Notes from Underground – May 2023

5/30/23 – Wild what one demagogue can do to the order of things. The evil one, trump, is the best and worst thing that happened to the country.

5/30/23 – Old Glory belongs to all other Americans but MAGA, who are now traitors. Democrats are now patriots.

5/30/23 – Anybody who’s been paying attention knows that MAGA are not Christians. They are pagans, godless, demonic, what have you. Comments are also worth reading.
Move over, evangelicals. Non-churchgoers now rule the GOP.

5/30/23 – Human beings were designed by God to live in and with nature. We are to spend as much time as possible with God’s other creations. The farther we get from this fundamental aspect of our design, the closer we get to our own self-destruction. The AI debates need to be broadened to the detrimental effects all of this technology is having on humans more generally.

5/29/23 – Time and nature are great healers of wounds. They are God’s creation, his healing balm for us. If one is anxious or distressed, spend time in nature and pray to God. Remember, God loves us with a deep and abiding love.

5/29/23 – As we end this Memorial Day, let’s remember that the epic battle of our time, a war for freedom and democracy, is happening right now in Ukraine. After the Ukrainians win the war, and they will win, we hope they are able to properly honor all of their service men and women, and the fallen in beautiful cemeteries with cones to place flowers and grass (or preferably pollinator-friendly ground cover) for loved ones to visit. Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes!

5/29/23 – Obviously, we have a lot of problems. Highest among them is the evil one and MAGA. But this is the greatest country in the world. We have freedom. We’re a nation of laws. We’re a democracy. Many of our people are good. We work hard. We care for each other. We are generous with our time and our money. May we always be a light onto the world, a city on a hill. God bless America.

5/29/23 – Don’t just BBQ or relax. Please take time out this Memorial Day to honor our heroes. In many cases, they paid for our freedom with their lives. They are our best. God bless America.

5/28/23 – Today and every day, let us honor our Jewish brothers and sisters. Without them, there would be no Christianity.

5/28/23 – May the Holy Spirit bring you to the Lord and light a fire that can’t be extinguished. We honor all of our Christian martyrs past and present, today and every day. Their blood is never in vain. It serves God and shalom.

5/28/23 – Lying is a sin, but it’s also more than that. God never lies. Jesus never lied. “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” If you’re a true Christian, you believe them and in them, and part of the reason you believe in them is because you believe them. Truth is at the center of the Christian faith. It is what allows us to believe them without actually knowing. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” He always told the truth, and he is the truth. The devil lies, and those that are like the devil also lie. Be like Jesus. Be committed to the truth no matter the cost.
Liz Cheney urges graduates not to compromise with the truth in commencement speech

5/27/23 – Great advice! “Let it go and Hold on! — in the way of so many great philosophies, those apparent opposites prove to be two sides of the same coin. To hold securely to the well-formed purposes of your will, you must let go of the vain idea that you can control people or events or the tides of fate. But you can choose what you stand for and what you will try to accomplish. You can choose, when hopes and fears are swirling in your head, to clutch at hope. Amid beauty and ugliness, to fasten on beauty. Between despair and possibility, to pursue the possible. Of love and hate, to opt for love.”
My neighbor lived to be 109. This is what I learned from him.

5/27/23 – Tomorrow is Pentecost. Receive the Holy Spirit, and be transformed by God’s grace.

5/27/23 – Being out in nature, walking, gardening, whatever, is great for physical and mental health. “In this telling, nature provides what scientists call ‘soft fascination,’ she said — it holds our attention without demanding constant intellectual processing. Our overtaxed attention can reset, and afterward, we can concentrate and reason more readily.”
Why an outdoor workout is better for you than indoors

5/27/23 – Time is the most valuable thing in the world. You don’t have much of it. Use it well. Don’t spend it on demagogues or obsessing about superficial things, like status, money or power.
Americans are bad at resting. Here’s how to reclaim your free time.

5/26/23 – Thinking of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. versus the war criminal Henry Kissinger, longevity has its place, but sacrifice is divine.

5/26/23 – Liz Cheney, “Any candidate who says they will pardon Jan. 6 defendants is not qualified to be President.” Absolutely!

