Notes from Underground – December 2023

12/31/23 – As we make our way through one of the two worst days of the year, the last and the first, if you feel like taking a break from your soma stupor, ask yourself a simple question with a metaphysical dimension: are we going up, or are we going down? We are going down in every sense of that expression.

12/31/23 – Narcissism prevents objectivity and makes it difficult to see things clearly. Millennials and now Gen Z assume that they are right in their approach, but it has likely contributed to the polarization we see. Obviously, there are smart phones, social media and other factors, mostly technological, but there is also a cultural component that contributed to the present polarization that was driven by these generations’ culture.
One of the under-appreciated advantages for Gen X was that it was a small generation. Therefore, it didn’t fall under the illusion of wielding power. If you’re aware of how powerless you are, which is generally an accurate assessment, there is no temptation to get everyone else to conform to your will. So, you just flip the man and the dominant culture the bird and do things your way.
This was one of the appeals of British punk for the American youth coming out of the dominance of 80s pop. Politically, there is a certain anarchist element in punk that is outside of the main political or economic ideologies, such as communism or fascism, capitalism or socialism. Anarchism is anti-dualistic. It is chaotic, and if you are rebellious and have a risk-tolerance, that has a certain appeal.
Millennials went in the opposite direction. They became quite controlling. They asserted the power of their numbers the way Boomers did and started policing the dominant culture. Unsurprisingly, it has not gone over well. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Boomers and older generations, who were/are accustomed to being in power, naturally did not take kindly to the policing and the power grab with communist leanings. Now, the Boomers and older generations are policing in the opposite direction and leaning fascist.
The problem with both of these approaches, the older larger and the younger larger generations, is that they want to control others, just in different ways. Healthy societies aren’t composed of individuals who are controlled either by the government or by pressure from the prevailing culture. They actually have a certain level of chaos that is the natural outcome of a myriad of people expressing their individuality. They are less predictable and also more balanced in the aggregate.

12/30/23 – A good new year’s resolution: be your own person. Instead of subscribing to a tribe or to a tribal identity, commit to the truth and define your own identity. God made us unique. We undermine that gift when we put earthly categories above our calling to be united with him in our individuality, with the special talents he gave us. Develop your person. Read. Patronize the arts. Be spiritual. Be a whole person that forges your own path, thinks for yourself and has your own sense of style and way of being in the world. It will be much more satisfying than donning some prêt-a-porter identity to fit into a society that’s become unmoored from substance.

12/30/23 –Just being young doesn’t make one cool. Prior to Millennials, being cool was defined by being nonconformist. Millennials and Gen Z are quite conformist. They want everybody to speak like them, think like them, be like them, and if they don’t, they’re “cancelled.” That’s not the way the world works or should work.
Gen Xers are now middle-aged. Some Gen Xers (and likely other older voters also) feel nostalgic about the way Reagan made Americans feel good about being American. Like Biden, Reagan was also old, but he was quite successful at inspiring national pride no matter what one thought about his policies. We need a president who can do this while having reasonable policies that are popular with the majority of voters. (And one who isn’t a treasonous, traitorous despot like the evil one, trump.)
Millennials and Gen Z have decided being patriotic is cancelled. Why should that be? Being patriotic is about being American. It’s about being invested in our country and taking pride in who we are, how far we’ve come, the positive role we can play in the world while still perfecting our union.
Endless cynicism and criticism doesn’t make one cool. Endless policing of others’ words or conduct doesn’t make one cool. What’s cool is being a substantive person of one’s own and taking emotional and other risks, including investing in our country. Yes, America might break our heart from time to time, but it’s better to love something and fight for it than to just criticize and feel justified in your detachment when things don’t go well.
Although Gen X is a small generation, it’s a pretty good measure of how broad an appeal a politician has. It’s a tough, independent generation, and it’s still pretty nonconformist even though it’s aged. It didn’t police others, and it didn’t want to be policed. It didn’t cancel, and it didn’t give a crap if it was cancelled, which it sort of was in a written off kind of way. It sold out to some degree, as many generations do, but even now, its ethos remains cool. That’s because being one’s own person is timeless.

12/30/23 – Christianity is a world religion. Scientism is a white man’s religion. God created the universe and gave us life. Scientism is a false god that is killing us. Christianity is countercultural. Scientism is conformist.

12/30/23 – Although it was rarely practiced correctly, the best thing Europe brought the world was Christianity. The worst thing it brought the world was the “Enlightenment.” Everything related to the destruction of our planet as we knew it can be traced back to the science- and self-worship that was the result of this misguided white movement.

12/30/23 – Christianity is based on a brown Jewish man, who we believe to be the Son of God and who sacrificed himself for us. To paraphrase one of the most prominent white evangelicals in recent history, Billy Graham, don’t let anyone tell you it’s a white man’s religion. Jesus belongs to the whole world. Christianity has also existed in many diverse parts of the world since its birth. What is a white man’s religion is the science worship that mostly white liberals have been pushing down our throats for centuries. White people have abused science, which has an important role in the world. They replaced our God with themselves, and their hubris and narcissism are leading to the destruction of life on the planet.

12/29/23 – Millennials were never cool. They just thought they were. In general, sneaker “fashion” is stupid. The only reason to wear athletic wear is because you’re actually exercising or your feet need the support, which is particularly true in certain professions. Gen X were the last generation that had any sense of style. Millennials popularized Hoka. Gen X popularized Dr. Martens because American grunge and British punk had something of an overlap. The style was tied to the generation’s music. Running around everywhere in yoga pants and sneakers is what lazy people who don’t have any sense of identity or style do.

12/28/23 – You have to do the work. You have to actually change yourself. There are no shortcuts.

