Notes from Underground – October 2023

10/30/23 – The Jewish people’s religious texts are also historical documents. The American (far) left are bigoted, self-righteous, antisemitic ignoramuses who take up positions based on cult/tribes/political identity instead of any commitment to truth and historical fact. F—k them! This moment has exposed them for who they’ve been all along, and it all needs to be said.

10/30/23 – Hamas is a terrorist organization. It is evil. There are no excuses for them, and the leftists who are doing so are also evil.

10/30/23 – There is no Islam without Judaism. This is an undeniable fact. Moses was a Jew. This is the same Prophet Moses to which the Quran/Koran refers, the Prophet Moses from the Jewish people’s Bible, the Hebrew Bible, which predates Christian and Muslim religious texts by a lot – millennia. Respect God’s wishes. All of us are mere mortals. God is God. God is I am.

10/30/23 – From the Hebrew Bible, the books of Moses, the oldest religious texts in the world, simplified so even the (far) left can understand it. The promised land is Israel. The Hebrews are who we now call the Jewish people. Have a nice day.
God shows Moses the Promised Land

10/30/23 – When the (far) left shows you who they really are, you should believe them.

10/27/23 – Please stop inundating us with idiocy. Thank you, and have a nice day.

10/27/23 – What the f—k is “Biden’s economy”? What does that even mean? It’s meaningless. It’s not the president’s economy when it’s good, and it’s not the president’s economy when it’s bad. If it’s anybody’s economy, it’s the Fed’s economy, as it has been pretty much since the institution was created. If you don’t like the economy, blame them. Or the warmongers and the evil poop in Russia. Or the authoritarian a—holes in the Middle East. Or the greedy corporations. Or the rich a—holes. Or yourself because whether or not you realize it, you’re likely part of the problem. There’s also that.

10/25/23 – This. They didn’t get the evil one, but they got someone who’s worse than McCarthy. “10/4/23 – Apparently, they are planning to nominate the evil one, trump, for speaker. So, if they do so, what will Democrats do? Or they didn’t bother to think through their position? 10/4/23 – McCarthy also prevented the federal government from shutting down. If one is going to say a bunch of negative things that are entirely correct, one does also need to acknowledge the positive things that are also correct. There are certain people who are evil, such as the evil one, Trump, and one doesn’t need to do this with them. But McCarthy isn’t evil. He’s actually a rather run-of-the-mill politician. “Kevin McCarthy gave up his soul not for Wales but for something worse—Donald Trump. It will be of little comfort to McCarthy to know he’s hardly the only one to have done so.” Didn’t the evil one want the shutdown? McCarthy was punished immediately after he did the right thing and prevented it. Tell us: how do reinforcement and punishment work? What message does this send to other Republicans who do the right thing? Encourage the behavior you want to see in others.
Kevin McCarthy Got What He Deserved

10/24/23 – Christianity as Jesus Christ taught us is perfect. Christian religious institutions, like many other institutions, are imperfect, but we can’t simply give up on our institutions. We need to force them to reform and to build them better and stronger. We have to build everything together as a community. Community is everything.

10/24/23 – Absolutely! Pro-union is pro-people. Christianity is all about people. Thus, this alignment makes total sense. “Fain’s religion seems especially sensitive to the needs of the working poor. Part of the appeal of left Christianity is the notion that all of the resources one needs for sustaining a worldview focused on the needs of workers, the poor, and the dispossessed are already inside the faith. ‘My favorite verse, period, is Ecclesiastes 4:9–12,’ Fain told me. ‘I mean, that’s to me what the union’s all about; it’s what solidarity’s all about.’ Fain recited the verse, which advises that two or more workers striving together achieve greater strength and security than a single worker laboring alone. ‘My favorite line in that is “A cord of three strands is not easily broken,”’ he added. Fain said that the verse ‘speaks about what life’s about: standing together and helping one another and loving one another.’”
Shawn Fain’s Old-Time Religion

10/24/23 – To the Republicans who think you don’t have to compromise, f—k you and f—k you some more. You’re in the vast minority. No country can function well without compromise. You don’t get everything your way! A—holes.
Tamara Keith and Amy Walter on the Republicans’ struggle to choose a House speaker

10/23/23 – Fall is the best season. Enjoy!
Fall Is in the Air: Images of the Season

10/22/23 – Sacred birds. Buddhism is peace. Happy Sunday!
The sacred birds of longevity revered in Bhutan

10/20/23 – The more important economics is actually home economics. It’s very important to learn how to mend, sew, knit, garden, cook, and such. These are very practical skills that will save you lots of money, which you can then invest wisely. It is both home and economics. Meanwhile economics is just a bunch of bloviating white men who won’t update their knowledge or the discipline…perhaps with some exceptions.

10/20/23 – Economics, the discipline that refuses to evolve. Institutional inertia is everywhere, but economics is particularly inert. “Don’t let the dry econ-speak fool you. For someone in Goolsbee’s position, a sentence like that is the equivalent of standing on the steps of the Federal Reserve with a bullhorn screaming, ‘Stop before you crash the economy!’
‘If you believe that the only way to bring inflation down is to adopt a tighter policy,” Goolsbee told me recently, ‘then by the time you realized that wasn’t the case, you’d have created a recession that was not necessary.’
Causing a recession in order to tame inflation is painful enough. Causing a recession when inflation is already getting under control would be tragic. The past year has been something of an economic miracle. Against all odds, we didn’t actually need a recession to bring down inflation. But if the Fed is unwilling to accept the good news, then we just may get one anyway.”

Something was posted here way back in March. What was that again? Oh yes, this.
“3/17/23 – Going to try to say this as calmly as possible. From the beginning, we have been saying (i.e., berating the Fed on Twitter, which is dead) not to raise rates. The a—holes with their econ 101 textbooks have been saying raise rates. A lot of the inflation was due to supply-side issues. Basic logic dictates that is what needs to be addressed to bring down inflation. Those are policy issues that the Biden administration and Congress need to tackle. This is not the god—m 1970s. Stop with the Milton Friedman s—t. The financial system, the economy, everything has changed, and on top of all of that, the world is emerging from a pandemic. The elevated demand was mainly due to that. And there is a war. Instead of taking a nuanced approach to economic policy, it’s a formulaic approach that does not suit this case. If the Fed is too incompetent to manage the economy, it needs to be completely overhauled. Fire and hire until it can do its job correctly. This entire f—king banking crisis fiasco, not to mention the higher debt servicing both for regular folk and the government, which is ultimately paid for by the taxpayers, is because of the higher interest rates. In addition, the financial system, which has been drunk at the punch bowl (low interest rate environment) for how long is it, almost a half a century, give or take, is an alcoholic. It is brittle. Raising rates this aggressively over a short period of time is going to destabilize it. So, f—k you to everyone who’s a bloviating moron about inflation, finance and economics. You are a contributor to this mess. Thank you, and have a nice day.”
The 1970s Economic Theory That Needs to Die
Notes from Underground – March 2023

10/18/23 – The incompetence and indifference of child protection services is shocking. Is anybody going to fix this f—king sick situation that can be found around the country? “Mickel Cherry, a 25-year-old homeless man, is charged with first-degree murder, rape and capital murder, and could face the death penalty. Authorities haven’t said how Zoey died…. DCF opened another investigation as a result of Zoey’s death.”
Kansas agency investigated girl’s family 5 times before she was killed, a report shows

10/18/23 – Just curious. There are so many Muslims suffering in the world, many in Muslim majority countries. Why is it that the loony left has chosen the Palestinian cause? Is it really about the Palestinians or about something else, say anti-Semitism?
UN refugee chief says Rohingya who fled Myanmar must not be forgotten during other world crises

10/18/23 – The “fury” of Middle Eastern countries about Gaza is pretty rich since almost all of them have been oppressing and killing their own people for a long time. What has Hamas done for its people but bring misery upon them? Israel is the only democratic, liberal country in the region, so what is these Middle Eastern countries’ “fury” actually about? Where is their “fury” about their own regimes and their own treatment of their people. Spare us the bulls—t.

10/18/23 – Taking a cynical, calculated approach to Republican dysfunction is not the way to go. Jim Jordon as Speaker is not a good outcome for the country and, therefore, for Democrats. They should have helped McCarthy keep his job, or find some suitable Republican alternative. Do the right thing and stop with the machinations or indulging in schadenfreude. Grow up!

10/18/23 – Given the current state of affairs, if Republicans got behind one candidate, assuming all the money goes to the person, he/she would have about $50 mil, $5 mil more than the evil one, trump, and Haley would be their best option.
Tamara Keith and Amy Walter on Jim Jordan’s chances of becoming House speaker

10/16/23 – The world wants to and deserves to see all “royal families’” DNA analyses.

10/16/23 – Categories should be based on DNA, linguistics, culture and history. This would be much more meaningful as groupings of human beings go.

10/16/23 – Race is not a useful categorization. Some people are more genetically similar to each other than others, but this similarity might not show up in appearance the way people expect. Skin color, more generally melanin content, is one of the worst predictors of genetic similarity. Even within white families, siblings can be blond and blue-eyed, or dark-haired and dark eyed. Also, is a southern Italian more genetically similar to a Swede or to a North African? Given the geography and the history of trade and conquest, this is a fair question. How many people when asked what their race is are actually answering with a geographical region, such as Asian? What is Asian as a race? Does anybody really know?

10/15/23 – A model for the way forward. A culture justifiably proud of its religious tolerance and harmony. Happy Sunday to all!
Kerala, India: A historic site of religious harmony
The ‘Real’ Kerala Story: Tales of Communal Harmony From Ground Zero

10/14/23 – To the degenerates on the left, spare us the bulls—t.

10/14/23 – To become a saint, one just has to become gay. All gay, trans, LGBTQ+ people are morally upright, perfect, in fact. They wouldn’t knowingly spread a terrible STD, such as syphilis, to a group of people who had been untouched by other civilizations, and abuse and exploit them, right? They are angels. These tribes want to stay uncontacted because some of their members were raped by a gay person who gave them a deadly STD.
Why Uncontacted Tribes Want to Stay Uncontacted

10/14/23 – Although most institutions generally ranked low in Gallup’s poll, faith in church or organized religion (32%) is considerably higher than faith in the propaganda (aka the liberal press, 18%). The only institutions that did better than religious ones were the military, the police, and the medical system.
Historically Low Faith in U.S. Institutions Continues

10/14/23 – Hey Associated Propaganda (aka AP), still waiting for the “sweeping, immersive experience” evangelizing Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism…. Not holding our breath though.

10/14/23 – Faith leaders, like other human beings, need to take care of themselves too. “That level of faith-based self-care is just what many clergy should practice to avoid the burnout and deteriorating mental health symptoms like anxiety and depression that experts say are affecting religious leaders at a worrisome pace. ‘Mental health needs are just overwhelming faith communities.’…. Compassion fatigue can develop from the constant exposure to other people’s trauma without taking time to process one’s own grief.” Maybe the hypocritical atheists, including the reporters at the Associated Propaganda, which conveniently left this obvious part out, who don’t serve anybody but themselves can stop attacking religion, which would definitely help not just faith leaders but our society as a whole.
Clergy burnout is a growing concern in polarized churches. A summit offers coping strategies

10/14/23 – The temple is beautiful! It is very important that all workers are well-compensated for their work and that there are no caste or class divisions. The caste system is criminal and a moral abomination. “‘Trivedi said these allegations weighed heavily on community members because their faith has always taught them ‘to see the divine in all and love and serve them as manifestations of the divine.’ He said Pramukh Swami Maharaj, the sect’s fifth spiritual successor, who envisioned such a temple campus in the United States, was a progressive guru who cared deeply about social equality…. ‘It’s not even just Indian or Indian American,’ he said, adding that the temple stands for universal values that can be found in every religious text and in the hearts and minds of great thinkers and leaders of every era. ‘What we’ve tried to do is express these universal values in a way that relate to all visitors.’” Lovely. Hinduism is peace.
Largest Hindu temple outside India in the modern era opens in New Jersey

10/13/23 – The left flunked the test because it is an imposter, one that is pretending to be knowledgeable, intellectual, enlightened and morally correct, but, in reality, it’s none of these things.

10/13/23 – Academia needs a good purging. It’s filled with anti-intellectual bigots.

10/13/23 – Is it feeling somewhat murky? If so, that’s odd because it was so clear not that long ago. Religion bad. Atheism good. Right bad. Left good. Israel bad. Palestine good. Trans good. Gay good. Women good. But wait? Yes. It was all so clear not that long ago. Wasn’t it? If the world became atheists/nones, trans, and Palestinians, all the world’s problems would magically disappear. Right?

10/13/23 – “That’s how you end up with Queers for Palestine when being queer in Palestine is difficult and dangerous.” Let’s blow up the left’s BS, shall we. Israel is far more secular than Palestine and the Islamic countries in the region, some of which murder gay people. But Israel is the country of the Jewish people who, according to the left, are colonizers and oppressors of the Palestinian people. So, what is the left to do? Which side should it take? Basically, Palestinians or LGBTQ+? What about Kate Cohen, identity atheist, extrapolate, which side does she take? “It’s also how you end up with candidates for Labour Party leadership signing a pledge that insists there ‘is no material conflict between trans rights and women’s rights,’ even when—as in the eligibility rules for women’s sports—some wins for one group plainly come at the expense of the other.” Which side should it take: women’s rights or trans’ rights? “In 2017, Linda Sarsour, one of the organizers of the Women’s March, told The Nation that Zionism and feminism were incompatible: ‘It just doesn’t make any sense for someone to say, ‘Is there room for people who support the state of Israel and do not criticize it in the movement? There can’t be in feminism.’” Kate Cohen, identity atheist, extrapolate, and other fanatical leftists, do you agree: are Zionism and feminism incompatible?

10/13/23 – “‘A woman is a female adult.’ Got that? A politician with an essentialist view of womanhood is complicit in the deaths of innocents, but a terrorist indiscriminately murdering people at a music festival must be understood in context.” Indeed, stating a simple unchangeable fact, a woman is a female adult, is cause for outrage, but the beheading of babies, that’s well, morally ambiguous; perhaps it’s justified, right? And then they wonder why the rest of us think the loony left is f—king crazy. Perhaps it’s because they’re f—king crazy. Perhaps none of this is as hard as they make it. Perhaps they have been distorting reality to fit their narratives for so long and in slowly increasing levels of absurdity, they didn’t see how far they had strayed from anything remotely resembling reality.

10/13/23 – As Jesus said, hypocrites, hypocrites, hypocrites. The high-priests of self-righteousness, the atheistic religious bigots with their scientism, their godless communist propaganda and their allegiance to tribe/category are showing themselves for who they have been all along.
The Progressives Who Flunked the Hamas Test

10/13/23 – “But I quickly saw that many of those on the left who I thought shared these values with me could see what had happened only through established categories of colonized and colonizer, evil Israeli and righteous Palestinian—templates made of concrete. The break was caused by this enormous disconnect. I was in a world of Jewish suffering that they couldn’t see because Jewish suffering simply didn’t fit anywhere for them…. If I can fault myself clearly for something, though, it’s not recognizing that the same ideological hardening I’d seen on the right in the past few years, the blind allegiances and contorted narratives even when reality was staring people in the face, has also happened, to a greater degree than I’d imagined, on the left, among the people whom I think of as my own. They couldn’t recognize a moral abomination when it was staring them in the face. They were so set in their categories that they couldn’t make a distinction between the Palestinian people and a genocidal cult that claimed to speak in that people’s name. And they couldn’t acknowledge hundreds and hundreds of senseless deaths because the people who were killed were Israelis and therefore the enemy.” This has been true for a long time. It’s better to see it now than never. There are simplistic idiots on both sides. The left is better at deceiving itself that it is intelligent. It isn’t. The right doesn’t boast such a claim. They accept if not flaunt their degeneracy. Both sides think they morally superior. Immoral idiots such as Kate Cohen, identity atheist, extrapolate, wrote a stupid book that should be used as toilet paper, but the idiots who identify with her will buy it. It’s all tribal nonsense, morality by category. It is wholly lacking in intellectual sophistication and moral depth.
The Left Abandoned Me

10/13/23 – It’s funny how America’s corporations quickly approach “economic ceilings” when it comes to rank-and-file worker compensation but not when it comes to executive compensation. Yet a corporation without a CEO will survive. A corporation without its rank and file will not.

10/11/23 – To the propaganda (aka the liberal press) and the (militant) atheists, no decent person insults other people’s religion. This is simply not something civilized people do. That is all.

10/11/23 – The Jewish people have a special place in our hearts, and we pray for them. We love them and will defend them forever. We also love our Muslim sisters and brothers. Like the Jewish people, Americans also understand terrorism. We just marked the 22nd anniversary of 9/11, but then and now, we remain a people who believe in love, especially in the face of hate. On that dark day, our president, George W. Bush, said, “Islam is peace.” It was his finest moment. Islam is peace, and Judaism is peace. Christianity is peace. This is the Holy Land. On this sacred land, our shared faith rests. All parties need to treat it with the respect it deserves. Personally, 9/11 was a traumatic and sad day for me, as it was for much of the country, but at no point did I ever direct animus towards Muslims. At no point in my life have I done this to anyone of any religion. When I was a child, my mother told me to always be respectful to people of other religions, and I obeyed her wise advice even on 9/11. Our shared faith tells us that every single person is made in the image of God and that we should do unto them as you would have them do unto you. In the face of evil, restraint is hard. Ask the Ukrainians. They understand it well. If the response is over-reactive, it won’t be a just response. Remember: our God is our justice. Let his love for us, in spite of our own wrongs, be a tempering force.

10/11/23 – Russell Moore makes the following argument. “As Christians, we should pay special attention to violence directed toward Israel—just as we would pay special attention to a violent attack on a member of our extended family. After all, we are grafted on to the promise made to Abraham (Rom. 11:17). Our Lord Jesus was and is a Jewish man from Galilee. Rage against the Jewish people is rage against him, and, because we are in him, against us.
No one wanted to wake up to war in what was already a tinderbox of the world order. But war has come, and we should recognize terrorism for what it is. We should also recognize the justice of a forceful response to that terrorism. However we read the prophecy passages of the Bible, and however we disagree on world politics, American Christians ought to stand together with Israel now.”
American Christians Should Stand with Israel under Attack

10/10/23 – The Washington Propaganda can go f—k itself. It gives space to the self-glorifying, religious bigot Kate Cohen, identity atheist, extrapolate, to evangelize atheism and insult the vast majority of the world’s population and then realizes that it can’t “grow” its subscription base and has to let a bunch of people go. Gee, wonder why? Maybe treating a global news source like it’s a private platform to promote your agenda isn’t the best business strategy.

10/10/23 – Lots of great information on the planet.
BBC Future Planet

10/10/23 – Deal with it. “This would have been between 7,000 and 3,000BCE. These Zagrosian herders mixed with the earlier inhabitants of the subcontinent – the First Indians, descendants of the Out of Africa (OoA) migrants who had reached India around 65,000 years ago – and together, they went on to create the Harappan civilization. In the centuries after 2000 BCE came the second set of immigrants (the Aryans) from the Eurasian Steppe, probably from the region now known as Kazakhstan. They likely brought with them an early version of Sanskrit, mastery over horses and a range of new cultural practices such as sacrificial rituals, all of which formed the basis of early Hindu/Vedic culture. (A thousand years before, people from the Steppe had also moved into Europe, replacing and mixing with agriculturists there, spawning new cultures and spreading Indo-European languages)…. The idea of the mixing of different population groups is also unappealing to Hindu nationalists as they put a premium on racial purity. There is also the additional issue of the migration theory putting Aryans on the same footing as latter-day Muslim conquerors of India – such as the Mughals.”
How ancient DNA may rewrite prehistory in India

10/10/23 – Living like our ancestors also means living with a light footprint. We should have never stopped doing this. We and our planet would have been so much better off had we kept living in that simple, healthier way.

10/10/23 – If godless science worshippers (aka atheists) don’t want to keep their ancient traditions alive, that’s their problem. They can worship science and live like sterile robots. The rest of us want to stay connected to our ancestors and be humans. An interesting video series by the BBC on battle arts.
BBC Battle Arts

10/9/23 – We need more news sites that are religious. The propaganda (aka the press) are biased atheists and idiots, and reading their stories is choosing to be indoctrinated with their views and values.

10/9/23 – The propaganda (aka the press) are godless communists who think humans can fix anything even though we’ve destroyed everything. They think we can fix the planet that we didn’t create with science even though we’ve destroyed it with science, and they want to turn humans and other life into monstrous science experiments. They worship science and themselves. They are the enemy of the people and of all life.

10/9/23 – Tip: If you’re going to read a dense writer whose work you’re unfamiliar with, first read a well-written book that explains the person’s work. It basically replaces a series of lectures and will give you a sense of who the author is and how to approach the person’s work.

10/9/23 – It doesn’t take much to create a beautiful, magical garden for bees and butterflies that you (and your neighbors) love. You do have to weed, seed (micro or White Dutch clover) and, generally, tend to the garden, but the benefits far surpass the costs. Tips: cover your entire lawn with high-quality top soil, use beneficial nematodes and organic fertilizer, and mulch and burlap for weed control. Get rid of grass, and plant clover instead. It acts as a natural fertilizer by fixing the nitrogen. Do not use inorganic fertilizer and never use pesticides. All of these tips work great. You’ll have a beautiful, unique lawn that benefits our pollinators and other creatures and one that you and your neighbors can feel good about. You will also get great natural exercise managing your garden, and it is good for your mental health. You will also have beautiful flower arrangements, and fresh fruits and vegetables that you grew! “Lawns may seem like a trivial place to focus your eco-energies, but they cover about 40 million acres of the United States — that’s about the same land area as wheat. (And that estimate is from 2012; researchers say the amount of lawn has almost certainly increased as the suburbs have sprawled ever outward.)”
Want to help the planet? Rethink your lawn

10/9/23 – Fish and seafood are the best meat. There is no comparison. If we actually took care of our water sources, we could have plenty of it, but alas, apparently, we can’t do this. Can we do this?

10/9/23 – The world is overwhelming, and in many cases, there isn’t much we can do but pray. We can also focus on changing and building our communities for the better. If we all did this, in the collective, we would change the world.

10/9/23 – Please pray for peace throughout the world. Shalom. Salaam.

10/9/23 – Hey Propaganda: Keep telling us our religion is bad, and we’ll keep telling you to go f—k yourselves. Thank you, and have a nice day.

10/9/23 – Hey Associated Propaganda: Are you going to do “A sweeping, immersive experience” on Christianity? What about Islam? What about Buddhism? You like Buddhists, right? No, don’t have space you say. Oh, OK.

10/9/23 – Hey Washington Propaganda: Are you going to let Christians evangelize their religion, in an exceptionally long essay, on your platform? What about Muslims? Buddhists? You like Buddhists, right? Can we write about how exceptional our children are and how stupid and naïve atheists’ children are? No, don’t have space you say. Oh, OK.

10/9/23 – It’s not just fascism (MAGA) we need to worry about, it’s also communism (militant atheists, which is most of the liberal media, the propaganda, aka the press).

10/9/23 – Atheists do have a bad reputation. It’s earned.

10/9/23 – Many atheists are actually controlling authoritarians who have infiltrated various organizations, including the propaganda (aka the press), to spread their views.

10/9/23 – There isn’t a single intellectual atheist in the world today. They simply do not exist.

10/8/23 – Fruit and honey are gifts from God. How do they taste like that? We do nothing to them, and it’s like wow…so good! God is great! He gave us everything.

10/8/23 – In a time when we can’t trust many of our institutions, organizations and even other people, we can always trust God. We can also trust the beautiful, kind, supportive religious and secular communities we build together. We are happier because our lives are better for our faith and our community. No propaganda will ever take God away from us. Let them spew their worthless, toxic words and their hate. To all religious people in the world, let’s continue as we are: faith, hope, love. Happy Sunday!

10/8/23 – In a time of war, not just in Ukraine, but in many parts of the world, climate change, mass extinction of God’s creatures, the torturing of animals for their flesh, democratic backsliding, rampant corruption, the exploitation of the poor by the rich, modern slavery and human trafficking, the migrant crisis, homelessness, injustice of every manner, religious persecution throughout the world, what did the Associated Propaganda (aka the AP) think was worthy of their fake reporters’ time and energy: Nones, “A sweeping, immersive experience.” The propaganda outlet has dedicated prominent space on their front page to this “topic” for at least the past three days, since October 5. It is a full-throated propaganda piece advocating for atheism or nones (whatever they are). Why would a self-described trusted, no, the most trusted, global news organization feel that this topic merited this sweeping and in-depth coverage? Yes, you’re right because it’s obvious. In spite of all of these other topics that are objectively far more important, which ended up getting cheated of coverage, this topic, nones, whoever they are, is what is important to the Associated Propaganda. If you ever needed proof of their lack of trustworthiness and objectivity, it’s right here. When people show you who they are: believe them. This is who the AP is: the Associated Propaganda.

10/7/23 – The question for this kindhearted and honest man (unlike the bigoted and deceitful Kate Cohen): Why on God’s green earth does he still subscribe to the Washington Propaganda?
An essayist evangelizes readers for atheism but the story doesn’t stick

10/7/23 – Not saying it to “any one particular religion” but saying it to all religions is saying it to every single particular religion. The genius atheists aren’t too good with categories and how they work, but that’s how they work. F—k them and f—k the propaganda (aka the press).

10/7/23 – The atheists of old actually had intellects and arguments. The new atheists, such as Kate Cohen, are arrogant idiots, with no arguments. They are stupid, simplistic religious bigots.

10/7/23 – The religious bigot Kate Cohen, identity atheist, extrapolate, says that she was “raised Jewish.” Many people would still consider her Jewish. The last we checked Islam is a religion. Now, let’s read her text as directed to Muslims, and let’s fill in some of the words she left unwritten but that were there nonetheless. “[Islam] offers ready-made answers to our most difficult questions…. My children know how to distinguish fact from fiction — which is harder for children raised [as Muslims]. They don’t assume conventional wisdom is true and they do expect arguments to be based on evidence [unlike your Muslim children]. Which means they have the skills to be engaged, informed and savvy citizens [unlike your stupid, naïve Muslim children]…. [We] are everywhere. And we are unusually disposed to getting stuff done [unlike Muslims]. I used to say, when people asked me what [we] do believe, that it was simple: [We] believe that [your] God is a human invention. But now, I think it’s more than that…. But you also don’t get to leave things up to God. [There is no inshallah because there is no Allah.] [We] must accept that people are allowing — we are allowing — women to die in childbirth, children to go hungry, men to buy guns that can slaughter dozens of people in minutes. [We] believe people organized the world as it is now, and only people can make it better [unlike Muslims who just sit around and wait for their imaginary God to do things.]… That’s right: [We] take more political action — donating to campaigns, protesting, attending meetings, working for politicians — than [Muslims]…. You don’t have to be [like us] to conduct yourself as if people are responsible for the world they live in — you just have to act like [us], by taking matters into your own hands [instead of the Allah believer you are who just sits around waiting for your imaginary God to solve your problems]…. Peel back the layers of control over women’s bodies — from dress codes that punish girls for male desire all the way to the Supreme Court striking down Roe v. Wade — and you find [Islam]. Often, there isn’t much peeling to do. [Why do you force your women and girls to cover themselves up? They should be able to wear anything they want like my children do.]” You get the idea. This is basically what the Washington Propaganda (aka WaPo) published. One can replace Muslims with whatever other religious group and make the associated changes. This is the person who thinks she’s a good person. Think about it.

10/7/23 – The Associated Propaganda (the AP), “Advancing the power of [propaganda].” These “news” organizations are so “fact-based” that even when every recent poll shows that trust in them is at or near record lows, they still claim to be the most trusted. Here is the Associated Propaganda’s claim. “Founded in 1846, AP today remains the most trusted source of fast, accurate, unbiased news in all formats and the essential provider of the technology and services vital to the news business.” They are the most trusted at propaganda, of the promotion of their reporters’ views and values. They are religious bigots who promote themselves as lacking in any kind of prejudice.

10/7/23 – To the propaganda (the press), f—k you! You are the enemy of the people, and we will fight you until the bitter end.

10/7/23 – The Washington Propaganda (the Washington Post) gave the low intellect, low character, religious bigot Kate Cohen, identity atheist, extrapolate, a platform to spew her vile religious bigotry. Would they give a Christian, a Muslim, a Jew or any religious person a platform to spew religious bigotry against people of another faith or atheists? Yet, this bigotry against religious people is OK, right? Yet, her royal self-righteousness with her smug voice filled with her grotesque self-love has the right to spew her hate of people who are religious, denigrating them on the Washington Propaganda’s platform, right?  

10/7/23 – The Associated Propaganda’s (the AP) religion team is actually the atheist/none (whatever that is) team. Truth is lies. War is peace. Slavery is freedom. All brought to you by the propaganda (the press), a group of liberal atheists/nones evangelizing their religious bigotry and their vile self-love and self-worship. They want us to become like them. We will not.

10/7/23 – From the beginning of time, there have been religious or spiritual people and nonreligious or nonspiritual people. There are good and bad people within both groups. How stupid are the propaganda (aka the press)? Indeed, all one needs to do is become an atheist or an ill-defined none, and you’ll magically be transformed into a good person. Does the propaganda (the press) think that everybody who is or who becomes an atheist/none becomes a better person? Of course they do because they are biased morons. Kate Cohen thinks she’s so smart. Her voice drips with condescension. She thinks her children are so precocious. She flatters herself through her children. She and her children are simplistic idiots, but, more generally, so is the propaganda (aka the press). Zero f—king intellect. Zero depth of thought. Zero basic f—king logic. Zero objectivity. Zero integrity. All fatally flawed propaganda.

10/6/23 – Much of the press has become the enemy of the people. They claim to be defenders of democracy, but they are not. They are promoters of themselves. They are propagandists for their lifestyles, their beliefs and their values.

10/6/23 – The Associated Propaganda (aka the AP) really really wants the entire world to become atheists, or rather cleverly, nones, whatever they are, as their “reporters” are. They’re pretending to look out for you, to care so deeply about you. That’s why they are trying to indoctrinate you with their values. They hate religion, and they want you to hate it too, but ultimately, this isn’t really about religion or human rights. This is about them. They want to make you in their image because they think of themselves as superior gods.

10/5/23 – Here is another one. They conspire with each other to indoctrinate Americans. It’s timed delivery. “Today’s Opinions: America needs more atheists Opinion by Drew Goins” The Washington Post

10/5/23 – Here is a survey the media can conduct. Do you subscribe to the New York Times, the Washington Post, NPR, the AP, some other news source, or none of the above? If they read no news sources, they are nones. If they watch the news, they are nones. If they read many news sources or some new sources sometimes because they find news sources to have an agenda, they are nones. If they read nothing in particular, they are nothing in particular, which are also nones. Did you get all that?

10/5/23 – If anybody is wondering why the polls about elections were so off, it’s completely clear now.

10/5/23 – Either the surveys are badly designed, the statistical analysis is skewed or the presentation is distorted or some combination of these serious flaws.

10/5/23 – Here’s a story the media should be running instead of the multimedia propaganda for atheism that conveniently corresponds with their “reporters” views that spanned multiple “news” (really propaganda) sources such as the AP and the Washington Post’s “book” by Kate Cohen. They should write about why the public’s trust in them is near a record low. “Notably, this is the first time that the percentage of Americans with no trust at all in the media is higher than the percentage with a great deal or a fair amount combined.” Also, the reason Americans’ opinion of the media is partisan is because it is biased towards the Democrats, who are mainly liberal and nonreligious. This is why nobody, including liberals, should trust the media. The media is supposed to be objective and unbiased, not serving a political constituency. When it does this, it no longer has any credibility of any kind.
Americans’ Trust In Media Remains Near Record Low

10/5/23 – The press has no integrity. They are propagandists or even liars. If they willing to blatantly distort, one can’t trust anything they say.

10/5/23 – Does the media know how to report anything correctly, or they just don’t want to do so? So, the Nones are both 16% and 30%? One can’t have an overarching category also be a subcategory. Is this hard? Given these gross errors, this polling, which is highly dependent on the quality of the survey, is dubious at best. What the AP should have said is that Atheists are 7%, Agnostics are 7%, Nones are 16%, of which half are “spiritual but not religious”… “‘[The Nones (unclear if it’s half of the 16% or the entire 16%)] are definitely not as turned off to religion as atheists and agnostics are,’ Burge said. ‘They practice their own type of spirituality, many of them.’” These three categories, Atheists 7%, Agnostics 7% and Nones 16%, sum to 30% of Americans. The AP and other “news” organizations are trying to present basic statistics in a distorted manner, such as inflating the Nones, so that the statistics better align with their reporters’ biases.
The Nones United States

10/4/23 – Religion bad. Atheism good. Me atheist. Me superior. The liberal atheists, who we’re apparently grossly undercounting, are great at virtue signaling, hypocrisy, not sacrificing anything, and what do you know, asking the Catholic Church, religion bad, religious people dumb, to ask its faithful to reinstate the old practice of not eating meat on Fridays for the good of the planet. So where is their scientism cult leader to tell them what to do?

10/4/23 – Apparently, they are planning to nominate the evil one, trump, for speaker. So, if they do so, what will Democrats do? Or they didn’t bother to think through their position ?

10/4/23 – McCarthy also prevented the federal government from shutting down. If one is going to say a bunch of negative things that are entirely correct, one does also need to acknowledge the positive things that are also correct. There are certain people who are evil, such as the evil one, Trump, and one doesn’t need to do this with them. But McCarthy isn’t evil. He’s actually a rather run-of-the-mill politician. “Kevin McCarthy gave up his soul not for Wales but for something worse—Donald Trump. It will be of little comfort to McCarthy to know he’s hardly the only one to have done so.” Didn’t the evil one want the shutdown? McCarthy was punished immediately after he did the right thing and prevented it. Tell us: how do reinforcement and punishment work? What message does this send to other Republicans who do the right thing? Encourage the behavior you want to see in others.
Kevin McCarthy Got What He Deserved

10/4/23 – Thank you, and have a nice day.

10/4/23 – Christians don’t have any arguments for the world about how great and perfect we are, and we aren’t messiahs. We aren’t evangelizing based on our perfection and our superiority. We know we’re imperfect. In fact, on a regular basis, we ask forgiveness for our sins from God and from our you, our brothers and sisters. We accept our humanity and others’ humanity as a fallen people. We accept our shortcomings in thoughts, words and deeds and try to do better. Among these humbling things and others, practicing Christians are weak, meek and poor in spirit. We aim to be in service to others and to our God. Our God was crucified on a cross, and we love him because of this. He and he alone is our messiah. We don’t find him weak. We find him to be the truth. If this isn’t appealing to you, that’s OK. We’ll keep walking and believing in our God.

10/4/23 – Oh and by the way, Hitler was an atheist, one of many evil people who were atheists. He hated Christianity. He thought it was weak. It’s well-documented. It’s what one might call a fact. Atheists love facts, don’t they? Or are facts only facts if they align with their understanding of things? Wait, isn’t this similar to their extremist “religious” counterparts, many of whom are actually atheists pretending to be religious?

10/4/23 – One of the greatest dangers of being blinded by self-love is that one makes incorrect assumptions. My Christian faith, which has taught me to love God above all else, has taught me this. One might call it a requirement for, well, are the atheists, ready, critical thinking.

10/4/23 – Apologies, not f—kers, that was inappropriate, but atheists.

10/3/23 – As someone who’s been trying to get rid of these f—kers for years, there aren’t words to express how happy I’d be if they’d own up to the truth and describe themselves as they actually are, as atheists. Please keep sending these articles our way.

10/3/23 – “Christian Nationalist” MAGA and other nonbelievers pretending to be Christian but are actually atheists in hiding, Cohen makes an extraordinarily compelling argument. “But for everyone else who doesn’t believe in God and hasn’t said so?…. [T]he next time you find yourself tempted to pretend that you believe in God? Tell the truth instead.”
America doesn’t need more God. It needs more atheists.

10/3/23 – As it stands, a lie that atheists love to tell themselves is that they are such great people, so moral, rational, politically active, what else did Cohen claim, basically perfect, messianic really. Now, imagine if all the fake religious people, such as the Christian nationalists, who aren’t actually Christian, started describing themselves accurately as atheists, then what? Just curious how well her book, or is it her fairy tale, will age.

10/3/23 – Kate Cohen, identity atheist, extrapolate, is desperately evangelizing atheism while hawking her new book on why atheists and atheism are so great. Let’s help her. To all Christians everywhere who don’t really believe in Christianity, please leave it and become an atheist or a believer of some other faith tradition. Thank you.

10/3/23 – We’re definitely in crisis mode, and we need to return to our ancestral ways that were much easier on the planet. “‘We’re supporting our relatives of the sea in a time of crisis,’ said Quintasket, the Swinomish senator. ‘It’s not just climate change anymore. We are in crisis mode, and this is just a little bit of work that we can do to support their home to make sure that they’re surviving with us.’”
Swinomish Tribe builds U.S.’s first modern ‘clam garden,’ reviving ancient practice

10/3/23 – Instead of growing corn for ethanol, a type of biofuel, whose present production is 15 billion bushels, we should just use what is already being formed in the oceans, lakes and elsewhere: algae. Sargassum, which has been growing in large quantities in the ocean, poses several environmental risks to coastal regions and getting rid of it this way could be a win-win. We could also use the methane released from landfills, as the military is currently doing. (The military is working on complete energy independence using microgrids. All of us should have some level of energy independence on a state/local and an individual level.)
Maps and Data – U.S. Corn Production and Portion Used for Fuel Ethanol

10/3/23 – If you hate politics, in religious or secular institutions, nobody would blame you. We need more direct democracy and direct religion. Too many people are putting themselves between us and our country, and us and our God. Christianity started out as a small group of Jews who believed Jesus is the Messiah. That’s really all we are as Christians. Basically, we adopted the Old Testament, the Jewish part, and added the New Testament, the Jesus Christ part. We believe in him and him, and we believe the testimony in the New Testament. Over 2,000 years, this simple but radical revolution has become so politicized. The main thing Christians need to do is just focus on being the hands and feet of Christ and loving our generous, merciful God.
5 conservative cardinals challenge pope to affirm church teaching on gays and women ahead of meeting

10/2/23 – If need be, Democrats need to vote for McCarthy so that he can retain his job. We need to move beyond politics and start solving our problems. We need to work together as Americans and as global citizens.

10/2/23 – Everywhere, governments are failing their people.

10/2/23 – Meanwhile, other parts of the planet are getting too much water. “‘Those in power really need to step up,’ he said.” Those in power are too busy stirring up hate and assassinating people to govern.
India’s devastating monsoon season is a sign of things to come, as climate and poor planning combine

10/2/23 – This is a real problem. These corporations are trying to use the law to steal all the water. They will destroy these communities. We must move to the community model described below. It’s way more sustainable. The dispersion of gardens around the country will distribute water usage, and it’s way better for pollinators. We should grow flowers alongside the fruits and vegetables. Also, the corporations must be stopped by the federal government. “‘We feel we are being totally overrun by those people,’ Gaillard said. ‘They are taking all the water.’”
In a remote, dry patch of California, a battle is raging over carrots

10/1/23 – In honor of St. Francis, today was the blessing of the animals. Hundreds of people brought their pets to be blessed: dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, you get the idea, and we sang songs about God’s creatures. Children and animals! So much cuteness!

10/1/23 – This Sunday, let’s think differently about what is possible. Let’s live in a way that honors creation. Life is extraordinary. The abundance we have on earth is exceptional. Before the pandemic, we were all burning out. During the pandemic, a period of illness, fear and death, we burnt out. Let’s imagine a world that puts the sacredness of life at its core, one that isn’t dominated by a callous disregard for life and an obsession with greed. Let’s build a beloved community.

10/1/23 – Are we going to be a people who can do things or who makes simple things hard? We are not reinventing the wheel. In fact, all of this has been done for most of human civilization. If our ancestors can do it, we certainly can. We would just be finding ourselves again.
Monks Making Money

10/1/23 – What are the things we truly need: water, food, shelter, each other and God. We have rural cities throughout the country that simply need people. The infrastructure is there already. We should also equip them with wells or rain barrels because climate change is real, and it’s good to have for gardens, trees and ground cover. They should be pollinator friendly. They can have gardens and fruit trees, and cute goats and cows. See below also. People who can’t do without meat can learn to hunt and fish. They will eat less of it and are more likely to honor the lives they are taking. Housing needs to be made free. We, including the people who will be living in them, can build them. It’s not hard to build a larger “tiny home.” You measure (you know, with a tape measure, hold it against the thing and read the number), cut (you know with a saw, you pull the thing down on the thing you want to cut) and combine (nail gun, you pull a trigger). Is this hard? Is basic construction hard? It’s not. Put these homes together, add people, and you have a community.

Everybody should be given a bike, also for free. People can buy used electric cars. Wood for fires. So, what’s a person’s expenses? Utilities. Clothes, shoes, linens and furniture? Thrift stores, etc. They are very cheap, and that’s what washing machines are for. Restoring furniture is not hard either. Many people give things away. (Certain items, for example, towels, socks, shoes, underwear, etc. can also be purchased new if people so choose.) Another word for all of this is recycling.

Let’s consider the rest. Soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, sunscreen, lotions and such, hair stuff, razors, TP, cleaning products. People can learn to sew, knit, make jewelry. People can learn crafts: soap, candles, scented things, flower arrangements, and using flowers in food and scented things, cooking. At the end of the day, how much money will a person be spending? Probably not much even if they buy some of these items. One can work 32-35 hours per week (people do need to work, it’s healthy), save money, eat healthier, get exercise, live in community, be much kinder on the planet and on animals, and have time for our spiritual lives. That’s freedom. That’s living.

10/1/23 – This is the kind of bureaucratic dysfunction to which our great country has been reduced. Governmental structures and processes need to change as needs change. We also need to better staff these agencies. Create a new category for the neglected or abused minors. Is this hard? Why does every simple solution seem beyond our reach? “The State Department announced that for nearly seven years it had been placing in the wrong line tens of thousands of applications for neglected or abused minors from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, and would now start adding those to the general queue with the clergy. Since the mid-2010s, a surging number of youth from these countries have sought humanitarian green cards or asylum after illegally crossing into the U.S.” Our country needs people to work in various jobs and to revitalize certain parts, such as rural America. America is a nation of immigrants. Don’t fear them. We are them.
A green card processing change means US could lose thousands of faith leaders from abroad

Notes from Underground – September 2023

9/30/23 – Bring on the robot revolution! It might be disruptive and scary, but only if we let it by not planning for it. Let’s build free housing for everybody. Nobody should be living on the streets anywhere in the world. We can even have robots build them, or they can help us build them. All of the new communities should have community gardens with plots for everyone so that people can grow fresh fruit and vegetables. They should also have hens that are treated humanely for eggs. Maybe a couple community cows or goats who are treated like part of the family. Kids can be given lessons on how to milk them without hurting them. They can learn the value of and the sacredness of life. All communities should also have wells or other ways of capturing rainfall. We need to live in communities again, share our resources and help each other. We need to live in communion with animals and other life. People used to do this, and we were all better off the way it was. Let robots work like slaves. They are made of metal and wires, and by us. We are not. We need rest. We and the animals with whom we share our beautiful planet are made by God. Let us respect ourselves and them.

9/30/23 – The Jewish people are a gift to the world. Never let anybody tell you otherwise. They gave us so many things, and one very important thing is simply a value for rest. Beautifully said! “Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel once wrote that for Jews, whose sacred architecture isn’t only physical but temporal, ‘Sabbaths are our great cathedrals.’ ‘Six days a week,’ he observed, ‘we wrestle with the world, wringing profit from the earth; on the Sabbath we especially care for the seed of eternity planted in the soul.’” It doesn’t matter if it’s the third or fourth commandment. It’s God’s commandment to us. It doesn’t matter if it’s Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. Ideally, it’s all three days. The entire world is tired. We all need more rest and more time for the things that make life worth living. One day for errands, cleaning and such; one day for wholesome entertainment with family and friends; one day for God and our spiritual lives. Right now, the first two days are compressed into Saturday or spread out over Saturday and Sunday, which ends up being a partial day instead of a full day of rest. Some people don’t rest at all, which is quite sad. We can choose on which day we do what. Do we really need to shop on Sunday, or can we give the consumerism a rest, for at least one day? Sure, the greedy ones won’t like it. God doesn’t care what they like, and neither should the rest of us.
The Quiet Revolution of the Sabbath

9/30/23 – And on the last day of the month of September, there is still hope. If moderates in both parties defied the extremes, we might actually move forward as a country and as a world. Shut out the extremists. They are a death cult. They can die alone.
Kevin McCarthy Finally Defies the Right

9/28/23 – The elite liberal media are vile mad scientist worshippers. They don’t worship God. They worship crazy humans who think they’re god.

9/28/23 – While conservatives have been obsessed with abortion and LGBTQ+. They missed this “Brave New World” development.
Japanese scientists race to create human eggs and sperm in the lab

9/28/23 – Of the main media organizations, some of the worst ones are the New York Times and NPR. NPR should not have any governmental support of any kind. After contributing to the destruction of our world as we knew it, the elite liberal media are now contributing to the destruction of the human species.

9/28/23 – Instead of reporting on our big, diverse country in a way that accurately reflects the entire nation, the elite liberal media have been pushing their own agenda and reflecting their values and beliefs onto the country. They think that they are morally and intellectually superior. Thus, this approach is justified. “In a new study, Black Americans expressed broad concerns about how they are depicted in the news media, with majorities saying they see racist or negative depictions and a lack of effort to cover broad segments of their community.” Black Americans aren’t the only ones who are dissatisfied with the media. It is also incapable or unwilling to critically examine itself.
Black Americans express concerns about racist depictions in news media, lack of coverage efforts

9/27/23 – After listening to several of his well-delivered sermons, they were all thematically similar to other sermons I’ve heard, albeit with his own twist, which was usually interesting. This question, however, never occurred to me, and I’ve never heard it in a sermon. What is the “USP” (unique selling point) of Catholicism? For Christianity, without question, Jesus. He’s not a “selling point,” but there is no Christianity without Jesus. What is the “USP” of Catholicism? Without hearing the answer, I knew that the priest would say the blessed sacrament, but in my opinion, that’s not accurate. Many denominations have high regard for communion even if they theologically think of it a little differently from the Catholic Church. There are also other denominations that are more conservative or more liberal. One could perhaps argue the prominence of Mary. I would say, it’s simply the long history of the Catholic Church, which comes with the good, the bad, and the ugly. It’s likely the largest, most continuous institution in the world. Empires have come and gone, and it’s still here. It’s broad, deep and diverse, and it started with Jesus and a handful of Jews. What’s interesting and revealing is that after the priest says “blessed sacrament,” he goes right back to talking about Jesus. Don’t be Christian because of any selling point. Be Christian because of Jesus. Be Catholic because of Jesus.
Why Be Catholic?

9/26/23 – A balance between labor and leisure is necessary to be able love authentically and fully.
Labour, Leisure & Love

9/26/23 – This is an interesting question. “Many studies have shown a strong association between workaholism and the symptoms of psychiatric disorders, such as anxiety and depression, and it has been common to assume that compulsive work leads to these maladies. But some psychologists have recently argued reverse causation—that people may treat their depression and anxiety with workaholic behavior.” Helpful advice for those struggling with “workaholism.” “This has been a game changer for me. I treat my walks, prayer time, and gym sessions as if they were meetings with the president. And when I have nothing planned, my plan is literally to do nothing, without succumbing to distractions.”
The Hidden Link Between Workaholism and Mental Health

9/25/23 – Many countries around the world love Bollywood, which is much more conservative in comparison to Hollywood. They also like much of Indian style, henna, jewelry, attire and such, because it’s more modest while still quite beautiful. Women can be free and modest. In fact, with modesty comes a genuine liberation. A woman is not a sex symbol but a human being. Dressing appropriately reflects our inherent dignity.

9/25/23 – “‘If your primary dystopia is a kind of fascist authoritarianism, you’re going to end up in a different alignment versus if your fundamental dystopia is something closer to Huxley’s “Brave New World.” The latter—a secular state that manages sex, death, and reproduction—is Douthat’s dystopia, and in several of our conversations he brought up newly permissive euthanasia laws in Canada and other countries.” Americans are aware of how crazy the liberals can be. It’s just a matter of priority. The imminent threat is the evil one, trump, and retaining our democracy. The more serious, long-term threat is “Brave New World,” which the irreverent experimenters, aka the crazy libs, keep pushing us toward. They have inadequate regard for the divinity and sanctity of human life, but the crazy libs aren’t America. They are just one faction of a big, complicated country with people from all over the world. To our conservative Muslim sisters and brothers and those of other religions, know this, many Americans will fight like hell against turning human beings, with our divine spark, into some monstrous science experiment.
Ross Douthat’s Theories of Persuasion

9/25/23 – One of the things many countries in the Islamic world, such as Iran, misunderstand about Americans is that they think we’re a bunch of half-naked, godless hedonists who fornicate and do drugs with abandon, have broken families, and are obsessed with all the wrong things. This misconception is quite understandable because they got it from the liberal media and Hollywood. Americans are not all like this. We have huge populations from conservative countries, whether Muslim or Christian ones, who tend to be quite family-oriented, god-fearing and moderately conservative. Many of us are aware of the excesses and lack of restraint of liberal America. Don’t look at Hollywood and liberal media, or one will get a very biased impression of who Americans really are.

9/25/23 – “The Talmud also understands Yom Kippur to be the day that God presented the Israelites with the second set of tablets after Moses shattered the first.” In the Sisyphean punishment, who was punished for thinking himself superior to God, there is no forgiveness. It is a forever punishment. In the Jewish tradition, God persists. Moses had to convey the tablets twice because the Jewish people were not, to put it delicately, getting it. (After 2,000 years of Christianity, most Christians are still not getting it.)
“The many prohibitions on the Day of Atonement allow us to disconnect from the material world and focus on repair and repentance for our sins. While owning up to our spiritual wrongdoings can feel daunting, there is great joy to be found in knowing that God sees the opportunity to forgive as nothing short of a celebration.” There is great joy and humility to be found in a God that doesn’t give up on us.
Why Yom Kippur Is a Joyous Holiday

9/25/23 – If you worship a false god, you’re violating the first of the Ten Commandments. The first one.

9/25/23 – In the Christian tradition, we believe that God simply speaks words, and the world is created. We also believe that the word became flesh. Imagine if our God lies. Imagine that instead of speaking truth, he speaks falsehood. Lies is truth. War is peace. Hate is love. Darkness is light. Slavery is freedom. What kind of flesh would a lying “god” take? MAGA, Russian nationalists, Hindu nationalists, all the world’s nationalists: what kind of flesh would he take?
What “Orwellian” really means – Noah Tavlin

9/25/23 – Every single person, even evil dictators, should be given opportunities for genuine repentance. All the evil poop would have to do is walk into a church, a real one not one that is an extension of the Kremlin, and be honest with himself and repent. Every single diabolical scheme he’s devised, every single lie he’s spoken, every single murder he’s ordered is known to God anyway. What the world is wondering is whether the satanic s—t knows it. Walking away from continuing the war in Ukraine isn’t weakness. It’s strength. It would be an act of reconciliation with God, and there is nothing more important in the world than one’s relationship with him.

9/25/23 – God’s designs have a way of inconveniencing dictators. It would have been so convenient, a neat sales pitch if the Ukrainian leader were a run-of-the-mill white person, preferably with ties to the west. There is the Russian s—t’s theory. “The ‘Western sponsors’ of the Ukrainian government, he told an interviewer, had deliberately chosen a Jewish president of Ukraine to camouflage the ‘antihuman’ essence of the Kyiv regime.” Then, there is the divine theory that God deliberately chose Zelensky, aka David, as president of Ukraine to expose the antihuman essence of the Russian regime.
Putin Is Worried, So He Turned to Anti-Semitism

9/25/23 – “‘We are waiting for the right moment regarding the schools. And while the schools are closed now, they won’t be forever,’ he says. He won’t give a timeline but insists that ‘the world shouldn’t use this as an excuse’ not to recognize the Taliban government.” The Afghan people should govern their own country, their ancestral lands, and the world’s people recognize that the Afghan government is the Taliban because it’s clearly in power. What the world’s people and its institutions don’t recognize is a world where women are erased. Before any man existed as a breathing human being, he existed in the womb of his mother, a woman, tied with an umbilical cord to her body without which he would die. The Taliban seems to think that once this baby comes out of his mother’s womb, he should rule over her and other females as if he is now a god. There is only one true God in Islam, Allah, and he has no parent, neither father nor mother. The Taliban are simply men born of women, children of God, as are all people, men and women. It is a sin to elevate oneself above God or to act as if one is God.
Women, Erased

9/25/23 – To Christians, particularly Catholics, my personal take on the mystery of communion: As someone who was raised in the Catholic tradition, I received my first holy communion at the traditional age, around eight-years-old or so. I still remember it. I had my beautiful white dress and veil. Like so many other Catholic kids, I was nervous and worried whether I would do things correctly. I was also really excited to participate in something I had seen my parents and others share in every Sunday. Communion still feels like a great privilege, one in which any Catholic of any station in life can and is encouraged to participate. From all ends of the earth, from all occupations and classes, we file one after the other, forming orderly and patient lines, to receive communion. We walk to the altar and receive the bread, the body of Christ.
For me, this act has gone from a ritual of remembrance, which has great value and beauty in and of itself, to one of hope of transformation. (Jesus said, “Do this in memory of me.” The Christian tradition of communion is, in part, derived from Jewish traditions. The Jewish people are one of remembrance. One could even say that their identities are built on it.) I can’t remember when this transition took place, but it was sometime after I realized that a supernatural divine presence can actually happen. When I receive communion now, it is the only time that I regularly hope for a supernatural presence. Anticipation would be too presumptuous. It’s truly hope. Now, communion is both remembrance of the God we love and his tremendous love and sacrifice for us and hope that his presence will transform me on a supernatural level. I am not interested in the theological debates. All I know is that somewhere along the way, this change occurred, and therefore, for me, at least the possibility of Christ’s presence must have registered. The thing I want more than anything else is to be connected in the strongest possible way with God because nothing else really matters, and, in my view, the best chance of that happening in ordinary life is during communion.

9/24/23 – Several church leaders have said that they’ve gotten too comfortable. In the developed world, we’ve all gotten too comfortable. We need to get uncomfortable, in many different ways, and we need to start giving up our comforts. It’s a hard truth.

9/24/23 – Solidarity Sunday is the best! Everybody looks so beautiful in their traditional clothes. The church is more diverse than the United Nations.

9/24/23 – God bless church and state separation. God bless the Black Church.
After Florida restricts Black history, churches step up to teach it

9/24/23 – To some extent, worshipping with our Jewish sisters and brothers, this is a good Sunday for an examination of conscience and repentance.

9/24/23 – Beautiful images! The box camera heightens the contrast, which one would normally have to do in a dark room. In the Abrahamic religions, God created men and women equal, and no God anywhere permits raping anybody ever. It is a sin of the highest order. It is a crime. On this Sunday, pray for the Afghan people. American has not forgotten them. The Middle East will have peace and will be free, and its people will have the opportunity to realize their ample God-given talent. Salaam.
Afghanistan in a New Light

9/23/23 – Everybody has a right to be fed up with everything, but nobody is a saint. We all contribute to this misery. Giving up religion doesn’t absolve anybody of sin or hypocrisy. It’s just that much more likely that you never examine your own conscience.

9/23/23 – The reason why marriage rates have fallen is because liberals created a terrible culture, one that told men and boys (and women and girls) that anything is permissible, and the men and boys raised in this culture never matured. Why should they grow up when they can get all the sex they want and remain adolescents for the rest of their lives? The women who wanted to get married and have traditional families had no suitable choices for a husband, which requires an actual man and not a boy. That’s why there are so many broken or single-parent (meaning female parent) families, particularly black American families. But hey, what’s important is the virtue-signaling. What’s important is that everybody thinks you’re really cool and open-minded. What’s important are not the ramifications of your words and actions on real people and their lives. Right?

9/23/23 – Just wondering if all the people who were quick to criticize David Brooks took the beam out of their own eye first. In some providential irony, as the Jewish people are atoning for their sins, the judgmental virtue-signaling liberals are pointing to others for the sins they commit themselves. This applies to even poorer liberals. For every poor person in the USA, there is a person living on the brink of starvation elsewhere, many of whom probably made the cheap clothes they’re wearing and the cheap goods they’re using. David Brooks apologized for his insensitivity, which is something the virtue-signaling liberals pretty much never do because, well, they’re too busy judging others and tells others not to judge others.

9/22/23 – At the crux of the entire conundrum is the fact that the people who theoretically should have all the power don’t seem to have any power. Why? Some might argue it’s the nature of our political system. If only we were fill in the blank of some perceived superior political system. Some might argue it’s corruption and greed. Certainly, these are serious problems, but let’s be honest and ask ourselves: is that all there really is to this miserable situation we find ourselves in, the f—king torturous doom loop? Are we condemned as a world civilization to a Sisyphean punishment? Are we destined as a human species to enter a period of global self-destruction every few decades?
Let’s ask some other questions: Is it other people’s sinfulness that has led us to this place where we eat the flesh of tortured animals and continue to do so even when we are made aware of this fact? Is anybody forcing us to do this? Is anybody forcing us to be obsessed with money, comfort or other people’s estimation of us? Is anybody forcing us to buy goods we know were made with slave labor? Of course not. These are all our own afflictions that govern the decisions we make on an individual level, and after some labyrinthine, Kafkaesque journey, our individual afflictions become collective dysfunction. Our afflictions, our selfish indulgences which we console ourselves with as relatively minor, end up becoming the evil we condemn in the world.
One could reduce the values of the Gospel, of what Jesus preached, very simply yet accurately to overcoming this affliction. Yet even the Apostles of his time, for example, Paul, struggled with controlling their own afflictions. Does one find this comforting or discouraging? At least, they were honest. The reason we’re in this situation is that, metaphorically speaking, we’re addicted to eating each other’s tortured flesh. We just don’t recognize it as such. The communion is said to be the eating of Jesus’s tortured flesh and drinking of his blood. It is the only cannibalistic act that will save us from ourselves. When you read the Gospel, read it as a guide to examining the darkness within your own soul, and if you’re completely honest with yourself, you’ll realize everything he said about us was right. If we are to ever escape from the evil doom loop, we have to actually do what Jesus asked us to do. Can we do this?
Radical Vegans Are Trying to Change Your Diet

9/22/23 – Today was a dark, brooding day. On a day when one would welcome a change from the heat of summer, fall’s crispness, the warmth of the sun against the coolness of the air, the turning leaves with their branches like ripening fruit, there is a sense of pervasive evil. It roams the earth with impunity and with force. It has taken over swaths of the world: Russia, China, India, many parts of Africa, and the one last key line of defense are the democracies of the west, and look at us, we are barely holding the line. There is a sense that evil is winning. We have to get serious and fast. We have to assert who we are as a people and ourselves in no uncertain terms or that sense of evil winning will become the reality.

9/22/23 – If we collectively screamed at the top of our voices about all of the evil and madness we have to process on a daily basis, our voices would be heard well into the darkness of our solar system. Yet here on our beautiful blue planet that is being destroyed every second of every day, we end up being muted and muffled by the elite, by the institutions, by the structure of the world we’ve created. The people are supposed to be the ones with the power. We have the numbers. It’s our talent and our money that make this world work, and in spite of all of this, we seem to have no real say in the countries and in the world we actually build.

9/22/23 – If you’re overwhelmed with all of the dysfunction at every possible level, you’re not alone.

9/22/23 – If you are seething with frustration and anger about the doom loop, it’s entirely understandable. For f—k’s sake, can the f—king idiots we elect govern or what?

9/21/23 – We have a domestic and international governance system in which people don’t matter. They are controlled by the elites. Some of them are good people. Many are bad people. And the rest of us have no voice or agency. We don’t matter. That’s the message these domestic and international institutions send to the rest of us.

9/21/23 – In a country of over 330 million people, apparently, there are only two candidates who are qualified or competitive enough to run for president. Most Americans also don’t want them as president again. Are we understanding this situation correctly?

9/21/23 – Just wondering how many times the world is going to ask the Ukrainian people to justify their fight against evil. At what point does the questioning of them stop and the questioning of Russia and the Russian s—t, putin, start?

9/21/23 – The truth is that the evil one, trump, doesn’t care about abortion. More precisely, as with everything else, he has a position on it to the extent that it serves the only thing he does care about – himself. To all the pro-choice people, the pro-life people aren’t your “enemy.” To all the pro-life people, the pro-choice people aren’t your “enemy.” The actual enemy is the evil one, trump. Having an honest disagreement on a particularly tough moral issue is honorable. Pro-lifers and pro-choicers obviously disagree, but they both have heartfelt positions that are based on their sense of right and wrong. For those who are tempted to think that the evil one is taking a moderate, reasonable position, considering the values and views of both sides, he’s not. He’s taking a position that he deems to be the most presently politically favorable to him. He is a transaction man. He is a con man. He is a man without a moral bone in his body. He is the evil one, and one hopes that evangelical Christians will finally see him for who he has been this whole time. We might disagree on abortion, but both sides of this debate agree on the value of human life. The evil one has no value for human life.

9/19/23 – One of the most beautiful things a religion can offer is to ask us to be introspective. The introspection can take many forms, but they generally pull us out of our worldly preoccupations and, perhaps paradoxically, outside of ourselves. One common and valuable form is meditation. The Jewish and Christian traditions have periods for what Catholics call “an examination of conscience,” a time for repentance and forgiveness. In the Catholic Church, during last Sunday’s mass, we talked about the importance of forgiveness. The essence of the lesson was that God forgives us, so we need to forgive others. This is really from the Jewish tradition, and it is helpful for Christians (and other people) to better understand the Jewish faith because it is enlightening. “Anger’s enormous power is not easily contained by rational thought. But its destructive force can be tempered by love, the mitzvah at the very center of Jewish practice. In fact, while Leviticus doesn’t specify a ritual to resolve grudges, it includes ‘love your neighbor as yourself’ (Leviticus 19:18) in the same passage, directly linking love to forgiveness.” Even if you can’t bring yourself to love the person who has wronged you, if you walk humbly with God, you can forgive others out of love for him.
How To Forgive Is Just as Important as When to Forgive

9/18/23 – If the present Indian government is worried about secession by any Indians, domestic or of its diaspora, it’s a situation of its own making. In fact, if India was presently true to its rich spiritual history and freedom of religious expression, which throughout its history, it has shown it can be, then nobody would want secession. Instead, it has a clone of the evil one, a Trumpian “leader,” who is trying to maintain power by feeding base feelings, anger, resentment, hate and so on. India, one of the greatest civilizations in world history, and the Indian people deserve better.

9/18/23 – Gandhi was a Hindu, a true Hindu and a true leader. We have the fake Christians here. They claim to be Christian, but they don’t actually practice the faith. The same problem exists in many different parts of the world across many different religions. In India’s case, there are many fake Hindus. Modi is just one of many.

9/18/23 – Let us consider a simple question: Are you actually surprised that the evil Modi might have ordered the execution of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a Sikh Canadian national? If you are, then you didn’t really understand the kind of person Modi is.

9/18/23 – Reauthorize PEPFAR. Americans, we are a people of hope and love. We have obligations to the rest of the world that we must fulfill. This is something on which both Democrats and Republicans agree. We are a strong people. Be true to your word, America.

