that the author had made up the “Latin” and that there was no way it was real Latin. Based on relatively minimal exposure to or training in the language, my brain made a conclusion about the language with very little deliberate cognitive control on my part, and the conclusion was correct.
Human beings are the most complicated creatures in the world, yet liberals want to distill us into automatons or experiments. This is because they tend to think of us as just another animal but smarter. Since we’re just smart matter, we can do anything and everything with our bodies. It’s all fair game. Except for it’s not. David Brooks also spoke to this aspect of liberals’ sort of irrational rationalism in The Atlantic, which we have previously referenced. If you believe in God, it is much easier to understand and accept certain parameters around our freedom. God granted us freedom and free will, but that doesn’t mean that we can do anything we want. Some might say this is contradictory. Others might say it’s what we call life. In any case, if we can’t actually talk about our values and our policies as a nation and the impact they are having on our people with some level of maturity and depth of thought, we’re betraying our greatness and previous Americans who sacrificed for our country. We have to stop the current cycle of idiocy. It’s harmful to our country in every respect.
In this piece, she also talks about the note she got from one of her neighbors in Detroit. Let’s assume the neighbor was black. Since liberals love identity politics, perhaps this example of the same fundamental human psychology that animated that part of Vance’s speech will resonate better with them. Our black neighbors have every right to resent the gentrification of their neighborhoods. Their ancestors were brought here against their will, brutalized, treated as property instead of as people, and their labor was uncompensated. More recently, they were discriminated against with redlining. Now, the communities they have built over generations in spite of this violent and hostile history are likely being permanently altered by people who have not sacrificed anywhere near as much for the country or the communities they have built. If you can’t understand how they might find this unfair, then you really aren’t able to understand other people’s pain, and no degree, no pedigree will help you. In fact, it might hinder you. You also need to be able to understand people’s pain regardless of their identity, which includes their skin color. These are basic skills necessary to functioning well as a human being in our society and our country.
Decoding JD Vance’s Brand of Nationalism

7/28/24 – Community is everything. Start building it. Stop staring at your phone. Start engaging with people, including, perhaps especially, people who are different from you. Jesus loves you. Happy Sunday!

7/28/24 – Aside from being dressed down from time to time and being asked to have correct values and conduct, one of the benefits of going to Catholic mass on a regular basis is that you will likely learn some Latin. Having never encountered this phrase before, I knew it wasn’t real Latin because, well, come on, “carborundum.” Wikipedia says it’s actually of Tamil origin. Funny though.
More like this. The press needs to fix the problems they are creating. Yes, your readers might not find it as fun. Junk food is more “fun” than healthy food. It will also kill you. We need to be a healthy nation.
A path toward civility in politics

7/27/24 – The New Yorker got so bad it was removed from consideration. Of NPR, The Associated Press, The Atlantic, The New York Times, and The Washington Post – at present – the worst is…The Washington Post. NPR seems to have improved under its new leadership, but we’ll see. They all still suffer from liberal bias, just to varying degrees.

7/26/24 – This is the analysis of a first-generation American. The person didn’t go through a process of assimilation. It happens in stages, and depending on the age of the person when arriving in the United States and other factors, there can be a transformation, a change of the heart. It is true that America is the land of opportunity, but that’s not the reason to fall in love with it. That’s transactional. It’s also not about personal responsibility or “agency.”
Do you love America? Or do you just love living in America (while times are good)? There are a lot of immigrants who don’t actually love America. This is not to denigrate them or say that they are bad people but that they actually love their homeland. Their feet are in America, but their hearts are somewhere else. They can be entirely upright citizens, contributing to our society, following our laws, being good neighbors and such, but would they be willing to die for our country? If we’re being honest, probably not. If they remained emotionally detached, which many recent immigrants are, there is likely a certain amount of opportunism to their participation in our country. It’s contingent on things going better than what they left or what some other country has to offer.
As a practicing Christian, I can tell you, I would rather die than denounce my faith. That’s deep love. As an immigrant, although there have been times when I think about a certain person being reelected, and suddenly, I find my thoughts drifting to Canada. Does one really want to put oneself through that dreadful experience again? Just escape and ride it out. Others can hold down the fort. Then, after entertaining fleeing, I settle on fighting instead. Why stay and fight? Out of love. This is the country and the people that I love. I want to stay and fight with them. This is where my feet and my heart are. It didn’t happen overnight. It grew as I grew. That’s a love with deep roots.
Vance didn’t insult America, but he should be careful to remember that love of country is not transactional or opportunistic. Yes, we’re a wealthy, powerful country. The thing I miss the most of my ancestral lands is its ancient civilization, thousands of years of tradition and connection. It’s hard not to feel nostalgic for it. That’s not something America can offer, but it has something else. America has a creed, one that has helped change the world for the better. It’s a beautiful, inspiring set of beliefs. Our creed and our country are worth fighting for. They are worth dying for. And when we die, may we be laid to rest on this soil, whether it’s foreign or ancestral to us. There is nothing morbid about that, and there was nothing morbid about Vance’s reference to the cemetery. Choosing to be buried thousands of miles away from your ancestors in your adopted home is a final declaration of love. Your feet, your body will be laid to rest on American soil where your heart belongs.
J.D. Vance’s Insult to America

7/26/24 – Tip: Whenever The Washington Post trots out Kate Cohen, the liberals are desperately trying to convince you of something they find important.