12/28/23 – Many of these liberals think Jesus was, let’s just put it bluntly, a delusional freak. Unfortunately for them, it doesn’t compute. What delusional person reverses the entire secular order (their order), bringing the poor and marginalized up and putting the rich and powerful down? Does that seem delusional, or does that seem right? Doesn’t that seem like how things ought to actually be if one is truly an “evolved” person? (They love “evolution,” “evolved,” “evolve,” “evolving.” These words appeal to them more than any other, such as: love, sacrifice, faith, hope, peace, etc.) Does what Jesus preached go against evolutionary theory and the survival instinct? It does, and that’s an important part of the point.
You know who are delusional freaks though? The science-worshipping (usually white) freaks who persist in arrogant hubris when all the evidence points to it being our undoing. They say they love science; they believe in science. They preach science while not actually practicing it. Who persists in gaslighting the vast majority of the world’s population that is mostly not white and, wait for it, spiritual and also living in a way that is much more connected to the gods they believe in and to the planet that they believe a higher power created so that they will instead worship (white) humans and their disgusting abuse of science? What level of delusion are these narcissists living in? A high and dangerous level, and they going to get the rest of us killed.

12/28/23 – If you happen to be a Christian who loves Jesus and feels deeply resentful about Christian Nationalism with its myriad intense awfulness, it’s understandable. If you happen to be a religious or spiritual person who loves God, (or) the creator, and nature and feels deeply resentful about its destruction caused in great part by the science worshippers, it’s understandable. Know that you are not alone. You can be all of these things, and it’s entirely justified. For Christian believers, our God asks that we continue to hope and pray that these people with whom we have profound disagreements, both metaphysical and physical, on matters as serious as the survival of our species and life on the planet, will see the light. Nothing will change for the better unless we change ourselves to be more Christlike. This is the one and only way out of our self-inflicted dangerous situation. The more we think we can “science” our way out of the mess we “scienced” our way into, the deeper hole we’ll dig. Know it now as a warning.

12/27/23 – If you think there aren’t liberal racists, you’re living in a special kind of fiction. Labels don’t make people or their hearts. There are plenty of liberals who are racists, and there are plenty of conservatives who aren’t racists. They just have conservative values. (FYI Conservative values are not by definition racist.) There was a time not that long ago when we, as young people, actually cared about being well-rounded. We pursued it with a good-natured competition. We wanted to have great travel stories so that we would be worldly and, yes, so that people would think we were worldly. We wanted to understand art and speak about it with insight and sensitivity so that we would be cultured, and, yes, so that people would think we were cultured. We read great writers, thinking critically about their various arguments, coming up with our own counterarguments, cross-referencing other great writers, thinking deeply about complicated moral questions. We actually cared about knowing things and being intellectually, culturally and morally developed.
There was a time not that long ago when tribalism did not define the person, slapping simplistic labels on oneself and claiming to be “evolved,” whatever that means. What defined the person was substance. One actually had to know s—t, not blindly adopt whatever positions the rest of one’s tribe did because one just wanted to fit in. Were we sometimes pretentious a—holes? Yes, we were. Were we sometimes obnoxious and contentious? Yes, we were. But we also took pride in being genuinely cultured and knowledgeable. That time and culture are gone. By chance of our birth year (and we aren’t that old), we had an intellectual, cultural and moral formation much more similar to people much older than we were. For centuries, perhaps millennia, these were the qualities that defined well-roundedness. That formation and definition no longer exist, and it’s a real loss for humanity.
Some argue that the phone has made young people dumber, and some research seems to confirm this. But let’s be honest; it’s also beyond the effects of the phone or even social media. We wanted these things because we wanted to be better people and, yes, because we thought it was cool. What’s cool now? More importantly, do people actually want to be better people anymore, or do they just want to signal that they’re good people, whether or not they’re actually good? Maybe actually being the thing just doesn’t matter that much anymore on any level.
PS Yes, it’s being treated as a noun. There are enough adjectives. We need more actual nouns, being the thing itself.
It Sure Looks Like Phones Are Making Students Dumber

12/26/23 – As Jesus said, hypocrites, hypocrites, hypocrites, on the right, on the left, everywhere. If we had done what he asked us to do, we would not be in this situation. We are here because of these (white) narcissists who routinely mistake themselves for god, in one way or another. After two thousand years of watching people fail at following him, it’s safe to forecast that the “enlightenment” experiment is going to end extremely badly. People will be begging to go back to the way it was before all of this “progress,” but it won’t be option. The only option will be mass destruction and death.

12/26/23 – The evil one, trump, “I am your retribution.” “I am your savior.” The liberal science worshippers, “I am your evolution.” “I am your savior.” Just different forms of the same dangerous narcissism. They both want you to stop worshipping your God and start worshipping them.

12/26/23 – Christianity is beautiful. Throughout the world, there are people who are exposed to the Bible and fall in divine love with Jesus. In his figure on the cross, we can see our own and each other’s brokenness. God became man. He ate and drank with us. He laughed and cried with us. He experienced pain, fear, and sadness, as we do. He was tortured and died for us. Even 2,000 years later, Jesus and his sacrifice grips people and can transform them like nothing else. (Read Peter Wehner’s writings to better understand some of the reasons for Jesus’s unique power.)
“I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I believe that God took on flesh in order to model servanthood and self-sacrifice; I believe he commanded us to love our neighbor, to turn the other cheek toward those who wish us harm, to show grace toward outsiders and let our light shine so they might glorify our heavenly Father. Not all professing Christians bother adhering to these biblical precepts, but many millions of American believers still do. It is incumbent upon them to stand up to this extremism in the Church.
Yet the responsibility is not theirs alone. No matter your personal belief system, the reality is, we have no viable path forward as a pluralistic society—none—without confronting the deterioration of the evangelical movement and repairing the relationship between Christians and the broader culture. This Christmas, I pray it might be so.” This latter group hates religion, Christianity in particular, which has tremendous appeal to many around the world, because they don’t want a pluralistic society. They want a scientocracy that worships human beings. Their narcissism and arrogance have brought us to this dangerous place where all life on the planet is threatened, and they are still too blinded by their self-love to see it or to own it.
The Only Thing More Dangerous Than Authoritarianism