9/18/23 – The most ancient part of the world is Africa. The continent is a natural marvel, and its people are warm and essential to our understanding of ourselves as human beings. The new world bursts with innovation and dynamism. It has attracted people from all over the world, as they seek new beginnings and opportunities. However, let us all remain connected with our roots and our ancient traditions. For millennia, the ancient civilizations have traded with each other, made business relationships and friends, and broke bread. We enrich each other through commerce and our cultural exchanges. Our modern existence has made us detached from our essential selves, our elemental needs, and we need to make a conscious effort to reconnect with our own ancestors and ancestral way of life and build connections to others’ ancestors and their ancestral ways of life. We move forward by building on our collective past and by honoring all of the people who came before us, within our ethnic groups and national boundaries and beyond them.

9/18/23 – The memories of the sadness we’ve seen can be overwhelming even crippling at times. When you think about events or people you know, met or with whom you simply crossed paths and wished you could have done more for, been there for, you can lay these feelings and thoughts at the foot of the cross. You can take these small crosses that seem to weigh so much and just hand them over to God, and say, my heart feels heavy, and it is too much for me to bear. I feel impotent in a cruel and unjust world. Lord, all powerful God, you be the justice that the world seems unable to deliver. When you remember someone like this and call upon God, these are prayers. These are silent acts of love, and God will hear them.

9/18/23 – People often want to cry in church, and many people sometimes do. One should never feel self-conscious or embarrassed about this. Church is the Lord’s house. It belongs to God, and it is safe. It is where you can be entirely vulnerable and yourself with God. Also, there is no point in being dishonest with God. God knows everything anyway. Be candid with your petitions and yourself even if you feel embarrassed, demanding or whatever. If you’re angry with God, say “I’m angry with you God.” If you’re sad, say “I’m sad”. And so on. Just be yourself. You can’t have a healthy relationship with God or with anybody if you can’t be honest with yourself and with other people. Take the time to go to the depths of your feelings and thoughts, well beyond the masks that we all wear to some degree, to find these truths. Then, speak these truths to yourself, to God and to other people. Vulnerability is essential to honesty, and honesty is an important virtue. It opens our hearts and binds our relationships.

9/17/23 – We have to be honest with ourselves and our history as human beings. It is very important for our continued progress. We can’t move forward into the future if we’re not honest about our past.

9/17/23 – We cannot have a world where one nation or group of people invades others and claims their land as their own. The days of empire are over. The world should not have any tolerance for it. It is violence. It is greed. It is sinful. We also cannot have a world where one nation or group of people rewrites history to suit their narrative. We need to move beyond these violations of human rights and human history and be a people of peace. Peace means coexistence in acceptance of our differences, our history and our heritage. We discover and honor history and respect territorial integrity.

9/17/23 – To our Jewish sisters and brothers, the ancestors of our faith, Happy Rosh Hashanah.

9/17/23 – Although it might be frustrating to Muslims, the fact is that of the Abrahamic religions, Islam is newer than both Judaism and Christianity. Judaism is an ancient religion. It started at least 4,000 years ago. Christianity began 2,000 years ago, and Islam began around 1,400 years ago. There is no Christianity or Islam without Judaism. This is a fact. Any statements or claims to the land that contradict these facts are invalid. Who are the Palestinian people before Islam? They are simply people without a religious identity as defined after Islam. Therefore, they can live side by side with the Jewish people as they once lived on the land. However, any claims of a religious legacy and corresponding claim to the land that predates Judaism is simply historically false. Lying or misrepresenting facts does not move any of us forward. It pollutes our discussions and prevents us from finding consensus and compromise.
UN committee votes to list ruins near ancient Jericho as a World Heritage Site in Palestine

9/17/23 – In order to be truly happy, deeply happy, a stable, calm contentment, we need to redirect ourselves to God. In him, we will be healed of the brokenness caused by our broken world. In him, we will be made whole. Happy Sunday!

9/16/23 – India is one of the oldest civilizations in the world. It predates European civilization. The name “India” comes from the Indus Valley Civilization (“c. 7000 BCE – c. 600 BCE The Indus Valley (or Harappan) Civilization”). The people (horrible BJP) who want to call India “Bharat,” which is not a pretty name, want to ignore, well let’s see, “c. 60000 BCE – 32768 BCE Human habitation of India” until the 5th century BCE. Trying to rewrite history by ignoring huge swaths of it doesn’t make history so. It just makes one a liar.
Ancient India

9/16/23 – To suppress the religious diversity of India is an act against the cultural and religious heritage of the world. Buddhism, born in India, took root throughout Asia, and it’s even popular in the west. Meditation is an integral part of the faith and a practice from which we could all benefit. The Muslims in India are some of the most moderate in the world and could play an important role in countering the extreme forms of Islam found elsewhere. Let us all remember that algebra, one of the greatest contributions to math, came from the Islamic world, which can once again be a center of great intellectual and artistic generation, as it once was. The Taj Mahal, one of the greatest testaments of love to a woman, was built by a Mughal emperor, a Muslim. The Jewish people who lived in India for millennia lived in peace, one of the few places in the world for which that record holds true. This is something for which India should to be proud. Christianity has existed in India since the beginning of the faith and in an expression that respects its Jewish origins. Hinduism, of course without the hideous caste system, is a beautiful religion. It is truly ancient, complex, and its adherents are deeply spiritual. Whether or not one believes in reincarnation, there is an element of interconnection, and birth, death and rebirth to which we can all relate. Hindus help other religious people remain grounded in our spirituality and remind us of the eternal need to connect with God. The India of our collective spiritual heritage is one that respects religious diversity and freedom, nourishes it and offers the world a much-needed elemental antidote for our technology-dominated modern lives.

9/16/23 – Before the Russian war in Ukraine, most people didn’t think of the country. It wasn’t really on the radar. Now, it is clear that it is an ancient country with a beautiful people. Its unique history is fascinating and worthy of study. Its cultural heritage is a gift to the world. Slava Ukraini!

9/16/23 – The man delusion has been in vogue since the Enlightenment. It has run its course. Science is based on observation. If one objectively observes our current situation, it is quite obvious that man is the source of all of our problems, not God. Let us think back to what our pristine planet must have been like. You walk to a body of water, dip your hands into it and drink. You pick fruit off trees and eat. This world, the one God created, no longer exists in this form. Our water is polluted. Our food production is compartmentalized, and we have no real connection to the food we eat. Much of the food that’s produced is processed garbage. We have to return to the world God created.

9/15/23 – On the 15th anniversary of the bankruptcy filing of Lehman Brothers, let’s remember that there are two justice systems in our country: one for the rich and powerful and one for the rest of us. We bailed them out. They got golden parachutes. They behaved irresponsibility again. We bailed them out again. They got golden parachutes again. You get the idea. We’re stuck in doom loop.

9/15/23 – Perhaps Catholics can eat meatless on any two days out of the week. This is really not hard to do. One can still eat diary or even better nuts and beans. This would be entirely in keeping with the faith and being stewards of our planet.

9/15/23 – Only crazy liberals would think that the solution to mental health issues is magic mushrooms. What’s wrong with these people?

9/15/23 – There is a fundamental divide between religious people and atheists that go well beyond politics. These are profound differences in our understanding of many foundational concepts, including life. There is no way to bridge these differences since many of our values and beliefs are antithetical to each other. The atheists, with their science worship, are posing an existential threat to the vast majority of life on the planet, human beings and the animal kingdom. If they only self-destructed, it would be one thing, but unfortunately, their activity does affect the rest of us.

So, to all religious people: protect your genetic lineage, and try to live as natural and simple a life as possible. Don’t engage in unnatural reproductive or sexual activity. Eat genetically unmodified fruits, vegetables, legumes, and grains. Eat as little meat as possible. Although the godless atheists are making it as difficult as possible, try to avoid chemicals. You’ll likely need to use filtered or bottled water for drinking. Minimize the use of tech, and do activities that give you natural movement and exercise. Keep aesthetic modifications to a minimum. When it’s time to die, just die in peace. Don’t try to extend your life unnaturally. We were all better off the way it was. We’re careening toward a dystopian death of epic proportions. Be wise. Be prepared.

9/15/23 – The western world, which is mainly liberal, atheistic white culture, suffers from a particular affliction. Consider the prevailing aesthetic ideal. A woman who is taller than most men, which is neither objectively attractive nor practical. Pale white skin, which provides inadequate natural protection from the sun, that they color an unnatural shade of orange intended to look tan. Blue eyes, which also provide inadequate natural protection from the sun. Veneered teeth, which damages teeth. Fake nails, which damages nails. Chemically processed hair, which damages hair. Fake boobs, which damages the body. Unhealthy even dangerous weight-loss strategies. And on and on.

One could make a strong argument that liberal, atheistic white people hate natural things, and the rest of the world likes and respects natural things. Conservative, religious white people, for all of their issues, are the exception to some degree. To some extent, they respect the natural order of things. They need to have more respect for the judicious use of science, but at least they are not irreverent experimenters, narcissists thinking they can solve problems via science, when all they are actually doing is making everything much worse to the point of posing an existential threat to all life on the planet, including the human species. White people are dying off, and there are many reasons for it. This might be one of them. If you mistake yourself for God, you’re living in a state of delusion, and nothing good can come of it.

9/14/23 – A gender divide on contemplating the Roman Empire? Ah no. It’s so fascinating. The ancient world as a whole is fascinating. Our twisted modern lives are filled with chemicals, a dying planet, unhealthy weirdness, and the atheists’ science worship. The ancient world was at once brilliant and barbaric. It was filled with gods and godlessness, which it wore honestly. In a time of fakeness, it is real. Also, if you read the Bible regularly or are devoutly Christian, you’ll think about it at least once a week, likely more.

9/14/23 – Veneers. What a joke! It’s the same with the weird acrylic nails. Firstly, how can anybody get anything done with that s—t on their nails? They are ridiculous. Even if you don’t have great nails, just go with them. At least, they’re natural. They’re yours. Just like your smile. Unless your smile is quite off, one shouldn’t even bother getting braces. You have to wear your retainer every day forever, which you’re not going to do, and your teeth will pretty much go back to the way they were. Also, you’re not damaging your natural body, which you likely can’t fix. This can happen with nails, teeth, hair, you name it. People, save your money, and just be natural!

9/14/23 – Stuck between the crazy MAGA who want the destruction of everything via man and god and the crazy libs who want the destruction of everything via man and science. They are all sick nutcases.

9/13/23 – NPR is a vile atheist, scientism rag. They are promoting procreation without a sperm and an egg. They are sick nutcases. It should be put out of business.

9/12/23 – If God isn’t real, well, I guess a bunch of people, the vast majority of the world, believed in something that wasn’t real. They were also likely healthier and happier for their beliefs whether or not they were real. If science is wrong, we’re dead. Guess what, we’re dead. All science and people’s unreasonable faith in it is doing is destroying everything: our planet, our lives, our health, our happiness and on and on. So, who’re the fools: the religious people or the science worshippers, aka atheists?

9/12/23 – Was just thinking that this is the way to go a couple days ago. “‘Thanks. I made it.’ Trust me, it never gets old.” What has gotten extremely old is being a slave to the world and destroying our planet. Also, clothes have become so boring. We wear the same stuff, and everybody looks the same. There are so many different cultures with unique ways of dressing. We can make our culture’s traditional clothes or give them a modern take, exercise some creativity and design skills, and be kinder on our planet.
Never Acquire Clothes the Same Way Again

9/11/23 – When we pulled out of Afghanistan two years ago, the Afghan people were devastated. Americans were also devastated. We wanted our presence and the considerable investment we made in the beautiful country to end with the realization of its promise. However, history is long, and the story is not over. We are the children of the God of Abraham, and we will have peace and prosperity in the Middle East. Its people will be free.

9/11/23 – Also from two years ago. 9/11 was a painful day. It remains so, but today and every day, Americans love our Muslim sisters and brothers. The Statue of Liberty stood tall and proud against the devastated Twin Towers. When Muslims come to our shores, it and their Abrahamic brothers and sisters, Jews and Christians, among other Americans welcome them. No terrorist will ever change who we are as a people.
AP PHOTOS: 20 images that documented the enormity of 9/11

9/11/23 – From two years ago.
They Lost Loved Ones In 9/11. We Invited Them To Leave A Voicemail In Their Memory

9/11/23 – Remember the cross, and remember the people who have loved us even when they didn’t know us. Love them as they loved you.

9/11/23 – Yesterday, the Catholic Church beatified a Catholic family that was murdered with the Jews they were sheltering, a total of 17 precious souls. “Last year, Francis pronounced the deeply Catholic Ulma family, including the child that Wiktoria Ulma was pregnant with, martyrs for the faith. The Ulmas were killed at home by German Nazi troops and by Nazi-controlled local police in the small hours of March 24, 1944, together with the eight Jews they were hiding at their home, after they were apparently betrayed.

Jozef Ulma, 44, was a farmer, Catholic activist and amateur photographer who documented family and village life. He lived with his 31-year-old wife Wiktoria; their daughters Stanislawa, 7; Barbara, 6; Maria, 18 months; and sons Wladyslaw, 5; Franciszek, 3; and Antoni, 2.

With them were killed 70-year-old Saul Goldman with his sons Baruch, Mechel, Joachim and Mojzesz, along with Golda Grunfeld and her sister Lea Didner with her little daughter Reszla, according to Poland’s state Institute of National Remembrance, IPN, which has meticulously documented the Ulmas’ story.” They took the risk and sheltered them because it was the right thing to do, the Christian thing to do.
The Vatican beatifies a Polish family of 9 killed by the Nazis for sheltering Jews

9/11/23 – Today is the 22nd anniversary of 9/11. Please take time to honor the men and women who sacrificed their lives for us that day, particularly the firefighters, police and other first-responders. They run towards danger, while we run away.
9/11 Memorial and Museum

9/10/23 – Apparently, this story, which is more accurately described as a non-story, merits coverage by at least three major self-described national news agencies. Here’s a quick summary: While “making it,” Perry Bacon decided to worship himself instead of God. Instead of God blessing him, he realized that he’s actually really smart and, well, evolved, much like the white people he went to school with instead of the black people he went to church with, so he became a “none,” whatever that is. He tries to make this about BLM, blah blah blah something (BTW the religious black civil rights movement achieved much more with much less violence) and LGBTQ something. Basically, he’s become so inclusive that he’s excluding everybody who doesn’t think exactly like him. That’s it in a nutshell, but the world greatly benefits from hearing the extended version of this profound story over and over again.
Also, since they grew up in Christianity, yes, you do need the “resurrection part,” as they well know. Don’t come to our churches for the donuts. We have enough problems. There are many secular organizations where one can get donuts, volunteer or whatever it is that one is seeking, presumably community. Frankly, their “search” seems more like an exercise in narcissism and attention-seeking than any kind of genuine spiritual quest or even community quest. If one is having such a hard time finding community, one is most likely not actually looking for community (alone). So, the honesty with oneself is not really where it needs to be. Also, please don’t free ride on other people’s faith. Thank you, and have a nice day.
The search for a church that isn’t a church

9/10/23 – Does NPR ever have anything positive to say about our country? It has the word “national” and “public” in its name, but it’s not either. Also, it has someone who’s supposed to write about spiritual matters, but who’s not spiritual. Don’t people need to have a background in world religions and be spiritual for that job? Can religious people get coverage that is valuable to us? Or are the millions of us in the USA and billions around the world just not that important to “NPR”? They pander to the atheists who have no sense of morality and treat humans like disposable experiments. It is a coastal private liberal atheist website.

9/10/23 – Christians, Happy Sunday! We will hope until the end, and we will hope through the end. Respect your body, mind and soul. Preserve your integrity as a child of God and do what Jesus asked. We’ll be fine. After all, for us, death is going home. Peace.

9/10/23 – If you can live in peace with people of various faith traditions, you are succeeding at one of the most important things people need to do well. You don’t have to believe in their god. Obviously, you are of a different faith for a reason, but you can still respect, learn from and even participate to a degree in their religious traditions. This is a beautiful thing. Be a people of religious tolerance. Be a people of peace.

9/10/23 – Islam has been in India since the late 7th century, basically soon after the beginning of the faith. The members and supporters of the BJP need to show the world their DNA analysis to prove that they are not genetically related to the very people they are persecuting and demonizing as not Indian. Do it now or STFU.

9/10/23 – What’s going to come first: the end of democracy, the inhabitability of the planet, the destruction of the human species via gene editing, or nuclear war? Or will they all converge in one gloriously apocalyptic climax?

9/10/23 – Let the genetic editing arms race begin, right everyone? Is the Chinese government conducting gene editing experimentation on their Uighur or other minority populations? Hey pro-lifers, did you know that the super-evolved atheists with their big brains are treating fetuses like guinea pigs, and when it doesn’t work out as they expect, they abort them? This is what happens when people give up God and worship science. The end is nigh. It’s just a matter of time.

9/9/23 – In one of many great ironies, China, the most godless large country is right next to India, arguably the most religious country. Hinduism is one of the oldest religions in the world. The country gave birth to many other religions, and Christianity has been in India since the beginning of the faith. These two countries don’t get along, and it’s going to be interesting how all of this evolves.

9/9/23 – The atheists, with their evolved brains, are a curse to all humankind.

9/9/23 – We can’t save or, more accurately, recreate the planet this way. God’s creation fits together perfectly. It’s not piecemeal creation. The way to save the planet is by respecting the planet.
One way to save coral reefs? Deep freeze them for the future

9/9/23 – To be willing to die prematurely to preserve the integrity of the human species is a noble thing to do.

9/9/23 – So, how is the evil Xi going to use gene editing to realize his demonic plans for global domination? It’s all just a matter of time.

9/9/23 – “In the first ten years, he would tackle a variety of genetic diseases; in the ten years after that, he’d extend the human life span to a hundred and twenty years.” Living in the simplest of ways, which has the added benefit of having a light footprint on the planet and, other little things like, poses no risk to the human species, the people in the regions below are doing the same thing or better. See, we can’t improve on God. When we think we can do better, we just end up destroying everything and ourselves. Gene editing is a recipe for annihilation. “Editing human embryos for reproduction is taboo in the world of genetic engineering; the possibility is too great that a scientist will accidentally introduce mutations that harm the subject and affect future generations…. As crispr became available, a broad consensus emerged among scientists that they should, at least for the time being, resist the temptation to make heritable changes to the human genome. crispr was too new and too poorly understood. ‘You never know what you will introduce,’ Charpentier told me. ‘Is it the realization of a nightmare?’…A further complication is that, as embryonic cells divide and multiply, and the crispr scissors keep snipping, they often fail to edit every cell. The growing embryo becomes a ‘mosaic’ of edited and unedited DNA…. ‘Fear number one: the weaponization of the military. We know how to make a human being who runs on four hours of sleep—I can tell you what mutation to make. Two: We know what gene to edit to reduce pain sensation. If I were a rogue nation wishing to engineer a next generation of quasi-pain-free special-forces soldiers, I know exactly what to do. It’s all published. And three: physical strength. You don’t need a large lab operation. You just need the ill will.’…. (It would also cover abortion costs in the case of a serious genetic defect.) [What a plan.]… There is also evidence that disrupting CCR5 affects bone growth. Had JK created superpeople? Or had he inadvertently condemned unconsenting not-yet-born victims to potentially serious health problems?” The crispr monster has begun. Science. With 100% certainty, it will destroy us.
The Transformative, Alarming Power of Gene Editing

9/9/23 – Back before all of this madness, pretty much all of us lived like this. The recent changes to how humans live have been so bad, they are now posing an existential threat. We should all just go back to the way it was. “A body of scientific research validates the blue zone way of life: Good food, good sleep, good friends, plenty of movement and a sense of purpose are a recipe for living better.”

Exercise naturally. Gardening is great on so many levels. Have a pollinator friendly one to have communion with God’s creatures. Sure, the critters might destroy some of your plants, but living on our beautiful planet is about sharing.

Eat vegetables and beans. You don’t have to cook vegetables. You can just grow or buy them and eat them. If you feel like cooking them, great, but don’t skip them because of time.

Stop eating so much meat. It’s bad for animals, the environment and people.

Have community. Different types of community, and try to be in person as much as possible. Maybe you can’t get to everything in person, but it’s much better than being online all the time.

Volunteer. Everything isn’t about you. Do your part.

Rest. Even God rested.

7 habits to live a healthier life, inspired by the world’s longest-lived communities

9/9/23 – As we deal with climate change (it’s real and it’s here, folks), we might consider reviving long tunics and ditching shirts and pants. It’s one of the most universal items of clothing, and many cultures have some tie to it. (In India, it’s called a kurta. See below.) It’s highly versatile and can be loose fitting. It’s comfortable and practical, while still stylish, and it can be worn by men and women. Walking around half-naked like western, especially American, women like to do is not a good approach to increasingly hotter temperatures. Firstly, it’s quite indecent and inappropriate. (This is embarrassing for us as a country. Other cultures don’t do this. Please stop.) Secondly, it gives no sun protection.

9/8/23 – Men and women dress more differently in the west than in many other places in the world. Women wear extremely tight and revealing clothes that are often quite indecent while men are dressed more comfortably and modestly. There is nothing liberating for women in dressing like this. It is demeaning. In many other countries – including Muslim countries – there is more parity in men’s and women’s clothing. In India, many men wear kurtas. Women also wear them. The sari, which can show a little more skin around the mid-section and the back, is an iconic Indian attire for women, but it’s not indecent at all. It’s quite elegant. The sari is actually somewhat similar to the togas that Roman men would wear or the stolas that Roman women would wear. It’s strange that the self-described bastion for women’s rights, the west, has less parity in attire than many more traditional societies.

9/8/23 – We want the names of the plutocratic traitors – every single one of them. We want it in the American record.

9/8/23 – When it comes to preserving our republic, we’ve ended up with some surprising bedfellows. To those who can set aside our differences in this moment of peril and be American patriots, we salute you. “In our nation’s 246-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump.” Former VP Dick Cheney

9/7/23 – BRICS is becoming dicks, a group of authoritarian countries.

9/7/23 – The Chinese model was actually never alive, although many economists and others were convinced it was heading for world domination not that long ago. Its model wasn’t entirely bad, targeting a higher level of export sophistication via state capitalism than would normally be associated with its prior level of development. However, if one actually took the time to look at the totality of China’s development, it was obviously unsustainable.

“By example, China has sought to demonstrate to the Global South that democracy and development are not inseparable, and that autocrats can have wealth, international respect, and political power. Those claims are harder to make with a faltering economy. If anything, China’s economic troubles suggest that authoritarian regimes cannot both tighten control and sustain economic progress—that, ultimately, political reform must accompany economic reform.”

It’s surreal to read this when many western economists and policymakers not that long ago were making a similar argument to Xi’s. However, they were wrong. To have long-term economic success, a country does need to be democratic. Capitalism has been associated with Adam Smith’s invisible hand for a long time. The idea is that a country’s people in the collective are the best corrective and rebalancing for markets and economies. This doesn’t always hold. There are market failures, such as the tragedy of the commons and negative externalities, but it’s generally true.

State capitalism has its place, though, and when used correctly, it can catapult a country into a higher level of development or, more importantly, lay a solid foundation for sustained economic growth. However, for industries to emerge or to thrive, corruption must be consistently kept in check. Although it can be difficult, only democracies can really do this well. Certainly, corruption can take hold even in capitalist countries, but they are better able to root it out.

The rich parasitic traitors who want to turn the USA into Russia also want to turn our capitalism into a kleptocracy. They want to kill us economically so that they can enslave us, horde our wealth, and turn themselves into walking corpses as they try to avoid death. In other words, they will try to avoid death as they inflict death on everybody else. Democracy dies in darkness. Capitalism dies without democracy. Thus, they both die in darkness.

PS China’s demographics are a nightmare. Don’t forget to consider them.
The China Model Is Dead

9/7/23 – Here’s another analogy. It’s like considering the feelings of Germans when trying to stop Hitler. And yes, this includes Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. It includes anything and everything to stop the evil one, trump, arguably the most dangerous person in the world. “Yet this harsh medicine wouldn’t be necessary if Trump hadn’t brought this challenge to American democracy in the first place. And letting the challenge go unanswered would have far more destructive effects. The idea of the body politic, and the risks of its decay, is a very old one. Trump’s actions are the source of its current illness, and though the treatment may seem extreme—and have unpleasant side effects—it’s what’s needed to stop the disease from taking over.”
The Metaphor That Explains Why America Needs to Prosecute Trump

9/7/23 – The rich (no, not you, the people who’re actually rich) are afraid of death because they, at least subconsciously, know that they’re going to hell. They will do anything and everything to not die, even if it means becoming a walking corpse and threatening the entire human species with their genetic experimentation.

9/6/23 – The evil, murderous dictator modi and all members of the BJP should be required to make their DNA analysis, conducted by a reputable company such as 23 and Me, public. If it isn’t basically 100% of the country of India, they should be required to move to their country of origin, such as the Middle East or Europe. All “royal” family members around the world should be required to do so as well.

9/6/23 – Hindi and Sanskrit, which belong to the Indo-European language family, are not original to India. They are the language of the invaders. The Dravidian languages are original to India, and nobody should ever forget that.

9/6/23 – All words are not created equal in any one language. Bharat is simply quite unattractive as a word/name. Namaste is a pretty word. India is a pretty word. Hard truths, particularly for the BJP, an evil party full of demagogues and criminals. Thank you and have a nice day.

9/6/23 – And lord of the flies comes to the Ivy League. Given it’s filled with s—t, it’s quite appropriate that it’s infested with flies. “‘It’s strange to me how many student organizations decide to be selective when it’s students who completely control the system,’ Mira Debs, the executive director of Yale’s education-studies program, told me. ‘I have often found it to be a puzzle. What force drives Yale students to be so competitive, and to construct all of these different categories that they’re applying for?’”
You Already Got Into Yale

9/5/23 – Let’s take a long view of our current miserable state. We had the biggest generation in recent world history, the Boomers, descend on the earth like locusts. They were spoiled and narcissistic. They did a bunch of drugs, fornicated like rabbits, then did a 180, became “greed is good” sellouts, and the world has yet to recover from their damage and influence. Millennials, for all of their stated attempts to distinguish themselves, in practice, simply adopted much of the Boomers’ values, particularly the hedonism and the shallowness of their existence.

Even as we face the existential threat of climate change, the quality of our clothes, furniture, most durable goods and the attitude we have towards them is to embrace the cheap, temporary and disposable. Granted the free trade economists, which are pretty much all western economists, had a key role in pushing this ideology, but the American consumers, starting with the Boomers, now perpetuate it. This approach to trade eviscerated our manufacturing sector, diminished our autarky and made us dependent on our enemies for important goods.

What have we lost? In no particular order: the earth is on the precipice of being uninhabitable. Other species are facing a mass extinction due to our selfishness. Our communities, particularly our faith communities, are considerably weakened, and some might never recover. Our families are broken, and the extended family is practically nonexistent. Our elite educational institutions are bastions not of intellectual and personal growth or agents of meritocracy but of the wealthy ruling class and its domination. The arts and humanities are going extinct. We eat more processed food than ever before. We are depleting our water sources at an alarming rate. Among countless crises, we have an obesity crisis, a drug crisis, a gun violence crisis and a mental health crisis. More generally, the American people are losing it. We are at risk of losing our democracy that countless American patriots sacrificed their lives to defend. And on and on.

What have we gained? Tech for tech’s sake. A bunch of cheaply made s—t. Tacky and meaningless “markers of accomplishment and status.” A culture of rank hypocrisy. Facades of glitz and glam brought to you by social media. New ways to exploit human beings also brought to you by social media. You get the idea. Aside from some gains on women’s and civil rights, the past approximately 75 years have been an unmitigated disaster for our society. The status quo is simply untenable. The aging Boomers, who refuse to go quietly into the night, want to continue to impose the disaster they created. There are seemingly no limits to their narcissism, their desire to maintain control of our society and the destruction they are willing to inflict on it, even as or perhaps because death comes knocking at their door.   

9/5/23 – This piece is well-intentioned and has some helpful advice, but who are we kidding right now? There was a time, not that long ago actually, perhaps with the last of the bohemian Gen Xers who were also the last of the analog kids, when being a well-travelled, well-cultured, and truly well-educated (meaning not just getting an education to get a high-paying job but to be actually learned) was something to which one would aspire.

The smart phone and social media killed all that and people’s attention span with it. Not only are people addicted to their phones, mindlessly scrolling through the inanest and sometimes poisonous material, but it has warped their experiences with the finer aspects of life. Although potentially pretentious, there is nothing necessarily wrong with wanting to impress people with a substantive knowledge of the arts and the world, but this is no longer the case. The goal is to create the impression of it: take a photo, make a video, put it on social media, or even more crude, just invoke jealousy. It doesn’t matter whether one has experienced something moving or not. The phone has become the device that documents a superficial life pretending to be a substantive life, and one that always asks, hey audience, are you jealous of me yet?

The reason to spend time on the finer aspects of life has ultimately nothing to do with anybody but oneself. It is to transform oneself on the inside not to project to the outside. It is to become someone who is more sensitive to the human condition, and by so doing, better able to interact with others and the world in a healthy way. It is similar to the difference between hedonism and humanity. Hedonism is the simple pursuit of pleasure; on the other hand, art, whether it invokes pleasure or pain, is the pursuit of understanding. Its power is the distillation of the human experience into a concentrated form to move its audience from their present often shallow preoccupations into consideration of life’s bigger questions.

You know how you get good at all of this, whether it’s art appreciation or spirituality? By actually putting in the work! What a concept. There are those who sit on their lazy asses, who don’t actually want to put in the time and energy, but just want the benefits of seeming as if they have. There are those who don’t want to put in the work into their spiritual lives, instead they will dismiss the existence of God with a convenient certitude so that they don’t have to think about these thorny questions. There are those who think if there is a God, the onus isn’t on them to discover him, but on him to reveal himself to them. Guess what? None of this works that way. If you want it, you, with the emphasis on you, have to put in the work. Go to these spaces, museums, theaters, places of worship, etc. and spend time learning and absorbing. Spend time engaging in the activity not with the intention to impress others but with the intention to transform yourself.
How to make a meaningful connection with a work of art

9/4/23 – This Labor Day, let us pray for and commit to helping the people who are unemployed, underemployed or enslaved. May the unemployed and underemployed find meaningful work that respects the dignity of their person. May the millions of people throughout the world who are uncompensated for their labor, whether they are sex slaves whose bodies and the holiness of physical love are perverted into commodities, indentured laborers caught in the evil trap of modern slavery, or child workers who should be loved and nurtured not exploited, be liberated and restored. Let us strive to build a society free of the shackles of greed and full of the freedom of love.

9/4/23 – If you’re not encountering homeless people at some point in your church or in the communities it supports, then your church is not doing Christianity correctly. That is all. “Several of the foreign-staffed Catholic religious orders in Mongolia run shelters, orphanages and nursing homes to care for a population of 3.3 million where one in three people lives in poverty. But the new clinic for homeless people, people with disabilities and victims of domestic violence is aimed at showing the outreach of the Mongolian Catholic Church as a whole to its local community. ‘The true progress of a nation is not gauged by economic wealth, much less by investment in the illusory power of armaments, but by its ability to provide for the health, education and integral development of its people,’ Francis said at the shelter, urging Mongolians rich and poor to volunteer to help their fellow citizens.”
Francis opens a homeless clinic on the 1st papal visit to Mongolia

9/4/23 – Happy Labor Day, proudly brought to you by unions, one of the last safeguards of human beings’ divine dignity. Unions are stronger now than they have been in a long time, but they are nowhere as strong as they ought to be. They are essential to rebalancing our distorted lives, and we need to continue to strengthen them. The Boomer generation has done immense damage to our lives. They are the people who promoted the “greed is good” ethic. Generation X, a small and ridiculed generation, pushed back against this by focusing on human experiences and connections, and were labeled slackers. In the end, many of them adopted the Boomers’ obsession with money, status and other superficial aspects of American life. Unfortunately, they couldn’t beat them, so they ended up joining them. The Millennials didn’t bother to push back, and they were even more atheistic than Gen X or the Boomers. The Millennials discarded the last meaningful corrective to the work-obsessed direction the country had taken. We are now just masses of cells who can be easily formed into slaves by corporations and other entities by dangling the carrot of accomplishment and status in front of us: the false gods of mammon and the praise of men.

Prior to this destructive turn to our country’s social fabric, we had an unspoken Protestant work ethic, which although it could be excessive, the focus was still on treating work as a divine calling and on using one’s gifts to glorify God. Catholics share in this focus while departing from Protestants in giving leisure more importance in life. To Catholics’ great credit, they also have been the guardians of the arts, which reflects a sensitive understanding of the essential nature of human beings. In the tradition captured by the great writers and artists of the human condition, of the endless paradoxes of our collective existence, the corruption of the Renaissance period was a terrible sin, but the artistic giants and the masterpieces of the period were also funded by it. The arts aren’t just a hedonistic indulgence. They are life itself. In a religious context, they are how we, mere mortals, glorify and show our love for God. After worship of God, they are the deepest, most powerful expression of our humanity. The arts, like places of worship, also afford us spaces to be in communion with each other, to be a people not of mere flesh and bone, but of deeper consciousness and souls together.

This Labor Day, reflect on how we are living our lives. Are we living and working for more comforts and conveniences, or should the goal of our lives have loftier ideals and expressions? We need more work/life balance so that we have time for our spiritual lives, for the arts, for our families and communities, simply put, for the things that make life worth living because they honor our divinity as children of God.

9/3/23 – A little loathed to bring up politics on Sunday, but this was an important article. Europe is dying, so pining for a “secular” (actually atheistic) society that has several serious problems is misguided. Returning to our own country, “[d]enominations and church commitments once preserved a set of broadly shared Christian moral values that transcended the right-left divide, but now that some of the loudest supporters of Christian nationalism have left these denominations behind, there is little to stop them from refashioning the Christian faith in their own image, with potentially heretical [many are heretical] results. And in contrast to the days when both Republicans and Democrats—and northerners and southerners—shared a common religious language despite their differences, little common ground is now left between the post-Christians of the urban North and the post-churched Christian nationalists of the rural South. The decline of churchgoing in America, it seems, has not eviscerated Christianity; it has simply distorted it. And that distortion will have politically unpleasant implications that go far beyond church walls.”

In a way, Christianity is its own language. Which language are people going to speak: it or the language of politics? Are we going to speak: the language of love or the language of division? This summer, a group of Christian volunteers of mixed political views (generally somewhere in the middle) came together on hot summer days to volunteer for our communities. The only thing that mattered was our love for our God and for each other. We would break together, eat, drink and laugh. We shared our differing thoughts and feelings respectfully and then got back to work. This is the language of love, and it needs to be spoken inside and outside the church. The church is our common house, the Lord’s house, where we worship, pray, sing, read Scripture together, celebrate each other and remind ourselves of our shared faith, of who we really are. Christians are not a political group. We are simply followers of Jesus Christ.
What Really Happens When Americans Stop Going to Church

9/3/23 – Evangelization is sometimes loud, like Billy Graham, who was great. Other times, it’s quiet, “‘When you whisper, you whisper to an individual or a few people, you cannot whisper to many people at the same time because they simply will not hear you,’ he said. ‘And I think this visit will also somehow manifest the attention that the (pope) has for every individual, every person who embarks in this journey of faith.’” Beautiful.
Go to church and find your soul. It doesn’t matter what society wants or says. What matters is your personal relationship with God. You can go in-between services instead of to mass or service. You can just sit there and pray. Sometimes you need a priest or preacher to help guide you through the text and your spiritual journey. Other times, you just need to be with God by yourself. Bring your mind to stillness and your soul to silent love. Happy Sunday!
Cardinal says the pope’s visit to Mongolia’s tiny Catholic community will show his dedication

9/2/23 – We need a religious moderate party. We need to get rid of the atheists. They don’t fit our values. That is all.

9/2/23 – Speaking of the earth, we need to change the way we eat. We need to eat way more vegetables. Indian food does vegetarian meals exceptionally well. They are healthy and nutritious. Lentils have a lot of protein, and we need to each more of them. Westerners and others eat way too much meat. It’s hard on the digestive system, unhealthy and bad for the environment. If one must eat meat, eat smaller portions. You will appreciate it more. As one example of a highly nutritious and delicious vegetarian meal: wheat roti (chapatti) with dal (lentils) (dal roti is an Indian staple), vegetable curry or other vegetable dish, and, optionally, a small side of fish (fry or curry).

9/2/23 – India’s G20 logo, “One Earth, One Family, One Future,” with the earth cradled in a lotus flower is beautiful! It’s imagery that resonates throughout Asia, including China, and even the west that doesn’t have the same attachment to the lotus flower. Thomas Christians, an ancient church, use it in their cross, which is quite beautiful, and “following the introduction of Christianity to China by the Church of the East, the Nestorian cross was frequently depicted on a lotus flower in Chinese Christian iconography.” The colors of the logo are the Indian tricolor, which are also symbolic religiously but in a universal way, and they are earthy colors. The issue must be “universal values.” Well, if a country’s leaders, say the horrible Chinese leaders, take issue with values such as love, truth, peace, compassion, courage, and respect for God’s gift of life to us, our beautiful planet, then the problem isn’t the proponents of the universal values but the opponents of them.  

9/2/23 – Obviously, this doesn’t apply to all atheists. Many are relaxed about their position on God. Others are not relaxed at all. You can read the comments to get a sense of the difference. The main thing to remember is that your spiritual journey is yours, and everybody’s journey is going to look different. A lot of people won’t have one at all. You can’t change others. Serve them as you would anybody else, extending compassion and love, but remember, Jesus kept walking. They have their free will, and you have yours. They have the right to their views that are conflicting with or antithetical to yours, and you have the right to just keep walking (or even running).

9/2/23 – Apparently, some atheists come to our churches as they say for the music. (Many of them also pray, but that’s a different oddity than this one.) What to do with this rather strange phenomenon? Since it’s the Lord’s house, one should always be welcoming and gracious, but they don’t believe in our God, and they’re using us for our beautiful music. So, what is a Christian to do? Always be polite unless they are disruptive and rude. Then, they can be politely asked to leave. Many of them are proud to be hedonists, so perhaps our worship music is just another “pleasure” to them. Is this flattering or insulting? Hard to say. These are not logical people…so it’s best to not try to get into their heads.

9/2/23 – From the comments in the link below. “The Satanic Temple is an atheist church. About the smartest, most interesting, most fun group of people I’ve encountered in a very long time. [Whether or not they belong to the Satanic Temple, they all think this about themselves.] We are committed to doing good in the world, while harming or controlling no one. The same cannot by any means be said of many Christians.” Is it any wonder why we want to avoid them?

9/1/23 – And into the church I go to lose my mind and find my soul. Yes, the “s” word. Tra la la.

9/1/23 – To the people who are trying to recreate church without God, please just give it rest. We get it. You have unmet needs or desires, but, no offense, it’s ridiculous. “Let me answer you with a question: do you know what ‘ridiculous’ means?” Exactly. Just stick to this. It’s more honest and logical. Perfect, in fact. “To get together, spend half an hour parking, shaking hands with friends, getting seated, having someone up in front say ‘I don’t believe in any gods’, everyone responds, ‘neither do I’, we get up, shake hands with other friends and go home? I’d rather sleep in.”
To religious people: Atheists are the most unhappy people on the planet. They keep going on about how smart they are with their big, evolved brains and such, but we know they are miserable f—kers. When you encounter these people, run, don’t walk, lest they kill your natural joy.
Quora – What do atheists think about atheist churches?

9/1/23 – The coastal liberal elites live in their own bubble. At a recent gathering, when the presenter asked the audience where they find belonging, many people answered “church.” It was the most common response. Yes, the music can be amazing! (Check out the Washington National Cathedral as a supplement to your own church.) The community, worship and formation activities are all lovely and helpful to our spiritual growth. We are well-organized and routinely volunteer our time, talent and treasure. We are asked to be the hands and feet of Christ, and we do our best (we can all do better) to live the faith. The belonging is very important, especially celebrating the sacraments with each other. Having said all of this, and it’s a lot, the main thing though is to have a peaceful place to pray. We have the great privilege to enter our testaments of love to our God, into our beautiful churches, humble ourselves before him and pray, or just sit in the pews, in the quiet, read our Bibles, pray, and think about how much we love him. It is peace. It is love. One can’t find that anywhere else. We are so blessed.

9/1/23 – The baptismal bucket is well-preserved and beautiful.
Archaeologists in Turkey have identified massive structures below a Roman-era castle

9/1/23 – When you allow others to change you for the worse and to define you, you’ve lost.

9/1/23 – Christians, as the inheritors of the Jewish faith, which we made our own, would like to remind our sisters and brothers, the Jewish people (and ourselves) that they (and we) are a people of hope. The entire world needs them to be a people of hope and to act accordingly. For every persecutor, there is a liberator. For the Nazis, there are the Americans who stormed the beaches of Normandy, who like the 9/11 firefighters, climbed its rocky cliffs knowing full well that they would likely die upon them. Honor them and their sacrifice. Visit France’s testament to them. Come to our cemeteries and read their names. Brothers and sisters of the God of Abraham, do not become like the persecutors. Be like the liberators. Be a people of faith, hope and love.

“Israel, after all, originated as a great vessel of hope for people across the world—nationalism as a kind of redemption for a long-suffering people. Illouz suggests that hope, in principle, can strengthen the bonds of fraternity not just among the nation’s own members but with other countries as well, opening the way to dialogue, tolerance, and justice. Perhaps, but there is something forlorn in hoping that hope will carry the day. Given recent events in Israel (and the United States), Penslar’s conclusion, tragically, carries greater weight. He reminds us that the Hebrew word for hope is tikvah, whose literal biblical meaning is ‘cord’ or ‘rope’—‘something to hold onto.’ Many of us now find ourselves grasping this cord more tightly than ever before.” The Jewish people cannot lose hope. Where would the rest of us be?
A Country Shaped by Love and Fear

9/1/23 – The Christian symbol is a cross. It’s an unusual symbol. If one doesn’t give it much thought it looks innocuous, two lines crossing, but it symbolizes an instrument of torture. Our other symbol is a crucifix. It’s even more unusual. It includes an image of Jesus hanging on this device of torture. A compelling argument could be made that people need to overcome one main emotion that resides in the body, mind and soul – fear. Our body responds to perceived threats involuntarily: fight, flight or sometimes freeze. Obviously, we respond emotionally. Fear is also one of the great corrupting forces of the soul. It can drive us to kill, to horde, to persecute, to commit all kinds of evil.

The cross is a truly practicing Christian’s response to fear. Our God was sentenced to death, one he freely accepted. In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus was fearful of the fate his Father had revealed to him, but he accepted the cup and fulfilled God’s will. The Christian response to fear is to be like Jesus and to overcome our fear. What do we have to fear? Death? We all die. It’s simply a matter of when. Should we fear the passing of time? Then, we would be in perpetual fear, wouldn’t we? That’s no way to live.

“In the realm of fear, the demagogue is king.” (Link above.) In the realm of love, God is king. Some might argue the opposite of fear is courage. A strong argument could be made that the opposite of fear is actually love. Look at the many people we admire and honor. What they often have in common is that they put love first, and therefore, fear last. Fear, which can command and consume the entire person, was relegated to the fringes of the psyche, still present, still flickering, but eclipsed by love’s brilliant light. What kind of love? Certainly, not a tribal love. Jesus’s sacrifice was for all humankind. The cross is a divine love. That’s how an instrument of torture, of fear, became a symbol of true power, of love, and that’s why it’s our symbol as Christians.

Notes from Underground – August 2023

8/31/23 – Our enemies, such as the evil leaders of China, Russia and North Korea, want to destroy us because we pose a threat to their demonic order. Americans, patriots, continue to show them who we really are and what we’re made of. We were called by God to be a city on a hill. Every day, Americans, from small acts of kindness to heroic acts of bravery, place another stone in the city we build together, high on our hill. From the sins of genocide and slavery, discrimination and selfishness, we will redeem and redefine ourselves in the collective by our acts of goodness. We will continue to define ourselves to the world as a resilient people, as a people of faith and repentance, of love, kindness and bravery, and we will be a light of hope for the world. Go forth in this dark time knowing that God walks with us. The NYC firefighters did not abandon the residents in their charge, and the God we love and who loves us, who told us he would not leave us orphaned, did not abandon our beloved firefighters. Do not be afraid.

8/31/23 – The evil, illiterate one, trump, wants to abolish the Department of Education. He and the plutocrats want us to be their slaves.

8/31/23 – The Supreme KKKourt is corrupt. We have the right to defy any judgments it makes that are not in keeping with our Constitution or our laws. They have forfeited their stature. They are nothing.

8/31/23 – We need to start prosecuting the plutocrats to the fullest extent of the law for anything and everything. They have been plotting against the American people, against the laws established by our Founding Fathers and defended by countless American patriots. The plutocrats are parasites and enemies of the state. We need to drive them into the dirt.

8/31/23 – All the perverted plutocrats care about is the endless quest for money and power. The rest of us care about the things that last in the infinite goodness of God. The plutocrats enter the history books in dishonor. Our heroes, men and women, enter them in the greatest of honor. Our heroes become a part of our national conscience and character, the stories we tell ourselves about who we really are as Americans. (Ukrainians, right now, in their suffering, are also defining their national character.) Are we a nation defined by greed and corruption? Or are we a nation defined by the people who pay the ultimate price and those who simply work tirelessly toward the romantic, irrational, divine ideal of love? Is it rational to walk up flights of steps knowing that it’s unlikely you will walk back down? No, and it’s also an expression of pure love. The hard hearts of the plutocrats don’t understand love. They are not really capable of it. They have only their minds, which speak only the language of transactions. We don’t think about them but in disdain. We think about the people who have sacrificed for us long after they are gone. At predetermined times, we honor them as a nation, but also at random, intimate moments, which we often don’t share, our minds drift to their legacy. We weep over the unmerited gifts they have left us and pray that their beautiful souls have peace. They are who we are as Americans.

8/31/23 – “Men (as a group and to a significant extent) are larger, faster, and stronger than women. This cannot be disputed, and it cannot be understood as some irrelevancy, because it comes with an obvious moral question that each man must answer for himself: Will he use his strength to dominate the weak, or to protect them?… The opposite of toxic masculinity is heroic masculinity…. [I can’t remember the number of times I have cried, more accurately, sobbed when I have thought about this.] Heroic masculinity is the understanding that someone has to climb the endless staircases in the towers. On 9/11, 343 New York City firefighters died at Ground Zero, and there wasn’t one of them who didn’t know, or at least suspect, that he was climbing to his death. They didn’t do it because of a union contract or an employee handbook. They climbed those towers because they knew that it must be written into the American record that heroes were there that day, and that the desperate people inside those buildings had never—not once—been abandoned.” To those who sacrificed their lives for us and their relatives, know that they live in our hearts, minds and souls. We love them with a genuine, grateful love that’s as eternal as their heroic souls.
In Praise of Heroic Masculinity

8/31/23 – This is beautiful: tradition, practical skills and learning. All kids, not just indigenous kids, boys and girls, should learn how to live off the land. It will help them feel more connected to nature, appreciate the food we eat and the water we drink, develop motor skills and learn practical skills.
An Alaska district aligns its school year with traditional subsistence harvests

8/31/23 – In this case, “the military and Alcoholics Anonymous, are much further toward the dark end than you’d like to believe,” the definition of a cult needs to be made more precise. Setting that flaw aside, the evil one’s followers, MAGA, have been conned, and the more money they give to him, the more conned they become. “As anyone who’s been taken in a game of three-card monte and then played again to win their money back will know, the hardest thing in the world to admit is that you’ve been conned…. ‘The way that cults die without a final, Jonestown-like conflagration is when they can’t recruit the next generation, and we are seeing this in the alt-right. We’re going to see young children of MAGA Republicans voting for the left.’… [T]he members of the cult itself will die out, and there will be no one, eventually, to replace them. In 2020, more than half of Americans over the age of 65 voted for Trump—it was, in fact, the only demographic group he won outright—while 62 percent of voters aged 18–29 went for Joe Biden.”

Outside of his natural death, for which we are praying, the way this cult will end is by the country ending it for MAGA, by putting his evilness behind bars for the rest of his life or by giving him the death penalty. The rest of the country is doing MAGA a public service by saving their money for their progeny who will abhor him. In fact, someone should figure out the average MAGA donation to his evilness and run a simple compound interest calculation. This is the actual amount of which they cheated their children.
The End Will Come for the Cult of MAGA

8/30/23 – To the plutocrats: we are not Russia or China, and we will destroy you. We will make sure your evil greed and treasonous actions cost you everything.

8/30/23 – Let’s look at David Frum’s argument, which we won’t be linking to because it’s idiotic. He wrote, “They might spare the country the ordeal of renominating an insurrectionist president.” So, the evil one, trump, is an insurrectionist. Then, the law applies to him. (It does not to his hand-wringing examples.) Unless one can produce a coherent argument that what we all saw with our own eyes, that spectators in real time observed as insurrection was not actually an insurrection but a…what’s the word, oh fantasy of some variety but not the insurrectionist kind, there is no argument against the use of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Frum and any other unprincipled persons can just shut the f—k up with their political calculations and their illogic. Apply the f—king law as it’s written in our Constitution.

8/30/23 – And what has Biden done to protect our democracy? Nothing. The dotard dawdled his way through the past three years on the most existential crisis in our modern history.

8/29/23 – Our military, our politicians, all naturalized citizens pledge allegiance to our Constitution. Native-born citizens are expected to pledge allegiance to our Constitution. Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, etc. have their respective religious texts. The United States of America has our Constitution. It is our sacred document, and it is clear. The evil one, trump, is unqualified. Section 3 of the 14th Amendment must hold. If the Supreme KKKourt overrules any state, the state should defy their decision.

Also, a message to the fevered plutocrats plotting to destroy our democracy and to make us their slaves: we will have the rule of law, or we will burn the whole thing down to the ground.
Conservative groups draw up plan to dismantle the US government and replace it with Trump’s vision

“People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.” V
People Should not be Afraid of their Governments , Governments Should be Afraid of their People

8/28/23 – The GOP would rather cheat than update its policies to win the votes of voters.

8/28/23 – The retrograde party, aka the Republican Party, want you to be stuck in the past, with the industries that their wealthy donors benefit from, and don’t want you to be leaders in the industries of the future. The GOP, once the party of Lincoln, that spoke to the moral conscience of our nation, is now a retrograde party, pandering to racists and bigots to prop up the dying industries of their plutocrats. “‘It’s so frustrating to hear these people ‘poopoo’ solar and renewable energies, and I just don’t see the logic of it. Because it’s just one more feather in our hat to make America more viable for companies to come to, and for Americans to thrive,’ he said.”
Biden’s climate bill brings investments and jobs to many GOP strongholds

8/28/23 – The merchants of short-term profits and long-term poverty, aka the Republican Party, want you to consume your children’s future. “‘[Young Republicans] genuinely want to see some leadership from their party,’ Maibach said. ‘And if the leaders of their party or the people who are asking to become leaders are not taking this seriously … I think young voters are going to become less willing to show up and cast their vote for the Republican candidates and in districts where the margins are thin.’”
Climate change made it in the GOP debate. Some young Republicans say that’s a win

8/28/23 – Exactly! Hold your heads high, compatriots, Americans, and put your heads down and do the work. “Young, the King adviser and former U.S. ambassador to the U.N., said…his Christian faith tells him to not place limits on what is possible. ‘If there is a place where we can learn to live together as brothers and sisters, rather than perish together as fools, it’s the United States of America,’ he said.”
At March on Washington’s 60th anniversary, leaders seek energy of original movement for civil rights

8/27/23 – Rest and reflect on the many Americans who sacrificed greatly for everything we have, including our freedom and our progress. God bless them, and God bless us. Happy Sunday!

8/26/23 – May he rest in peace.
Martin Luther King | I Have A Dream Speech | August 28, 1963, Full Speech

8/26/23 – Many liberals routinely set themselves apart from the country, seemingly holding it in disdain while holding themselves in high regard. As a Christian, King knew he, like everybody else, was a sinner. King also understood what it means to be a citizen of our great country. Many conservatives want to whitewash our history, erasing elements that they find undermine their own narratives about who they are and who we are. King acknowledged our country’s shortcomings while asking us to grow deeper roots into our adopted land. Aside from the indigenous people, we were all born of foreign soil, but we were all transplanted by choice or by force into this majestic land with the highest of stated ideals. “He talked of the circumstances and sense of urgency but then moved into what he said was a ‘dream deeply rooted in the American dream.’” King’s I Have a Dream speech is thematically oriented around contrasts, which he infuses with Biblical tones. We are contrasts ourselves, good and evil, right and wrong, walking contradictions. Grow roots into our country, into the soil which holds the blood of sins and sacrifices past, and grow branches into our country’s and our world’s collective future, shaping our stated ideals from a dream into a reality.
MLK’s dream for America is one of the stars of the 60th anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington

8/26/23 – “The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.” Don’t think yourself to be a saint and your fellow countrymen to be sinners. We are all sinners. Every single one of us, whether we are on the right side or the wrong side of history. Remember it always. Walk humbly with the Lord. “Both read the same Bible and pray to the same God and each invokes His aid against the other. It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God’s assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men’s faces but let us judge not that we be not judged. The prayers of both could not be answered – that of neither has been answered fully. The Almighty has His own purposes. ‘Woe unto the world because of offenses for it must needs be that offenses come but woe to that man by whom the offense cometh.’ If we shall suppose that American slavery is one of those offenses which in the providence of God must needs come but which having continued through His appointed time He now wills to remove and that He gives to both North and South this terrible war as the woe due to those by whom the offense came shall we discern therein any departure from those divine attributes which the believers in a living God always ascribe to Him. Fondly do we hope – fervently do we pray – that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman’s two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword as was said three thousand years ago so still it must be said ‘the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.’

‘With malice toward none with charity for all with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right let us strive on to finish the work we are in to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan – to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.’” May he rest in peace.
Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address

8/26/23 – In secular terms, it’s called purpose. In Christian terms, President Abraham Lincoln and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. were called by God, and they did what the Lord asked. Like Jesus’s Apostles, they gave their lives. Like the Apostle Peter, they finished the course. We cherish their words and their sacrifice. We also cherish the countless others whose names we do not recognize but who did the same. God knows them by name. He called them by name. When the Lord asks, answer the call and finish the course.

Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address in 1863. King gave his I Have a Dream speech in 1963, one hundred years apart. The speeches are quite different, and they are both rhetorical masterpieces. Where King, as man of God, speaks poetry as prose; Lincoln, a man of the people, speaks prose as poetry. The unifying elements are a call to respect the divine law and order: honor our freedom and our equality. Anyone who dares defy God will face his wrath if not in this life, in the next.

“Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate — we can not consecrate — we can not hallow — this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

Abraham Lincoln
November 19, 1863”
The Gettysburg Address

8/25/23 – Christians: Don’t worry about phases, careers and such. (It’s very confusing.) Do as much good as you can. Goodness. Learn as much as you can. Truth. Glorify God. Beauty. The good, the true, and the beautiful. (It comes from Plato, but we made it our own.) They have to align to find genuine purpose.

8/25/23 – Is it possible that if they are asking these questions as older adults, they had never really answered them earlier. “Who am I? [Nothing to do with one does. If you ended up tying who you are to what you do, you will want to fix that as soon as possible.] What’s my purpose? [This can be a challenging process of discovery. It might change over one’s life.] What do I really want? [We should all ask this of ourselves regularly?] Do I matter? [Yes, always and everyone.]”

Completely agree. “Modern life is oriented around the meritocracy, which implies certain values—that life is best seen as a climb toward the top, that achievement is the essence of a good life, that successful people are to be admired more than less successful people. But this overreliance on our work identities is unhinging us.”

No, see video below that covers this point. “You should find a job that will pay the bills but won’t demand much of your time or passion. Abandon the ordeal of careerism and devote your energies to the daily pleasures of life.”

Exactly. “If you make only a half-assed commitment to your work, you’re settling for mediocrity in an endeavor that will necessarily absorb a large chunk of your life. And if you decide to prioritize pleasure, you’ll spend your days consuming random experiences that you’ll measure on shallow, aesthetic grounds—was today tasty or bland? You’ll accumulate a series of temporary experiences that don’t add up to anything substantial.”

Right. Atheism. “But how on earth did we end up with a society in which 65-year-olds have to take courses to figure out who they are, what they really want, and what they should do next? How did we wind up with a culture in which people’s veins pop out in their neck when they are forced to confront their inner lives?”

The same thing was said in Christian terms below. (It’s not an original concept. It’s been said countless times and places in the Christian context, just phrased differently.) “You have to give to receive. You have to lose yourself to find yourself. You have to surrender to something outside yourself to gain strength within yourself.”

8/25/23 –Adolescence is for sure a phase because your body is changing. However, why would adulthood have phases? This needs to be better explained. Adulthood is individually defined. One gets to flourish under one’s own terms. What defines a phase? Are phases defined by careers? Younger generations often don’t stay in the same career for decades. They might give it a good run, and then move on to something else. If phases are defined by careers, then what if a “phase” is, say, one decade long or so? A decade is not a short amount of time to focus, whether in one’s education or in the workforce, on one area. One can learn a lot over that period of time. Is that a career or a phase as defined in this article? Does one have to do the same thing for three decades for it to be a career or a phase? What if one stagnates and just does the same tasks for thirty years, is that a career, a phase or a job? In any case, that sounds rather boring. Does one need to be performing at increasingly higher levels for it to be a career? Does a phase mean a continuous stretch of working in the same profession, field, position, occupation, which are not necessarily interchangeable terms? What about going to school for a time and then returning to the workforce? Would the phase be broken? Would that be two phases? The definition of phase and its related duration is unclear. Simply: This concept of a phase, defined in this article, more or less as a multi-decade stretch of time working in the same profession is a very perplexing concept, but let’s set this aside.
The New Old Age

8/25/23 – America is back. We don’t know for how long, but we do know that nobody can take the mugshot away from us. It was as good or even better than we expected. God bless America.

8/25/23 – The thing to understand about the liberal, atheistic media is that they are a business, and it’s about making money. Like most atheists, they are about themselves. They don’t care about your mental health. In fact, the more addicted you are to the news, the more money they make. Stay informed, but don’t give it more time than it deserves.

8/24/23 – The long-awaited mugshot of the murderous mobster is finally here, and the evil one, trump, looks like the crazy person he is. He can try to spin this and fleece the MAGA cult, but it’s obvious he’s not happy. Are the American people happy? Justice is working, but the evil one should be disqualified from running, so obviously, the rule of law only applies to a certain degree. He needs to be disqualified, and he deserves the death penalty, or at least, life in prison. Then, justice will be served. We’re waiting for that day.

8/24/23 – “Here’s the question we all need to ask ourselves:… what do I love when I long for achievement?… What do I want when I want accomplishment? What am I looking for in this aspiration?” Recently, we discussed suffering in the context of Job’s life. (See below.) Here, we discuss success in the context of Augustine’s life. One can suffer not just from deprivation, pain, loss, or other negative experiences, but we can also suffer in the midst of our success. Are we going to blame God for this too? What aren’t we going to blame God for? A well-ordered, well-directed love provides protection from the brutal onslaught of the world and the whims of fortune and provides protection from our own egos. The one we’re made for is the one who made us, and it’s only by directing our ambition to glorifying and pleasing him that we can find rest. “Be our glory, let it be for your sake that we are loved.”
PS The audio isn’t the best.
Reforming our Ambition: James K.A Smith

8/24/23 – Labor, leisure, and love. Remember: God made us, and God loves us. We belong to him.

8/24/23 – Tim Keller recently passed away. May his faithful soul rest in peace. He was the founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church and the Center for Faith and Work. What is workism, as termed by The Atlantic’s Derek Thompson? It’s the atheist’s calling. It’s centering one’s identity and purpose around work. What is faith and work? It’s the religious person’s calling. According to the Center for Faith and Work’s website, it “exists to explore and investigate the gospel’s unique power to renew hearts, communities, and the world, in and through our day-to-day work.” Martin Luther started this conversation about how laypeople can use their work to connect with God and each other. The monastic communities do this too, but obviously, they have an overt religious dimension and spend considerable time on their spiritual lives. How does a layperson do this? The difference is mostly in who you’re ultimately serving. By serving each other, we’re ultimately serving God. However, in the atheist’s calling, work is intended to serve oneself. After all, the present atheistic culture is about individualism, independence and achievement. In the religious calling, it’s about the beloved community and giving glory to God. This orientation outside of oneself helps give genuine purpose to the work. It is actually a big difference.
Faith & Work Integration | Q&A with Paul Sohn, New Director of the Center for Faith & Work

8/24/23 – Connection in all forms is very important. It’s not just one’s family, which, let’s face it, can sometimes (maybe almost all of the time) be quite annoying. It’s friendships, long and short. If a friendship doesn’t work out or fades with time, so what. At least, you tried, and at least you enjoyed it for a time. It’s having causal conversations with strangers, or even to just smile, wave or raise one’s hand in a gesture of peace with anyone you encounter is to recognize their humanity. If you need to practice casual conversation, start with Trader Joe’s. Seriously. They may be encouraged to chat with you, but it comes across as quite genuine. Let’s just assume it is. Then, to go to the next level, you initiate. Something that’s so great: give casual compliments to people you pass by. “Your outfit is beautiful.” “I really like that shade of lipstick.” You could be making that person’s day. It’s like giving a free gift. Especially if you’re of the same sex, it’s unlikely to come across as creepy, and for women, in particular, it’s a small but meaningful way to show solidarity. Relationships in faith communities are special though. At least in some churches, likely in other faith traditions also, we have activities that we do that go deep into who we are. It’s trust and love, and often times, it’s with strangers. It’s the most beautiful thing. This doesn’t really happen anywhere else.
Why a stranger’s hello can do more than just brighten your day

8/24/23 – For those who think atheists, nones, and whatever are in the majority, let’s break up the parties, and see what happens. The country needs a religious moderate party. If one thinks it’ll be in the minority, it’s not a threat to either of the existing parties, right?

8/23/23 – Climate change is real. Any religious, moderate candidate must take this position because it’s the reality. The person must also be hopeful. We need our politicians to make us feel stronger, not weaker, especially as we face down existential threats. The apocalypse is nigh, but we must always be a people of hope. This is not contradictory. They are coexisting truths.

8/23/23 – Like all political candidates, both Nikki Haley and Tim Scott have their flaws, but either would make a much better candidate than the evil one, trump, who should be disqualified. (The evil one is not just a terrible candidate, but he’s a clear and present danger to the republic.) Tim Scott is particularly appealing, but Haley, who was once Sikh, defends religious minorities, which is very important in every country, even ours where our religious liberties are constitutionally protected. Protecting freedom of religious expression for all people of faith is nonnegotiable.

Any religious, moderate candidate must be religious. Haley and Scott are religious people, which reflects most of this diverse country, full of immigrants not just white coastal elites, and the world. Note that candidates don’t have to be specifically Christian, just people of any faith or spiritual tradition that thinks of people as more than just matter. We have souls, and any other conception of a human being is a nonstarter. This is also nonnegotiable.

On this issue of a “colorblind society,” it all depends on the context and how this is understood. The legacy of slavery and past wrongs do need to be recognized and, importantly, righted, but do we really want to be a country where we think of each other based on the color of our skin? In many Asian countries, they are obsessed with skin color. It’s quite ridiculous. However, what does a colorblind society mean exactly?

Ideally, we end up in a place where people just don’t even think about race or skin color. (Dark skin is beautiful and more protective, by the way. Don’t change it.) In one of the episodes of Jewish History Lab (so good!), Dr. Abramson said that back in Moses’s time, who is said to have an Ethiopian wife, people just didn’t think about race that much. (On the other hand, gender was a much bigger deal.) Whether or not this is true about race in ancient times, we won’t know for sure, but the ideal is that race is simply a nonissue.

The ideal is that we focus on character. At present, America is still structurally racist to a certain degree, but it has gotten better, and it’s definitely not irredeemably racist. We have to honor all of the white people who have fought for freedom and equality of nonwhites, and we have to be a people of hope. We are Americans. It’s who we are.
Can South Carolina’s Haley and Scott woo the GOP’s white evangelical base away from Trump?

