Notes from Underground – March 2024

3/31/24 – Happy Easter! Our Lord is risen. People seemed to need spiritual nourishment in this time of darkness, and this Holy Week gave it to us. Take time to glorify God, who gives us everything, including our salvation.

3/29/24 – Our services are stunning…and packed. Get there early, or you won’t be able to find parking and/or a seat during the Triduum Sacrum.

3/28/24 – “When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. ‘Do you understand what I have done for you?’ he asked them. ‘You call me “Teacher” and “Lord,” and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” (John 13: 12-15) Brings one to their knees. As Christians, we are called to serve God and each other.

3/28/24 – It’s especially beautiful when religious traditions overlap. Much love to our religious brothers and sisters, particularly Abrahamic and Hindu. It’s a gift to glorify God together.
Holi 2024: The Festival of Colors

3/24/24 – As a rough estimate, at least half of the country is sick of the other half of the country, who are hyperpartisan extremists, on both sides of the aisle. Happy Palm Sunday! Hope Holy Week is a no politics, no social media break from all of the absurdity. 

3/21/24 – Now, let’s take it up a notch, shall we. What about beastiality? (Oh yes, we’re going there.) The Bible explicitly states that human beings are made in the image of God and are unlike animals. It also says that beastiality is not allowed, so that’s that.
However, according to the theory of evolution, coming out of the magical primordial soup, we’re all genetically related. Humans are just another animal, so what’s wrong with having sex with a sheep, a monkey, or your pet dog? You’re feeling a little lonely, and dogs have desires too. (Are you getting a little uncomfortable? Poor you.)
Aren’t these also just social taboos, outdated artifacts without any scientific basis? There is nothing in the survival of the fittest that limits sexual activity to the same species. What’s a species anyway? Isn’t this taxonomy going to evolve? Isn’t our species just a relatively arbitrary designation that science will eventually modify?
You have sexual desires. You need gene expression. Just find a warm hole and stick it in. Sure, it might be an anus that is biologically designed to expel shit, but when has that stopped anyone, right? In fact, some might argue that an anus is just a…wait for it…universal vagina. (But we will be coming back to this point.)
Let’s see what nature comes up with. Maybe dog sex will generate something more evolved than the pathetic humans we have now, some of whom are deluded enough to think they’re made in the image of God, or is it the flying spaghetti monster? Those religious folk, such simpletons with their ideas of family and their prohibitions on incest and beastiality? Why limit ourselves to these boring, unevolved ideas.
You know what, let’s just skip the dog sex (penises dripping with dog shit might not be everybody’s cup of tea) and just create part dog, part human in the lab, right? (Why limit ourselves to organ harvesting? Isn’t all life meant for us humans to use however we see fit?) We can do that, can’t we? The tools are right there. Yes, the religious folk are the backward, delusional past. Crispr, it’s the evolved, scientific future.

3/20/24 – Now, let’s add some more complexity to the situation below regarding an adopted child wanting information about their birth parents when the parents wanted to remain unknown. Ancestry and 23andMe don’t tell their clients if evidence of incest can be found in their DNA analysis. Should they? They are obviously trying to protect the client from traumatic information. Should we as a society have laws in place that require them to provide this information? Should we have laws that remove any statute of limitations as it relates to these crimes? But wait, are they crimes?
As the article points out, incest is a taboo in almost all if not all societies in the world. However, the children are still human. The likelihood of genetic defects is greater, but there are still many children of incest that are generally healthy. Is the taboo outdated? The Hebrew Bible, which is one of the oldest if not the oldest religious text in the world, explicitly states that incest is not allowed. How does one reconcile this with the story of Adam and Eve?
How does one reconcile this universal taboo with the theory of evolution? If we’re all coming out of the same source of life, the magical primordial soup, aren’t we all made of the same genetic material? By evolutionary theory, isn’t all life incestuous? Should we just allow everybody to have sex with anybody, as long as they are “consenting adults”: fathers with daughters, brothers with sisters, uncles with nieces? What does it matter? Aren’t we just animals who can have sex with whomever we want? Survival of the fittest means spreading one’s genes far and wide. Let chance do its thing, right?
Also, what’s a consenting adult? Isn’t 18 years of age simply an arbitrary cut off? Maybe it should be 16-years-old? Why not 14-years-old? Perhaps incest has less to do with biology and everything to do with what we find morally and socially acceptable? Isn’t the idea of husband and wife, children, grandparents, grandchildren, uncles and aunts, etc. all just social constructs and artifacts? Perhaps they are outdated too? Perhaps the entire notion of family is outdated? In which case, what is incest, right?
As an aside, the liberals seemed to take great issue with the evil one, trump, speaking in sexual terms about his daughter, but why? Aren’t they the same people who think all of these ideas are antiquated, religious restrictions?
DNA Tests Are Uncovering the True Prevalence of Incest

3/18/24 – Let’s start here, in a place that’s less combustible. Unless there is something wrong with you, you want children to be adopted if their birth parents are unable or unwilling to take care of them. Likely all reasonable, caring people share this position, meaning there is no political divide. Spend some time thinking about the rights of the mother, the father, and the child. Then, think about the rights of the adoptive parents. Think about everybody’s feelings including the adoptive parents, the birth parents, and the child. Should one party, such as the child’s rights, be given more weight than the others? Should the adopted child be able to get this information about their birth parents? Think through all of the negatives and positives in making this information available to the child and/or the public. If you think everything about giving life to another human being and raising that beautiful life is simple, just black and white, you likely haven’t been thinking hard enough about the complexities of this situation or about life more generally. The article is striking in how deeply personal and well-written it is. It is thought-provoking and at once sad and hopeful. It is real life. Read, listen and think deeply.
No One’s Children

3/18/24 – Does National Propaganda Radio actually think articles like this help anything or our country? On what planet is this objective reporting?
An ‘exvangelical’ on loving, leaving and reporting on the culture of Christianity

3/17/24 – Jesus did not leave us orphaned. He loves us. Happy Sunday!

3/17/24 – “Another interesting fact about Saint Honore is that he was a close friend of Saint Eligius, who was a famous goldsmith and metalworker. The two saints worked together to spread the Christian faith and helped to establish monasteries and churches throughout France.” One of the turns our society needs to take is to value the simple, honest work that others do. Everybody doesn’t need to get a bachelor’s degree. There are many people who are considerably smarter than people who have bachelor’s degrees. For example, is that idiot Kate Cohen smarter than the average blue-collar guy who didn’t get a bachelor’s degree no matter the institution she went to? No, she’s definitely not. We can provide students with pathways that develop their intellects and inspire a love of learning while they learn a meaningful trade, which often pay well, by the way.
Saint Honore: The Compassionate Bishop and Patron Saint of Bakers and Pastry Chefs

3/17/24 – If you’re already planning for some Easter treats, which is only two weeks away, perhaps try a classic French pastry, the St. Honoré cake.
St. Honoré Cake

3/16/24 – If you read this scathing article and aren’t full of rage at the Supreme KKKourt by the end of it, then you’re simply not paying attention. It is a rogue institution, and the extremely important question before us is: how do we put it in its place? It is not the highest court in the land. It’s the lowest. It is traitorous scum. It betrayed our Constitution and our democracy. Put it in its place!
Supreme Betrayal

3/14/24 – A great article that makes numerous important points. One criticism is that Gen X wasn’t worse off than Millennials due to the phone. It was due to divorce and other social changes that had started in the previous generation. Did the phone help Millennials with those issues? That’s unlikely. The society likely got better at dealing with things like single-parent homes and divorce. So basically, the social changes are a confounding factor. The section on social sciences, particularly economics and psychology, was quite fascinating. It is likely that many of the kids can sense they are addicted and want to stop. Mostly, it’s parents’ responsibility to make this happen. They have failed at their jobs.
The government must step in. The TikTok ban is a great first step. (Again, the Washington Propaganda’s editorial board are ignoramuses.) If our society, our world really, cares at all about its children, it will put an immediate stop to this madness. Arguably, children don’t need smartphones at any age. All one needs to do with the phone is use it to make phone calls, text occasionally and search the web from time to time for information. They can deal with not being able to search the web on their phones.
One only needs to observe kids for a few hours to see that they are addicted to their phones, often social media and video games. It has created antisocial kids (and adults). But it’s more than that. Kids’ hands get tired faster when they’re writing because they literally haven’t trained those parts of their body as much. Their attention span is considerably lower, and more generally, they don’t know how to study. They also have not had similar necessary formative experiences as older generations, and in great part for this reason, they are less independent and responsible. (Also, stop coddling your kids.) The phone has wasted an entire generation’s minds and bodies. If you’re still defending this $%@& (no swearing for Lent), you’re out of your mind, or you’re addicted yourself. Grow up, and start acting like an adult.
End the Phone-based Childhood Now

3/14/24 – This is good advice. Parents have no discipline anymore, and kids are learning bad habits…from them.
Why you should stop texting your kids at school

3/11/24 – Not to be a complainer, but churches need more parking.

3/11/24 – It’s more important that the show stays free than that fans get their fix now. Jesus belongs to the world. Chill out, and if you can financially, you really should be contributing. You can buy merch, DVDs or Blu-ray, go to the cinema, donate, etc. Don’t free ride.
I’ve got bad news about Season 4’s release

3/11/24 – We need to define life. Life is not some pathetic Petri dish cells swimming around in toxic sludge. Life means comparable to what we have on earth. That’s the standard. That’s life…as God created it.

3/11/24 – There are the genius masters of the universe with their brilliant mathematical and financial models that nobody could actually understand. So, everybody just believed them or at least pretended to because they didn’t want to look dumb. Then, the financial system imploded because the masters of the universe were wrong. It’s not dumb to not understand something exceptionally complicated and, in fact, stupid. What’s dumb is to go along with it.
This same phenomenon is happening with the science worshippers, which is much of the elite. They are actually idiots who are going along with theories that they don’t understand. They just don’t want to seem dumb. The moron Kate Cohen doesn’t understand anything, and we all know it. The whole thing is a farce, or maybe the better word is a lie.

3/11/24 – At present, we understand the universe to be expanding, what if it starts shrinking? Then what? What does the probability for life, which is very close to zero, look like then?

3/10/24 – The radicalization of the Republican Party isn’t some deep mystery. It’s that, for all of its other stated values, some of which were quite noble, it values greed above all else. This was true of Reagan, and it is true of the evil one, trump. One could argue that this was the underlying condition that predisposed it to radicalization.
Avarice is not just a sin in Christianity, it’s a corruption of the soul. Greed manifests as what about me and mine, and it can quickly be transformed into resentment, especially by a skillful demagogue. I’m not getting what’s due to me because of [insert scapegoat].
If rich people were anywhere as smart as they think they are, they would ask themselves a simple question: What if there is a God? Because the probability that there is a God is extremely high. To everyone preoccupied with money: remember that the life you were given was a gift you didn’t earn. You will lose it, and when you do, your maker will decide your fate. All of the power and security you thought you had was an illusion.

3/10/24 – It is never wise to bet against the United States of America. Let’s live up to our creed, America. Happy Sunday!