12/26/23 – Many liberals, especially the white ones, worship science. It’s a religion to them. Darwin is their God. Evolution is their “bible.” They are indoctrinating others with these views. The science worship in which these over-educated narcissists engage has led to the destruction of our planet and life as we knew it before the “Enlightenment,” a European movement, when we lived on a planet truly teeming with life. Now, they’re trying to convince us that the way out of the problems they created is more belief in them and in their science. They’re so evolved, don’t you know. Yes, so evolved that they’re killing life at an unprecedented pace. Their self-love and arrogance are a danger to all life on the planet. Will they ever admit that they are one of the main reasons we’re in this miserable and dangerous predicament? That would require objectivity and humility, and they don’t seem capable of either.

12/26/23 – As the “elite”-educated, godless geniuses destroy our planet, aided by the propaganda (the press that has a science-worship agenda), going on about how evolved and virtuous they are, drinking their Starbucks, buying their “fast fashion,” indulging in all manner of decadence and consumption, while making empty proclamations about climate change, intentionally oblivious to their blatant hypocrisy (it’s so inconvenient), they want you to know that they will save you from your backwardness, your religion, your god, your inadequate evolution. You pathetic low IQ simpleton with your lack of understanding of science, they will be better than any previous god you believed in. They are the god of reason, rational and logical. They are enlightened (and mostly white). You are dumb and dark. (Yes, they are racists. They’re just better hypocrites and better at hiding it.) You used to drink from clear bodies of fresh water created by your God, unadulterated by chemicals. Soon, as a reflection of their evolution, superiority and progress, you’ll be drinking processed toilet water. That’s right, water into which people has previously deposited their human waste. It’s not an exaggeration. California is trying to figure out how to reuse toilet water. Science. Progress. White superiority.  

12/26/23 – There will come a day in the not-so-distant future when everything we’re wastefully throwing away now is going to be reused if it’s not already destroyed because we’ll be running out of natural resources. All of our efforts and resources will be focused on potable water preservation and food production, and everything else will become secondary. On an individual level, think twice before you throw stuff away. If it’s still usable, use it until it’s not. Stop spending money and start conserving. Poor countries that are unwilling to take our “trash” might actually want to do so because it will be free money if the stuff is handled properly at some point in the foreseeable future. As a matter of equity, conservation and the environment, wealthy countries should help poor countries figure out cost-effective ways of reusing materials. It’s basic fairness, and it’s good for the planet. Nobody should take the present abundance of resources for granted. It’s definitely not going to last.

12/25/23 – This and every Christmas, all glory and thanks be to God. He gave us truth and freedom. Merry Christmas, our savior, our healer, our revolutionary is born!

12/25/23 – God loves all his people throughout the world: black, white, Asian, indigenous, whoever. He does not forget the poor and the powerless, and neither should we. This Christmas, let’s pray for all of them and, as always, for the persecuted church.

12/25/23 – “There are a million Rohingya people living in the world’s largest refugee camp who are suffering in a dire situation. We think that photography and storytelling have that power to motivate people and to empower people and to draw their attention to our crisis – the Rohingya crisis.” “Most of the people held posters that said ‘We are not Bengali’ and ‘We are Rohingya.’ And among the crowd, I can see a little child also holding a banner: ‘I want justice.’ There’s a long story about this child because he was burned in Myanmar by the Myanmar military. Half of his head is burned. The mark appeared very clearly. Still, this young child is holding the poster and asking for justice. That moment really, you know, hit my heart. So I feel like if you’re a victim, if you’re persecuted, then age does not matter – you can fight for all your rights…. We are genocide survivors and we have been going through a lot of hard times, but still we have to face all these natural disasters also. When I see her, she is old but still she has hope. And I really felt broken after seeing her situation. That is the photo, you know, that I can not forget.”
Prize-winning photos by Rohingya: Unseen life in the world’s largest refugee camp

12/25/23 – God made us in his image. We don’t remake God in our image.

12/25/23 – Flashback: Love this clip. “8/12/23 – ‘He [Jesus] belongs to the world.’ Billy Graham, may his soul rest in peace. We miss him. The geographical trinity image is lovely.
What Did Jesus Look Like? How Would A Jewish Man Possibly Look 2000 Years Ago?
The Land of Israel in the Ancient World (Jewish History Lab)