5/25/23 – “‘The United States debt, foreign and domestic, was the price of liberty,’ Hamilton wrote. ‘The faith of America has been repeatedly pledged for it.'” For the first time in our nation’s history, we might default on our debt. For the first time in our nation’s history, we didn’t have a peaceful transfer of power. Who’s to blame for these terrible firsts? The evil one and the corrupt GOP.
A daring, dazed trip into the ‘hostage’ situation on Capitol Hill

5/24/23 – Well, if it wasn’t obvious before, we all now know why Musk wanted to buy Twitter.
Ron DeSantis’s 2024 kickoff on Twitter plagued by technical issues

5/24/23 – Good for the environment and your budget.
Why you should buy everything used

5/23/23 – Invoke the 14th Amendment already.
Here are President Biden’s debt ceiling options, ranked

5/21/23 – Christianity has more promise now than it’s ever had to truly be a faith that lives Jesus’s teachings. It’s more diverse than it’s ever been, and it’s shedding itself of European and other western corruptions. So, to those worried about the state of Christianity, don’t. Just trust in God and follow Jesus. He is the way, the truth and the life.

5/21/23 – Tim Keller was a Christian intellectual. Some come to Christianity more from the head, some more from the heart. Keller was more from the head, but his heart was always open. Even when you disagree with some people’s theological interpretations, you can respect their zeal and their good intentions. “Where is God in the midst of pain and disease and death?” They are all a part of life, and as they are always present, God is also always present. The tribute contained the answer to the question. “But Tim was able to say that he was never happier, never had more days of comfort, and that his relationship with God had never been better. It was an extraordinary testimony.” His thoughts live on even as he has gone home to Jesus. There is no better place to be.
My Friend, Tim Keller

5/21/23 – Church is about keeping the faith, learning the faith, and building communities. Building long, healthy relationships is important to one’s health and the world’s health. Be connected. Be beloved. Happy Sunday!

5/19/23 – Don’t be afraid. The Lord did not abandon us. He walks with the righteous. Go forth bravely, committed to truth, justice and everything good. God’s will be done.

5/19/23 – Completely agree! “The key to this strategy is courage. We must conquer our fears of Russian threats and escalation, of its nuclear bravado, and even of Russian collapse. We must be strategic and shrewd, but nothing can be accomplished without courage. In the words of John Paul II—the unarmed, lone old man who did so much to bring Soviet communism to its knees—‘Never doubt, never tire, and never become discouraged. Be not afraid.’”
It’s Not Enough for Ukraine to Win. Russia Has to Lose.

5/18/23 – If you’re going to live in an urban setting, you need to adapt to its culture. People who grew up in the city are used to being around a lot of different kinds of people. We are relaxed around each other. Chill the f—k out or get the f—k out of our cities. Thank you, and have a nice day.

5/18/23 – If you think the murderer Daniel Penny is a “Good Samaritan,” you don’t know anything about Jesus or the Bible. Please stop making asinine references to the Bible, especially when it’s obvious you haven’t read it or don’t understand it.
DeSantis’s celebration of vigilantism is a new low in MAGA extremism

5/18/23 – Total and complete incompetence. Remember, we pay their salaries…for this. “But Democrats could not find the time and support to act, opening the door for Republicans now to use the debate as an avenue to push for massive spending cuts.” Let’s wring our hands about getting rid of the debt ceiling. Yes, indeed. “The United States is one of only two modern democracies that still mandate an absolute debt ceiling. The other is Denmark, which has set its borrowing cap so high that it cannot really breach it, sparing it from perennial crises.” Doom loop.
As debt ceiling fight rages, Democrats bring up an old idea: Abolish it

5/18/23 – How many times does the Washington Post Editorial Board have to write about this before DC actually implements it?
The model city for transforming downtowns? It’s in Canada.

5/18/23 – We end minority rule or end in civil war. City rights! “In fact, it’s Republicans who have not just abandoned a large swath of the country but also are openly hostile toward it. But if the GOP’s continued electoral losses in U.S. cities are any indication, waging war on these dynamic and fast-growing regions is probably not as clever as Republicans think.”
Republicans abandoned urban America, and they’re paying the price

5/16/23 – Slava Ukraini!

5/16/23 – To every institutional body, secular or religious, that wants to whine about the state of affairs, know this, you created the situation you’re whining about. Have a nice day.
Want to know why America is losing its edge? Look around campus.