3/10/24 – A country is only as good as its people. On a day-to-day basis, our people are good. They work hard. They are generous, kind and helpful. On the Job is a series that showcases the people who make our country work. (It would be rather poignant to have a Dalit as the host for the series.)
On the Job
These are our people. “‘2 in the morning, we thought they were sleeping,’ he told us. ‘We started banging, banging on doors and yelling ‘fire, fire, fire!’ at the top of our lungs, just trying to wake people up. We didn’t think about getting hurt. Just getting people out.’
There were about 14 people inside those two burning buildings. Several were children. Police say they all got out safely, including a neighbor who suffers from dementia. Then they all took shelter on Adamopoulos’ bus, while firefighters arrived and put out the flames.”
Opinion: Some heroes drive city buses

3/10/24 – As it relates to illegal immigration, the words don’t matter: illegal, migrant, immigrant. They are all true. What matters is our Statue of Liberty. Daniel Pink suggests that all of our natural born citizens take, as a rite of passage, our citizenship test. It’s a good idea. It will remind them of the words that do matter. They are the ones in our Constitution.

3/10/24 – With all of our intense internal problems, which are, frankly, a bit scary, Americans are still a force for good in the world. We are helping Israelis and Palestinians because we care about both people. (Right now, we need to be doing more and faster for Palestinians in need.) We will live up to our responsibilities in the world. (If any other country wants to take over this role though, we’re more than happy to hand it over. It is quite exhausting for us as a country.)

3/10/24 – Israel belongs to the Jewish people. End of story. The extreme left and right need to stop with the anti-Semitism. It is never justified – ever. The Jewish people have brought the world so much. They are a good people. They are a great people. As Americans, we will stay true to our creed, to George Washington’s America. This land will always be a safe refuge for the Jewish people, for people of all faiths, Muslims, Jews, whomever.
The Golden Age of American Jews Is Ending

3/10/24 – With respect, the Pope should keep his opinions on Ukraine to himself. They are not helpful. Americans are a people of our word. These are dark times for us, yet we are doing our best to stand with Ukraine. We fully intend to stand with them until they win the war. (If the evil one, trump, is reelected, the entire country will blow up, so who knows what will happen to all of us.) Slava Ukraini!

3/10/24 – If you happen to still be working it out, yes, that means that the probability for life is very close to zero, which is also supported by observation of our universe. We take life for granted, but it is an extraordinary gift.

3/9/24 – For the people who can’t get all that. Imagine a situation where you can get to life, but with each step you need to take to get closer to life, the probability of getting to life gets exponentially smaller, and there is no way to get to life without creating new steps. That’s how the logic breaks down. It’s basically a Catch-22.

3/9/24 – Assume the conditions for life are met, which we haven’t found anywhere else but on earth, thus an infinitesimally low probability. Then, by chance, also an infinitesimally low probability, life emerges. Then, by the genius RNA theory, the copy must not be too good or too bad, another highly precise set of conditions, another infinitesimally low probability. Then, by Darwinian theory, evolution would begin by natural selection, even though, life on the planet earth as we observe it (usually called science but only if it supports a popular theory and doesn’t refute it, right, objective scientists?) doesn’t seem to follow the survival of the fittest as defined by scientists. There seems to be an element of chance. Conveniently ignoring the element of chance in evolution, which clearly causes complications for the theory, what is the probability? Please do tell. Mathematically, every time you include a condition, which is the logical development of any approach along these lines and practically impossible to get around, the probability goes down. If you simply multiply the probabilities together, it goes from infinitesimally small to infinitesimally smaller. That’s what the inclusion of RNA into said magical primordial soup just proved. That’s the math. (Do the math.) That’s the science. And that’s the truth.

3/9/24 – All the science worshippers have is an intellectual legerdemain, which is also called specious logic. They have not actually proven anything that needs to be proven to be scientifically convincing.

3/9/24 – Not only have we not been able to find life anywhere else in the universe, but we haven’t even been able to find the conditions for life as we understand them to be. Now, assume we do find the conditions for life as we currently understand them to be, is that necessary and sufficient for life to emerge? Assuming God doesn’t exist, does chance play a factor not just for the conditions for life but also for life to emerge assuming the conditions for life? If life does emerge, would it look like life on earth? Identity atheist, extrapolate.

3/9/24 – The genius science worshippers’ theory of the origin of life: assume primordial soup. It’s catchy and has a Latin word and the word, “soup,” which just sounds lifegiving. What is said primordial soup? Well, it doesn’t matter too much. It’s magical. Main ingredient is water, add some sun, and just like plants, it will bloom life. Then there is the, wait for it, deep revolutionary scientific find that RNA begets RNA, a clever mockery of the Bible because, of course, their theory is vastly superior. Except for it’s not. Yes, assume the conditions for life is necessary and sufficient to magically bring forth life, throw in science words, and legitimate. Smart. Science. Superior. Logic?

3/9/24 – Another way to respond to evil: document it any way you can.

3/9/24 – The AP has some great photojournalists and a few good reporters, and the ones on dangerous assignments risk their lives to bring us the images and the stories. It is important to appreciate good journalists. They help us preserve our democracy, speak truth to power, and share the stories the world needs to hear. It is very important the AP does not do propaganda.

3/9/24 – If Israel doesn’t cooperate, the international community will force it to cooperate. It will allow Palestinians to get humanitarian aid. End of story.

3/9/24 – We can feel the pain of the heinous crimes Hamas perpetuated against Israelis and the pain of Palestinians struggling for their survival because of the Israeli government’s overreach, at times cruel actions, and its terrible leader Netanyahu. Biden’s biggest problem is actually not his age (although we would still like a younger leader, but none has surfaced that will be taking on the evil one, trump), it’s that he’s been too cautious and slow on foreign policy. (He’s been fairly bold on some domestic policy though, but he needs to stop bailing out the financial industry and corporations.) This has been true of Ukraine. It’s also true of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. To the Palestinian supporters who are frustrated with him, they should view it as a pattern of behavior that is simply part of his personality. It’s not indifference. Biden does care, but his reflexive caution can be frustrating to infuriating. This action should have been taken some time ago…. Whoever advises that man on foreign policy: more and faster!
How the US military is scrambling to build a floating dock for urgently needed aid to Gaza

3/9/24 – The MAGA degenerate MTG thought she was quite clever appropriating “say her name.” Well, Biden had no problem saying her name, and neither should the rest of us. It doesn’t undermine anything. Her name is Laken Riley, and she was murdered by an illegal. We have no problem stating truths. The people who have a hard time with the truth are people like the moron MTG, the evil one, trump, and his cult MAGA. We can show up for people’s pain no matter their political alignment, their race, nationality, whatever. It is MAGA who can only feel white pain but not black and brown pain. Their compassion is conditional on skin color. That’s not Christianity. That’s the MAGA religion, and their god is the evil one, trump.
How Black women coined the ‘say her name’ rallying cry before Biden’s State of the Union address

3/8/2024 – Don’t take any of your rights for granted. There are powerful evil forces in our country that want to turn back the clock and strip us of our fundamental, God-given rights. Our ancestors sacrificed greatly for us. We owe it to them to keep fighting no matter the cost.

3/8/2024 – The Supreme KKKourt can decide to take away our rights at any time, and they have. They are subverting the supreme law of the land, the Constitution. It is up to the American people to defy any laws that do not hold true to the document to which we swear an oath. We will never give up our freedoms. We will never give up our democracy. We will never betray our country, meaning our Constitution. Give us liberty or give us death.

3/8/2024 – Dred Scott was a terrible decision. It was made on March 6, 1857. Even though the Emancipation Proclamation was signed on September 22, 1862, the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery, wasn’t ratified until December 6, 1865. Today, Friday, March 8 is International Women’s Day. Women didn’t get the right to vote until August 18, 1920, when the 19th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified. (We were cheated out of properly celebrating our 100-year anniversary because of the evil one, trump.)
The Supreme KKKourt has no respect for or loyalty to the Constitution, the Founding Fathers or the country. Just like previous bad decisions the KKKourt has made, their decision regarding the evil one, trump, will live in infamy. Time will only intensify how cowardly and disloyal to the Constitution it was. No, we will not be getting over it at any point in the future. What’s done is done. The KKKourt will live with the consequences of its decision for perpetuity. American history will see to it.

3/5/24 – Let us consider what the military is expect to do when it receives an order that violates the Constitution. Even if it’s from the Commander-in-Chief, it’s expected to not follow it. The military swore an oath to the Constitution. The same principle holds here. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land, not any one person or any one institution. The Supreme KKKourt is totally illegitimate. States should simply ignore its ruling, and keep the evil one, trump, off the ballot. Let the chips fall where they may. States must uphold the Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, not the Supreme KKKowards.
“To the contrary, because the Constitution is the supreme law of the land, they have a duty to do that. State officials and state courts have an obligation not to ‘deny to any person within [the state’s] jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws,’ regardless of what Congress does or doesn’t do. So now Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment is the only provision of the Fourteenth Amendment that may require some congressional action to be enforced, at least in some circumstances. The justices effectively carved out Section 3, without any textual or clear historical basis for doing so.”

3/5/24 – Moving on from WaProp’s idiocy, no, this is not a fair point. “You could have different states applying different standards under Section 3 in different proceedings with different procedures and on differing records, and they could reach differing results as to a particular candidate for the presidency. This, the Court felt, was bad. Practically speaking, that’s a fair point.” The entire point was that the southern states might want a former Confederate officer to become president of the United States. Section 3 is meant to prevent an insurrectionist, which is what the evil one, trump is (this is obvious on its face), from being elected even if some states might want this. It was expected to be applied when different states had different standards regarding this matter.
Exactly. The variation is part of states’ rights with certain exceptions, such as insurrection. Despite what some states might want, an insurrectionist is not allowed to become president. That is what the Constitution says! “And despite the Court’s decision on Trump, we will still have a dreaded ‘patchwork’—because the Constitution has always vested states with the task of running even federal elections.”
The Court’s Colorado Decision Wasn’t About the Law

3/5/24 – The Washington Propaganda’s editorial board are elitist, unprincipled ignoramuses who are contributing to the destruction of our country. It also has people like, Kate Cohen, identity atheist, extrapolate, who is as evolved as an amoeba yet constantly brags about how intelligent she and her children are. It is a terrible publication.

3/5/24 – Long live the Federation!

3/5/24 – There does not need to be any violence in becoming a federation. In fact, a federation of states would be much better aligned with the composition of our people and their diversity. We can simply dismantle the federal institutions that no longer serve the will of the people. We, as states, can also decide how the military will function. Since the Supreme KKKowards has decided that we no longer need to follow the Constitution as a country, the military should not be led by the Commander-in-Chief. It makes it too vulnerable to a coup using the military. We haven’t had a president like George Washington since our founding. The evil one is the antithesis of George Washington, and people are concerned that he’ll turn the military against the American people because he has already tried to do so. A federation would be better for all Americans, red and blue states, than living under the Supreme KKKourt’s dictatorship or the evil one’s, trump’s, dictatorship.

3/5/24 – The evil one, trump, is a wannabe dictator. The Supreme KKKourt is already a dictatorship. It is obvious that they amended the Constitution.

3/5/24 – The Supreme KKKourt has become a dictatorship that’s imposing the will of the minority on the majority. It is undermining the other two branches of government, which are directly elected by the people. More importantly, it is undermining our Constitution. It is not applying the law. It is overwriting the law, including the law written by our Founding Fathers. After its latest ruling regarding the 14th Amendment, it has no more legitimacy. It needs to be eradicated as an institution. We can be a federation with state supreme courts.