12/24/23 – This is a good example of liberals not understanding much of anything as it relates to Christianity. Jesus was a brown Jew. This is based on historical accounts, both Biblical and other. Many deeply religious people are, wait for it, scholars: Biblical scholars, historical scholars, linguistic scholars, literature scholars, scholars of various disciplines, who are deeply committed to the truth. It was not a “clash of generations.” It was the imposition of a set of cultural values that are ahistorical and incompatible with Christianity.
The depictions of Jesus as white are inaccurate. Many Middle Eastern people sometimes classify themselves as white even though they clearly are not. Mostly, they are Arab, and the Jews are their own people, genetically and culturally. Christianity was “nurtured” and politically embedded in Europe. Thus, images of Jesus as a white man became normative for political and cultural reasons. White Jesus is historically inaccurate, but after two thousand years as Europe’s religion, it is understandable (but still not acceptable) why the depiction is common.
The problem is that liberals impose their views and values on others with an arrogant sense of themselves. Did the author not stop to consider how judgmental of and superior to her grandmother she comes across? Jesus isn’t a political figure to be colored or dressed according to the fashion of the day. He isn’t supposed to be used to make people feel validated. Did the author consider that this might be why her grandmother found it sacrilegious? Apparently, after all of these years, the author hasn’t learned much about the faith or maybe even about her grandmother.
Christianity is about the truth. Stick to the truth. The truth is that Jesus was a brown Jew who belongs to the world. He sacrificed himself for all of humankind. That truth is much more powerful than a black or a white Jesus or any other fictional version of him, which is also called a lie. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, and because of these truths, all people can see themselves in him as they are. (Her grandmother understood this perfectly.) We don’t change God, who chose for his Son to take the human form of a brown Jew. We change ourselves. That’s humility, and that’s the truth.
Why Black Jesus Made My Grandmother Uncomfortable

12/24/23 – A bit morbid for Christmas Eve, but without birth, there can be no death. We can only trust the man who sacrificed himself for us. Everybody else wants something from us, whether it’s our time, talent, money, genes, labor, etc. It’s all transaction everywhere. Society functions and disfunctions on transactions. Jesus gave us his life, and he asks nothing of us but to follow him. He asks everything of us, but it’s nothing of this world. It’s of God’s world. Tomorrow, we celebrate the birth of this divine, unearned gift. 

12/24/23 – Not right, not left. Not conservative, not liberal. Not fascism, not communism. Not church, not state. Not theocracy, not scientocracy. Not east, not west. Only Jesus, the only one to trust. Everything and everyone else is vulnerable to corruption. Even the best of people become corrupted to some degree of this world.

12/23/23 – What does it mean to be “in the Christmas spirit”? As always, what it should mean is being oriented to Christ, glorifying and worshipping him. The self-glorifying atheists and others, aided by the “news” media (the propaganda), want you to worship your genes (you’re more evolved), science (scientism, it’s a religion), Darwin (he’s its god), the theory of evolution (this is their religious text), luck (such as the parents to whom you were born), “pedigree” (such as the diplomas purchased at the “elite” diploma-mill schools; no, everyone shouldn’t be getting an A; it’s a fraud), your “IQ” (see the well-educated idiot Larry Summers with his genius IQ who is also routinely wrong), your status, your job, your stuff, etc. (Are you jealous of them yet? They really want you to be jealous of them.) It’s all wrong. These are all the wrong things to worship. The best present one can get this Christmas is really understanding how profoundly wrong it is and finding the light. Pray for this greatest of gifts.  

12/23/23 – To fellow Christians who want the church to be some sort of refuge from an ever-changing world, understand that the church is change, internally, within the person, and externally, as we are to help change the world for the better. The church isn’t a refuge from change. It’s an agent of change, and in its transformative change, one finds refuge.

12/23/23 – People talk too much about the institution of the church, theology and whatnot. Who cares about any of it. Remember, the church is where two or more are gathered in Jesus’s name. The best and truest part of the church right now, as it has always been, is the persecuted church. More generally, the global church is a countercultural movement. It is radical in every respect. This is a great time to be a Christian in the west because Christianity has fallen out of favor. It is “officially” not normative, as it really should never be, and we are much more in sync with our fellow Christians in other parts of the world, especially where it is a minority religion. The dominant western culture is white and secular. Christianity is multiethnic and not about this world. The mainstream culture is about consumption, hedonism and decadence. Christianity is about restraint, discipline and sacrifice. You get the idea. There is the world, and there is the Christian world. So, don’t worry about all of the words. Follow Jesus’s words and his actions, as described in the Bible. No matter who are you, no matter your nationality, religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, etc., whoever you are, if you feel moved by the Holy Spirit to follow Jesus, just follow. Don’t worry about what mere mortals have to say or about this and that debate. God is the Word, and the Word was made flesh. That’s all that matters.

12/22/23 – The problem with Washington people and the technocrats is that they have no moral clarity. This impairs their intellectual ability.

12/22/23 – Very good points in this article. Also, could someone please tell the rest of us simple people when the last time was that someone, anyone, got an armed mob (effectively a militia) to storm the US Capitol to prevent the transition of power? Anyone? Right. So, this is not a concern: “It could also encourage states to play fast and loose with Section 3 to keep legitimate candidates off future ballots.” Yes, someone might try. Someone might try anything, and they do. We can sue anybody for anything. It’s one of the things that makes our country great. God bless America. That doesn’t mean that the grievance has any merit. Making this non-concern into a concern sends the message that it happens all the time and that well everyone does it. It diminishes the gravity of the evil one, trump’s, words and actions. It’s never happened before! It will likely never happen again, but if it does, it will likely be because of him – again. That evil man deserves the death penalty for what he did on January 6, 2021, a day that goes down in infamy. Do you understand? Understand the gravity of the intent and the crime. Are people getting this, or is this actually hard?
The Colorado Supreme Court Decision Is True Originalism

12/21/23 – To all of the supporters and apologists of the evil one, trump, know that you have sold your soul to the devil, and when the day of judgment comes, you will be held accountable for it. To all of the technocrats, find your soul and your moral compass. These are not hard questions. Your machinations are clouding your thinking and your judgment. Think about what that evil man did, including the people who were injured or died because of him, and how evil he needs to be to do that. That man is pure evil, and your response does not match the gravity of his intent or his crimes.