7/26/24 – Why are Americans stuck with the worst elites? What is it about our country that produces these terrible people? Might it be this? They are so naturally smart that they need every possible advantage in the world. (Should we ask Kate Cohen and her kids? They have all the answers.)
Private Schools Have Become Truly Obscene

7/26/24 – Let’s consider the elite press geniuses’ response to the American people finding them to be liberally biased. Being even more liberally biased. 1. Our democracy is at stake. Yes, so at stake that Democrats were unwilling to have a competitive contest for it. And yes, they think the American people are so stupid that they didn’t notice. 2. People like Kate Cohen, not to flatter herself but with her precocious kids, who are smarter than your God-believing kids, are trying to convince you that the Harris movement (it’s a movement now, right) is fun. Politics is fun again! Aren’t you having fun? There are memes and bright colors, coconuts, and it’s all gamified. Yes, we’re all dumb, young people filled with life because the 81-year-old is off the ticket. It’s a new world. If it ends like it did with Hillary, that will be fun too. A lot of fun. Definitely a new world. Enjoy.

7/26/24 – To be clear, the issue isn’t really with Kamala Harris. It’s with the Democratic Party and the process. Harris was likely complicit in a coverup, but she is also the VP, so that wouldn’t be surprising. She’s not objectionable in terms of her character. In many respects, she’s in a tough place. If she loses, it would be hard to blame her, since she didn’t benefit from a proper vetting, such as a competitive primary. If she wins, the coronation will hang over her historic election. In the history books, it would never be a clean win. In many respects, she’s also ending up a victim of Biden’s (previous) ego problem and the Democratic Party’s cowardice.

7/23/24 – I have been a Democrat my entire adult life since I became engaged in politics. I’m an Independent now. I will never donate to or volunteer for the Democratic Party ever again. I do not support undemocratic institutions. Go f—k yourselves.  

7/23/24 – The entire reason the Democratic Party is in the position they’re in is because they did a smoke-filled room instead of a competitive primary, coronating an infirm man in spite of the polling that said he was going to lose. Because the wise, elite party members are so intelligent they couldn’t see this obvious situation coming, after the disastrous debate, they then went back to said smoke-filled room and decided Kamala Harris was going to be the presidential nominee.
The American people are being asked to believe that this person, who lost very early on in the last competitive primary, is a great candidate, very “meme-worthy,” something about coconuts, and a “brat.” It’s all so Gen Z. Well, the rest of us – adults such as we are – are not buying this BS.
If this is the approach the Democratic Party or any party is going to take, it would be best for voters to never donate to them because they are effectively funding an undemocratic process and body. Although it is prudent to have certain safeguards to prevent unelectable or unfit candidates, especially those who are dangerous to our Republic, from becoming the nominee, this goes well beyond that. It’s a coronation. This year, 2024, voters get to choose between a monarchy with Harris as queen or a dictatorship with a certain person as dictator. Yes, this is what countless American patriots died for. It’s a disgrace.
The Party Is Not Over

7/23/24 – We do not like or respect our elites. They are not good people, and they are unintelligent and incompetent.

7/23/24 – The elites routinely violate right and wrong because they don’t have a strong moral compass. Their character is weak and compromised. Hard truth.

7/23/24 – It’s easy to say nice words. It’s another to live your values. Maybe if these self-idolizing elites had a come-to-Jesus moment, they might be able to make this important distinction. Jennifer Rubin had nice words about centrism in The Washington Post. Many of her points are correct, but who is this person? Well, she’s one of the members of the elite press who participated in the deception of the American people by carrying water for the Biden campaign. She believes in centrism so much and that Biden is one of the more recent best examples of it, next to Ronald Reagan, that she was willing to compromise on something more important than where one falls on the political spectrum. She was willing to participate in the deception of the American people, undermining the very democracy she claims to care so much about. Morality isn’t about nice words. It’s about one’s character. It’s about being unwilling to do things that violate one’s sense of right and wrong. It’s about being willing to do things that uphold one’s sense of right and wrong, no matter the cost. She made a political calculation that compromised her integrity. It was the wrong thing to do, and that’s where things stand.

7/22/24 – If this insane, insulting s–tshow continues, we’ll become Independents. We’re not putting up with this.

7/22/24 – Let’s see what others have to say about this incredibly undemocratic process from the party that claims to be protecting democracy. So many choice words, let’s choose one for each.
Democrats, fear not an open convention
Are Democrats really going to do this?
Democrats Are Making a Huge Mistake

7/22/24 – What are these same elite members of the press doing now? Feeding the dysfunctional process, of course.
“Those Washington journalists who shrugged off their peers’ attempts to raise this issue also need to reflect on their actions. The signs of Biden’s unfitness were there to see, for those who wanted to look. Too many didn’t.”
Thank God for That

7/22/24 – Our country with so many great people has the dumbest, most incompetent elites. They are simply incapable of doing their jobs well or learning from their mistakes. Yes, the voters were pissed off about Biden’s coronation, so let’s do Harris’s coronation. Genius.