3/4/24 – Only Congress has the right to amend our Constitution. The Supreme KKKowards do not have that right. It is a rogue, hypocritical, political arm of the Republican Party. All states can simply ignore its rulings. The states that want to keep the evil one, trump, off the ballot should simply do so. The KKKourt is not originalist or backed by sound jurisprudence. It is acting as what should be two separate branches of government. The Supreme KKKourt is illegitimate.
“They felt that a plain reading of Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment would lead to chaotic or adverse outcomes, so they not only ignored it but also essentially amended the Constitution by fiat.”
The Supreme Court Once Again Reveals the Fraud of Originalism

3/4/24 – The evil one, trump, accuses Biden of conspiring against the U.S. because that’s what the evil one is doing. With the recent ruling, the Supreme KKKowards are contributing to the grave danger we’re facing due to the evil one, particularly maintaining our democracy and protecting ourselves from attacks from our adversaries.

3/3/24 – On the power of prayer, art and showing up for other people’s pain. (The Israelites gave the world everything. Be true to the God of our shared Abraham. Be the great people your ancestors have been.)
Monasteries and the Art of Quieting the Disquieted Mind

3/3/24 – If you’re serious about changing this world for the better, show up for “the other side’s” pain. The darkness we’re in now isn’t our destiny. Our destiny is what we make it. Let’s go back home and be a servant of the Lord.

3/3/24 – If you’re serious about changing this world for the better, focus on glorifying God not yourself.  “‘We thought, this is cool — it’s God glorifying,’ Haynza Posala said.”
This is a great idea! Places to have fun and connect with our creator. The church has never been the building. It’s always been where two or more are gathered in Jesus’s name. Jesus, the person who turned water into wine, didn’t seem to have a problem with people being human and having a good time. Keep it clean though.
No twerking. No drinking. No smoking. But plenty of room for Jesus at this Christian nightclub

3/3/24 – Compared with Europe, which created outstanding art and architecture, the rest of the Christian world has not produced as much great Christian art and architecture. Let’s change that. We are a global religion. Inspired by our faith and our love for God, let’s create gorgeous, compelling art that reflects the diversity of the body of Christ and glorifies the Lord.

3/3/24 – The Bible is filled with stories that force you to think hard about who you are and your relationship with God, each other and our incredible planet. It has many great stories that have inspired artists and thinkers for generations. The Prodigal Son is one of them. Read the Bible. Pray. Remember: Jesus loves you.
Ry Cooder – The Prodigal Son (Live in studio)

Rembrandt – Return of the Prodigal Son

3/2/24 – Hinduism with its belief in reincarnation can express a beautiful respect for other life, all of God’s creatures. Unfortunately, the caste system, which can treat other human beings as even less than animals, and the focus on cows and beef consumption undermines its potential to enlighten us on our interconnection with God’s other creatures.
Similarly, pigs are very intelligent animals. All animals regardless of their intelligence belong to God. Dietary taboos that might exist within a religion or spiritual belief system do not negate this universal truth: all life belongs to God.

3/2/24 – We are all sinners. We are all the prodigal son, the one who realized he was lost and the one who didn’t realize he was lost. Be humble before God, each other and all life. Life is a gift we never earned.
The Sensational Nightingales – Prodigal Son

3/2/24 – The Israeli government’s actions have gotten cruel. This isn’t justice. It’s become revenge or political machinations to forcibly remove Palestinians from Gaza. It needs to stop. If the Israeli army engaged in a war crime, it should be prosecuted as such. The investigation should be conducted by a neutral third party.
To the Israelites, remember, God showed you mercy despite your sinfulness. Practice the faith by extending grace to others whether or not they deserve it. Palestinians are also human beings.
Many of those killed or wounded in Gaza stampede for aid were shot by Israel’s army, EU arm says

3/1/24 – We all die. When your time comes, just accept it and move on. Also, there is no greater honor or way to be closer to God than sacrificing your life for a righteous cause or for others (including animals). If we were all more like Jesus, we would have heaven on earth.

3/1/24 – It is immoral to experiment on pigs or other animals to harvest organs, etc., so that we can live longer. God created humans – and animals. The same people who believe in evolutionary theory want to treat animals as if they have no rights. They have rights under God’s law.

3/1/24 – Evolutionary theory is garbage.

3/1/24 – One can mourn the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis and also mourn the murder of Paul Elmstrand, Matthew Ruge, and Adam Finseth in Burnsville. One can mourn the murder of Alexei Navalny and the murder of countless innocent Ukrainians. This is consistent. We mourn senseless loss of life.

3/1/24 – There should be a national ban on students having phones in classrooms for the entire school day. If there is an emergency, students can go to the school office like they used to.
Kids are using phones in class, even when it’s against the rules. Should schools ban them all day?

Notes from Underground – March 2023

3/31/23 – Between the Christmas gift of Tuckyorose’s hair setting aflame from jealousy of Zelensky, the evil one’s long overdue indictment and his self-humiliating rage, and Dominion delicious, it’s been a generous few months of God’s goodness. Let’s pray to stay in his favor.

3/31/23 – Hope everyone appreciates how important it is to protect our judicial system if we are to protect our democracy.

3/31/23 – While we were drinking wine (or some other alcoholic beverage) in anticipation of the mugshot, “[i]n his ruling, Davis determined that the conservative cable-news network had undeniably broadcast falsehoods when it allowed allies of Donald Trump to float baseless conspiracy theories about Dominion supposedly rigging voting machines to boost Joe Biden.” Check, “harmed the company’s reputation, meaning that the impact on Dominion will not have to be debated at trial.” Question for lawyers, does selectively choosing to broadcast the conspiracy theorists while excluding the sane people prove “actual malice”? “Davis wrote that Fox undermined this line of defense by failing to also report statements from government officials and the company debunking claims of fraud.” Let’s all pray this goes to trial. Delicious.
Judge undercuts key Fox News defense as he sends Dominion suit to trial

3/31/23 – Who’s feeling more schadenfreude right now, the Republicans feigning outrage or the Democrats expressing genuine satisfaction? It might be a hard call.

3/31/23 – The Lord walks with the righteous. Never fear. Just do the right thing. Apply the law without fear or favor. The evil one is not being indicted for political reasons. He’s being indicted because he committed a crime, for which the severity doesn’t matter, and no person is above the law. “As unfortunate as this is, it may be the cost of accountability, something Trump has avoided his entire life. It has long been a source of pride for Americans to say that no person is above the law. And while that’s never been quite true, that aspiration is admirable, a kind of north star to guide our justice system.”
Accountability Arrives for Donald Trump

3/31/23 – We have said before that if MAGA continues to push for the evil one, the wannabee dictator, and tries to destroy our democracy, we will bring this country to its knees. We will appeal to our western allies, and we will destroy the evil one and his supporters. We end minority rule, or end in civil war. “Ironically, in a moment that recalls the Arab Spring, the religious, the secular, the business community, leading intellectuals, labor unions and even the military rose up to thwart, at least temporarily, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s scheme to subvert an independent judiciary.”
Unprecedented events in Israel hold lessons for U.S.

3/31/23 – Why doesn’t Pence get this? “Frankly, it’s time for Pence to stop trying to appeal to the MAGA base by withholding relevant, probative information about Trump’s attempt to subvert the election results. MAGA voters, to be blunt, are unlikely to select Pence for the 2024 nominee under any circumstances.”
Pence must testify. What he’ll have to reveal is an open question.

3/31/23 – Exactly. “Trump is being prosecuted not because he is a former president but because his status as a former president does not shield him from the law.” Let’s hope and pray. “The rule of law seems finally to have caught up to him.”
Trump is indicted, and justice is served

3/30/23 – Absolutely! “Protecting the principle that no person is above the law requires constant vigilance, as we have already come perilously close to losing it once. It was damaged nearly 50 years ago, when another modern president committed provable crimes in office. In 1974, President Richard M. Nixon escaped criminal accountability for his Watergate offenses when his successor, Gerald Ford, pardoned him to ‘shut and seal’ the book on what he had called ‘our long national nightmare.’ In fact, letting the most notorious political criminal of his day escape justice helped set the stage for the nightmare’s return — with a vengeance. Trump’s misconduct in office exceeded Nixon’s, and he came close to plunging our nation into chaos.”
By indicting Trump, Alvin Bragg restores our faith in the rule of law

3/30/23 – Let’s make what we expect very clear. At a minimum, the evil one, trump, ends up in prison for the rest of his life. True justice would mean that he receives the death penalty by firing squad.
Trump indictment follows 50 years of investigation on many fronts

3/30/23 – Well, what do we have here? Is it justice we hear?

3/28/23 – This is why you don’t elect morons. They can get you killed. “The Pentagon is raising alarm over one Republican senator’s bid to block the promotion of nearly 160 senior U.S. military officers in a dispute arising from the Defense Department’s abortion policy, joining top Democrats in labeling the political showdown a threat to national security.”
Pentagon chief warns Senate amid abortion-policy showdown

3/27/23 – To poor Republicans, you don’t need to worry about rich people. They don’t worry about you. You can also stop trying to impress them. They aren’t going to be impressed by you. They’re busy spoiling their talentless kids.

3/27/23 – Nepo babies extend well beyond celebrities to all aspects of our society, and they are an abomination.

3/27/23 – Netanyahu is an existential threat to Israel. Also, this is another example of how the evil one, trump, is an existential threat to the USA. “U.S.-Iran tensions intensified following President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from a landmark nuclear deal with Tehran in 2018.”
Biden warns Iran after U.S. forces clash with proxy groups in Syria

3/27/23 – It is quite strange that Republicans who like to think of themselves as self-reliant and independent of government rely so heavily on blue states’ coffers and are the first to ask for government bailouts.

3/26/23 – Fifth Sunday of Lent. What Jesus taught us more powerfully than anyone else is that there is death, but more importantly, there is change. If death is the end, then there should be no change afterward. The state is final. If there is life after death, then it is not final. Death is just another state of change. However, change scares many people. Ironically, it doesn’t scare them as much as death, even though, for many nonbelievers, it would involve no more change. To believers, remember that our God is always with us, and the world he created is not static. Change is nothing to fear. We must seize it and make it ours. We must only say, “I trust in the LORD; my soul trusts in his word.”

3/26/23 – In the United States, the atheists and others, in particular, the media generally want to focus on the negative aspects of the church. The truth is that the church also does some very good things. It is often the last holdout for human rights, peace, liberty, democracy, etc., and its religious people sacrifice greatly for others. Let’s all pray for Bishop Álvarez. “Keeping this brave man’s name before the public may not be sufficient to liberate Nicaragua, but it is necessary.”
Do not forget this Nicaraguan bishop’s brave stand for human rights

3/26/23 – The most recent rise in authoritarianism started, unsurprisingly, after the 2008 financial crisis? Is the Federal Reserve responsible for destroying democracy?