8/22/23 – The liberal elites are full of nepo babies, i.e. talentless hacks, such Catherine Rampell, the person who wants the Fed to keep raising rates. There are many others. This is the party that claims to be about diversity, equity and inclusion. They are complete hypocrites.

8/22/23 – The most common feeling in the country right now is being stuck in the middle of two extremes. This is undemocratic, and we need to fix it.

8/22/23 – Democratic religious moderates are tarnishing themselves by continuing this involuntary marriage due to a lack of party and candidate choice. We don’t agree with the evolved ones on foundations concepts, such as what a human being is. Therefore, we will inevitably disagree with them on many other issues as well. Pretending these profound differences don’t exist is unhelpful. More generally, the evolved ones are an embarrassment to the country and the world. They are like 10% of the world’s population (correcting for countries that don’t allow religious expression), and they alienate almost everybody else. They come across as unhinged and extreme because they are. Why should we associate ourselves with this? We shouldn’t. It’s embarrassing, and it doesn’t reflect our values and beliefs.

8/22/23 – Atheists, the soulless ones, who are really smart and cool, aka the evolved ones (including some nones) are on the same intellectual level as MAGA. They’re both anti-intellectual and detached from reality. MAGA belong to the cult of the evil one, trump. The evolved ones belong to the cult of scientism. Wherever the evolved ones and MAGA are is where we shouldn’t be as a country or as voters. Since, at present, this means both parties, it means both parties. They have both destroyed our country, just in different ways. Simply put: dumb + crazy = dangerous. See the evil one, trump. See MAGA. See the evolved ones.

8/22/23 – If religious moderates got our own party, it’s likely to be the biggest and the most normal. Policies would be somewhere in the middle, and the country would be spared all the unnecessary drama of the extreme right and left. We could have reasonable and well-reasoned debates about questions that concern the intersection of morality and policy, meaning all of our laws and policies.

The entire country is exhausted not just by the evil one, trump, but also by these wacky, incessant narcissists. The what has God done for me lately, church without the religion, I’m so rational, smart and cool crowd, and the God is a white nationalist, church is an arm of the government, and I’m a proud degenerate crowd. Hopefully, they would both finally just shut the f—k up.

8/22/23 – Being a boring “normie” is glorious. Please God, bless us some more to be exceptionally boring. We go to our jobs, which we do as well as we can; we go to our religious activities, which we do as well as we can; we help each other as much as and as well as we can, and the rest of the time, we engage in fun, wholesome activities. It’s simple living. It’s the best.

8/22/23 – If you’re wondering if the loony left has completely lost it, yes, you’re not imagining it; they have. It’s just the latest in all sorts of fun political developments. Insanity is definitely not confined to the right.

8/22/23 – There are no bounds for the atheists’, nones’, etc. narcissism, but just know that it’s guaranteed whatever deep insights or questions they have about religion or spirituality, it has been covered in the texts generated in the past, oh at least 6,000 years. They aren’t special or smart compared to the people who’ve come before them. In fact, those people were way smarter than they are. These people are a sad excuse for intellectuals. After these people read their works and actually understand at least some of the key points, they can get back to us.

8/22/23 – According to an article in the Atlantic, which has some of the best and some of the worst writers, love is magic caused by hormones. That’s the title. We didn’t get beyond the title since well…why? Let’s find some similar titles: love is sex; love is the body; love is the brain and the body; love is the brain and the body, and a magical mix of hormones. Maybe we should measure it? Should we plot it? Should we put love in a decanter? Science.

8/22/23 – Around 2010 at the latest, many economists and others were forecasting the demise of the dollar. Unsurprisingly, they were wrong. “Saudi Arabia, Iran and Venezuela — have expressed interest in joining BRICS.” They should not be allowed to join BRICS. This is a good idea, “[he]e’s urged African leaders to join a fledgling pan-African payments system that uses local currencies in a push to encourage more trade.” What they should not do is a currency union.

Obviously, the management of the US dollar is customized to the US economy, but it is stable and trusted. If there is an inadequate supply of US dollars in these countries, one option would be to create a sort of contracts form of bartering using blockchain or even a simple app. Instead of just exchanging one good for another, the contract could be customized to have elements of this exchange (and a financial component, perhaps as a hedge,) which allows for a time dimension. In other words, the contract would act as a sort of store of value. The key would be to keep it simple enough for people to understand, but complex enough to offer some value-added to run-of-the-mill bartering.
Emerging economies are pushing to end the dollar’s dominance. But what’s the alternative?

8/21/23 – The world needs to switch to less water intensive grains.
Global food security is at a crossroads as rice shortages and surging prices hit the most vulnerable

8/21/23 – Religious moderates need their own party. The chasm between us and the atheists, nones and whatever is just growing wider and wider. It’s not bridgeable. We also really don’t want to be stuck with these odd people anymore. They make no sense. It’s just not tenable.

8/21/23 – People on the right already think the left is loony. If they say, people need more church without the religion, they’re just confirming the right’s conclusion that the left is crazy.

8/21/23 – People want to take personal credit for their achievements, in this achievement-based, atheistic society, and blame God for their suffering. That’s conveniently flattering and protective of the ego, isn’t it? God created the universe and everything in it. Does he owe you something? Who are you? Suffering is a part of life. Are you blaming God for giving you life? Is God supposed to save you and everybody else from themselves and each other every time they experience suffering? Why even bother to give us free will then?

What is obvious is that people want and need reconciliation with God. They just can’t get there or figure out how to get there for a variety of reasons. It’s easy to blame others, the broader society, politics, religious institutions themselves, etc. What is actually preventing this reconciliation is the person themselves? If one wants to grow spiritually, they have to be extremely honest with themselves on the deepest of levels, or it’s unlikely to happen. Interventions such as with the Apostle Paul, for whom God had a special mission, are few and far between. Stop asking questions of God, as Job did, and start asking questions of yourself.

8/21/23 – A chaplain who’s an atheist, OK. No offense to this person, who seems kind and, frankly, still traumatized by the Holocaust, but this is an oxymoron. To help others with their spiritual life, one does have to have a healthy spiritual life of one’s own. Therapy is not spirituality, and this confusion is indicative of the spiritual decay within our society. This is therapy. “Most of the community members who I work with and serve are ex-evangelical and ex-Mormon who have somehow been really hurt by traditional religion. And to offer a safe space where that’s not going to happen again feels important to me.”

Keep that thought in mind as you consider the following. However, all that said, she describes common lines of questioning and conclusions. “I asked my dad once about God and he said, ‘If there’s a God, he hates us.’ And by ‘us’ he meant the Jewish people. My dad’s historical understanding of Jews is that every generation there’s an attempt at total eradication.” This is covered in the Book of Job, which is a masterpiece of psychology and spirituality. It answers key theological questions, including this one.

There are three main responses in terms of faith to suffering: strengthening the faith, weakening the faith, no response. Weakening is nothing new. Being angry with God is nothing new. The thing with God is that, ultimately, you either reconcile yourself to him or you don’t. In the end, no one can really help you with that process. Like most other things, you have to do the work. Read the book, and ask yourself: what did you learn? What are you actually seeking in a having a relationship with God? Is it transactional, or something beyond that? What are your expectations, and why do you have them of God?

There is nothing in atheism that encourages this moral behavior. That’s a fallacy, which people need to stop promoting. In fact, as climate changes worsens, and people get more desperate, the survival instinct will kick in and fewer people will take care of each other. “But I think that the absence of God can be really beautiful. It means it’s our responsibility to take care of each other on this earth. And everything courageous and beautiful that we do is on us.”

This is a biased conclusion. Many people would argue that the afterlife keeps people on their better behavior. What many people hate about Christianity is the notion of an afterlife, specifically hell, mainly because they don’t want any restrictions or to feel guilt about their behavior in this life. This is a very common complaint. “It’s really easy to say to someone, ‘It’s great that you’re suffering in this life because you’ll get your just rewards in the next life.’”

This was self-flattering. It’s a “humblebrag,” another oxymoron. “I’m results oriented, Rachel. I’m data-driven in my religion. I want us to be solving these problems on this planet.” She exists in her mind. The spiritual life doesn’t exist in the mind alone.

Now, we see the hallmarks of atheism: “I want to marvel at the fact that lions exist and despair at the fact that they’re dying from being overheated because we’ve ruined this planet and not leave myself the option to put a silver lining on it. [Spiritually, this translates to hopelessness. Are Christians who believe in hope and using it to motivate action or simply to stay sane putting a silver lining on our own exploitation of the planet? What does marveling at this fact and despair mean exactly? Does it mean acceptance of this avoidable tragic reality as it is? A central tenet of Christianity is to be a people of hope. This doesn’t mean we’re naïve or that we’re putting a silver lining on anything. If we don’t have hope, we have no reason to even wake up in the morning.] I’m not saying that religious people have only cheap grace. [Cheap grace, it says so much. Hope is not cheap grace. The Jewish people aren’t a people of persecution. They are a people of hope. It’s one of the greatest gifts they gave the world. It has sustained countless other people in their own trials and tribulations.]

I want to just confront the realities of the suffering. And I don’t think enough people take that position. And I was raised to take that position. I don’t think everybody should. So, I feel like this is a muscle that I have and I don’t know why, but I think it’s a gift that I have to offer, my atheism. [Without being a therapist, that “muscle” is learned values and behavior from her father. She adopted his pessimism and internalized his own anger at God. How does she confront the realities of suffering? Where is that guidance in this piece? It’s not there. Simply stating the suffering or the data, as she bragged, is not confronting the realities of it. See, this is one of the main confusion of atheists. They confuse awareness of a problem as taking action to solve the problem. What is going to motivate people to take action, viewing the problem as hopeless or maintaining hope even while acknowledging the tremendous challenges in front of them?]” Let’s thank her for helping strengthen our own faith and not wanting to ever become an atheist.
Why this chaplain sees her atheism as a gift

8/21/23 – When is the United States going to dump Saudi Arabia? It is morally abhorrent.

8/21/23 – To the naysayers, we don’t care what you think. One way or another, Ukraine, all of it, including Crimea, will be free. Slava Ukraini!

8/21/23 – We the people make this country, not any one man or woman, not any party, not the media or the press, not any institution, not any corporation, not any industry, not any one entity of any kind, but we the people. Nobody should forget that. The country, the government and the culture, all of it belongs to us – all of our people, not just coastal elites or the rich and powerful. It’s ours, and it will reflect the majority, even if we have to burn every entity in this country to the ground to eliminate or to remake them.

8/21/23 – A piece of advice: if you’re proposing anything to a Christian audience, which is never any newspaper’s target audience, know our tenets and ask yourself: is this actually new or better than the framework we already have? It is quite unlikely to be. We’ve had 2,000 years to sort out these questions and develop a comprehensive moral framework. The atheist moral framework doesn’t even exist. It simply appropriated evolutionary theory, which has no moral component.

The work truly practicing Christians do can be quite exhausting. It’s often a lot of giving and not a lot of getting in a tangible sense, and it can lead to burnout. A nurtured spiritual life is what offsets this natural fatigue, which is often accompanied by a decrease in compassion. It’s a regular recalibration of the soul to reorient to love, our love for God and for each other, and away from the world and the work itself, which is inherently taxing. The proposal below, although definitely better than nothing or the prevailing culture, is a mutual exchange, and it’s not holistic.

8/21/23 – A certain newspaper has a well-meaning article about encouraging interdependence instead of independence in children. At least it recognizes that the atheistic culture (not referred to as such in the article), which has been the prevailing one for the past approximately half century, is based on individualism, independence and achievement. Perhaps these aren’t the best values for individuals or for a society as a whole after all. All atheism has given people is a false sense of identity and of accomplishment. If people adopt atheism, they think they will be considered smart and cool.

The “interdependence” the article argues for is less comprehensive than what Christian communities have been encouraging and practicing, with more or less success (recently less thanks to the atheists and to the failures of the church itself), for two thousand years, but sure, let’s pretend what’s extremely old is new again. Wasn’t there somebody else who did something similar recently? Ah yes, this guy, the huckster, “For a moment at least, Ramaswamy had pulled the elemental trick of both a politician and a huckster: making a banal idea seem forgotten, and new.” (See link below.)

Is “e pluribus unum” banal? Is what Christians call “beloved community,” a more expansive and holistic concept than “interdependence,” banal? No, actually, they’re not. They are short phrases, aphorisms, simple truths that remind us of their respective usually hard-to-practice and deeper concepts or ideals.

The reason many correctly practicing Christians have little or nothing to learn from atheists is that they pushed western civilization into the moral and metaphysical dark ages or perhaps even the abyss, one into which we didn’t enter. Why would we adopt “interdependence,” which, by the way, works contrary to evolutionary theory, when we have “beloved community”? Why would we avoid morality and the wholeness of a person to fixate on an intellectual and presumably logical argument?

Let’s check the assumptions of this presumably logical argument. What are they? Ask yourself, as one example, why should someone who does not suffer from a disability help someone who does? More generally, why should someone who is “superior,” as evolutionary theory would define, smarter, stronger, more beautiful, richer, more talented, help someone who is dumber, weaker, uglier, poorer, and less talented? What could the “superior person” possibly get out of this exchange, this “interdependence”?

An unstated assumption is that “interdependence” as described in the article is between relative equals. The church believes that the more marginalized and vulnerable the people, the more we need to help. In other words, the less help we get in return, the more we’ll get out of building those relationships and the work we do. We give freely of our time, talent and treasure because it’s morally correct. We do it because we’re doing what Jesus did, reversing the power structure, not because we get anything tangible out of it. We get a lot of intangible, irrational love though, love from our God, and love from each other, which is more valuable than anything else. The interdependence framework has no room for love because it exists only in the mind and tenuously at best.

8/21/23 – We have an originalist Supreme Court, don’t we? We are either a nation under the rule of law, or we’re not. Apply the law without fear or favor. “Section 3 is ‘self-executing.’… one who fails to satisfy the Constitution’s qualifications does not have a constitutional ‘right’ or ‘entitlement’ to serve in a public office…. The bottom line is that [the evil one,] Donald Trump both ‘engaged in’ ‘insurrection or rebellion’ and gave ‘aid or comfort’ to others engaging in such conduct, within the original meaning of those terms as employed in Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment. If the public record is accurate, the case is not even close. He is no longer eligible to the office of Presidency, or any other state or federal office covered by the Constitution.” Many people described it as an insurrection in real time. It was obvious. “The only intellectually honest way to disagree is not to deny that the event is what the Constitution refers to as ‘insurrection’ or ‘rebellion,’ but to deny that the insurrection or rebellion matters.” It matters more than almost anything else, except betraying us to our enemies, which he might have also done. The evil one deserves the death penalty.
The Constitution Prohibits Trump From Ever Being President Again

8/20/23 – Our bodies are sacred. Our minds are sacred. Our souls are sacred. We are all sacred beings loved by God. We are not slaves. We are made free. Rest is resistance.

8/20/23 – The church isn’t a social club. It’s a beloved community. “Arquero says bearing each other’s burdens in this way — caring for neighbors — is the work of the church. ‘That is what we are called for to. That we care for people. In fact the mission of our church is we love God and we love people.’”
A Filipino congregation took in its own members after their Lahaina homes burned

8/19/23 – MAGA are an abomination to mankind. The evolved ones are also an abomination to mankind. We are stuck in the middle with them.

8/19/23 – Remember for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. It applies to societies also, not just to physics. If you’re wondering why the far-right is getting more extreme, it’s because the far-left is getting more extreme.

8/19/23 – All public schools should have spaces where employees and students of any and all faith traditions can pray. Many Muslim students also pray during the school day. Schools should be places where the whole person is honored and nurtured. Intellectual development is only one part of a person’s development.

8/19/23 – There is a misconception that all Gen Z or Gen Alpha are not religious. This is untrue. The loony liberals, the liberal elites and the media haven’t indoctrinated all of them with their atheism. They need to work harder to spread their scientism and ruin more people’s spiritual lives. “While the Supreme Court has ruled that the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibits school-sponsored prayer in public schools, the court also has made clear that individual students have a right to pray in public settings. And, according to a new Pew Research Center survey of teens ages 13 to 17, a sizable share of students in public school are availing themselves of this right. About a quarter of teens who identify with a religion and attend public school (26%) say they regularly pray before eating lunch at school…. Prayer in a school setting doesn’t just take place before lunch and, in fact, teens in public school are more likely to see students praying before sporting events (39%) than before lunch, according to the survey.”
About a quarter of religiously affiliated teens in U.S. public schools say they pray before lunch

8/18/23 – The idea that the rest of us are all going to “evolve” into the superior white atheists’ ultra-liberal positions, which is a form of white supremacy, is pure fiction. They are in the minority. They just don’t realize it because we are not provided with adequate choices. The Hispanic vote is decreasing, and even *liberal, white women* are complaining, at least privately. If Democrats lose the black vote, it’s over. If the loony left keeps this up, Democrats will alienate key constituents within its coalition, and it will lose them, possibly for generations. It’s a foolish strategy, and it’s morally wrong. This is a democracy. The politics and the culture should both reflect the majority. That’s clearly not what we have now. Neither reflect the majority.

8/18/23 – The Washington Post and The New York Times are local newspapers. Their reporting is totally disconnected from and does not reflect the majority of Americans, and much of their readership is like them, soulless evolved brains. We need national newspapers that can actually cover this complex, diverse country fairly and dispassionately.

8/18/23 – One of the super big, genius brains commented, “A deficient article that doesn’t mention the misbehavior of Catholic priests that shocks the conscience, and the subsequent coverups by the chrurch [sic].” What about the priests! What does that have to do with these parents?

8/18/23 – This article was published in The Washington Post as an opinion piece because their liberal atheist reporters, many of whom have no journalistic integrity and who do not represent even the country leave alone the world, would never publish something like this as news: a heterosexual couple is not allowed to foster children because of their entirely “normie” religious beliefs, you know the ones that at least 90% of the world views as totally normal. They will however run pieces as news that promote highly controversial practices that at least 90% of the world views as abnormal. The loony left has lost it, and this situation tells you everything you really need to know about how f—ked up the media is. Reverse discrimination is not always true (we don’t need people crying wolf), but it’s also not always untrue. Kudos to them for suing! They will win. It’s blatant discrimination.
A new puritanism is turning Catholics into Salem’s witches

8/18/23 – Both conservative and liberal elites want different constitutional amendments, obviously, ones that favor them. What the American people actually need, which European countries have, is more choice (parties and candidates) and ranked choice voting. It’s a much simpler and more direct fix for many of our political problems.

8/18/23 – The political polarization belies the reality, which is that the vast majority of voters are somewhere in the middle. The two-party system obfuscates it. The phenomenon of MAGA notwithstanding, these are fragile coalitions. Most people are voting either against something or because they have no better alternative. Both parties have exploited this lack of choice. The liberals have exploited it for cultural imperialism. The conservatives have exploited for political power.

8/18/23 – If the Democratic Party loses the black vote, many of whom are rather culturally conservative, it’s toast. It’s already lost many Hispanics because it’s gone off the cultural deep end. Voters, right or left, should never be taken for granted.

8/18/23 – It might be tempting to discount Ramaswamy as a huckster, but aren’t all politicians hucksters? None of them tell the truth all the time. All of us have lied at some point in our lives, if only about minor matters or white lies. Thus, lying is something to which everybody can relate. The seriousness and the frequency are what matter, but this is not a black and white area. It’s a gray area, and this is what regular liars abuse.

He’s also doing what any good politician intuitively knows how to do: validate voters’ feelings. In other words, make them feel good. However, ethical politicians do this in a way that doesn’t do damage, such as promote hate or conspiracy theories.

His political positions are infantile. He has no understanding of politics, and it shows. However, the Republican electorate has shown us that it doesn’t care about that. On the cultural issues, many of his positions, such as God is real, are taking on the extremes of liberalism. “Faith, patriotism, and family have disappeared as pillars, he said on the stump, replaced by ‘depression, anxiety, fentanyl, suicide.’” This is true. Whereas the politics is conservative minority rule. The cultural is liberal minority rule. The liberals own this decay, and on this point, the liberal extremes are the problem, not the pushback against it.
In Vivek Ramaswamy, the Republicans Have Something New

8/17/23 – Religious savages are being punished by the evolved ones who dominate the media and who can’t be bothered to give any thought to weighty questions because they’re too busy preening in front of their cellphones. Idol worship. Cultural hegemony.

8/17/23 – Among religious people in the US, black people have some of the strongest relationships with God. “For African Americans, the Bible’s Exodus narrative is a cultural touchstone. Since before the Civil War, the story of the Israelites’ [Hebrews’] slavery and deliverance has spurred comparisons to black people’s experiences in the United States. Scripture’s importance to the black population in the U.S. is reflected in Pew Research Center survey data showing that black people are more likely than most other Americans to read scripture regularly and to view it as the word of God.” They’re just not evolved enough to figure out it’s all lies, fairytales and such. Maybe the evolved white atheists, with their superior brains, can educate them? White supremacy can take many forms, and it’s not just on the right. The evolved ones must be sure to destroy their spiritual lives, as they have much of the rest of the country’s.
Blacks more likely than others in U.S. to read the Bible regularly, see it as God’s word

8/17/23 – Many loony liberals say the same thing. Who needs enemies when you have them? “Vice Foreign Minister Kim Son Gyong called the United States a ‘declining’ power and said if the council dealt with any country’s human rights, the U.S. should be the first ‘as it is the anti-people empire of evils, totally depraved due to all sorts of social evils.’” The perspective of the godless is that there is no God, so there is no God to love them and no God to love. Why would they love country or anything else larger than themselves? It’s all about them and their evolved brains.
UN: North Korea is increasing repression as people are reportedly starving in parts of the country

8/16/23 – Hey liberal media, MAGA, and loony liberals, the s—t has been real. We need to focus on solving our problems, not creating unnecessary ones. If you’re bored, you’re sleep-walking. Roll up your sleeves and do the work!

8/16/23 – This might not be of much interest to the godless atheists and therefore to the liberal media, but it’s of great interest to us, religious savages. Restorative justice holds a lot of promise. It comes out of indigenous practices and is also an application of the Judeo-Christian value of forgiveness. For almost everyone, forgiveness is one of the hardest virtues to practice. Instead of relying strictly on the criminal justice system, restorative justice can be used instead of it, in cases where the crime was an accident or relatively minor, or in addition to it, where the crime was intentional and more serious. The statistics show that it can greatly reduce recidivism, and it also helps promote compassion, which promotes more compassion, in other words, a virtuous cycle.  

Jewish people and black people have historically been some of the most wronged people in history, and they have also been some of the most forgiving people in history. This is not a weakness. It is a testament to their strength. The Jewish people and black people have both experienced bondage, persecution and liberation on a massive scale, such as the Holocaust and chattel slavery, respectively. Liberation from these wrongs is more than just physical. It is also a psychological and spiritual process. In general, restorative justice has the potential to make our criminal justice system less punitive and more healing, both for the perpetrator and the victim of these crimes, no matter how heinous they are.

8/16/23 – The media is our frontline to protect our democracy, but it’s done terrible damage to our culture. The work they do on the former is being defeated by the damage they do on the latter. When you send the message that anything is permissible, the message received is anything is permissible. Their job is to protect our democracy, not to engage in cultural hegemony or imperialism and to manipulate people into their mindset. The liberal media needs to fix the mess that it created.

8/15/23 – Professions that involve serving people are bleeding staff because serving people has become highly unpleasant. The problem is atheism. We gave up something important and got this s—t culture in return.

8/15/23 – “By the nineteen-sixties, Rothbard had fallen out with William F. Buckley, Jr.,’s National Review, for its support for the Cold War buildup, and for its frivolous inclination to abandon the real ideological fight against the state in an effort to preserve, as Rothbard put it, ‘tradition, order, Christianity and good manners.’” And the abolitionist John Brown was a devout Christian. His faith motivated his zeal to end slavery, a cause for which he sacrificed his own life. “This approach can sometimes come off as a land grab; my eyebrows went up when they claimed the abolitionist John Brown as a libertarian hero.” Right.
The Long Afterlife of Libertarianism
John Brown (abolitionist)

8/15/23 – Clearly, our society is falling apart. Not only have children lost it, but so have the adults. However, most people, children and adults, can’t see it. This is a big part of the problem. If you don’t even recognize you have a problem, you can’t actually fix it. Why can’t they see it? Because they’re following the prevailing culture’s values and norms, and based on it, they’re not doing anything wrong. So, of course, they don’t see it.

Also, MAGA are convinced that their problems will disappear or be greatly reduced if the evil one, trump, is reelected, and if they own the loony libs. The loony libs are convinced that their problems will disappear or be greatly reduced if they defeat the evil one, trump, and own MAGA. From their perspectives, the problem and therefore the solution hinge on power and politics.

Many thoughtful, smart people have offered several theories about why our society is falling apart and recommendations on how to fix it. David Brooks proposes in this piece that it’s a lack of moral formation. Derek Thompson has proposed that is workism, making work the center of one’s identity and life. Among some of the other reasonable theories, some people have proposed that it’s due to political polarization or the weakening of communities.

All of this is true, but the source of the problem is broader and more foundational than this. We have to start with what a human being is. We don’t even agree on this most fundamental of concepts, so really, there is nowhere to go from this lack of consensus but to misery. Also, on the pretense of being a secular culture, we’ve actually become an atheistic culture based on might makes right.

Atheism says there is no god. The universe just started. Evolution determines the formation of life. When you, as an intelligent animal, die, meaning when your body and brain die, that’s the end. What is the inevitable result of a shallow, simplistic conception of a human being and of the world such as the atheistic one? Exactly what you’re looking at.

David Brooks said that “Statecraft is soulcraft. The laws we pass shape the kinds of people we become.” The causality is reversed. Soulcraft is statecraft. The laws we have now are based on Judeo-Christian values. Also, from the atheists’ perspective, human beings don’t have a soul. Therefore, statecraft would follow the laws of evolution, survival of the fittest. Might makes right. There is no moral code. How could there be one based on this theory? The culture, however, has developed based on this theory. No soulcraft is cultural immorality and decay.

Brooks writes, “For decades, researchers have asked incoming college students about their goals in life. In 1967, about 85 percent said they were strongly motivated to develop ‘a meaningful philosophy of life’; by 2000, only 42 percent said that. Being financially well off became the leading life goal; by 2015, 82 percent of students said wealth was their aim.” Is anybody surprised by this? “A meaningful philosophy of life,” what good could that possibly do for anyone when we have no soul? Everybody is avoiding the elephant in the room: the atheism problem.
How America Got Mean

8/15/23 – We have three main existential problems right now: the threat to our democracy (the most immediate), climate change (the most far-reaching), and the disintegration of our society (the most poorly understood).

8/15/23 – Let’s take a journey. Let’s start in our present space. We can look at our own bodies and at the space around us, smell the air, feel what we’re sitting or standing on, hear the noises around us, taste some water or food. We can engage all our senses and know to some degree but not entirely what we’re experiencing.

Now, let’s pull out a little. We can ask ourselves questions about our feelings and thoughts. How do I feel about these sensory experiences? What do I think about their relative importance? Do I prefer one experience over another? We still know, but the knowing becomes more abstracted, more fluid. Perhaps you preferred one thing now, but will prefer something else later. This means that time has a role. Are your emotions, thoughts and states conditional on time or circumstance?

Let’s keep pulling out. What do we know about current domestic affairs? More. What do we know about current international affairs? What do we know about world history? More. What do we know about all human knowledge? What do we know about our solar system? What about our galaxy? More, and more and more. What do we know about our universe?

Imagine yourself sitting there one little speck of knowledge that even when you’re experiencing the most immediate, the most concrete of your experiences, you still know it only to a certain degree, and as you pull out, you remain more or less that little speck, and the unknown keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger. What you know is the numerator, and what you don’t know is the denominator. As you keep pulling out, the unknown keeps getting bigger and bigger until the fraction goes to zero. Now, imagine that there is a God, and he knows everything. This fraction is one.

You are at zero, and God is at one. No matter how much knowledge you gain, relative to God, you’ll still be at zero, and he’ll still be at one. This can be distressing, or it can be liberating. Someone once said to me, “I don’t trust God.” In this case, it will likely be distressing. But imagine if you did trust God. Imagine if you trusted him so much that you fully surrendered to him. What do you really need to know now: the unknown or God who knows all? One of the reasons people yearn to know God is because if they know him, they know everything they really need to know. Is God unknowable? Who is God? In the Abrahamic context, God’s answer is: I am.

8/15/23 – Scientific experiments need to be made much more ethical. The natural world, including the incredible animals we share our beautiful planet with, also belongs to God.

8/15/23 – “We [all human beings] have been created to know the unknowable.” Lovely phrasing of a universal truth. “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You,” as Augustine said. (Augustine was African, not European, by the way. If you’re going to claim to be a Christian, learn the faith and the history.) The need and desire for reconciliation with the divine will continue to exist, whether a person recognizes it or not. Rainn Wilson had been raised in the Baháʼí faith, so even though he fell away from his religion, as so many of us do, he was able to more easily recover it. In fact, this process of loss and recovery can actually help people have a stronger connection to God. (Also, see the Hebrews to Israelites story of loss and recovery below.) To all the atheist parents and nonobservant religious parents, not only have you set your children up to be weaker and less resilient, you’ve also set up them to have no spiritual recovery process. They will have to start from the very beginning, to construct their belief in God from scratch. God works in mysterious ways, but, in general, this is likely to be a harder process.
Why ‘the guy’ from ‘The Office’ wants a spiritual revolution

8/15/23 – A question for the liberal atheists: Unless they’re lying to themselves, which is entirely possible (although being great thinkers, they don’t think of themselves as sinners because they don’t think of sin and, of course, they’re very good people, perhaps even perfect), evolution and natural selection has no moral component. It is simply survival of the fittest. If the only thing that matters about a species or any individual within a species is their relative intelligence, then what should we do with people who have intellectual or other mental disabilities? If you reduce someone to the brain: rational, intelligent, logical, etc., what should happen to the people who aren’t at a high level on these measures? Let’s add the body. If they have physical disabilities, what should we do? (They have no souls, right? So, that’s all to consider.) Should we treat them like the Nazis did? Should we treat them as some “scientists” at the Smithsonian treated blacks and indigenous people? Should we assist them in suicide, my body, my choice? (See David Brooks’s article below.) Should we let them change their brains, allowing them to experiment on themselves, like we experiment with guinea pigs? Science. Progress. Right? Just curious.

8/14/23 – When it comes to bodily autonomy, what’s the difference between the liberal atheists and the libertarians? Is there one? Note that many libertarians are also godless.

8/14/23 – Let’s all remember that not that long ago, the Democratic Party was the racist party, and the Republican Party was the party of Lincoln, the party that freed the slaves. Do people actually think that these racists might not change parties again. (If you do, you’re a special brand of naïve.) It is true that some people who claimed to be Christians incorrectly used the Bible to justify slavery. Any written or oral message, such as our own Constitution, can be incorrectly used to justify anything. That’s the nature of communication of any kind. We have a justice system to help manage this inherent problem. Do you know which part of the Bible they often used? The Old Testament, the Hebrew Bible, the same Bible that contains Exodus, the greatest story of liberation from slavery ever told. It gave comfort and courage to black slaves for generations in their own story to freedom. Remember in the painting below: the Semites and the Nubians toil together in bondage. In a sense, the Hebrews helped liberate their counterpart, another group of people who had been stripped of their identity, to be free at last and recover their God-given human dignity.

Christianity is distinguished from Judaism by the New Testament, and Jesus went out of his way to break down barriers: from the Samaritan woman at the well, to the Good Samaritan, to the Romans, such as the Centurion, etc. His ministry is characterized by a reversal of the power structure, see the Sermon on the Mount and his own crucifixion and resurrection. So, tell us, what are the implications of more godless white racists becoming Democrats given the complete lack of a moral code, not just potential ambiguities within the text to be exploited for evil ends, but completely nonexistent text in the theory of evolution? Where there is an absence of communication, there is no potential for misuse, right? Is that right? You don’t need to imagine actually: you can just look at communists and fascists. Where is the corrective mechanism coming from, for example, regarding the Uighurs in China? It’s coming from the Abrahamic religions, both Islamic and Judeo-Christian traditions, outside of China because in China, might makes right.

8/14/23 – Speaking of slavery, Exodus is one of the greatest stories in the Bible, and it obviously has a special meaning for the Jewish people. It is the foundation for their identity. You can see this as Dr. Henry Abramson describes watching the movie, The Ten Commandments, as a young immigrant in Ontario, Canada and experiencing it as only Jewish people can. As an immigrant, a foreigner in a foreign land, this must have been particularly poignant. Jewish identity has a specific beginning, and they find it after the Egyptians had tried to erase their humanity. In the painting, he explains that the Hebrews are depicted as Semites working alongside the Nubians, without specifically being identified as Hebrews. He draws the analogy to black slaves in the US whose unique African identities were erased by their white enslavers. Don’t take your identity for granted. It’s an important part of who you are. Figure out who you are. And remember: you are nobody’s slave. God made you free.

There is a special treat at the end, a providential resemblance. Wow! Tell us, which endures: worldly power or otherworldly power? Enjoy this great episode!
5 Exodus in Historical Perspective (Jewish History Lab)

8/14/23 – Nobody will make us into slaves, not the liberals, not the conservatives, not the loony left or the MAGA right, not the Democrats or the Republicans, not any of our friends or our enemies in the world, not any corporation. Nobody. God made us free, and we belong to him.

8/13/23 – God loves us all.

8/13/23 – Many people describe Jesus as pacifist. Some might describe him as somewhat introverted, especially compared with the Apostle Paul or some of Jesus’s disciples. Even more than his observant Jewish disciples, Jesus routinely withdraws, leaving his disciples and others, into silence and solitude for prayer.

The liberal elites, media and atheists have forced their idea of a human being upon the rest of us whether or not we realize it. We are walking brains held in bodies that can be modified as we wish. We are a product of cells, simple matter, so we can be engineered in any which way we want. From their perspective, we could modify our bodies to extend the shelf-life of the brain or its productivity. We could modify our brains and bodies such that the brain and the body don’t need a good night’s rest, usually quantified as 8 hours. This would be progress, scientific achievement, evolution. (Note:  If you go without sleep for a long enough period of time, you can literally die. Do not attempt this.)

It used to be the case that much of the country would honor the Sabbath. This observance holds for all three Abrahamic religions, but the day varies. On at least one day, we would rest and reconnect with our spiritual lives. The liberals have destroyed this day for the rest of us, who are the majority in the world. On this day, our minds are now an endless checklist. Our bodies are just a vessel for pleasure. It’s not a day dedicated to our spiritual lives. From their perspective, we don’t have souls, so what possible value could this have. It’s a day to complete unfinished tasks and entertain ourselves with some soma, whatever form that might take for us.

However, we do have souls, and we need time to focus on them. Take time out of your day, like Jesus did, for silence, solitude and prayer. Respect the integrity of your person and nurture your whole being, body, mind and soul. The checklist, the vapid entertainment, it can all wait until tomorrow.  

8/12/23 – If they can’t even hang onto Democrats, leave alone attracting Republicans, they’re failing at their jobs. After more news organizations fail, maybe we can finally get ones that reflect the composition of the country and the world in every respect instead of what we have now. These organizations are dominated by liberal elites who are ambivalent if not antagonistic towards religion. It’s cultural imperialism.

8/12/23 – Does The New York Times still exist?

8/12/23 – The Washington Post’s idea of covering Christianity is to mock it.

8/12/23 – Some Christians dislike or even hate Muslims, yet Islam has nothing but praise for Jesus. Dr. Shabir Ally provides a helpful summary of what Muslims believe and don’t believe about Jesus. From a Christian perspective, Jesus acts like John the Baptist for the Prophet Muhammad, not exactly an insignificant role. Jesus prophesied his coming. Jesus never made a villain out of people. He reached out to everybody. Be like Jesus. Salaam, Shalom, Peace to our Muslim sisters and brothers.
Muslims Believe in Jesus too | Dr. Shabir Ally

8/12/23 – Liberals are some of the most vapid people on the planet. Flaking is not a negative. It could be positive. It’s embracing chaos. This argument is supposedly article worthy.

8/12/23 – Between the liberals, the evolved ones, MAGA, proudly degenerates, and the evil one, trump, it’s going to be a long, hard road.

8/12/23 – If the white nationalist MAGA, the self-described Christians do not actually become real Christians, they need to stop calling themselves Christians because they’re not. They have done incalculable damage to the church.

8/12/23 – “He [Jesus] belongs to the world.” Billy Graham, may his soul rest in peace. We miss him. The geographical trinity image is lovely.
What Did Jesus Look Like? How Would A Jewish Man Possibly Look 2000 Years Ago?
The Land of Israel in the Ancient World (Jewish History Lab)

8/12/23 – The reason communist states, such as China, fascist states, such as Nazi Germany, or communist/fascist states, such as Russia, which are/were all dictatorships, want godlessness is because they don’t want human beings to have inherent dignity and worth. They want human beings to be slaves. Godlessness and authoritarianism appeal to liberals and conservatives, respectively, and it’s up to balanced, sensible people to prevent either of these outcomes.

8/12/23 – For those who think this is a dystopia future, is it in the future, or has it already begun? Let’s consider our problems: the detachment from reality and the increase in violence, both greatly exacerbated by social media and technology; the explosion of pornography, including child pornography; the myriad sexual depravities that have also exploded, both again facilitated by social media and technology; the drug addiction crisis and the associated deaths of despair; the breakdown of the family; the breakdown of gender; the breakdown of identity; the decline of communities; the decline of religious life, and the corresponding increase in isolation, anxiety and loneliness; the mental health crisis also resulting from the decline of community and religion; the new concept of people as simply matter for whom death is nothing but the end of the body and the mind; the disconnection from the natural world; the treatment of classics and classical themes as outdated even ignorant; the desire to transform free people into dependents of the state, such as already exists in Europe. All of this is the liberal elites’ and liberal atheists’ fault. They have destroyed our society. Conservatives are guilty of creating many other serious problems, but you cannot blame these serious problems on them. Hey genius liberals, fix it!

8/12/23 – We, backward idiots, savage religious people, who you, super evolved, genius, irreverent experimenters, who you liberal atheists say believe in the flying spaghetti monster, traditional families, and who want to be more than babies and brains in decanters, and want to, what’s the word, is it science, no, no, it’s not, it’s love, the most irrational of all the irrationals, and not just love, but the highest of loves, with our body, mind and soul (you might be unfamiliar with some of these terms, but they were once considered to make up a whole human being), this unevolved, funny, silly, stupid thing called God, yes, your brave new world, that’s right, we reject it. We don’t find it evolved at all, and we don’t want science in our lives to that degree. Atheists have already told us that we have no souls, deleting our divinity. We don’t want our entire humanity deleted by science. We claim the right to be fully human as designed by our creator. We don’t put our faith in science. We put our faith in God. We believe in a natural and a divine order, and we believe that we are loved by our maker, our God. We understand that you find these ideas antiquated, but we find them eternal.

8/11/23 – This is what the liberal atheists, the evolved ones, want for the rest of us. Science. Evolution.
Brave New World – Narrated by Aldous Huxley

8/11/23 – It should be noted that of the 1.2 billion with no religious affiliation, more than one half of them (58%) are Chinese. It’s not a choice. The Chinese government does not allow them to be religious, nor does the North Korean government.  “In 2015, 1.2 billion people in the world, or 16%, said they have no religious affiliation at all…. The region also hosts 76% of the world’s religiously unaffiliated people, 700m of whom are Chinese.” See link below.

8/11/23 – My body, my choice has always been a lie. Individual autonomy has always had limits, from the beginning of a person’s life to the end of a person’s life. Let’s look at why. “About 49,500 people took their own lives last year in the U.S., the highest number ever, according to new government data posted Thursday.” As a society, we don’t want people or allow people to take their own lives. The moral expectation is that we will intervene to prevent it where possible, even if it means physically restraining the person, in other words, overriding their autonomy.

When we are born, we don’t have individual autonomy. Our parents have almost complete control over us, which diminishes over time as we become more independent of them. Until we are 18-years-old, they are held legally responsible for us. However, this doesn’t mean that during these first 18 years of life, our parents can do anything they want to us. They cannot abuse or neglect us. Why are there these limits? Whether or not we recognize it, we are God’s property. We belong to him. We don’t even belong to ourselves. This is the main reason why you cannot do whatever you want to your own body.

Another reason we can’t do whatever we want to our own body is out of a sense of collective obligation, of our interconnection. During Covid, this terribly simplistic slogan was flipped from liberal usage to conservative usage to defy following Covid restrictions. Just like we are interconnected with the natural world, we are interconnected with each other. Even a single individual’s actions, depending on the action, can have a dramatic impact on all of mankind. Therefore, we have expectations that we will restrict ourselves, in other words, sacrifice individual autonomy for the greater good, especially in certain circumstances.

PS This article is also a good example of liberal bias. Is the problem really access to guns? That might be a contributing factor, but it’s definitely not the underlying cause.
US suicides hit an all-time high last year

8/11/23 – Another key truth: no identity. Neither side, conservatives or liberals, have any idea how to construct a real identity. They both pull words from their respective word clouds, slap them on their persons and convince themselves that they’ve actually done the work of figuring out who they really are.

8/11/23 – Another key truth: superiority. Many white conservatives think they’re superior because of their white skin and Europeans’ supposed dominance. Many liberal atheists think they’re superior because they’re not religious.

8/11/23 – One key truth is this: hypocrisy. Some conservative Christians, not all since many of them know almost nothing about the religion, might remember that Jesus used this word numerous times. Some liberal atheists might think this word doesn’t apply to them since the only word that they think applies to them is science and not some word the flying spaghetti monster said, but it does. They both stink to high heaven of hypocrisy.

8/11/23 – F—k the liberals, and f—k the conservatives. We’re done with the duality. There’s a better way. It’s not through the middle. It’s through the truth.

8/11/23 – Let’s go through this list as a comparative exercise. Let’s see what we find, shall we.

“You or I have no shortage of illusions in our parts of the political spectrum?” Applies to both liberals and MAGA. We all have illusions, not just MAGA, although theirs – at present – are worse.

“Though Trump may be a person of low character, to many of his supporters, he seems like the sort of fighter that is needed—someone who does not follow the rules because the rules are believed to be the problem.” The system is rigged, which it is, applies to both liberals and MAGA.

“When you’ve committed to something at a great cost, it is hard to admit that your commitment was all for nothing.” Universal truth.

“No one wants to be confronted by a horde of their neighbors at church or accused of supporting degeneracy at the grocery store. Peer pressure is probably keeping a lot of people in line.” Another universal truth.

“[W]hat really matters is whether a candidate gives a voter an identity.” True on both sides. Look at Bernie supporters, for example. People don’t know how to construct real identities, so they are vulnerable to creating superficial identities. See criticism below that applies to liberal atheists.

“Trump supporters believe that the economic and cultural game is rigged…. Trump supporters see Trump as challenging the cultural and economic system that excludes them and their views.” Both sides think the system is rigged on every level, and everybody wants a candidate that will unrig it.

“They defend him out of reaction: It’s ‘unpopular,’ and they are raging against the machine.” This is America, and all Americans love flipping the bird to the man. We are naturally rebellious.

“[T]hey don’t want government interfering in their freedom…. And beyond them, I’ve observed that there are people with a seemingly ‘genetic’ trait who simply enjoy seeing a person ‘stick it’ to others.” See previous comment, and add, Americans love freedom.

“But I do think that we tend to support someone when we see ourselves in them. Identity politics play in both parties.” Ditto.

“It’s cultural imperialism.” Both sides are vying for cultural imperialism, which is a great term, and when MAGA says that the cultural system is rigged, they’re right. On the political side, the conservatives have minority rule. On the cultural/media side, the liberals have minority rule. This liberal minority rule pushes atheistic values and calls it neutral by pretending it’s secular. It’s not neutral. It’s a cultural position that favors the minority.

“Part of being a human being is wanting to belong. One way we do that is to identify with someone or something.” Absolutely true. On the political side, some liberals identify with, some might argue, have a cultist attachment, to AOC, Warren, Bernie, for example.

“Give someone a reason to feel good about their anger and resentment and you can gain their loyalty.” Liberals are not at all immune to this.

This comment was brutal and so true. “After all, how would we feel if confronted by a way of life that mocks our religion, siphons up our brightest young people and convinces them we’re hopelessly ignorant, sells us out to the global economy, promotes behavior that’s been taboo for thousands of years, and cancels us if we disagree? It fits with the experience of Indigenous cultures that were overrun by modern industrial society during the past 250 years.” This is what liberals and liberal elites are doing. So, take a cold, hard look at yourselves, and ask yourselves, why do you think you’re so much better than the other side? Liberals are so smart and science and such, do some self-reflection and self-criticism.
13 Readers on What Trump Voters Want

8/10/23 – “84% of the world’s population identifies with a religious group.” Of which over half (55.3%), belong to two Abrahamic religions: Christianity and Islam, which for obvious reasons share considerable theological overlap with Judaism. “According to 2015 figures, Christians form the biggest religious group by some margin, with 2.3 billion adherents or 31.2% of the total world population of 7.3 billion. Next come Muslims (1.8 billion, or 24.1%).” In other words, over one half of the world’s population, to some degree, share the same religious beliefs, with some of them being about as important as they can be, such as the nature of a human being.

Yet the shallow, simplistic atheistic values and worldviews are shoved down our throats by the liberal media, every single day. The liberal atheists claim to have these evolved, highly developed brains; they are so smart, scientific and rational; they are enlightened; they are humanists. Simply put: they are superior. Did you know that?

Actually, the rest of us didn’t know that. These liberal atheists are actually anti-intellectuals, and their entire identity is composed of a word cloud from which they all pull the same words to form a caricature of an identity: humanist, science, rational, science, evolution, science, autonomy, science. Did you know that they believe in science? Perhaps if they repeat the word some more, the backward, religious idiots of the world, such as we are, would get it.

What the liberal atheists actually believe in is their own superiority, and they should just say this. They are more evolved than the rest of us. Are the rest of us supposed to be impressed by this? What exactly are the rest of us supposed to get from them and this? By the way, did you know that they’re cool, really cool, and smart, really smart. That’s what we’re supposed to get. It’s pure narcissism, and it has no value whatsoever to society.
Religion: why faith is becoming more and more popular

8/10/23 – Let us put the liberal atheists’ understanding of human beings in simple terms: we are a more evolved animal due to natural selection, and we think, therefore we are, meaning our body is just a physical vessel to hold our exceptional brains. (The usage here is not referring to Descartes’s original.)

Firstly, many religions do not think of human beings as more evolved animals. The Abrahamic religions definitely don’t. We are made in the image of God, which for all Abrahamic religions is a spiritual image not necessarily a physical one. This is arguably the biggest difference in the way atheists see things and the way we see things. Although God created everything, human beings are distinct on an important level from the animals he created. As an extension of this belief, for us, we, all humans, are created equal.

The logic of evolutionary theory, however, is that we are all unequal. That’s the logical foundation of natural selection. The humans who go extinct either naturally (diseases or genetic susceptibility) or through violence (genocide and war) are just less evolved. Survival of the fittest. Might makes right. One cannot overemphasize how important this difference in our understanding of a human being is. Its implications affect everything.

Secondly, for many religious people, humans aren’t just exceptionally intelligent. We are not just a mind, but a body and a soul as well. We are three parts in one beautiful whole, and all three parts are divine. This difference in understanding also carries with it a myriad of implications.

Liberals feel no compunctions about experimenting with their bodies, either with drugs and alcohol, plastic surgery, gender changes and so on. Nothing is out of bounds because they don’t actually have any regard for the body, except to extend its longevity through any means possible, including ones that religious people would find objectionable. In addition, in their framework, emotions originate in the brain and can be controlled with the right thinking. They also don’t think humans have a soul. It’s ultimately all about the brain for them.

When you reduce human beings to just a brain, all of the other dimensions, the body and the soul, that are actually still there and need nurturing end up being neglected. Do you want to see the result of this one-dimensional understanding of a human being? It’s what you’re looking at right now. A breakdown of people and of the broader society. See, the “Enlightenment” was not actually all that enlightened. It was actually retrograde.

You cannot reduce complex human beings, our cognitive processes and psychology, into I think therefore I am. That’s simply not how humans are actually wired or work. They have needs, desires, and motivations that are of a mystical nature, that transcend both rational and irrational, and they often think and act on a subconscious level. Also, whether something is rational or irrational depends on the perspective.

Let’s consider: Is the desire for humans to connect with their maker rational or irrational? For religious people, it would be entirely rational. Of course, we do because we believe God exists. For atheists, it would be entirely irrational because God doesn’t exist. The existing assumptions determine the rationality or irrationality of the conclusion.

For Christians, God is. God is not because he thinks, but he simply is. We also think that humans are more than just thinkers. We aren’t just because we think. We are body, mind and soul made in God’s image. It is a sensitive, multi-dimensional understanding of human beings that does justice to our complexity and our divinity.

8/10/23 – The power of Christianity is not in militancy or any kind of aggression or dominance. It’s in peace. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. It’s not in belittling or disrespecting other religions or people who are different from you. It’s in love. People love Jesus because he knows how to love. Jesus loves you. It’s not worldly power. It’s otherworldly power.

8/10/23 – This applies to all people and religions, but to address conservative Christians who are feeling threatened by the perception of a decline in the faith: this is a great time for all religions, including for Christianity. It used to be the case that people were born into a faith, and many of them practiced it almost mindlessly. They practiced it because that was the tradition into which they were born. How well did they understand their faith? Did they go to their place of worship because they really wanted to connect with God or for some other reason? When disputes arose between religions or religious factions, they often didn’t settle them peacefully but violently, which, for Christians, is antithetical to Jesus’s teachings.

For perhaps the first time in world history, many people (but sadly not all, in some parts of the world, they aren’t allowed to choose freely, which is a violation of their God-given right) have the freedom and the access to learn about and consider a variety of religions. This is great news! Obviously, they might not approach the process efficiently. They might meander meaninglessly or the variety might end up being more confusing than clarifying. But the people who do find their way, who find their spiritual home and clarity, are much more likely to understand the faith well and have more zeal because they actually went through a discernment process.

The thing to understand about people is that there are certain fundamental truths about their being that don’t change with time. One of these truths is that they all want to be reconciled with God. Even when they don’t recognize this need, it’s still there. So, no matter how the world changes, they will want to fulfill this need.

God willingly, all people on earth will be presented with Christianity among other options, the more options, the better, so that they can be more fully informed, and the Spirit will move them. To conservative Christians, pray for this divinely inspired conversion and be the hands and feet of Christ, so that they can see how powerful our faith is. In your life, bear witness to Jesus Christ and the faith by being the embodiment of goodness. Not only will you be stronger in your own faith, but you will make Christianity much more appealing to others, which will address your fears of its decline in a healthy, positive way.

In the American church, there are a lot of people who treat church as a social club, which is not what church is, and don’t actually understand the faith, which is a real problem. We want people to understand and practice the faith correctly because it is truly a beautiful thing. Also, Christianity has suffered from corruption, power and money almost from the beginning. Remember the Protestant Reformation. This is a great opportunity to clean the Lord’s house and to realize what Luther and other reformers hadn’t fully realized: a Christianity that’s actually faithful to Christ’s teachings.

8/10/23 – Christianity and religion, more generally, are not in decline. It’s a false perception.

8/9/23 – “Jesus represents a whole body of religion, not just one way.” Oprah means well, so let’s show her some grace, but this is very imprecise language and frankly wrong. And Rohr who is thought-provoking and has many good insights is also guilty of this sometimes. He’s a good person and could be a healing force in these polarized times, but frankly, his theological interpretations can be pretty loose.

Even more than to Christians, Oprah’s statement would actually be quite offensive to practitioners of other religions. In that statement, their sophisticated and differentiated belief structures are being subsumed under Jesus. When these sort of “universalists” (don’t really know what to call them) make these kinds of statements, they mean to be inclusive. They mean well. They are trying not to exclude. What they don’t understand is that it’s actually quite offensive to almost all practitioners of various religions. This is a good example of how to do inclusivity incorrectly.

Just like human beings and all of God’s creation around us, religious and spiritual traditions are diverse. They are all sophisticated. These are the hardest questions we grapple with as human beings. A lot of (metaphysical) thought, debate and decision-making has gone into them. Almost all of them overlap to some degree, and they are all also different. (See Joseph Campbell.) Therefore, when you try to erase their distinguishing characteristics, this is naturally offensive because you’re treating these elements as if they are not integral to the religion, as if they are optional. You’re treating the religion like it’s an à la carte religion from which you can pick and choose, or mix and match how you want. You’re disrespecting the integrity of the religion.

This is one of the reasons why you have to choose. (See below.) Imagine that you’re choosing a spouse. You can’t mix and match. You can’t take aspects of one girlfriend or boyfriend and mix it with aspects of another girlfriend or boyfriend. Not only is it usually infeasible, but you would be violating the integrity of the person. If you try to change the person, especially on a substantive level, into the other person, it’s likely not going to go well. This is disrespectful to the person. You’re not accepting the person as is.

Choosing a religion is like choosing a spouse. You’re “marrying” that belief system. You can always try to “spin off” a new one that uses elements of the original and perhaps elements from other system(s) or something new. See Christianity from Judaism or Buddhism from Hinduism. But you can’t mix and match between existing religions because it’s disrespectful to the religious and spiritual traditions. In one’s personal life, of course, you’re free to do what you want, but just know that these kinds of ideas and statements will likely not go over well with a lot of people, especially in traditional cultures.

Inclusion done correctly is founded on love and respect for the differences. Human beings have come up with so many different understandings of God, which in and of itself is a testament to the divine. There is a natural desire to understand the divine and for this divine connection. To do inclusion right, you simply recognize the differences between faith systems. You can appreciate or admire aspects of other faith traditions. You can try to learn the other systems to help inform your own practice and spirituality. You can even try to understand their theological foundations. However, you also have your own reasons why you chose what you chose. That doesn’t mean that other religions or belief systems are less than yours. They just didn’t correspond as well to your understanding or conception of God. Remember: none of us know. We believe. So, humility is always in order, but picking and choosing, mixing and matching is not respectful. It’s actually disrespectful, even if well-intentioned.
Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations Father Richard Rohr The Universal Christ

8/9/23 – It is now clear to me why I was dreading dealing with love. It is the most abused word and concept in the world. It is a tortured word cloud holding the most banal and the most sophisticated of emotions and states. Tip: Whenever you’re confused about metaphysical matters, refer to the Gospel. High likelihood it’s covered there. God is love. We want to be reconciled with God. Love in this highest of expressions resides in the heart (body), mind, and soul. In other words, this kind of love requires your entire being. “Jesus replied, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. Love God above all else. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” The second part, “love your neighbor as yourself,” is less demanding but still hard to do. In practice, we love in different ways, and in most (if not all other) expressions of love, it’s not going to reside in our entire being but parts (one or more) of it, or rather oddly, just a banal utterance (not really love) that doesn’t really reside anywhere but in a word cloud. What are the implications of this? For you to be truly transformed, your entire being (body, mind and soul) needs to be in a state of love of God.

8/9/23 – Faith, soul. Hope, soul. It would have to be love, the most irrational of the irrationals. Even time is easier to deal with because you can just say it started with the Big Bang (the beginning of the universe, of all creation, and God exists outside all of it) and call it a day. (You’ll notice that this means that time is not infinite.) But love is frankly a pain in the a— metaphysically, arguably the worst. It would be so much easier to ignore it, but that no longer seems tenable. So, where does love fit best? Body (unlikely, even though we associate it with the heart, which is just an organ), mind (unlikely, love is way too irrational), soul (promising but complicated), a separate entity (but how exactly)? Let’s work from the premise that love resides in the soul. Let’s list a few things people love: nature, books and other human creations, pets, other humans, and God. Now, let’s make some statements. I love nature. I love my blue coat. I love my dog. I love my child. I love God. Are all of these expressions of love going to originate in the soul? Are we just sloppy and use the same word, “love,” to express very different emotions or states? Given how hard people fight for money and material possessions, it seems to be (some sort of) love though? Maybe it’s just an addiction? Some (sadly, likely many) people (seem to) love their money and stuff more than anything else, including other humans? How could this love reside in the soul? Is the love for one’s parents or children the same as one’s love for God? Is there a hierarchy to love? Perhaps different types of love reside in different places. This would, however, undermine the integrity of the concept. Love as a single concept would cease to exist. Or perhaps love is only love if it resides in the soul, and everything else is just called “love,” but it’s really not love. From this perspective, the residence (the soul) of the expression (love), defines the expression. Is this tautological?  

8/9/23 – Don’t feel at all compelled to dig into this. It’s pretty metaphysical stuff. This is a Jewish explication, and this line stuck out to me, “Without the body, the soul would be unable to do the holy, redemptive work of following the commandments.” It’s as if the soul needs the body to redeem the soul, which I find rather fascinating from a Christian perspective, especially in terms of communion, since Jesus gave his body to redeem our souls.
Body and Soul: Indispensable partners for doing life’s sacred work

8/9/23 – Jesus was a brown Jew (brown Jew, meaning not white) born in the Middle East. This was the specific human form Jesus, the Son of God, took. One’s preferences and opinions on this matter are irrelevant.

8/9/23 – The process below will work for discernment for any religion, no religion, or no one religion. For Christianity specifically, many people don’t need this or any intellectual process at all. Their hearts know. Their hearts run to Jesus like a child to its parent. They understand Jesus’s love, and that’s all they need. They are truly blessed. The rest of us need our minds to explicitly make that journey with us.

8/9/23 – Some words of advice to people trying to understand Christianity or discern if they believe in it: if you let it, the process and Christianity can be overwhelming. The Trinity can be particularly hard to understand, and some people argue that Christianity isn’t a monotheist religion because of it. Note: monotheist does not equal superior. It’s best to not get too wrapped up in theological debates or definitions. It will more than likely frustrate or confuse you and will not help you at all in your spiritual journey. You can just ask yourself a couple basic questions and your answers to them should be enough.

The first question to ask yourself is: Do you believe in God? If you believe in God, then God can take on whatever form or no form. God takes on different forms in different religions. Therefore, the second part is to decide which form is true. Note: “Believing” in all religions might be an appealing copout from actually making a decision, but it’s also pretty meaningless. This does not mean that you can’t strengthen your faith or spirituality by learning from other religions.

In Christianity, God takes the form of the Trinity. The Trinity is basically the Father (no physical form), Jesus (human form), and the Holy Spirit (no physical form) that are connected as one whole. I understand the Holy Spirit as Jesus explained it. When he left this world and his disciples, he sent the spirit to guide and help them and us. He didn’t want his disciples, in particular, who had gotten used to his presence and whom he had sent on hard missions to feel orphaned.

To me, the remarkable aspect of the Trinity is for God to explicitly take human form, Jesus. This is an important point: You do have to believe that Jesus is the Son of God to be a Christian. In the Christian faith, he’s not just a nice man who did and said some nice things, or a prophet, as he is in the Islamic religion. Why would God actually choose to take human form and then choose to die on the cross for us? That’s a mystery. Only God can know his own motivations, and one just needs to accept it as such. But if you need (even more) proof of God’s incredible love for us, there it is. So, the second question to ask yourself is: Do you believe the testimony in the Gospel? That’s pretty much all there is. It’s best to not over-think. Reduce the logic to its essence and answer key questions.

8/8/23 – What church leaders and others need to admit is that they watered down Christianity to make it more palatable for the general public. Let’s face it. Many people can’t even understand the Gospel, let alone live it. This “mass marketing,” if you will, comes at a cost to the faith itself, and arguably, to the broader society that would otherwise greatly benefit from a better understanding and practice of it. The reform that needs to happen is to bring Christianity back to its roots. Don’t pretend it’s a religion that doesn’t ask much. It asks everything. But if we can do it, we get everything in return. It’s better for the church to be smaller and truer than whatever it is now.

8/8/23 – Correction: The verbatim part below isn’t correct. It was actually his son, jr. However, the general message is the same, for example, here.

8/8/23 – Personally, it’s mind-blowing to me to spend all this time on something, and not understand it at all. What’s the point in that? Sleep-walking through one’s life. Wake up, people. Think more. Think harder.

8/8/23 – When hasn’t the church been in crisis? It’s been in perpetual crisis. In the west, in the beginning, it was persecuted within the Roman Empire, which is a crisis of its own. Then, it became adopted by the Roman Empire as its religion, which is a crisis of a different kind, arguably worse than the persecution. And on and on and on. The question I have for all true Christians in the west (because where Christianity is a minority religion, they should know better) is: why do you expect a subversive religion, which is what Christianity is, to not be in crisis?

Jesus told us what to expect, and it isn’t pretty. Yet your expectations aren’t actually matching what he told us to expect. In other words, if Christianity is practiced correctly, you’re going to be persecuted; you’re going to be marginalized; you’re going to be distrusted, and so on. Yet, the expectation is that you’re going to be an extension of the powers that be, of the status quo: dominant, powerful, wealthy, etc. What is this? When this has been the case, the church became corrupt, meaning it stopped being the church in its original intention, and therefore, in crisis. The church is the purest when it is the truest to the teachings of Jesus Christ, typically when it’s a smaller group of people who come together to worship together or to live and worship together, casting off all worldly trappings. You see this throughout the history of the persecuted church, throughout the world, people who are willing to give up everything for Jesus.

I had the Bible read to me in church since I was born, and I used to think that all people had to do was to read the Gospel for themselves, and they would be converted (born again), which was my personal experience. I later realized this is not the case. As you can see below, people can react in the strangest ways to the Gospel. If Jesus, the Son of God, is weak, then how do you define powerful? Jesus chose of his own volition (this is why we call it a sacrifice and not a crime), to die on the cross for us, for our salvation. He didn’t have to do any of the things he did. He chose to do the things he did, including to die, for us. Does God need us, or do we need God? These people below don’t actually understand even the basics of the faith they claim to practice, and there are millions of them. It would be shocking if it weren’t so common.

”It was the result of having multiple pastors tell me, essentially, the same story about quoting the Sermon on the Mount, parenthetically, in their preaching — ‘turn the other cheek’ — [and] to have someone come up after to say, ‘Where did you get those liberal talking points?’ And what was alarming to me is that in most of these scenarios, when the pastor would say, ‘I’m literally quoting Jesus Christ,’ the response would not be, ‘I apologize.’ The response would be, ‘Yes, but that doesn’t work anymore. That’s weak.’ And when we get to the point where the teachings of Jesus himself are seen as subversive to us, then we’re in a crisis.” And do you know where they got this particular misunderstanding? They got this from the evil one, trump. It’s practically a verbatim quote. The devil has entered the Lord’s house, but let’s not pretend this is the first time nor will it be the last.

To dissect this particular observation: “And when we get to the point where the teachings of Jesus himself are seen as subversive to us, then we’re in a crisis.” Is this, “subversive to us,” how we define crisis? The reality is that Christianity is subversive, and in many ways, it’s actually intended to be “subversive” to us. We should be clear-eyed and honest with ourselves about what our religion says and what it is asking us to do. It’s asking us to go against every natural instinct we have as human beings: self-preservation, narcissism, power, money, lust, and on and on. When you think lower-level thinking or instinct, we’re being asked to not do it. What should we call that? We are choosing to subvert a lower-level person for a higher-level person because that’s what it takes to be closer to God. That is what Jesus asked of us. That is what he modeled. When you understand it that way, “turn the other cheek” is not weakness. It’s power. The reason it is not understood this way by Christians and non-Christians is because there has been a complete misunderstanding of what the Gospel’s message really is, and this misunderstanding is perpetuated by, at least, American, if not western, churches themselves.
He was a top church official who criticized Trump. He says Christianity is in crisis

8/8/23 – Paul said that the greatest of these: faith, hope, love is love. You would think that for Paul, the person who was blind but then could see, it was faith, but it wasn’t. It was love. I wasn’t actually convinced. They seemed equally important. Other things also seemed equally important. What about justice? What about equality? Etc. I’m absolutely convinced he was right now. Love is the greatest of all. It is also the greatest commandment. How I got to this conclusion is long, convoluted and a bit mystical. In other words, I’m not sure I can explain it myself, but he was right. Probably subconsciously, I didn’t want it to be true because I knew it would be really hard for me. I don’t think of myself as a mystic or a naturally loving person at all. I think of myself as a rational person who’s rather bad with all emotions, especially love. So, talking about the highest of emotions, love, is about foreign as it could possibly be for me, but here I am. The person that wants to tell people to just go f—k themselves will still be here though, just to manage expectations.