7/22/24 – For the Democratic National Convention, it goes without saying that we don’t want whoever the presidential nominee is to talk about him or herself and to go on for a long time. Talk about the American people and what you plan to deliver for us. Be direct. Be honest. Be truly inclusive. For our platform and policies, we also want a concerted outreach to…wait for it…Republicans and Independents, particularly those who live in rural America and blue-collar workers. Whoever governs, they are doing so for them also.
Rural and blue-collar Americans have not been treated fairly by our party, and it is a long overdue correction. They are good people, helpful and generous. They feed us. They protect us. They do hard and necessary jobs that allow people in urban places to do theirs. Rural and blue-collar Americans deserve better.
We can’t be a party about a certain class of people, who look a certain way, who have a certain education, or who live in a certain way. The Democratic Party has to be a party about what’s best for our entire country – all Americans. By all Americans, we also mean white Americans who have traditional values and who have helped build this nation for generations. They have not been given adequate respect or priority, and we care about them.
Also, certain policies that favor urban citizens might need to be scaled back or changed to give our rural and blue-collar compatriots more support. We encourage other urban Americans to advocate for their needs because it’s the fair thing to do. Rural and blue-collar workers often don’t have the numbers or the influence that urban Americans can have. It is incumbent upon us to consider a variety of needs, not just our own.
It’s also a matter of equity. Equity doesn’t just apply to minorities or historically marginalized people. It applies across the board, including to white people who have lived here for generations. We also ask that the press go to their communities and give them the coverage they deserve and have not gotten. The press needs to fix their prejudices and biased coverage.
This is not about politics. This is about the kind of country and people we want to be. We want to be true to our higher purpose and fair to and appreciative of all of our fellow Americans, no matter which political party or policies they support, with which we might disagree. If we are to live our creed, we will make this effort and this change. Let’s do the right thing. Let’s choose to take a different path, one that will unite our diverse nation, one that will be true to our covenant.

7/22/24 – In our democracy, we want a free and fair competitive process. Nobody is entitled to anything, no matter their current position, their years of service or their connections. We want our politicians to earn our vote and the process to be open and fair to all candidates. We don’t want “turns.” We don’t want “next in line.” We don’t want the Democratic Party elites to put their thumb on the scale. We encourage all candidates to run, especially governors and ones who have a proven track record of working across the aisle and appealing to Americans who are Republicans or Independents as well as Democrats. In short, we want a true democratic process to prevail.

7/21/24 – God bless America. Americans, be true to our covenant with God.

7/21/24 – To the Democratic Party, we want you to respect our democracy. We do not want a coronation. We want you to let Democrats decide who should be on their ticket. Also, going forward, every four years, we want a full, competitive primary. Every four years, Democrats get to evaluate the job performance of the President – not every eight years. Every. Four. Years.

7/21/24 – Dear President Biden, thank you. Stepping down as the nominee was the right thing to do. It was the patriotic thing to do.

7/20/24 – This would also help solve our polarization problem. Like always, the main issue is a matter of the heart, but this political change would definitely help. “To unite the country, we need institutions responsive enough for us to have our arguments inside of them. We need institutions that incentivize politicians to negotiate. I’m convinced that the solution is the new Alaska model for elections: abolish party primaries and let all candidates, identified by self-selected party labels, run on the same unified ballot in a state-funded primary. Then take the top four or five vote-getters forward to a final round and use an instant runoff with a ranked ballot. The first candidate to rack up more than 50 percent, via first, second, and if necessary third choice votes, wins.”
How the path to unity can be paved

7/20/24 – We can work with Vance, and we should. We should build that relationship and leverage it to bring our parties together, which would be truly healing for our polarized nation. Let’s make a concerted effort to break our unproductive discourse and politics. Naturally, there will be some or even many points of disagreement, but he generally seems to be a reasonable guy. The biggest problem for him is selling out to the degree he has, but that is also where the GOP is at right now, unfortunately. Also, we’re all sellouts. It’s just a matter of degree.
All nations are nations. All nations are not also creeds. America is both a creed and a nation. Also, America’s creed stands apart in being both deeply rooted in the Christian faith (see below regarding a city on a hill) yet secular in its founding vision and documents, as it should be. It is also special because our democracy became the model from which European countries developed their own democracies, most notably France.
Vance is just reminding us that our elected officials also need to serve their people. Our brave men and women aren’t to be treated as a standing world army to be dispatched at the whims of politicians with idealistic notions of how the world ought to be. We cannot cannibalize our population, especially our youth, to be “the world’s police.”
Also, these involvements have often been received with ingratitude or even derision. Aside from Ukraine, look at Europe. We saved them twice from their own self-destruction, and they treat us and our military as if it’s their national security safety net and, frankly, with contempt. We have been effectively subsidizing their national security while they spoil their lazy population with social safety nets that we don’t give our own people. Only now, because of a certain person, are they trying to develop more of their own military might. They should have done this all along. It is a reasonable reminder. He served in Iraq as a Marine, and that experience might have helped shape this view.
A reasonable argument can be made that America is unique in its creed. It’s a cherished part of our ethos, our origin story, and it gives our natural passion a higher purpose. Most Americans are aware of our prominence in the world, and it is important to us to represent our nation and those who came before us well. It is important to us to stand for something worth fighting for.
However, we do need to balance this idealism and our involvement in the world with a certain pragmatism. We can’t expect or ask our citizens to constantly set aside their own needs or desires to serve a greater good. It will exhaust us. Arguably, we’re already exhausted from it, and this understandable fatigue, which rural populations disproportionately bear and without adequate recognition or appreciation, might have helped give rise to a certain person.
The part about the cemetery was powerful. As an immigrant, it resonated with me. One of the hardest parts about being an immigrant is losing your connection to your ancestors and your ancestral land. In general, it is comforting and moving to visit our cemeteries that honor our patriots who have served in our armed forces. They are the blood on which the Statue of Liberty stands. Her torch burns brightly because they were willing to be the light, even at the expense of their lives.
When you leave your ancestral lands, you don’t want to feel uprooted, for as counterintuitive as that might seem. You want to feel like you can belong in your adopted home by growing new roots. Walking through the cemeteries that honor generations of Americans who fought for our creed and our nation reminds us that our own bodies will become part of this same shared sacred soil. It’s an honor.
At some point, most of these Americans also arrived here as immigrants. They too became Americans. And some of them sacrificed greatly for this nation, for our freedom and our democracy. During this part of his speech, Vance referred to his wife, a child of immigrants, and their children. It evoked a sense of rootedness and ancestral connection in an adopted home that is the living American creed. We like to say that we are a nation of immigrants, and we are. Just look at our cemeteries. They are filled with people from all over the world, and their bodies are now part of our shared American soil.
J. D. Vance’s Empty Nationalism