3/26/23 – The satanic Netanyahu is a wannabee dictator. Anyone noticing a pattern?
Netanyahu fires defense minister who called for halt to judicial overhaul

3/26/23 – This tells you a lot about race, power, and money in America. It would be a very good move for Democrats to make this popular change happen, raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour. “About three-quarters of Hispanic (76%) and Asian Americans (73%) also favor raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, with 52% of Hispanics and 43% of Asians saying they strongly support the idea. White adults, by contrast, are divided: 51% favor raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour – including just 30% who strongly favor it – while 48% oppose it.”
Most Americans support a $15 federal minimum wage

3/26/23 – Is this actually a question? Get some f—king balls people. Move on s—t. “Those who hold Russian assets are entitled, under the international law of state countermeasures for a grave breach of international law, to cancel their obligations to the Russian state and apply Russian state funds to pay what Russia owes.”
The moral and legal case for sending Russia’s frozen $300 billion to Ukraine

3/26/23 – MAGA are stuck in a psychological doom loop. (Doom loop, great expression. So handy and multipurpose.)

3/26/23 – Generally, MAGA likes to blame victims. So, it’s psychologically related to see the perpetrator, the evil one, trump, as a victim and to rush to defend him at every chance. In their own minds, they view themselves as victims (see white grievance and diminishing numbers below), so they have merged their own sense of victimhood with his. This is why he’s able to play them so effectively. He’s a loser, but they don’t accept this. In their minds, he’s a victim of voter fraud, etc. They are also victims of what they perceive as a rigged system. It’s a cynical and dishonest political tactic, but it works because they are psychologically primed for it.

3/26/23 – MAGA aren’t just getting trolled by the evil one, trump, they’re also getting totally ripped off. They are total schmucks! (The media does get played by him too though. To other readers, don’t give it more time than it deserves. Read one story, take note of his autocratic moves, and then wait for something more material. There is a difference between taking in oxygen and giving it oxygen.)
Trolled by Trump, Again

3/26/23 – This is true, and ironically, it is MAGA’s unwillingness to accept reality, that their dear leader, the evil one, trump, is a loser that cost the Republican Party the midterms. Remember it was Fox and other Republicans that perpetuated the big lie, so they ended up bringing about their own losses. Perhaps there is justice in this life after all. “But his candidates’ abysmal record in the midterms and his own weak showing against Biden in public polls make him damaged goods. The reason Trump has gone to such lengths to deny the 2020 election results is because he can’t allow himself to be seen as a loser — it’s political poison with the base.”
Trump bleeds GOP base support

3/25/23 – There should be no doubt that the satanic modi is a (wannabee) dictator. “‘This is a direct murder of democracy,’ said Uddhav Thackeray, a former chief minister of Maharashtra and the leader of a right-wing party in the state, which includes the financial hub Mumbai. Other parties variously called Gandhi’s expulsion ‘a cowardly act’ and an attempt to ‘silence the voice of the opposition,’ and called for the withdrawal of the expulsion…. Hours before Gandhi was expelled on Friday, 14 opposition parties approached the Supreme Court asking it to stop the government from using law enforcement agencies to hobble political opponents. In a news conference late Friday, Congress spokesman Abhishek Manu Singhvi described Gandhi’s disqualification as part of the ‘systematic and repetitive emasculation of democratic institutions by the ruling party.’”
India’s top opposition leader Gandhi expelled from Parliament after conviction

3/25/23 – Without digging into the data, it seems as though the most strategic political move for Democrats would be to appeal to religious groups. The atheists can be rather obnoxious and carry too much weight in the party, so this would also be an overdue correction. “There is also a huge religious divide — White people who aren’t Christians are much more likely to be Democrats.… Among Latino voters, a big divide is religion. Latinos who are Catholic or who aren’t religious are much more Democratic-leaning than Latino Protestants are.”
The GOP gains among ‘voters of color’ are overhyped

3/25/23 – Exactly. “But as disheartening as our increasingly godless society can be to many of us, neither Christian doctrine — despite its cultural dominance — nor any other religious creed was intended to be government policy. Besides, the Bible repeatedly reminds believers not to be so concerned with the things of this world. But progressive Americans must adjust, too, by exhibiting tolerance for conservative social and religious beliefs rather than disparaging such views as bigoted or hateful. They must show more consideration for people who are asked again and again to reject beliefs and practices that their communities have sincerely held for generations.”
Americans need to rediscover the lost art of tolerance

3/25/23 – If for no other reason, this is a very good reason to never elect the evil one, trump, again. The world is changing fast. Africa (it’s a continent) actually has growing populations. It’s dynamic and important. “Harris’s trip is the latest step in an intensive courtship after U.S. relations with Africa deteriorated badly under President Donald Trump, who never visited the continent and whose reference to ‘shithole countries,’ at a closed-door meeting in 2018, was seen by many Africans as directed at them.”  We cannot have that f—king autocratic, racist moron as the head of state ever again.
Harris heads to Africa amid Biden’s urgent courtship of the continent

3/25/23 – We need a Schoolhouse Rock for genitals. “I’m just a boy with a penis that pees.” “Well, it’s a long, long journey through puberty.” “But I know I’ll be a man someday with a penis that can do more than just pee.” “Then, I’ll be able to find a pretty lady with a vagina and make cute babies because that’s what man penises and woman vaginas can do.” Something along those lines. Others can wordsmith the lyrics.

3/24/23 – Apparently, kids aren’t supposed to know that they have genitals even though they have genitals. Around 6th grade is when many kids start puberty. Their own genitals will be announcing quite clearly that they are indeed genitals. Yes, these are the times we’re living in. Genitals, they are a part of the human body that God created. He wasn’t ashamed of them. PS David remains one of the greatest pieces of art ever created, and Michelangelo was a devout Christian. Thank you and have a nice day.
Parents, be warned! There will be art in this art class!

3/23/23 – Basically, the mini-me idiot has no clue what he’s talking about.
DeSantis walks back ‘territorial dispute’ remark on Ukraine

3/23/23 – “As the old Wall Street saw goes, the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.” This was Keynes, who lost a lot of money in the stock market. So, he personally experienced this.
Surprised by interest rate hikes? Really?

3/23/23 – It is very important to be disciplined and hard-working. Religious people have such great lives. It’s a complementary balance of work and spirituality. Their spiritual lives give their work purpose, serving God and others. And their work gives their spiritual lives an earthly expression. For some of us, this is the perfect life.

3/23/23 – The full retirement age in the USA is 67, so we should have no sympathy for those lazy f—kers. 62! Give us a break! Many people work until 70. As long as one is treated with dignity, well-compensated and has a good work-life balance, work is fulfilling. It gives people purpose and meaning in their lives. It also keeps one’s mind and body healthy. France is the country that went from being slaves to monarchs to lazy, entitled a—holes who don’t care about anybody else but themselves.

3/23/23 – People are living longer. You have to work until later in life. So, shut the f—k up and go home.

3/23/23 – One million French a—holes didn’t protest for a worthy cause like Ukraine’s freedom and democracy, but they’ll protest to be lazy entitled f—kers. So self-centered.
Violent French pension protests erupt as 1M demonstrate

3/22/23 – The Fed, “we nearly had/created (how should one phrase this?) another financial meltdown, but everything is going according to plan.” They get paid for this with our tax dollars. Remember that.

3/22/23 – Right to work should be repealed in every state. If Michigan can do it, every state can do it. The race to the bottom for labor policies and protections will stop once every state repeals it. (Also, just because one can free ride, doesn’t mean one should.)
Michigan is set to repeal its decade-old right-to-work law, a big win for unions

3/22/23 – Zelensky is so attentive to his people and his troops. He celebrates them all the time. What a great leader! What a great people! Slava Ukraini!

3/21/23 – Being (like Jesus), believing (in Jesus), belonging (to Jesus’s church), and their relationship are common themes in Christian sermons. The common element is supposed to be Jesus, but generally speaking, most churches are only marginally successful at focusing exclusively on this. That said. At least, many of them try. At least, they make the unifying element clear. The creeds also state this. We also have a clear model for our behavior, Jesus. That is extremely helpful. We routinely fall short, but the goal is right there in the New Testament. We can read it, and try again. America, as an “institution,” does a poor job of all of this. It could learn from the church.

3/21/23 – As a thought experiment: Imagine the USA engineered immigration such that groups of various kinds: races, religions, languages, etc. were perfectly balanced. No one group was dominant in terms of numbers, and no one group was a minority. Would belonging increase, decrease or remain unchanged? Hard to say since it would depend if even in this perfectly balanced scenario in terms of numbers, one group was dominant outside of the numbers. Would this arrangement upset whites more than anybody else? Yes, it would because, presently, they are the dominant group. This is why they are doing everything possible to maintain political and economic power even if their numbers erode. Will it work? In a democracy, it’s less likely to work. To some degree, this might explain their drift to fascism.

3/21/23 – “Make Whites Belong Again” Is this catchy? In Christianity, believing and belonging are meant to go together. This isn’t how it usually plays out in practice. Why should one feel like they belong in any Christian church? Because they believe in the same God. Worldly things get in the way though. In the United States, we’re all supposed to feel like we belong because (theoretically) we all believe in our country. Again, this isn’t how it plays out in practice. Considerably complicating matters, unlike Christianity, which has no cap on believers, the United States does have a cap on Americans. Perhaps for this reason, belonging in the USA is being treated as a zero-sum game. If one group rises, it must mean that another group falls. Since whites are still the dominant group, the onus is on them to stop thinking of and treating belonging as a zero-sum game. Instead, they are lashing out because they think they are falling.
Why so many Americans feel left out

3/21/23 – Yes, the thing to do is to glorify dictators dictating dictatorships. “Smart diplomacy.” “Xi similarly used China’s close relations with Iran to make the diplomatic breakthrough between Riyadh and Tehran that the United States could never achieve.” Also, China is not a strong country. That’s an illusion. How does one define strong, and to what is China being compared?
Here’s the real lesson from the showy Xi-Putin meeting

3/21/23 – Ranked-Choice Voting is a no-brainer. It would help with a lot of our problems and ending the doom loop.
Montgomery County should adopt ranked-choice voting. So should everyplace else.

3/20/23 – The satanic poop in Russia, look over here [fill in the blank] while I rob the country blind. And the Russians fell for it.

3/20/23 – Rich people want you to work super hard (while they lazy about like the parasitic loafers they are) so that you won’t have time to fight for your rights, your dignity or to learn how they have been cheating you. They want you to be slaves.

3/20/23 – Don’t expect any of the pedigreed elites to actually admit they were wrong about interest rates or anything. They don’t do that. They and their egos are a big part of the doom loop. We must break the doom loop.

3/20/23 – The comments are quite fun to read. My first thought also. “Where can I get a copy of Trump’s mug shot to hang on my wall?” “Alexander posted on the Telegram platform. ‘Now, I’m retired.’” He can be retired, but we’ll never forgive him or other MAGA. Revolting traitors, and they are such schmucks. The evil one is paying his legal fees with the moronic MAGA’s retirements accounts and their children’s inheritance.
Trump calls for protests of what he claims is his imminent arrest
Suckers! Haha! They actually thought the evil one, trump, would pay their bills. “‘We’ve both got enough going on fighting the government,’ Alexander wrote. ‘No billionaire is covering our bills.’”
Trump’s call for protests gets muted reaction by supporters

3/20/23 – “Xi arrives in Russia to stand with Putin against West amid Ukraine war” Dictators of the world unite!