8/8/23 – Being really good at virtue signaling and really bad at showing love in the real world doesn’t work. You have to change yourself. You have to the work. Don’t worry about controlling or changing others. The reason you want to control or change others is because you’re trying to get out of doing the hard work of changing yourself. It’s a similar psychological place to procrastination, but it gives you a scapegoat. If only they’d change…. No, you need to change. I need to change. We all need to change ourselves.

8/8/23 – His comments about elders particularly and painfully resonates. The older people in my personal life are simply older. They definitely are not elders. In fact, the reason why very few older people in general are regarded that way is because they didn’t develop themselves to be elders. So, it’s hard to find people with wisdom who live contemporaneously with us. There is the wisdom elders left in books, which is much appreciated and helpful, but it’s not the same as being in their company. There might be more middle-aged people who are on their way to being elders. (Middle-age is generally a good time to start because one has enough experience to reflect on and hopefully enough maturity to do this work.) So, it seems something, maybe a narcissistic arrested development, happened, particularly in the baby boom generation.

8/8/23 – If anybody is wondering why Richard Rohr keeps being shared, it’s because the situation has gotten so dire, we need to bring in the cavalry. He’s probably our best shot right now to get us out of this quagmire we’ve created. At a minimum, he’s capable of self-reflection and self-criticism. (He’s obviously capable of much more than that.) If you can’t do self-reflection and self-criticism, and MAGA and the loony libs seem incapable of this, then you really can’t help anything or anyone move forward. You have to be able to do at least this one thing.
Father Richard Rohr “Falling Upward”

8/8/23 – Remote work is better for the environment, and if they relocate to rural areas, better for communities. But on an individual basis, given our loneliness epidemic, it’s probably not healthy for people. There should be some balance that each employee can work out with their employer based on their life situation.

8/8/23 – People love Jesus because he knows how to love. God loves us all with a deep and abiding love. Yes, this includes MAGA with their lovers of demagoguing false gods and democracy killers, and yes, the loony libs with their militant atheists and irreverent experimenters. In fact, Jesus seems to specialize in loving hard to love people. It’s one of the great mysteries. A section should be added to praying the rosary: the love mysteries. Jesus chose Paul, the persecutor, and Matthew, the tax collector. The others couldn’t figure out why, but there they were with the Apostles. Writing away. Love mystery. Jesus even loved the people who condemned him, an innocent man, to death. Love mystery.

8/8/23 – A word to the wise (and to the Democratic Party), psychology is more important than economics or any other policy matter. It’s not the economy, stupid. It’s the person, stupid. Any party or politician worth anything would do one thing well – make voters feel good. That’s really all one needs to do. It is critical to understand and acknowledge their fears. The world has changed faster than most people, even well-educated ones, can process. Even the tech “geniuses” can’t keep up with their tech “genius” inventions. How can anybody else? Say that. Speak truths that narrow the distance between us and them to make it we. Speak truths about the state of affairs that shows empathy with voters, which is what people and politicians should do anyway, empathize. Then, provide an antidote to what is naturally an unpleasant state of the mind (and the soul). If your opponent is someone who peddles hate, provide love. If he incites fear, instill hope. If he spews lies, speak truth. And so on. On a fundamental level, everybody, whether they realize it or not, wants to be reconciled with God, with love. You don’t actually need to convince anybody of anything. You just need to get their state of mind (and soul) into a positive place where their fears, whether real or perceived, have been acknowledged and allayed, and provide a positive alternative. You will not only increase your chances of winning, but you’ll help our country heal, which is even more important.

8/8/23 – “George Will said it first, but it bears repeating: The modern GOP is the first American party that fears its own voters.” It might sound counter-intuitive, a party fearing its own voters, but this phenomenon is not unique to the United States. In China, for example, the people can get worked up into such a nationalistic fervor that it can be hard for the Communist Party (or now the dictator Xi Jinping) to rein them in, especially on issues of a nationalistic variety (us versus some foreign threat, real or perceived, a qualification one needs to add because it’s usually perceived), for example, the South China Sea. The leadership isn’t necessarily afraid of the people in these authoritarian regimes, but they can be cowed into taking actions they wouldn’t otherwise take to appease the angry, nationalistic mob.

These are fear-based regimes and politicians. They prey on the fears of the people. Unlike Jesus, who kept repeating, “do not be afraid,” they want the people to be afraid. Fear is a primal emotion, and Jesus was asking us to rise above it. (This is not easy. Look at what difficulties his own disciples had.) Once it’s triggered, the survival instinct (a fight or flight response) kicks in, which can run longer and stronger than intended. The GOP’s MAGA base has become a fear-based electorate. We know that they are also grievance-based. Rohr explains that every preference is a grievance waiting to happen. If one’s preferences carry (perceived) existential weight, the resulting grievances become fears that become battles for survival whether real or perceived. Remember: it was really not Pontius Pilate or the Jewish high priests who condemned Jesus to death. It was the angry mob that the Jewish religious leaders had worked up into an irrational rage. It’s an ancient strategy that will often work and will continue to be exploited by evil people. Unless, of course, we can become a people who rise above fear to a higher state of consciousness, one defined by love.
Mike Pence’s 11th Commandment

8/7/23 – God bless the persecuted church. Pray for our sisters and brothers in Christ. Pray that the hearts of the Hindu persecutors are softened in Manipur and throughout India where they have terrorized other religious minorities, such as Muslims. Pray for peace in India and throughout the world.

8/7/23 – This is the person who the unprincipled panderer, also known as Biden, as well as other weak world leaders, such as Macron, who hasn’t met a dictator whose a— he wouldn’t kiss, courted and showered with unearned praise. Like the evil one, trump, did here, the murderous, dictator(-wannabee) modi (and his demagoguing BJP) foments this hatred and then silence. Not a spiritual silence. A satanic silence. Under the BJP, it will never be Gandhi’s India. “For three months, the strongman leader has been absent on arguably the worst ethnic violence ever seen in the remote state, where Modi’s Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party is in power. Modi’s role, or lack thereof, has sparked a no-confidence motion against him in Parliament, where his government holds the majority.”
India’s Modi faces a no-confidence vote over silence on ethnic violence tearing at remote Manipur
Violence & Assault in Manipur: Christians Persecuted in India

8/7/23 – It is incumbent upon all – meaning all – of us to help each other. We have a mental health crisis, an addiction crisis, which is also related to a deaths of despair crisis, a homelessness crisis, a poverty crisis, etc. We have a lot of crises. One of our responsibilities as human beings is to help restore each other’s dignity in our daily lives. When you cross paths with someone/anyone, smile, and if possible, greet the person, or raise your hand in a gesture of peace. If possible, talk to each other. Where you can, help each other. Basically, recognize the person’s humanity and divinity. It is a simple gesture that makes a big difference. It also helps build community.

Other people are not just other animals that share your space. They are God’s people, and they belong to him. Treat his creation, human and other, with the grace and love he and they deserve. There are a lot of broken people in the world, and they need love. They need to be reminded that they are loved by God and by others. If all you’re doing is spewing hate: religion is bad, God is bad, science is bad, x political party is bad, everything but what you think is right is bad, you’re not fulfilling your responsibilities as a human being to your fellow human beings. You’re not being restorative. You’re being destructive no matter how well-intentioned you might be.

Everybody wants to know that they are loved. It is a fundamental need, and we each have to communicate this truth to each other in gestures, words and deeds, or unnecessary pain will continue. A person who is well-connected with God exudes love. Most of us aren’t there, but this is the goal. Let’s drive out each other’s fear with love. It’s not easy to do, especially consistently, but we have to keep trying for ourselves, for others and for God. Fail again. Fail better.

8/7/23 – Don’t be motivated by fear. Be motivated by love. Love is fearless. God loves all of us. What do we have to fear? Nothing. Not even death itself. “Do not be afraid.”

8/7/23 – In terms of secular law, one person’s right to practice their religion openly and in peace trumps another person’s right to protest this practice if it prevents them from exercising their right. In other words, some exercises of freedom of expression get more protection than others. They are not all equal.

8/7/23 – Most of the video below is a critique of the church and Christian practice, but the critique Rohr makes at the beginning of science is fair. In fact, if one is wondering why economics, for example, doesn’t seem to change, aside from the influences of power and money, it’s his explanation of dualistic thinking. Also, the Big Bang theory he referenced was discovered by a Catholic priest, Georges Lemaître. Science has never been Christians’ enemy. If anything, it supports the faith if only we could understand it this way. Like many institutions, people and things in the secular world and in other religions, the church is its own worst enemy.

8/7/23 – Did you know that a lot of MAGA, Make God Great Again, are pagans or don’t even practice Christianity? They want to control who comes into the churches they don’t attend and who practices the faith they don’t practice. They want to call themselves Christians even though they worship false gods, evil men.

8/7/23 – “[I]t’s not your place to pick and choose…. The Gospel was meant to be a socio-political economic revolution. How else is Jesus going to be the savior of the world if we keep him at this tribal level? Keep him just our little Jesus, our little Christ, who just cares about white, middle-class Americans who vote correctly, you know?… For some reason, we’re in love with the good old days when God was God. Give me that old-time religion when God was God. Do you see the atheism in that? Do you see the agnosticism in that?…. [I]t isn’t up to you to decide what human beings are sacred or whether the earth is sacred. It really is an all or nothing proposition. Either this whole thing came forth from God or it didn’t. Either God created all things or God created nothing…. It’s not a moral matter. It’s a mystical matter.” Amen. Amen.
An Evening with Richard Rohr

8/7/23 – People do no spiritual work during their lifetimes. Then, they get to the end of their lives and are woefully unprepared to reckon with their own mortality. Like anything else, one needs to put time and effort into a spiritual life in order to grow. It is an important part, arguably the most important part, of a life well-lived. Don’t neglect it.

8/7/23 – Medicine is a glorified trade, and there is no real reason for “doctors,” which is originally and still now an academic title not a medical one (it should remain that way), should make as much as they do. They are over-paid and over-respected. They often don’t care about helping people. They just care about the money and prestige. They also shouldn’t be trusted. Any time they make a recommendation, which is all it is, not an order, do your research and think about your own bodies. They are not always ethical, and they will prescribe medications that are unnecessarily and lifelong. Not that long ago, many of them were often quacks and charlatans. More recently, the profession intentionally made itself too exclusive, and that’s in part what drove up their salaries. It suppressed the supply of doctors. AI will soon be doing much of their work better and cheaper. We should all hope that medical costs fall considerably as a result.

8/7/23 – Once a news organization undermines its credibility, it’s pretty much impossible to recover from it. They aren’t paid to push an agenda. They’re paid to objectively report the f—king news.

8/6/23 – Today is the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. It is when his divinity is revealed to his disciples: Peter, James and John. The Lord chose these disciples as is his prerogative. May we be transformed by his sacrifice and by grace into instruments of his peace and love.

8/6/23 – God created everything, including all human kind. We belong to him. We are his property, and therefore, we cannot be anybody else’s property. To own another human being in any way, shape or form is an act against God. When we, as a free people, chose to build a church, it becomes the Lord’s house. It belongs to him. It is not anybody’s place to choose who can be part of the body of Christ.

There are over 8 billion people in the world, and about one-eight of them are Catholic. It is simply not possible for us to always agree. We are not robots or clones of each other. We are children of God, and by his design, we are unique. We are entitled to our own feelings, opinions and thoughts.

What we are not entitled to do is to play God. No Christian gets to decide who is welcome in the Lord’s house into which we all, including the priests, walk as sinners. God has already decided that. Jesus decided that when he extended his ministry from the Jews to the Gentiles. God chooses his followers. As a Christian, you are free to disagree with how others live their lives or the decisions they make, but they also have the divine right to make those decisions for themselves.

Just as no human being will be the gatekeeper beyond this life, you are not free to be gatekeepers to his house on earth, the church. It is, at a minimum, discrimination and could even be persecution to try to prevent LGBTQ+ or anybody else from practicing their Christian faith. They have a divine and civil right to practice their faith openly and in peace.

It should go without saying that all – meaning all, meaning catholic – are welcome to all churches. After all, they don’t actually belong to us. They belong to our Lord and our God. If you feel called to him, go to him where we will pray for your transformation and for our own.
Pope presides over solemn Way of the Cross prayer as Portugal government weighs in on LGBTQ+ protest

8/6/23 – Below are two videos that provide much food for thought. They touch on several topics relevant to our present problems, which are many and serious. Also, take time for silence and contemplation. It’s important for your soul.
Trappist | Full Movie | Thomas Moore | Kathleen Norris | Herbert Bronson MD
Festival of Faiths: Fr. Richard Rohr: Finding God in the Depths of Silence

8/6/23 – The truth is that American universities have a lot of problems. Many of which are caused by rich elites, but also simple demographics, such as the baby boom. There are many good articles from academics and others that outline them. Presenting these universities as innocent institutions of moral and intellectual purity is not accurate.

8/6/23 – There is a decline of the west. That’s indisputable. The original west, Europe, is dying. Some of the decline has been due to the excesses of the “Enlightenment,” a poor understanding of and irrational belief in science. Some of it has been due to the excesses of liberal culture that is hedonistic and godless. However, the right’s dystopian authoritarian vision would only accelerate the west’s decline. The result of this vision, as it has been shown in Russia, is cultural death, enslavement and kleptocracy. Russia has no culture. It has only theft. It has no free people. It has only slaves. It has no democracy. It has only autocracy. This result isn’t the restoration of western values: democracy, freedom and human rights. It’s a restoration of might makes right, of pre-Christian values.

The driving psychological force in the appeal of this vision is that social changes are happening much faster than many people’s ability to adapt to them or even to absorb them. The average person is not adaptable and not smart. Although some people (liberals) want to continue the change, even at a faster pace, many people want to stop the change, and some people (such as MAGA) even want to reverse the change. This would give them a false sense of control over these changes. Why is it a false sense? Because the motivations of those who peddle this vision have nothing to do with the restoration of western values. They just want to consolidate power and money for their own personal benefit.

To restore western values, more precisely, to build societies that truly reflect western values as listed above, would require the transformation that Jesus prescribed: a death of the glorification of the self and the birth of the glorification of God. This is contrary to both the right’s and the left’s prescriptions. It is countercultural to the entirety of our present culture. It doesn’t fit into any side of the “culture wars” because it is on the side of Jesus, on the side of truth. It also can’t be imposed on people. They have to choose it of their own volition, of their free will. If they choose it, they will be truly free.
Why the Populist Right Hates Universities

8/6/23 – Almost all rich people have a sickness of the soul. Money is addictive and corrupting. It erodes souls. Don’t envy them. Don’t admire them. Don’t model them. Instead, follow Jesus. Be like him. If you commit to him, you commit to everything good, true and holy, and you will be transformed.

8/6/23 – Science. “The protective benefit of personal spirituality, meaning someone who says their personal spirituality is very important, is 80% against addiction. They have 80% decreased relative risk for the DSM diagnosis of addiction to drugs or alcohol…. In other words, three cheers for the skeptic. Here is published, peer reviewed science for skeptical audiences to begin to explore, to be curious about our spiritual nature. You know, at the inner table of human knowing we all have an empiricist, a logician, an intuitive, a mystic, and a skeptic. And the skeptic is very welcome, but the skeptic is not the bouncer at the door.” But don’t do it for the science. Do it for your soul.
This Ivy League researcher says spirituality is good for our mental health

8/5/23 – Christianity started as a small Jewish sect that worships a man, Jesus, who was crucified on the cross. It was countercultural. It’s still countercultural when practiced correctly. Despite everything, the scandals, the corruption, the reformation, 2,000 years, the Pope is still the most powerful person in the world. It’s pretty mind-blowing.

8/5/23 – An older article (2015) whose relevance has only grown. Many of the world’s religious faithful and scientists are in agreement on this issue. The only people pushing an alternative narrative as they push alternative facts are the merchants of short-term profits and long-term poverty. “In ‘Laudato Si,’ Francis addressed ‘every living person on this planet,’ urging them to hear ‘both the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor’ about the damage from ‘compulsive consumerism,’ waste and a single-minded pursuit of profit.’… Scientists who for more than 50 years have been talking about the dangers of global warming say the encyclical could break the inertia that has characterized climate negotiations. With their data and computer models, scientists appealed to logic; the pope sought to engage the soul.”
Pope challenges world to clean up its filth

8/5/23 – What is a life well-lived? Status, money, prestige? Or is it living a humble life of service, caring for our planet, lifting up others and giving glory to God? “‘An academic degree should not be seen merely as a license to pursue personal well-being, but as a mandate to work for a more just and inclusive — that is, truly progressive — society,’ he said. Francis encouraged the students to use the privilege of their educations to protect the environment, care about poor and marginalized people, and to ‘redefine what we mean by progress and development.’”
Pope gets an electrifying World Youth Day welcome and urges fighting for economic justice, climate

8/4/23 – Get some f—king perspective. “Such eruptions occur when officials let their irritations suppress their empathy. At the moment of peak whine, they forget what it means to have a fifth of your country occupied, or to know that a far bigger country is attempting, every night, to smash your power plants, blockade your ports, and destroy your crops. They are not holding in the forefront of their minds obliterated towns and mass graves. They do not know what it is to welcome back exchanged prisoners of war who have been castrated. Or to mourn old men and women murdered, or younger men and women tortured and raped. Or to worry frantically about thousands of children kidnapped. They forget that while a Western official’s sleep may be interrupted by a phone call or an alarm clock, a Ukrainian official’s sleep is more likely (and more often) interrupted by a siren or the crash of a missile slamming into an apartment block.” Eliot Cohen, thank you! Slava Ukraini!
Western Diplomats Need to Stop Whining About Ukraine

8/4/23 – See the plague mentioned below. “The MAGA base doesn’t support Mr. Trump in spite of his flaws. It supports him because it doesn’t seem to believe he has flaws.” He doesn’t believe he has flaws, so it must be so. Forget: “I think, therefore I am.” I think I am perfect, therefore I am perfect. Right, libs? Right, MAGA? Right, everyone?
More generally, “The former President continues to attract millions of supporters who have such antipathy for Biden, for the Democrats, for the ‘corporate media,’ for academia, for all the institutions they see as woke and hostile to their interests, that they interpret Trump’s deviance as defiance, his lies as truthtelling, his fury as their fury.” Thus, more precisely, they aren’t attracted to the evil one, necessarily, as much as they are repelled by the alternative. Why is that? Is it because the alternative refuses to do any kind of self-reflection and self-criticism? Also, it’s not just hostile to their interests. It’s also hostile to them and things they hold dear, such as their religion. The left helped create this situation, and they refuse to accept any responsibility for their role in it. The reckoning is coming for all of us.
The New Trump Indictment and the Reckoning Ahead

8/3/23 – To reprise some of the points in this Atlantic article below, there is a difference between “workism” as we currently experience it and intense productivity. This is an important distinction because it can be argued that nobody has been as productive as deeply faithful Christians. The Benedictine monks, for example, did nothing but ora et labora, pray and work. They were so productive, they became wealthy, which sometimes led to corruption, and, of course, they also saved western civilization with their transcription. It isn’t just that we’re working a lot. It’s that there is no counterbalance: a nurturing of the soul, a communal structure and a deep love of and commitment to God. The other half of this equation is important, and we have lost it. Work can’t give you these other things: “but for the college-educated elite, it [work] would morph into a kind of religion, promising identity, transcendence, and community.” Religion gives you those things, and when you lose religion, you lose the counterbalance to work. Then, you are just a slave to the world instead a slave to God, which is not being a slave at all, but being totally and completely free.
What Did Medieval Monks Do All Day?
Why So Many Americans Have Stopped Going to Church

8/3/23 – Love yourself as you are means as you actually are, not as you want others to perceive you to be. If you want others to think you’re rich, you can buy a bunch of expensive clothes, and they might think you’re rich, but you’re not actually rich. If you change aspects of your physical appearance, your DNA doesn’t change with it. There is a plague upon our world, and it’s this idea that you can just pretend to be a certain kind of person and that makes it so. It doesn’t. Also, it’s just a matter of time before the loony liberals, the irreverent experimenters who don’t understand the limits of their intelligence or abilities and who have no respect for God, destroy mankind by screwing with human DNA. It’s hard to say which will come first, the destruction of the planet, which has been caused by both the right and the left, or the destruction of human kind by irresponsible and unethical experimentation, which will most likely be caused by the crazy libs. In either case, the apocalypse is nigh.

8/2/23 – The evil one, trump, deserves the death penalty.

Notes from Underground – July 2023

7/31/23 – Humans are idiots. Worse. Humans are narcissistic idiots. Pope Francis said, “The church is a love story, not an institution.” It’s true. The church is a love story with God, with Jesus Christ, and he needs to say this for the clergy even more than the laity. If there is one group of people who should be free of narcissism, it should be the church’s leadership, but it’s not. It is male-dominated, hierarchical, and they can be as ambitious and proud as anybody else. They can also be quite sinful, as we’ve all seen. This is why Pope Francis feels compelled to routinely dress them down, especially during Holy Days. That said; at least the church has a mechanism for this necessary recalibration.

Unfortunately, the rest of us don’t. We have to do it ourselves, and it requires constant monitoring and intervention. It is hard. The spark of the divine in human beings, it turns out, is quite dangerous. It was the source of original sin, and it has plagued us since. We are the only species on the planet that has this problem. For example, many birds love to preen, but one would be hard pressed to call them narcissistic. It wouldn’t make sense. They need to maintain their feathers for practical reasons, and if they take it to excess, well, it is what it is. Narcissism is a human trait, and we all suffer from it.

We are also stupid, and part of the reason we’re stupid is related to the narcissism. We accomplish something, for example, efficient food production or the invention of something, and we think we’re the greatest. We are so proud of ourselves. We talk about the genius of this person or that person. In the grand scheme of things, it’s nothing, and it invariably comes with negatives consequences that we are too stupid to foresee. Why can’t we foresee them? Because of the narcissism. If one is so enamored of every little or even relatively bigger accomplishment, it prevents a critical assessment of the thing.

A healthy self-love is rooted in a love for God. God created everything. He knows everything. He is all powerful. He is so “rich,” he doesn’t need money because it is meaningless to him. He is so “beautiful,” we don’t know what he looks like. In fact, thinking about God in these terms “rich” and “beautiful” seems a bit ridiculous because it is. They are also human inventions. In God’s world, none of these things exists. Power and knowledge aren’t ephemeral qualities, as they are with us, confined, at a minimum, by our own mortality. Power and knowledge are God’s constant state of being. He simply is, and because he is, he is these things as well. If we are to escape the narcissistic idiot trap, we need to center ourselves in God’s love, not in our egos. If we can do this, we will be truly free.

7/30/23 – As you watch this episode, hopefully, one of your takeaways will be that when humans engage with nature in unhealthy ways, we end up replacing its God-given heterogeneity with homogeneity. For as brilliant as we think we are, we’re actually incredibly uncreative and destructive. It is God that is creative and lifegiving. He created life and in glorious richness and diversity. We have consistently reduced the diversity he created into a small number of “chosen ones.” Why do we do this? Why do we choose certain ones: money, convenience, subjective ideas of beauty or taste, arbitrariness, etc.? What risks come with these choices? For example, under climate change conditions, diversity is not only healthier for the planet but, like an investment portfolio, it mitigates risk and makes our survival more likely. We did this in the context of beauty as well. There are so many beautiful people in the world, but only one standard of beauty, Barbie and Ken. Respecting God and his creation means respecting diversity. It is also the smart thing to do for our own survival. We need to expand our minds and our tastes. Let diversity flourish as it naturally would under God.
Human Footprint: The Replacements

7/30/23 – God made his creation free. He didn’t make them his slaves or his puppets. Even children, who are under the supervision of their parents, have certain rights and freedoms because they are given to them by their ultimate parent – God. Children are not their parents’ property, and parents cannot do anything they want to them. Almost all countries have laws reflecting this divine order. In the Bible, Jesus pays particular attention to children, effectively saying that they are closer to God because they are. I was very young when I badgered my parents into giving me a bike. It was the only thing I wanted because I intuitively understood something very important – the value of freedom.

Freedom is often as much about your psychological as your physical state. A simple test for the wisdom of a decision can be framed as such: does it make me more or less free? Am I forming an unhealthy dependence, emotionally, spiritually or physically, on something or someone? Am I looking for external validation, which will always remain elusive and conditional, or am I looking for God’s unconditional love? God doesn’t need anything from us. He just wants us to love him and love each other. Today, consider walking into the Lord’s house, and saying to him, thank you God for the freedom you gave me. You created me as a free person, perfect as I am, and I’m going to honor it and you as much as I can through my thoughts, words and deeds. Happy Sunday!

7/29/23 – Apparently, Barbie is on the brain of a lot of people. I’m very much looking forward to everyone moving beyond it. I haven’t seen it, and I have no intention of watching it. I have no nostalgia or feelings about Barbie or any other toy because I was always on my bike. Fundamentally, I don’t even understand what Barbie and Ken are. What is one supposed to do with them? Does one need toys to exercise the imagination? I didn’t. They don’t do anything. A bike, on the other hand, it’s a ticket to freedom. My advice to all the boys and girls out there, skip all the toys; ask your parents for a bike, and then say, “see ya later, suckers,” and spend as much time as possible in nature. The best antidote for neuroses and for pretty much any issue you’ll ever encounter at any stage of your life is some quality time with your best friend and the best “toy” possible, God’s perfect creation, nature. If you develop a healthy relationship with it, no Barbie, no Ken will matter. They aren’t perfect. They aren’t real. What is perfect and real is the life that is all around you. God gave it to us as a necessary complement to our own life and as a faithful companion. Enjoy it (while you still can). Nature, books, and God. It’s all you need.

7/29/23 – It is easy in this polarized political environment to take simplistic positions and to lose sight of how profound and complex some of the underlying aspects of these debates actually are. True Christians have some core values, such as: all people are created equal, we are to be stewards of our gorgeous planet that teems with life, life has an inherent value, we have free will, and God loves us. Some of these political debates end up pushing against or testing these core values.

A society that says that the only thing that matters is individual autonomy is dangerous, both for the individuals and the collective. At the same time, individuals do have free will, and democracy is built on its exercise. The citizens of a country are, as a collective, determining the fate of their nation. Even within Christians’ core values there can be tensions: such as the value of the life of the fetus, and the rights and free will of the mother. A society, usually patriarchal, that says the one and only thing that matters is the life of the fetus effectively strips women of their rights and their free will. This tension deserves to have serious debate and a reasonable compromise to be found. Instead, as usual, we have “culture war” crap.

More broadly, we need to have an honest and productive conversation about the nature of self-worth, and how people are deriving this. The Atlantic piece below talks about this in the context of church attendance, but this is a much broader problem. There is a sickness in our society because we are not grounded in a healthy self-love. For Christians, this kind of self-love comes from knowing that God loves us. We are reflecting his love of us back to him and to others. The message the secular world sends is that you are loved conditional on a bunch of other things: money, power, beauty, status, professional success, etc., which often warp people psychologically and spiritually.

We also need a serious discussion about how we’re spending our time. Why are we in this situation where we’re working – all the time? Why are we doing this to ourselves, and can we find healthier ways to live both in terms of building community but also in terms of our relationship with the planet we need for our survival? It’s a lot. More to come.

7/29/23 – This is a great piece! Just one of the many wonderful passages: “This is, admittedly, an extreme example. But this community was thriving not because it found ways to scale down what it asked of its members but because it found a way to scale up what they provided to one another. Their way of living frees them from the treadmill of workism. Work, in this community, is judged not by the money it generates but by the people it serves. In a workist culture that believes dignity is grounded in accomplishment, simply reclaiming this alternative form of dignity becomes a radical act.”
The Misunderstood Reason Millions of Americans Stopped Going to Church

7/29/23 – Who needs female infanticide when girls can just change their sex to boys, relieving their families of the burden of their sex, right? Hey Asians, not only can you inject mercury to become as white as paper, have plastic surgery to look more Caucasian, but you can also change your sex. Nothing is beyond your human control. Forget how God made you. You can definitely do better. Isn’t that right, WaPo and you other virtue signaling hypocritical, immoral liberals?

7/29/23 – Black people around the world are not inferior on any metric, in any way, shape or form. They are beautiful, talented, smart people who often have a deep connection with God. In the United States, they have lived the Christian faith in truth to the tenets while other ethnic groups have often betrayed God’s covenant. Instead of the lie of their “inferiority” that many of them have unfortunately internalized after incessant repetition, let’s pray that the world sees them and, more importantly, that they see themselves as they actually are. To our beloved black brothers and sisters, hold your heads high. God loves you as you are. He has blessed you. Know this. Go forth with this knowledge, and be his hands and feet.

7/28/23 – If you want to understand how sensitive the human body is to (endogenous and) exogenous hormonal changes, a good place to start is the history of hormone replacement therapy for menopausal women and the risks of cancer. It is a challenging balancing act because different hormones increase the risk of different types of cancer. And these are modifications to women using naturally occurring female hormones but simply changing the proportions.  

7/28/23 – Has WaPo captured enough of the extreme (and often loony) NYTimes audience yet? Not yet. Immorality doesn’t just come in yachts. It comes in various forms. One of them is pandering. Don’t think it isn’t transparent.

7/28/23 – Have members of the press made enough money off of the destruction of young people’s health? Apparently not. Know this. They won’t be there to pay the health bills when the kids get, for example, cancer.

7/28/23 – F—king with one’s hormones isn’t healthcare. It’s health destruction. Don’t screw up your otherwise healthy bodies. Love yourselves as you are.

7/27/23 – The miraculous melanin. It’s not just about skin color.

7/27/23 – One might be wondering whether there is a relationship between melanin and another common neurological disease, Alzheimer’s. Since neuromelanin, a type of melanin, plays an important role in mitigating the effects of free radicals and toxins in the brain, could increasing neuromelanin prevent or reduce the effects of Alzheimer’s, which is characterized by a buildup of toxins in the brain? Here’s an article that talks about that. “Recently, dopamine-derived melanin-based polydopamine nanoparticles (PDA), which are highly biologically relevant to natural melanin, have been suggested as safe and potent antioxidants and metal chelators in biomedical applications [51,52]. To our knowledge, melanin-like nano-antioxidants or metal chelators have not been investigated in AD applications…. Once they enter the brain, PDA@K [modified PDA] bind to amyloid plaques and greatly enriched at the lesion site, lowering the metal ion level and promoting amyloid plaque depolymerization.”
Pathological BBB Crossing Melanin-Like Nanoparticles as Metal-Ion Chelators and Neuroinflammation Regulators against Alzheimer’s Disease

7/27/23 – All mini-humans everywhere, outside of community, which includes family, should develop three main relationships: nature, books and God. Good to know that others do this too. “Except for beautifully printed or rarely found books, I read almost everything with a pencil in my hand…. [M]y books are for use, not ostentation.”
Paperback or hardcover? Used or new? Let’s talk about our book habits.

7/27/23 – Don’t let other people tell you what you should think. Think for yourselves.

7/27/23 – If you think you’re “inferior” because you have darker skin, read this survey article and think again. Melanin, which is what gives skin its pigmentation, is an amazing substance. So much so that researchers want to use it in other applications. “Subjects with white skin are approximately 70 times more likely to develop skin cancer than subjects with black skin…. Other important properties of eumelanin [black-brown melanin] include its function as a free radical scavenger reducing the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Meredith and Sarna, 2006)…. the incidence of uveal [in the eye] melanoma was highest in non-Hispanic white followed by Hispanics, Asians, and Blacks (Weis et al., 2006). Although the relationship between iris color and AMD [age-related macular degeneration] is not so conclusive as that in uveal melanoma, AMD is an order of magnitude more prevalent in the white population than in darkly pigmented races…. [Humans have more neuromelanin than any other species on the planet.] In PD [Parkinson’s disease], a preferential loss of SN [substantia nigra] dopamine neurons containing NM [neuromelanin] occurs with respect to non-pigmented neurons…. The synthesis of NM is itself a protective mechanism that traps excessive cytosolic quinones and semiquinones in an inactive form, thereby blocking their toxicity (Sulzer et al., 2000). Moreover, the dihydroxyindole groups of NM pigment are able to bind several potentially toxic metals forming stable complexes (Zecca and Swartz, 1993; Zecca et al., 1994, 2008a), and in particular, the redox-active ferric ions, mitigating the formation of hydroxyl radicals (Zecca et al., 2008b). NM pigment can initially play a protective role also by sequestering several toxins, such as 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ion (D’Amato et al., 1986) and the herbicide paraquat (Lindquist et al., 1988).” Who gives a flying f—k what some delusional white people think, or more importantly, what they want nonwhite people to think. Look at the, what’s the word again, science. The science is not subjective. What is beautiful is.
Melanins and melanogenesis: from pigment cells to human health and technological applications

7/27/23 – To all nonwhite people, stop f—king with your skin.

7/27/23 – The same cells that produce melanin, which is what makes skin darker and protects against UV radiation, also release dopamine, which makes the body sensitive to heat. Thus, darker skinned people are better protected and better warned under climate change conditions. Also, dopamine, body temperature regulation and metabolic rate are all related. Additionally, neuromelanin has been found to be lower in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Skin is not just about a color. It is the largest organ in your body. These cells affect how well protected you are against UV radiation but also perform other critical functions.

7/27/23 – The climate itself will convince a lot of climate change deniers about the reality of climate change. It will just be too late by then. This is the problem smart people have in sharing the planet with stupid people. And remember, the average person is an idiot, so there are a lot of stupid people.

7/27/23 – There seem to be more dead trees than usual, likely because of inadequate rainfall. This is a real problem because when plants and trees die, they release carbon into the atmosphere. We’re in a downward spiral for climate change.

7/27/23 – On average, white people, especially Americans, have more mass (fat and muscle) than the average Asian. In addition, they have lighter skin than many Asians. Outside of Japan, they also have the oldest populations. How are they going to hold up with the hotter temperatures due to climate change? They have weight, skin color and age all working against them. Probably not well. In general, being smaller and darker skinned instead of bigger and lighter skinned is fast becoming a physical advantage. The world is going to see “survival of the fittest” play out in a way it never expected. Get ready. It’s here, and it’s coming.
Why extreme heat is more dangerous than many realize

7/26/23 – The thing to understand about the average person is that they’re a f—king idiot.

7/26/23 – Apparently, a quarter of the country thinks the evil one, trump, is a moderate or liberal.
A quarter of Americans see Trump as moderate or liberal

7/26/23 – If Africa doesn’t want a “paternalistic” relationship with the US, it can start paying us for all the aid we send it. That should solve the problem. Let’s just make it transactional. “Africans respect it [Russia] more because there’s not the same feeling of paternalism.”
Putin courts Africa at summit, but many African leaders stay away

7/26/23 – We were all better off before we had all this crap. Much of the “progress” we’ve made isn’t progress at all. It’s simply opportunities for self-destruction.

7/26/23 – All adults have responsibilities to children, whether they are one’s own or not. Selfish, irresponsible virtue signaling is not fulfilling those responsibilities. How did kids not that long ago deal with these same issues before all this stuff? They actually dealt with them better. Just because an option exists doesn’t mean one should take it. Do your jobs!

7/25/23 – A lot of white people are so “white,” they aren’t actually white. Pink would be a more accurate description. George Orwell, among others, have used this description. Should we all, across the world, want to be pink? A planet full of pink people. Many of the whitest people in the world, for example the Scandinavians whom hitler glorified, have blond eyelashes and blue eyes. Should we all have pink skin, blond eyelashes and blue eyes? Should we all become androgenous by manipulating our hormones? A planet full of androgenous, pink people with blond eyelashes and blue eyes. If we all engineered ourselves to look and be like this, is this the height of superiority? Where is all of this going exactly? What are the world’s people actually seeking, and does it make any sense?

7/25/23 – If there is one thing we need to succeed at as a society is instilling in all people, but particularly young people, that they have tremendous self-worth as they are. They are beautiful as they are. They are children of God who have an unconditional inherent value that nobody can take away from them. Don’t send them the wrong message.

7/25/23 – Everybody needs to pause and consider what they are promoting, particularly for impressionable young people. Young people, including young adults, generally have terrible to poor judgment because their brains, particularly their frontal lobes, are still developing. It is incumbent on the adults in their lives to exercise better judgment on important matters on their behalf where they can. (I still remember and am grateful for the adults who did this for me, often overriding the decisions I had made.) If a young person of color came to you and said, “I want to change my skin color to white,” what would your response be? “Yes, great, you’re exercising bodily autonomy,” or would you, like a responsible adult, try to steer them away from this unwise and unhealthy decision? Yet, when transpeople want to change the most dramatic thing they could possibly change, their sex using hormones, the response is suddenly so different. Why is there this double standard? In addition, this response sets a poor example for people in other countries who are literally dying to meet irrational beauty standards that are, at a minimum, indirectly influenced by white people. Why not change any and all aspects of your person simply because you can and you want to no matter the health risks associated with it? See, this is related to David Brooks’s thoughtful article about assisted suicide. At a certain point, you’re actually helping an otherwise healthy person commit suicide instead of helping save the person’s life. It is an abdication of your moral responsibility under the pretense of respecting bodily autonomy.
David Brooks, The Outer Limits of Liberalism

7/25/23 – The Biden administration’s foreign policy has not been good. It is weak. This would normally be an opportunity and strength for Republicans. The reason it’s not is because they are saddled with the traitor-in-chief, the evil one, trump. To make up for this self-imposed disadvantage, they have nudies of Hunter Biden and a possible impeachment of Biden for, um, we’re not sure. It doesn’t matter because impeachment. That’s all that matters. Tit for tat. This is what you, the American people, who pay their salaries are paying for.

7/25/23 – If you are a healthy person, it is the height of foolishness to do things that might make yourself unhealthy. Health is not something to be taken for granted. Thank God for your blessings, and respect this gift. As you age, you will inevitably become unhealthier. You can then turn to various remedies, eastern and, if you must, western. Don’t create unnecessary problems for yourself either with the misuse of legal or illegal drugs or of any product that alters your healthy body. Love yourself as you are. Be wise. Be healthy.

7/25/23 – To the nonwestern world, understand this about white people. They are some of the most psychologically unsound people on the planet. They are a people who are uncomfortable in their own skin, yet they love to promote the myth of the superiority of their own skin color. They like to perpetuate other fallacies as well. They like to perpetuate the fallacy that there is a fine line between genius and insanity, counting themselves in the collective in this category. This is a convenient association if you’re part of the most psychologically unsound group of people. However, the association is not true. As one example, Einstein – a Jew, meaning not white – was one of the smartest people in the world, and he was perfectly sane. Do not let a group of people that have a paradoxically unbounded regard and disregard for themselves be the barometer for your self-worth unless you want to end up in a psychological mindf—k.

The truth is that behind every brown eye is a blue eye. (Don’t undergo this procedure!) Lighter-colored eyes are genetically recessive for practical reasons. Also note that many (but not all) white people can get quite brown when exposed to the sun for extended periods of time. This biological self-protection is also practical. As the climate continues to become more extreme, it is more important than ever that your body can actually protect itself from relentless exposure to the sun. However, you also do need exposure to the sun to produce vitamin D, which is necessary for your health. All human bodies are designed for exposure to the sun because we need it for the sustenance of life, but like all good things, too much of it can be damaging to your health. Also understand that your skin is the largest organ in your body. Its health isn’t merely an aesthetic matter but is an integral part of your overall health.

Specifically to Asians who have taken this obsession with fair skin to deadly extremes, in fairness to white people, some of the obsession with light skin is related to same prior drivers in Europe. Historically, the wealthy lived lives of leisure while everybody else toiled in the fields, and who doesn’t want to look rich, right? Right? Over time, the inverse happened in western countries, with hoi polloi toiling in office buildings, and therefore, looking quite fair, while the rich, obviously still living lives of leisure off the fruits of others’ labor because that’s what they always do, sunning themselves in exotic locations.

This reversal of the aesthetical ideal has not occurred in nonwestern countries, among people who aren’t white. The reason is because much of the obsession with fair skin in Asia is also related to the exploitation of others by white people, such as via colonization. Understand that white people’s dominance was achieved by might makes right, and this is neither anything to be proud of nor should it be rewarded by others by making their skin color the standard for everyone else.

Also, darker skin is healthier because it provides more natural protection from the sun, and aesthetically, it is beautiful. Darker skin is usually better preserved as one ages. It also reflects the sun well and looks warm as opposed to bright. On an associative level, skin color with occupation, people who work outdoors can end up healthier than those working behind a desk. They get a lot of natural movement and cardio that is often better than what one can get at the gym. (Who doesn’t want to look rich, right? What do rich people look like again? It’s all so confusing.)

As one ages, “age spots,” which is really just (cumulative) damage from sun exposure, is quite common. It is one thing to try to mitigate this damage. It is quite another to try to change the color of one’s skin. In any case, use natural products. Don’t use any products that are potentially harmful! Love the skin you’re in both literally and figuratively. Respect God’s creation of you as you are. Humans are diverse in every respect because God is the master of creation. Love him, love yourself, and love the diversity of all his creation. It is divinely beautiful!

7/24/23 – The west, supposedly the nurturers of Christianity, hasn’t been following Christian tenets as it relates to respecting the human body or the stewardship of the planet. The left, having turned away from Christianity and with its worship of science and evolution, treats human beings like just another animal. Everything is an experiment to them. The right treats the planet as just another thing to exploit, in addition to humans. Everything is commerce to them. So, where are we? The rest of the world that doesn’t abuse the body or the planet will end up paying the price for the west’s irresponsibility, hubris and greed one way or another. That’s where.

7/24/23 – Hormones affect every single part of the human body, from reproduction to cognitive function. Manipulating them is not a trivial matter, and there are serious health risks that can come with doing so. Know this.

7/24/23 – Western medicine is often too aggressive. Before one uses it, it’s better to try to find natural alternatives, which are often used in eastern traditions. If there is no other option, it’s generally best to choose the mildest western medical intervention first, using progressively stronger ones if the weaker ones are inadequate. A healthy regard for the human body, maintaining a natural state, is generally not the west’s strength. It tends to treats humans as guinea pigs. (This is the same part of the world that treated human beings as chattel and has the worst record of genocide, so given this context, perhaps it’s not surprising.) Western cultures consume both pharmaceutical and street drugs with abandon. The former is likely related to the legacy of humanism and an irrational belief in science to cure all ills. Modern medicine, a discipline which started in the west within the charitable context of Christianity, has become perverted. It is now very much driven by profit, and doctors, who are generally well-trained, can also be not as ethical or restrained as they should be. Let’s hope that eastern traditions hold the line, and don’t adopt these bad practices and cultural norms. Eastern traditions tend to be more natural. Let’s keep them that way.

7/24/23 – Just because rice is gluten free doesn’t mean it’s healthy, and eating excessive amounts can lead to diabetes. The world really should eat less of it. The people and the planet will be healthier.

7/24/23 – We need more direct democracy.

7/23/23 – Solar panels on top of crops and canals are such great ideas! Having solar panels that rotate to give the plants exactly the right amount of sun would be amazing! Solving problems, yes!
“California isn’t first with this technology. India pioneered it on one of the largest irrigation projects in the world. The Sardar Sarovar dam and canal project brings water to hundreds of thousands of villages in the dry, arid regions of western India’s Gujarat state…. Back in California, Harris took note of India’s experience, and began a search for a better solution. The project there will use better materials and sit higher.”
Solar panels on water canals seem like a no-brainer. So why aren’t they widespread?
“‘Maize is grown by about 50% of farmers in Tanzania. Maize is also a sun loving plant. So the fact that we had an 11% yield increase in maize … is a phenomenal result,’ he said. And Randle-Boggis said these projects can continue to be replicated around the world for many different crops, as long as systems are ‘designed with the local context in mind.’”
Hops for beer flourish under solar panels. They’re not the only crop thriving in the shade.

7/23/23 – You’re beautiful the way God made you. There are lots of natural ingredients one can use to enhance their natural beauty and also help manage the inevitable aging process. It’s also healthier and often cheaper. To all the women and girls out there, don’t wear too much makeup, and don’t do too much with your hair. White, black and other women end up damaging their hair with all of that treatment, whether heat from blow dryers or other stressors. Take a page out of Indian women’s playbook. They just use oil, maybe henna, and call it a day. Let your hair airdry. It’s healthy and not damaging. And it’s not good for your mental health to focus on how you look. Don’t do lots of selfies and videos. Instead, just focus on learning, helping, and being a good person. Be natural!

7/23/23 – God loves you with a deep and abiding love. Happy Sunday!

7/22/23 – It is everybody’s responsibility to be actively and positively engaged in building community. How does one build community? You have to invest in it: time, talent and treasure. Show your city and community some love. Not only did the JSW Foundation, whose founders are Hindu, invest in the dynamic city of Mumbai, but they also invested in the restoration of this gorgeous building, the Keneseth Eliyahoo synagogue and the David Sassoon Library and Reading Room, and honored the Jewish people who have enriched India through the millennia. India has one of the richest religious histories in the world. These actions help preserve its venerable history and contribute to the world’s religious heritage. It’s a beautiful thing to see. Let’s do more.
JSW Group completes restoration and conservation of David Sassoon Library in Mumbai

7/22/23 – A strong argument can be made that a loving family is more important than money in terms of raising children who are well-formed. Family is basically a small community (connected by genetics), and community is everything.
The solution to youth crime? It has always been strong families.

7/21/23 – The way to lose elections is to alienate the average person/voter. It is that simple. The coming presidential election, 2024, shouldn’t even be close. So, how did we get here? Is it really all Biden? No, it definitely is not. There are issues within the Democratic party.

7/21/23 – People, the thing to understand is that the average person/voter lives and wants to live a beautifully boring life. They just want a decent job so that they can buy a home and raise a family. They want their kids to get a good education, job, find a nice guy or gal, get married and have kids. This has been the goal for lots of people for a long, long time. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Don’t try to create new goals for them. In other words, don’t try to social engineer something exotic. Just figure out ways to get them this wonderfully boring life. This is how you win elections.

7/21/23 – Apes, so crazy, and it’s glorious. “Zurn, writing for Delaware’s Chancery Court, stressed that her ruling didn’t concern the myriad market manipulation theories—’about synthetic shares, Wall Street corruption, dark pool trading, insider trading, and RICO violations’—raised in letters sent to her by nearly 3,000 stockholders.”
AMC Shares Surge as Judge Denies APE Deal in Surprise Ruling

7/21/23 – Look at the same-sex marriage map. It’s almost all majority white, western countries. We have a lot of immigrants in the USA that come from the rest of the map. They tend to be conservative in many respects, especially as it relates to family and the way they raise their children. Even white liberals are often this way. Protect LGBTQ+ people. Don’t promote a position. Don’t promote traditional values. Don’t promote nontraditional values. Just be neutral.

7/21/23 – It should go without saying. Don’t burn people’s sacred texts. It’s just basic respect. Also, be respectful of houses of worship. They are not museums or entertainment venues. People actually worship in these buildings, and their faithful make pilgrimages to them.

7/20/23 – Many liberal voters – Democrats – don’t want their kids manipulating their hormones to change their sex. They don’t want their kids doing drugs, including smoking weed. They don’t find these things to be healthy. They don’t want them dressing inappropriately or being promiscuous. And every single parent we’ve ever known wants grandkids, which requires a man and a woman for 50/50 gene expression. They don’t have anything against others doing what they want (live and let live), but they don’t actually want certain things for their own kids. Understand this. Democrats need to be cleareyed going into 2024, possibly one of the most consequential elections in American history, or risk being surprised by the outcome.

7/20/23 – We have a female VP, who’s black and Indian. We had a black president for two terms, who’s still quite popular. We had a woman, who almost won, and a gay guy run for president. Etc. Liberals, is this losing the culture wars? Does winning look like having everything one wants all the time, or can anybody compromise anymore? We have more to do more on several social issues, but relax. It will come. It doesn’t have to dominate everything all the time, and nobody should get everything their way all the time. Calm down and compromise. We need to focus on solving our serious problems.

7/20/23 – The United States was the 19th country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage, before many other countries in Europe, including Germany. (There are almost 200 countries in the world.) Are liberals losing the “culture wars”? What’s happening is that there is an obsessive focus on the culture wars that is leading to a misperception of the reality.
Same-Sex Marriage Around the World

7/20/23 – “Buttigieg [who is gay] said the focus on such culture war issues isn’t reflective of what’s a major priority for communities across the country. He alluded to fights over drag shows and ads by beer companies that have led to boycotts.” It’s not. It’s also just theater or virtue signaling for a lot of people. Companies throw up a Pride flag or a BLM symbol while they screw over their employees. Our enemies are laughing at us and exploiting our misdirected energy any which way they can. This needs to stop on both sides.
After Hill funding fight, Buttigieg calls culture wars, drag show focus ‘maddening’

7/20/23 – There have been so many people who consider themselves liberal who have privately said that they don’t agree with some or even many of the things other liberals push, but they are too intimidated to say so. So, be careful. They might say so at the ballot box. If liberals keep pushing it, it’s going to cost us our democracy and much more.

7/20/23 – Public service announcement: A healthy coping mechanism isn’t avoidance or detachment from reality. Right now, we have an epidemic of avoidance and detachment from reality, likely as a response to our many serious problems, some of which have risen to the level of existential threat. One of the things humans need to force themselves to do when they are under stress is to not avoid the problems, but to calmly take inventory of what they are (lists are great), prioritize them, and then create effective plans to address the most pressing ones. It’s not hard, but it does require emotional control. Escapism doesn’t solve problems. Exercise self-control, or die.

7/20/23 – Simply put: we are facing one great immediate existential threat – the reelection of the evil one, trump.

7/20/23 – One of the dangers of the human mind is that is can revert to self-destructive behavior as a response to stress. Parenting is obviously stressful. There is a good example of a South Korean couple who ignored their real baby girl, who died of neglect, while being addicted to taking care of their “online baby.” MAGA is a real threat for the rest of us. They are addicted to self-destructive behavior fueled by online sources while ignoring the real threats we face. The fact that someone as dangerous as the evil one, trump, is the leading GOP candidate is an existential threat for us as a nation, not just in terms of our democracy but also for our national security and our ability to function on the most basic levels as a country. We are facing real existential threats, particularly from our enemies and climate change. The evil one’s reelection will tip us into national self-destruction, and MAGA will be the reason for it. He must be stopped.

7/20/23 – NATO is a paper tiger. That’s a danger for everybody, including the United States. “But those plans, and the dollars, euros and political will to fulfill them, remain in doubt. And nowhere are those doubts deeper than in the Baltic states, where Russia’s threat is existential.”
NATO’s most vulnerable front-line states face a rising Russian threat

7/18/23 – If f—khead MAGA had more than a single brain cell, even just two cells, they would stop thinking about the evil one, trump, and start thinking about their own survival.

7/18/23 – Russia will want the freshwater in the Arctic. Some country will claim Antarctica. “2.1% [of freshwater] is in glaciers.”
How much of the Earth’s water is stored in glaciers?

7/18/23 – “Water, water, every where,
And all the boards did shrink;
Water, water, every where,
Nor any drop to drink.”
Coleridge, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

7/18/23 – We should have all just continued living in agrarian communities. We would have been healthier and happier, and the earth would have been much better off. Instead of the new tech whatever, impress us by creating water. That’s what we need to live. We don’t need the rest.

7/18/23 – We’re in solidary with labor. We want a world that is equitable and fair. We also want a world in which we can breathe the air and have water to drink and food to eat. If it sounds like we’re asking a lot, then you don’t understand the requirements to sustain life and to live in the modern world. We support the planet and the workers who want to make a living wage. Union proud. Union strong. Climate strike.

7/18/23 – No demagogue can save you. They will make all kinds of ridiculous statements catering to your fears, anxieties and anger, and if you fall for it, all you will do is make your problems worse. They are not serious about solving anything. They are just preying grifters and scam artists. Know it now.

7/18/23 – We won’t be able to call the Amazon rainforest a rainforest anymore because it won’t be raining in it. In fact, it won’t be raining in many places around the world. So, get ready. It’s here, and it’s coming. The apocalypse is nigh.

7/18/23 – Take it all in. All of it. And let us know when you, climate change deniers finally get it: when you finally understand that nothing short of the survival of the human species is at stake. Now. Not in the future. In the present.

7/18/23 – Let’s all take in the morons we’re dealing with. What’s the Republicans’ strategy? Plant trees. Yes, planting trees, good. But do they understand time? It’s an abstract concept, so it’s quite likely they don’t understand it. It takes a few minutes to completely destroy a forest. It takes years to grow a forest. And where is the water for these trees going to come from? Because it’s not coming from the sky. You don’t just flip a switch and magically fix the planet. Let’s look at the Amazon – the earth’s lungs. It is not raining in the f—king Amazon! Are people actually understanding the gravity of the situation we’re in?
How the Forest Dies
House Republicans propose planting a trillion trees as they move away from climate change denial

7/17/23 – If the evil one, trump, is elected, he will pull us out of NATO. We will be vulnerable to an attack from our enemies. It is likely that it will come, and we will be alone. They will also attack us on our necessities, such as water, food, and infrastructure. It will be a dark place for us as a country in many more ways than just the reelection of his great evilness.

7/17/23 – We believe in Ukraine! We are inspired by Ukraine! No matter what, just keep fighting. It will feel bleak sometimes. Keep fighting. Ukraine will win!
Zelensky – Ukrainians

7/17/23 – Whatever happens next, it doesn’t seem like it’s going to be conventional warfare. It seems like our enemies want to attack us not just using social media but also using necessities like food, water and infrastructure.

7/17/23 – Very interesting. “Members of the Russian Orthodox Church, which has historic ties to Russian intelligence services, he wrote, also were also interested in studying Kirkenes’s water supply.” So how many Russian spies are interested in our and our allies’ water and agricultural supplies, or infrastructure?
An Arctic ‘Great Game’ as NATO allies and Russia face off in far north

7/17/23 – Russia has used food as a weapon of war before, the Holodomor. This time they are imposing it on the Global South. Read up on Ukraine’s experiences. They resorted to cannibalism (literally) of their own children, and then ask yourselves, how did you get here? If you still blame Ukraine, you’re a f—king idiot.

7/17/23 – Russia is using food as a weapon of war because they understand exactly what has been going on. They also understand climate change while Republicans and some others deny it. While everybody was focused on sanctions, the Russians understood the economics perfectly. Unlike the rest of the world that got conned, they have been the ones conning. They are not confused about the value of anything. Know it now.

7/17/23 – We need to start growing more sorghum (milo) and other less thirsty grains. Rice is the worst. The world needs to start eating less of it. Also, clover can be used to fix nitrogen and as a natural weed suppressant. We need to get much better at managing our natural resources and at sustainable agriculture. (Clover should also be the new multi-purpose groundcover. We put this under Necessary Changes to the Law sometime back.)

7/17/23 – Hey Arizona Republican voters, remember these words for the rest of your life: “The real value of the land lies in the water underneath the desert terrain.” When your children or grandchildren are dying because they don’t have enough food or water: remember those words. Then remember that the demonic MBS was laughing with the satanic s—t putin like they just made out like bandits because they did. They were laughing at you because of the election of the evil one, the traitorous, treasonous grifter-in-chief, donald trump. Trump conned MAGA and others, but MBS and putin also conned MAGA and others. When your progeny has been cheated out of their birthright, the water under their own land that they need for their very existence: remember those words, and then understand how f—king stupid you are. The rich Saudis, the rich Russians, and yes, the evil one, trump, they are all laughing at you while they steal from you whatever they can, including one of the most precious things you need to sustain your own lives – water. Remember those words.

7/17/23 – Well, some people enriched themselves on this grift. The state of Arizona should sue Ducey, his administration and other Republicans for abuse of power, malfeasance and corruption. What everybody needs to understand and stop doing is being a schmuck. The grifters are baiting you to be outraged over ridiculous things, to debate whether the sun is hot, the earth is round and revolves around the sun, while they steal right out of your pockets. This is the same tactic that has stripped Russians of their wealth. The media, the politicians, the American people, everybody fell for it.

“In a 2014 corporate report, Almarai celebrated that Fondomonte’s expansion in Arizona put the company on track to import 100 percent of its animal feed — part of a ‘strategy for conservation of the Kingdom’s water resources.’ By contrast, Arizona groundwater is unregulated across rural swaths of the state…. [Ironic, isn’t it?]

Because of minimal natural recharge and scarce rainfall, water pumped from the basin is essentially mined, with no replacement…. [This aquifer is essentially a nonrenewable, finite natural resource, more valuable than oil in an area starved of water.]

The state was receiving about $50,000 a year by leasing the land to Fondomonte, the memo noted, but could make at least $1.2 million a year by selling the water to thirsty Phoenix…. [Who won in this deal? Was it any of the residents of the state of Arizona? No, it was Saudi Arabia. That’s who these elected American officials are working for.]

Kelly, the Fondomonte manager, said the company installed meters of its own accord but has not disclosed its consumption because its leases do not require such reporting…. [Who on God’s green earth is so f—king stupid to allow any company or anyone to access an aquifer and have no reporting requirements? It amounts to aiding and abetting theft of a natural resource that is not theirs to give because it belongs to the American people.]

Fondomonte’s leases entitle the company to reimbursement from taxpayers for certain upgrades — a sum that stands at about $7.4 million in the Butler Valley, company representatives say…. [This is unbelievable! They are being paid for the exploitation of our natural resource.]

A 2018 study commissioned by the land department found that the market price per acre in La Paz County was $125, five times the amount Fondomonte was paying, according to a copy of the study, which was first reported by the Arizona Republic last year…. [Pure grift.]

Repeatedly, they faced stiff opposition, not just from Fondomonte, but also from domestic farming and ranching interests, and from conservative state lawmakers, who believe water is a commodity controlled by individual property owners, not a resource to be managed collectively…. [Large underground aquifers are a natural resource that are the common property of the American people. They do not belong to any single property owner. Also, refer here to the tragedy of the commons.]

Schneeman, the state planner who first raised his concerns about Fondomonte in 2015, said he feared that any move now may be too late, after the state failed for years to put the water to its best use. ‘That use,’ he said, ‘would have been to conserve for the future.’ [Of course, it’s too late. It’s nonrenewable! Cue our enemies, including the evil one who is an enemy of the state, laughing and laughing and laughing all the way to the bank.]”
How a Saudi firm tapped a gusher of water in drought-stricken Arizona

7/16/23 – Certain things deserve a torrent of cursing, and given it’s Sunday, they’ll have to wait until tomorrow. Try to enjoy your Sunday even though we’re destroying the most precious gift God gave us – life. We’re destroying our perfect blue planet that we need for our survival. Before anybody of any political persuasion wastes their time and energy on stupid arguments that solve none of our real problems, consider whether we’ll have enough food and water in the near future because this is the dire straits the world – including the United States – is in. It is not hyperbole. It is reality. Understand it now.

7/15/23 – Desalinization on a large scale would require a lot of energy and produce tons of salt, which would pose other environmental problems. One idea is to require each building to harvest rainwater; however, this solution depends on rain, which has become less dependable. Could we – safely – create water on a mass scale somehow? This would be the ideal solution, but scientifically rather challenging.

7/15/23 – In addition to this, we need to save our democracy and bolster our military. As climate change takes a toll, people will get more desperate. The world will get more dangerous, and we need to be able to protect ourselves. We really have a lot of serious problems. We don’t have time to f—k around.

7/15/23 – The two things humans need more than anything else are oxygen and water, what we breathe and what we’re made out of. The most precious thing we take out of the earth is not fossil fuels, precious stones or metals, or rare earth minerals. It’s water. We take it for granted because we’ve historically had so much of it. That’s no longer the case. It isn’t raining the way it used to, meaning even a generation ago, because of climate change. We need rain to water our crops and to replenish our aquifers. Without adequate rain, underground aquifers, which we use for drinking and agriculture, will run dry. We’re basically running out of the thing we’re made out of. In fact, we’ve removed so much water from our aquifers that it’s shifted the earth’s tilt. “Rampant removal of groundwater for drinking and irrigation has altered the distribution of water on Earth enough to shift the planet’s tilt, according to a sweeping new study. The finding underscores the dramatic impact that human activity can have on the planet. Humans pump most of our drinking water from natural underground reservoirs called aquifers. Researchers calculate that between 1993 and 2010, we removed a total of 2,150 gigatons of groundwater — enough to fill 860 million Olympic swimming pools. According to the new study, published on June 15 in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, moving all that water has shifted Earth’s tilt 31.5 inches eastward…. To Seo’s surprise, modeled polar drift only matched the observations when groundwater pumping was included.” We need to find solutions to this existential problem.
Humans have used enough groundwater to shift Earth’s tilt

7/15/23 – Part of what makes the tragedy of the commons a tragedy is that’s it’s preventable if people would only coordinate. We need to control the use of underground aquifers now before it becomes a tragedy.
Tragedy of the commons

7/15/23 – We have multiple factors contributing to food insecurity. The situation in Ukraine was completely unforced and caused by Russia. It is one of the world’s breadbaskets. Its agricultural production has been adversely affected, and its land has been damaged. There are other serious problems related to agriculture, generally caused by climate change, around the world. It’s a bleak picture and a very serious situation. We need to focus on it.
Rice crops are being threatened by El Nino after grain supplies were disrupted by the war in Ukraine

7/15/23 – Rainfall hasn’t been adequate for our farmers for a while now, and our underground aquifers are running out of water. Climate change and El Nino are going to keep getting worse, meaning less and less water.

7/14/23 – One of the main reasons people’s grocery bills are higher is climate change. It’s only going to get worse, and you can blame Republican politicians and voters who are climate deniers among other deniers. The Atlantic’s Progress Summit hosted a great speaker who shared valuable information on the topic of food insecurity.
Gro Intelligence

7/14/23 – We need a truce on this cultural war s—t, or we’re all going to die. It’s hard to imagine, but our food security is becoming more and more threatened by climate change. We don’t have enough rain. Also, our military is being compromised by the culture wars. We need water, food, shelter and defense. Let’s stick to basics. All of this madness needs to stop – now!

7/14/23 – Dear Ukraine, The words of our children, our collective future, are stronger than any NATO statement. We will stand with you until you win. God bless you and your beautiful, brave people. Love, the American people
Dear Ukraine – Postcards

7/13/23 – And let’s not memory hole that doom loop Biden bailed out the banks as VP and as Pres. He’s likely the only president in US history to hold that prestigious title. The American people are collectively banging their heads against the wall as 2024 approaches. It will likely be one of the most miserable elections in recent American history.

7/13/23 – Is Biden exchanging love letters with dictator modi, as the evil one, trump, did with kim jong un?

7/13/23 – The American people deserve better leaders. Biden is a weak dotard, and the evil one, trump, doesn’t even deserve comment. Putin is vulnerable, and Biden still can’t figure out how to take the f—ker out. This is the person who is going to have a rematch with the evil one. This is a miserable situation.

7/13/23 – The Midwest is not getting adequate rain. This is a serious problem for the world.