7/20/24 – Maybe the press can take some advice from Pope Francis and start smelling like sheep instead of stilling on their ivory perches, preening and proselytizing their personal beliefs. The country wouldn’t be in this mess had the press done their jobs correctly, which we told them they weren’t doing.

7/19/24 – How much does the Biden/Harris campaign pay Jonathan Capehart of the Washington Post? Instead of telling voters who the nominee should be, here’s a novel idea for our democracy. Maybe get out of Washington and talk with some ordinary Americans in our diverse nation, and ask them what they think and want. Call us old fashioned, but there was a day when that was what reporters did, not pretending to be objective when they are actually paid mouthpieces for a campaign.

7/19/24 – The last night of the RNC was too loud, and a certain person rambled on way too long. It’s true that Americans are great people. They often don’t leave people in need. They are brave and helpful. God bless Corey Comperatore, who was killed, and David Dutch and James Copenhaver, who were injured. May Corey’s lovely soul rest in peace. That was best part of the RNC, including the moment of silence.

7/17/24 – If Democrats think they can win with Biden/Harris against this ticket, they are totally wrong.

7/17/24 – Setting aside teaming up with a certain person, Vance has many likable qualities. He’s a wholesome family man, his patriotism and military service, his hilarious Mamaw, his belief in redemption (see his mom), and there are several points, especially regarding the people left behind from free trade, catering to Wall Street, leaving behind rural Americans, and the general lack of responsiveness of the political establishment to the American people. He also has a great story. Regardless of his political views, his tenacity inspires respect. Lastly, he’s not ancient….

7/17/24 – Quite insightful and accurate. What happened to this person? Oh, that’s right. He sold out his soul and his community to realize his political ambitions and enrich himself. Imagine that.
“The great tragedy is that many of the problems Trump identifies are real, and so many of the hurts he exploits demand serious thought and measured action—from governments, yes, but also from community leaders and individuals. Yet so long as people rely on that quick high, so long as wolves point their fingers at everyone but themselves, the nation delays a necessary reckoning. There is no self-reflection in the midst of a false euphoria. Trump is cultural heroin. He makes some feel better for a bit. But he cannot fix what ails them, and one day they’ll realize it.
I’m not sure when or how that realization arrives: maybe in a few months, when Trump loses the election; maybe in a few years, when his supporters realize that even with a President Trump, their homes and families are still domestic war zones, their newspapers’ obituaries continue to fill with the names of people who died too soon, and their faith in the American Dream continues to falter. But it will come, and when it does, I hope Americans cast their gaze to those with the most power to address so many of these problems: each other. And then, perhaps the nation will trade the quick high of ‘Make America Great Again’ for real medicine.”
When the realization comes, the very author of the words above will be part of their disillusionment. There is no shortage of people who lack integrity. Quite sad.
Opioid of the Masses

7/16/24 – It’s f—king ridiculous.
Believe Your Own Eyes

7/16/24 – Vance was a smart pick. He’s an anti-establishment candidate. On the Republican ticket are two outsiders, one of whom remade the party in his own image. On the Democratic ticket, there are two establishment candidates, one of whom voters are telling the party they don’t want. What is the Democratic Party’s response? We don’t care what you want. When they lose the presidency, they will have nobody to blame but themselves and the weak, old man who can’t let go of his ego, his pride, his self-absorption, even if it’s for the good of the country, yet still wants to claim moral superiority. The mood of the voters is decidedly against incumbents, and biden embodies what they dislike about the political powers that be and how they treat them – with good reason.  

7/14/24 – Solitude and silence can have a lot of value, especially during emotionally heightened moments. We’ve been thinking a lot about Matthew 26:52. Many people characterize Jesus Christ as a pacifist, and this verse is commonly cited as support. When faced with injustice, Jesus’s response wasn’t a call to fight, but a call to not fight. To the people who deeply love Jesus, now is a good time to find solace in Scripture. (Jesus belongs to the world, and the invitation is open to all people.) Jesus fought with love and not with anger or hate. As we often do in centering prayer, be still with God and his infinite love for a while. The world can wait.

7/14/24 – Today is the Lord’s day. We are salt and light. Do something to reflect our higher calling. At a minimum, don’t engage in things that aren’t morally correct. Don’t make people who already feel bad, feel worse. You don’t have to say things you don’t feel or aren’t true. You also don’t have to say anything. You don’t have to blame the secret service, whose lives are just as valuable as anybody else’s and who are professionals and patriots. You don’t have to blame in general, to criticize, to justify and so on. Breathe, pray, rest. Remember, we are all sinners, and God still loves us.