3/20/23 – Ukrainians have worked so hard for so long to win their freedom and independence. They must win!
‘We are warriors, not layabouts or loafers.
And our cause is righteous and holy.
We stand for independence,
that is why it is so hard for us.’
[3/19/23] is the birthday of the legend of Ukrainian poetry Lina Kostenko. Sometimes bitter yet apt words of the poetess describe the pain and at the same time the strength of Ukrainians. Thank you for your contribution to Ukrainian culture and for your indomitable virtue!”
Zelensky – Ukrainian Poet Lina Kostenko

3/20/23 – The war in Ukraine is a battle of good against evil. Good must win. Ukraine must win. Keep the faith. Keep fighting. “The war in Ukraine is one of the largest armed conflicts since the Second World War. The active front line reaches 1,500 km. Battles take place in fields, forests, on water, in the sky and in cities. We continue fighting for our native land. The liberation of all occupied territories is ahead. And Ukraine will definitely do it.”
Zelensky – Ukraine will do it.

3/19/23 – “Poverty abolitionists!” Love that. This is a great article and book for Lent. For the sanctimonious many, acknowledge that we are all sinners. We do things on a daily basis that harm our planet, God’s creatures or our fellow human beings. To quote Mark Twain, we are all guilty of “The Cruelty of ‘I Didn’t Think’.” Some really good suggestions in here, and there is hopeful change. “In fact, one of the more encouraging findings Desmond cites is a 2020 Pew survey showing that a large majority of Americans have come to blame structural obstacles, not personal failings, for poverty, and to believe that most of the rich got that way not through hard work but through advantages. That’s a big shift in a country that has long been enamored of bootstrap mythology. It seems like a precondition for taking poverty abolition seriously and believing it to be possible.” Bootstrap is a total myth. We were blind, but now we see.
How America Manufactures Poverty

3/19/23 – “As Jesus passed by he saw a man blind from birth.
His disciples asked him,
‘Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents,
that he was born blind?’
Jesus answered,
‘Neither he nor his parents sinned;
it is so that the works of God might be made visible through him.
We have to do the works of the one who sent me while it is day.
Night is coming when no one can work.
While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.’”

3/19/23 – Fourth Sunday of Lent. We should always honor the Sabbath, but we sometimes or even often fail to do so. After this exhausting week, let’s have a day of rest and prayer. Let us be one with God and his creation. Know that the devil will test us. He will test our resolve. He will test our faith. In the darkness, we must be the light. “I am the light of the world, says the Lord; whoever follows me will have the light of life.” We must conquer the devil. We must conquer evil. Never give up. Keep the faith. Spread the faith. Be the faith.

3/18/23 – We’re at a critical moment, and the powers that be need to act much more aggressively and urgently to eliminate the authoritarian threat.

3/18/23 – If this idiocy with monetary policy continues, all the genius elites who have been calling for interest rate hikes will be calling for interest rate cuts as soon as the recession hits, which is going to be much worse than the inflation that was moderately higher than what we had come to expect. How these people got and keep their jobs reflects the deep rot in our political and economic system.

3/18/23 – Necessary Changes to the Law: Credit card companies must be required to give a minimum 28-day grace period, the time between your statement’s closing date and your required minimum payment. Why? Because most people get paid biweekly, and it allows them to better manage their bill payments. We want a bill with just this one change to the law, which is popular with all Americans, and we want all lawmakers on the record as to where they stand, one easy to understand vote at a time. We want transparency and accountability. Do you work for the American people or for the banks?

3/18/23 – The Fed needs to announce that there will be no more interest rate increases in the near-term. That’s how it will calm markets. Would say that the garbage Jerome Powell, who is not an economist but a lawyer should be fired, but the f—khead economists are just as bad as he is, so you can’t win either way.

3/18/23 – Since Twitter is dead, no idea what happened here. “What role did social media-led coordination among customers play?” This needs to be looked into, and the rich f—kheads need to held accountable. Apply the law without fear or favor. If they broke the law, arrest them and put their whiny, talentless government needs to save our libertarian a—ses in prison.
Bank failures: Anger in Congress, but division on what to do

3/18/23 – We need to hold everybody, Democrats and Republicans to account. Everybody. Without fear or favor.

3/18/23 – The ICC issued an arrest warrant for the satanic one, putin. It was well overdue. The world needs to take aggressive action to hold dictators and wannabee dictators accountable. Crush them. Now.

3/18/23 – F—k the French and their lazy, entitled a—s. They are a self-centered group of people who think they are god’s gift to mankind yet they have nothing substantive to back up their s—t. They are self-glorifying often racists who think the only good Americans are WASPs, which excludes the French by the way, and who can’t deal with the fact that past “glory” (what was glorious about colonialism or being slaves to monarchs?) is not indicative of future performance.

3/18/23 – Being a good leader isn’t about always being cautious and moderate. Sometimes, you have to aggressively take people and s—t the f—k down. It’s knowing when you tap and when you crush. Biden, who in part due to temperament, in part due to age, is too cautious. This moment calls for new leadership that is bold and a fighter.

3/18/23 – Biden and the administration has been too cautious on Ukraine. He should listen to the Republican members of Congress who have for a long time wanted him to be more aggressive.

3/18/23 – To MAGA, we will not forgive you. Go f—k yourselves all the way to hell from now until eternity. You will be remembered in history as traitors. Know that now.

3/18/23 – David Sacks, Peter Theil and all of the other tech bros are f—king hypocrites and idiots. They are not libertarians. They have no principles and no solid values. They are evil opportunists. This country is addicted to morons who are lucky and greedy. It worships these false gods instead of worshipping the one true god.

3/18/23 – People need to get more creative in how they deal with inflation. Stop looking at the overall price level. Use the f—king technology, break down the economy into specific markets, and address whatever issues exist there, whether it’s supply-chain issues or a lack of suppliers/inadequate competition, whatever. That’s the way you manage this s—t. Not some blunt tool that inevitably triggers a recession, and given the nature of our financial markets and economy, possibly another financial crisis. The world will not be able to handle it, and you risk replaying the political turmoil of the world war years, especially WWII. You risk helping authoritarians rise to power, and you will regret it.

3/18/23 – You’ll see here that the effective fed funds rate is similar to where it was when the 2008 financial crisis was triggered/started (how should we describe that?). The Fed has to stop raising rates now! (No idea what the ECB is doing. They are often idiots. In fact, most economists in the world are well-credentialed idiots.)
Effective Fed Funds Rate

3/17/23 – Going to try to say this as calmly as possible. From the beginning, we have been saying (i.e., berating the Fed on Twitter, which is dead) not to raise rates. The a—holes with their econ 101 textbooks have been saying raise rates. A lot of the inflation was due to supply-side issues. Basic logic dictates that is what needs to be addressed to bring down inflation. Those are policy issues that the Biden administration and Congress need to tackle. This is not the god—m 1970s. Stop with the Milton Friedman s—t. The financial system, the economy, everything has changed, and on top of all of that, the world is emerging from a pandemic. The elevated demand was mainly due to that. And there is a war. Instead of taking a nuanced approach to economic policy, it’s a formulaic approach that does not suit this case. If the Fed is too incompetent to manage the economy, it needs to be completely overhauled. Fire and hire until it can do its job correctly. This entire f—king banking crisis fiasco, not to mention the higher debt servicing both for regular folk and the government, which is ultimately paid for by the taxpayers, is because of the higher interest rates. In addition, the financial system, which has been drunk at the punch bowl (low interest rate environment) for how long is it, almost a half a century, give or take, is an alcoholic. It is brittle. Raising rates this aggressively over a short period of time is going to destabilize it. So, f—k you to everyone who’s a bloviating moron about inflation, finance and economics. You are a contributor to this mess. Thank you, and have a nice day.

3/17/23 – Psycho, evil, traitorous MAGA’s “election integrity” is code for their own election fraud, rigging the election for the evil one, trump. White sociopaths like double speak.

3/17/23 – To our beloved Ukraine, the country, except for the traitorous MAGA, has not forgotten about you. Just doing some important housekeeping. Since our countries are friends and who has time for any BS anymore, just know that the USA is one f—king wild country. It’s both infuriating and inspiring. Hang in there, and hang in there with us. We won’t abandon you.

3/17/23 – There is a deficiency of regulation and regulators. It is not either/or. And Congress is a sewer. Both parties readily sell out the American people and the economy to line their own pockets and retain power.

3/17/23 – What the f—k is this? “Adding a potentially uncomfortable wrinkle, the since-ousted chief executive at Silicon Valley Bank, Gregory Becker, served as a director at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco until last week.” This should never be the case. We also need to put a stop to the revolving door. There is too much corruption and conflict of interest in our government.
After Silicon Valley Bank collapse, Washington asks: Is it to blame?

3/17/23 – Supervision of the country’s highly complex financial system needs to move out of the Federal Reserve’s responsibilities and purview to a new institution dedicated to this important function. Prior to the creation of the Federal Reserve, it was JP Morgan (who was a ruthless capitalist and generally horrible person) that helped during financial crises. (You will notice that JP Morgan continues to play this role to some degree.) We should ask how this lender-of-last-resort function can to be redesigned so that it is the country’s financial institutions that “bail themselves out,” in more technical terms, act as their own lender-of-last-resort. The Federal Reserve should be focused on managing the economy, which is a lot as it is.

3/17/23 – The world’s democratic powers need to start assassinating the world’s dictators who have been proliferating, and now. That’s all there is to it.

3/16/23 – Not a lawyer, but if we’re talking stare decisis, Judge Thomas Wheeler’s ruling in Starr v. US should be the basis for another lawsuit against the government. Unmitigated rage.

3/16/23 – “This is just a fundamentally different type of bank run.” It’s not. It’s the same s—t, different day, and it’s all “electronic” now…. “The speed at which this all happened is something that regulators were fundamentally not really attuned to.” It is always “fast,” and it doesn’t matter how the panic spreads, whether Slack, landlines, the newspaper, or the god—am telegraph. All that matters is that it spreads. “Silicon Valley Bank doesn’t exist anymore, so it’s not a bailout of anyone.” What are y’all saying right now? It doesn’t matter if the institution continues to exist or not, it can still be a bailout. They bailed out the f—king rich investors. “Those equity holders were fully wiped out.” Look at AIG. Are you telling us that wasn’t a bailout? What about the losses its shareholders incurred? F—k you. “And it’s not like it wasn’t clear that we were on the brink of a potential crisis, because you’ve had people for months saying, ‘Listen, if [Silicon Valley Bank] had to liquidate today, they wouldn’t have been solvent.’” Solvency and liquidity are two different things. People said Lehman wasn’t solvent either, and it remains debatable whether that was actually the case. It went down quickly irrespective of whether it was solvent. It might have been solvent until the panic hit. That’s the nature of the beast. Too annoying to read the entire thing. Enough misery for one day.
‘Financial Regulation Has a Really Deep Problem’

3/16/23 – The country does not hire based on merit and talent. It’s based on luck, connections, “faking it,” ass-kissing and academic ass-kissing, also known as pedigree. This is a big reason we’re having so many problems in our country. This happens throughout our economy, in both the private and the public sectors. So, here we are: the United States of Incompetence.