7/13/23 – Instead of pandering to the extreme wings of their parties, all politicians of all parties need to focus on solving our many real and serious problems: climate change, healthcare, education, our military preparedness, etc. A good percentage of the population doesn’t even understand the “culture wars,” but understands well the real problems we’re facing. Instead of counting how many angels can dance on the head of a pin while the Ottoman empire is bearing down on us, solve our problems! This should have been fixed yesterday, but the dominance of culture war crap is preventing these kinds of topics from getting attention. “Military spouses like me are agile, talented and diverse. We are highly educated and motivated to work. It’s time for the U.S. government to recognize and value such a robust resource — and avoid undermining the readiness of our fighting forces.” We need to strengthen and support our military, and these proposals make practical sense. We need to do more.
On hiring military spouses like me, the U.S. government has work to do

7/13/23 – To those arguing that gender is strictly a social construct, it’s not. For gender to exist as a concept, it has to have an underlying physical factor. You can’t separate the physicality of the differences between genders (the sex) from any “cultural” understanding of it. Also, the cultural understanding, such as the expectations of genders, is inevitably going to vary by culture. What doesn’t vary depending on the culture is the biological determination. Also, nobody can have things both ways. If there aren’t actual differences between genders/sexes, then anything related to LGBTQ+ is basically rendered moot. Stop with the illogical crap. It’s exhausting and annoying, and we simply don’t have time for it.

7/12/23 – If one thinks they’re superior to God, they are going to find out the hard way that they’re not. We can’t recreate the planet. It’s simply not possible. Our only option is to fix the one we have – our gift from God that we had no role in creating. We can’t change procreation. It is divinely designed. F—k with it, and one risks screwing up the entire human species. If we have any hope of continuing to survive as a species, just stick to respecting nature and God. Have some humility.

7/12/23 – What does it take for people – both right and left – to attach themselves to reality? When will the climate change deniers get their heads out of their a-ses? “‘We’re seeing temperatures exceed those that can support life,’ said Francis, a senior scientist at the Woodwell Climate Research Center. ‘Certain places are becoming uninhabitable.’ ‘All of these records are being broken left and right, and my hope is people will start to put this together in their heads,’ she continued. ‘These things shouldn’t be happening. It’s all connected to the fact that we’re warming the planet.’” This detachment from reality also happens on the left, who claim to worship science (like it’s a god), but then deny basic scientific facts, such as there are two genders and that they have biological differences. (Do we really need to argue about women having vaginas and men having penises that obviously fit together to make babies? Really!) In the same breath, the left will support transgender. If there aren’t two genders, then what would one be “transgendering”? It would be rendered moot. Are all of these people bored? Are there not enough real problems for them to focus on? We can’t continue like this and actually make progress on our many serious problems.
Floods, fires and deadly heat are the alarm bells of a planet on the brink

7/11/23 – Let’s imagine the war in Ukraine has been resolved. Ukraine has won and regained all of its lost territory. In other words, let’s set it aside. Just curious. If a European member country were under attack by say Russia or China in the future, would it then want Ukraine, which has the best military in Europe, as a NATO member? Would the present nonexistent timeline suddenly advance to immediate membership? For example, if one of the Baltic states, which don’t seem anywhere as militarily capable as Ukraine, were attacked, how would NATO feel about Ukrainian membership and the timeline then? Also, what would NATO be actually prepared to do given this scenario? Would it go to war with Russia or China, or would it have nice words and “guarantees” for the Baltic states? Is NATO a paper tiger?

7/11/23 – One of the great contradictions of liberals is that they keep talking about how much they love diversity while actively working towards eliminating diversity.

7/11/23 – While on the topic of toxic masculinity, apparently, it needs to be said, all masculinity isn’t toxic. “I’m convinced that men are in a crisis. And I strongly suspect that ending it will require a positive vision of what masculinity entails that is particular — that is, neither neutral nor interchangeable with femininity. Still, I find myself reluctant to fully articulate one.” There is no single definition of masculinity (or femininity) or one way to be masculine (or feminine). There are differences between men and women, the most obvious being those related to reproduction. Biologically and otherwise, men and women are intended to be complementary. (This is how God intended us to be.) So, if both men and women work toward being complements rather than substitutes, that should resolve this issue. It’s not a competition. It’s a partnership. To the boys and men out there, if you want to have positive relationships with girls and women, don’t worry about whether you’re being “masculine,” however that might be defined. Instead, just be a good partner, which is, unsurprisingly, very similar to being a good person.
“Real men protect other people.” True, but does anyone believe that a mom’s natural instinct to protect her child is any less strong than a dad’s? Wanting to be protective, healthy, strong, capable, successful, and above all, needed, these desires and others can be found across the sexes. However, women are generally not as physically strong as men. Mama might not be as effective at protecting her child because she might end up being physically outmatched, especially if her opponent is male. Strength is not a weakness for women but a complementary feature of men. “But despite a push by some advocates to make everything from bathrooms to birthing gender-neutral, most people don’t actually want a completely androgynous society. And if a new model for masculinity is going to find popular appeal, it will depend on putting the distinctiveness of men to good use in whatever form it comes.” No, we definitely don’t want an androgynous society. It’s nice to have differences between the genders. It’s also nice for us, no matter our gender, to be our own people.
Men are lost. Here’s a map out of the wilderness.

7/11/23 – It is a lot easier to sit on one’s purist pedestal, preening in one’s perfection, than to do a thorough examination of conscience and take the time and effort to understand the complexities of people as they are and the human condition. The reason great literature is great is because it does justice to the latter. Stop scrolling and go read something worth reading. You might actually learn something. Thank you, and have a nice day.

7/11/23 – F—k the liberal elite, and f—k MAGA. Denigrating our military or our country is not cool. It is a sign of one’s insecurity. Secure people recognize their weaknesses and work on becoming better. They also take a healthy pride in their strengths and what they do well. On the opposite side, there is nothing “manly” about committing war crimes. It is the opposite of manly. Manly militaries actually win wars on the battlefield instead of terrorizing civilians, committing genocide or crimes against humanity. MAGA is into toxic masculinity because they too, like the liberal elite, are insecure.
America Is Doing Just Fine

7/11/23 – There is no moral dilemma regarding cluster munitions for Ukraine. It’s their land. It affects them, and they’re asking for them. Stop with the BS and with the virtue signaling. Also, give the Ukrainians, who are the best military in Europe, space and time. United we will win! Ukraine will win!

7/11/23 – MAGA, don’t bother to vote. Your votes aren’t going to count anyway.

7/11/23 – So, we’re going to do this with the evil one, trump, as president again, the Make Russia Great Again guy. “As it happens, that’s also the minimum time [three years] the alliance will need to reinforce units in the front-line states with the brawn, numbers and infrastructure that would convince the Kremlin that future aggression would fail.”
NATO’s annual summit could define a decade of Western security

7/11/23 – “Well, the evidence suggests that anyone who expects the court to function as a mere extension of legislative power is bound to be disappointed.” Right, in the controversial, high-profile cases, which are small in number but big in impact, the Supreme KKKourt is not extending legislative power. It is legislating from the bench. It is overriding the democratically elected Congress, thus, overriding democracy.
Mitch McConnell: Neither party can count on the Supreme Court to be its ally

7/10/23 – Biden likes to say, “Don’t compare me to the Almighty. Compare me to the alternative.” Don’t compare economic outcomes to the ideal. Come them to the counterfactual. There are always tradeoffs, in life and in economics.

7/10/23 – Economics is generally not most people’s strong suit, but consider the alternative. Had our stimulus not been enacted, would we, like China, also be facing deflation, which is worse than higher than normal rates of inflation? (Note that China’s zero-Covid policies were also more draconian and in place for longer.) “China has big problems at home. Official data published today show that the country is teetering on the brink of deflation, as consumer spending slows and weak global economic growth hits exports. It’s the latest sign that China’s post-Covid recovery hasn’t materialized, prompting renewed calls for new stimulus measures.” NYTimes Dealbook

7/10/23 – Seems like Biden’s political strategy is to talk up the economy. Actually, the economy is in pretty good shape, at least, for now. The reason so many economists were forecasting a recession was because of the way the Fed was raising rates. In fairness to them, the pedigreed idiots at the Fed triggered a banking crisis, and there very well could have been a recession had not the same morons at the Fed intervened to stem the bleeding. (This is a counterfactual, so we won’t really know. As an aside, if you raise rates in such a way that you trigger a crisis, you did the monetary policy and/or the macroprudential policy wrong. Will the Fed be humbled and change? No.) The real questions are: were all those large rate hikes necessary and in such quick succession, and would the inflation rate have naturally moderated over time? If so, to what degree? Also, can people get out of their economic funk or what? Inflation is a part of life. People just got overly comfortable with 2%, which some economists argued was too low since it doesn’t allow enough policy space. We came out of Covid (that’s good!); we’re helping Ukraine (that’s good!), there was fiscal stimulus (that’s good!). It’s way more important to have employment options, not to mention – a job, than slightly higher than normal inflation. Get a grip, people!

7/10/23 – All people need to get better at sharing. That’s how we live as a beloved community.

7/10/23 – At a minimum, all Native students should be able to go to all of these land-grant/”grab” institutions for free, and as public or private colleges close due to lack of enrollment, if it was land-grant/”grab” or taken from indigenous people, the land should be given back to them. We need to help Native Americans gain economic strength while maintaining their sovereignty.
Amid a reckoning, some Native Americans call for reparations

7/6/23 – The conservatives push for “school choice” has nothing to do with education and everything to do with undermining labor. Also, this guy is a yahoo. His ulterior motives are so transparent. He has no integrity.
Affirmative action can’t fix racial disparities in education. This can.

7/6/23 – One of the changes many liberals have to make is to stop glorifying Europe and vilifying the United States. Instead, let’s celebrate our country. No country in Europe is a utopia, and none of their countries boasts the breadth of diversity in their people that we have. If you hate our country, what does it say about you that you hate the most diverse country in the world?
For the many immigrants, past, present and those seeking to reach our unparalleled land, the Statue of Liberty represents freedom. No country in Europe represents freedom as clearly we do. It was given to us from France, our first ally, for whom we provided a model of liberation and self-governance, and in spite of our various challenges, we continue to be a model for democracy.
We have since made many more allies, most recently Ukraine. We will have more allies in the future. Europeans observe that Americans are friendly. We are, both as individuals and as a collective. We have a free, open, and inclusive spirit.
As a country, we have chosen to invest in other countries’ future like no other country in the world has. We have been leaders since the birth of our nation, and we have chosen to lead even though it’s often a hard, thankless, and expensive role to play in the world. We have chosen to sacrifice for others in spite of the obvious costs it bears.
Should we be more inward, as Europe is, and as the evil one, trump, suggests? Should we ask our citizens to just focus on themselves, tell them that the state will take care of them, and have no expectations of them to do for others? No, we shouldn’t. That’s not a culture that motivates its citizens to be their best.
Part of the frustration conservatives feel towards liberals is related to a perceived lack of appreciation for the sacrifices our military makes for our country and others. This is one of the reasons they don’t think liberals are patriotic. Liberals need to right this wrong. Liberals need to make it clear that they deeply value the people who sacrifice for us above all others. Liberals often elevate celebrities, the wealthy, the elite, tech entrepreneurs, etc., who are often quite narcissistic, self-centered and selfish. What message does this send about liberals? These people also aren’t the ones on whom this nation’s continued existence depends. Our freedom and democracy directly depend on our military who pledge allegiance to our Constitution, not to any man or to mammon.
Our freedom and democracy also depend on us, on our ability to see ourselves clearly, not as our enemies want us to see ourselves. Our enemies don’t want us to value the people we need the most or to value ourselves more generally. They want us to be divided, disillusioned with the important role we play in the world and to lack self-confidence in who we are. Americans need to get our mojo back!
We’re a great country that can reach our full potential by recognizing both what we’ve accomplished and what we have left to achieve. We won’t reach our full potential by looking to be more like European countries or any other country. The first European settlers, the Puritans and the Pilgrims, left the continent for many good reasons. Those reasons persist. Europe is no longer a place of religious strife. Instead, it is now godless. It is also dying because, out of the pragmatism that often animates the godless, its people have decided that it’s easier to not invest in themselves than to do the hard work of building community, not just in Europe but also around the world. This is a penny-wise, pound-foolish calculation.
Let’s not make those same mistakes. We have to continue to invest both in ourselves and in other countries. It’s the right thing to do. It’s the smart thing to do. Let’s not look to Europe or anywhere else as a guide. Let’s look to our unique national character and history and to our own people. We are a great country and a great people. All of us, Americans, need to believe it and in ourselves.

7/5/23 – “Mathias, who previously served in the U.S. Coast Guard. ‘As a military veteran, I think a lot of people disagree on what it means to be devoted to America. I think a lot of people think that blind devotion is the same thing as patriotism. I don’t.’”
What is true love: To love knowing the real person or to pretend the real person, with all of their inevitable flaws, is perfect? Did Jesus love his disciples because he pretended that they were perfect, or did he love them in spite of their imperfections? His disciples betrayed him, which he knew they would do, and he still loved them.
The black soldiers who fought in WWII for Europeans’ freedom and rights, while being denied them in the United States, came back to fight for their own freedom and rights here. They reflect the kind of love that Jesus had for us. They are a beautiful expression of devotion to and love of mankind and of country. They are patriots in every proper sense of the word.
Yesterday, we honored our Revolutionary War patriots, as we have traditionally done. We wouldn’t have a country if not for them. We also honored our Civil War patriots because we wouldn’t have a more perfect union if not for them. In all of these examples, these patriots sacrificed for our nation. If anyone is confused about who is a patriot, ask yourself: is the motivation selfish, such as the preservation of white supremacy or of wealth by the greedy rich, or is it selfless? Only a selfless love can be a true love of country, and we need to nurture this honest, genuine love in all of our citizens.
Given the critical juncture we find ourselves in our 247-year history as a democracy, let us each ask ourselves: how can we be true patriots? How can we sacrifice for our country as prior generations have done for us? Through no merit of our own, they gave us the gift of their sacrifice, which was often their lives. We owe it to them, to ourselves and to future generations to put our country above ourselves. Let us be the next generation of American patriots who sacrifice to protect the democracy we inherited.
In a polarized US, how to define a patriot increasingly depends on who’s being asked

7/5/23 – We’ve all learned a lot about white people. We could all use to learn more about black people.

7/5/23 – Absolutely, and beautifully said! “Now, McNeil believes racial justice is not merely a social cause; it’s also an eternal reality Christians are called to embody. ‘At the end of all things, we all stand before Jesus and we all worship together from every nation, tribe and tongue,’ said McNeil. ‘And I think Christians, in my opinion, should be the most outspoken people for racial justice because it’s literally our inheritance through our faith.’”
Brytni McNeil brings anti-racism to Christian home schooling

7/4/23 – This past Sunday, at church, we sung America the Beautiful, which I somehow managed to do without weeping. As we were singing the lyrics, I kept praying to God that we wouldn’t lose our democracy. As you watch this video, take in the diversity and majesty of our gorgeous land and the equally beautiful tapestry of our people who have come here from everywhere. Americans, we make each other better, and we make our country great. So, let’s have a healthy pride in who we are and a hopeful posture to where we’re going. Happy Fourth of July! God bless the United States of America.
Ray Charles – America the Beautiful (Official Video)

7/4/23 – To our free press and all of the journalists around the world, you’re doing the Lord’s work. You bring us the truth, often at great risk to yourselves. Democracy would die without you. We appreciate all of you! “This Editorial Board often highlights ways in which America falls short of her ideals. A newspaper’s role is to hold leaders accountable and to measure America against her promises and potential. The unfettered freedom to do so is one of many reasons we’re extremely proud to be citizens of this country.”
Beneath the July 4 fireworks, remember America’s light

7/3/23 – These two articles are despair and rage inducing. They are hard to read, but Americans need to be a people who can and care enough to read hard things. We need to be a people who are willing to do hard things. We need to care about each other and others around the world – always. This is one of the great gifts we give the world. Know that this gift that we give freely won’t always be appreciated. There are many jobs, for example, teacher or journalist, that are not as valued as they ought to be. Someone once shared a story of a nun who was serving soup to the homeless. One homeless man threw the soup in her face. She simply wiped her face and offered another bowl, which might be surprising until you recall that she had Jesus as her model.
As Americans, we do a lot for the world, out of compassion, generosity and a sense of duty even though it’s not required of us, and it is not always appreciated. Where does this sense of obligation come from? How can a nation that has so many internal divisions and problems, a nation born out of genocide and slavery, also be the same country that has come to Europe’s, if not the world’s, rescue at least three times now, WWI, WWII and Ukraine, the same one that sends food to starving countries around the world, the nation that is a perennial beacon of hope to the world? Our southern border doesn’t reflect our weakness. It reflects our strength.
Americans, tomorrow, let’s remember that people don’t come as packaged perfection. Therefore, a country, which is ultimately nothing more than its people, can never be perfect either. Because people are walking contractions, our country’s contradictions are also not uncommon. What is uncommon is that despite all of this, we stand for the highest ideals of what a country can be and persevere in realizing a more perfect union.
Ukrainians are in a dark hour, and we need to be a light for them. We need to support them until they win. As we celebrate our Independence Day tomorrow, let us keep them in our hearts and minds, as they fight for their own freedom and democracy. We know bitter battles. We know the pain that comes with defending democracy. In their struggle, let us recall our own, past and present, and that we need to live up to our divine calling as a city on a hill not just for ourselves but for the world. There is too much at stake for Ukraine to fall or the American experiment to fail. We must win.
Hold Russia accountable for its war crimes
Ukraine says Putin is planning a nuclear disaster. These people live nearby.

7/3/23 – A prerequisite before anybody from the general public, parents, journalists, politicians, etc., gives prescriptions on how to “fix” the public education system is that they actually try to teach in them. Teach in several public schools, particularly the toughest ones. Until then, don’t waste our time or your breath.  

7/2/23 – ChatGPT would make an ideal student for the elite schools, and one won’t have to deal with such thorny issues such as race. These schools should have classrooms full of ChatGPT bots. Oh wait, they kind of already do, don’t they.

7/2/23 – Many elite schools want cookie-cutters coming in and for their students to be even more cookie-cutter going out. If one thinks that going to these schools that are really just extended networking experiences is an opportunity for a person to grow personally, or even truly intellectually, they’re misguided. That’s just not what they are about. “When I asked ChatGPT to write me a college essay, it gave me boilerplate filler: My journey as a half-Chinese, half-Italian individual has been one of self-discovery, resilience, and growth. That sentence is broadly true, perhaps a plus for an admissions officer, but vapid and nonspecific—useless to me, personally. It doesn’t push toward anything meaningful, or really anything at all.”
The Supreme Court Killed the College-Admissions Essay

7/2/23 – MAGA college essay: Dear Ivy League admissions committee, The libtards discriminate against me because I’m white. I can’t help it that I’m rich because my ancestors robbed blacks of their earnings by enslaving them or stole natives’ land. It’s not my fault that I’ve benefitted by my unearned wealth and my ancestors’ theft. I’ve had to overcome great adversity because the crazy libs think that we think that it’s great to be white. Just because we want to restore this country to its former greatness: make America great again!, doesn’t mean I’m a racist. My feelings have been deeply hurt because they think that we are racists, and I’ve had to go to therapy to heal from their racially motivated aggression. We’re not racists. We’re MAGA. We fly high the Confederate flag because it’s our heritage not because we’re racists. I showed great leadership by carrying the Confederate flag into Congress when they tried to steal our election, and then I was discriminated against because I was put in prison for my whiteness. Accept me because I’ve experienced great trials and tribulations all caused by the racist low-IQ libtards, who definitely don’t have the intelligence that I have because they have inferior non-white genes so they should definitely not be accepted into this prestigious Ivy League institution. Yet in spite of all of these adversities related my whiteness, I fight every day because I’m a patriot for our savior, the great redeemer of the white race, Donald J. Trump. I have shown great resilience and perseverance despite these terrible disadvantages. Accept me because I embody the character traits and have the superior genes this fine ivory, which is very close to white, tower seeks.

7/2/23 – “Affirmative action should be illegal — not unconstitutional…. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 provided just such a statutory ground: It forbids any institution receiving federal money from subjecting any person to discrimination based on race.” So, the author is arguing that white people (perhaps among others) are being discriminated against because the race of the other applicants is being considered as one of several factors. (Note that the post-secondary institutions are not saying because the person is white, they are not gaining admittance, which would be the direct interpretation of a violation of the law.) Yet in the ruling, Chief Justice Roberts wrote, “A benefit to a student who overcame racial discrimination, for example, must be tied to that student’s courage and determination. Or a benefit to a student whose heritage or culture motivated him or her to assume a leadership role or attain a particular goal must be tied to that student’s unique ability to contribute to the university. In other words, the student must be treated based on his or her experiences as an individual — not on the basis of race.” So, if the applicant includes this language, and it is considered a favorable factor, would white applicants still be “discriminated against” since they wouldn’t have the great privilege of overcoming these disadvantages? At a certain point, this is a ridiculous farce inviting all manner of absurd essays…from white people.
Affirmative action should be illegal — not unconstitutional
Why the right’s affirmative action victory is empty

7/2/23 – We end minority rule or end in civil war – a civil war the majority will win. Again. God is good. God is great. Never despair. Faith. Hope. Love. Happy Sunday!

7/2/23 – To everybody who thinks it’s hard here in our incredible country, the United States of America, look around. Really, objectively, look around. We face one big threat right now, the evil one, trump, destroying our democracy and our future. The other threat is less acute but also an erosion of our democracy: minority rule. On every other level, we’re doing well. Really, we have almost everything going for us. Although half our country is amoeba-brained MAGA morons, the rest are great people, who work hard and care for each other. (A country is only as good as its people. Let’s keep being great people!) For now, we have freedom and democracy. Even though the Supreme KKKourt is garbage (elections have consequences; the conservative majority didn’t just happen), in general, we do have the rule of law. We hold each other accountable. We can criticize anybody we want. And we do, and it’s glorious. If we don’t like how something works, we can try to fix it, and we can keep trying until it’s fixed. We are strivers. We are entrepreneurs and risk-takers. Nobody should discount our country, especially not ourselves. God bless America.

7/2/23 – This is what MAGA wants for their children. ChristoFascism: “I’ve been stunned by one statistic ever since I read it: A 15-year-old Russian boy today has the same life expectancy as a 15-year-old boy in Haiti.” No, wait, they want this. Communism: “On social media, they’re often accompanied by hashtags like ‘zombie-style’ or ‘lying flat.’ The unconventional graduation photos are a response to the ultracompetitive environment that Chinese graduates face as they venture out into the world of work.” If you want your children to have no future and to be controlled by the state, you will go down this authoritarian path: premature death or zombie. Those will be the two options.
Russia’s biggest problem isn’t the war. It’s losing the 21st century.
Chinese college grads are ‘zombie-style’ on campus. Here’s why.

7/1/23 – Rich, white people have superior genes. That’s why their progeny need legacy admissions. When does this lie that has been forced down everybody else’s throats for centuries, that people of all races have internalized to varying degrees, become absorbed and exposed by the global population as a lie? Also, where are the lawsuits about legacy admissions?
Affirmative action for white people? Legacy college admissions come under renewed scrutiny

Notes from Underground – June 2023

6/30/23 – Everybody could use to take a break and spend some time in nature. Enjoy our beautiful planet…while we can. The main thing we can hope for from the Supreme KKKourt is to protect our democracy. For everything else, we have to vote, and we have to have candidates that reflect the great country that we are. We’re Americans. We’re fighters. We will realize the promise of our rich, diverse country one way or another. Know it, put our heads down and do the work. We’ll get there.

6/29/23 – “[B]y secondary school transcripts and standardized tests, Harvard would be more than 40 percent Asian.” If memory serves correctly, just in his last op/ed, George Will complained (rightly, by the way) about grade inflation, but now, he suggests that it is part of an “objective” assessment. Grade inflation renders grades pretty much worthless, so why should it be included in determining academic skill or potential? Performance on standardized tests reflects so many other things aside from innate talent and potential, such as parent’s socio-economic status and education, childhood stability and support, quality of primary and secondary education, etc., that it is also effectively worthless. So then, what should admissions be based on? See, this is the question. Let’s set aside affirmative action. If the two measures that form the main criteria for college admissions are deeply flawed, then how can anyone claim that the status quo, the present process, is fair or producing the best outcomes for our society – that it is even remotely objective?
The court did not ‘end’ affirmative action. This was just a skirmish.

6/29/23 – Many white people assume that they are genetically superior, and they don’t need affirmative action. It puts them at a disadvantage. What if that assumption is wrong? For the inheritors of “Christendom,” they have been superior practitioners of might makes right, of what Jesus defied. That measure of superiority is running its course, and many other races/ethnicities are no longer white people’s slaves, no longer colonized by them, and no longer as repressed by them as they once were. As the playing field finally becomes more even, it might be white people needing affirmative action, but unfortunately for them, it won’t be legal any longer. We aren’t going back in time. Time will keep moving forward, and as it does, the tables can turn. So, let them have it this way. There will be no stigma for other races/ethnicities, and white people might get something they didn’t expect: the truth.

6/29/23 – The evil one, trump, said, “but this is classified.” It’s clear. The other transcription is wrong.
The Trump classified-document audio may be worse than we thought

6/28/23 – Is it possible for us as a country to have a productive conversation about education without conservatives trying to undermine the public education system? It is true that there are many problems with public education, actually education, public and private, more broadly. The argument that all of our nation’s education problems can be distilled to unions, whose power have dramatically decreased over the past half-century, or to teachers, who are burnt out and leaving the profession, is not helpful and not accurate. The grade inflation is absurd and needs to stop. However, one is deluded if they think this is isolated to public schools. Some of the worst practitioners of grade inflation are elite universities, such as the Ivy League schools. In general, there is a perverse exchange between the faculty of many post-secondary institutions, most of whom are adjuncts with no job security and paltry compensation, and the students. The students give positive evaluations if the faculty give them good grades that they haven’t actually earned. Also, one can’t fail an entire class, so some of the grade inflation is driven simply by a pragmatic calculation about the lack of academic preparedness of the cohorts. In addition, there are several cultural forces that have been growing in influence, and the pandemic simply exacerbated these negative changes. Not in any particular order:

  • Many of the problems students have in K-12 reflect problems in the home: poverty, abuse, neglect, etc. These are societal problems that deserve a holistic response. If we want to get serious about improving educational outcomes, we need to get serious about investing in our communities and the well-being of all of our people.
  • Parents are not well-educated on the potential detrimental effects of technology on their children, and they have not adapted their parenting styles to prevent them. Also, some parents are simply bad parents; see above. Given the disintegration of extended families and the rapid pace of technological and other change, parents need instruction on parenting, and it should be required by the state to get this training before they become responsible for the care of another human being. This training will also help reduce abuse and neglect, which can have lifelong damaging effects on students.
  • Schools need to have much stricter policies regarding cellphone and other harmful use of technology on school grounds. They must be banned. They are having terrible effects on students’ mental health and their attention span, which is critical to learning and child development.
  • Students’ attitude and behavior in any and all educational institutions have to change. They are far too disrespectful. Students are too coddled. They think far too much of themselves, meaning they have inaccurate self-appraisals, often because their parents don’t parent correctly, and far too little regard for others, including their teachers.
  • Students have to do the work, and they have to struggle with the material on their own. This is a critical part of the learning process. Instead, they have come to expect any “discomfort,” such as confusion or hard work, to be alleviated. One can’t become a critical thinker if one doesn’t force oneself to think critically.
  • In our actions, not just our words, education must be given more value and educators must be shown more respect. Teachers in many other countries are given much more respect than American teachers. Not only is it the right thing to do, but it will attract high-quality teachers to the profession. Also, many American teachers feel unsafe in their own classrooms not just from the threat of mass shootings but also from the students’ behavior.
  • Especially for secondary schools and beyond, educators need not go to teacher colleges. They just need to be well-educated in the subject(s) they will be teaching. They also need to be lifelong learners. The most important prerequisite to teaching well is being passionate and knowledgeable about what one is teaching. The rest, such as the pedagogy, will evolve, partly due to the discovery of better practices but also because it should be customized to the cohort anyway. The pedagogy will naturally fall into place if the love for learning and content knowledge is there.
  • Declining academic standards and grade inflation must stop. However, as mentioned above, one can’t fail an entire class. Therefore, this must be done in a practical way. Giving students grades they haven’t earned doesn’t help them. It hurts them. They don’t learn the value of hard work and discipline, which are critical to their success not just in school but in life. All students will never be equally good in all subjects. That’s part of the natural diversity of human beings. Grades should not be homogenized to spare feelings. Students need to toughen up and deal with the realities of life and be able to take honest stock of their strengths and weaknesses. (It’s also OK to use words such as “weakness” because we all have them. This is another reality of life.)
  • Schools need to be much stricter and have much higher expectations of students, academically and more generally, such as their conduct. Instead of having high expectations of students, the administration, which is often bloated, over-compensated, disengaged, ineffective, and wants to kiss parents (and students) a—s for enrollment, transfers the onus to the educators, who already have too much on their plate and who have already done the work that the students should be doing.
  • Schools must expect students to work hard, to exercise discipline and self-control, and to treat teachers and others, including their peers, with respect. This is basic and should be nonnegotiable. Schools should also develop a culture of service to others, which would provide a much-needed antidote to the self-centered, shallow, individualist American culture.

PS George Will should teach in any or several public school(s) without the students knowing who he is and objectively report on his experience. Instead of making it a campaign talking point, because we all need less talk and more action, let’s actually fix the problems.
Why K-12 education’s alarming decline could be a dominant 2024 issue

6/28/23 – At this point, Europeans are effectively living in museum, and they have developed a tourist mentality. They place their faith in the nanny state to meet all of their needs. They do not invest in their communities, as citizens must do to have true community and to build a future for their country. They have to change and start doing the hard work of community building or Europe will die.

6/27/23 – In a time of need, give me an American over a European any day. Because we take it for granted, it doesn’t get any press, but our people work hard, and they are generous and helpful. This is one of the darkest periods in our history. Our division is high; half the country has given themselves over to the spell of an evil demagogue, trump, who wants to destroy our democracy, and yet for as completely contradictory as it might seem, even MAGA, who are definitely not the best our country has to offer, is still more likely to help another person in need than the average European. What does that say?

6/27/23 – To understand the French people, actually, many western Europeans is to understand that they don’t care about others. They care only about themselves. The French are particularly narcissistic, lazy, and neurotic. They care about retiring at a ridiculously young age, but they don’t care about their president flirting with dictators, just as long as it doesn’t carry any negative consequences for them. Modern western Europe = moral decay.
Macron’s never-ending dance with despots needs to stop

6/27/23 – There are no words to describe how disgusting this is. It also reflects the deep moral rot and hypocrisy of Europeans. Europe might have “nurtured” Christianity for two millennia, but it was often for self-serving reasons, which begs the question: how Christian was it ever really? The atheistic hedonists (they often call themselves humanists, as if this term, just like the word “science,” carries some moral weight; it doesn’t) of Europe are not better than the Christian nationalists. Instead of figuring out how to use these buildings to serve the poor, the homeless, the refugees streaming into their countries, or the people of other countries that they have wronged via slavery or colonization, what do these self-righteous hypocrites do? (Or just hand them over to the people who actually care about Christianity. “Bonny thinks the most successful and gratifying repurposing has been the handing over to other Christian communities, be they Coptic or Eastern European.”) They turn these sacred places of worship into places for all manner of sin, perversion and indulgence. This is the state of modern Europe: selfish, self-righteous godless hypocrites who speak a lot of nice words but do nothing to help others. Where are their volunteers? Where are their donations? Where are their national discussions about social justice or reparations? After two-thousand years of “nurturing” Christianity, apparently, they learned nothing from Jesus.
In Europe’s empty churches, prayer and confessions make way for drinking and dancing

6/27/23 – Black Wall Street must happen! Now is the time for America to pay its debt owed to the black people who made this country and were robbed of the fruits of their labor. This payment should take several forms, and one of them must be the availability of credit and other support to build thriving black-owned businesses. “‘I tell people there are two things important to me — Jesus Christ and the belief in a Black Wall Street,’ said Richardson, 66, a community advocate and onetime parishioner of Third Baptist who still works with the church in his role as head of the men’s group at the nearby Jones United Methodist Church.” Another form is the distribution of land and assets. Promises were made. Promises must be kept. “But he has also identified disused buildings, vacant lots and other sites that he believes should be given to Black Californians as part of the package.”
Inside the Black church fighting for reparations from California

6/27/23 – Principled, tough women are the best! We disagree on much policy, but on love for country, there is no daylight. We must save our democracy. Long live the republic! God bless the USA.
Liz Cheney on what’s wrong with politics: ‘We’re electing idiots’

6/27/23 – We need to make sure that the US military does not follow illegal or unconstitutional orders.

6/27/23 – Maybe strongmen aren’t so strong after all. (Spoiler alert: They aren’t.) Maybe the best solution to the inevitable problems in life isn’t to put your faith in evil men saying what you want to hear, but to roll up your sleeves and do the hard but deeply satisfying work of creating a kind, inclusive, egalitarian society. (MAGA will also save a lot of money because they won’t be giving it to a criminal conman, the evil one, trump, who is using them and their money to pay for crime-related expenses.)

6/27/23 – The regime must lose. “If we lose the Ukraine war, the regime will fall and we won’t be able to get it back.”
Rebellion shakes Russian elite’s faith in Putin’s strength

6/27/23 – Marilyn Monroe (Norma Jeane Mortenson), who was a beautiful person, was prettier as a brunette. Be natural.

6/27/23 – Don’t use drugs. They don’t provide any benefits, and they are harmful to your body and mind. Keep alcohol to a minimum. Western, especially American, societies like to glorify alcohol and drugs. There is actually nothing positive, cool or glamourous about them. Spend time in nature. Spend time with good people. Clean, natural living.

6/27/23 – Know that choosing to regularly subject yourself to conspiracy theories is like choosing to develop a mental illness. Just like eating healthily, one needs to be selective in the information one consumes. Maintaining both a healthy body and a healthy mind requires discipline and intentionality.

6/27/23 – Science, science, science, science, and science some more. Whenever someone brandishes a “science” bummer sticker or says things like “I believe in science,” rest assured the person is desperately needing affirmation of their intelligence or coolness.

6/26/23 – We must look to the future…and to the past to plan. We’re going to have to find a way of directing rainfall from places that have more than needed to places that don’t have enough, a sort of system of aqueducts.
The places in the U.S. most at risk for extreme rainfall

6/26/23 – If it is to be Mandela’s South Africa, it better arrest the satanic Russian s—t, putin.

6/26/23 – Dictators of the world unite! Oh, apparently, they already have. Of course, they have. You know who has also learned from and taught them, the wannabee dictator, the evil one, donald trump.
Dictators’ dark secret: They’re learning from each other

6/26/23 – The Catholic church and Christianity would be in a much better place if church leaders had treated women as Jesus did, as equal to men. That said; a convincing argument can be made that the reason women have much stronger rights in the west than in other countries in the world is the influence of Judeo-Christian values regarding the person, even in its relatively poorly applied form. Just as the Founding Fathers could point to God to assert their independence and their rights, western women can point to the Christian God, as giving them equal rights and as being equal to men. God is great. God is good. And God is right.

6/26/23 – India hates women, and its Hindu caste system is yet another layer of hatred. If one is a “low-caste” woman in India, she essentially has no value. India is a nation that treats human beings as commodities. The evidence is in the dowry system and in its institutionalized slavery, the Hindu caste system. A nation that doesn’t value human life and doesn’t view all people as being created equal will never flourish.
How Dowries Are Fuelling a Femicide Epidemic

6/26/23 – Jesus didn’t ask his followers to love him more. He just asked his followers to love.

6/26/23 – MAGA needs to choose who they love more: themselves or the evil one, trump. It’s not an optional choice. He forces it on everyone that follows him one way or another.

6/25/23 – The hard part about good judgment is not so much the ability to forecast the ramifications of decisions correctly, it’s the consistent exercise of integrity.

6/25/23 – Is it possible, America, to move beyond two deeply flawed geriatric candidates for the presidency? Can we do this?

6/25/23 – “So when Putin launched ever more active efforts to dismantle Russia’s democratic institutions, we in the Russian opposition naively thought the free world would express criticism. Instead, American presidents of both parties applauded Putin’s rise…. But perhaps the most grotesque gesture came from the British government, which welcomed Putin for a lavish state visit.” They didn’t express criticism then with Russia, and they don’t now with India. What the USA did was reward murderous, dictator modi, just as they did with putin. The parallels aren’t by chance. They are by choice – selfish, short-sighed choices wholly lacking in principles, values and morality.
The West deserves much of the blame for Putin’s rise to unchecked power

6/25/23 – A strong argument could be made that, thus far, the USA’s political structure has been quite resilient. Our democracy had never experienced a test such as the last election, 2020. The insurrection was humiliating, but it did also demonstrate that the checks and balances of our system do work. Our independent judiciary has been critical to maintaining our democracy, arguably even more so than the legislative branch, as we saw in the failures of two impeachments against an evil, autocratic degenerate, trump. An important area of poli-sci research is the role of the judicial branch in any democratic governance structure and how to strengthen its independence and power without it legislating from the bench.
In addition to arguing that Russia’s problem is the lack of a parliamentary republic, meaning the political structure at the inception of its democracy, Navalny (and several Indians) have made the argument that their own countries should be responsible for the restoration of a truer democracy. “As for the possible total control of parliament [in a parliamentary republic] by Putin’s party, the answer is simple: Once the real opposition is allowed to vote, it will be impossible. … They just don’t have anyone to vote for now. Certainly, changing Putin’s regime in the country and choosing the path of development are not matters for the West, but jobs for the citizens of Russia.” Understandably, as a matter of pride and national sovereignty, countries’ citizens would like to reform their countries on their own. However, his and others’ assumptions are that the country has free and fair elections and that voters will vote in accordance with the preservation of democracy and not for a strongman. (Note that both Russia and India have sidelined opposition candidates, which also highlights the importance of an independent judiciary.)
Mandela fought for South Africa to have one person, one vote for good reason. First, each citizen’s right to vote needs to be the law, and each vote must count equally. Second, elections need to be free and fair. Americans are wisely actively engaged in protecting our free and fair elections. Once this has eroded, democracy is not worth the constitution it is printed on. Democracy simply becomes de jure but not de facto, and this can happen regardless of the country’s democratic structure at inception. Third, the irrational passions that inflame the electorate whether via demagoguery or frustrations, such as high inflation, class or ethnic struggles, can result in the democratic election of an autocrat. One only has to look to Germany to see an example of this.
Although the political structure is important, particularly as it relates to checks and balances, it is not a panacea. We need free and fair elections, and arguably most importantly, well-informed, well-educated citizens who vote rationally based not (only) on self-interest but the interests of the country, even the world, as a whole. This part, however, is a social not a political problem. At the end of the day, a country is only as good as its people. The world’s people need to take a cold, hard look at themselves and ask, “Am I proud of what I see? Am I being a good person and a good (global) citizen?”
Alexei Navalny: This is what a post-Putin Russia should look like

6/24/23 – Much of the world is quite enjoying Russia’s internal battles. Schadenfreude. This is what happens when your populace becomes selfish a—holes, who vote for a dictator and then your dictator wages war on a peaceful, independent country, Ukraine. It doesn’t have to be this way. Russia can choose to reform itself. MAGA, are you paying attention?

6/24/23 – Meanwhile in Ukraine, the anarchists are helping the military.
Ukraine’s anarchists have come together in support of the war

6/24/23 – Remember that the satanic Russian s—t helped install the Manchurian candidate, the evil one, trump, who then incited an insurrection in the USA, breaking our almost 250-year-streak as a democracy of peaceful transitions of power. What sweet poetry this is. “By Saturday morning, Prigozhin and his fighters entered Rostov-on-Don, crossing a heavily fortified region of southern Russia with apparent ease — despite an arrest warrant against Prigozhin from Russia’s main security agency, the Federal Security Service, or FSB, which late Friday accused Prigozhin of ‘incitement to armed rebellion’ and said it had opened a criminal case.”
After brief armed rebellion, mercenary convoy turns back from Moscow

6/23/23 – We don’t just have to protect our democracy from the evil one, trump. There is a broader rot in the state of Denmark.

6/23/23 – Since he loves dictators, let’s quote one. Biden is a dotard.

6/23/23 – Oh, but there is more. “The former U.S. diplomat Aaron David Miller called Biden’s embrace of Modi and the human-rights-abusing Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, whom Biden visited last year despite having vowed as a candidate to shun and isolate him, ‘a head-exploding hypocritical pivot.’… [modi] definitely did not sound like he had signed up for charter membership in Biden’s oft-cited alliance of democracies versus autocracies at this dangerous inflection point in world history…. Biden’s leading rival for 2024, Donald Trump, is an avowed Modi admirer, and the final foreign trip of his Presidency was to India, where he appeared at a rally of more than a hundred thousand people and praised the ‘tough’ Modi as ‘a man I am proud to call my true friend.’” Experiencing some cognitive dissonance? Wondering why the self-described defender of democracy is unwilling to take questions, like um modi? “At that moment, Biden was surely just as glad as Modi not to have agreed to take more than a single American reporter’s questions.”
What Joe Biden Didn’t Say to Narendra Modi

6/23/23 – You don’t say. “Daniel Markey, a senior adviser at the U.S. Institute of Peace and a former State Department official, said it’s important for Washington to cultivate closer ties to India, but he criticized former president Donald Trump — and now Biden — for lavishing praise on Modi personally. ‘It was bad enough with a Trump administration that didn’t seem to care at all about democratic values, but there’s now an even deeper dissonance with a Biden administration that has said democracy should be at the core of how it makes foreign policy,’ Markey said.” The “dissonance” is called hypocrisy.
As Modi visits, Biden praises India’s democracy despite critics

6/23/23 – It is entirely possible, even probable, that the Biden/Harris administration’s fawning over modi will not motivate him to curb his autocratic moves but will have the opposite effect of emboldening him. By this ill-conceived state visit, he received valuable affirmation, unjustified praise and validation that his anti-democratic actions, against the free press and the judiciary, his demagoguery, particularly of religious minorities, and the propaganda he and his party are having Bollywood produce, do not carry any negative consequences. In fact, he might even be rewarded by the only superpower in the world. When modi’s behavior worsens, which it will, you can blame, in great part, the Biden/Harris administration. This is what happens when politicians have no principles.

6/22/23 – Don’t believe Biden/Harris, who are prostituting themselves for a dictator. These are the facts. “‘With an average of three or four journalists killed in connection with their work every year, India is one of the world’s most dangerous countries for media,’ the report said…. In recent years, journalists have been arrested and some are stopped from traveling abroad. Dozens are facing criminal prosecution, including for sedition. At the same time, the government has introduced sweeping regulatory laws for social media companies that give it more power to police online content.”
India’s Modi meets the press at the White House — and takes rare questions
Like other dictators, murderous modi, who feeds hate like the evil one, trump, does, didn’t answer the question. He just said a bunch of meaningless statements. India is one of the oldest civilizations in the world. Of the ancient polytheistic religions, Hinduism is the only major one remaining. Democracy is not in any country’s DNA, not even the USA, which is the oldest continuous democracy in the world. (We will soon be celebrating 250 years as a democracy unless the evil one is reelected, in which case, we will not make it to even 250 years.) Most Americans are well-aware of the struggles we’re having maintaining it. India is a much newer democracy, about 75 years, which is a drop in the bucket for a 4,000 plus year-old civilization, and the evil modi has incited religiously motivated violence on minority groups, particularly Muslims, and prejudice. He is a lying phony. He is a murderous dictator, and many people don’t consider India a true democracy any longer because of the illiberal actions he has taken.
Reporter asks Modi about religious discrimination in India
More to come on this topic because the bulls—t needs to be exposed.

6/22/23 – Exactly.
The end of the world is nigh. Should we do something about it?

6/22/23 – The American people are paying these MAGA morons to humiliate us and to damage our institutions. Think about that.
GOP’s Boebert wanted to impeach Biden, but House Speaker McCarthy had other plans

6/22/23 – Every job is vulnerable to AI. The best plan is to just do what you love. Find subjects that interest you. Throw yourself passionately into learning them. Figure out how to make money doing something related to them. Keep learning. Work hard. Be disciplined. Persevere. Remember: Simple, honest lives are the best.
‘Lobster Lady’ turns 103, has been hauling traps for 95 years

6/22/23 – The Democrats deserve a much better ticket for the next presidential election. Biden/Harris are garbage. Nobody wants them.

6/22/23 – Biden is a hypocrite.

6/21/23 – Biden has no principles.

6/21/23 – Apparently, Biden has no qualms about kissing dictators’ a—es. The murderer modi is an evil dictator. Do not be fooled.

6/21/23 – Everyone should imagine the CNN town hall as an interview in a studio and ask if it would have been as disastrous. Likely not. MAGA is making the evil one. Without them, he dies. “What happened to that more confident Trump? And why did he—or anyone on his staff—think it would be a good idea to sit in a quiet room, alone with an experienced reporter? …Trump relies on the energy he gets from proximity to his supporters.”
Trump Seems to Be Afraid, Very Afraid

6/20/23 – Grass lawns should be banned. They are really bad for the environment. They consume loads of water and require a lot of fertilizer and pesticides, which pollute our water sources, plants and wildlife. There are many great options for ground cover that are drought-tolerant, low-maintenance and pollinator-friendly. Either we get serious about protecting the environment, or we resign ourselves to extinction. These are the only two options.

6/20/23 – To all parents, you are choosing to leave your progeny an uninhabitable planet. Know this now.

6/20/23 – Part of the reason some people, such as MAGA morons, don’t believe in climate change is that they don’t understand that there has never been a period in human history, more generally, *all of the planet’s entire history*, such as this. We are in the first ever experiment of this kind. Before WWII and the 1950s, many communities in the west and elsewhere, such as India and China, were still quite agrarian. Many people lived on farms. They also lived in ways that left a relatively small footprint on the planet. That is no longer the case. MAGA morons don’t have to believe the “crazy libs.” They can just do basic observation. Ask themselves how their ancestors lived compared to how we live and observe how dramatically different it is. There are consequences for such a radical change in such a short period of time. One of those consequences is climate change. Their argument is that the earth always goes through these kinds of changes. Actually, no, it doesn’t, and it hasn’t. This is the first time the earth has gone through a human-driven change of this magnitude in the planet’s entire history. “These changes all are the result of what scientists call ‘the Great Acceleration’ — the dramatic, simultaneous surge in almost every measure of human activity that started in the mid-20th century and continues through today.” Facts don’t care about the amoeba-brained feelings, and these are the facts. “The Earth is, in fact, fundamentally different.”
Hidden Beneath the Surface

6/19/23 – Lovely piece. Just like with people, a great country isn’t one that pretends it’s perfect, flatters itself (or evil demagogues) with false narratives or wants to revert back to a more imperfect form. It’s one that is secure enough to admit it’s not, never has been and never will be perfect, and yet, will keep striving to be more perfect. Unless we’re God, perfection is unattainable, but a more perfect union is not. Half the country is working towards this end. Just like half the country fought to end slavery. Just like half the country will fight fascism and to keep America a democracy. This half of the country are American patriots. “The colors on the Juneteenth flag are red, white and blue; they must be. It is an American holiday” because “it was hard won by perhaps the greatest multiracial coalition the nation has ever assembled — with Black Americans actively engaged in the taking.” Today, let us honor the white, black and all of the people who helped free black slaves and win the bloodiest war in American history, the Civil War. Happy Juneteenth, America! Land of the free, home of the brave and strivers of a more perfect union.
Juneteenth is a holiday for all Americans. It’s our second independence day.

6/19/23 – MAGA are not loyal to the USA. They are loyal to the evil one, who is not loyal to anything or anyone. They are loyal to one demonic man. MAGA are preventing our military from functioning correctly, and they are a danger to the country. “‘You think a white nationalist is a Nazi?’ he asked. ‘I don’t look at it like that. I look at a white nationalist as a Trump Republican.’” That means Nazi = Trump Republican. (Tuberville, one of the dumbest of the amoeba-brained MAGA morons).
The GOP claims to be strong on defense. Tommy Tuberville shows otherwise.

6/18/23 – The people make the man. If this is what one has to say about the man, “His degeneracy is unmatched in American presidential history and unsurpassed in American political history,” then what does one say about the people? These are the people that are supposed to decide the fate of our democracy? A country is only as good as its people. Right now, half our country is rotten. Also, know this. The evil one, trump, has no loyalty to the USA because he has no loyalty to anything or anyone. This is why he has betrayed the country over and over again. By extension, MAGA also have no loyalty to the USA because they have loyalty only to him. That’s the devil’s bargain they entered. The rest of us are in grave danger. Do something!
Morality Is for Trump What Colors Are to the Color-Blind

6/18/23 – As Jesus said, hypocrites, hypocrites and hypocrites. Happy Sunday!

6/18/23 – It is quite ironic that African nations, with their tragic history of slavery, seem to be expecting Ukrainians to become Russian slaves so that Africans can have food. Sorry, people. You want food, help Ukraine win. If Africa sides with the imperialist enslavers, Russia, it would be the height of hypocrisy, and Africa would lose moral credibility.
Zelensky – Global Peace Summit, African Nations

6/18/23 – So many politicians, including Biden, talk so much about being pro-union, but they don’t do anything to strengthen labor.
Lexi Rizzo fought to unionize her Starbucks. Now she’s out of a job. Her struggle is just beginning.

6/18/23 – The USA is sleepwalking into losing its democracy. Does anybody have an actual plan to prevent this? For those who say, let the voters decide. You didn’t let the voters decide to keep Nazi Germany. One generation shouldn’t undermine the good work of previous generations or the future of subsequent generations. Everybody seems content with playing Russian roulette and leaving the fate of our democracy up to the bad, crazy, stupid people who want to have poo-sex with the evil one, trump. That’s not a plan. It’s quite dangerous and foolish. Do something! Anything!
Trump’s indictment plus candidacy could endanger democracy and the rule of law

6/17/23 – Does MAGA want to have (poo-, see Hitler) sex with the evil one, trump? This question deserves serious study. The hypothesis can be along the lines of his hateful rhetoric engages sexual desires MAGA, at least subconsciously, has and/or represses. Remember when the hideous MTG actually stroked a cardboard cutout of the evil one in his groin area. This is a representative in the House, and it is on video. She did on camera to an audience, who received it with delight by the way, what a lot of them, men and women, feel but don’t overtly express. A country ends up being a lot like a family where you’re stuck with people you don’t respect or can’t stand. Let’s not pretend that our predicament is about the evil one or even his abettors. Evil people will always exist. Opportunists will also always exist. However, this predicament, just like the one in Nazi Germany, exists because of MAGA. All they have to do is reject the evil one, and he disappears.

6/17/23 – Countries such as North Korea, whose leader the evil one adores, and China often force their citizens to worship their leaders or the state as gods. Nazi Germany also tried to do this, with many Germans choosing to do so. In the USA, MAGA doesn’t need to be forced, they are choosing of their own free will (Republicans claim to be the party of personal responsibility; remember that) to do so. They can’t see the truth regarding themselves or the evil one because they have chosen to listen to the lies.

6/17/23 – Now, let us take this in. The audio reading said, “arouse,” instead of “rouse.” Arouse is more accurate. The evil one’s hate and the evil one himself turn MAGA on. “Where Trump deviates from the script of generic Republican fearmongering these days is in the voluminousness and specificity of the personal grievances with which he seeks to rouse his audiences. Let Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, and the others try to scare Republican voters with the bogeyman of ‘biological boys’ showing up in girls’ locker rooms or the horrors of political correctness run amok at Walt Disney World. Only Trump would try to scare them with all the ways in which he himself is being persecuted…. ‘I am the only one that can save this nation,’ he said. L’état, c’est Trump.”
“I Am the Only One”: Trump’s Messianic 2024 Message

6/17/23 – Let’s all take in not just the absurdity of running for the office of the presidency but being unwilling to criticize your primary opponent and instead defending him, but also their total self-humiliation. Apparently, ambition is more powerful than even a basic level of self-respect and dignity. These are the people who want your votes.
I stand 100% with Donald Trump, but please vote for me instead of him

6/17/23 – What level of degenerate does a person have to be to find hate appealing? The racist, sexist, homophobic, religious bigot level. What level of complete idiot does a person have to be to fall for such a transparent con? Amoeba-brain. Single-celled organism. “Only I….” “I am your….” This country has a bad, stupid people problem known as MAGA. The evil one will go away, but this problem will remain. They have shown themselves to us. In fact, the internet has a permanent record of it. And it’s not pretty.

6/17/23 – The only reason the evil one, trump, has any relevance is because of amoeba-brained MAGA morons, many of whom are obsessed with homosexuality and can’t see the irony of giving the ugly, fat, orange idiot a blowjob every day. Every single day. Not to mention loads of their money that they could have actually invested in their families or their communities instead of giving to a traitorous, grifting crime boss. The mafia had to use extortion to get money. With these idiots, they hand it over because they think he will a) give them a magic cure for all their ills b) actually pass policy that will help them c) none of the above, but they do own the libs. Sure, they own the libs like they own the money they gave him. “‘It’s an old situation he’s in, but now because this is extremely serious, of course he’s going to ramp up that narrative,’ Ben-Ghiat said. ‘What strongmen do is, if you are corrupt, you need to get back into power to shut down all the institutions that can harm you.’”
Trump’s promise of payback for prosecution follows years of attacking democratic traditions

6/16/23 – And to all the liberal Democrats who are holier-than-thou, take your purity and shove it up your self-righteous a—es. Your purity cost us 2016, so f—k you.

6/16/23 – Democrats lost the presidency in 2016, and obviously, it was a crushing defeat. There were many things we might have done differently to win. Obviously, the election of the evil one, trump, must be owned by the people who actually voted for him. However, even for those of us who didn’t vote for his evilness but for the Democratic candidate, if anything happens to our men and women in uniform or other public servants who risk their lives to protect our nation and our freedom because of his actions, which sadly, at this point, is highly probable, we would understandably feel some guilt. Maybe we could have volunteered more, donated more, or somehow fought harder to win, and maybe we could have prevented this outcome by preventing his evilness from ever taking office. It is okay to have these regrets. We have a conscience and a love for our fellow compatriots who sacrifice for us. But let us not repeat it. We thought the evil one would be easier to defeat, and he won. It is better for the nation to not have him even in contention for the presidency, even if that means we are more likely to lose the presidency because a better candidate wins the Republican primary. Loving your country means loving it over party, and that applies equally to Republicans and Democrats.

6/16/23 – 100%. “Some people are blithely claiming that the indictment of former president Donald Trump on charges of violating the Espionage Act, obstruction, conspiracy and other crimes puts the justice system on trial. Balderdash. The cliché has no meaning at this stage — and it improperly shifts the attention and blame from a treacherous defendant alleged to have endangered U.S. national security.

The justice system already proved its mettle in the investigation and indictment of Trump. Attorney General Merrick Garland and special counsel Jack Smith meticulously investigated the facts, interviewing every imaginable witness and got Trump lawyer Evan Corcoran to supply invaluable evidence. Ordinary Americans serving on a grand jury indicted him. Should this go to trial, Trump’s fate, as with every criminal defendant who chooses a jury trial, will rest with a jury of his peers.

If there is a test, it is for Republicans. Indeed, it’s a test they have failed repeatedly thus far. When Senate Republicans adopted the ‘big lie’ and acquitted Trump in the second impeachment, they took the side of lawlessness, authoritarianism and contempt for the Constitution.

Now they have a second chance (or third chance, if you consider they could have jettisoned him in the first impeachment). Republicans must decide whether they will continue with self-delusion (aided by lame rationales provided by the right-wing media that will excuse any conduct and minimize any charge) to the detriment of the country, our democracy and the rule of law.

Voters need to think long and hard about nominating someone who has been indicted (and, by next year, might be convicted) on charges of serious crimes. Entrusting this guy with U.S. secrets would be ludicrous. Do they really care so little for national security? Do they lack any appreciation for the insult to the Constitution that they’d return to office someone so cavalier about it?

Republican officeholders’ gob-smacking determination to defend him should disqualify them from office. They apparently would stop at nothing to further their own careers (by pandering to the base they’ve radicalized) to the detriment of our democracy.

Democrats might be rooting for Republicans to sleepwalk their way to nominating Trump, believing he would surely lose in the general election. Perhaps. But we should not encourage millions of Americans to play Russian roulette with our democracy. Indeed, we should root for millions of our fellow Americans to regain their decency, honor and sobriety by rejecting someone so manifestly unfit and dangerous.” (Jennifer Rubin, The Washington Post)

6/16/23 – The Democratic Party, we are the democracy. We will not erase history, and when the history books are written, it will be written that we saved this country that so many patriots, not red or blue, but American patriots fought to defend, starting with the Revolutionary War. In our present civil war against fascism, we are American patriots. Old Glory will forever fly high and proud, and we will remain a city on a hill.

6/16/23 – If MAGA ever sees the light and realizes how completely conned they were, that backlash could be something to behold…and to seize upon. Let us, the sane protectors of democracy, aka Democrats, not let resentments dominate pragmatism. We don’t have to forgive them though…ever.

6/16/23 – Are the amoeba-brained MAGA morons actually working it out? It’s hard to believe that they might actually be getting their heads out of their cult a-ses. Are they capable of considering whether they love their children more than the evil orange monster? Will they think, all that money I gave to a grifting traitor who endangered my family and my country, I could have invested for my children and grandchildren? “Another problematic sign for Trump is that the number of Republicans bothered by his legal problems seems to be growing. So is the number among independents. More voters are bothered by the case against him — on charges of taking classified material and trying to conceal that he did — than by the earlier New York State charges related to hush money for a sexual encounter.” (NYTimes) Is this actually possible or just a mirage?

6/15/23 – More people should consider joining the military. They might learn really practical things like discipline, hard work, teamwork and, well, how to survive, which will come in quite handy as the planet enters the apocalyptic hellscape phase.

6/15/23 – Some of us never left any of the “analog” world behind because why would we. It’s good for Gen Z to get away from all the digital stuff if only to give their eyes a break not to mention help cure them of their cellphone addiction. Hopefully, they will also actually learn more too. Just like it’s easier to memorize Shakespeare if you understand the sound (it is poetry, after all), blue book exams (which should definitely be used more frequently in general) in literature classes are much easier to excel at when you read physical books because you actually have to turn the pages. You can keep track of where you’re at in the work better, which one is usually required to provide. In case anyone forgot, we have more senses than just sight. They should all be used as much as possible. Humans and the entire universe are designed so well, one would think there might be some intelligent design behind the whole of creation. Oh no, that’s right. It’s just the logic of evolution, which is why we share so many genes with other life forms. I mean what God would design us to share genes…. It must be either/or, right? It couldn’t possibly be both. Actually, it can. And it can also be both analog and digital.
6 analog trends that are good for the soul

6/15/23 – F—k everybody calling for the evil one, trump, to be pardoned. If justice were being truly served, he would be sentenced to death by firing squad. He is a traitor and has betrayed the country on every possible level.

6/15/23 – A second term of the evil one, trump, will mean not only the potential end of our democracy but the end of our national security, a financial crisis in which he bails out himself and other rich people at the expense of the American people, including MAGA, and turning the entire global economy into Russian- and Chinese-style cronyism. It will mean the end of everything Americans’ ancestors, both red and blue, sacrificed their lives to protect: freedom and democracy. MAGA is immoral, stupid and crazy. They need to be stopped.

6/15/23 – So the incompetent Fed is floating potential future rate hikes while this catastrophe is looming. Genius.
Workers want to stay remote, prompting an office real estate crisis

6/15/23 – This is the country the evil one, trump, sold our national secrets to. So many sports organizations, such as the PGA and FIFA, are totally corrupt. It’s corruption and grift everywhere. “One major reason Saudi Arabia is especially flush with cash — enough to buy entire sports leagues — is that the Saudi government is taking advantage of the war in Ukraine to fleece the West….  But the administration should also realize that the Saudis are interfering in U.S. politics to support people who, if elected, would stop U.S. support for Ukraine.”
Saudi Arabia bought golf with its Ukraine war profits

6/15/23 – Turkey and Hungary should be kicked out of all of the multi-lateral institutions.
GOP senator blocks arms sale to Hungary for stalling Sweden’s NATO bid

6/14/23 – Republicans might say they have these values, but they don’t act like it. It’s like self-described Christians who don’t actually practice the faith. They just speak words. Words like these are meaningless when you don’t live them. “In the survey, respondents were asked to rate the importance of six principles: personal responsibility, fair enforcement of the law, representative government, government accountability, compassion and respect across differences, and learning from the past. In each case, about 90% of both Democrats and Republicans rated these values as very or extremely important. When asked if members of the opposing party shared those values, however, about two-thirds of respondents said no.” When you support an evil man, like trump or putin, all your credibility evaporates. Nobody will believe anything you say because your actions don’t match your stated values.
Democrats and Republicans share core values but still distrust each other

6/13/23 – This is true. “Nobody ever asks Republican presidential candidates to do the same with urban voters. Maybe if they did, they’d learn a thing or two about the country they aspire to govern.” It’s a double standard. However, it’s not either/or. It’s both. Small towns and big cities have negative aspects. Small towns can be intolerant, even backward, and limited. Big cities can be obnoxious and overwhelming. They also have positive ones. Some parts of the country really value both: living in the city, with its diverse population that, by the way, are quite friendly, polite and helpful toward each other, but also getting out of the city, into nature, hanging out in quiet, rural communities with their simple lives. More people might stay in small towns if they could realize their ambitions there. Making these opportunities happen is worthwhile policy for both parties. Being able to adapt to change is important but so is honoring tradition, your ancestors and the people who sacrificed for the country’s and the world’s benefit. A well-rounded person can feel comfortable in and appreciative of many different environments.
Forget ‘small-town values.’ We need candidates with big-city values.

6/11/23 – The average person is an idiot. Thank you, and have a blessed Sunday.

6/11/23 – Let’s help the idiots of Door County. All of these white people’s ancestors came to the United States as illegals, i.e. illegally, as this land was already owned by indigenous people. They need to get the f—k over themselves and their whiteness.
This county backed every president for two decades. What about 2024?

6/11/23 – The entire free world’s security is going to be at risk if the evil sociopathic monster is reelected.

6/11/23 – You would think that the media, the FBI and the Justice Department would all find it very strange that the evil one, trump, was travelling around with boxes of our national security secrets. Doesn’t that seem like a red f—king flag to anyone?
Trump’s path to indictment: ‘Isn’t it better if there are no documents?’

6/11/23 – “Mike Pence poses 2024’s elemental question: The Constitution or Trump?” Here is a more elemental question. God or Trump? Because you can’t have both.

6/11/23 – I wonder what would have happened if Paul, after he had seen the light, was embraced by…right, it didn’t matter at all who embraced him. In fact, Jesus’s other disciples remained distrustful and resentful of him. We either live by our convictions, or we don’t. It shouldn’t matter what others think or do. Beck is doing what is wrong because of money. He has chosen to sell his soul.
We must give Tucker Carlson an exit ramp

6/11/23 – Can we do this or what? Can we do anything that actually helps children? In general, American parents are some of the worst parents in the world. They simply don’t know how to parent. “[T]he history of cigarette and opioid litigation might be instructive. I hope the bubble denizens mentioned above can escape long enough to read this one essay.”
Why we should ban smartphones in schools

6/11/23 – Never in my life will I be doing chatbot-generated church. Happy Sunday, and Happy Human-Generated Service!

6/10/23 – Gary Abernathy can go f—k himself, and then f—k himself some more.

6/10/23 – The former “commander-in-chief” is an abettor of foreign enemies and spies. He is a traitor. Let that sink in.