5/15/23 – Is this strange? “Most American conservatives insist that the United States is the best country in the world, so it’s strange to see so many long for the politics of another nation.” Is this strange too? “Frerichs, a Democrat, pointed out the absurdity ‘of me defending the free market against a Republican legislature trying to have a planned economy mandating what businesses have to invest in.’” Is it strange that the Republican Party has become infected with the communist fascism of their dear evil leader? When power and money are the primary things you care about, you likely have no real principles. This is what the Republican Party has shown itself to be. If God wanted to completely control us, he could have created puppets. God didn’t want this, but so many people want to play dema-god.
U.S. conservatives have found an alarming model for their movement
The day free-market Republicans became Soviet economic planners

5/15/23 – Don’t be an obnoxious liberal. Don’t be an obnoxious conservative. Be your own person.

5/15/23 – Social media is bad for one’s health. Things that are good for one’s health: water, good food, sleep, nature, community and faith.

5/14/23 – Jesus was a brown Jew from Nazareth who treated women as equal to men. The depiction is actually true to the man.
Stained glass window shows Jesus Christ with dark skin, stirring questions about race in New England

5/14/23 – You don’t want to be like uncultured, evil MAGA. You also don’t want to be an elitist snob. Engage with the arts so that you can more deeply understand the complexities of the human experience. Engage with it to feel your own and other’s humanity with sensitivity and honesty. The arts make us better human beings.

5/14/23 – We need to stop having elections that are about the evil one, trump. Can we have an election in 2024 that is actually about a post-evil one future built on hope, peace, the promise of our country, and everything good?

5/13/23 – Being drawn to beauty is nothing to feel ashamed or guilty of. God wouldn’t have created a world full of beauty if he didn’t want us to be in awe of it. The ugly realities behind manmade beauty are one of the differentiating aspects from natural beauty. Even the hunting and preying of wild animals has an innocence that human exploitation of each other or of our natural resources cannot have. The former is of God’s natural order. The latter generally depends on the degree, and the ascetic monks of various religious traditions are a counterbalancing reminder of the power of worldly seductions. In the Bible, there are stories of great abundance, the perfume for Jesus prior to his crucifixion, and of great sacrifice, his own, the same person who was just perfumed. Perhaps that’s the point. If we can’t be ascetic, we must find a reasonable balance. Gluttony is a sin. Eating, even eating well, is not. Keep it reasonable. Pay it back.

5/13/23 – As a simple act of appreciation for other’s labor and for the craft, one could make their own clothes (knitting and sewing) or grow and fish/hunt their own food. These are valuable life skills, hard to master but not necessarily hard to learn. In so doing, we connect to ourselves, to our fellow human beings, and to God.
A Better Way of Buying—And Wanting—Things
Forget Uber Eats. Modern-day homesteaders prefer to live off the land.

5/13/23 – Superior white MAGhadis are addicted to lies because the truth is that they are not superior. They find this and other truths hard to accept.

5/13/23 – In terms of lying and related sins, the only difference between the evil one, trump, and George Santos is that the evil one is better at manipulating the legal system.

5/13/23 – MAGhadis are the problem. Without them, the evil one basically disappears.
Don’t Say You Haven’t Been Warned About Trump and 2024

5/11/23 – Apparently, the media or, at least, a considerable portion of it doesn’t understand that in addition to being generally horrible people, MAGA are liars. When the evil one, trump, lies, which he does all the time, it doesn’t offend them because of who they are. Yet, the media thinks “fact-checking” will somehow work on liars who want to believe the lies. OK.

5/10/23 – As a matter of pride, don’t turn in crappy writing that you have put no effort into because you just didn’t care. It is an insult to yourself and to your teacher. Have some self-respect, accept the bad grade and manage your time and yourself better the next time. If your name is on the thing, actually care about its quality. Thank you.

5/10/23 – Americans generally dress badly. They are way too casual. They are way too casual with pretty much everything. Africans, Asians, Europeans are all more formal in the way they dress, the way they address each other, and other aspects of daily life. Taking pride in one’s appearance is not the same thing as vanity nor is it necessarily an ostentatious display of wealth, which one shouldn’t do because it’s tacky. It’s a matter of self-expression and self-respect. It’s about taking pride in one’s unique identity and sending a message to the world that is meant to convey respect for oneself and others. For example, Zelensky is using his attire to remind the world that he’s the leader of a nation at war. How one expresses oneself could be for practical reasons or more personal ones. The point is to actually say something aside from you’re f—king lazy. Thank you.
Why even the preppy look is preferable to egalitarian shabbiness

5/10/23 – Part of the reason we’re stuck in a doom loop is because the old people refuse to retire. They are selfish and self-centered.