7/13/24 – It is no secret that over half of the country does not like a certain person who got shot today. To that half of the country: you might be tempted to make uncharitable comments, especially on social media because it inspires that kind of response, but remember that, at the end of the day, the other half of the country are your fellow Americans. They like the guy, and they likely feel sad and shocked. Be careful what you say not for the certain person but out of compassion for the ordinary Americans who help build this country with us. Don’t get into arguments with them. Don’t engage in conspiracy theories. Don’t even speculate. Just go do your own stuff: read, watch a movie or TV, listen to music, play with your kids, sleep. Good night, America.

7/11/24 – Apparently, nobody is telling the weak dotard, biden that he’s going to lose. Did you know that? The entire country knows that he’s going to lose but, apparently, the candidate does not. Bubble, anyone. Must be nice to be so privileged and so close to death that you don’t have to care about the living.

7/11/24 – The idea, the idea, the idea that Putin, (meaning Zelensky), Trump, (meaning Harris)…. This man is a joke. He also again babbled incoherently. Any ordinary American we interact with is more coherent and a better communicator. Also, the elites need to stop with “the depth of ____ knowledge.” Since when did the standards get so low for public officials? It was boilerplate tripe, and half of it made no sense or was word salad. The elites are too biased to analyze the weak dotard, biden correctly and are not good at assessments of knowledge.

7/11/24 – The American people are so much smarter than the elites with their fancy papers, titles, and they are stars, don’t you know. The elites were so busy looking at themselves in the mirror and on camera, and developing their “curated personas,” they completely lost touch with the real world. And, here we all are, in hell.

7/10/24 – We always hope that people will do the right thing, but the fact that we’re even here reflects poorly on the weak dotard, biden. He said that Pelosi et al. weren’t going to ask him to step down, which was more than slightly narcissistic. Technically, they have not done so – yet. What is he going to do if they do (explicitly instead of just implicitly) ask? What is he going to do if more and more elected Democrats ask?
People who have supported him are publicly asking, and the sad little man remains in his sad little bunker with his sad big ego. It’s truly embarrassing for us as a nation. We have been embarrassed by our leaders, now, of both parties. First, the evil one, trump, everything about him embarrassed us. Now this. Do the American people deserve this global humiliation? No, we definitely do not. There is something broken in our democracy, and it’s not just the Republican Party. It goes beyond that.

7/10/24 – Pathetic.
The Abyss Stares Back at Joe Biden

7/10/24 – If you’re wondering who the least competitive candidate is, just ask yourself who the evil one, trump, wants to run against. This is not hard. What the Democratic Party is doing is malfeasance, and Democrats can rightly blame them when they lose.

7/9/24 – There aren’t enough black, female Democrats to make up for all of the other people who can’t stand biden and/or are not going to vote for him. Stop talking about their support as if it somehow changes the calculus. Get real, people, or things are going to get real for you.

7/9/24 – We are loyal to God, our Constitution, the American experiment and people. We are not loyal to any one person, including the evil one, trump, or the weak dotard, biden.

7/8/24 – Cass’s analysis (see below for link) about the opioid crisis isn’t wrong, but it’s also a crisis of a culture that is too willing to experiment with the human body (see many liberal views on this) or, at a minimum, does not give the human body as God’s creation adequate respect. (In general, it is important to also consider the existing culture or changes to it that contribute to the trends we see.) As the article notes, it is also a crisis related to economic and other distress. The opioid crisis and other deaths of despair have been inadequately addressed by both parties. Our leaders have failed the American people in this respect.
Ideally, we have a cultural shift to one that is hopeful about our future and one that supports people emotionally, physically and spiritually to break cycles of substance abuse. Our bodies deserve to be treated with respect. It is one way in which we show ourselves respect, and American culture deviates from older cultures in his regard. We over-medicate, and the pharmaceutical industry and the medical industry are complicit in this approach to the inevitable distress humans will face over their lifetimes, either physical or psychological. They should be held to account. (See Derek Thompson’s articles on this.) More soon.

7/8/24 – The weak dotard, biden: the people love me, they really, really love me; it’s the elites who are trying to get rid of me. No, the elites are the reason we’re in this mess, you dishonest cretin. They enabled his deception by not acting on what voters were telling them they wanted. The weak dotard chose not to run in a competitive primary. Instead, he stomped his entitled my little pony foot until his senile highness was coronated the Democratic nominee against the will of the voters. (By the way, the russian poop, putin uses a similar argument.)
But the polls, they are always wrong. Yes, in 2020, they overestimated the weak dotard’s performance, and he barely won in the swing states. Now, he running behind in all of the polls, and if they are overestimating his performance again, it’s going to be a bloodbath. That’s the truth. Whatever narrative he has going on, just like with the evil one, trump, is pure fiction. The only thing the weak dotard cares about is his ego. If he loses, he’ll comfort himself with, well, I did my best, leaving our democracy in tatters, or this: “We have not failed, the thinking goes; we have been failed, by the American people,” Cass. The weak dotard, biden will sing the opposite song: it’s not my fault; it’s the voters’ fault. With each passing day, we can’t stand him that much more. He’s truly a disgusting figure.