12/21/23 – When MAGA’s fever breaks (and one day, it will likely break), and they realize how badly they were conned, who knows how they’ll respond. The hatred and rage against the evil one on the left is well-established and known. It’s predictable. We knew who he was all along. January 6 was shocking but not surprising. For MAGA, when the spell lifts, it will be as if they realize they had been fleeced of everything of any value to them: their loved ones, their property, their health, everything…all by the evil one, trump.

12/21/23 – If you get to go to heaven, be sure to tell Abraham Lincoln that we fought like hell to prevent the evil one, trump, from destroying our democracy. Be sure to tell Honest Abe that we love our country and that we hate treasonous traitors. Be sure to thank him, salute him and call him patriot, president, and citizen of the greatest country in the world.

12/21/23 – Clarence Thomas is a justice for hire. Name the price, and he’ll rule your way. The Supreme KKKourt is KKKorrupt.

12/21/23 – Do we get our right to free speech from Congress? No, we don’t. We get it from our God and our Constitution. This is why we can tell Congress or whomever to go f—k themselves as many times and as colorfully as we like. God bless America. God bless our Constitution.

12/21/23 – This “judge” should be fired. The person is a complete idiot. “And the dissenters didn’t even bother with the district court’s bizarre position that even though Trump is an insurrectionist, Section 3 doesn’t apply to him because the person holding what the Constitution itself calls the ‘Office of the President’ is, somehow, not an ‘officer of the United States.’” They don’t have a strong counterargument because they don’t have an argument. They have BS, and they should be ashamed of writing their BS into the American legal and historical record. If they aren’t, their progeny can be on their disgraced behalf.
The Colorado Ruling Changed My Mind

12/21/23 – As is often the case, the Washington Propaganda is wrong. No president (it could be argued that no person) has ever committed a greater crime in the history of the United States. The monstrous, evil one’s crime on January 6, 2021 deserves the death penalty, at a minimum, life in prison. It was a total and complete betrayal of his oath, of our Constitution, and of our country. This is all anybody needs to know. That is moral clarity. Unfortunately, Washington people and the technocrats aren’t capable of it.

12/20/23 – The super smart, rational, science worshippers on the left, such as the self-glorifying Kate Cohen, identity atheist, who brags of her children’s precociousness, (similar to the evil one, trump, yet another moron with a huge ego), are just as gullible as MAGA. Know it now.

12/20/23 – The science worshippers at National Propaganda Radio (NPR) aren’t journalists. They are propagandists.

12/20/23 – The evil one, trump, deserves the death penalty for his crimes against the state.

12/20/23 – This is all that matters. The Supreme KKKourt either respects the Constitution, or they act as traitors to it and to our country. It’s as simple as that. “The evidence that Trump engaged in the sort of conduct the Fourteenth Amendment was designed to address is overwhelming, as is the originalist case for its application. Every piece of information that has emerged in the aftermath of the Capitol riot on January 6 has clarified what appeared even then to be a premeditated attempt to overthrow constitutional government in the United States.”
The Colorado Ruling Calls the Originalists’ Bluff

12/20/23 – Another flashback. “8/21/23 – We have an originalist Supreme Court, don’t we? We are either a nation under the rule of law, or we’re not. Apply the law without fear or favor. ‘Section 3 is “self-executing.”… one who fails to satisfy the Constitution’s qualifications does not have a constitutional “right” or “entitlement” to serve in a public office…. The bottom line is that [the evil one,] Donald Trump both “engaged in” “insurrection or rebellion” and gave “aid or comfort” to others engaging in such conduct, within the original meaning of those terms as employed in Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment. If the public record is accurate, the case is not even close. He is no longer eligible to the office of Presidency, or any other state or federal office covered by the Constitution.’ Many people described it as an insurrection in real time. It was obvious. ‘The only intellectually honest way to disagree is not to deny that the event is what the Constitution refers to as “insurrection” or “rebellion,” but to deny that the insurrection or rebellion matters.’ It matters more than almost anything else, except betraying us to our enemies, which he might have also done. The evil one deserves the death penalty.
The Constitution Prohibits Trump From Ever Being President Again

12/20/23 – We won’t be substituting our democracy, as imperfect as it is, for the evil one’s or anyone’s autocracy or for a scientocracy. They can all go f—k themselves. Happy Wednesday again!

12/20/23 – Freud was a fraud, and yes, wait for it, Darwin was also a fraud. Happy Wednesday!

12/20/23 – “If my own mind is a product of the irrational, how shall I trust my mind…?” C.S. Lewis. “Whether the convictions of a man’s mind…are of any value or at all trustworthy?” Darwin. The magician’s twin is science, but science is much more dangerous. The perils of both, magic and science, include, wait for it, a lack of skepticism. The ironic thing is that many Christians today went through a period of (intense) skepticism of the faith and came back to it afterwards for various reasons, often both heart and mind.
The Magician’s Twin: C.S. Lewis and the Case against Scientism

12/20/23 – We must be a country where the rule of law applies equally to everyone. We must honor the words written in our Constitution in Section 3 of the 14th Amendment that are intended to protect our democracy. The evil one wants to be a dictator, which is antithetical to democracy. His actions on January 6, 2021 were intended to subvert the will of the people and prevent the peaceful transition of power. He incited an insurrection. Again, apply the f—king law. We want to see that evil man behind bars where he belongs for the rest of his traitorous, treasonous life.

12/20/23 – From David Frum’s article below, “Trump will probably lose to Biden, but almost any other Republican would likely beat the current president.” If Democrats lose the presidency to Haley, it might hurt them politically, but it would help the country on every level to not have the evil one possibly reelected. She is not a treasonous traitor. She just happens to belong to the opposing party. That’s how it goes. Long live the Republic!

