Necessary Changes to the Law

6/20/23 – Grass lawns should be banned. They are really bad for the environment. They consume loads of water and require a lot of fertilizer and pesticides, which pollute our water sources, plants and wildlife. There are many great options for ground cover that are drought-tolerant, low-maintenance and pollinator-friendly. Either we get serious about protecting the environment, or we resign ourselves to extinction. These are the only two options.

3/18/23 – Credit card companies must be required to give a minimum 28-day grace period, the time between your statement’s closing date and your required minimum payment. Why? Because most people get paid biweekly, and it allows them to better manage their bill payments. We want a bill with just this one change to the law, which is popular with all Americans, and we want all lawmakers on the record as to where they stand, one easy to understand vote at a time. We want transparency and accountability. Do you work for the American people or for the banks?