3/16/23 – See below. “The combination of a high level of longer-term asset maturities and a moderate decline in deposits underscores the risk that these unrealized losses [they haven’t sold the assets but their value has declined] could become actual losses [they had to sell the assets because they needed to meet withdrawals, and when they do this, the losses become actual/realized] should banks need to sell investments [at a loss, in this case, bonds that fell in value because the Fed raised interest rates] to meet liquidity needs [to meet withdrawals].” American CEOs are f—king idiots. That moron was running a bank and didn’t know s—t, and he was a corrupt a—hole. “And its chief executive officer had started cashing out his stock.” This definitely was not “balance-sheet minutiae.”
You Should Be Outraged About Silicon Valley Bank

3/16/23 – It is quite strange that evil moronic MAGA is so hellbent on isolationism when that means isolated with the other over half of the country that resents their very existence and hates their guts.

3/16/23 – “He may well be trying to sound like an ill-informed isolationist, because he is trying to capture the MAGA voters who now support Trump. The former president is the undisputed world heavyweight champion of ignorant views, and if you’re going to take him on, you’d better have some stunningly ignorant views of your own to bring to the table. That’s what the Republican base wants.” Sane people don’t want to be ignorant and stupid. MAGA are evil and crazy, and they will get us all killed.
DeSantis Will Betray Ukraine for MAGA Votes

3/15/23 – We are living in one of the dumbest periods in human history.

3/15/23 – This is coming from the evil Russian s—t’s supporters, you know the person who’s trying to recreate Soviet “greatness,” make russia great again. “Later, they get slightly more specific as ‘wokeness’ is compared to authoritarian states and the censorship that defined the Soviet Union.” We don’t know what woke means, but when we look up ignorant idiot in the dictionary, it says MAGA.
A viral moment reinforces the hollowness of ‘woke’ as an attack

3/15/23 – She says, you’re saying because “fair” doesn’t appear in the Constitution, the maps don’t have to be fair. [Now, we digress to some other argument.] He says, I’m saying you don’t have the authority to determine if the maps are drawn to be fair. It’s up to the people to decide. She says, if the maps aren’t fair, aren’t you preventing the people from deciding if they are fair? [Now, we digress to another argument.] He says, that’s a circular argument, you’re assuming you can define what fair is.” Wow! That was painful.
Actually, he argued that fair is definable since he says that voters can decide, meaning they can determine if it’s fair. (It’s ambiguous what “it’s” is referring to here, but the context is the maps.) So, if voters can decide if the maps are fair, so can the courts. Fair is “definable.” The question he raised in the middle of his grasping “argument” was about authority. Do the courts have the authority? The Supreme Court ruled they do if the maps are overly partisan. He got paid for this. Think about that.
N.C. high court mulls throwing out rulings on redistricting, voter ID

3/15/23 – Again, it seems the apocalypse is nigh.

3/15/23 – Still thinking about this Theil situation. Is it more akin to yelling “fire” in a theater or publicly stating an opinion? Could his “opinion” be construed as defamation? The legal limits for free speech are quite intriguing.

3/15/23 – What role did superior a—hole Theil play in SVB’s demise? “Thiel is back in the spotlight after Founders Fund, a venture capital firm he founded, urged companies to withdraw their money from Silicon Valley Bank last week.” The data usually show a precipitous decline (basically withdrawals/redemptions), so one could simply look at the timing (temporal proximity to his statement(s)) to determine. A question for legal experts: Does this open Theil up to lawsuits? (Not a lawyer, but it’s strange to me to sue SVB for not disclosing what is standard knowledge about bonds and interest rate risks. This is not some exotic risk. That’s like suing SVB for not disclosing that stock prices rise and fall. Should SVB also disclose that the grass is green and the sky is blue?)
After SVB collapse, bank stocks slide despite government intervention

3/15/23 – We can’t solve our problems if our country is full of nuts who are ignorant and stupid.

3/15/23 – All it really takes for a bank, whether commercial, investment, crypto, what have you, to go down is a loss of confidence. What triggers the loss in confidence could be either rational concerns and/or irrational fears about the bank’s balance sheet, its solvency and/or its liquidity. It’s usually some combination of both, rational and irrational. There are problems (rational), but the panic makes it a self-fulfilling prophecy (irrational). (Lehman also had plenty of good collateral.) This s—t isn’t hard f—kheads. It’s basically the same f—king thing over and over again in different contexts, given the ever-evolving nature of financial markets and economies.

3/15/23 – Catherine Rampell, the anthropologist, needs to shut the f—k up about economics. Pretty certain the only reason she got that job at WaPo is nepotism.

3/14/23 – In the midst of our misery, we must still celebrate pi day because math is amazing (even though it’s a human creation), and God is great.

3/14/23 – Let the rest of us say this as politely as we can, which means totally impolitely because we ran out of s—ts to give a long time ago. The reason we’re in this predicament is not just the greedy people’s greed. It’s also the stupid people’s stupidity. Combined, they are a force that could destroy the entire world.

3/14/23 – Pretty much every banking crisis is, loosely speaking, triggered by the same thing. There is a maturity mismatch between the assets and the liabilities. That’s the nature of their balance sheets. Depositors can come and get their money immediately. This is the liability side. But their assets are longer dated and/or less liquid. Even when you’re talking about Treasuries, which are generally highly liquid, there are other risks, such as interest rate risks, which can negatively impact the value of these assets. Even Lehman, which was an investment bank, not a commercial bank, basically also experienced a classic bank run, just with repo. Seriously, get a f—king grip on reality, people. Use the f—king Google. The rest of us are out of patience with your stupid a—ses.
Maturity Mismatch: Definition, Example, Prevention

3/14/23 – Just come right out and say it. We think our voters are psychotic idiots. So, we feed them crazy, stupid shit because that’s who they are. Every time, Republicans do this, that’s the unspoken message to their voters.

3/14/23 – Pedigree. Why do the Ivy League schools keep producing total and complete f—king morons? “Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, widely believed to be gearing up for a 2024 GOP presidential bid, said Sunday that Silicon Valley Bank’s diversity, equity and inclusion requirements ‘diverted from them focusing on their core mission.’” And what the f—k do Treasury bonds and the Fed raising interest rates have to do with ESG or DEI? If anyone actually falls for this s—t, they’re as stupid as these morons selling it, but remember, they have Ivy League degrees. Never in my rather extensive research on various crises have I ever come across one triggered by ESG or DEI. It doesn’t exist as a thing except in moronic MAGA world.
GOP blames Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse on ‘ESG’ policies. Here’s what to know.

3/13/23 – SVB is definitely not Lehman, and f—k those who claim that it is. They are ignorant or lying, or both.

3/13/23 – To those people who say that SVB failed to hedge against the obvious risk of rising interest rates. Who gave them the idea that interest rates would stay indefinitely low? The f—king Fed. That’s who.

3/13/23 – It is not moral hazard because they face the consequences. It’s not moral hazard because of deregulation, for as unwise as that is. It’s moral hazard because they keep getting bailed out. And who is bailing them out? Democrats, that’s who.

3/13/23 – Don’t deceive yourselves into thinking the American people are just going to fault the Republicans and the evil one, trump, for rolling back regulations. We’re also going to fault the Democrats, including Biden, for bailing out these f—kers time and time again. Both parties are to blame.

3/13/23 – Unadulterated rage.

3/13/23 – The evil one, trump, should be given the death penalty for trying to overturn an election and inciting an insurrection. Let’s go Brandon should resign immediately for bailing out the private sector – again. Americans have terrible politicians and a terrible political system that does not work for the people.

3/13/23 – GOP and DNC: Get us new, actually competent candidates with actions that match their stated values.

3/13/23 – “Don’t tell me what you value, show me your budget, and I’ll tell you what you value.” We see what you value all right. Brutal capitalism for the poor. Socialism for the rich. Look at the lines for food. Where is our money going? To rich people, stupid, f—king hypocrite.

3/13/23 – Hell is not other people. It’s being stuck in the same f—king doom loop, replaying it over and over and over again. The Republicans deregulate. The Democrats bail out the rich. The Republicans deregulate. The Democrats bail out the rich. And the entire country is looking forward to a reply of 2020, two geriatrics vying to lead a nation that wants to move on from both of them, as much as a godd—m root canal. We’re so f—king sick of this s—h we could scream. It’s kleptocrats to the right. It’s kleptocrats to the left. It’s corruption throughout our entire government no matter the party. It’s stupid, narcissistic politicians who don’t do anything for the American people and do everything for themselves. We’re f—king done. F—k them all!

3/13/23 – The Federal Reserve is the most incompetent and corrupt institution in the country. It is a disgrace to this great nation. How many f—king times is it going to bail out the blood-sucking financial industry? How many times is it going to ignore moral hazard? How many times is it going to screw over the American people to support greedy rich parasites? The Fed needs to be completely reformed.

3/12/23 – Third Sunday of Lent. God will give us justice.

3/12/23 – We could be in the middle of World War III, and Biden/Harris (or whoever the VP is) will not be getting our vote. There are no circumstances under which there will be a different decision. None at all.

3/12/23 – If it comes down to not voting in November 2024, that’s what will happen.

3/12/23 – It is really sad that a country like the USA with so many good people are stuck with these two choices: the evil one and let’s go Brandon.

3/12/23 – Let’s go Brandon. Let us know when you can actually hear and “see us.” Fake f—kers.

3/12/23 – The Democratic Party under Biden has lost our support. From now until the end, it will get nothing. Get a different nominee who has a moral compass.

3/12/23 – The third rail is not Social Security. It’s bailouts. They crossed a line. Let it go to hell.

3/12/23 – The Biden Administration is as corrupt as the Federal Reserve. The American government is held hostage by rich parasitic a—holes.

3/12/23 – F—k Biden. Let it all burn to the ground.

3/12/23 – War.

3/12/23 – If the elites in Washington, Silicon Valley, or the “captains of industry” think the resentments from 2008 have moderated. They have not. They have only intensified. The abuses of corporate America during the pandemic, when Americans were dying, are yet another insult. The vast majority of Americans (liberals, conservatives, independents) dislike all of the elites with an intensity they underestimate because they are blinded by their self-love.

3/12/23 – Apparently, the Biden Administration is also more concerned about the rich, tech moguls in Silicon Valley who want to privatize gains and socialize losses than about ordinary Americans who are struggling to pay their bills with high inflation. If there is one thing liberals and conservatives – oh and independents – are united about, it’s our common hatred of bailouts. Get ready for these attacks every day from now until election day 2024.

3/12/23 – The Federal Reserve is totally f—king corrupt. It keeps bailing out the private sector at the expense of American taxpayers. It is an elitist, even racist, institution that only cares about the ultrarich. It has screwed over everybody else, including upper-middle-class white people, and it’s getting worse every day. Instead of focusing on reining in the parasitic and abusive credit card industry and credit reporting agencies, instead of focusing on price gouging, instead of helping people who are waiting in food lines, who is the Fed concerned about? Rich, tech moguls in Silicon Valley.

3/12/23 – SVB does not pose a systemic threat. It would be an extreme overreach, and the American people will sue the government. Changes need to be made to the law and the Fed’s powers. It is abusing them at the expense of the American taxpayers. The Federal Reserve is owned by the rich parasites that want to enslave the American people. Jerome Powell is garbage. F—k you!

3/12/23 – The USA has the most overpaid CEOs in world history.

3/12/23 – If you run a bank, and you choose to ignore the risks that come with maturity mismatch, too bad for you. There is no free lunch in economics or in life.