7/8/24 – After much discernment, we won’t be voting for the evil one, trump, or the weak dotard, Biden. No amount of rhetoric or fear mongering from either one of them or from either party will change our minds. The evil one was out of the question from the beginning. If the Democratic Party and the country need to learn a hard lesson before the party can figure out how to respect and listen to the people it is supposed to serve, so be it.
Our conscience with our maker is what matters the most to us. The weak dotard has violated our sense of right and wrong. You don’t deceive people to serve your selfish ends, and that’s what he did. He also took his voters for idiots. He is no John Winthrop, no George Washington, no Abraham Lincoln, or even a moderately good president.
He is a sad little man, a poor leader, who could have had a decent legacy, but instead, he broke with God. He lost his higher calling because he became too attached to worldly glory. (See the numerous examples in the Bible. We want to take this opportunity to thank the Jewish people for receiving and preserving this divine wisdom.) We simply cannot vote for someone with a debased character who has betrayed his maker. God’s will be done.
Hubris of Biblical Proportions

7/7/24 – Firstly, “a city on a hill” does not come from Reagan. He just added the word, “shining.” The phrase comes from the Bible. Specifically, it comes from Jesus. “Matthew 5:14-16 ‘You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”
As it relates to American exceptionalism, it is a phrase that’s associated with the Puritans, specifically John Winthrop’s sermon “A Model of Christian Charity.” Here is the relevant excerpt: “For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us. So that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken, and so cause Him to withdraw His present help from us, we shall be made a story and a by-word through the world.” (It should remain required reading for all English majors.)
The phrase is rightly associated with our origin story. It defines the ethos of our country when it was just a seedling, a few colonies that didn’t have much of a chance of making it. From this seedling blossomed the more elaborate text the Founding Fathers created, which delineates our rights and our responsibilities, and declares our freedom as given to us by our creator and our independence as our own nation. These acts alone were some of the key realizations of “a city on a hill.”
“A city on a hill” is the cornerstone of the foundation of our country, and no matter if you are indigenous or a more recent immigrant of a different faith tradition than Christianity, you can adopt it like it is a part of your personal story. Why? Because Jesus said so, and he belongs to the world. As he said, we are salt and light.
America isn’t exceptional because of its power, its wealth, its elites or even its institutions. As it was in the beginning, it’s exceptional because of its people. Its people are salt and light. To this day, we are aware of what we stand for in the world and that if we fail, it’s not just yet another failed nation, but as “The eyes of all people are upon us,” “we shall be made a story and a by-word through the world,” a cautionary tale of those who dare for freedom, rights and self-governance.
As if through an act of divine providence, we have a lot to think about this Fourth, this Independence Day, and beyond. Neither the evil one, trump, nor the weak dotard, Biden define America. Our people are so much better than them, than our elites or even our institutions. Our country is resilient because of its people, and its fate is ultimately in our hands, we the people. Just like with the Puritans, unless our people give up, unless we betray a higher calling, our American experiment will not fail. John Winthrop was using the Lord’s words to summon courage, determination, fidelity to God, and unity in his flock. We would do well to revisit his sermon and to remind ourselves of the bold majesty of our origin story. We owe it everybody who sacrificed greatly for us to not fail. They are watching us, and as it was then, so it is now: the world is watching us.

7/7//24 – On this Sunday, the Lord’s Day, a day of well-deserved rest for our ordinary but extraordinary American compatriots, we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You are smart, hard-working, competent people, and our day-to-day lives run so smoothly because of you. You are kind, friendly, helpful and generous. You make our lives pleasant and enjoyable. We are confident that you will be there for us when we need it because you have yet to fail us. With all of the failures with the elites, the institutions, external challenges, such as wars and pandemics, you have kept your heads down and have done the work, as you always do. You have kept true to our American ideals and values. If we never read the news, we would think our country was practically perfect, and that’s because of you. We respect you and really appreciate you. May God bless you and keep you.

7/6/24 – In this piece by Oren Cass are some of the outlines of bipartisan governance. As is often the case, we disagree in some places, and in others, we agree. In general, the elites would be wise to set aside their partisanship and build upon it. Also, the elites, especially in the media, need to stop fueling “culture wars,” and start focusing on doing their part to facilitate sober, balanced governance that considers the different needs and values of our diverse and large populace. We are a big advocate of direct democracy, which reflects our confidence in the goodness and competence of the American people. The democratic republic we have must reflect the will of the people as much as possible. The legitimacy of any leader is directly tied to the person’s success in doing so.
“But while elected officials and their technocratic advisers may have special insight into how the people’s goals are best achieved, only the people can determine what those goals should be and whether they are being met.” It is not the place of elites to determine what the American people should believe, think, value, want and so on. It comes with the presumption of moral, intellectual and other superiority. It is insulting. It also circumvents the collective wisdom that is the cumulative result of each person’s humble wisdom and the natural result of a well-functioning democracy. One of the beauties of our system of self-governance is that it is not dependent on the intelligence, goodness, or wisdom of any one individual or as, in communist structures, party elites. It is dependent on the collective wisdom of the people of our country, the ordinary people that live across our vast territory and share through their voice and their vote their lived experiences. Any leader worth their salt will listen to them and find policies that balance what might be competing needs or interests, much like the law, when exercised correctly, also does.
The American family is not adequately supported. We would all do well to consider what the point is of having children if once they are born, they are handed over to other people to raise. The liberals might find this quaint, but in much of the world, the joy of having children is very much in raising them not just in giving birth to them. Children are the continuation of our ancestors, literally and figuratively, a remembrance of the past in the future. Also, in some parts of the world, our blood lines are tied to our land, on which our ancestors lived and died, sometimes for millennia.
To the Americans in rural parts of the country who understand this connection to our ancestors and to our land and are grieved by its loss, know this: many of the immigrants that are desperately seeking the safety and security of American life actually share many of your values. They are people with traditional values, much like your own, deeply rooted to family, community and faith. They are not leaving their ancestral lands without regret. It is very likely that they wouldn’t leave them at all if they didn’t feel that they had to. If you don’t believe us, go and ask them. They very often love their homelands and are fully aware of the same sense of loss you also feel, just in a different context. This is not a guidance on policy, but a call for understanding. What we would like to see is a decrease in vilifying and an increase in understanding that can motivate realistic and compassionate policies that both address our concerns and needs and stay true to our values.
This is true: “Taking the majority’s preferences seriously, even when they conflict with the preferences of more sophisticated experts, is often disparaged as populism.” A negative interpretation of “populism” is justified when it is wielded by a demagogue who is inflaming the (possibly legitimate) grievances of the populace not to remedy them but to serve the person’s own ends. See the evil one, trump. A positive interpretation of populism, when it is not being abused, is that it is responsive to the will of the people.
Lastly, let us remember: “‘The administration of the government, like the office of a trustee, must be conducted for the benefit of those entrusted to one’s care, not of those to whom it is entrusted,’ observed Cicero more than 2,000 years ago.” The elites are to serve the American people. If they cannot do this, they need to step off the stage. We are not interested in their egos. We are interested in bettering our own lives. Help us improve our lives, do the jobs with which we entrusted you, or go away. Thank you.
PS In subsequent posts, we will consider and critique some of the proposals provided in the order they were presented because they deserve commentary. The American people’s feedback deserves to be taken seriously, not just dismissed as originating from an inferior caste of people. Please keep providing Americans with actual solutions to our problems, solicit our input, and we will give it to you. This is our democracy, and that is how this partnership, the American experiment, is supposed to work.
Dear Elites (of Both Parties), the People Will Take It From Here, Thanks