12/20/23 – Everybody, not just economists, are wrong sometimes if not much of the time. There is no shame in being wrong as long as one doesn’t persist in it or try to pretend otherwise. One can’t learn without being wrong, and it’s all about learning. Be humble. Be holy.
The Colorado Supreme Court Just Gave Republicans a Chance to Save Themselves

12/20/23 – In case anyone is confused, there is some intensity on this topic. The hatred of the evil one is justified, and yes, it is intense. Don’t expect any apologies for it. They won’t be forthcoming. Let’s revisit and reiterate. Apply the f—king law as it’s written in our Constitution. If the Supreme KKKourt takes the case and overrules it, they are accomplices to the insurrectionists and to their dear leader, the evil one, trump. The justices would be traitors to our Constitution. They would become completely illegitimate. “8/30/23 – Let’s look at David Frum’s argument, which we won’t be linking to because it’s idiotic. He wrote, ‘They might spare the country the ordeal of renominating an insurrectionist president.’ So, the evil one, trump, is an insurrectionist. Then, the law applies to him. (It does not to his hand-wringing examples.) Unless one can produce a coherent argument that what we all saw with our own eyes, that spectators in real time observed as insurrection was not actually an insurrection but a…what’s the word, oh fantasy of some variety but not the insurrectionist kind, there is no argument against the use of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Frum and any other unprincipled persons can just shut the f—k up with their political calculations and their illogic. Apply the f—king law as it’s written in our Constitution.”

12/19/23 – The Supreme KKKourt cannot take up the case because it is too corrupt.

12/19/23 – F—k the evil one, trump. May future Americans spit on his vile grave. He was not a president. He is and will forever live in American history as a treasonous traitor. The day when he leaves this world can’t come soon enough. May his disgusting body rot in hell and may he be tortured by its demons forever.

12/19/23 – There is one way out of our mess: the Jesus way.

12/19/23 – Don’t give them your money. Don’t give them your genes. Freedom.

12/19/23 – Fascists bad. Communists bad. “Science…is neutral.” In its sum, it is not moving us backward, and it’s not moving us forward. “That’s the voice of a man with his legs under his own table, eating the mutton and turnips raised on his own land.” We must free ourselves of the oligarchy.
Is Progress Possible? Willing Slaves of the Welfare State. – C.S. Lewis

12/19/23 – We need to stop with white people’s processed food culture. It is unhealthy and bad for the environment. This should be happening everywhere. All indigenous people need to reclaim their ancestral ways of agriculture and cuisine where lost. “Angelina Toineeta, who is Crow, is studying the BNFSI at Montana State as part of her major in agriculture. ‘Growing these gardens really stuck out to me,’ she said. ‘Native American agriculture is something we’ve lost over the years, and I want to help bring that back.’”
With bison herds and ancestral seeds, Indigenous communities embrace food sovereignty

12/18/23 – About all the people who don’t want to hear the truth: Too bad for them.

12/18/23 – The greedy capitalists just want cheap labor. It’s better for everyone, all animals and the planet to not have kids.

12/18/23 – The former is definitely true. The latter is somewhat true. However, the most acute and dangerous threat to our democracy is the evil one, trump, returning to power. “Mason said one side fears what Trump has said he will do if he wins, while the other is responding to the fear created in a media ecosystem that says the Democrats want to destroy America and turn it into a socialist or communist society.”
Americans agree that the 2024 election will be pivotal for democracy, but for different reasons

12/15/23 – Oh dear MAGA, the evil one, trump, has no loyalty to anyone but himself. Has he paid the legal bills for any of the people who did his bidding? No. He doesn’t have their back. He doesn’t have anyone’s back. You know it in your hearts. Know it in your heads too.

12/14/23 – The world needs less humans and more animals. “‘Overall, the conclusions weren’t necessarily surprising. I mean, they were depressing but not surprising.’… The researchers cite a variety of potential causes for the loss of birds, including habitat degradation, urbanization and the use of toxic pesticides, notes Zipkin.” National Propaganda Radio (NPR)
North America Has Lost 3 Billion Birds, Scientists Say

12/14/23 – Do we really need to torture birds to learn this? We don’t. “‘What they are highlighting is that you need a lot of practice to achieve a mastery in what you’re doing,’ says Ana Amador, a neuroscientist at the University of Buenos Aires who wasn’t involved in the research.” National Propaganda Radio (NPR)

12/14/23 – People are not supposed to get everything they want. If you can’t have kids, just accept it, or adopt and actually help people instead of harming the entire human species with your selfishness.

12/13/23 – The disgusting National Propaganda Radio (NPR) with its terrible “reporters” keeps pushing for Brave New World, dangerous genetic engineering. When is it going to go out of business?

12/13/23 – Once your metabolism changes, you’re supposed to eat less. Added benefit to your own health: the less people eat, the healthier the planet will be.

12/13/23 – The evil one, trump’s Achilles’ heel is that he turns bitterly on those he deems to be disloyal. If his supporters, such as white evangelicals, sour on him, he will viciously denounce them.

12/13/23 – The evil one, trump, is the greatest threat to global security. The threat must be eliminated.

12/11/23 – Christianity is radical in the best of ways. If you can give yourself to God, you will be truly free.