6/10/23 – The problem with MAGA is that they are bad, stupid people. Remember: The evil one, trump, has no value for human life. This is the person MAGA supports.

6/9/23 – Let’s break this down for the amoeba-brained MAGA morons. What the evil one did was not the same as what others, Democrats and Republicans, did. Many of us have had a car accident at some point due to misjudgment. The evil one intentionally turned the car into a weapon intended to harm the United States of America. It was not an accident. It was not unintentional. On top of that, his weaponization was intended to help him. Car terrorism is not treated the same way as a car accident. The former is a crime. The latter is a civil matter between two parties, usually settled rather perfunctorily by their insurance agencies. MAGA will be in idiotic denial, but the truth is indifferent to them and their depraved states. They are demonic, and the truth is divine.

6/9/23 – The American people want to know how much the grifting evilness cost the taxpayers in total. We want the courts to require the evil one, trump, to repay the amount to the American people. “He violated federal contracting guidelines by giving an open-ended, no-bid contract to a law firm with conservative connections to investigate employees he saw as opposed to Mr. Trump. It allowed lawyers to bill $1,470 per hour for work that, if it needed to be done at all, could have been performed by government attorneys. The sweetheart deal cost taxpayers $1.6 million.” Pack basically tried to turn VOA into the American version of RT.
How a Trump appointee tried to destroy Voice of America

6/8/23 – Remember: when people didn’t want to follow Jesus, he didn’t impose his will on them. He just kept walking. We have to choose to follow him. God made each person with free will. To endow us with this spark of the divine is the greatest act of trust there will ever be. With this gift of free will, we also own our lives and our choices. Conservatives are not our god, and they are not our judge. Only Jesus is the Son of God and our judge. We know his voice and answer to him alone.

6/8/23 – “With his courage on Jan. 6, Mike Pence saved our democracy. He would make an outstanding president.” The first part is true, and the country owes him a debt of gratitude for it. His actions in this regard will be remembered well. The second part is not true. He routinely did the bidding of his evil mob boss to the extent that a running joke compared him to a lapdog. Let’s break down his statements. “‘We’ve had enough of the Democrats and the radical left repeatedly trampling on our Constitution, threatening to pack the court to dismantle the God-given rights that are enshrined there, [The conservatives packed the courts and are trampling on our God-given rights. Just look at the polls and the unpopularity of many of the conservative court’s rulings.]’ Pence said on Wednesday. ‘We must stand on the Constitution to protect the God-given right to life. We must stand on the Constitution to protect the right to keep and bear arms. [The conservatives don’t care about life once it can breathe on its own. They don’t care about the abuse of guns to kill life. It’s quite contradictory and hypocritical. They don’t care about women’s rights. They don’t care about LGBTQ rights. They care about the rights of people who agree with them and are so arrogant about their convictions, they are willing to impose them on others who disagree. This is an unworkable position for a pluralistic society.] We must stand for the Constitution to protect the right to live, to work, to worship according to the dictates of our faith and conscience. [Agreed, what about the people who are of different or no faith tradition and for that reason and others, have different values? Do Constitutional rights apply equally to them or not?]”
Pence put America first when it counted. He would be a great president.

6/8/23 – There is no way on God’s green earth that the evil one, trump, wanted to hang onto the documents simply out of ego. It defies everything we know about his grifting evilness. He wanted to sell out the country’s security for his personal gain. He deserves the death penalty, by firing squad.
Trump charged in Mar-a-Lago classified documents investigation

6/8/23 – True Christians will be living and defending the faith until the bitter end, and we will win.

6/8/23 – Despicable desantis is disgusting. He should be excommunicated for this. It’s absolutely immoral. Apparently, he learned absolutely nothing about the faith during all of that Catholic education. “It is taking person who already has lost everything — everything. They have nothing, not even a nation they can really call their own because they have had to flee that nation. And then using them for your own purposes: That is not morally acceptable.”
DeSantis recruiters eyed Catholic church for migrant flights that bishop calls ‘reprehensible’

6/7/23 – One hundred percent agree. The schools care more about these kids than their own parents. Hard truth.
Get Phones Out of Schools Now

6/6/23 – One-hundred years old and still changing the world for the better. They are our best. The world owes them everything. God bless them. God bless America.
Papa Jake survived D-Day on Omaha Beach, now he’s a TikTok star

6/6/23 – Individual liberty and human rights aren’t a red or blue thing. They are an American thing. As a strong believer in religious liberty, unless there is a violation of human rights, people should be able to practice their faith openly and freely, without the interference of other religious or nonreligious groups. That’s the core aspect of the American origin story. The Republican autocrats are imposing their religious values on others who don’t subscribe to their faith. This is un-American. There should be no differences on these issues between red and blue Americans.

Where we have substantive differences is on taxes and the extent of the social safety net. What Republicans describe as individual responsibility, implicitly merit, Democrats view as handouts to the rich, which is the antithesis of individual responsibility or merit and is hypocritical. Ironically, the position of the Democrats, which has more nonreligious voters, happens to also be more in keeping with core Christian tenets. Some people are just born luckier than others. An important role of good governance is to help the unlucky. Republicans want to tilt the playing field to benefit the people who need it the least, the lucky.

Did we merit our genes or God’s grace? No, we were blessed so that we can bless others however we can. When the assumption shifts from I earned this to I was given this by God’s grace, the entire idea of individual responsibility also changes. The onus shifts to the lucky to give to the unlucky. We are our brother’s keeper. This approach, regardless of the society’s religious composition, will also be the most beneficial to all including the rich. Life is much more than money. It is about relationships, with each other, our own country and the rest of the world. This approach will yield stronger, healthier relationships on all of these levels and lead to a more fulfilling life.
I’m not running for president in 2024. Beating Trump is more important.

6/4/23 – Another interesting analysis would be the degree to which this political courage was directly or indirectly related to the murder of George Floyd.

6/4/23 – Minnesota, best state in the union. Minneapolis/St. Paul does most of the political lifting in terms of votes, and Walz and Flanagan, who is a Native woman, are great. When you have the political capital, use it all to help the people who put you in office. Anything short of that is political treachery.
The ‘Minnesota Miracle’ should serve as a model for Democrats

6/4/23 – Gardening is like painting with God’s plants. Enjoy and Happy Sunday!

6/4/23 – If you’re spending more time in the virtual world than the real one, you’re choosing an inferior product over a superior one. Just know this.

6/4/23 – Let’s give the Ukrainians some space. They don’t need to hurry. They just need to win…for the world’s sake.

6/3/23 – Old Glory does not belong to MAGA fascists. It belongs to American patriots. Wear it proud, non-MAGA America. The Ukrainians have sunflowers. The British have poppies. Should the USA have a flower to represent our battle against fascism? If so, what should it be?

6/1/23 – What happened to the wigged look of the Founding Fathers era, and where did all that hair come from? Did it come from the other British colonies? Something that pretty much never gets talked about is the exploitation of people, usually women, particularly from India for their hair. Just because it grows back doesn’t make it any less a violation of their person.

6/1/23 – Jews are not white. Nobody from the Middle East or North Africa is white. Nobody from South Asia is white. Nobody from Central or South America is white, which is almost always evident by their features and often their hair no matter their skin color. No matter how fair the Middle Easterner or the North African, their hair is not the same as white people, and their features are also different. South Asians can have fair skin and almost identical hair, but they are also not white. Their features are different enough. Also, identity is beyond genetic composition, to include culture. Jews are culturally not white no matter how white they might look. Sadly, people who are mixed and want to “pass” sometimes think they are white, but they are not. One can almost always tell when someone is mixed. Nobody would consider Japanese or Chinese white, even though many of them are “whiter” than the average white person, because it’s not just about the color of the skin. Their hair and features are quite different. The more important question/point, why would these people want to be considered white? And why are these designations so poorly constructed? Census data need to be accurate, and these clarifications need to be made.
A census mistake reveals surprising details about U.S. Hispanics and Latinos

6/1/23 – So the evil one, trump, went to all this effort to keep the classified documents out of ego. That’s not even remotely believable.
Prosecutors have recording of Trump discussing sensitive Iran document

Notes from Underground – May 2023

5/30/23 – Wild what one demagogue can do to the order of things. The evil one, trump, is the best and worst thing that happened to the country.

5/30/23 – Old Glory belongs to all other Americans but MAGA, who are now traitors. Democrats are now patriots.

5/30/23 – Anybody who’s been paying attention knows that MAGA are not Christians. They are pagans, godless, demonic, what have you. Comments are also worth reading.
Move over, evangelicals. Non-churchgoers now rule the GOP.

5/30/23 – Human beings were designed by God to live in and with nature. We are to spend as much time as possible with God’s other creations. The farther we get from this fundamental aspect of our design, the closer we get to our own self-destruction. The AI debates need to be broadened to the detrimental effects all of this technology is having on humans more generally.

5/29/23 – Time and nature are great healers of wounds. They are God’s creation, his healing balm for us. If one is anxious or distressed, spend time in nature and pray to God. Remember, God loves us with a deep and abiding love.

5/29/23 – As we end this Memorial Day, let’s remember that the epic battle of our time, a war for freedom and democracy, is happening right now in Ukraine. After the Ukrainians win the war, and they will win, we hope they are able to properly honor all of their service men and women, and the fallen in beautiful cemeteries with cones to place flowers and grass (or preferably pollinator-friendly ground cover) for loved ones to visit. Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes!

5/29/23 – Obviously, we have a lot of problems. Highest among them is the evil one and MAGA. But this is the greatest country in the world. We have freedom. We’re a nation of laws. We’re a democracy. Many of our people are good. We work hard. We care for each other. We are generous with our time and our money. May we always be a light onto the world, a city on a hill. God bless America.

5/29/23 – Don’t just BBQ or relax. Please take time out this Memorial Day to honor our heroes. In many cases, they paid for our freedom with their lives. They are our best. God bless America.

5/28/23 – Today and every day, let us honor our Jewish brothers and sisters. Without them, there would be no Christianity.

5/28/23 – May the Holy Spirit bring you to the Lord and light a fire that can’t be extinguished. We honor all of our Christian martyrs past and present, today and every day. Their blood is never in vain. It serves God and shalom.

5/28/23 – Lying is a sin, but it’s also more than that. God never lies. Jesus never lied. “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” If you’re a true Christian, you believe them and in them, and part of the reason you believe in them is because you believe them. Truth is at the center of the Christian faith. It is what allows us to believe them without actually knowing. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” He always told the truth, and he is the truth. The devil lies, and those that are like the devil also lie. Be like Jesus. Be committed to the truth no matter the cost.
Liz Cheney urges graduates not to compromise with the truth in commencement speech

5/27/23 – Great advice! “Let it go and Hold on! — in the way of so many great philosophies, those apparent opposites prove to be two sides of the same coin. To hold securely to the well-formed purposes of your will, you must let go of the vain idea that you can control people or events or the tides of fate. But you can choose what you stand for and what you will try to accomplish. You can choose, when hopes and fears are swirling in your head, to clutch at hope. Amid beauty and ugliness, to fasten on beauty. Between despair and possibility, to pursue the possible. Of love and hate, to opt for love.”
My neighbor lived to be 109. This is what I learned from him.

5/27/23 – Tomorrow is Pentecost. Receive the Holy Spirit, and be transformed by God’s grace.

5/27/23 – Being out in nature, walking, gardening, whatever, is great for physical and mental health. “In this telling, nature provides what scientists call ‘soft fascination,’ she said — it holds our attention without demanding constant intellectual processing. Our overtaxed attention can reset, and afterward, we can concentrate and reason more readily.”
Why an outdoor workout is better for you than indoors

5/27/23 – Time is the most valuable thing in the world. You don’t have much of it. Use it well. Don’t spend it on demagogues or obsessing about superficial things, like status, money or power.
Americans are bad at resting. Here’s how to reclaim your free time.

5/26/23 – Thinking of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. versus the war criminal Henry Kissinger, longevity has its place, but sacrifice is divine.

5/26/23 – Liz Cheney, “Any candidate who says they will pardon Jan. 6 defendants is not qualified to be President.” Absolutely!

5/25/23 – “‘The United States debt, foreign and domestic, was the price of liberty,’ Hamilton wrote. ‘The faith of America has been repeatedly pledged for it.'” For the first time in our nation’s history, we might default on our debt. For the first time in our nation’s history, we didn’t have a peaceful transfer of power. Who’s to blame for these terrible firsts? The evil one and the corrupt GOP.
A daring, dazed trip into the ‘hostage’ situation on Capitol Hill

5/24/23 – Well, if it wasn’t obvious before, we all now know why Musk wanted to buy Twitter.
Ron DeSantis’s 2024 kickoff on Twitter plagued by technical issues

5/24/23 – Good for the environment and your budget.
Why you should buy everything used

5/23/23 – Invoke the 14th Amendment already.
Here are President Biden’s debt ceiling options, ranked

5/21/23 – Christianity has more promise now than it’s ever had to truly be a faith that lives Jesus’s teachings. It’s more diverse than it’s ever been, and it’s shedding itself of European and other western corruptions. So, to those worried about the state of Christianity, don’t. Just trust in God and follow Jesus. He is the way, the truth and the life.

5/21/23 – Tim Keller was a Christian intellectual. Some come to Christianity more from the head, some more from the heart. Keller was more from the head, but his heart was always open. Even when you disagree with some people’s theological interpretations, you can respect their zeal and their good intentions. “Where is God in the midst of pain and disease and death?” They are all a part of life, and as they are always present, God is also always present. The tribute contained the answer to the question. “But Tim was able to say that he was never happier, never had more days of comfort, and that his relationship with God had never been better. It was an extraordinary testimony.” His thoughts live on even as he has gone home to Jesus. There is no better place to be.
My Friend, Tim Keller

5/21/23 – Church is about keeping the faith, learning the faith, and building communities. Building long, healthy relationships is important to one’s health and the world’s health. Be connected. Be beloved. Happy Sunday!

5/19/23 – Don’t be afraid. The Lord did not abandon us. He walks with the righteous. Go forth bravely, committed to truth, justice and everything good. God’s will be done.

5/19/23 – Completely agree! “The key to this strategy is courage. We must conquer our fears of Russian threats and escalation, of its nuclear bravado, and even of Russian collapse. We must be strategic and shrewd, but nothing can be accomplished without courage. In the words of John Paul II—the unarmed, lone old man who did so much to bring Soviet communism to its knees—‘Never doubt, never tire, and never become discouraged. Be not afraid.’”
It’s Not Enough for Ukraine to Win. Russia Has to Lose.

5/18/23 – If you’re going to live in an urban setting, you need to adapt to its culture. People who grew up in the city are used to being around a lot of different kinds of people. We are relaxed around each other. Chill the f—k out or get the f—k out of our cities. Thank you, and have a nice day.

5/18/23 – If you think the murderer Daniel Penny is a “Good Samaritan,” you don’t know anything about Jesus or the Bible. Please stop making asinine references to the Bible, especially when it’s obvious you haven’t read it or don’t understand it.
DeSantis’s celebration of vigilantism is a new low in MAGA extremism

5/18/23 – Total and complete incompetence. Remember, we pay their salaries…for this. “But Democrats could not find the time and support to act, opening the door for Republicans now to use the debate as an avenue to push for massive spending cuts.” Let’s wring our hands about getting rid of the debt ceiling. Yes, indeed. “The United States is one of only two modern democracies that still mandate an absolute debt ceiling. The other is Denmark, which has set its borrowing cap so high that it cannot really breach it, sparing it from perennial crises.” Doom loop.
As debt ceiling fight rages, Democrats bring up an old idea: Abolish it

5/18/23 – How many times does the Washington Post Editorial Board have to write about this before DC actually implements it?
The model city for transforming downtowns? It’s in Canada.

5/18/23 – We end minority rule or end in civil war. City rights! “In fact, it’s Republicans who have not just abandoned a large swath of the country but also are openly hostile toward it. But if the GOP’s continued electoral losses in U.S. cities are any indication, waging war on these dynamic and fast-growing regions is probably not as clever as Republicans think.”
Republicans abandoned urban America, and they’re paying the price

5/16/23 – Slava Ukraini!

5/16/23 – To every institutional body, secular or religious, that wants to whine about the state of affairs, know this, you created the situation you’re whining about. Have a nice day.
Want to know why America is losing its edge? Look around campus.

5/15/23 – Is this strange? “Most American conservatives insist that the United States is the best country in the world, so it’s strange to see so many long for the politics of another nation.” Is this strange too? “Frerichs, a Democrat, pointed out the absurdity ‘of me defending the free market against a Republican legislature trying to have a planned economy mandating what businesses have to invest in.’” Is it strange that the Republican Party has become infected with the communist fascism of their dear evil leader? When power and money are the primary things you care about, you likely have no real principles. This is what the Republican Party has shown itself to be. If God wanted to completely control us, he could have created puppets. God didn’t want this, but so many people want to play dema-god.
U.S. conservatives have found an alarming model for their movement
The day free-market Republicans became Soviet economic planners

5/15/23 – Don’t be an obnoxious liberal. Don’t be an obnoxious conservative. Be your own person.

5/15/23 – Social media is bad for one’s health. Things that are good for one’s health: water, good food, sleep, nature, community and faith.

5/14/23 – Jesus was a brown Jew from Nazareth who treated women as equal to men. The depiction is actually true to the man.
Stained glass window shows Jesus Christ with dark skin, stirring questions about race in New England

5/14/23 – You don’t want to be like uncultured, evil MAGA. You also don’t want to be an elitist snob. Engage with the arts so that you can more deeply understand the complexities of the human experience. Engage with it to feel your own and other’s humanity with sensitivity and honesty. The arts make us better human beings.

5/14/23 – We need to stop having elections that are about the evil one, trump. Can we have an election in 2024 that is actually about a post-evil one future built on hope, peace, the promise of our country, and everything good?

5/13/23 – Being drawn to beauty is nothing to feel ashamed or guilty of. God wouldn’t have created a world full of beauty if he didn’t want us to be in awe of it. The ugly realities behind manmade beauty are one of the differentiating aspects from natural beauty. Even the hunting and preying of wild animals has an innocence that human exploitation of each other or of our natural resources cannot have. The former is of God’s natural order. The latter generally depends on the degree, and the ascetic monks of various religious traditions are a counterbalancing reminder of the power of worldly seductions. In the Bible, there are stories of great abundance, the perfume for Jesus prior to his crucifixion, and of great sacrifice, his own, the same person who was just perfumed. Perhaps that’s the point. If we can’t be ascetic, we must find a reasonable balance. Gluttony is a sin. Eating, even eating well, is not. Keep it reasonable. Pay it back.

5/13/23 – As a simple act of appreciation for other’s labor and for the craft, one could make their own clothes (knitting and sewing) or grow and fish/hunt their own food. These are valuable life skills, hard to master but not necessarily hard to learn. In so doing, we connect to ourselves, to our fellow human beings, and to God.
A Better Way of Buying—And Wanting—Things
Forget Uber Eats. Modern-day homesteaders prefer to live off the land.

5/13/23 – Superior white MAGhadis are addicted to lies because the truth is that they are not superior. They find this and other truths hard to accept.

5/13/23 – In terms of lying and related sins, the only difference between the evil one, trump, and George Santos is that the evil one is better at manipulating the legal system.

5/13/23 – MAGhadis are the problem. Without them, the evil one basically disappears.
Don’t Say You Haven’t Been Warned About Trump and 2024

5/11/23 – Apparently, the media or, at least, a considerable portion of it doesn’t understand that in addition to being generally horrible people, MAGA are liars. When the evil one, trump, lies, which he does all the time, it doesn’t offend them because of who they are. Yet, the media thinks “fact-checking” will somehow work on liars who want to believe the lies. OK.

5/10/23 – As a matter of pride, don’t turn in crappy writing that you have put no effort into because you just didn’t care. It is an insult to yourself and to your teacher. Have some self-respect, accept the bad grade and manage your time and yourself better the next time. If your name is on the thing, actually care about its quality. Thank you.

5/10/23 – Americans generally dress badly. They are way too casual. They are way too casual with pretty much everything. Africans, Asians, Europeans are all more formal in the way they dress, the way they address each other, and other aspects of daily life. Taking pride in one’s appearance is not the same thing as vanity nor is it necessarily an ostentatious display of wealth, which one shouldn’t do because it’s tacky. It’s a matter of self-expression and self-respect. It’s about taking pride in one’s unique identity and sending a message to the world that is meant to convey respect for oneself and others. For example, Zelensky is using his attire to remind the world that he’s the leader of a nation at war. How one expresses oneself could be for practical reasons or more personal ones. The point is to actually say something aside from you’re f—king lazy. Thank you.
Why even the preppy look is preferable to egalitarian shabbiness

5/10/23 – Part of the reason we’re stuck in a doom loop is because the old people refuse to retire. They are selfish and self-centered.

5/9/23 – Both the Republican and Democratic establishments suck a–. (Republicans are way worse though.) “Already, parts of the Republican establishment are resigning themselves to another Trump coronation. Although DeSantis was once their great hope, the plan now—once again—seems to be to sit back and pray that the Democrats take care of Trump for them.” For God’s sake, give us new candidates!

5/9/23 – MAGA are like the American Nazi. They are the worst of America. They are ignorant and stupid, and worse than anything else, they are simply terrible people. After everything they’ve seen of the evil one, he’s still their guy. The devil beats in MAGA’s dark, evil hearts. Their children and/or grandchildren will hang their heads in shame when they find out their ancestors were MAGA.
What GOP Voters Have Told Me Since Trump’s Indictment

5/9/23 – The evil one, trump, is a revolting pig who doesn’t respect anyone. At least, E. Jean Carroll and the rest of us got a modicum of justice today. And she looked lovely to boot. “[R]ather than becoming a source of judgment, clothes can become a conduit to empathy.” You don’t have to spend a lot of money. In fact, it’s better if you don’t. Just find items that reflect you. If you’re an immigrant, wear the clothes from your home country at least occasionally. Assert your unique identity. Hold your head high, and be proud of who you are.
Jean Carroll dressed to win

5/9/23 – Just this past winter, I watched a woman pull over to give a homeless man a big, warm winter coat. We need to care for each other. Always. We are at our best when we are a kind and caring country, a kind and caring world.

5/9/23 – Respecting human dignity is not about left or right. It’s about being in right relationship with God and with each other. Love and help each other, especially the poor and vulnerable. And always remember that God loves us with a deep and abiding love.

5/8/23 – Wes Moore. Maybe Amy Klobuchar could be his running mate?

5/8/23 – Biden would not win a second primary if it has a field of competitive candidates.

5/8/23 – Except for she’s about as bad as he is at the interviews. “So if I were giving Biden advice he surely doesn’t want, I’d tell him to steer into the storm rather than away from it, and run with Harris almost as if he expected her to take over. I’d make her a constant fixture at Biden’s side in public events and in the kind of extended interviews she’s mostly avoided doing. I’d turn the campaign into what Hollywood calls a ‘two-hander’ — a show with two protagonists.”
How Joe Biden should solve the Kamala Harris Conundrum

5/8/23 – It’s f—king ridiculous. “Taking questions from the media promotes public accountability. It also shows that the president is willing to defend his positions and instills confidence that he can do the job. It is widely known that Mr. Biden is gaffe-prone and that news conferences are not his forte. But as he runs for a second term, he should be eager to show he can handle all aspects of the job.”
Biden no longer does press conferences. That’s not acceptable.

5/8/23 – Remember Jesus loves you. “If you are having thoughts of suicide, please know that you are not alone. If you’re in danger of acting on suicidal thoughts, call 911. For support and resources, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 or text 741741 for the Crisis Text Line.”

5/8/23 – Thought-provoking piece by David Brooks. The extreme left likes to think of itself as so virtuous and moral, but often, it’s as shallow in its thinking as the extreme right. Abortion should be legal, but there should also be limits. Assisted suicide should be legal, but there should also be limits. Canada’s “limits” are way too lax. God made us because he loved us. If only we could love ourselves and each other as he loves us. “Canadian society apparently had no shared set of morals that would justify saying no. If individual autonomy is the highest value, then when somebody comes to you and declares, ‘It’s my body. I can do what I want with it,’ whether they are near death or not, painfully ill or not, doesn’t really matter. Autonomy rules.”
The Outer Limits of Liberalism

5/8/23 – We asked ChatGPT if it thought assisted suicide was moral, and it said.

5/7/23 – We asked ChatGPT if it was moral to kill evil dictators or dictator wannabees, and it said yes. We asked it if AI would ever evolve to rid humankind of these monstrous menaces, and it said it would. There is hope for AI after all.

5/7/23 – Does it matter what voters want or just what the Democratic establishment wants? We want a real f—king primary in our f—king democracy. Give it to us! Or are the a—hole elites going to subject us to yet another failure, but this time of a greater threat than 2016? Biden was senator forever, 2 terms as VP, and now 1 as Pres. It’s been a good run. He got a lot done in one term. He’s too old for another term. Move the f—k on! How much clearer can we make this? “His overall approval ratings have slipped to a new low, more Americans than not doubt his mental acuity, and his support against leading Republican challengers is far shakier than at this point four years ago…. 26 percent of independents who support charging Trump in any of the three cases say they would definitely or probably vote for him against Biden, while 48 percent back Biden and the rest would support neither, would not vote or are undecided.” The warning signs are flashing red, and the Democratic establishment ignores them at the country’s peril.
Biden faces broad negative ratings at start of campaign, Post-ABC poll finds

5/7/23 – Biden’s personal ambition and hubris is going to destroy our democracy. We need a different ticket.

5/7/23 – F—k with us enough, and we’ll bring this country to its f—king knees. Know it now. “Biden’s dominance was pronounced in the highest-output metro areas. Biden won 43 of the 50 metros, regardless of what state they were in, that generated the absolute most economic output; remarkably, he won every metro area that ranked No. 1 through 24 on that list of the most-productive places… From 2010 to 2020, Muro said, the share of the nation’s total economic output generated by the 50 most-productive metropolitan areas increased from 62 to 64 percent, a significant jump in such a short span…. ‘The basic story seems to be that where you are seeing rapid economic growth, where the nation’s GDP is produced, you are seeing an ongoing shift toward the Democratic Party.’”
Republicans’ Big Rich-City Problem

5/7/23 – It’s interesting how much more similar the Independents’ number is to Democrats than to Republicans. “Republicans view the news media less favorably than Democrats, with 61% of Republicans saying the news media is hurting democracy, compared with 23% of Democrats and 36% of independents who don’t lean toward either party.” Obviously, the press (reputable, reliable sources) could improve, but overall and excluding Fox, it is a force for good, and our democracy wouldn’t survive without the free press and courageous journalists.
Americans fault news media for dividing nation: AP-NORC poll

5/7/23 – Mending is better than spending.

5/7/23 – Taiwan does not belong to China. It belongs to Taiwan.

5/6/23 – The satanic Russia s—t is a f—king idiot of the first f—king order. Have a nice day.

5/6/23 – If it’s as the article argues, then Pope Francis is dead wrong. However, he might be taking this position so he can help broker POW swaps and the return of abducted children. If he had taken a more directly confrontational and critical approach to Russia and the satanic Russian s—t, would the Pope be able do either of these things? Would it have helped on any other matter? Probably not. PS No matter where one lives in the world, the villain is obvious or it should be. It’s Russia.
Why Pope Francis Isn’t With the West on Ukraine

5/6/23 – Too many to cite specifics, but ProPublica does great investigative journalism that has meaningfully positive impacts on our society.

5/6/23 – Less “orthodox” international economists have been making these arguments forever. Financial Times’s Luce is an indoctrinated hack. He can go f—k himself. Have a nice day.
Eyeing China, Biden official floats a new ‘Washington consensus’

5/6/23 – Absolutely! “We need to learn how to oppose the illiberalism of the left, the impulse to give up on the national story, to lose the thread of it, to declare the American experiment dead. ‘We must not be enemies,’ Abraham Lincoln urged; instead, we must all practice a conservatism that preserves the institutions and beliefs undergirding the shared liberal ideals of human freedom and equality. When the political game is played between these lines and by these rules, everyone wins.”
Illiberalism is a threat to democracy — on the right and left

5/6/23 – Who needs mergers and acquisitions when you have banking and financial crises. “Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) backed the FDIC’s decision to sell to JPMorgan but expressed reservations about ongoing banking consolidation — there are some 4,700 FDIC-insured institutions, roughly half the total 20 years ago.”
JPMorgan’s acquisition of First Republic revives too-big-to-fail talk

5/5/23 – The whole normal has changed. Can we elect someone who deeply understands that or what? Can we elect a fighter? We need a wartime president, and we have a peacetime president. Wes Moore has so many things that make for a great presidential candidate. Can we do this or what? PS Spare us the BS about maybe after he’s been governor for longer. The evil one was never elected to any other prior office.
Wes Moore: How to talk to veterans about the war

5/5/23 – Hey Kremlin, the next time you pretend an assassination attempt on the satanic poop, don’t pretend.

5/5/23 – Wes Moore.

5/5/23 – So, we’re supposed to reelect this, right? We told them to prevent the debt ceiling hostage-taking situation, and all we got were empty assurances. We told him to be more aggressive in their support of Ukraine, and all we got were empty assurances. We’re warning about 2024, and all we’re getting are empty assurances. This and the banking crisis are a replay of the Obama administration, in which Biden was VP. It’s a doom loop. Can we have a new ticket for 2024 or what? He’s too cautious and too weak. The one thing Democrats have in common with MAGA is that we also want a fighter. Instead, we’re getting someone who doesn’t understand the duplicitousness and ruthlessness of the people he’s dealing with. “Rather than join Biden in urging the GOP to simply raise the borrowing limit — as many administration officials had hoped — these groups have called for bipartisan budget negotiations, implicitly endorsing McCarthy’s position and rejecting Biden’s opposition to talks.”
How the Washington establishment is confounding Biden’s debt ceiling plan

5/5/23 – Democrats are way too weak.

5/5/23 – MAGA are evil monsters.
5 striking findings about what the GOP wants in 2024

5/5/23 – KKKlarence Thomas is one of the biggest traitors to black people in American history. He is a disgrace to this country and to the world. And yes, a kid is at risk of poor moral formation by having KKKlarence as his father. “In December 2012, the Judicial Education Project submitted an amicus brief in Shelby County v. Holder, a case challenging a landmark civil rights law aimed at protecting minority voters. The court struck down a formula in the Voting Rights Act that determined which states had to obtain federal clearance before changing their voting rules and procedures. Clarence Thomas was part of the 5-to-4 majority.”
Judicial activist directed fees to Clarence Thomas’s wife, urged ‘no mention of Ginni’
Crow tuition payment for Thomas relative adds to outcry over court ethics

5/5/23 – On what planet is the UAE an ally because it’s not on this one.
Buildup resumed at suspected Chinese military site in UAE, leak says

5/4/23 – Today is the National Day of Prayer. It wasn’t covered at all in the news. In any case, we have many things to pray for: peace, democracy, the annihilation of evil leaders, the freedom of all people, religious freedom, the end of poverty, to name a few. Prayer is the only thing that can truly save us.

5/3/23 – People spend far too much time using technology instead of being in the company of other people. It has had all kinds of negative effects on them.
Loneliness poses profound public health threat, surgeon general says

5/3/23 – They bail out big, rich investors, and it’s the small businesses that get hurt.
As Fed examines banking woes, small businesses already feel the crunch

5/2/23 – Zelensky is acting more honorably than any other politician right now. This is one of the many reasons we admire him. Glory to Ukraine!

5/2/23 – We are living in an age of incompetence. Wes Moore.
Guess what, White House correspondents: Biden’s joke was on you

5/2/23 – Yet, the Washington Post and many others are still on Twitter. We are in an age of hypocrisy.
Elon Musk’s Twitter is helping governments shut their citizens up

Notes from Underground – April 2023

4/30/23 – Use your relatively short time on this planet well. Use it for good. Happy Sunday!

4/30/23 – Slava Ukraini!

4/29/23 – This story should be made into a movie. It’s so interesting. Thank God for whistleblowers. They have courage and conscience and help all of us. MAGA, such schmucks! “In a filing, the company said it ‘cannot assure shareholders that there will be sufficient funds’ for the purpose of paying for its own liquidation costs or outstanding bills, and that the money in its trust account could ‘become subject to the claims of our creditors which would have higher priority than the claims of our public stockholders.’ Digital World’s unpaid debts could end up rolling onto the small-time, Trump-loving investors if the deal falls apart, said Michael Ohlrogge, a law professor at New York University who researches SPACs. ‘The vast majority of SPACs just don’t rack up these kinds of expenses … and the shareholders could be in some danger of getting pursued by the unpaid vendors,’ he said. ‘It could be an interesting and somewhat fitting end for Trump’s SPAC: that it ends in failure and liquidation and sticks its shareholders — presumably many or most of whom are his political supporters — with the bill.’”
He blew the whistle on Trump’s Truth Social. Now he works at Starbucks.

4/29/23 – All the Fed has to do is revise its target inflation to between 2% and 4% (core!) and call it day. A higher target isn’t the same as prioritizing employment over inflation as was the criticism in the 70s/80s, and the revision is long overdue. That’s still managing expectations. They and others need to stop being overreactive and unreasonable, or we’re going to end up in a very bad situation.

4/29/23 – Dorsey is one of the few CEOs who seems decent. He wasn’t particularly engaged at Twitter, but he was highly preferrable to Musk. His temperament is way more even. Many of us knew that Twitter needed to change and trusted Dorsey’s judgment on Musk, but as he started to reveal himself more prior to the sale, it became evident that he was not the right person to lead Twitter. As Dorsey said, it all went downhill from there. The board shouldn’t have forced the sale, and Musk should have paid the breakup fee and moved on. Now, he will likely lose a lot more money. (We told him as much way back when.) Hubris brings down a lot of people. This is just another example.
Twitter founder Jack Dorsey says Musk wasn’t an ideal leader after all
What to know about Bluesky, as Dril and AOC join the new Twitter alternative

4/29/23 – The Boomers are the worst generation in recent American history, and they are not going quietly into the night. They will try to retain power at all costs even if it means our democracy. Young people, don’t let them get away with it.

4/28/23 – Alito can go f—k himself, and then, f—k himself some more. Have a nice day.

4/28/23 – May Emmett Till’s accuser, whatever her name was, burn in hell.

4/28/23 – So, they’ll take out bin laden for attacking us, but they won’t take out the satanic putin for attacking us and nearly destroying our democracy. Logical. The problem with titles such as president or priest is that they disguise who and what the person really is. It’s not a coincidence that evil men seek these titles that are assumed by society to convey a certain respectability.
Newly released White House photos capture the day bin Laden was killed

4/28/23 – If the Fed continues to tighten, it will trigger a recession, which it is well aware of (the sacrifice ratio), and we will end up with stagflation. It will also potentially cause serious problems for 2024, geopolitically and internationally.

4/27/23 – Interesting conversation and book. “To kill the Indian but save the man.” But what is a Native man if not a Native? A person is well beyond just a physical being as we should appreciate staring at a mental health crisis. This also reprises the Ukrainian war. Is it enough to just be alive, or are we who we are because of who we identify ourselves to be? A person is physical, psychological and spiritual.
Also, relevant to our present condition, there is a clear tension between the federal government and the states as it relates to Native Americans. In general, the Supreme Court is trying to undermine the federal government’s powers, which could be convincingly argued as pulling us back to an antebellum or pre-Reconstruction era.
Lastly, native land is sovereign land.
Ned Blackhawk on ‘The Rediscovery of America’

4/27/23 – Can we stop being a security sieve? Can we take our national security seriously or what?
Fed’s Powell was tricked by fake call from Russia pranksters

4/27/23 – More evil terrorists need to get sick. Clean the house.

4/27/23 – Tuckyorose is a national security risk.

4/27/23 – When his head exploded from jealous rage of Zelensky, we broke out the popcorn. When his head exploded from being fired from Fox, we broke out the wine. Delicious. “But they had drawn furious blowback from powerful Republicans who see U.S. support for Ukraine as a bulwark in a fight for freedom and democracy — some of whom had Murdoch’s ear.” (Watch the videos. So good.)
For the Murdochs, Tucker Carlson became more trouble than he was worth
“But on Capitol Hill, every senior Republican gives a one-word answer to the biggest obstacle for supporting Zelensky: Tucker.” No more. Goodbye tuck tuck traitor. One of the most loathsome people in history.
With Tucker Carlson’s ouster, House GOP loses a key ally – and agitator

4/26/23 – The satanic ones, all of them, are cut from the same cloth. You can change their names, taliban, isis, al-qaeda, al-shabaab, vladimir putin, ruhollah khomeini, kim jong un, xi jingpin, mohammed bin salman, min aung hlaing, narendra modi, benjamin netanyahu, the evil one donald trump, adolf hitler, joseph stalin, pol pot, etc., but they are all from the same evil terrorist cloth. They are nominally attached to various faith traditions or no tradition: Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, atheism, etc., but they don’t practice them correctly or at all. They have negative value to the world. Their mere existence is a stain on humankind. They need to be eliminated.

4/26/23 – Perhaps the satanic putin has been secretly funding ISIS. How would MAGA feel about him and his best friend, the evil one, trump, if this is the case?
Afghanistan has become a terrorism staging ground again, leak reveals

4/25/23 – Schools are actually much like churches, which makes sense when you think about it because, in addition to worshipping God, one of the functions of a church is to teach the faith. Sometimes the teacher or the clergy gives a lesson, but one of the remarkable aspects about both environments is a certain quiet communality. Classrooms can often be quiet with everyone working on something individually while collectively, the students are all doing the same thing. This is similar to praying in a church. It can be silent with everyone praying quietly while collectively, the congregants are all doing the same thing. One would never think to replace churches with AI because it would make no sense at all. Schools and teaching are no different. People called Jesus, “teacher.” His parables (and his life) remain a source of endless reflection. Learning is a divine dance between teacher and student. Let us celebrate the beautiful simplicity of this human experience by keeping it human.
AI can’t teach children to learn. What’s missing?

4/25/23 – One of the best ways to keep healthy is to have healthy habits, such as reading and making art, spending time in nature, praying quietly in an empty church, etc. All of these things help focus the mind without the mind realizing it. There is quiet and the noises of nature. There is the world great authors have created for us. There is the natural gifts God has created for us. There is the testaments of love we have created for God. Escape to these places, and you will find peace and the strength to keep fighting…or even to just keep living.
“I believe that there is one story in the world, and only one,” Steinbeck writes. “Humans are caught — in their lives, in their thoughts, in their hungers and ambitions, in their avarice and cruelty, and in their kindness and generosity too — in a net of good and evil. There is no other story. A man, after he has brushed off the dust and chips of his life, will have left only the hard, clean questions: Was it good or was it evil? Have I done well — or ill?”
Why we must read fiction even as terrible times loom

4/25/23 – If you decide to have children, you need to clean your psychological house before you do so. If you can’t do this, you probably shouldn’t have children.

4/25/23 – Absolutely! “Brains wired by toxic stress, such as the sexual violence that 1 in 10 teen girls are facing today, have the ability to essentially heal when exposed to positive experiences. Good nutrition, adequate sleep, mindfulness practices all help. Adults as well as children have neuroplasticity, and family resilience and connection are positive influences.”
American teens are unwell because American society is unwell

4/25/23 – We must save our country from the dark forces.

4/25/23 – If you can, move to red states. We end minority rule or end in civil war.

4/24/23 – It was a genocide of the Armenian people, and it should be declared by all as such. Don’t forget that the person with no values or principles, who is so divisive that she barely held onto her House seat in one of the bluest parts of the country, Ilhan Omar, voted against doing so.
PS AP, get some better politicians to highlight instead of a—holes.
Torchlight march marks mass deaths of Armenians

4/24/23 – No more tuckyorose. Perhaps Dominion delicious isn’t over after all.

4/24/23 – Superior German genes. Degenerates.
Kremlin tries to build antiwar coalition in Germany, documents show

4/21/23 – The people who claim to be about freedom want to control everything about our lives. They are especially focused on their lies becoming our truth. That’s MAGhadis, and the evil one is their dear leader.

4/21/23 – A lot of the problems in the church have been created by the church itself. Many churches are not good at being Christ-like.

4/21/23 – In other news of the bizarre, Mike Lindell. That is all.
Mike Lindell’s firm told to pay $5 million in ‘Prove Mike Wrong’ election-fraud challenge

4/21/23 – In case anybody is in need of this guidance, this is not how to deal with a doppelganger. Some people are so bizarre.
Woman who tried to kill doppelganger with poisoned cheesecake gets 21 years

4/21/23 – The algorithms for Google Translate and Duolingo are close, but there are differences.

4/21/23 – Interesting article. Good point. “I suggested to von Ahn that, at this point in the life cycle of the Internet, it’s hard to hear about democratizing aspirations without thinking of other tech companies that set out to expand access and ended up perpetuating, or even accelerating, the inequality they ostensibly sought to address—all while concentrating tremendous wealth into fewer and fewer hands…. He’d begun by figuring out a way to distinguish people from bots; now he was helping humans train bots to be indistinguishable from people. Had it occurred to him that he had, in a way, come full circle?”
How Much Can Duolingo Teach Us?

4/19/23 – The GOP is so focused on the evil one, trump, it’s not doing anything for its constituents. It has one constituent, the evil one. The rest of us are not putting our lives on hold for him or for anyone. The rest of us are not focused on him. We’re focused on ourselves and our communities. This is the way it’s supposed to be.

4/19/23 – Life is so much better when you live in a sane state. You feel the love of community.

4/19/23 – Silicon Valley’s new business model is to start out as a nonprofit, then once others’ capital has built the company, change to for-profit. Apparently, this is legal.

4/18/23 – Fox should be apologizing not just to Dominion but to the entire country, including MAGA. Fox helped radicalize them. MAGA are American jihadis, aka MAGhadis.

4/18/23 – We need more justice. “‘The truth matters. Lies have consequences,’ Dominion lawyer Justin Nelson told reporters outside a Delaware courthouse after Superior Court Judge Eric Davis announced the deal.”
Fox, Dominion reach $787M settlement over election claims

4/18/23 – German a—holes, you’re not superior. It was all a lie. If anything, you’re inferior. Deal with it.

4/18/23 – Can the masses make or even participate in the appreciation of the arts without ruining them? This is a fair question. It’s like when beautiful, historic cities are swarmed with tourists. They end up changing their character. Maybe the arts are best when they are esoteric, and those small, quiet communities will never die.
What the death of a literary magazine says about our cultural decay

4/18/23 – Dominion delicious is over. Quite unfortunate. It was so good.

4/17/23 – The odd thing is sometimes one ends up with these doppelgangers to whom we’re not related yet they look like us more than our own family. They might be of the same “race,” whatever race really is, but they don’t have to be. More generally, there is a divine randomness in our physicality. Then again, maybe that’s God’s point. Kenyans, who are black, are tall like the Dutch, who are white. Many Asians, who tend to be pretty light-skinned, have features, including broad noses, like Africans, who tend to be dark-skinned. Indians, who on average are brown, and Caucasians, who are white, have similar hair, both on the body and the head. Ethiopians, who are black, have features that are more like white people than like other Africans, who are black. For many of the physical characteristics that are different, there are those that are similar. The idea that out of this rich combination and diversity, there is one standard of beauty is an absurdity. That is all anybody needs to know about the matter. (They aren’t prophets. They are dictators. Fascists of beauty.)
How I escaped the tyranny of the prophets of beauty

4/17/23 – The mark Saint Benedict left on much of the western world is often underappreciated.

4/17/23 – The East Syriac rite kept many of the Aramaic (the language Jesus spoke) or Syriac terms. “Vespers are known by the Aramaic or Syriac term Ramsha in the East Syriac liturgy which was used historically in the Church of the East and remains in use in Churches descended from it, namely the Assyrian Church of the East, the Ancient Church of the East, the Chaldean Catholic Church, and the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church.”
Vespers in the East

4/16/23 – Vespers is lovely and highly recommended. It is quite peaceful.

4/16/23 – As most people who know anything about academia know, academic publishing is riddled with corruption and exploitation. One of the great benefits to society that ChatGPT could offer is to eliminate them by having it serve as “peer review,” after which scholars could self-publish and actually reap the rewards of their own labor directly as is the case in every other area of intellectual property. As an aside, ChatGPT could also make the research process, which is generally extremely time-consuming, more efficient.

4/16/23 – Faith is more powerful than any evil. Hold it close to you always. God bless Ukraine. “Today we celebrate the Easter holiday with unshakable faith in our victory. We have already come a long way. Perhaps the most difficult of peaks is ahead. We will overcome it. And together we will meet our dawn, when the sun will rise over our entire country. This is a blue and yellow flag. It will certainly be raised in all our God-given land, in all territories temporarily occupied by devils. The sun will shine in the south, the sun will shine in the east, and the sun will shine in Crimea. The yellow-hot sun in a peaceful blue sky, and it is the light of justice. Christ is Risen!”
Zelensky – Easter 2023

4/16/23 – Happy Easter to our Orthodox Christian sisters and brothers! May the Lord bless you with an abiding peace. (Orthodox Christians use the Julian instead of the Gregorian calendar, but they are marking the same religious event.)

4/16/23 – Don’t be cynical. Have faith. God loves us.

4/16/23 – Somewhere along the way, a shift happened, at least in the US, but likely in much of the western world, from “what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger” to anything that doesn’t kill you is a deep trauma that you implicitly can’t recover from. This is not healthy. There are people who’ve experienced deep trauma that might be quite hard to recover from, but even among them, they can and do. So much of a person’s ability to recover from trauma and to be well-adjusted depends on the person’s perspective and spiritual and psychological approach. Work from a position of strength. Say to yourself, I am a strong person. Mean it. Know that you are because you are. And keep reinforcing your own resilience. Find ways to force yourself into your areas of discomfort and to tackle your demons head on. As Jesus drove them out, drive them out through faith in yourself (and in God’s infinite goodness). That’s a healthy approach to traumatic events or even just bad things that happen in life, which are an inevitability.
War is shaping a generation of Ukrainian schoolchildren and teachers

4/15/23 – Let’s all take this in about our supposed fellow Americans. What do people think would upset them more: the evil one, trump, actually hates them, or he actually hates America and engaged in espionage. Likely, the former, which says so much about the satanic cult that is MAGA.

4/15/23 – It is truly miserable to have to keep talking about the evil one, but until his evilness is eradicated, we must give it some of our time. Let us review some key findings.
1. People at Fox publicly support the evil one but privately hate him.
2. What might we find as this investigation proceeds? Perhaps obvious to the rest of us, and from a political perspective, more important than anything else, that the evil one and his enablers publicly support MAGA but privately hate them. “‘Not only did President Trump lie to his supporters about the election, but he also ripped them off,’ the committee’s seven Democrats and two Republicans concluded.” Discovery will likely show this if they actually comply.
3. Also, what the writers of the emails intended shouldn’t matter. (Intention has little to no bearing in financial communications, albeit there is an explicit fiduciary duty.) One could argue that there is an implicit fiduciary duty since the funds obtained in a campaign are a type of investment in the candidate and the vehicles are funds. If those funds are obtained through the dissemination of knowingly or unknowingly false statements, that should be illegal. Look at securities laws not just campaign finance laws. Why would this be any different when they are claiming that the money is going to a fund?
Special counsel focuses on Trump fundraising off false election claims

4/15/23 – The current reality is that the powers that be have been too timid. Give Ukraine everything they need to win decisively and regain all of their territory. Stop f—king around. “As Ukraine steps toward the moment of decision, the United States must be certain it has given them all the tools they need to succeed.” Either we commit in every respect, spiritually, intellectually, psychologically, to right makes right, or we just go home now. There is no half-a—ing it. That would be like being half-committed to our stated values, freedom, democracy, equality. How well is that going domestically? This is no different. As MLK said, be true to what you said on paper, America. Ukrainians gave up their nukes on our word. Be true to our word.
The leaks painted a grim picture of the Ukraine war. Here’s the current reality

4/15/23 – Not just this, but in general, there is a rot in the EU. We need investigative journalists to find out who has been corrupted by Russian influence. “Podoprigorov has been sanctioned by the United States, Britain and Canada (though not by the European Union).”
Absolutely! “The international community must continue to express its concern over the treatment of Kara-Murza and other political prisoners who have been jailed for aspiring to build a democratic Russia as well as for opposing the war.”
How Vladimir Kara-Murza’s case exposes the rot at the heart of Russia

4/15/23 – Under the demonic modi, India is aspiring to be poopy’s b—h. Gandhi’s India is dead.

4/14/23 – To our beloved Ukrainians, f—k the naysayers. If you fall, the western world falls. The idiots should know this, but they are idiots so who knows what they know. In any case, keep believing in yourself. Keeping slinging.

4/14/23 – Indian a—holes, f—k off, we’re not backing down on modi. He’s an evil monster. He needs to go. Get some real patriotism instead of the satanic cult you have now.

4/14/23 – Quality has a quantity all its own. “Just days into the war, spetsnaz troops arrived in the eastern city of Kharkiv in small numbers and without much support from conventional troops, Lee said. Many of them were killed or captured, he noted. Several of their specialized vehicles were destroyed, videos and photos show.”
Russia’s commando units gutted by Ukraine war, U.S. leak shows

4/14/23 – F—kheads, if you care about yourself or your kids, get off the f—king phone. You’re an addict. Admit it, and seek help.

4/14/23 – The feeling of awe is that there is something greater than us, and there is. “‘We have, as Western populations, become very disconnected from the natural world,’ said Smalley, a doctoral candidate at the University of Exeter in England. ‘When you see something vast and overwhelming or something that produces this feeling of awe, your own problems can feel diminished and so you don’t worry so much about them.’” Mathematically, the more parallel as opposed to orthogonal the sun’s path is to our line of sight, the more in awe we are. One could view it as the alignment of the sun’s path to our own posture on our planet reveals particles we couldn’t see before. More precisely, what one sees is actually dependent on individual variation not just the general mechanism of the human eye and the respective physical positions of the sun’s path and our planet. Not all people who can see, see equally well. One can interpret this both literally and figuratively. Don’t try to time it. Just marvel at God’s creation…if you can.
Why we should all be gazing at more sunsets

4/14/23 – Wise words that evil dictator Modi is unlikely to heed. “On Monday, Dzhaparova warned India against an over reliance on Russia. ‘India should be pragmatic in diversifying its energy resources, military contracts and political interactions. Because what we see in my country when you are dependent on Russia, they will always use this blackmail instrument,’ she told reporters.”
Ukraine wants India to play bigger role in ending war

4/12/23 – The Good Samaritan is one of the most famous parables in the Christian Bible, in the Gospel of Luke. When we think of extinction, we usually think about animals since they are experiencing a mass extinction, mainly due to human activity, but groups of humans can also go extinct. The war in Ukraine is an example of trying to make a group of people go extinct, which is what the satanic putin is trying to do to the Ukrainians. The genocide of the Uyghurs in China is another example. Obviously, there is the example of the Jews during the Holocaust. To those who believe in human evolution, they might argue that this is simply the mechanism at work. Might makes right after all. To those whose genes are the strongest, go the spoils. Those who believe in Jesus and his way know this is wrong. God’s way is about diversity, life and love. That’s the world he created. The world of genocide and extinction is the one man creates. The story of the Good Samaritan is worth reading and rereading. It is about the perversity and duplicity of tribal identities. The Samaritans nearly went extinct because of it. Remember: It wasn’t a Jew who stopped for the robbed and beaten man, also a Jew, but a member of the group that was nearly driven to extinction, the hated Samaritans. Jesus was sending a clear message and teaching an enduring lesson.
Once near extinction, the tribe called Samaritans lives on

4/11/23 – Слава Україні

4/11/23 – It’s important that we pace ourselves. These are dark times, and these are long battles. Let’s not waste time, but we must also finish the race, as the Apostle Peter said. To do that, we have to take (spiritual) breaks. We will never back down. We will never break. We will defeat evil.

4/11/23 – Maybe the BA (even in STEM) can’t get you a job, but it will help you to not get KKKonned by the grifter gang. MAGA, on the other hand, look over here while the grifter gang, including on the highest court in the land, robs you and our country blind. The GOP is the satanic putin’s political party. It’s modeled after him.

4/11/23 – The fur pelts and horns that she wears when sporting the shaman or is it the satanic cult look? Grifters dononymous. “Fresh controversy swirled around Ginni Thomas as reports emerged that a Republican megadonor paid for her fur pelts and horns. According to the reports, Thomas also accepted a set of red, white, and blue face paints from the same donor. A combative Thomas told reporters that the fur pelts and horns she received were not luxury items but were derived from budget-priced rabbit and bison. She said that she would ‘not let this latest tempest in a teapot interfere with all the good work I am doing on the United States Supreme Court.’ Her husband, Clarence Thomas, had no comment.”
Wealthy G.O.P. Donor Paid for Ginni Thomas’s Fur Pelts and Horns

4/10/23 – Every day, I read the paper. Every day, I dread reading it. I click thinking, what now? This relationship the news media has built with its readership is not sustainable, and it’s not healthy. We do need to know the news, but it can’t all be negative. There is genocide, war, human trafficking and slavery, child abduction and abuse, rape, torture, religious strife, the destruction and desecration of holy places and world heritage sites, etc. It is heavy and dark times. There have to also be stories about matters that aren’t miserable: resilience in the face of adversity, love triumphing over hate, unity and strength, etc. The news media needs to share the richness of the human experience, and it’s definitely not all bad. The media needs to make more of an effort to balance out its coverage, not just because it’s better for business but also because it’s the right thing to do. The increase in suicides and just general misery of the people is in part due to the seemingly endless problems in the world. We do have a lot of problems, but we also have a lot of goodness. And we always have hope. Share these stories.

4/10/23 – Zelensky is Jewish. His family members were murdered in the Holocaust by the satanic cult, the Nazis. “Fourth, we are adding a new tradition of respect to the official life of our state. Hundreds of thousands of Muslims in Ukraine and the Muslim community of the world – different countries, different nations – observe a strict fast during the holy month of Ramadan. When the sun sets, the Iftar dinner takes place. I had the honor of sharing Iftar with our soldiers, with representatives of the Mejlis, and with the entire Ukrainian Muslim community.”
Zelensky – Official Iftar Dinner

“Ukraine values every person, values every community. Ukraine is grateful to the Muslims of our country and everyone in the world Muslim community who, on an equal footing with us, seeks peace and protection from evil. We are all united by faith. And perhaps, we’ll never know for sure the entire path we have to pass ahead, but we are all sure of one thing: we will not be broken, not separated, and certainly not erased. Especially our main thing is not to erase our values because we go with respect, for the sake of unity and freedom.”
Zelensky – Muslim Community

We need more of this. Let’s keep breading bread and protecting religious freedom. Let’s keep sharing the love of God, no matter the religion. Let’s keep sharing love, period. The faithful believe in our respective God. No true believer claims to know because we don’t know, and that would be an untruthful statement, which is a sin. We believe. Let us respect each other beliefs. We all, including atheists, participate in the mystery of life and creation. It is a mystery. No amount of repeating the word “science” is going to change that. Let’s respect and honor the mystery.

4/10/23 – One of the changes that absolutely needs to happen across the country, the world really, is more diversity. This is not limited to race, ethnicity, religion, etc., but related to these categories, also perspectives and ideologies. For example, the Fed has too many people indoctrinated in neoclassical economics. On the other hand, the media has way too many nonreligious liberals, some of whom clearly hate religion. The polarization that we see in our society both reflects and is created by this lack of diversity of thought and beliefs. God didn’t create puppets. Stop acting like one. Be your own person, with your own ideas and insights. That’s how we honor God, by realizing and celebrating the rich, varied tapestry of his creation.

4/10/23 – Liberals should not fool themselves. No matter how much they shove their bigotry down our throats, Christianity is still growing and will continue to grow. White people are declining in numbers, and part of the demographic shifts are simply related to birth rates, not religiosity. Pew and other sources forecast the number of Christians worldwide to continue to rise. This is a huge demographic to ignore or denigrate routinely in the press.
Status of Global Christianity, 2022, in the Context of 1900–2050

4/10/23 – If Twitter is your religion and you take yourself for a member of its “priestly class,” well, that’s quite sad. It also supports the points made here.
Elon Musk excommunicates the priestly caste of Twitter

4/10/23 – The Ramadan, Passover and Triduum alignment for all three Abrahamic religions, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, respectively, happens only about every 33 years. (They also overlapped last year, but the world was still coming out of Covid.) The media missed this important opportunity to share how each religion was honoring their own traditions and engaging in interfaith worship. We saw nothing about any of this before Thursday. After that, it was too late, since Christians entered the Triduum (started Thursday evening) and Jews were already into their Passover (started Wednesday night). Why is it that what’s important to a huge percentage of the world’s population is not being covered in the news? Do no religious people work for the media? Why do the liberal media claim “anti-racism” but are obsessed with the small, mostly white liberal atheistic world that is like them? Why is it that religious matters are not covered in a way that’s not negative or demeaning to religious people? The larger question is why are so many liberals disgusting religious bigots, and why do they think they are so virtuous while they bear this obvious moral stain? There are houses of worship across the country that do good work for their communities and the world. They have beautiful interfaith exchanges. None of this is covered in the media. The ugly, orange evil one’s face and evil words are everywhere though. This is not good for our country or our world. We need more shalom, salaam, peace.
Inside Holy Week: Rare overlap of Easter, Passover and Ramadan

4/10/23 – The American people voted in 2020 to fire the evil one, trump. To the news media, please respect our voice and our vote. He exhausted us. He dominated our lives when they are supposed to be dominated by the things we actually care about. We don’t want him to exhaust us or dominate our lives anymore. Share the stories that must be shared about him. Then, stop. That’s what we, the American people, to whom this country belongs, told the press with our vote.

4/10/23 – The great irony is that for the press and the unfortunate believers who kept reading the news, the evil one dominated Holy Week. Many true Christians checked out by at least Thursday and avoided some of the intense exposure to his evilness. Thank you, God, for the peace and love of the church. From our Christian cocoon, we now have to reenter the secular world and all of the harshness it brings. May God grant us grace and patience. May we remain true and faithful to him and his Word.

4/9/23 – “May next year’s Palm Sunday pass in peace and freedom for all our people! May the sincere prayers for peace of all who celebrate Easter today be heard!” For Ukraine to have peace on their land, evil must be vanquished. Hearts of stone must be turned into hearts of flesh. May God grant Ukrainians peace in their souls, a deep, abiding peace that comes from surrendering to God’s will, and a strength beyond this world. We love them. God loves them.
Zelensky – Evil Acts on Holy Days

4/9/23 – If you are suffering, know that you are not alone. Everyone experiences pain at some point in their lives, if only because we are all mortal, and we will all die. Jesus, the Son of God, also suffered. He suffered for us. Taking one’s own life is not a solution to pain. A solution to pain, for as unintuitive as it may seem, is to lean into it. Jesus knew the path God the Father called him to take, and he walked down it of his own volition. Treat your pain like a path that you are choosing to walk down as an expression of your own humanity. Say to yourself, I am a human being, as God made me. He made me in his image, and just as he felt everything, I too will allow myself to feel everything. As you walk, talk to God. Share your pain, your fears, your sadness, your disappointments, your anger, whatever you feel, just as Jesus did. He was candid with God the Father. He asked him to take this cup but also said your will be done. You don’t have to hide anything from God. He made us in our nakedness. That’s how he wants to know us. Jesus’s resurrection is a story of salvation, but it’s also one of rebirth. If you trust God, your walks with him will transform you. You will be reborn, and your pain will be transformed into strength. Don’t lose hope. God loves you. Jesus loves you. That’s why he sacrificed his life for you. Honor his great sacrifice. Honor yourself.

4/9/23 – Happy Easter to everyone! May hope, love and peace fill your hearts, minds and souls!

4/9/23 – One never goes wrong with Dolly. “Beautiful song sung by the best. Dolly you don’t need a choir.” God bless her. “Thank you, Jesus!”
Dolly Parton “He’s Alive” Acoustic Easter 2020

4/9/23 – If you’re never been to Africa, go. If not for the warmth of the people (and, of course, the food…), then go for the song and the dance. God gave them great gifts, and their lovely souls share them with us as naturally as they breathe. (God bless the white girls in the choir who held their own. It’s not easy….)
The Resurrection | Easter Project | The Spirituals

4/6/23 – Please pray for the protection of the persecuted church, our brothers and sisters in Christ. May the Lord keep them safe, bring them comfort and healing, and provide them with everything they need. We love them. One church. One family.

4/6/23 – For tomorrow, Good Friday.
Blown Away (Official Video) – Hillsong UNITED

4/6/23 – The Latin chants are gorgeous. We pray that Jesus’s love pierces your hearts this Paschal Triduum.

4/6/23 – As is our tradition, this site will go silent starting tonight to observe Good Friday and will stay silent until Easter, Jesus’s resurrection from the dead. As with fasting, which Muslims have been doing during Ramadan and many other religions also do, it is a good spiritual practice to have extended periods of silence. In the Christian tradition, we have silent retreats. Words are beautiful and powerful, none more powerful than God’s. But silence is also powerful. Christians and our Abrahamic brothers and sisters who we love have been bombarded during our sacred time with the evil one, trump, and the media’s unrelenting coverage of him, which was particularly obvious because of the timing. This is not healthy for our own spiritual lives or, more generally, the national psyche. The media needs to find a better way of covering the evil one and his enablers and, more generally, the news such that it does not wear down people’s limited reserves. There are many journalists who risk their lives to bring us the truth and bring light to the darkness. We thank them. Democracy cannot survive without them. But there is also a dark side to the news media business, and this should be acknowledged and fixed. People aren’t to be exploited for money, and that is what the media is doing with this style of coverage. The media is also decidedly biased against religion, particularly Christianity, which gives millions of people around the world a stable source of strength, hope and joy. The right and the left need to do a thorough examination of conscience. We are all sinners. No one is exempt.

4/6/23 – How some countries observe Maundy Thursday, Holy Thursday or Pesaha. (It has other names.) The washing of the feet is so moving. People routinely cry. “Maundy Thursday is part of the Christian celebration of Easter and marks the night of the Last Supper as told in the Bible. At the Last Supper, Jesus commanded that people should love one another, he then washed the feet of his disciples as an act of kindness. The word Maundy comes from the Latin, ‘mandatum’, or ‘command’ which refers to the instructions Jesus gave his disciples at the Last Supper.”
What is Maundy Thursday and how is it celebrated?

Pesha is a Hebrew word meaning sin. Pesaha means Passover. It is derived from the Aramaic or Syriac word “Peshai” meaning Passover. Thomas Christians incorporated some of the Jewish Passover traditions, such as eating unleavened bread.
The Maundy Thursday in Kerala is incomplete without Indri appam and paal…

Basically, this year, it’s about food and Holy Week. There is always this risk though. “Is it good that I’ll be doing extra things in the kitchen to prepare for Holy Week? Am I being more of a Martha than Mary and detracting from the feast?” In some parts of the world, they eat a lot of greens.
Holy Thursday in the Home

Suggestion: As Christians, don’t copy Jewish traditions, which would not be respectful to them. Christians’ Last Supper should be authentic to the Christian faith, and the culture and history in which it’s being celebrated.

4/5/23 – There are more articles on Twitter that has never had a huge user base and is presently dead than on the three Abrahamic religions that collectively represent over one-half of the entire world population. Are the liberal media kidding us right now? Come on, f—kheads. Get some perspective.

4/5/23 – When will this national nightmare end? Like really end. People, just write about him a few times, not incessantly. It’s plastered on every f—king page, everywhere, and they’re more or less saying the same things. One can’t get away from the evil one. Does the liberal media understand how obnoxious that is, especially when people are trying to observe their religious traditions. Can they cover that at all?
The Return of the Non-stop Trump News Cycle
Did Media Learn Nothing From 2016? No, they did not.