7/5/24 – After watching the interview, it’s clear that America has two delusional liars running for president, with only a few years difference in age between them. Biden has a lot of excuses for anything and everything that is unfavorable to him. He is going to lose, and he’s totally in denial about it. He’s in a narcissistic bubble.
Three things were particularly striking with Biden. First: His reaction to any kind of data that is unfavorable to him is reflexively dismissive to the point of being pathological. Second: His narcissism is out-of-control: “I don’t think anybody is more qualified to be president or win this race than me.” That’s dangerous for the whole country. He seems more like the evil one, trump, with each public appearance. Third: Cognitively, his recollection is poor, and he routinely doesn’t talk in complete sentences. Instead, he often speaks in fragments or sentences with missing words that a typical native English speaker would not leave out. There are also memory failures that are beyond an average person’s, even for an older person.
What the American people deserve is two different candidates. As it relates to these two terrible candidates, they need to answer hard questions without any advance notice of what they will be that force them to recall facts, specific policy details, and other granular information. What both of these people are doing is just spouting campaign propaganda, general talking points, or lies. We will grade them on accuracy and clarity.
Biden failed today because he evaded questions, and the answers he provided were just high-level campaign talking points, lacking in substance. He declined to have an objective assessment of his mental fitness. Most importantly, he seems to care most about himself, not about what’s best for the country. PS What’s wrong with his voice? Is it permanently weak and raspy?
President Biden sits down for interview with George Stephanopoulos l ABC News exclusive

7/5/24 – The American experiment, our democracy, one of the greatest endeavors in world history, is supposed to be something we, the people and the leaders we elect, do together. Instead, the power and the prestige of the positions of leadership go to the heads of the leaders we elect, and they start treating the very people who put them in those positions, effectively, with contempt.
The same dynamic happens with the press and other elites. They get some grade-inflated piece of, often Ivy League, paper and start thinking that it confers upon them a measure of superiority, usually in the form of intelligence. It doesn’t.
Both of these groups don’t work in service of their constituents, the countless Americans who do much harder things than they do, who day in and day out, work risky jobs that require sacrifice and impeccable character, physically hard jobs that require discipline, which often lack prestige or adequate compensation.
The cult of prestige characterizes much of American life, and it has eroded our social cohesion by effectively creating an unofficial caste system, the people with their names and/or faces on things, and the masses of people who remain unknown but are also the people who actually keep the country moving forward on the most necessary of levels.
The people always deserve to be heard and respected. Our leaders and others in positions of privilege are supposed to work with us to build a city on a hill. Instead of treating the American people as partners, they treat us like kings treat their subjects or as conmen treat their victims, peasants to be exploited to serve their egotistical and other ends.

7/5/24 – In the category of things we won’t say but are glad to hear and read.
Biden has a woman problem — or two — in the White House
We typically follow the mainstream media, and that’s it. We have a life, and there are many fine things to do with it, things that have nothing to do with politics. (Maybe the Bidens and Harris can find some other things to do with their lives too….) However, given the extraordinary situation, we used the Google for some other sources. One might consider The Young Turks, who like much of the country and unlike the mainstream media, seem to actually have been on top of things.
Will Biden DROP OUT Or Stay Defiant? Here’s What Insiders Are Saying.

7/5/24 – The truth is that Biden, his family and his administration deceived the American people about his fitness for office, and the propaganda (the press) was complicit in this deception. They will try to spin it because they’re great at spin, not so much at truth, but that is the truth.

7/5/24 – The propaganda was so focused on virtue-signaling and pandering to extreme liberals that they focused on stupid culture war issues, such as trans, instead of important issues of national and international consequence, such as the presidency of the United States. It is a dereliction of duty and an embarrassment of monumental proportions to them and to their profession.

7/5/24 – When the history books are written, the Bidens, the Democratic Party, and the propaganda (the press) are going to be held to account. They will look bad because they acted dishonorably. Also, it’s hard to believe that one is writing these words, but one feels bad for the donors….