12/11/23 – The “Heritage Foundation” is the Dictator Foundation, and it is antithetical to our heritage: a democratic, checks and balances system. The “Heritage Foundation” needs to be destroyed.
Conservative groups draw up plan to dismantle the US government and replace it with Trump’s vision

12/11/23 – The evil one, trump, is all evolution. Right does not exist in his framework. It’s survival, greed, power, everything unholy at all costs. To MAGA, the evil one, trump, will use you and spit you out. He doesn’t care about you or the country. He cares only about himself. “One of the fake electors, former Wisconsin state Republican Chairman Andrew Hitt, repeated that position in a statement Wednesday. ‘The Wisconsin electors were tricked and misled into participating in what became the alternate elector scheme and would have never taken any actions had we known that there were ulterior reasons beyond preserving an ongoing legal strategy,’ he said. Hitt said he has been working with the Justice Department since May of 2022 and he will not be supporting Trump in 2024.” “The fake electors also released nearly 600 pages of documents related to their scheme, under terms of the settlement. Those show one Republican involved with the fake elector plot texting another one referring to their action declaring Trump the winner of Wisconsin as a ‘possible steal.’” The only people who were trying to steal the 2020 election was MAGA. Hard truth.
Fake Donald Trump electors settle civil lawsuit in Wisconsin, agree that President Biden won

12/11/23 – Reminder: Evolution is based on might makes right. Christianity is based on right makes right.

12/10/23 – Wise words. We should all heed them. “To follow in private or in public life, the law of love and temperance, even when they seem to be suicidal and not the law of competition and grab, even when they seem to be necessary to our survival. For it is part of our spiritual law never to put survival first, not even the survival of our species. We must resolutely train ourselves to feel that the survival of man on this earth much more of our own nation or culture or class is not worth having unless it can be had by honorable and merciful means. The sacrifice is not so great as it seems. Nothing is more likely to destroy a species or a nation than a determination to survive at all costs. Those who care for something else more than civilization are the only people by whom civilization is at all likely to be preserved. Those who want heaven most have served earth best. Those who love man less than God do most for man.”
C.S. Lewis – On Living in an Atomic Age

12/10/23 – If you’re genuinely Christian, what do you have to fear? God gave us everything. There is nothing to fear.

12/10/23 – A fun story about God’s divine creation and our mutual interests, even if it’s just to marvel at their splendor. Birds are wonderful creatures, and God made them for us. What a gift! Happy Sunday!
Looking for honey? This African bird will heed your call and take you there

12/10/23 – On this glorious Sunday, let us give thanks to the Lord our God for life and for his forgiveness. We are all sinners. Americans are at our best when we have no personal investment in politicians. They are just people, not God, and many of them are deeply flawed. If MAGA can rid themselves of their cultlike association with the evil one, we actually have a lot in common. Many of them are farmers or live in rural areas of the country. We have a mutual love of nature, of the land and the wildlife that inhabit it. We are simple people, who like our simple lives: closeknit communities, people who are courteous and help each other. We like everything from cooking, knitting and sewing, to home improvement and construction. Simple things. We have a lot in common because we’re Americans and because we’re humans. To MAGA: Don’t fall in love with politicians. It’s bad for your health. Fall in love with God.

12/8/23 – The church was better when it was smaller and purer. It’s gotten too big and too political. There are numerous people who would have committed to the religious life but were turned off by the institutional self-love. We are the hands and feet of Christ, simple people who love him and want to be like him. We are not an institution. We do not worship an institution, a party, a building, or anything other than God.

12/8/23 – The culture has become extremely decadent, and people are not exercising adequate discipline on any level.

12/8/23 – Reminder of basic things. You can’t just kill people because you don’t like them. The reasons are obvious. This includes people of other races, genders (yes, including trans), religions, ethnicities, etc. There is a famous commandment about this. You can’t just storm the Capitol because you don’t like the outcome of a free and fair election (or even an unfair one, which 2020 was not). This is insurrection, and lawful societies don’t do things like this. There is a famous constitution that talks about this. You can’t just become a fearful conspiracist because the culture is going in a direction you dislike and put your faith in an evil wannabee dictator who does not have a moral bone in his body. There is a famous early church that modeled correct conduct in a godless or heathen land. If you don’t like the way the culture is changing, then hold yourself to the highest of standards of integrity, objectivity, honesty and values. You show grace, love, kindness and compassion to others. You lead like Jesus led, by living like he lived. There are no shortcuts or excuses, and there are no rationalizations to act otherwise. There is a famous book about this.
How Trump Has Transformed Evangelicals

12/8/23 – We end minority rule or end in civil war.

12/8/23 – It will be much worse than this dystopian forecast. The evil one, trump, is pure evil. Every single person that’s helping him must be taken down now.
“For democracy to continue, however, the democratic system itself must be the supreme commitment of all major participants. Rules must matter more than outcomes. If not, the system careens toward breakdown—as it is careening now.
When Benjamin Franklin famously said of the then-new Constitution, ‘A republic, if you can keep it,’ he was not suggesting that the republic might be misplaced absentmindedly. He foresaw that ambitious, ruthless characters would arise to try to break the republic, and that weak, venal characters might assist them. Americans have faced Franklin’s challenge since 2016, in a story that has so far had some villains, many heroes—and just enough good luck to tip the balance. It would be dangerous to continue to count on luck to do the job.”
The Danger Ahead

12/6/23 – If you worship anything other than God, it will show up as a stain upon your character in one way or another.

12/5/23 – Speaking of the psycho Nazis: Firstly, let’s take in the depravity of Germans asking for this statue. The Italians should have sent them a marble middle finger. Secondly, last we all understood the general DNA of Greeks or Italians, they are definitely not the same as the unattractive Germans. So, what are the Germans talking about: “Aryan aesthetic, calling it a national treasure”? What is an Aryan aesthetic? Does anybody know what these inferior, delusional morons with their crap cuisine are talking about?
Italy refuses Munich museum’s request to return ancient Roman statue bought by Hitler

12/5/23 – Why does MAGA fall for the evil one, trump? Why did so many self-described intelligent, moral people fall for the evil henry kissinger. This guy here and here, and so many other places of total disregard for human life. He was the Jew who learned nothing from the Nazis except how to be like them and simultaneously win the Nobel Peace Prize. All the people who fawned over him should ask themselves: Are they really so different from MAGA?