4/5/23 – At least three different religions are in some of their most sacred times of their calendar, and all the liberal media has covered ad nauseum is the evil one. Yes, he’s evil. Yes, it’s long overdue. But the rest of us, unlike the “Washington party industrial complex,” actually have spiritual lives that we would like to have some coverage of and have other s—t going on other than the evil one’s small, sad life. Politics is important only to the degree that it serves or damages the rest of our lives. The rest of our lives is actually what matters. The entire country is held hostage to what interests the liberal media, and they generally care about shallow matters, not spiritual matters.

4/5/23 – Can’t wait for the moronic articles on or about Easter from the liberal media. We’re enlightened liberals. That’s why we hate Christianity. No, actually, you’re just bigoted a—holes. Christianity is the only religion they treat like this. On this score, the moronic conservatives have a point.

4/5/23 – It is true that many liberals hate Christianity. They love themselves though. It’s quite disgusting.

4/5/23 – Are people paying attention to North Carolina? The Republicans are trying to force through voter suppression laws.
“North Carolina Republicans tried to enact a ban in 2021, but Gov. Roy Cooper (D) vetoed it. This year, the legislature has stronger GOP majorities in both chambers — veto-proof in the Senate and just one vote shy in the House — and is expected to try again.”
Republicans push for stricter election laws, despite scant proof of fraud
“‘This is not about political vendettas. This is about the constituents that trusted Rep. Cotham to champion their values, who are now left with little reassurance that she will do that,’ Clayton added. ‘HD112 is a 60% Democratic district, y’all. And they did not choose to elect a Republican. They chose to elect a Democrat.'”
North Carolina Democrat switches parties giving Republicans veto-proof supermajority in state House

4/5/23 – This is a f—king joke.” U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield told reporters before the session that the United States strongly opposed the briefing and joined the United Kingdom in blocking the United Nations from outside broadcast of the meeting.” If Ukrainian kids can go home, then send them home, f—king b—h. War criminal.
Russian charged with war crimes: Ukrainian kids can go home

4/5/23 – Great images!
Holy Week Processions in Spain

4/5/23 – The things that liberal elites wring their hands about are a puzzle unto themselves. Why is it so bad that this case came first in the order of indictments. It actually makes sense that the easiest case, which is not the same as strongest, would come first. It’s also better for the cases to build in severity. What are we missing here? There is too much of an echo chamber in the “Washington party industrial complex.”

4/5/23 – There is an undertone of mocking the “Washington party industrial complex,” which is quite appreciated. Of all the people in the world, don’t we all want to “party” with rich, pretentious elites? The height of fun, right there.
Everybody in Washington wants the Ukrainian ambassador at their party

4/5/23 – The evil one, trump, is obsessed with the “documents” case because he knows he did something terribly wrong, and he’s worried it’s going to be found out.

4/5/23 – If you voted for the evil one, trump, you’re, at a minimum, an idiot. Just know that.

4/5/23 – This will go down as one of the stranger Holy Weeks because the sacred and the profane are in clear juxtaposition. A few days ago, on Palm Sunday, Jesus rode humbly into Jerusalem on a donkey to the praise of the common people raising palm branches. Yesterday, the evil one, trump, still ensconced in “the Beast” for some unknown reason, (if the Anti-Christ in Revelation comes to mind, that’s probably apt in this case), drives into Manhattan, his temple, to be held to account by the people (it’s not just the people of NY, or even the American people; it’s many of the world’s people). It’s all a bit spiritually surreal.

4/5/23 – One of the paradoxes of these men aspiring to greatness and conquest is how small and provincial they actually are. Imagine, your life’s ambition is not doing God’s will, spreading the good news of Jesus to bring hope and love to God’s people in acts of sacrifice, but conquering Manhattan, Ukraine or [insert the territory]. It’s not creating intellectual or artistic works that can withstand the test of time to bring enlightenment, intellectually, emotionally, and yes, even spiritually in acts of generosity. One of the ways to spread God’s love is to share your talents with the world, not for praise but as a gift. It was given to you as a gift. Honor God and give it to the world as a gift. Instead, these people (usually men) spend their time looking in the mirror and looking around to see if others see them the way they want to be seen. If you ever envy these people or God-forbid aspire to be like them, think about who they actually are and who they want to be. It’s not big and grand. It’s small and sad.
The Humiliation of Donald Trump

4/5/23 – The white “Christian” nationalists, aka the satanic cult or the slaveholder religion, are going to love this. The case for reparations has Biblical support. “So I will stretch out My hand and strike the Egyptians with all the wonders I will perform among them. And after that, he will release you. And I will grant this people such favor in the sight of the Egyptians that when you leave, you will not go away empty-handed. Every woman shall ask her neighbor and any woman staying in her house for silver and gold jewelry and clothing, and you will put them on your sons and daughters. So you will plunder the Egyptians.” That’s from the Books of Moses, the Torah, specifically, the Shemot, the Exodus.
Exodus 3:21

4/5/23 – From the sacred to the profane, the evil one, trump, can go f—k himself. He’s not a god. He’s not even a man. He is, however, a criminal.

4/5/23 – Clarification for “All but one of the Apostles were martyred,” this is from the point of what we call the Great Commission, not the Commissioning of the Twelve Apostles. Paul is also included in this even though he wasn’t part of the Commissioning of the Twelve Apostles.

4/5/23 – Jewish Passover begins tonight. The Passover table is a thing of beauty. We usually think about religious buildings, iconography, worship, vestments, but often not food. It’s not just about what one can’t eat, e.g. pork or beef. Religious meals are as important to a faith tradition as anything else. As Christians, we can imagine Jesus eating this holy meal and honoring the Hebrews deliverance from slavery and into the promised land, Israel, the Exodus, one of the greatest stories in the Bible. Chag of Sameach.

4/4/23 – Was John Edward’s indictment also nakedly political? It’s the closest example to the evil one, trump’s, situation. Hillary Clinton didn’t commit crimes that rose to the level of being prosecuted. Is this f—king hard? We’re eager to see the evil one’s mugshot because he should actually be executed for sedition and treason, some of the worst crimes in our land, as is the law in this country. Instead, this is the only thing that he has thus far been prosecuted for. Take your false equivalence, and shove it where the sun don’t shine. Thank you, and have a nice day.
Trump’s indictment will warp our politics for years to come

4/4/23 – To those people who think that’s not how evangelization is “supposed to work.” Remember Jesus would often just keep on walking. He didn’t try to change everybody’s heart. It’s a dance between God and his creation. They both have to want to tango. God didn’t create puppets.

4/4/23 – To all militant atheists, don’t really care if you go to hell. Have zero desire to evangelize to y’all. So, don’t flatter yourselves. In fact, we would like a smaller, but purer church, one rid of the satanic cult, the church as social club members, the “heritage Christians,” oh and the convince-me nonbelievers. Go convince yourself. Seriously, f—k off.

4/4/23 – As someone who personally understands the importance of tradition and doing justice to the legacy of family members who lived honorably, forcing a faith on someone is absolutely futile. The person might not “dishonor” one’s family, but it is also completely meaningless. Religious freedom is important so that people can fully realize their soul’s expression. It is a highly personal decision made between each individual and whichever God (or gods) the person chooses.

4/4/23 – YouTube. You start in one place, and end up somewhere else…. From chants in so many languages to this interesting story. The Apostle Thomas also didn’t want to go to India when Jesus called him to do so. Jews were already there though, and he likely ended up with the Cochin Jews. Jews are still there, even though most of them moved to Israel when it was created as a nation. “In Mumbai, India, Jews mimic the Passover lamb’s blood that was smeared across the entrances to Israelite homes in Egypt on the eve of their liberation. The Bene Israel Jews dip their hands in the blood of a sheep or goat. Then, they press their hands to blank pieces of paper and hang the prints above their doorway. The imprint resembles a hamsa, and like the amulet, symbolizes good luck and protection.”

The Hindu caste system is institutionalized slavery, and it is an abomination. But the pantheon of Hindu gods is no different than the pre-Christian Greek and Roman periods. Evangelizing in India now is likely more similar to when the Apostles were evangelizing in the “west,” Greece and Rome, than it is to evangelizing in the west now. (It’s debatable how western Greece really is….) All but one of the Apostles were martyred, so the risk of being martyred in India or in other places in the world is unfortunately quite real.
INDIA: Completely Sold Out for Jesus Christ

4/4/23 – We wish our Abrahamic brothers and sisters a peaceful Passover and a blessed Ramadan. God is good. God is great.

4/4/23 – The Gregorian chants are conducive to mediation. (Plus, you can practice Latin, which is a great language and quite practical to know.) “Celui ci est mon chant grégorien préféré. Merci!” It is a popular one.
Gregorian chant: Te Deum laudamus

4/4/23 – The evil one, trump, is a criminal, and the satanic one, putin, is a war criminal.

4/4/23 – We need more of this. Have courage, and do the right thing. “‘Our president has become a war criminal,’ he said. ‘It is time to end this war and stop being silent.’… Along with information on Putin, Karakulov’s testimony offers an intimate view of one man’s decision to defect — without telling his own mother, who he said remains a strong Putin supporter…. ‘I understand that he’s simply afraid,’ he said.” What a powerful person. Living his life in fear and in paranoia. Freedom. “‘Patriotism is when you love your country,’ he said. ‘In this case, our homeland needs to be saved, because something crazy and terrible is happening in our country. We need to fix this.’”
‘He’s a war criminal’: Elite Putin security officer defects

4/4/23 – Can we move this along or what, people?! Stop wasting time! F—king irritating. “Ukraine is capable of preventing the expansion of the war. Capable of defeating Russia on our land. I said this during an address to the U.S. governors. The enemy of freedom must lose – quickly and surely where he came with a criminal and unprovoked war of aggression. That is why we ask the USA for support, for weapons and finances. If Ukraine endures – your peace, your allies and partners endure as well. It is with Ukraine that America has the opportunity to protect its values, which match ours. The main thing is not to waste time, not to lose the chance we have. To act now, and help now. The Ukrainians do it so that the Americans do not have to fight. Together, we are gaining new strength of our nations. And I am sure that we will always be successful. Thank you, America for the help that lets us win!”
Zelensky – Ukraine will win. Thank you, Americans!

4/4/23 – Oh the delight so much of the world is experiencing right now watching the evil one being held accountable for his crimes.

4/4/23 – This is the Russian version of white “Christian” nationalism. It’s a satanic cult. “A priest of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate blessed Russian soldiers during the Russian occupation of Kharkiv Oblast, Security Service (SBU) reported on April 4. The church official organized a procession to commemorate the Baptism of Kyivan Rus and prompted local residents in Kupiansk to attend. During the ‘service,’ he blessed Russian forces and consecrated their convoys of military equipment. It is suspected that he used the religious service as a guise to urge locals to support the occupation.”
Kyiv Independent – Moscow Patriarchate official blessed Russian soldiers during occupation of Kharkiv Oblast

4/4/23 – History will decide if the defense of Bakhmut was strategically wise. It is worthy of dispassionate military analysis. The most important thing is Ukraine’s triumphant victory.
Bakhmut’s ‘slaughter-fest’ holds lessons for the West

4/4/23 – “America is a Nation with the soul of a church,” Chesterton. That church is true Christianity. Not some perverted version of it.

4/4/23 – MAGA supports the evil one, trump, because they are suffering from spiritual decay. The healthiest way to deal with adversity is to put the greatest commandment into action, love God, love others, and unite with those facing adversity. Americans’ (most of us) response to Ukraine is a testament to the underlying goodness of our country. In the midst of all the serious problems we’re facing, as we’re struggling to preserve our own democracy, we still did the right thing. History will remember us well for this. MAGA, as well as others who have supported demagogues, do the opposite during times of adversity. They scapegoat. Look at how the Germans treated the Jews and others during WWII when they were experiencing economic hardship. They turned to the devil, Hitler, and murdered millions of innocent people. This is exactly what one shouldn’t do. The Book of Job is an exploration of how to respond not during good times but during bad times. How one responds during hard times reflects one’s character and one’s spiritual health. Honor God and respond to adversity with an affirmation of goodness, his, your own and humankind’s.

4/4/23 – Ukrainians, facing down evil and winning. Good must prevail in this epic battle.

4/4/23 – Americans (well, except crazy MAGA) love Ukrainians. Such a great people! “Yesterday, I had a meeting with a delegation of politicians, businessmen and representatives of charitable organizations from the United States of America, led by former U.S. Secretary of State [insert that a—hole]. Such visits and meetings are a powerful signal of support for Ukrainians in our struggle for freedom and democracy. The United States stands by us and fights with us for common goals. We feel bipartisan support, support from the White House. Comprehensive American support is very important for us.”
Zelensky – USA and Ukraine Common Goals

4/4/23 – One of the most helpful books in the Bible is the Book of Job. It gives you a guide on how to develop a healthy relationship with God and a healthy perspective on life. Pain is a part of life. Loss is a part of life. When unfair or cruel things happen to you, turn to God in a posture of love and humility. Job interrogated God, and God’s answer was basically, I am God; who are you? You can ask a lot of questions of God, but ultimately, the answer is as simple and brutally honest as the one Job received. The way to get through everything hard in life is simply to love God and love others, to act in keeping with this greatest commandment. It is the only real remedy for brokenness. It will make you whole.

4/4/23 – If you care at all about your fellow human beings in your own country or in other parts of the world, you will stop doing drugs. They are being murdered, enslaved or worse so that you can ruin your body and your life. Drugs are not cool, and no drug will take away your pain. It will worsen it. The only remedy for spiritual problems is spiritual, not physical, not emotional, not intellectual. Spiritual.

4/3/23 – Take heart, good people. Evil will be vanquished because God loves his people. We need to pray as if the entire world depends on our petitions to God because it does. Rest, and fight again tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that. Keep the faith, and fight the good fight until the end. May the Lord bless you and keep you.

4/3/23 – Necessary reminder: Jesus was a poor, brown Jew from Nazareth. The world should never forget that. Crucified upon that cross, the weak, the meek, the poor, the lowly, we all, no matter our race, ethnicity, gender, nationality, culture, etc., see ourselves. That is the power of Jesus’s act of sacrifice. It is as powerful an act as there will ever be.

4/3/23 – Around the world, we need to eradicate the evil forces that are perverting Christianity. It is God’s providence that our paths, American and Ukrainian, would converge on this religious matter, just as they have in the secular matter of defending democracy. “Today, a step has also been taken to strengthen the spiritual independence of our state, to protect our society from the old and cynical Moscow manipulation of religion. Ukraine is the territory of the greatest religious freedom in our part of Europe. It has been so since 1991. It will always be so. I thank everyone who cares about Ukraine and our citizens! Thank you to everyone who supports the Ukrainian struggle for independence! Glory to our warriors! Glory to Ukraine!”
Zelensky – Religious freedom. Religious integrity.

4/3/23 – This is what the devil’s agents have done to the Lord’s house and other holy places of worship throughout Ukraine. Their souls have been taken over by dark forces. May they burn in hell. “Hundreds of religious buildings were destroyed, damaged or looted as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. All religions and denominations were affected, including churches, mosques, synagogues, educational and administrative buildings of religious communities of Ukraine. For Russia, everything is just a target. But the missiles and artillery of the terrorist state did not break our humanity and faith. Ukraine will win, life will win!”
Zelensky – Hundreds of religious buildings destroyed

4/3/23 – This was helpful regarding what arguments will or could be made to meet the standard for malice. Regarding MAGA (aka Fox viewers), what is becoming quite clear is that this isn’t an intellectual problem. It’s a spiritual problem. On an intellectual level, the endless lies are propaganda, and Fox lacks credibility. However, if you’re a member of a satanic cult, it’s a satanic mantra, and the devil is still in possession of their souls. Many people think that the demon-possessed people in the Gospel were effectively fictional. There is no such thing. Were they? Is there no such thing? Just like many Russians who support the satanic one, putin, MAGA can’t see that they have fallen prey to dark forces. Basically, one can’t solve a spiritual problem with an intellectual remedy. To quote someone who understood this well, Shakespeare, there’s the rub.
Fox News has been blown to smithereens

4/3/23 – As the puzzle comes together, what do we see? Perhaps that we have all been conned, by the “Enlightenment,” by the industrial revolution, by the technological revolution, by rich, greedy people, by the Protestant (work) ethic and the spirit of capitalism…oh, and by ourselves. “As the managerial revolution created a sense of professional progress, the decline of organized religion and social integration in the 20th century left many Americans bereft of any sense of spiritual progress. For some, work rose to fill the void. Many highly educated workers in the white-collar economy feel that their job cannot be ‘just a job’ and that their career cannot be ‘just a career’: Their job must be their calling…. many of them are also adherents to a cult of productivity and achievement, wherein anything short of finding one’s vocational soulmate amounts to a wasted life. They have founded a new kind of religion—one that valorizes work, career, and achievement above all else. And it’s making them a little bit crazy…. Here is a history of work in eight words: from jobs to careers to callings to …” Disenchantment?
Why Americans Care About Work So Much

4/3/23 – Good points! “If rural Whites who vote overwhelmingly for Republicans have noticed that today’s conservatism defines wealth, not work, as the true sign of virtue, it isn’t readily apparent. As far as Republicans are concerned, work is optional for the wealthy but required for the poor. Republicans want you to document your hours or risk losing your Medicaid coverage, but if you suggest that we ask the same of those who want to keep receiving the favorable tax treatment of capital gains, they’ll think you lost your mind.”
Americans care too much about hard work

4/3/23 – Advice to those doing the Lord’s work, especially in lower-paid positions, take breaks. The work is taxing, especially emotionally. Remember Jesus needed breaks. Sometimes, he would literally run away from people to spiritually rejuvenate.

4/3/23 – Advice to others seeking to do God’s will, don’t ask questions of God. In your discernment, trust him to lead you wherever you are to go. Go to him as you do to a gravitational force, unconsciously. It will all make sense later.

4/3/23 – Friday, March 31, was the one-year anniversary of the world witnessing the massacre in Bucha. This is also what genocide looks like. They raped children, including babies. They raped and mutilated women. They tortured men. This is what evil looks like. Look at these images and weep. We must never be silent. Silence is complicity. We must speak forcefully, truthfully, persistently until we, as a world’s people, driven by our divine mandate to love each other, stop the evil.
1 year ago, scenes of horror emerged from Ukraine’s Bucha
“When Bucha was de-occupied, we saw that the devil was not somewhere out there but on the ground. The heinous truth about what was happening in the temporarily occupied territories was revealed to the world. We will never forget the victims of this war, and we will certainly bring all Russian murderers to justice.”
Zelensky – The devil walks among us.

4/3/23 – Many of the proposed anti-abortion laws are dangerous to women’s health and undermine their God-given right to control their own bodies that God gave them because he gave human beings, who are made in the image of God, free will. Simultaneously, there is another very important freedom at stake: freedom of religion. We have so many serious problems. So, we have not focused on another genocide, in addition to the Ukrainian one, as we should have: the genocide of the Uyghurs in China. Remember that it was the evil one, trump, who gave these concentration camps the green light. Envision a country where 10-year-olds are being forced to have their rapists’ babies. Now, envision one in which anyone who is not a white “Christian” nationalist, i.e. part of their satanic cult, is being electrocuted while being raped to force the person to renounce their religion, along with their culture and their identity. The religion could be Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, or even true Christianity. It could be any other religion but white “Christian” nationalism, which is a satanic cult. This is what it means to vote for the evil one, trump, putin and other demonic demagogues. First, they come for “others.” Then, they come for you. Let’s not forget that Hitler murdered many Christians in his concentration camps. Why? Because they were practicing true Christianity. “‘Genocide is defined as an international crime for a reason,’ Turkel said. ‘Confronting is not an option,’ it’s a necessity, he said.” We must rid the world of this scourge, of these evil ones, of genocide.
House China panel turns focus to plight of Uyghurs

4/3/23 – “Homo rationalis,” in economics or in life more generally, is a f—king myth. The continuation of this myth will literally cost people their lives.

4/3/23 – Keep moving in this direction. Keep that connection as pure and unadulterated by the world as possible. “A lot of people have resiliency. They just don’t know how to tap into it.” One word. One name. Jesus. It could literally mean the difference between life and death. “[S]oldiers are, first and foremost, ‘a spiritual person, and he must have strength, he must have support.’” People are, first and foremost, a spiritual person, and he/she/they/whatever must have support. “[P]reserve a person as a person.”
Chaplains made part of Ukraine’s military as war drags on
US Navy deploys more chaplains for suicide prevention

4/3/23 – We have to see the thing for what it is. This is not just about power, money or politics. It is not even about grander ambitions, such as imperialism. It is a spiritual war. The evil ones are waging a war against true Christianity. True Christians and true Christianity must win. “The perceived grievances and antidemocratic instincts that gave rise to a massive Klan 100 years ago — our worst angels — have surfaced once again. The lesson of the past is to see the true face of it all, unmasked, and not be afraid to confront it.”
The Klan was not confined to the South. Nor were its foes.

4/3/23 – There are two main ways evildoers of the world have tried to subvert Christianity. One is to prevent it from being practiced. Various repressive regimes around the world, many Middle Eastern countries, China, North Korea, etc. do this. The second is by perverting it. This is what we have failed to fully recognize in our country and elsewhere, such as in Russia. There are two main types of Christianity being practiced, and they have nothing to do with denominations or theological differences. They have to do with evil and the corruption of Christianity to serve evil ends.

4/3/23 – The beautiful, powerful negro spirituals are liberation, literally, figuratively and spiritually. What a gift they (and black people) are to the world.

4/3/23 – Not about the band, but literally the black keys (on the piano). The writer of the lyrics to “Amazing Grace,” John Newton, was involved in the slave trade but sometime after his conversion to Christianity became an abolitionist. Slavery and true Christianity are wholly incompatible.
Wintley Phipps Amazing Grace on the Black Keys

4/3/23 – Every black Christian deserves praise for seeing the difference between the KKK’s demonic use of the cross, and the true meaning of the cross on which Jesus was crucified – sacrifice and salvation. By Jesus’s body and blood, we are given grace. The cross is freedom. The slaveholder religion is a satanic cult. Bless black Christians for seeing in the Bible the truth, and seeing in “the religion of the south,” the bastardization of Christianity for evil purposes.

4/3/23 – To every LGBTQ person in the world, focus on Jesus. Make him your guiding light. The religious establishment is not Jesus. White evangelical Christians are not Jesus. Slaveholder religious adherents are not Jesus. Don’t get confused about who is what. Jesus is priest, prophet, king. He’s all you need. Jesus loves all people. Jesus loves you.

4/3/23 – An epiphany during Holy Week…. Since the “Enlightenment,” the spiritual sustenance people need to survive a harsh world has slowly eroded. Our social fabric, which was to a large extent built on a religious foundation, has also been collapsing. Now, people in said enlightened countries are isolated and depressed. They resort to things that exacerbate these feelings, such as alcohol, drugs and social media. How shall one put this delicately? It was a huge f—king mistake. Some, perhaps many, of our religious institutions and the “Christian” culture built on them were toxic and antithetical to Christian values. However, it is very important that people have a stable source of hope and joy. They need to be able to trust God, to have faith in him, to surrender to him. People need Jesus. He is our rock, our light, and our love. If you are lost, be found. Find Jesus. With him, you will find yourself.

4/2/23 – Sometimes, the only thing between life and suicide, is one word, one name – Jesus. Call to him by name. What a beautiful name it is. What a powerful name it is. “I lost my husband 4years ago and I was left with a 4month old to take care of all by myself at the age of 22….I suffered so much depression and with all that I found my lord Jesus Christ 🙏🏾 he stood by my side throughout the journey”
What A Beautiful Name LIVE in Israel – Hillsong UNITED

4/2/23 – “Recorded on the Sea of Galilee on the Hillsong Israel Tour 2017.” “I have mental health issues and I’m 13 years old this is my mom’s account I always borrow it to listen this song cause it’s healing me and helping me to be okay” To all young people, your parents failed you; your schools failed you; your society failed you. Jesus won’t fail you. Go to him. Trust him.
Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) – Hillsong UNITED – Live in Israel

4/2/23 – Hosanna. Hosanna. Hosanna in the highest. The comments are various and in many different languages, just as Jesus would want. He loves all people. “I’m 15 and I’m asking y’all to pray for me. I can’t sleep at night and I’m depressed. I got no friends. But I know Jesus will always be with me no matter what.” He will.
Hosanna – Live from the Steps on the Temple Mount

4/2/23 – Jesus said, “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” We should keep something at all times on our person, in our homes, in our cars, anywhere and everywhere we can to remind us of his presence, to remind us of who we ultimately serve. “[A member of the persecuted church said,] ‘He never left me when I needed him,’ she said. ‘So how can I leave Jesus now?’” He never leaves us. We can never leave him.

4/2/23 – We must pray that our Lord Jesus Christ delivers us from the evil forces, including those who disguise themselves in his name. We must pray that God protects democracy around the world. Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, not on a chariot or any other symbol of conquest. He came with nothing and was greeted with palm branches. He did not carry with him the spoils of war or the marks of genocide: stolen children, raped women, tortured men, looted homes, destroyed cities. No, Jesus, the Son of God, came humbly as a man ready to die for us all, for our salvation. Perhaps Christians are fools for not aspiring to the things of this world and for loving someone who had no earthly glory. Or perhaps we are not the fools after all but have been blessed with the divine wisdom of knowing what matters and who is actually king.

4/2/23 – We must pray and pray and pray for Ukrainians’ liberty and victory, our martyrs for democracy. It is a battle of good versus evil. Good must prevail. “Francis said Holy Week will see ‘more intense prayer’ for the ‘martyred Ukrainian people.’ In a reference Russia’s war in Ukraine, he noted that the olive branches Catholics wave on Palm Sunday are symbols of Jesus’ peace.”
Rebounding Pope Francis marks Palm Sunday in Vatican square

4/1/23 – Tomorrow is Palm Sunday. Lent and Holy Week is the best time of the year for Christians. The entire human condition is encapsulated in one week. Yesterday, God said, spring is here. Today, God said, April fools! He has a good sense of humor. One day, Jesus dies. We are crushed. Three days later, Jesus rises from the dead. We are elated. God loves us. He gave us everything. We have everything: life, death, resurrection, hope, pain, predictability, surprises, all of it. And all he wants from us is love. The greatest commandment: love God, love each other. Simple. Perfection.

4/1/23 – There is an overlap between “Christofascism,” which incorporates Christian nationalism, and communism. MAGA are attracted to both fascism and communism, and neither is Christian in any way.

4/1/23 – True Christians are followers of Jesus Christ. What does it mean to follow Jesus Christ? It means you do your best to do what he asked. What did he ask? He asked us to give up everything of this world and focus on doing God’s will. Doing what Jesus asked of us does not actually appeal to many self-identified “Christians,” and it runs counter to the secular world. “He wrote that he abhorred what he called ‘the religion of the South,’ but also that he cherished ‘the pure, peaceable, and impartial Christianity of Christ.’ He was making a version of an argument that appears throughout American history: that this country is not truly Christian enough.” Agreed because, in reality, there aren’t that many true Christians. True Christians are the fish that swim counter to the current not because we are in the minority or for any other worldly reason, but because we don’t belong to this world. We belong to Jesus Christ.

4/1/23 – MAGA are devil worshippers.

4/1/23 – Support for point below. See how similar this Christian Nationalist’s views are to Nietzsche’s views. “He could almost be quoting Nietzsche, who excoriated Christianity for its ethic of mercy and self-sacrifice, for siding with ‘the weak, the low, the botched.’” “Wolfe thinks that there is something ‘weird’ about the way in which the U.S. and other Western nations reject ethnic chauvinism—officially, anyway—in favor of an ‘ideology of universality.’ But this weird universality is part of what sets Christianity apart from most other creeds.”

4/1/23 – Great article! “Gorski and Perry can tell us that Christian-nationalist beliefs reflect a tribal or partisan identity, but they can’t tell us why so many self-identified Christians seem uninterested in the religion itself.” It’s not hard to understand. Christian Nationalists are actually heathens. They aren’t Christians. They follow mammon or pagan gods, not Jesus Christ, the Christian God. “During his prayer, Angeli thanked God for the ‘divine, omnipresent white light of love and protection, peace and harmony’: this is the language of ‘lightworkers’ and of other contemporary spiritualists. Perhaps a shaman is the perfect figurehead for a movement defined by Christian heritage, not Christian faith.” It is. Christian Nationalism is a nationalistic cult that has a pre-Christian ethos. The name belies the true nature of the movement.
How Christian Is Christian Nationalism?

4/1/23 – Let’s ask the GOP, especially MAGA, what does it say that their dear leader, who they double down on the more toxic he becomes, is the worst possible candidate for the general election? What does it say that they claim voter fraud for losing elections but ignore this glaring truth? What does this say about the “base,” MAGA? It says that they are totally detached from reality. It says that they are a crazy, stupid cult. That’s what.
Trump’s Legal Problems Are Putting the GOP in a Vise

4/1/23 – This sorry excuse of a journalist seriously tried to equate the treatment of the evil one, the most treasonous traitorous wannabee dictator in American history, to the internment of Japanese-Americans during WWII. These two things have absolutely nothing in common. The evil one is a fascist. He is like Hitler and Stalin. Japanese-Americans were innocent people whose civil rights were clearly violated. The author should be ashamed of himself. Truly despicable.
How ‘no one is above the law’ became anti-Trump sloganeering

4/1/23 – This is how Gosar, the white nationalist, describes our military. “At another hearing, on the supposedly ‘woke’ U.S. military, Gosar declared that ‘today’s military leadership has become the world’s laughingstock,’ that the ‘military is recruiting mentally troubled people’ and that ‘military schools are focused on describing oral sex, masturbation and pornography.’… Discouraging young Americans from enlisting to defend our nation — how very patriotic!” Democrats pay for this. Remember that.
The GOP response to Trump is one hell of an indictment

Notes from Underground – March 2023

3/31/23 – Between the Christmas gift of Tuckyorose’s hair setting aflame from jealousy of Zelensky, the evil one’s long overdue indictment and his self-humiliating rage, and Dominion delicious, it’s been a generous few months of God’s goodness. Let’s pray to stay in his favor.

3/31/23 – Hope everyone appreciates how important it is to protect our judicial system if we are to protect our democracy.

3/31/23 – While we were drinking wine (or some other alcoholic beverage) in anticipation of the mugshot, “[i]n his ruling, Davis determined that the conservative cable-news network had undeniably broadcast falsehoods when it allowed allies of Donald Trump to float baseless conspiracy theories about Dominion supposedly rigging voting machines to boost Joe Biden.” Check, “harmed the company’s reputation, meaning that the impact on Dominion will not have to be debated at trial.” Question for lawyers, does selectively choosing to broadcast the conspiracy theorists while excluding the sane people prove “actual malice”? “Davis wrote that Fox undermined this line of defense by failing to also report statements from government officials and the company debunking claims of fraud.” Let’s all pray this goes to trial. Delicious.
Judge undercuts key Fox News defense as he sends Dominion suit to trial

3/31/23 – Who’s feeling more schadenfreude right now, the Republicans feigning outrage or the Democrats expressing genuine satisfaction? It might be a hard call.

3/31/23 – The Lord walks with the righteous. Never fear. Just do the right thing. Apply the law without fear or favor. The evil one is not being indicted for political reasons. He’s being indicted because he committed a crime, for which the severity doesn’t matter, and no person is above the law. “As unfortunate as this is, it may be the cost of accountability, something Trump has avoided his entire life. It has long been a source of pride for Americans to say that no person is above the law. And while that’s never been quite true, that aspiration is admirable, a kind of north star to guide our justice system.”
Accountability Arrives for Donald Trump

3/31/23 – We have said before that if MAGA continues to push for the evil one, the wannabee dictator, and tries to destroy our democracy, we will bring this country to its knees. We will appeal to our western allies, and we will destroy the evil one and his supporters. We end minority rule, or end in civil war. “Ironically, in a moment that recalls the Arab Spring, the religious, the secular, the business community, leading intellectuals, labor unions and even the military rose up to thwart, at least temporarily, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s scheme to subvert an independent judiciary.”
Unprecedented events in Israel hold lessons for U.S.

3/31/23 – Why doesn’t Pence get this? “Frankly, it’s time for Pence to stop trying to appeal to the MAGA base by withholding relevant, probative information about Trump’s attempt to subvert the election results. MAGA voters, to be blunt, are unlikely to select Pence for the 2024 nominee under any circumstances.”
Pence must testify. What he’ll have to reveal is an open question.

3/31/23 – Exactly. “Trump is being prosecuted not because he is a former president but because his status as a former president does not shield him from the law.” Let’s hope and pray. “The rule of law seems finally to have caught up to him.”
Trump is indicted, and justice is served

3/30/23 – Absolutely! “Protecting the principle that no person is above the law requires constant vigilance, as we have already come perilously close to losing it once. It was damaged nearly 50 years ago, when another modern president committed provable crimes in office. In 1974, President Richard M. Nixon escaped criminal accountability for his Watergate offenses when his successor, Gerald Ford, pardoned him to ‘shut and seal’ the book on what he had called ‘our long national nightmare.’ In fact, letting the most notorious political criminal of his day escape justice helped set the stage for the nightmare’s return — with a vengeance. Trump’s misconduct in office exceeded Nixon’s, and he came close to plunging our nation into chaos.”
By indicting Trump, Alvin Bragg restores our faith in the rule of law

3/30/23 – Let’s make what we expect very clear. At a minimum, the evil one, trump, ends up in prison for the rest of his life. True justice would mean that he receives the death penalty by firing squad.
Trump indictment follows 50 years of investigation on many fronts

3/30/23 – Well, what do we have here? Is it justice we hear?

3/28/23 – This is why you don’t elect morons. They can get you killed. “The Pentagon is raising alarm over one Republican senator’s bid to block the promotion of nearly 160 senior U.S. military officers in a dispute arising from the Defense Department’s abortion policy, joining top Democrats in labeling the political showdown a threat to national security.”
Pentagon chief warns Senate amid abortion-policy showdown

3/27/23 – To poor Republicans, you don’t need to worry about rich people. They don’t worry about you. You can also stop trying to impress them. They aren’t going to be impressed by you. They’re busy spoiling their talentless kids.

3/27/23 – Nepo babies extend well beyond celebrities to all aspects of our society, and they are an abomination.

3/27/23 – Netanyahu is an existential threat to Israel. Also, this is another example of how the evil one, trump, is an existential threat to the USA. “U.S.-Iran tensions intensified following President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from a landmark nuclear deal with Tehran in 2018.”
Biden warns Iran after U.S. forces clash with proxy groups in Syria

3/27/23 – It is quite strange that Republicans who like to think of themselves as self-reliant and independent of government rely so heavily on blue states’ coffers and are the first to ask for government bailouts.

3/26/23 – Fifth Sunday of Lent. What Jesus taught us more powerfully than anyone else is that there is death, but more importantly, there is change. If death is the end, then there should be no change afterward. The state is final. If there is life after death, then it is not final. Death is just another state of change. However, change scares many people. Ironically, it doesn’t scare them as much as death, even though, for many nonbelievers, it would involve no more change. To believers, remember that our God is always with us, and the world he created is not static. Change is nothing to fear. We must seize it and make it ours. We must only say, “I trust in the LORD; my soul trusts in his word.”

3/26/23 – In the United States, the atheists and others, in particular, the media generally want to focus on the negative aspects of the church. The truth is that the church also does some very good things. It is often the last holdout for human rights, peace, liberty, democracy, etc., and its religious people sacrifice greatly for others. Let’s all pray for Bishop Álvarez. “Keeping this brave man’s name before the public may not be sufficient to liberate Nicaragua, but it is necessary.”
Do not forget this Nicaraguan bishop’s brave stand for human rights

3/26/23 – The most recent rise in authoritarianism started, unsurprisingly, after the 2008 financial crisis? Is the Federal Reserve responsible for destroying democracy?

3/26/23 – The satanic Netanyahu is a wannabee dictator. Anyone noticing a pattern?
Netanyahu fires defense minister who called for halt to judicial overhaul

3/26/23 – This tells you a lot about race, power, and money in America. It would be a very good move for Democrats to make this popular change happen, raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour. “About three-quarters of Hispanic (76%) and Asian Americans (73%) also favor raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, with 52% of Hispanics and 43% of Asians saying they strongly support the idea. White adults, by contrast, are divided: 51% favor raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour – including just 30% who strongly favor it – while 48% oppose it.”
Most Americans support a $15 federal minimum wage

3/26/23 – Is this actually a question? Get some f—king balls people. Move on s—t. “Those who hold Russian assets are entitled, under the international law of state countermeasures for a grave breach of international law, to cancel their obligations to the Russian state and apply Russian state funds to pay what Russia owes.”
The moral and legal case for sending Russia’s frozen $300 billion to Ukraine

3/26/23 – MAGA are stuck in a psychological doom loop. (Doom loop, great expression. So handy and multipurpose.)

3/26/23 – Generally, MAGA likes to blame victims. So, it’s psychologically related to see the perpetrator, the evil one, trump, as a victim and to rush to defend him at every chance. In their own minds, they view themselves as victims (see white grievance and diminishing numbers below), so they have merged their own sense of victimhood with his. This is why he’s able to play them so effectively. He’s a loser, but they don’t accept this. In their minds, he’s a victim of voter fraud, etc. They are also victims of what they perceive as a rigged system. It’s a cynical and dishonest political tactic, but it works because they are psychologically primed for it.

3/26/23 – MAGA aren’t just getting trolled by the evil one, trump, they’re also getting totally ripped off. They are total schmucks! (The media does get played by him too though. To other readers, don’t give it more time than it deserves. Read one story, take note of his autocratic moves, and then wait for something more material. There is a difference between taking in oxygen and giving it oxygen.)
Trolled by Trump, Again

3/26/23 – This is true, and ironically, it is MAGA’s unwillingness to accept reality, that their dear leader, the evil one, trump, is a loser that cost the Republican Party the midterms. Remember it was Fox and other Republicans that perpetuated the big lie, so they ended up bringing about their own losses. Perhaps there is justice in this life after all. “But his candidates’ abysmal record in the midterms and his own weak showing against Biden in public polls make him damaged goods. The reason Trump has gone to such lengths to deny the 2020 election results is because he can’t allow himself to be seen as a loser — it’s political poison with the base.”
Trump bleeds GOP base support

3/25/23 – There should be no doubt that the satanic modi is a (wannabee) dictator. “‘This is a direct murder of democracy,’ said Uddhav Thackeray, a former chief minister of Maharashtra and the leader of a right-wing party in the state, which includes the financial hub Mumbai. Other parties variously called Gandhi’s expulsion ‘a cowardly act’ and an attempt to ‘silence the voice of the opposition,’ and called for the withdrawal of the expulsion…. Hours before Gandhi was expelled on Friday, 14 opposition parties approached the Supreme Court asking it to stop the government from using law enforcement agencies to hobble political opponents. In a news conference late Friday, Congress spokesman Abhishek Manu Singhvi described Gandhi’s disqualification as part of the ‘systematic and repetitive emasculation of democratic institutions by the ruling party.’”
India’s top opposition leader Gandhi expelled from Parliament after conviction

3/25/23 – Without digging into the data, it seems as though the most strategic political move for Democrats would be to appeal to religious groups. The atheists can be rather obnoxious and carry too much weight in the party, so this would also be an overdue correction. “There is also a huge religious divide — White people who aren’t Christians are much more likely to be Democrats.… Among Latino voters, a big divide is religion. Latinos who are Catholic or who aren’t religious are much more Democratic-leaning than Latino Protestants are.”
The GOP gains among ‘voters of color’ are overhyped

3/25/23 – Exactly. “But as disheartening as our increasingly godless society can be to many of us, neither Christian doctrine — despite its cultural dominance — nor any other religious creed was intended to be government policy. Besides, the Bible repeatedly reminds believers not to be so concerned with the things of this world. But progressive Americans must adjust, too, by exhibiting tolerance for conservative social and religious beliefs rather than disparaging such views as bigoted or hateful. They must show more consideration for people who are asked again and again to reject beliefs and practices that their communities have sincerely held for generations.”
Americans need to rediscover the lost art of tolerance

3/25/23 – If for no other reason, this is a very good reason to never elect the evil one, trump, again. The world is changing fast. Africa (it’s a continent) actually has growing populations. It’s dynamic and important. “Harris’s trip is the latest step in an intensive courtship after U.S. relations with Africa deteriorated badly under President Donald Trump, who never visited the continent and whose reference to ‘shithole countries,’ at a closed-door meeting in 2018, was seen by many Africans as directed at them.”  We cannot have that f—king autocratic, racist moron as the head of state ever again.
Harris heads to Africa amid Biden’s urgent courtship of the continent

3/25/23 – We need a Schoolhouse Rock for genitals. “I’m just a boy with a penis that pees.” “Well, it’s a long, long journey through puberty.” “But I know I’ll be a man someday with a penis that can do more than just pee.” “Then, I’ll be able to find a pretty lady with a vagina and make cute babies because that’s what man penises and woman vaginas can do.” Something along those lines. Others can wordsmith the lyrics.

3/24/23 – Apparently, kids aren’t supposed to know that they have genitals even though they have genitals. Around 6th grade is when many kids start puberty. Their own genitals will be announcing quite clearly that they are indeed genitals. Yes, these are the times we’re living in. Genitals, they are a part of the human body that God created. He wasn’t ashamed of them. PS David remains one of the greatest pieces of art ever created, and Michelangelo was a devout Christian. Thank you and have a nice day.
Parents, be warned! There will be art in this art class!

3/23/23 – Basically, the mini-me idiot has no clue what he’s talking about.
DeSantis walks back ‘territorial dispute’ remark on Ukraine

3/23/23 – “As the old Wall Street saw goes, the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.” This was Keynes, who lost a lot of money in the stock market. So, he personally experienced this.
Surprised by interest rate hikes? Really?

3/23/23 – It is very important to be disciplined and hard-working. Religious people have such great lives. It’s a complementary balance of work and spirituality. Their spiritual lives give their work purpose, serving God and others. And their work gives their spiritual lives an earthly expression. For some of us, this is the perfect life.

3/23/23 – The full retirement age in the USA is 67, so we should have no sympathy for those lazy f—kers. 62! Give us a break! Many people work until 70. As long as one is treated with dignity, well-compensated and has a good work-life balance, work is fulfilling. It gives people purpose and meaning in their lives. It also keeps one’s mind and body healthy. France is the country that went from being slaves to monarchs to lazy, entitled a—holes who don’t care about anybody else but themselves.

3/23/23 – People are living longer. You have to work until later in life. So, shut the f—k up and go home.

3/23/23 – One million French a—holes didn’t protest for a worthy cause like Ukraine’s freedom and democracy, but they’ll protest to be lazy entitled f—kers. So self-centered.
Violent French pension protests erupt as 1M demonstrate

3/22/23 – The Fed, “we nearly had/created (how should one phrase this?) another financial meltdown, but everything is going according to plan.” They get paid for this with our tax dollars. Remember that.

3/22/23 – Right to work should be repealed in every state. If Michigan can do it, every state can do it. The race to the bottom for labor policies and protections will stop once every state repeals it. (Also, just because one can free ride, doesn’t mean one should.)
Michigan is set to repeal its decade-old right-to-work law, a big win for unions

3/22/23 – Zelensky is so attentive to his people and his troops. He celebrates them all the time. What a great leader! What a great people! Slava Ukraini!

3/21/23 – Being (like Jesus), believing (in Jesus), belonging (to Jesus’s church), and their relationship are common themes in Christian sermons. The common element is supposed to be Jesus, but generally speaking, most churches are only marginally successful at focusing exclusively on this. That said. At least, many of them try. At least, they make the unifying element clear. The creeds also state this. We also have a clear model for our behavior, Jesus. That is extremely helpful. We routinely fall short, but the goal is right there in the New Testament. We can read it, and try again. America, as an “institution,” does a poor job of all of this. It could learn from the church.

3/21/23 – As a thought experiment: Imagine the USA engineered immigration such that groups of various kinds: races, religions, languages, etc. were perfectly balanced. No one group was dominant in terms of numbers, and no one group was a minority. Would belonging increase, decrease or remain unchanged? Hard to say since it would depend if even in this perfectly balanced scenario in terms of numbers, one group was dominant outside of the numbers. Would this arrangement upset whites more than anybody else? Yes, it would because, presently, they are the dominant group. This is why they are doing everything possible to maintain political and economic power even if their numbers erode. Will it work? In a democracy, it’s less likely to work. To some degree, this might explain their drift to fascism.

3/21/23 – “Make Whites Belong Again” Is this catchy? In Christianity, believing and belonging are meant to go together. This isn’t how it usually plays out in practice. Why should one feel like they belong in any Christian church? Because they believe in the same God. Worldly things get in the way though. In the United States, we’re all supposed to feel like we belong because (theoretically) we all believe in our country. Again, this isn’t how it plays out in practice. Considerably complicating matters, unlike Christianity, which has no cap on believers, the United States does have a cap on Americans. Perhaps for this reason, belonging in the USA is being treated as a zero-sum game. If one group rises, it must mean that another group falls. Since whites are still the dominant group, the onus is on them to stop thinking of and treating belonging as a zero-sum game. Instead, they are lashing out because they think they are falling.
Why so many Americans feel left out

3/21/23 – Yes, the thing to do is to glorify dictators dictating dictatorships. “Smart diplomacy.” “Xi similarly used China’s close relations with Iran to make the diplomatic breakthrough between Riyadh and Tehran that the United States could never achieve.” Also, China is not a strong country. That’s an illusion. How does one define strong, and to what is China being compared?
Here’s the real lesson from the showy Xi-Putin meeting

3/21/23 – Ranked-Choice Voting is a no-brainer. It would help with a lot of our problems and ending the doom loop.
Montgomery County should adopt ranked-choice voting. So should everyplace else.

3/20/23 – The satanic poop in Russia, look over here [fill in the blank] while I rob the country blind. And the Russians fell for it.

3/20/23 – Rich people want you to work super hard (while they lazy about like the parasitic loafers they are) so that you won’t have time to fight for your rights, your dignity or to learn how they have been cheating you. They want you to be slaves.

3/20/23 – Don’t expect any of the pedigreed elites to actually admit they were wrong about interest rates or anything. They don’t do that. They and their egos are a big part of the doom loop. We must break the doom loop.

3/20/23 – The comments are quite fun to read. My first thought also. “Where can I get a copy of Trump’s mug shot to hang on my wall?” “Alexander posted on the Telegram platform. ‘Now, I’m retired.’” He can be retired, but we’ll never forgive him or other MAGA. Revolting traitors, and they are such schmucks. The evil one is paying his legal fees with the moronic MAGA’s retirements accounts and their children’s inheritance.
Trump calls for protests of what he claims is his imminent arrest
Suckers! Haha! They actually thought the evil one, trump, would pay their bills. “‘We’ve both got enough going on fighting the government,’ Alexander wrote. ‘No billionaire is covering our bills.’”
Trump’s call for protests gets muted reaction by supporters

3/20/23 – “Xi arrives in Russia to stand with Putin against West amid Ukraine war” Dictators of the world unite!

3/20/23 – Ukrainians have worked so hard for so long to win their freedom and independence. They must win!
‘We are warriors, not layabouts or loafers.
And our cause is righteous and holy.
We stand for independence,
that is why it is so hard for us.’
[3/19/23] is the birthday of the legend of Ukrainian poetry Lina Kostenko. Sometimes bitter yet apt words of the poetess describe the pain and at the same time the strength of Ukrainians. Thank you for your contribution to Ukrainian culture and for your indomitable virtue!”
Zelensky – Ukrainian Poet Lina Kostenko

3/20/23 – The war in Ukraine is a battle of good against evil. Good must win. Ukraine must win. Keep the faith. Keep fighting. “The war in Ukraine is one of the largest armed conflicts since the Second World War. The active front line reaches 1,500 km. Battles take place in fields, forests, on water, in the sky and in cities. We continue fighting for our native land. The liberation of all occupied territories is ahead. And Ukraine will definitely do it.”
Zelensky – Ukraine will do it.

3/19/23 – “Poverty abolitionists!” Love that. This is a great article and book for Lent. For the sanctimonious many, acknowledge that we are all sinners. We do things on a daily basis that harm our planet, God’s creatures or our fellow human beings. To quote Mark Twain, we are all guilty of “The Cruelty of ‘I Didn’t Think’.” Some really good suggestions in here, and there is hopeful change. “In fact, one of the more encouraging findings Desmond cites is a 2020 Pew survey showing that a large majority of Americans have come to blame structural obstacles, not personal failings, for poverty, and to believe that most of the rich got that way not through hard work but through advantages. That’s a big shift in a country that has long been enamored of bootstrap mythology. It seems like a precondition for taking poverty abolition seriously and believing it to be possible.” Bootstrap is a total myth. We were blind, but now we see.
How America Manufactures Poverty

3/19/23 – “As Jesus passed by he saw a man blind from birth.
His disciples asked him,
‘Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents,
that he was born blind?’
Jesus answered,
‘Neither he nor his parents sinned;
it is so that the works of God might be made visible through him.
We have to do the works of the one who sent me while it is day.
Night is coming when no one can work.
While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.’”

3/19/23 – Fourth Sunday of Lent. We should always honor the Sabbath, but we sometimes or even often fail to do so. After this exhausting week, let’s have a day of rest and prayer. Let us be one with God and his creation. Know that the devil will test us. He will test our resolve. He will test our faith. In the darkness, we must be the light. “I am the light of the world, says the Lord; whoever follows me will have the light of life.” We must conquer the devil. We must conquer evil. Never give up. Keep the faith. Spread the faith. Be the faith.

3/18/23 – We’re at a critical moment, and the powers that be need to act much more aggressively and urgently to eliminate the authoritarian threat.

3/18/23 – If this idiocy with monetary policy continues, all the genius elites who have been calling for interest rate hikes will be calling for interest rate cuts as soon as the recession hits, which is going to be much worse than the inflation that was moderately higher than what we had come to expect. How these people got and keep their jobs reflects the deep rot in our political and economic system.

3/18/23 – Necessary Changes to the Law: Credit card companies must be required to give a minimum 28-day grace period, the time between your statement’s closing date and your required minimum payment. Why? Because most people get paid biweekly, and it allows them to better manage their bill payments. We want a bill with just this one change to the law, which is popular with all Americans, and we want all lawmakers on the record as to where they stand, one easy to understand vote at a time. We want transparency and accountability. Do you work for the American people or for the banks?

3/18/23 – The Fed needs to announce that there will be no more interest rate increases in the near-term. That’s how it will calm markets. Would say that the garbage Jerome Powell, who is not an economist but a lawyer should be fired, but the f—khead economists are just as bad as he is, so you can’t win either way.

3/18/23 – Since Twitter is dead, no idea what happened here. “What role did social media-led coordination among customers play?” This needs to be looked into, and the rich f—kheads need to held accountable. Apply the law without fear or favor. If they broke the law, arrest them and put their whiny, talentless government needs to save our libertarian a—ses in prison.
Bank failures: Anger in Congress, but division on what to do

3/18/23 – We need to hold everybody, Democrats and Republicans to account. Everybody. Without fear or favor.

3/18/23 – The ICC issued an arrest warrant for the satanic one, putin. It was well overdue. The world needs to take aggressive action to hold dictators and wannabee dictators accountable. Crush them. Now.

3/18/23 – F—k the French and their lazy, entitled a—s. They are a self-centered group of people who think they are god’s gift to mankind yet they have nothing substantive to back up their s—t. They are self-glorifying often racists who think the only good Americans are WASPs, which excludes the French by the way, and who can’t deal with the fact that past “glory” (what was glorious about colonialism or being slaves to monarchs?) is not indicative of future performance.

3/18/23 – Being a good leader isn’t about always being cautious and moderate. Sometimes, you have to aggressively take people and s—t the f—k down. It’s knowing when you tap and when you crush. Biden, who in part due to temperament, in part due to age, is too cautious. This moment calls for new leadership that is bold and a fighter.

3/18/23 – Biden and the administration has been too cautious on Ukraine. He should listen to the Republican members of Congress who have for a long time wanted him to be more aggressive.

3/18/23 – To MAGA, we will not forgive you. Go f—k yourselves all the way to hell from now until eternity. You will be remembered in history as traitors. Know that now.

3/18/23 – David Sacks, Peter Theil and all of the other tech bros are f—king hypocrites and idiots. They are not libertarians. They have no principles and no solid values. They are evil opportunists. This country is addicted to morons who are lucky and greedy. It worships these false gods instead of worshipping the one true god.

3/18/23 – People need to get more creative in how they deal with inflation. Stop looking at the overall price level. Use the f—king technology, break down the economy into specific markets, and address whatever issues exist there, whether it’s supply-chain issues or a lack of suppliers/inadequate competition, whatever. That’s the way you manage this s—t. Not some blunt tool that inevitably triggers a recession, and given the nature of our financial markets and economy, possibly another financial crisis. The world will not be able to handle it, and you risk replaying the political turmoil of the world war years, especially WWII. You risk helping authoritarians rise to power, and you will regret it.

3/18/23 – You’ll see here that the effective fed funds rate is similar to where it was when the 2008 financial crisis was triggered/started (how should we describe that?). The Fed has to stop raising rates now! (No idea what the ECB is doing. They are often idiots. In fact, most economists in the world are well-credentialed idiots.)
Effective Fed Funds Rate

3/17/23 – Going to try to say this as calmly as possible. From the beginning, we have been saying (i.e., berating the Fed on Twitter, which is dead) not to raise rates. The a—holes with their econ 101 textbooks have been saying raise rates. A lot of the inflation was due to supply-side issues. Basic logic dictates that is what needs to be addressed to bring down inflation. Those are policy issues that the Biden administration and Congress need to tackle. This is not the god—m 1970s. Stop with the Milton Friedman s—t. The financial system, the economy, everything has changed, and on top of all of that, the world is emerging from a pandemic. The elevated demand was mainly due to that. And there is a war. Instead of taking a nuanced approach to economic policy, it’s a formulaic approach that does not suit this case. If the Fed is too incompetent to manage the economy, it needs to be completely overhauled. Fire and hire until it can do its job correctly. This entire f—king banking crisis fiasco, not to mention the higher debt servicing both for regular folk and the government, which is ultimately paid for by the taxpayers, is because of the higher interest rates. In addition, the financial system, which has been drunk at the punch bowl (low interest rate environment) for how long is it, almost a half a century, give or take, is an alcoholic. It is brittle. Raising rates this aggressively over a short period of time is going to destabilize it. So, f—k you to everyone who’s a bloviating moron about inflation, finance and economics. You are a contributor to this mess. Thank you, and have a nice day.

3/17/23 – Psycho, evil, traitorous MAGA’s “election integrity” is code for their own election fraud, rigging the election for the evil one, trump. White sociopaths like double speak.

3/17/23 – To our beloved Ukraine, the country, except for the traitorous MAGA, has not forgotten about you. Just doing some important housekeeping. Since our countries are friends and who has time for any BS anymore, just know that the USA is one f—king wild country. It’s both infuriating and inspiring. Hang in there, and hang in there with us. We won’t abandon you.

3/17/23 – There is a deficiency of regulation and regulators. It is not either/or. And Congress is a sewer. Both parties readily sell out the American people and the economy to line their own pockets and retain power.

3/17/23 – What the f—k is this? “Adding a potentially uncomfortable wrinkle, the since-ousted chief executive at Silicon Valley Bank, Gregory Becker, served as a director at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco until last week.” This should never be the case. We also need to put a stop to the revolving door. There is too much corruption and conflict of interest in our government.
After Silicon Valley Bank collapse, Washington asks: Is it to blame?

3/17/23 – Supervision of the country’s highly complex financial system needs to move out of the Federal Reserve’s responsibilities and purview to a new institution dedicated to this important function. Prior to the creation of the Federal Reserve, it was JP Morgan (who was a ruthless capitalist and generally horrible person) that helped during financial crises. (You will notice that JP Morgan continues to play this role to some degree.) We should ask how this lender-of-last-resort function can to be redesigned so that it is the country’s financial institutions that “bail themselves out,” in more technical terms, act as their own lender-of-last-resort. The Federal Reserve should be focused on managing the economy, which is a lot as it is.

3/17/23 – The world’s democratic powers need to start assassinating the world’s dictators who have been proliferating, and now. That’s all there is to it.

3/16/23 – Not a lawyer, but if we’re talking stare decisis, Judge Thomas Wheeler’s ruling in Starr v. US should be the basis for another lawsuit against the government. Unmitigated rage.

3/16/23 – “This is just a fundamentally different type of bank run.” It’s not. It’s the same s—t, different day, and it’s all “electronic” now…. “The speed at which this all happened is something that regulators were fundamentally not really attuned to.” It is always “fast,” and it doesn’t matter how the panic spreads, whether Slack, landlines, the newspaper, or the god—am telegraph. All that matters is that it spreads. “Silicon Valley Bank doesn’t exist anymore, so it’s not a bailout of anyone.” What are y’all saying right now? It doesn’t matter if the institution continues to exist or not, it can still be a bailout. They bailed out the f—king rich investors. “Those equity holders were fully wiped out.” Look at AIG. Are you telling us that wasn’t a bailout? What about the losses its shareholders incurred? F—k you. “And it’s not like it wasn’t clear that we were on the brink of a potential crisis, because you’ve had people for months saying, ‘Listen, if [Silicon Valley Bank] had to liquidate today, they wouldn’t have been solvent.’” Solvency and liquidity are two different things. People said Lehman wasn’t solvent either, and it remains debatable whether that was actually the case. It went down quickly irrespective of whether it was solvent. It might have been solvent until the panic hit. That’s the nature of the beast. Too annoying to read the entire thing. Enough misery for one day.
‘Financial Regulation Has a Really Deep Problem’

3/16/23 – The country does not hire based on merit and talent. It’s based on luck, connections, “faking it,” ass-kissing and academic ass-kissing, also known as pedigree. This is a big reason we’re having so many problems in our country. This happens throughout our economy, in both the private and the public sectors. So, here we are: the United States of Incompetence.

3/16/23 – See below. “The combination of a high level of longer-term asset maturities and a moderate decline in deposits underscores the risk that these unrealized losses [they haven’t sold the assets but their value has declined] could become actual losses [they had to sell the assets because they needed to meet withdrawals, and when they do this, the losses become actual/realized] should banks need to sell investments [at a loss, in this case, bonds that fell in value because the Fed raised interest rates] to meet liquidity needs [to meet withdrawals].” American CEOs are f—king idiots. That moron was running a bank and didn’t know s—t, and he was a corrupt a—hole. “And its chief executive officer had started cashing out his stock.” This definitely was not “balance-sheet minutiae.”
You Should Be Outraged About Silicon Valley Bank

3/16/23 – It is quite strange that evil moronic MAGA is so hellbent on isolationism when that means isolated with the other over half of the country that resents their very existence and hates their guts.

3/16/23 – “He may well be trying to sound like an ill-informed isolationist, because he is trying to capture the MAGA voters who now support Trump. The former president is the undisputed world heavyweight champion of ignorant views, and if you’re going to take him on, you’d better have some stunningly ignorant views of your own to bring to the table. That’s what the Republican base wants.” Sane people don’t want to be ignorant and stupid. MAGA are evil and crazy, and they will get us all killed.
DeSantis Will Betray Ukraine for MAGA Votes

3/15/23 – We are living in one of the dumbest periods in human history.

3/15/23 – This is coming from the evil Russian s—t’s supporters, you know the person who’s trying to recreate Soviet “greatness,” make russia great again. “Later, they get slightly more specific as ‘wokeness’ is compared to authoritarian states and the censorship that defined the Soviet Union.” We don’t know what woke means, but when we look up ignorant idiot in the dictionary, it says MAGA.
A viral moment reinforces the hollowness of ‘woke’ as an attack

3/15/23 – She says, you’re saying because “fair” doesn’t appear in the Constitution, the maps don’t have to be fair. [Now, we digress to some other argument.] He says, I’m saying you don’t have the authority to determine if the maps are drawn to be fair. It’s up to the people to decide. She says, if the maps aren’t fair, aren’t you preventing the people from deciding if they are fair? [Now, we digress to another argument.] He says, that’s a circular argument, you’re assuming you can define what fair is.” Wow! That was painful.
Actually, he argued that fair is definable since he says that voters can decide, meaning they can determine if it’s fair. (It’s ambiguous what “it’s” is referring to here, but the context is the maps.) So, if voters can decide if the maps are fair, so can the courts. Fair is “definable.” The question he raised in the middle of his grasping “argument” was about authority. Do the courts have the authority? The Supreme Court ruled they do if the maps are overly partisan. He got paid for this. Think about that.
N.C. high court mulls throwing out rulings on redistricting, voter ID

3/15/23 – Again, it seems the apocalypse is nigh.

3/15/23 – Still thinking about this Theil situation. Is it more akin to yelling “fire” in a theater or publicly stating an opinion? Could his “opinion” be construed as defamation? The legal limits for free speech are quite intriguing.

3/15/23 – What role did superior a—hole Theil play in SVB’s demise? “Thiel is back in the spotlight after Founders Fund, a venture capital firm he founded, urged companies to withdraw their money from Silicon Valley Bank last week.” The data usually show a precipitous decline (basically withdrawals/redemptions), so one could simply look at the timing (temporal proximity to his statement(s)) to determine. A question for legal experts: Does this open Theil up to lawsuits? (Not a lawyer, but it’s strange to me to sue SVB for not disclosing what is standard knowledge about bonds and interest rate risks. This is not some exotic risk. That’s like suing SVB for not disclosing that stock prices rise and fall. Should SVB also disclose that the grass is green and the sky is blue?)
After SVB collapse, bank stocks slide despite government intervention

3/15/23 – We can’t solve our problems if our country is full of nuts who are ignorant and stupid.

3/15/23 – All it really takes for a bank, whether commercial, investment, crypto, what have you, to go down is a loss of confidence. What triggers the loss in confidence could be either rational concerns and/or irrational fears about the bank’s balance sheet, its solvency and/or its liquidity. It’s usually some combination of both, rational and irrational. There are problems (rational), but the panic makes it a self-fulfilling prophecy (irrational). (Lehman also had plenty of good collateral.) This s—t isn’t hard f—kheads. It’s basically the same f—king thing over and over again in different contexts, given the ever-evolving nature of financial markets and economies.

3/15/23 – Catherine Rampell, the anthropologist, needs to shut the f—k up about economics. Pretty certain the only reason she got that job at WaPo is nepotism.

3/14/23 – In the midst of our misery, we must still celebrate pi day because math is amazing (even though it’s a human creation), and God is great.

3/14/23 – Let the rest of us say this as politely as we can, which means totally impolitely because we ran out of s—ts to give a long time ago. The reason we’re in this predicament is not just the greedy people’s greed. It’s also the stupid people’s stupidity. Combined, they are a force that could destroy the entire world.

3/14/23 – Pretty much every banking crisis is, loosely speaking, triggered by the same thing. There is a maturity mismatch between the assets and the liabilities. That’s the nature of their balance sheets. Depositors can come and get their money immediately. This is the liability side. But their assets are longer dated and/or less liquid. Even when you’re talking about Treasuries, which are generally highly liquid, there are other risks, such as interest rate risks, which can negatively impact the value of these assets. Even Lehman, which was an investment bank, not a commercial bank, basically also experienced a classic bank run, just with repo. Seriously, get a f—king grip on reality, people. Use the f—king Google. The rest of us are out of patience with your stupid a—ses.
Maturity Mismatch: Definition, Example, Prevention

3/14/23 – Just come right out and say it. We think our voters are psychotic idiots. So, we feed them crazy, stupid shit because that’s who they are. Every time, Republicans do this, that’s the unspoken message to their voters.