7/5/24 – The selfish, arrogant, narcissistic Biden family is trash. They should be ashamed of themselves.

7/4/24 – On this Independence Day, if Americans are frustrated and angry about the state of our democracy and the blatant hypocrisy of the elites, it is entirely justified. There will be many remarks from them along the lines of perfecting our union, lofty words and such. It is unlikely that any of them will take a close, hard look at how at their own hypocrisy and their own actions contribute to an illiberal democracy.
It is not the media’s role to be advertising for celebrities or others, such as the Taylor Swift campaign that has happened several times over the recent past. It is also not their job to carry water for or to be spin doctors for any politician of any party or any party. It is also not their place to think for the American people. They are to report the news, what is happening in the country and what the American people want or think as dispassionately as possible. That is all they are supposed to do. Instead, the press has become propaganda. This is damaging to our democracy and to our social cohesion.
The people voted for Biden. He won fair and square. The people are not asking him to resign. These ideas are coming from the overweened, pseudo-intellectuals who make up our elite class, whether politicians or press. They hold themselves in such high-esteem that they don’t think twice or even think about the fact that they are not actually reflecting the will of the people but instead deciding for them what it is.
What the people said is that they don’t want Biden to run again. They do not want to reelect him. They have wisely determined, in spite of the media completely failing at their jobs in this regard, that he is too old and incapable of fulfilling the duties of the highest office in the land for another four years. That is all they have said. The American people also rejected Kamala Harris for the presidency. Biden chose her as his running mate. The people never chose her for either the presidency or the vice presidency. This is the same person that the elites want to now place in the presidency and at the top of the ticket for the next election using a political legerdemain.
The political machinations that disregard the will of the people need to stop. We are a democracy. It is utter hypocrisy to point to all the ways in which the Founding Fathers fell short of realizing the noble ideals beautifully laid out in the documents they created, yet in the present, perpetuate a political system that marginalizes the will of the people, their voice and their vote. Both of the parties, the politicians and the media, almost all of the elites, are guilty of this. There were two great sins committed at the birth of our nation: slavery of black people/genocide of the native inhabitants and not allowing all of the American people to determine their destiny. The elites are guilty of continuing this latter sin. On this Independence Day, let’s pray that they examine their conscience and sinfulness and repent. Amen, and as always, God bless America.

7/3/24 – We don’t want Kamala. We want to win. Is this actually hard to understand? Give it to us, you f—kheads. If the elites were as smart and concerned about our democracy as they claim to be, they would be myopically focused on that one thing and that one thing alone. If they were so moral, they wouldn’t have enabled the weak dotard’s dishonesty with the American people, his grotesque egotism and the denialism of his weaknesses, including his stutter, which he claims he overcame as a child. It is a bald-faced lie. Nonetheless, dumb hoi polloi that we are, we saw through the bulls—t. If the media had done their jobs, we wouldn’t be in this predicament. There was clearly a double-standard in how they covered the evil one, trump, and how they covered the weak dotard, Biden. And now, the elites with their goddamn hierarchy and “turns.” F—k their turns. We don’t give a s—t about who’s next in line. The people made Obama. Do they remember that? They wanted Hillary. We put him next in line, and he remains a popular president. The elites are arrogant a—holes who always think they know better than the American people. They don’t.

7/2/24 – Who does this guy, Stuart Stevens, think he’s fooling? Hey Americans, the elites think you’re extremely f—king stupid. The weak dotard won the primaries! Democracy in action! You’re overruling the will of the people. Shut the f—k up. It wasn’t a goddamn primary. It was a coronation because he’s the precious incumbent. So apparently, the country and Democrats need to be deprived of an actual primary, and we all know it. On top of thinking hoi polloi are imbeciles, he insults us by telling us we’re wimps who don’t know how to fight. We know how to and want to fight, but not for Biden – for ourselves, the American people. We’re also doing that by telling the party to give us a candidate that we actually want and who will actually win. Then, he went on to blah, blah, blah about how the parties have changed. What does that have to do with losing the election with the weak dotard? Lastly, nobody with a modicum of objectivity would describe the debate performance or Biden more generally as “steady, calm and confident.” The reality is the reality. The truth is the truth. Deal with it, and stop insulting our intelligence and our character, signed the American people.
Let’s see who else thinks the American people are complete idiots. Well, Jennifer Rubin. Yes, what we all saw with our own eyes: the weak dotard being unable to sound even remotely coherent let alone fact-check the lying moron’s lies (yes, it was Biden’s sole responsibility to do so), it was actually the fault of the format, the moderators, who could handle the endless lies. Many people, actually. Many of us would jump at a chance to take down that evil, lying moron of the first order. It would be sport, delicious and glorious. We could finally put on full display what a complete evil, insane idiot he is. Instead, our blood ran cold as we realized that we are…wait for it… going to lose the f—king election. That’s right. In fact, in the sane half of the country, there was a collective audible, “oh my God,” as the horror of our predicament descended on us one incomprehensible response after another, not to mention that Biden looked like the walking dead, which is where our democracy is going to be a few more months from now unless he is replaced.
Americans, understand this: the problem with all of these people is that they don’t actually have any respect for us, the people of this country who actually make it great. We are to believe what they want us to believe, do what they want us to do, and think as they want us to think. We are stupid, after all. They are smart. We are unaccomplished losers. They have pedigree. We are nobodies. They are somebody. They tell us this all the time, in so many different ways. We keep telling them to go f—k themselves, but since we are nobody to them, they don’t actually listen to us, the American people.