3/12/23 – Any and all liberal excesses need to stop immediately. Stop the “virtue-signaling” garbage. Not only do you denigrate yourselves (no decent person respects people like that), but you’re putting our country in greater danger. You’re making it more susceptible to internal and external evil forces. The world is quickly getting really dangerous. Remember: for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. It applies to the laws of physics and societies. Hard truth: the extreme left helped bring the evil one, trump, to power.

3/12/23 – The evil one, trump, helped install MBS. They will collude against our nation’s interests.

3/12/23 – Our foreign policy needs to start thinking differently about Mexico, which spans our entire southern border. It is overridden by drug cartels. They are extremely dangerous. The political leadership is feckless, and the country is corrupt. It is ripe for a nefarious actor, such as Russia or China, to gain strategic influence. They would then have direct access to our country in the event of war.

3/12/23 – MAGA is evil. They are abettors of the devil.

3/12/23 – It has become a moral dilemma how to view these Russian people. They allowed or even supported the satanic s—t’s, putin’s, rise. They couldn’t be bothered to care about others or the awful things their country was doing in Russia and around the world. (They allowed him to steal their money.) They are racist f—kers who think they are better than others. Why should the world feel compassion towards them when they don’t care about anybody else? Now, their country has become a terrorist state, and they are being slaughtered in a genocidal war that their actions or inactions created.
It is a warning to every country. You reap what you sow. At least in the USA, over half the population, which is a lot of people, is vehemently against the evil one, trump. One needs to be informed, actually care and take action to root out evil. Once evil establishes itself, you’re screwed.
Russian wives and mothers call on Putin to stop sending mobilized men ‘to the slaughter’

3/12/23 – The axis of evil is growing (and fast): Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and soon to be Saudi Arabia and Mexico. Yes, Mexico. We need to be prepared.

3/12/23 – The evil one, trump, has gotten more evil and more dangerous. He must get the death penalty for his crimes against the state. “Historical experience suggests that it would be foolish to disregard this kind of statement by a man who commands such a large and unyielding portion of the electorate. Would-be authoritarians like Trump, given a chance to return to power, do not have a record of moderating their views.”
2024 Trump Is Even Scarier Than 2020 Trump

3/11/23 – Turkey is not to be trusted.

3/11/23 – No bailouts of any kind at all! Or you will pay the political consequences.

3/11/23 – Max Abrahms, professor of political science at Northeastern University, should be fired immediately.

3/11/23 – Absolutely! “I believe that today’s Trump supporters are people who are making a conscious, knowing, and morally flawed choice to continue supporting a sociopath and a party chock-full of seditionists…. What we’re seeing at Fox, however, is lying on a grand scale, done with a snide loathing for the audience and a cool indifference to the damage being done to the nation…. You can see this same kind of contemptuous elitism in Republicans such as Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and Elise Stefanik.”
The Ugly Elitism of the American Right

3/11/23 – “Dirty hands. Clean money.” That’s great. There need to be more pathways and options. Many students were going to college for a bachelor’s degree who were not well-suited for that particular path. At the same time, we need a well-educated populace that has broader knowledge than just in a particular industry or job. A combination of community college classes to fit work schedules in trade or other work is a good place to start. AA degrees should be required, but the timelines and paths should be flexible.
Jaded with Education, More Americans Are Skipping College

3/11/23 – Tuckyorose wanted the January 6 footage so that he could support his MAGA-ness when Dominion’s discovery, which did not support his MAGA-ness, was made public. That’s the timing.

3/11/23 – What the f—k is going on?!
Tennessee congressman Andrew Ogles’s résumé is too good to be true

3/11/23 – It could be argued that it isn’t until you get intimately familiar with war that you truly understand the value of freedom.

3/11/23 – So cute! God is great. “Bees work so well together — some scientists call hives ‘superorganisms’ — that people have long thought they had a sophisticated way of communicating.”
Bees teach their babies how to dance

3/11/23 – F—k you. No bailout. FDIC covers ordinary folks. Private investors take risks; they own the risks. Can we talk about credit card debt instead?
Silicon Valley Bank failure raises fear of broader financial contagion

3/10/23 – We see, and we cry. But the world does nothing. The UNHCR needs to be reformed. The only way forward for the world is to be united against hate and evil and to actually take action.
The Rohingya fled genocide. Now, violence stalks them as refugees.

3/10/23 – Interesting. Divide and conquer.
Head of private Russian army says he’s been ‘cut off’ by Putin

3/10/23 – Rich people and corporations in the USA have a disease. They are addicted to money. They need an intervention.

3/10/23 – Credit card companies are vampires that suck on the blood of hard-working Americans. The federal government does not regulate them or credit rating agencies adequately. Also, instead of bringing inflation down, the main effect of the rate increases is this: “Credit cards are one of the most expensive ways to borrow money. Currently, annual percentage rates, or APRs, are around 20%, an all-time high. If the Federal Reserve announces a half-point increase in its benchmark interest rate at the March meeting, those APRs will climb even higher. That will cost credit card borrowers an extra $3.4 billion in interest charges over the next 12 months, WalletHub calculated.”
Credit card debt is at an all-time high, putting households near ‘breaking point,’ study shows

3/10/23 – The endless winter is exhausting. The northern parts of North America are not for the faint of heart. But we have more water for our land, so that’s good. Let us be thankful. God is good.

3/10/23 – It is hard to find Ukrainian literature translated into English. Thanks for the translation.
“And glory to you, dark-blue mountains,
Frost and snow protect you;
And to you, great-hearted heroes,
God does not forget you.
Keep fighting – you are sure to win!
God helps you in your fight!
For glory and freedom march with you,
And truth is on your side!
Taras Shevchenko, 1845.”
Zelensky – Taras Shevchenko, 1845

3/9/23 – We must ramp up production capabilities and production now! Can we shift into a war-time economy now or what? Why the foot-dragging?
In race to arm Ukraine, U.S. faces cracks in its manufacturing might

3/9/23 – This is crazy. Just like the book-banning is crazy. The extremes on the left and the right have lost it, and the middle needs to push back forcefully. You have the controlling communists on the left and controlling fascists on the right. “At Stanford, a full-service, broad-spectrum educational institution, an ‘Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative’ several months ago listed words to avoid lest they make someone feel sad, unsafe, disrespected or something. Problematic words include ‘American,’ which suggests that America (this column enjoys being transgressive) is the most important country in North and South America.” (The article could have done a better job of staying on topic. It digressed into unrelated topics.)
Woke word-policing is now beyond satire

3/8/23 – Western Europe is leaderless, and their populace is indulgent and content with being dependent on the USA. They would do well to remember that we’re a democracy, and our citizens get to vote on how our blood and treasure is spent. If we don’t want to pay the price for European security because Europeans are more interested in taking vacations and keeping their pensions, it’s going to be tough s—t for Europe. Just know this. They would be wise to be prepared.
Europe is finally starting to face its threats. It should do more.

3/8/23 – Being able to deliver hard truths and withstand the unpopularity that comes with doing so is a valuable sacrifice and service to humankind.

3/8/23 – “On International Women’s Day, we want to celebrate women in Ukraine who withstand brutal Russian aggression and contribute to the fight against it. According to the United Nations, Russia’s all-out war has taken ‘a devastating toll on the well-being of millions of women, girls, and young people.’ Thousands of women have been killed since Feb. 24, 2022. Thousands more have lost their loved ones. Nonetheless, women have been an essential part of Ukraine’s resistance. Some 41,000 women are serving in Ukraine’s Armed Forces, according to the Military Media Center. Women also contribute as first responders, volunteers, journalists, and others.”
Kyiv Independent – International Women’s Day – Ukrainian Women

3/8/23 – Dominion’s discovery was delicious. Thank you.

3/8/23 – What a bunch of f—king cowardly phonies. “Carlson, in his text exchange with a colleague, expressed his ultimate frustration with Trump’s administration. ‘We’re all pretending we’ve got a lot to show for it, because admitting what a disaster it’s been is too tough to digest,’ he wrote. ‘But come on. There really isn’t an upside to Trump.'”
Trump spurred ‘existential crisis’ at Fox News, lawsuit exhibits show

3/8/23 – Schadenfreude. “‘Carlson texted with a colleague in early 2021 that his show was ‘very very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can’t wait.’ Carlson added of the then-president, ‘I hate him passionately.”… The Trumpty Dumpty thing was the declaration of war. Once producers saw that, they did not wonder: How are we playing that?’ a former Fox executive said.”
Inside the simmering feud between Donald Trump and Fox News

3/8/23 – On this International Women’s Day, let’s remember that there are billions of women around the world, and they have their own identities. They speak different languages, come from different cultures and have different values. They should not be judged by the west and western standards, especially with its obsession with excessive liberalism and virtue-signaling. They are their own people.

3/8/23 – Absolutely! “More than a year after an invasion that most outsiders believed would succeed within days, second-guessing Ukrainian tactics is the height of presumption as their citizens continue dying on the battlefield against a country with triple Ukraine’s population and an economy nearly 10 times its size. The burden is rightly on the West to ramp up production and shipment of the weapons and munitions Ukraine needs.”
Biden must follow Roosevelt’s ‘arsenal of democracy’ example

3/8/23 – Germany can go f—k itself. It’s ready for war when it’s the aggressor. It’s “pacifist” when it’s supposed to help another country defend itself. Nobody buys its selfish BS.
Germany must do more on defense. But critics should be patient.

3/8/23 – Some people think they’re helping, but they’re actually making matters worse. Some sins are also crimes, e.g. murder. Some crimes are not sins, e.g. parking violations. Some sins are not crimes, e.g. adultery. The guy (Pope) explicitly separated the two things for homosexuality, and the author brought them right back together. So annoying! The gay people who are criminalized or worse killed in certain countries really don’t need this person “advocating” for them. She has good intensions, but that argument undermines the Pope’s meaningful statement. Be more aware of what’s happening in the world and the stakes, or just be quiet.

3/7/23 – The author made a significant (and obvious) logical mistake. Homosexuality is a behavior. Race is a physical attribute over which one has no control. How one looks is not a behavior. False equivalences are not exclusive to the right. *Don’t engage in false equivalences.* The crux of the matter is: Did God make homosexuals that way? People will come to different conclusions – as is their right. Some might argue that even if God made them that way, it’s still sinful. Although a strange position, this is also their right. If a particular religious institution does not accept LGBTQ people, just move on and find one that does. There are many that warmly embrace LGBTQ. Also, the church is not the state, and vice versa. *Keep church and state separate.* We don’t want the state to control personal decisions, such as reproduction, based on religious values. The Pope made this clear when he said homosexuality shouldn’t be criminalized, meaning using the state to punish based on religious views. A sin is not necessarily a crime, and the author muddied this important distinction, which is not helpful! The state also shouldn’t control religious institutions unless it’s over violations of human rights. Whether or not LGBTQ people can attend or feel accepted at a religious institution is not a violation of human rights. Our collective freedom and our democracy depend on people accepting certain views and choices even if they disagree. It cuts both ways.
Why are we so tolerant of churchy bigotry?

3/7/23 –  Know this. Lies are evil, and when you engage in them, you engage with the devil.

3/7/23 – Didn’t Jesus say something about truth?
Democrats’ simple equation to win the culture wars: 2+2=4

3/7/23 – Do the Chinese people know that many Russians are total racists? Do the Russians know that many Chinese people are total racists. These two groups of people who both think they are superior are going to “collaborate.” Right. Even if they do, how long before that blows up?