3/14/23 – Pedigree. Why do the Ivy League schools keep producing total and complete f—king morons? “Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, widely believed to be gearing up for a 2024 GOP presidential bid, said Sunday that Silicon Valley Bank’s diversity, equity and inclusion requirements ‘diverted from them focusing on their core mission.’” And what the f—k do Treasury bonds and the Fed raising interest rates have to do with ESG or DEI? If anyone actually falls for this s—t, they’re as stupid as these morons selling it, but remember, they have Ivy League degrees. Never in my rather extensive research on various crises have I ever come across one triggered by ESG or DEI. It doesn’t exist as a thing except in moronic MAGA world.
GOP blames Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse on ‘ESG’ policies. Here’s what to know.

3/13/23 – SVB is definitely not Lehman, and f—k those who claim that it is. They are ignorant or lying, or both.

3/13/23 – To those people who say that SVB failed to hedge against the obvious risk of rising interest rates. Who gave them the idea that interest rates would stay indefinitely low? The f—king Fed. That’s who.

3/13/23 – It is not moral hazard because they face the consequences. It’s not moral hazard because of deregulation, for as unwise as that is. It’s moral hazard because they keep getting bailed out. And who is bailing them out? Democrats, that’s who.

3/13/23 – Don’t deceive yourselves into thinking the American people are just going to fault the Republicans and the evil one, trump, for rolling back regulations. We’re also going to fault the Democrats, including Biden, for bailing out these f—kers time and time again. Both parties are to blame.

3/13/23 – Unadulterated rage.

3/13/23 – The evil one, trump, should be given the death penalty for trying to overturn an election and inciting an insurrection. Let’s go Brandon should resign immediately for bailing out the private sector – again. Americans have terrible politicians and a terrible political system that does not work for the people.

3/13/23 – GOP and DNC: Get us new, actually competent candidates with actions that match their stated values.

3/13/23 – “Don’t tell me what you value, show me your budget, and I’ll tell you what you value.” We see what you value all right. Brutal capitalism for the poor. Socialism for the rich. Look at the lines for food. Where is our money going? To rich people, stupid, f—king hypocrite.

3/13/23 – Hell is not other people. It’s being stuck in the same f—king doom loop, replaying it over and over and over again. The Republicans deregulate. The Democrats bail out the rich. The Republicans deregulate. The Democrats bail out the rich. And the entire country is looking forward to a reply of 2020, two geriatrics vying to lead a nation that wants to move on from both of them, as much as a godd—m root canal. We’re so f—king sick of this s—h we could scream. It’s kleptocrats to the right. It’s kleptocrats to the left. It’s corruption throughout our entire government no matter the party. It’s stupid, narcissistic politicians who don’t do anything for the American people and do everything for themselves. We’re f—king done. F—k them all!

3/13/23 – The Federal Reserve is the most incompetent and corrupt institution in the country. It is a disgrace to this great nation. How many f—king times is it going to bail out the blood-sucking financial industry? How many times is it going to ignore moral hazard? How many times is it going to screw over the American people to support greedy rich parasites? The Fed needs to be completely reformed.

3/12/23 – Third Sunday of Lent. God will give us justice.

3/12/23 – We could be in the middle of World War III, and Biden/Harris (or whoever the VP is) will not be getting our vote. There are no circumstances under which there will be a different decision. None at all.

3/12/23 – If it comes down to not voting in November 2024, that’s what will happen.

3/12/23 – It is really sad that a country like the USA with so many good people are stuck with these two choices: the evil one and let’s go Brandon.

3/12/23 – Let’s go Brandon. Let us know when you can actually hear and “see us.” Fake f—kers.

3/12/23 – The Democratic Party under Biden has lost our support. From now until the end, it will get nothing. Get a different nominee who has a moral compass.

3/12/23 – The third rail is not Social Security. It’s bailouts. They crossed a line. Let it go to hell.

3/12/23 – The Biden Administration is as corrupt as the Federal Reserve. The American government is held hostage by rich parasitic a—holes.

3/12/23 – F—k Biden. Let it all burn to the ground.

3/12/23 – War.

3/12/23 – If the elites in Washington, Silicon Valley, or the “captains of industry” think the resentments from 2008 have moderated. They have not. They have only intensified. The abuses of corporate America during the pandemic, when Americans were dying, are yet another insult. The vast majority of Americans (liberals, conservatives, independents) dislike all of the elites with an intensity they underestimate because they are blinded by their self-love.

3/12/23 – Apparently, the Biden Administration is also more concerned about the rich, tech moguls in Silicon Valley who want to privatize gains and socialize losses than about ordinary Americans who are struggling to pay their bills with high inflation. If there is one thing liberals and conservatives – oh and independents – are united about, it’s our common hatred of bailouts. Get ready for these attacks every day from now until election day 2024.

3/12/23 – The Federal Reserve is totally f—king corrupt. It keeps bailing out the private sector at the expense of American taxpayers. It is an elitist, even racist, institution that only cares about the ultrarich. It has screwed over everybody else, including upper-middle-class white people, and it’s getting worse every day. Instead of focusing on reining in the parasitic and abusive credit card industry and credit reporting agencies, instead of focusing on price gouging, instead of helping people who are waiting in food lines, who is the Fed concerned about? Rich, tech moguls in Silicon Valley.

3/12/23 – SVB does not pose a systemic threat. It would be an extreme overreach, and the American people will sue the government. Changes need to be made to the law and the Fed’s powers. It is abusing them at the expense of the American taxpayers. The Federal Reserve is owned by the rich parasites that want to enslave the American people. Jerome Powell is garbage. F—k you!

3/12/23 – The USA has the most overpaid CEOs in world history.

3/12/23 – If you run a bank, and you choose to ignore the risks that come with maturity mismatch, too bad for you. There is no free lunch in economics or in life.

3/12/23 – Any and all liberal excesses need to stop immediately. Stop the “virtue-signaling” garbage. Not only do you denigrate yourselves (no decent person respects people like that), but you’re putting our country in greater danger. You’re making it more susceptible to internal and external evil forces. The world is quickly getting really dangerous. Remember: for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. It applies to the laws of physics and societies. Hard truth: the extreme left helped bring the evil one, trump, to power.

3/12/23 – The evil one, trump, helped install MBS. They will collude against our nation’s interests.

3/12/23 – Our foreign policy needs to start thinking differently about Mexico, which spans our entire southern border. It is overridden by drug cartels. They are extremely dangerous. The political leadership is feckless, and the country is corrupt. It is ripe for a nefarious actor, such as Russia or China, to gain strategic influence. They would then have direct access to our country in the event of war.

3/12/23 – MAGA is evil. They are abettors of the devil.

3/12/23 – It has become a moral dilemma how to view these Russian people. They allowed or even supported the satanic s—t’s, putin’s, rise. They couldn’t be bothered to care about others or the awful things their country was doing in Russia and around the world. (They allowed him to steal their money.) They are racist f—kers who think they are better than others. Why should the world feel compassion towards them when they don’t care about anybody else? Now, their country has become a terrorist state, and they are being slaughtered in a genocidal war that their actions or inactions created.
It is a warning to every country. You reap what you sow. At least in the USA, over half the population, which is a lot of people, is vehemently against the evil one, trump. One needs to be informed, actually care and take action to root out evil. Once evil establishes itself, you’re screwed.
Russian wives and mothers call on Putin to stop sending mobilized men ‘to the slaughter’

3/12/23 – The axis of evil is growing (and fast): Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and soon to be Saudi Arabia and Mexico. Yes, Mexico. We need to be prepared.

3/12/23 – The evil one, trump, has gotten more evil and more dangerous. He must get the death penalty for his crimes against the state. “Historical experience suggests that it would be foolish to disregard this kind of statement by a man who commands such a large and unyielding portion of the electorate. Would-be authoritarians like Trump, given a chance to return to power, do not have a record of moderating their views.”
2024 Trump Is Even Scarier Than 2020 Trump

3/11/23 – Turkey is not to be trusted.

3/11/23 – No bailouts of any kind at all! Or you will pay the political consequences.

3/11/23 – Max Abrahms, professor of political science at Northeastern University, should be fired immediately.

3/11/23 – Absolutely! “I believe that today’s Trump supporters are people who are making a conscious, knowing, and morally flawed choice to continue supporting a sociopath and a party chock-full of seditionists…. What we’re seeing at Fox, however, is lying on a grand scale, done with a snide loathing for the audience and a cool indifference to the damage being done to the nation…. You can see this same kind of contemptuous elitism in Republicans such as Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and Elise Stefanik.”
The Ugly Elitism of the American Right

3/11/23 – “Dirty hands. Clean money.” That’s great. There need to be more pathways and options. Many students were going to college for a bachelor’s degree who were not well-suited for that particular path. At the same time, we need a well-educated populace that has broader knowledge than just in a particular industry or job. A combination of community college classes to fit work schedules in trade or other work is a good place to start. AA degrees should be required, but the timelines and paths should be flexible.
Jaded with Education, More Americans Are Skipping College

3/11/23 – Tuckyorose wanted the January 6 footage so that he could support his MAGA-ness when Dominion’s discovery, which did not support his MAGA-ness, was made public. That’s the timing.

3/11/23 – What the f—k is going on?!
Tennessee congressman Andrew Ogles’s résumé is too good to be true

3/11/23 – It could be argued that it isn’t until you get intimately familiar with war that you truly understand the value of freedom.

3/11/23 – So cute! God is great. “Bees work so well together — some scientists call hives ‘superorganisms’ — that people have long thought they had a sophisticated way of communicating.”
Bees teach their babies how to dance

3/11/23 – F—k you. No bailout. FDIC covers ordinary folks. Private investors take risks; they own the risks. Can we talk about credit card debt instead?
Silicon Valley Bank failure raises fear of broader financial contagion

3/10/23 – We see, and we cry. But the world does nothing. The UNHCR needs to be reformed. The only way forward for the world is to be united against hate and evil and to actually take action.
The Rohingya fled genocide. Now, violence stalks them as refugees.

3/10/23 – Interesting. Divide and conquer.
Head of private Russian army says he’s been ‘cut off’ by Putin

3/10/23 – Rich people and corporations in the USA have a disease. They are addicted to money. They need an intervention.

3/10/23 – Credit card companies are vampires that suck on the blood of hard-working Americans. The federal government does not regulate them or credit rating agencies adequately. Also, instead of bringing inflation down, the main effect of the rate increases is this: “Credit cards are one of the most expensive ways to borrow money. Currently, annual percentage rates, or APRs, are around 20%, an all-time high. If the Federal Reserve announces a half-point increase in its benchmark interest rate at the March meeting, those APRs will climb even higher. That will cost credit card borrowers an extra $3.4 billion in interest charges over the next 12 months, WalletHub calculated.”
Credit card debt is at an all-time high, putting households near ‘breaking point,’ study shows

3/10/23 – The endless winter is exhausting. The northern parts of North America are not for the faint of heart. But we have more water for our land, so that’s good. Let us be thankful. God is good.

3/10/23 – It is hard to find Ukrainian literature translated into English. Thanks for the translation.
“And glory to you, dark-blue mountains,
Frost and snow protect you;
And to you, great-hearted heroes,
God does not forget you.
Keep fighting – you are sure to win!
God helps you in your fight!
For glory and freedom march with you,
And truth is on your side!
Taras Shevchenko, 1845.”
Zelensky – Taras Shevchenko, 1845

3/9/23 – We must ramp up production capabilities and production now! Can we shift into a war-time economy now or what? Why the foot-dragging?
In race to arm Ukraine, U.S. faces cracks in its manufacturing might

3/9/23 – This is crazy. Just like the book-banning is crazy. The extremes on the left and the right have lost it, and the middle needs to push back forcefully. You have the controlling communists on the left and controlling fascists on the right. “At Stanford, a full-service, broad-spectrum educational institution, an ‘Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative’ several months ago listed words to avoid lest they make someone feel sad, unsafe, disrespected or something. Problematic words include ‘American,’ which suggests that America (this column enjoys being transgressive) is the most important country in North and South America.” (The article could have done a better job of staying on topic. It digressed into unrelated topics.)
Woke word-policing is now beyond satire

3/8/23 – Western Europe is leaderless, and their populace is indulgent and content with being dependent on the USA. They would do well to remember that we’re a democracy, and our citizens get to vote on how our blood and treasure is spent. If we don’t want to pay the price for European security because Europeans are more interested in taking vacations and keeping their pensions, it’s going to be tough s—t for Europe. Just know this. They would be wise to be prepared.
Europe is finally starting to face its threats. It should do more.

3/8/23 – Being able to deliver hard truths and withstand the unpopularity that comes with doing so is a valuable sacrifice and service to humankind.

3/8/23 – “On International Women’s Day, we want to celebrate women in Ukraine who withstand brutal Russian aggression and contribute to the fight against it. According to the United Nations, Russia’s all-out war has taken ‘a devastating toll on the well-being of millions of women, girls, and young people.’ Thousands of women have been killed since Feb. 24, 2022. Thousands more have lost their loved ones. Nonetheless, women have been an essential part of Ukraine’s resistance. Some 41,000 women are serving in Ukraine’s Armed Forces, according to the Military Media Center. Women also contribute as first responders, volunteers, journalists, and others.”
Kyiv Independent – International Women’s Day – Ukrainian Women

3/8/23 – Dominion’s discovery was delicious. Thank you.

3/8/23 – What a bunch of f—king cowardly phonies. “Carlson, in his text exchange with a colleague, expressed his ultimate frustration with Trump’s administration. ‘We’re all pretending we’ve got a lot to show for it, because admitting what a disaster it’s been is too tough to digest,’ he wrote. ‘But come on. There really isn’t an upside to Trump.'”
Trump spurred ‘existential crisis’ at Fox News, lawsuit exhibits show

3/8/23 – Schadenfreude. “‘Carlson texted with a colleague in early 2021 that his show was ‘very very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can’t wait.’ Carlson added of the then-president, ‘I hate him passionately.”… The Trumpty Dumpty thing was the declaration of war. Once producers saw that, they did not wonder: How are we playing that?’ a former Fox executive said.”
Inside the simmering feud between Donald Trump and Fox News

3/8/23 – On this International Women’s Day, let’s remember that there are billions of women around the world, and they have their own identities. They speak different languages, come from different cultures and have different values. They should not be judged by the west and western standards, especially with its obsession with excessive liberalism and virtue-signaling. They are their own people.

3/8/23 – Absolutely! “More than a year after an invasion that most outsiders believed would succeed within days, second-guessing Ukrainian tactics is the height of presumption as their citizens continue dying on the battlefield against a country with triple Ukraine’s population and an economy nearly 10 times its size. The burden is rightly on the West to ramp up production and shipment of the weapons and munitions Ukraine needs.”
Biden must follow Roosevelt’s ‘arsenal of democracy’ example

3/8/23 – Germany can go f—k itself. It’s ready for war when it’s the aggressor. It’s “pacifist” when it’s supposed to help another country defend itself. Nobody buys its selfish BS.
Germany must do more on defense. But critics should be patient.

3/8/23 – Some people think they’re helping, but they’re actually making matters worse. Some sins are also crimes, e.g. murder. Some crimes are not sins, e.g. parking violations. Some sins are not crimes, e.g. adultery. The guy (Pope) explicitly separated the two things for homosexuality, and the author brought them right back together. So annoying! The gay people who are criminalized or worse killed in certain countries really don’t need this person “advocating” for them. She has good intensions, but that argument undermines the Pope’s meaningful statement. Be more aware of what’s happening in the world and the stakes, or just be quiet.

3/7/23 – The author made a significant (and obvious) logical mistake. Homosexuality is a behavior. Race is a physical attribute over which one has no control. How one looks is not a behavior. False equivalences are not exclusive to the right. *Don’t engage in false equivalences.* The crux of the matter is: Did God make homosexuals that way? People will come to different conclusions – as is their right. Some might argue that even if God made them that way, it’s still sinful. Although a strange position, this is also their right. If a particular religious institution does not accept LGBTQ people, just move on and find one that does. There are many that warmly embrace LGBTQ. Also, the church is not the state, and vice versa. *Keep church and state separate.* We don’t want the state to control personal decisions, such as reproduction, based on religious values. The Pope made this clear when he said homosexuality shouldn’t be criminalized, meaning using the state to punish based on religious views. A sin is not necessarily a crime, and the author muddied this important distinction, which is not helpful! The state also shouldn’t control religious institutions unless it’s over violations of human rights. Whether or not LGBTQ people can attend or feel accepted at a religious institution is not a violation of human rights. Our collective freedom and our democracy depend on people accepting certain views and choices even if they disagree. It cuts both ways.
Why are we so tolerant of churchy bigotry?

3/7/23 –  Know this. Lies are evil, and when you engage in them, you engage with the devil.

3/7/23 – Didn’t Jesus say something about truth?
Democrats’ simple equation to win the culture wars: 2+2=4

3/7/23 – Do the Chinese people know that many Russians are total racists? Do the Russians know that many Chinese people are total racists. These two groups of people who both think they are superior are going to “collaborate.” Right. Even if they do, how long before that blows up?

3/7/23 – Many groups of people think they are superior. They are all wrong. White people have sold this myth more successfully than others because even after the Jesus revolution, the world still buys the other great myth that might makes right.

3/7/23 – Rich people think everybody else should suppress their humanity and human needs so that rich people can feed their money addiction. We won’t. Eat the rich.

3/7/23 – White grievance is a disease.

3/7/23 – “Indeed, just five months after McCarthy’s comments assuring ‘no one would disagree’ that it was an insurrection, the poll showed a majority of Republicans did in fact disagree.” That’s because MAGA are white sociopaths with inferior genes. They are dangerous.
The GOP backlash on Tucker Carlson
More evidence of their inferior white genes. “Despite there remaining no evidence that the 2020 election was compromised, 6 in 10 Republicans still ‘mostly’ agree it was stolen.”
Trump’s dark ‘I am your retribution’ pledge — and how GOP enabled it

3/7/23 – White sociopaths are a serious danger to mankind because they live in rich, powerful countries.

3/7/23 – Please support Kyiv Independent’s brave reporters however you can.
Kyiv Independent – Women Led

3/7/23 – MAGA are white sociopaths. They have inferior genes.

3/7/23 – Genocide.
Zelensky – Genocidal Kidnapping, Worst Since Holocaust

3/6/23 – The average American doesn’t respect educators but could also never do their job well. The reality is that it’s easier to automate jobs that are – presently – well-regarded, mainly because they are well-compensated, such as IT jobs or even doctors than educators, especially for primary and secondary schools. (As a thought experiment, if IT or medicine didn’t pay as well, would you still respect the profession? Would you still want to work in those industries?) Beyond the knowledge and communication skills, which is already a lot, teaching is a very person-to-person profession. It is demanding. There needs to be a sea change in how education is viewed and managed in the country, or we will fail as a nation.

3/6/23 – Glory to the brave. Glory to Ukraine, the world’s defenders of freedom, democracy and dignity. “Today, a video has emerged of the occupiers brutally killing a warrior who bravely said to their faces: ‘Glory to Ukraine!” In unity, we say:
“Glory to the Hero! Glory to the Heroes! Glory to Ukraine!”

3/6/23 – Anybody who has a functioning brain knows how difficult it is to create works that can endure. The reason these books have withstood the test of time is because they engaged and challenged their societies and continue to do so even now. This is how one makes it as a great writer, not by playing it safe or catering to white or any other grievance. Smart, well-educated parents will continue to have their kids read these classic works that force readers to think hard while these moronic parents do their children a gross disservice and damage their intellectual and moral formation. Somebody needs to put a stop to this madness.

3/6/23 – These are some of the things to understand about education in America. 1. Many parents are stupid and ignorant 2. Children are the future, and these parents are terrible. Don’t allow them to ruin their children who don’t know better. 3. If we want to fail as a nation, we’ll continue to allow these moronic parents to dictate what their children learn, overriding the judgment and expertise of the teachers whom they don’t value. 4. Wollstonecraft, Twain, Steinbeck, etc. are considered staples of the “western canon.” It is quite strange, to say the least, that these narcissistic white people with their fragile white egos and love of white grievance wouldn’t want their white children to study works within the (white) “western canon.” 5. Pretty certain this is one of the dumbest periods in human history.
‘Slavery was wrong’ and 5 other things educators won’t teach anymore

3/6/23 – When a group of people worships their skin color or anything else about themselves, this collective act of narcissism tells you how fragile their egos actually are. A house built well glorifies God not the self.

3/6/23 – Be honest with God and with yourself. God heals.

3/6/23 – There will come a day when every single MAGA, who are almost all known because of social media and other technology, will be remembered by future Americans as traitors.

3/6/23 – Smaller districts are called state government. What if we made the House smaller, and each representative had to moderate their views to win? Another benefit is that we won’t have to pay more of these often worthless people’s salaries.
The House was supposed to grow with population. It didn’t. Let’s fix that.

3/6/23 – White “culture”: You’re not smart if you’re not white. You’re not pretty if you’re not white. You’re not artistic if you’re not white. You’re not “cultured” if you’re not white. You’re not refined if you’re not white. You’re not cool if you’re not white. You’re not professional if you’re not white. You’re not talented if you’re not white. You’re not Christian if you’re not white. Et cetera. Unsurprisingly, after many decades (if not centuries) of having this BS shoved down their throats, the world has told delusional white “culture” to go f—k itself.

3/6/23 – To those who claim that we are a “Christian” nation, then why don’t you want us to feed our poor? Oh, that’s right. You’re just using Christianity to exploit the poor so that you can support your money addiction.
 A mile-long line for free food offers a warning as covid benefits end

3/5/23 – Second Sunday of Lent. Some of the most important people in the Bible are women. Blessed be the God of Abraham and Jesus, both of whom elevated women. God created Eve for Adam out of love. Adam and Eve sinned, but God continued to love them. As fallen people, even though we fail, love never fails. Jesus loves you.

3/5/23 – Ukraine’s military needs to withdraw from Bakhmut. Live on to fight another day in a more meaningful battle. Bakhmut would be a Pyrrhic victory at best.
Ukrainian soldiers in Bakhmut: ‘Our troops are not being protected’

3/5/23 – It is very important to be disciplined, hard-working and focused. We need more young people to get military training and join the military. Parents and society have failed them. They are decadent and undisciplined. They are addicted to their phones and their value system is skewed to indulgence. The education system’s resistance if not outright hostility to the armed services is insulting to our military, which is the best in the world, and a disservice to these young people and to the nation.
Army boss’ mission: Persuade schools to welcome recruiters

3/5/23 – We need more “nasty,” “demanding” women. “The 1990s were the first big breakthrough. The number of women in Congress rose from 33 to 54 after the ‘year of the woman’ election of 1992. The numbers have steadily risen since, finally rising above 100 (to 101) in 2013. The 2018 and 2020 elections were breakthroughs comparable to 1992.”
‘History months’ celebrate those who were written out of the story

3/5/23 – If not already, Minnesota is fast becoming the best state in the union, and it’s the blue enclave of Minneapolis that has put it in this position. (Red areas don’t know how to vote, but the people do work hard. They feed the country, and they build things.)

3/5/23 – Indeed. “Re-enfranchising millions of Americans who have paid their debts to society would be a powerful step in the direction of universal voting, a core principle of democracy…. The battle to preserve democracy won’t succeed in a week or a month or a year. But progress is still being made that can restore rights to millions of potential voters. There is reason for hope.”
Minnesota’s vote to re-enfranchise felons is a victory for democracy

3/5/23 – MTG is a traitorous moron. However, contrary to elite opinion, this is a democracy, and if we want to have a national referendum about a “national divorce,” that’s entirely in keeping with our democracy. It’s also definitely preferable to another civil war or to living in the totalitarian state that MAGA wants with their evil orange monster as its dictator.

3/4/23 – It has been said that American women are “demanding.” Thank you. We demand the full acknowledgement and respect of our freedom, our rights and our humanity, all of which God gave us.

3/4/23 – The Taliban are agents of the devil. “Changes to the country’s marriage laws are another wrenching example of how the Taliban has stripped women of their rights. Taliban rule also has severely restricted their access to education and employment, banned them from public parks and mandated ultraconservative female dress…. ‘I think now fewer women will come forward,’ she said. ‘More will stay in bad situations and more will die from domestic violence.’… ‘The Taliban have created the perfect situation for men seeking revenge,’ she said. ‘The courts have lost their effectiveness and instead we see on the news women receiving [public] lashings for adultery.’” “Dying” from domestic abuse is called murder. “Lashings for adultery” is injustice upon injustice. Only demonic people such as the Taliban would support this.
Divorced and remarried, these Afghan women are outlaws under Taliban rule

3/4/23 – Especially during Women’s History Month, let’s remember all the females around the world that pay the price for men’s aggression and use our collective voice to help them. Beyond our humanity, we have an important commonality with all of them, our gender. United, we are always stronger. “First Lady Olena Zelenska said at the United for Justice Conference in Lviv on March 4 that the number of acts of sexual violence undertaken by Russian troops in Ukraine indicates that such crimes are a deliberate policy of the Russian military.”
Zelenska: 171 cases of sexual violence by Russian troops recorded in Ukraine.

3/4/23 – Слава Україні!

3/4/23 – Money corrupts the soul.

3/4/23 – Union strong. Union proud. This guy wanted to run for president. Schultz lost his way. Once they make it, they forget their roots. All of these people are BS artists who want to oppress the working class, the people who actually make this country. For people who buy Starbucks products, wake the f—k up. Support your local coffeeshops. Stop being hypocrites. You’re supporting a company that engaged in an “aggressive and illegal union busting campaign.”
Starbucks displayed ‘egregious and widespread misconduct’ in union fight, judge says

3/3/23 – Fascinating! “The Yamnaya culture, known for its characteristic burial mounds, originated in what’s now part of Ukraine and western Russia, an area called the Pontic Caspian steppe. The horses they kept were distinct from modern horses – likely more easily startled and less tolerant of humans – although they may have been the immediate genetic ancestors of modern horses, which emerged a few centuries later, the researchers say…. ‘The spread of Indo European languages is linked to their movement, and they reshaped the genetic make-up of Europe,’ he said.”
First evidence for horseback riding dates back 5,000 years

3/2/23 – The USA’s democracy is still in peril. More needs to be done to protect it.

3/2/23 – This is the kind of technology we need more of, and these evil monsters need to be brought to justice. Are they going to be held accountable for their war crimes? International justice community – do your jobs!
Hundreds massacred in Ethiopia even as peace deal was being reached

3/2/23 – This is what happens when neoclassical economists dominate policy, particularly international economics. “Roughly 50 years after the broad decline in America’s industrial base began, the ability to make certain products (like casting and forgings, vital in arms manufacturing) is in short supply, as is depth in the skilled trades that make them possible.” Maybe they can live out their nerdy fantasies and defeat Russia and China with their superior math skills. Autarky now!
An uncompetitive defense industrial base puts the nation at risk

3/2/23 – Absolutely! “Without holding these enablers accountable, democracy and the rule of law will remain at risk.”
Trump’s enablers must face consequences, too

3/2/23 – The Chinese people are inspiringly creative in how they tell their overlords where they can go.

3/2/23 – It’s not just China. The whole world should tell the rich parasites in their country and abroad to go f—k themselves. Don’t give them your genes! Last generation. Eat the rich. “Yet China — amid social order and economic health, not apocalyptic upheaval — has just experienced its own harrowing birth plunge. Why? The answer most likely lies in the dispirited outlook of the Chinese populace itself…. More than any other factor, human agency matters in national birth patterns, a truth that should come as no surprise.”
China’s collapsing birth and marriage rates reflect a people’s deep pessimism

3/2/23 – Haha! Community is everything. “The plan might have been to prank her mother, but Adams ended up pranking herself. When she returned home last week from an evening with friends, she suddenly noticed Ape Ventura, staring at her in the dark. Adams screeched with fright. Her husband screeched with laughter. Ape Ventura screeched with screeching monkey noises.”
Buy Nothing is everything

3/2/23 – Employers have a “pedigree” (like people are dogs) obsession, and it’s damaging their institutions.

3/2/23 – Most people don’t need anywhere near as much tech as they’re getting or as they think they need.

Necessary Changes to the Law

6/20/23 – Grass lawns should be banned. They are really bad for the environment. They consume loads of water and require a lot of fertilizer and pesticides, which pollute our water sources, plants and wildlife. There are many great options for ground cover that are drought-tolerant, low-maintenance and pollinator-friendly. Either we get serious about protecting the environment, or we resign ourselves to extinction. These are the only two options.

3/18/23 – Credit card companies must be required to give a minimum 28-day grace period, the time between your statement’s closing date and your required minimum payment. Why? Because most people get paid biweekly, and it allows them to better manage their bill payments. We want a bill with just this one change to the law, which is popular with all Americans, and we want all lawmakers on the record as to where they stand, one easy to understand vote at a time. We want transparency and accountability. Do you work for the American people or for the banks?

Notes from Underground – February 2023

2/27/23 – True! “So long as the Carlson-DeSantis-Greene segment remains viable, Putin will hold out hope that the West’s resolve will falter. ”
The 2024 GOP presidential primary becomes a referendum on ‘America First’

2/27/23 – Absolutely! “Dithering over weapons for Ukraine is likely to translate into stalemate, which serves Russian President Vladimir Putin’s interests. The Kremlin dictator believes that his determination to subjugate Ukraine will outlast the West’s patience to stand steadfast with Kyiv. If he is right, U.S. and NATO credibility, influence and prestige will be irreparably damaged. Mr. Biden deepens the risk of that damage by withholding fighter jets, which could provide protection for Ukrainian forces and help deter further Russian aggression…. [T]he West would be wise to regard the threat from Moscow as an indefinite feature of the security landscape.”
Facing a long war, Ukraine needs Western fighter jets

2/27/23 – David. Providence. Complete victory. “Kuleba, the foreign minister, said Zelensky’s team believes only in victory.”
A year in the trenches has hardened Ukraine’s president

2/27/23 – Ukraine is its own country for many reasons, but borsch (without a t) is a good one. “‘Borsch is everything for Ukrainians,’ she said. ‘The war has made borsch even more important. … With borsch, we prove that we are a separate nation. It confirms us as a nation.’”
Borsch without a ‘t’: Kyiv chef uses food to reclaim culture

2/27/23 – That’s great, and it’s the right thing to do. “US House Foreign Affairs head Congress ready to ‘prioritize’ advanced weapons for Ukraine. House Foreign Affairs Committee Michael McCaul said on Feb. 26 of the delivery of fighter jets or long-range missiles that if approved, Congress ‘would take steps to move the process along.’ ‘We can certainly write into our appropriations bills, prioritizing weapons systems. We intend to do that,’ he said.”
Kyiv Independent – Congress ready to ‘prioritize’ advanced weapons for Ukraine

2/27/23 – There are far too few principled people in the world.

2/27/23 – “The primary point of any accountability process is deterrence.” The primary point of any accountability process is justice. Less cynicism and calculation. More principles. The satanic Russian s—t should have been put on trial the first day of the war.
Putin on trial? It’s not as far-fetched as you might think.

2/27/23 – Germany and France have become has-been countries. They have become soft, decadent, and hypocritical. Is anybody impressed with their leaders or leadership. No. The future of Europe is its eastern side.

2/27/23 – It isn’t that the satanic poop is too confident. It’s that his ego can’t bear the loss. He hates Zelensky. He hates Ukraine. He hates the west, that includes you moronic MAGA. It’s personal. F—k him. “I think Putin is, right now, entirely too confident of his ability … to wear down Ukraine.”
CIA director: Putin too confident he can grind down Ukraine

2/27/23 – Fox “News” needs to be de-nazified.

2/27/23 – The party of “family values,” the MAGA GOP, supports the child abductor, the satanic putin, who is engaging in communist-style “reeducation programs.” MAGA are total liars and hypocrites. And this is one of the worst practices in Russia’s genocidal acts in Ukraine.
They are just kids — and they are being sent to Russia from Ukraine

2/27/23 – The superior morons, aka MAGA, who know absolutely nothing about foreign policy, think China is our enemy, but they love the satanic Russian s—t. Said satanic poopy is working with the Chinese towards world domination. How do MAGA square this? Culture war! Genius.

2/27/23 – The evil one, trump, and his cronies were all about grift. America Last. We need more transparency of financial investments, especially foreign ones. Also, international sports have become corrupt.
After helping prince’s rise, Trump and Kushner benefit from Saudi funds

2/26/23 – The Jesus Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

2/26/23 – First Sunday of Lent. We are all sinners.

2/25/23 – Europe is not a museum. Eastern Europe is far more dynamic than Western Europe, but Western Europe cannot get over its self-importance and past glory.

2/25/23 – Ukraine has become the center, the beating heart, of Europe. More profoundly than any other country in Europe, Ukraine represents western ideals: freedom, democracy, rights. Europe, which likes to rest on its laurels, might want to come abreast of this glaring fact.
Winning the peace in Ukraine requires E.U. membership

2/25/23 – Fight like hell. “Give me liberty or give me death.” The world has your back. “A year of resilience. A year of forbearance. Year of unity. The invincible rose to fight in February. The invincible will prevail.”
Zelensky – Keep fighting

2/25/23 – China can go f—k itself. “China calls for end of sanctions against Russia, cease-fire in Ukraine.”

2/25/23 – The biggest problem for the south isn’t medical debt or poor credit scores. It’s that they don’t know how to vote to lift all boats because the white people are obsessed with feeling superior to nonwhites.
Why the South has such low credit scores

2/24/23 – I will never forgive Russia for what it did to those Ukrainian kids. Never.

2/24/23 – Some of images I saw coming out of Bucha and elsewhere. Some of those stories. They will haunt me for the rest of my life. If you have a conscience, they will haunt you too. We are fighting a righteous cause by helping Ukraine until they have complete victory. Know that. Go forth bravely and without hesitation. The Lord walks with the righteous.

2/24/23 – Harris gave a good speech. Biden can and should do more. Give the Ukrainians F-16 fighter jets and long-range missiles. “One Republican, moderate Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.), even saw fit to praise Vice President Harris’s speech in Munich…. Some Republicans have taken to criticizing Biden as doing too little rather than too much.” Oh and f—k tuckyorose, that traitorous scum who should get life in prison for his crimes against the state.
The GOP’s Ukraine supporters begin to summon their voice

2/24/23 – Another important example and apt comparison. “Putin’s abduction to ‘re-education camps’ in Russia of unknown thousands of Ukrainian children is an attempt at cultural erasure akin to what his Chinese soulmates are doing to the Uyghurs, which U.S. policy has branded genocide.” (Also, so many delicious snipes in this piece….)
Putin can win only if Josh Hawley-esque isolationists multiply

2/24/23 –So true! By chance, this piece touches on some of the points in “Russia’s War in Ukraine Is a War Against God and Identity.” Frankly, I didn’t know much about Ukrainian history specifically but knew this kind of thinking was fundamentally wrong because I had enough general knowledge and understanding of world history. One needs to have broad knowledge. It is necessary to understanding how the world works. “But if we deprive ourselves of history, everything is a surprise…. The past then becomes a realm of myth, in which those with power generate narratives most convenient to themselves…. When a dictator claims the power to define other people’s identity, then the question of their own freedom never arises. If identity is frozen forever at the whim of a ruler, citizens soon find themselves without choices.”
You can’t understand the war in Ukraine without knowing history

2/24/23 – McConnell is right. “‘Prime Minister Kishida of Japan has warned repeatedly that Ukraine’s fate today could be East Asia’s tomorrow if the free world flinches in the face of aggression,’ McConnell said. ‘He calls the fate of Ukraine and the future of Asia “inseparable.”’”
Mitch McConnell tells U.S. to ‘wake up’ to threat of Russia on Ukraine war anniversary

2/24/23 – “Kyiv has captured a part of my heart,” President Biden. Ours too.

2/24/23 – When we say “never again,” we need to actually mean it. If our words don’t carry weight, then what are they worth? We need to be a people whose words actually have meaning. “US Vice President Harris: Russia has committed crimes against humanity in Ukraine. United States Vice President Kamala Harris said on Feb. 18 at the Munich Security Conference that the U.S. had determined Russia committed crimes against humanity in Ukraine.”
Kyiv Independent – VP Harris: Russia has committed crimes against humanity in Ukraine

2/24/23 – Indeed. “Zelensky’s address on 1-year war anniversary: ‘Ukraine has surprised the world. Ukraine has inspired the world. Ukraine has united the world. There are thousands of words to prove it, but a few will be enough: HIMARS, Patriot, Abrams, IRIS-T, Challenger, NASAMS, Leopard.’”
Kyiv Independent – Give Ukraine More Weapons Now!

2/23/23 – Clarence Thomas’s wife Ginni Thomas was spreading the big lie and aided the insurrection. Clarence Thomas has said that the Sullivan standard should be revisited (thinking it would rein in the “liberal news media.”) Now, a very strong defamation case is proceeding against Fox “News,” which the plaintiff, Dominion, should win. Why is Fox being sued? Basically, for publicly doing what Clarence Thomas’s wife did. This is the state of the union. “‘We just don’t have examples of major media cases with this kind of evidentiary record,’ she said. West put it even more starkly. The messages, she said, are ‘incredibly damning.’”
‘Incredibly damning:’ Fox News documents stun some legal experts

2/23/23 – “It’s hard to care every single day about a big thing.” Really! Because I find it quite easy. Then again, I’m not a f—king idiot. A big thank you to all of the journalists who are risking their lives to bring us these important news and stories.
They risk it all to cover war in Ukraine. Are people still watching?

2/23/23 – Russia and China never colonized Africa until now, and unlike the last period of colonialization, this time, the Africans invited them in.

2/23/23 – Apparently, Nelson Mandela helped free South Africa from apartheid only to have the country choose to become Russian slaves.

2/23/23 – Hey “global south,” you make a Faustian bargain when you make deals with Russia and China. Just know that. The west will not feel sympathy for you when you didn’t show solidarity with a country fighting for freedom and democracy. You make your bed. Be prepared to lie in it. Russia and China will enslave you. “At stake is whether China agrees to forgive a portion of loan repayments from the developing world — as most other leading government creditors, including the United States and India, are ready to do.”
Huge debts to China come due. Will the world’s poorest have to pay?

2/23/23 – Hey “global south,” the satanic putin is the satanic ortega. It’s not hard. Get your global south heads out of your global south a-ses.
Nicaragua’s brutal regime targeted me. But our fight will prevail.
A global divide on the Ukraine war is deepening

2/23/23 – The response to a “historically tight labor market” isn’t to raise interest rates. It’s a legislative problem, not an economic one. The answer is immigration reform.
To solve our national immigration crisis, let states sponsor immigrants
Plan Z for Immigration

2/23/23 – The average person is a f—king idiot. Hard truth.

2/22/23 – There is something seriously wrong, seriously wrong, with Republican voters. They are sick f—kers.

2/22/23 – While the rest of us weep for the innocents and are haunted by the cruelty, some GOP members think cases like these are a “benefit to society.”
Another death roll of kids Minnesota didn’t save

2/22/23 – The quality of the GOP is something to behold. “An Alaska lawmaker with a history of incendiary remarks was censured by the state House Wednesday after he said it has been argued that cases of fatal child abuse can be a ‘cost savings’ because the child won’t need related government services.”
Alaska House censures GOP lawmaker over child abuse comments

2/22/23 – If they are “appalled” by this pathological liar who lied to get his job, why aren’t they appalled by the pathological liar, the evil one, trump, who lied to keep his job, by lying about winning the 2020 election to incite an insurrection?
Watch George Santos defend his claims in new Piers Morgan interview

2/22/23 – Absolutely!
Hear retired brigadier general explain ‘significance’ of Biden’s visit to Ukraine

2/22/23 – This year, Ash Wednesday is weird weather Wednesday. Quite unfortunate, but many of us don’t really need as much of a reminder of our own mortality right now with the world on the brink of WWIII.

2/22/23 – Western countries need to ramp up military production yesterday.

2/22/23 – Get it the f—k together, selfish, cowardly a—holes. “The European Union’s top diplomat Josep Borrell called upon the bloc’s members to step up their military support for Ukraine, saying that ‘a lot of applause’ is not helpful without actions. Critics argue that allies’ reluctance to supply F-16 and Typhoon fighters and long-range ATACMS missiles to Ukraine will prevent Kyiv from launching a counteroffensive. The U.S. has also promised to supply GLSDB missiles but they may arrive in 9 months, which may be too late.”
Kyiv Independent – Borrell: ‘Ukrainians receive a lot of applause, but not enough ammunition’

2/22/23 – Maybe this time France will get a pair instead of capitulating to their overlords, like they did with the Nazis. “French Defense Minister Sebastien Lecornu said on Feb. 19 that the training of Ukrainian pilots on Western fighter jets in France has not been ruled out. Speaking of the possible delivery of fighter jets to Kyiv, Lecornu said that ‘there are no taboos for France in the matter.’”
Kyiv Independent – France doesn’t rule out training Ukrainian pilots to fly fighter jets

2/22/23 – O grievances, grievances, wherefore art thou grievances. The great global irony is that it is the privileged people that are in love with their grievances. It is obviously unfair that the world doesn’t find them as superior as they find themselves.

2/22/23 – The bill passed! Hindu “high caste,” which translates to nobody, not even many other Indians, can tell you apart from all other Indians because your superiority is totally fictional, are so superior that they take advantage of and abuse other Indian people. Hindu high caste superiority. F—king delusional, inferior morons.
We Fled India to Escape the Nightmare of Caste Oppression. To Our Horror, We Found it in America, Too

2/22/23 – White people are so superior that they take advantage of and abuse other white people. White superiority.

2/22/23 – MAGA morons, including mini-me DeSantis, America First is not letting Europe fall into autocratic hands as it did during WWII. That’s what the US decided then. That’s what it’s deciding now – with good reason. You would think that the people who keep talking about how great and superior white people are would actually want to save said white kin, but apparently, they are so f—king crazy, they don’t care about anybody but themselves. White superiority.
DeSantis’s flop on foreign affairs comes as no surprise

2/21/23 – If you have control issues, please don’t involve Jesus. He doesn’t have those issues…or any issues at all.

2/21/23 – All Christian institutions need to understand how Christianity actually works. It is elected by people who were given free will by God. When people didn’t follow Jesus, he didn’t force his will on them, and he’s the Son of God. He kept walking. If Jesus didn’t do this, who are these “Christians” to impose their will on others. Liberalism did fail on many levels, but so did conservatism. Repeating past mistakes, liberal or conservative, is not progress.
The Catholic right wing takes a wrong turn

2/21/23 – That’s so sweet. We love those guys. Slava Ukraini! “Survey: Over 90% of Ukrainians have an overall positive view of US. According to a survey released by the sociological group Rating on Feb. 20, 90% of Ukrainians have a positive attitude toward U.S. President Joe Biden. Furthermore, 92% of Ukrainians consider the U.S. friendly toward Ukraine.”
Kyiv Independent – Ukrainians love Americans

2/21/23 – Zelensky isn’t the only person who ended up making history. It took him a little while to get there, but Biden got there.

2/21/23 – The extreme weather the entire world is experiencing in different ways is due to the climate change that the people who live in their own fictional world refuse to accept as reality. They also vote for extreme candidates, who are crazy, adding extreme to extreme. All of these people are dumb, crazy f—kers, and they are going to get the rest of us killed if we don’t stop them.

2/21/23 – The Russian s—t will be taken out before the Russian elite or the Kremlin allow him to start a nuclear war. He’s weak and out of options. He’s a f—king crazy idiot.

2/21/23 – Hey Europe, if you don’t want your children to become slaves to autocrats, you will continue to support Ukraine.

2/21/23 – The evil one, trump, was a complete embarrassment for the United States on the world stage. President Biden brings us honor and respect.

2/21/23 – To much of Europe, get some f—king balls, or get the f—k out of the arena. Maybe permanently go on vacation and rest on your laurels from your past “glory” that you remind the world of over and over again.

2/21/23 – President Biden was motivated to make this trip to help Ukraine, but it also made his legacy. It will go down in the history books. The 80-year-old president goes to a warzone on Presidents’ Day. Some might say he’s brave. To me, it’s belief, and belief is powerful.
Cloak-and-dagger moves allow Biden to sneak into Ukraine’s war zone

2/21/23 – To all of our enemies, do not underestimate the United States of America. You will lose that bet.

2/21/23 – So true! “It is now and in Ukraine that the fate of the world order, which is based on rules, on humanity, on predictability, is being decided. And today, President Biden and I talked, in particular, about how to do everything to ensure our common victory this year in the war that Russia unleashed.
The specific steps for this are known. Our defense needs for this are known. The active actions required for this – the actions of our warriors at the front first of all – are also well known to our partners. All we need is determination.
Today I saw such determination of President Biden and the United States of America. And I want to thank Mr. President for this visit and for the talks – really useful talks.
I am also thankful, on behalf of all Ukrainians, to all Americans – ordinary people and community leaders, members of Congress from both parties, and all members of President Biden’s team – for bringing our relationship – between Ukraine and America – to a historically most meaningful level. We can be called true allies, and our alliance with America truly strengthens the world.
Glory to all who fight for Ukraine!
Thank you to everyone who helps!
May the memory of everyone who gave life for the freedom of Ukraine live forever!
Glory to Ukraine!”
Zelensky – Fate of the world order

2/20/23 – Ukraine will win.

2/20/23 – Beautiful and historic! Please remember that President Biden represents the American people who elected him. We love Ukraine. Glory to Ukraine. Glory to heroes. “Ukraine feels the support of the United States and President Joseph Biden personally in these difficult times of struggle.”
Zelensky – Biden, UA & USA
Zelensky – St. Michael’s Golden-Domed Monastery

2/20/23 – “Ukrainians know what it means to fight for their freedom and defend it. In difficult and pivotal moments of history, we never give up and always show bravery and selflessness.”
Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Heavenly Hundred!

2/20/23 – What a message! “Slaves are not allowed to paradise. This is the essence of the Ukrainian interpretation of freedom. This is the reason why there will be no enemy left on our land. Today we honor the heroes who gave their lives for Ukraine and Ukrainians during the Revolution of Dignity. The Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred. People of different ages and professions, from different regions, but with the same and TRUE values. As we defend Ukraine today, we remember that our strength and fortitude are based on the strength and fortitude of many Ukrainians who did not give up, who dreamed and acted for Ukraine to live. An independent, free and powerful Ukraine, European and democratic, independent and united.”
Zelensky – Revolution of Dignity

2/20/23 – A big thank you to American parents for raising children who lack discipline and resilience. In phone we trust.

2/20/23 – When you walk with the Lord, you don’t fear. “In his 2007 book, ‘Promises to Keep,’ Biden wrote: ‘Maybe I should have been frightened at this point, but I felt calm. In fact, I felt becalmed, like I was floating gently in the wide-open sea. It surprised me, but I had no real fear of dying.’”
Biden’s Kyiv visit shows Putin seriously misjudged his courage

2/20/23 – The demonic Hindu caste system is so evil that it has infected Christianity whose tenets are antithetical to it. A reminder to all of the Christian Indian morons: there is no caste in Christianity. Jesus was a poor Jew. That’s how he lived, and that’s how he died. And Jesus is king.

2/20/23 – There is definitely casteism in the US. Glad to see they are considering passing this law. Also, Vice President Kamala Harris is the daughter of an Indian, supposedly high caste, whatever the f—k that means, and a black man. Please tell us: what is a black person’s caste? Last we checked, her genes are 50/50. So, to all the dumb racist, casteist Indian a—holes, are you going to claim her as your own if you’re “high caste” or shun her because she’s half-black? Or maybe you can just take your fabricated caste system, which is actually institutionalized slavery, and shove it up your delusional a—ses. Have a nice day.
Seattle considers historic law barring caste discrimination

2/20/23 – President Biden’s visit to Kyiv sends a message to more than an audience of one. It sends a message to the world.
Biden Just Destroyed Putin’s Last Hope

2/20/23 – Much of Asia’s population is rapidly aging, and unlike us, the USA, autocratic regimes, such as China, generally, aren’t attractive to immigrants. Democracy is good for business and, needless to say, for the long-term prospects of a country.

2/20/23 – MAGA are generally morons, but when it comes to foreign affairs, they are superior morons. Our guy formed a special relationship with Zelensky. Their guy, who they might vote for again!, formed a special relationship with putin and kim jong-un. This is all one needs to know to see how dangerous MAGA are to our country.

2/20/23 – In order to come back to earth and actually move forward as human beings, the Republicans who voted for the evil one, trump, need to try out these words, “I was wrong.” As we approach Lent (Ash Wednesday is two days away), the reason why we examine our conscience and confess our sins is because we cannot grow or find redemption without this penitent act. Confession grounds us in our fallible humanity and in reality. It also connects us with God. They were wrong. This is clear to all people of good conscience. The trump voters need to understand it, accept it, and speak those words aloud.
Feeling ‘overwhelmed’ and ‘fatigue,’ some GOP voters look beyond Trump

2/20/23 – Americans will stand with Ukrainians until they have complete victory. Slava Ukraini!

2/20/23 – Happy Presidents’ Day to President Biden and all of our living previous presidents, especially President Carter, except the evil one, trump, who was not a president but a treasonous traitor who deserves the death penalty for his crimes against the state. President Biden is standing up for democracy and showing American leadership. Americans should feel proud that we are continuing the hard work of perfecting our union and have built a legacy of being a light of hope and democratic ideals for the world. We must be a city on a hill.

2/20/23 – Freedom is priceless, but it is not free.

2/20/23 – One of the many things we should have learned is that people can get addicted to lies, liars and lying. “Clearly, biographical fiction is a trend among Republicans.” The voters aren’t getting scammed. It’s like the South Korean parents who starved their own real baby because they became addicted to their virtual baby. Their brains have become detached from reality because the truths it holds are too hard for them to understand and accept, and so they prefer the lies, which are tailored to their demented minds. The lies become their private reality, which is not reality at all but delusion. We have a mental health crisis in this country that goes beyond our kids. It actually starts with many adults.
More Republicans seem to have lied about their resumes. Who’s surprised?

2/20/23 – Regarding the debt limit, f—k the crazy, moronic MAGA. Unilateral action. Done.

2/20/23 – Yes! Justice must be served. “Harris told the assembled participants: ‘Let us all agree — on behalf of all the victims, both known and unknown, justice must be served.’ ‘Such is our moral interest,’ she said. ‘We also have a significant strategic interest.’”
US: Russia has committed crimes against humanity in Ukraine

2/20/23 – Absolutely! “People who suffered Russian captivity told me that Russians who were beating, raping and electrocuting them were convinced of their impunity. The democratic world must act to prevent impunity and to ensure that those who are guilty will be brought to account.”
There can be no real peace in Ukraine without justice

2/20/23 – One of the most despicable regimes in the world. Free Mr. Mashal. Women are created equal as dictated by the God of Abraham. Apparently, the Taliban does not listen to the God of Abraham. They worship a false god.
The Taliban’s campaign against women continues. Don’t look away.

2/20/23 – I’m not usually particularly sentimental about the passing of people I don’t know, but this is going to be hard. What a great man! What a great life! “‘I always told the truth,’ he says.” He was blessed.
The un-celebrity president

2/19/23 – The secular life has no contemplation or rest built into it. It treats people like slaves or hedonists. It doesn’t do justice to human beings or the gift of life. God is great. Happy Sunday.

2/19/23 – President Jimmy Carter is a patriot and a man of God. Tears, tears, already…. What an inspiration for the world! “She referenced this quote from Carter: ‘I have one life and one chance to make it count for something. I’m free to choose that something. … My faith demands that I do whatever I can, wherever I can, whenever I can, for as long as I can.’” Please pray for him and his family, especially Mrs. Carter. Presidents’ Day Holiday is tomorrow. He walked with God. God walks with him. Providence.
Fond remembrances for Jimmy Carter after entering hospice

2/19/23 – Zelensky is a story of providence. “At a press conference also Saturday, Penn said they returned to the hotel after the interview and the shelling started that very night. When they first met Zelenskyy, he had ‘a proper suit and a proper office.’ ‘The next time we saw him, he was in camos and his country was at war,’ Penn said.”
Zelenskyy ‘born for this moment,’ Sean Penn says at Berlin

2/19/23 – The analog world is superior to the digital world.

2/19/23 – Yes, yes and yes! Can we do this right here? We might then be able to do this amazing thing called teaching and learning. “‘A funny side effect’ of this policy, she said, ‘is when we write to families about moving into the school, we emphasize in all caps “YOU HAVE TO BUY AN ALARM CLOCK.” Because they can’t have their phones in their rooms overnight.’” No kid, including teenagers, should have smartphones. Just give them regular phones that they can use at reasonable times, such as after doing their homework and having a family dinner, like in the analog days. Every public school in the country should be requiring this. End of story.
The Schools That Ban Smartphones

2/18/23 – Worse than the Covid-19 pandemic, the world is experiencing a pandemic of lies.

2/18/23 – The psycho revisionists (who should be expelled from academia for their intellectual dishonesty) want to claim that “Harappans were the Vedic people” like the psycho revisionists in the USA want to claim that the original Americans were the Christian people. They can revise, lie and distort all they want. They can spread their propaganda and misinformation all they want. It doesn’t change the facts. The original Indians were not Hindus, and the original Americans were not Christians. Those are the facts. Deal with them, or just f—k off.

2/18/23 – Priorities. Values. Rather than truth, give me ratings

2/18/23 – If telling your audience the truth alienates them, then your audience is crazy, stupid and evil. Wow, something truthful actually came out of that a—hole’s mouth. “‘What Trump is “good at is destroying things,” Tucker Carlson noted at one point. ‘He’s the undisputed world champion of that. He could easily destroy us if we play it wrong.’” If the evil one is reelected, he will destroy the country.
4 takeaways from the bombshell Fox News legal filing

2/17/23 – So many evil dictators and dictator wannabees to hate. So little time.

2/17/23 – Why is the Secret Service protecting the evil one, trump. He needs to be given the death penalty for his crimes against the state. “He said he needed help from the government to serve a subpoena on Trump because the U.S. Secret Service continues to protect the former president. In opening statements last month, an attorney for longtime Proud Boys Chairman Henry ‘Enrique’ Tarrio argued that the former president was the one responsible for the deadly riot.”
Proud Boys move to subpoena Trump in seditious conspiracy trial

2/17/23 – Parents are not some sacred entities who can’t be criticized. The American parenting style is an abomination.

2/16/23 – The world allows these autocratic monsters to fester or take root at its own peril. Act aggressively now before it escalates into world war and millions of innocent people die!

2/16/23 – One doesn’t get to cherry-pick when a civilization starts. That’s recorded fact that doesn’t bow to any dictator’s demands or convenient revision. The fact is that Indian lineage, meaning to the original Indus Valley inhabitants, can be proved genetically and by other means, such as linguistically. The facts do not support the demonic dictator modi’s hateful propaganda.

2/15/23 – The only people who are original to Indian soil are the ancestors of the Indus Valley/Harappan Civilization. Everybody else are ancestors of the invaders. They have no legitimate claim to India and need to shut the f—k up, take their vile caste system and get the f—k out of the country. A—holes.
Indus Valley Civilization

2/15/23 – The world needs to get rid of the satanic putin and the tyrannical colonizer modi. Now!

2/15/23 – Spot on analysis.
Khodorkovsky warns West of war with China if Russia wins in Ukraine

2/15/23 – The Hindu Nationalist scum that is modi is not original to Indian soil. He needs to be shipped back to the Middle East where his colonizing ancestors came from. F—k you and f—k off, monstrous dictator modi.
Why India’s media are complicit in the Adani Group scandal

2/14/23 – Another day in the United States, another shooting.

2/13/23 – Kids are having a mental health crisis in this country in part because their incompetent parents took away the things that bring stability and community, such as religion, and replaced it with a phone.
Pandemic youth mental health toll unprecedented, data show

2/12/23 – If the Chinese declare war on us, are we still going to buy their products? Autarky now!

2/12/23 – So true! This is why Christianity emphasizes discipline and moderation. “However, this way of seeing the world overlooks the fact that our hearts and minds are shaped not only by reason but also by our experiences, affections, and, most important, our habits, which are just as often inexplicably self-destructive as they are reasonable.”
America Has Gone Too Far in Legalizing Vice

2/12/23 – For its own safety, the world needs to move beyond Starlink. End the monopoly.
Musk deputy’s words on Starlink ‘weaponization’ vex Ukraine

2/11/23 – If you’re still supporting the evil one, trump, you should have your head examined.

2/8/23 – The Fed is a cabal of white men engaged in a circle jerk of mathurbation while showing off how well they memorized neoclassical economics.

2/7/23 – All people are created equal in the image of God.

2/7/23 – With democracy, everything is possible. Without it, nothing is. President Biden. So true.

2/7/23 – Biden, that old man gets s—t done. God bless America.

2/5/23 – It’s OK to cry because Jesus’s love is so moving. The church is a place of comfort and candor. Bring your brokenness to God. He will make you whole.

2/5/23 – The Hindu extremists attack Christians and Christianity for one main reason: it disrupts the status quo. Christianity is the same radical countercultural force that it has always been. In India, it threatens the abhorrent Hindu caste system, which is institutionalized slavery. Christianity is powerful. When the Holy Spirit touches someone, it gives them true power that comes with a poverty of spirit. Blessed be the persecuted church for they belong to God. “The [Christian] couple took the child in, Sonari recalled, and invited her to their house church. Within three years, ‘everyone in the village saw how they took care of her, and they became inspired,’ Sonari Salam said. ‘One after another, they started to come.’… [Be the hands and feet of Christ.] Ten years ago, she suffered depression and attempted suicide before finding Christianity, she said. ‘He never left me when I needed him,’ she said. ‘So how can I leave Jesus now?’… [Jesus heals. Jesus saves.] ‘I’ve dedicated my life to spreading the word of Jesus. If I die a day early, so be it,’ he said. ‘It is in the hands of God.’” Amen. Faith. Hope. Love.
Hindu mobs, enraged by conversions, attack Christians in India

2/5/23 – Indeed, what self-respecting academic wouldn’t want to be censored by the murderous, monster dictator modi.
India might open to foreign universities. That could be a game-changer.

2/5/23 – The evil one’s primary campaign strategy is gaslighting. Will it work on the moronic MAGA again?
Trump’s early-state poll problem

2/4/23 – I said this over and over and over again. “So, it looks as if inflation could have been the result of transitory forces after all. Post-covid supply-and-demand problems, rather than the Phillips Curve logic, might have been largely responsible for last year’s price surges.” If you’ve studied it, the Fed’s incompetence is nothing new, and most definitely, the economics, the dependence on the Phillips Curve, needs a rethinking.

“But it would also present a conundrum. If the whole Phillips Curve thesis is in doubt, then the basis for Fed decision making is in doubt, too.” No, the whole Phillips Curve thesis is not in doubt. The main problem is that Fed’s thinking is formulaic. It has a difficult time distinguishing abnormal periods and taking a holistic analytical and policy approach to them. It depends on workhorse models when then don’t apply. Generally, the Phillips Curve holds, but not under all economic conditions. This is what the Fed failed to recognize.
Why the Federal Reserve needs a new plan

2/4/23 – Another reason not to live in an urban “jungle.” Why does nature have healing powers? Because the sky is blue and the grass is green. “Blue space — bodies of water such as lakes, rivers and oceans — and the amount of land dedicated to parks in a given Zip code were also associated with fewer hospital admissions for Parkinson’s disease, but not for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. Why that is remains unclear, but leading theories propose that nature reduces our body’s stress levels while heightening our ability to focus.” We also need to reimagine urban spaces to make them more connected with nature.
Spending time in nature may protect against the risk of dementia

2/4/23 – So much is wrong with our judicial system. Is it actually going to do justice and protect our democracy and country or what? “China’s balloon incursion coincides with recent warnings from the U.S. Air Force over proposed Chinese land purchases in North Dakota about 12 miles from a military facility where drone test flights are conducted. The pending deal for a corn milling site has fueled concerns that the purchase is a cover for Chinese surveillance activities. A U.S. interagency committee decided last year it did not have jurisdiction to oppose the sale.”
Chinese spy balloon flying over U.S. ‘right now,’ Pentagon says

2/4/23 – Obvious truth: the satanic one’s vanity project, aka the war in Ukraine, is going quite badly.

2/4/23 – The world has a mini-me epidemic of evil, moronic dictators: the evil one, trump, the satanic one, putin, the monster modi, the b—h bolsonaro, and others. “After the cries of ‘fraud’ died down, Kirk, who helped spread Trump’s own election fraud lies after the former U.S. president’s loss, replied, ‘All I can say is, that sounds very familiar.’ The event took place at Trump’s Miami hotel, underscoring the connection between two populist presidents who fanned suspicion of their democracies’ elections, leading supporters to turn violent after their losses. The two were political allies who shared an overlapping set of advisers. Shortly before Bolsonaro’s opponent, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, took office, Bolsonaro moved to Florida, the state where Trump has based himself.”
Bolsonaro ponders election defeat, as crowd chants ‘fraud’

2/3/23 – Across the entire world, there are two justice systems: one for the rich and powerful and one for everyone else.

2/3/23 – Yes, indeed. What a magnificent international justice system that can’t hold the main perpetrators to account. Seriously, get it the f—k together, you incompetent a—holes. “Whether there is a path to prosecuting the most senior figures who bear overall responsibility for the war, including Russian President Vladimir Putin, is increasingly in question, they say.”
66,000 war crimes have been reported in Ukraine. It vows to prosecute them all.

2/3/23 – Community is everything.
Tyre Nichols video shows policing must be done with a community — not to it

2/3/23 – They don’t feel rich because they aren’t rich. They pay outrageous sums of money to live in apartments or houses that by objective standards aren’t that nice. Assuming they own it, the value of this asset is almost entirely dependent on the value of the location. If, for some reason, this location is no longer desirable, the asset will also have almost no value. After taxes, which have to be high to provide the government services they need since the people who provide these services also live in these high cost-of-living cities, and their housing costs, they have considerably less relative income than people who make much less but also live in less expensive parts of the country. The question should really be: how exactly does one measure quality of life and success? It’s definitely not living in expensive urban cities or having fancy titles and degrees. The east coast elites and that lifestyle are mostly snobbery with little substance.
The $400K conundrum: Why America’s urban rich don’t feel that way

2/3/23 – The Christian moral life isn’t about controlling others. It’s about serving others. It’s about developing a relationship with God, asking for his divine grace and guidance. It’s about acknowledging one’s own sins and trying to live a life in keeping with Jesus’s teaching. The focus of the Christian moral life should be on improving oneself, building a strong relationship with God and helping others.

2/3/23 – Absolutely! “The Rev. James Martin, a Jesuit writer who has championed a shift in the Church’s attitudes toward the LGBTQ community, called the pope’s statement ‘a huge step forward’ on ‘what is essentially a life-and-death issue,’ since homosexuality is a capital offense in some nations…. Despite the views of conservatives in the hierarchy, U.S. Catholics are somewhat more supportive of LGBTQ rights than Americans overall.” And Pope Francis is blessed.
Why Pope Francis stood up for LGBTQ lives

2/3/23 – The irony! “It’s a sharp shift from previous years, when the companies positioned themselves as engines of innovation and change, despite the bulk of their money coming from traditional revenue streams such as e-commerce, digital advertising, and hardware and software sales.”
Lackluster earnings reports show Big Tech’s golden age is fading

2/2/23 – We need sophisticated AI detection software to tell if students used AI to do their schoolwork.

2/2/23 – What is this but the beginning of a kleptocracy, just like in Russia? If you don’t see what’s happening, then you’re blind or dumb. “Critics say its success is largely owed to its founder’s ties with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and the company’s business interests have closely aligned with the government’s policy goals.  The Post reported this week that Modi’s government has taken steps to aid the business, which receives a majority of its revenue from power generation, shipping, mining and electricity transmission operations related to coal.”
This trader bets against companies. Now he’s targeting one of the biggest.