12/5/23 – Yes, almost all politicians are corrupt, but, at present, only one American politician is the evil one.

12/4/23 – Birds are like flying flowers, and people love them because they’re beautiful, sensitive, complex creatures. We don’t need all this stuff. We need what God created for us, for our sustenance and our pleasure – our beautiful planet and all of his creation.
Why is this bird drawing people from far and wide to downtown Corpus Christi?

12/4/23 – People need to stop exploiting Christianity for their own selfish ends.

12/4/23 – Academia has a deception and ambition problem, and the news media has a sensationalism and ambition problem.
The Curious Case of Jesus’s Wife

12/4/23 – If the evil one, trump, who is the most dangerous person in the world, is reelected, he will try to become a dictator. Blue states should engage in nullification, and their governors should be prepared for civil war. Also, the US military needs to be inoculated from a tyrannical takeover of the country by the evil wannabe dictator. Ideally, the evil one is eliminated as a threat to the Republic before the primaries.

12/4/23 – If you buy into the extreme left, you’ll end up worshipping yourself. If you buy into the extreme right, you’ll end up worshipping the evil one. Both are false gods.

12/4/23 – How much evidence do people need to understand that the right worships the evil one. They have fallen under the spell of a false god. “While Johnson was aggressively gathering signatures from his colleagues, according to the excerpts, Cheney overheard one of them say in exasperation: ‘The things we do for “Orange Jesus.”’” In the excerpts, Cheney names the congressman, who has since denied using those terms for the former president.” Little things such as sell their soul.
Liz Cheney is back and unloading on the current leaders of her ancestral GOP

12/3/23 – As we head into the Advent season, one of light, of the birth of the Messiah, let’s remember that the forces of evil are advancing, unchecked in their power. If you thought the first presidency of the evil one was bad, the second will feel like the darkness of pure evil descending upon the country. And its own decadence and apathy will have brought the plague upon us.

12/3/23 – The theory of evolution is of might makes right. The Christian theory of the divine is of right makes right. All Christians everywhere need to remember that the foundation of our faith is not of this world. It has nothing to do with power, money, fame or comfort. It has everything to do with faith, hope, love and accepting God’s will as one’s own. Keep your eyes fixed on what you cannot see and your ears open to the Lord who speaks in your heart. Happy Sunday.

12/3/23 – God is a mystery, which reveals itself to us as God and only God chooses. We can either believe these revelations, faint and fleeting as they usually are, or not. If Jesus is who Christians believe him to be, the Son of God, the divine made human, then God’s motivation behind the incarnation is the greatest mystery of all, even more so than the creation of the universe. The Word became flesh. Happy Advent.

12/3/23 – Satan didn’t eat the apple. He convinced Adam and Eve to eat it. One cannot love God and country, and love the evil one, trump. You have to choose.

12/3/23 – “‘Most of them won’t care about you in a week,’ he said. ‘Remember,’ Dad said, smiling. ‘On this Earth, all glory is fleeting.’” They didn’t even care about him in the moment. They cared about themselves. Another truth is that the evil one, trump, does not care at all about his supporters, and they are elevating this traitorous devil while debasing the values of the Gospel and their relationship with God, with Christians and with their fellow Americans. Sadly, the insidious infiltration of the evil one into his followers’ hearts and minds has been so complete that they have stopped being Christian. They are now effectively devil worshippers. They have become idolatrous and traitorous.

“It got to the point where I had to take a walk. Here, in our house of worship, people were taunting me about politics as I tried to mourn my father. I was in the company of certain friends that day who would not claim to know Jesus, yet they shrouded me in peace and comfort. Some of these card-carrying evangelical Christians? Not so much. They didn’t see a hurting son; they saw a vulnerable adversary.” “This was [his dad, the same person who gave him the advice above] taking the weight and the gravity and the eternal certainty of God and lending it to an ephemeral and questionable cause. This was rebuking people for failing to unconditionally follow the president of the United States when the only authority we’re meant to unconditionally follow—particularly in a setting of stained-glass windows—is Christ himself.” “‘America,’ he replied. ‘Too many of them worship America.’” No. They worship the evil one.
My Father, My Faith, and Donald Trump

12/2/23 – “‘This is the way out,’ Zelenskyy said, adding that nothing terrifies Russia more than a militarily self-sufficient Ukraine.” This is the way to protect Europe. This is true. “‘In the case of Ukraine, if resilience fails today due to lack of aid and shortages of weapons and funding, it will mean that Russia will most likely invade NATO countries,’ he said. ‘And then the American children will fight.’” After Ukraine has won the war, somebody needs to buy that man a beer.
The AP Interview: Ukraine’s Zelenskyy says the war with Russia is in a new phase as winter looms

12/2/23 – Shop at and support local businesses. It’s an investment in your community, and it builds relationships.
Small Business Statistics

12/2/23 – Oprah is right. People need to put down their phones. We were all better off the way it was before all of this tech and mass production and consumption. Efficiency and consumption aren’t everything. Community and connection are everything.
Simple average day: Wake up, work, go home, do little things around the home, errands and such, time for family, friends or yourself (e.g. exercise), sleep. Repeat. The mobile is for emergencies and should be checked as minimally as possible. If you’re worried about your loved ones, give them your work phone number so that they can call you if it’s truly an emergency. The rest of the time, you should be where your feet are. Be present.

12/1/23 – None of these evil men will escape death…or justice. The Lord will give us justice.

12/1/23 – May the war criminal henry kissinger burn in hell.