3/7/23 – Many groups of people think they are superior. They are all wrong. White people have sold this myth more successfully than others because even after the Jesus revolution, the world still buys the other great myth that might makes right.

3/7/23 – Rich people think everybody else should suppress their humanity and human needs so that rich people can feed their money addiction. We won’t. Eat the rich.

3/7/23 – White grievance is a disease.

3/7/23 – “Indeed, just five months after McCarthy’s comments assuring ‘no one would disagree’ that it was an insurrection, the poll showed a majority of Republicans did in fact disagree.” That’s because MAGA are white sociopaths with inferior genes. They are dangerous.
The GOP backlash on Tucker Carlson
More evidence of their inferior white genes. “Despite there remaining no evidence that the 2020 election was compromised, 6 in 10 Republicans still ‘mostly’ agree it was stolen.”
Trump’s dark ‘I am your retribution’ pledge — and how GOP enabled it

3/7/23 – White sociopaths are a serious danger to mankind because they live in rich, powerful countries.

3/7/23 – Please support Kyiv Independent’s brave reporters however you can.
Kyiv Independent – Women Led

3/7/23 – MAGA are white sociopaths. They have inferior genes.

3/7/23 – Genocide.
Zelensky – Genocidal Kidnapping, Worst Since Holocaust

3/6/23 – The average American doesn’t respect educators but could also never do their job well. The reality is that it’s easier to automate jobs that are – presently – well-regarded, mainly because they are well-compensated, such as IT jobs or even doctors than educators, especially for primary and secondary schools. (As a thought experiment, if IT or medicine didn’t pay as well, would you still respect the profession? Would you still want to work in those industries?) Beyond the knowledge and communication skills, which is already a lot, teaching is a very person-to-person profession. It is demanding. There needs to be a sea change in how education is viewed and managed in the country, or we will fail as a nation.

3/6/23 – Glory to the brave. Glory to Ukraine, the world’s defenders of freedom, democracy and dignity. “Today, a video has emerged of the occupiers brutally killing a warrior who bravely said to their faces: ‘Glory to Ukraine!” In unity, we say:
“Glory to the Hero! Glory to the Heroes! Glory to Ukraine!”

3/6/23 – Anybody who has a functioning brain knows how difficult it is to create works that can endure. The reason these books have withstood the test of time is because they engaged and challenged their societies and continue to do so even now. This is how one makes it as a great writer, not by playing it safe or catering to white or any other grievance. Smart, well-educated parents will continue to have their kids read these classic works that force readers to think hard while these moronic parents do their children a gross disservice and damage their intellectual and moral formation. Somebody needs to put a stop to this madness.

3/6/23 – These are some of the things to understand about education in America. 1. Many parents are stupid and ignorant 2. Children are the future, and these parents are terrible. Don’t allow them to ruin their children who don’t know better. 3. If we want to fail as a nation, we’ll continue to allow these moronic parents to dictate what their children learn, overriding the judgment and expertise of the teachers whom they don’t value. 4. Wollstonecraft, Twain, Steinbeck, etc. are considered staples of the “western canon.” It is quite strange, to say the least, that these narcissistic white people with their fragile white egos and love of white grievance wouldn’t want their white children to study works within the (white) “western canon.” 5. Pretty certain this is one of the dumbest periods in human history.
‘Slavery was wrong’ and 5 other things educators won’t teach anymore

3/6/23 – When a group of people worships their skin color or anything else about themselves, this collective act of narcissism tells you how fragile their egos actually are. A house built well glorifies God not the self.

3/6/23 – Be honest with God and with yourself. God heals.

3/6/23 – There will come a day when every single MAGA, who are almost all known because of social media and other technology, will be remembered by future Americans as traitors.

3/6/23 – Smaller districts are called state government. What if we made the House smaller, and each representative had to moderate their views to win? Another benefit is that we won’t have to pay more of these often worthless people’s salaries.
The House was supposed to grow with population. It didn’t. Let’s fix that.

3/6/23 – White “culture”: You’re not smart if you’re not white. You’re not pretty if you’re not white. You’re not artistic if you’re not white. You’re not “cultured” if you’re not white. You’re not refined if you’re not white. You’re not cool if you’re not white. You’re not professional if you’re not white. You’re not talented if you’re not white. You’re not Christian if you’re not white. Et cetera. Unsurprisingly, after many decades (if not centuries) of having this BS shoved down their throats, the world has told delusional white “culture” to go f—k itself.

3/6/23 – To those who claim that we are a “Christian” nation, then why don’t you want us to feed our poor? Oh, that’s right. You’re just using Christianity to exploit the poor so that you can support your money addiction.
 A mile-long line for free food offers a warning as covid benefits end

3/5/23 – Second Sunday of Lent. Some of the most important people in the Bible are women. Blessed be the God of Abraham and Jesus, both of whom elevated women. God created Eve for Adam out of love. Adam and Eve sinned, but God continued to love them. As fallen people, even though we fail, love never fails. Jesus loves you.

3/5/23 – Ukraine’s military needs to withdraw from Bakhmut. Live on to fight another day in a more meaningful battle. Bakhmut would be a Pyrrhic victory at best.
Ukrainian soldiers in Bakhmut: ‘Our troops are not being protected’

3/5/23 – It is very important to be disciplined, hard-working and focused. We need more young people to get military training and join the military. Parents and society have failed them. They are decadent and undisciplined. They are addicted to their phones and their value system is skewed to indulgence. The education system’s resistance if not outright hostility to the armed services is insulting to our military, which is the best in the world, and a disservice to these young people and to the nation.
Army boss’ mission: Persuade schools to welcome recruiters

3/5/23 – We need more “nasty,” “demanding” women. “The 1990s were the first big breakthrough. The number of women in Congress rose from 33 to 54 after the ‘year of the woman’ election of 1992. The numbers have steadily risen since, finally rising above 100 (to 101) in 2013. The 2018 and 2020 elections were breakthroughs comparable to 1992.”
‘History months’ celebrate those who were written out of the story

3/5/23 – If not already, Minnesota is fast becoming the best state in the union, and it’s the blue enclave of Minneapolis that has put it in this position. (Red areas don’t know how to vote, but the people do work hard. They feed the country, and they build things.)

3/5/23 – Indeed. “Re-enfranchising millions of Americans who have paid their debts to society would be a powerful step in the direction of universal voting, a core principle of democracy…. The battle to preserve democracy won’t succeed in a week or a month or a year. But progress is still being made that can restore rights to millions of potential voters. There is reason for hope.”
Minnesota’s vote to re-enfranchise felons is a victory for democracy

3/5/23 – MTG is a traitorous moron. However, contrary to elite opinion, this is a democracy, and if we want to have a national referendum about a “national divorce,” that’s entirely in keeping with our democracy. It’s also definitely preferable to another civil war or to living in the totalitarian state that MAGA wants with their evil orange monster as its dictator.

3/4/23 – It has been said that American women are “demanding.” Thank you. We demand the full acknowledgement and respect of our freedom, our rights and our humanity, all of which God gave us.

3/4/23 – The Taliban are agents of the devil. “Changes to the country’s marriage laws are another wrenching example of how the Taliban has stripped women of their rights. Taliban rule also has severely restricted their access to education and employment, banned them from public parks and mandated ultraconservative female dress…. ‘I think now fewer women will come forward,’ she said. ‘More will stay in bad situations and more will die from domestic violence.’… ‘The Taliban have created the perfect situation for men seeking revenge,’ she said. ‘The courts have lost their effectiveness and instead we see on the news women receiving [public] lashings for adultery.’” “Dying” from domestic abuse is called murder. “Lashings for adultery” is injustice upon injustice. Only demonic people such as the Taliban would support this.
Divorced and remarried, these Afghan women are outlaws under Taliban rule

3/4/23 – Especially during Women’s History Month, let’s remember all the females around the world that pay the price for men’s aggression and use our collective voice to help them. Beyond our humanity, we have an important commonality with all of them, our gender. United, we are always stronger. “First Lady Olena Zelenska said at the United for Justice Conference in Lviv on March 4 that the number of acts of sexual violence undertaken by Russian troops in Ukraine indicates that such crimes are a deliberate policy of the Russian military.”
Zelenska: 171 cases of sexual violence by Russian troops recorded in Ukraine.

3/4/23 – Слава Україні!

3/4/23 – Money corrupts the soul.

3/4/23 – Union strong. Union proud. This guy wanted to run for president. Schultz lost his way. Once they make it, they forget their roots. All of these people are BS artists who want to oppress the working class, the people who actually make this country. For people who buy Starbucks products, wake the f—k up. Support your local coffeeshops. Stop being hypocrites. You’re supporting a company that engaged in an “aggressive and illegal union busting campaign.”
Starbucks displayed ‘egregious and widespread misconduct’ in union fight, judge says

3/3/23 – Fascinating! “The Yamnaya culture, known for its characteristic burial mounds, originated in what’s now part of Ukraine and western Russia, an area called the Pontic Caspian steppe. The horses they kept were distinct from modern horses – likely more easily startled and less tolerant of humans – although they may have been the immediate genetic ancestors of modern horses, which emerged a few centuries later, the researchers say…. ‘The spread of Indo European languages is linked to their movement, and they reshaped the genetic make-up of Europe,’ he said.”
First evidence for horseback riding dates back 5,000 years

3/2/23 – The USA’s democracy is still in peril. More needs to be done to protect it.

3/2/23 – This is the kind of technology we need more of, and these evil monsters need to be brought to justice. Are they going to be held accountable for their war crimes? International justice community – do your jobs!
Hundreds massacred in Ethiopia even as peace deal was being reached

3/2/23 – This is what happens when neoclassical economists dominate policy, particularly international economics. “Roughly 50 years after the broad decline in America’s industrial base began, the ability to make certain products (like casting and forgings, vital in arms manufacturing) is in short supply, as is depth in the skilled trades that make them possible.” Maybe they can live out their nerdy fantasies and defeat Russia and China with their superior math skills. Autarky now!
An uncompetitive defense industrial base puts the nation at risk

3/2/23 – Absolutely! “Without holding these enablers accountable, democracy and the rule of law will remain at risk.”
Trump’s enablers must face consequences, too

3/2/23 – The Chinese people are inspiringly creative in how they tell their overlords where they can go.

3/2/23 – It’s not just China. The whole world should tell the rich parasites in their country and abroad to go f—k themselves. Don’t give them your genes! Last generation. Eat the rich. “Yet China — amid social order and economic health, not apocalyptic upheaval — has just experienced its own harrowing birth plunge. Why? The answer most likely lies in the dispirited outlook of the Chinese populace itself…. More than any other factor, human agency matters in national birth patterns, a truth that should come as no surprise.”
China’s collapsing birth and marriage rates reflect a people’s deep pessimism

3/2/23 – Haha! Community is everything. “The plan might have been to prank her mother, but Adams ended up pranking herself. When she returned home last week from an evening with friends, she suddenly noticed Ape Ventura, staring at her in the dark. Adams screeched with fright. Her husband screeched with laughter. Ape Ventura screeched with screeching monkey noises.”
Buy Nothing is everything

3/2/23 – Employers have a “pedigree” (like people are dogs) obsession, and it’s damaging their institutions.

3/2/23 – Most people don’t need anywhere near as much tech as they’re getting or as they think they need.