5/9/23 – Both the Republican and Democratic establishments suck a–. (Republicans are way worse though.) “Already, parts of the Republican establishment are resigning themselves to another Trump coronation. Although DeSantis was once their great hope, the plan now—once again—seems to be to sit back and pray that the Democrats take care of Trump for them.” For God’s sake, give us new candidates!

5/9/23 – MAGA are like the American Nazi. They are the worst of America. They are ignorant and stupid, and worse than anything else, they are simply terrible people. After everything they’ve seen of the evil one, he’s still their guy. The devil beats in MAGA’s dark, evil hearts. Their children and/or grandchildren will hang their heads in shame when they find out their ancestors were MAGA.
What GOP Voters Have Told Me Since Trump’s Indictment

5/9/23 – The evil one, trump, is a revolting pig who doesn’t respect anyone. At least, E. Jean Carroll and the rest of us got a modicum of justice today. And she looked lovely to boot. “[R]ather than becoming a source of judgment, clothes can become a conduit to empathy.” You don’t have to spend a lot of money. In fact, it’s better if you don’t. Just find items that reflect you. If you’re an immigrant, wear the clothes from your home country at least occasionally. Assert your unique identity. Hold your head high, and be proud of who you are.
Jean Carroll dressed to win

5/9/23 – Just this past winter, I watched a woman pull over to give a homeless man a big, warm winter coat. We need to care for each other. Always. We are at our best when we are a kind and caring country, a kind and caring world.

5/9/23 – Respecting human dignity is not about left or right. It’s about being in right relationship with God and with each other. Love and help each other, especially the poor and vulnerable. And always remember that God loves us with a deep and abiding love.

5/8/23 – Wes Moore. Maybe Amy Klobuchar could be his running mate?

5/8/23 – Biden would not win a second primary if it has a field of competitive candidates.

5/8/23 – Except for she’s about as bad as he is at the interviews. “So if I were giving Biden advice he surely doesn’t want, I’d tell him to steer into the storm rather than away from it, and run with Harris almost as if he expected her to take over. I’d make her a constant fixture at Biden’s side in public events and in the kind of extended interviews she’s mostly avoided doing. I’d turn the campaign into what Hollywood calls a ‘two-hander’ — a show with two protagonists.”
How Joe Biden should solve the Kamala Harris Conundrum

5/8/23 – It’s f—king ridiculous. “Taking questions from the media promotes public accountability. It also shows that the president is willing to defend his positions and instills confidence that he can do the job. It is widely known that Mr. Biden is gaffe-prone and that news conferences are not his forte. But as he runs for a second term, he should be eager to show he can handle all aspects of the job.”
Biden no longer does press conferences. That’s not acceptable.

5/8/23 – Remember Jesus loves you. “If you are having thoughts of suicide, please know that you are not alone. If you’re in danger of acting on suicidal thoughts, call 911. For support and resources, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 or text 741741 for the Crisis Text Line.”

5/8/23 – Thought-provoking piece by David Brooks. The extreme left likes to think of itself as so virtuous and moral, but often, it’s as shallow in its thinking as the extreme right. Abortion should be legal, but there should also be limits. Assisted suicide should be legal, but there should also be limits. Canada’s “limits” are way too lax. God made us because he loved us. If only we could love ourselves and each other as he loves us. “Canadian society apparently had no shared set of morals that would justify saying no. If individual autonomy is the highest value, then when somebody comes to you and declares, ‘It’s my body. I can do what I want with it,’ whether they are near death or not, painfully ill or not, doesn’t really matter. Autonomy rules.”
The Outer Limits of Liberalism

5/8/23 – We asked ChatGPT if it thought assisted suicide was moral, and it said.

5/7/23 – We asked ChatGPT if it was moral to kill evil dictators or dictator wannabees, and it said yes. We asked it if AI would ever evolve to rid humankind of these monstrous menaces, and it said it would. There is hope for AI after all.

5/7/23 – Does it matter what voters want or just what the Democratic establishment wants? We want a real f—king primary in our f—king democracy. Give it to us! Or are the a—hole elites going to subject us to yet another failure, but this time of a greater threat than 2016? Biden was senator forever, 2 terms as VP, and now 1 as Pres. It’s been a good run. He got a lot done in one term. He’s too old for another term. Move the f—k on! How much clearer can we make this? “His overall approval ratings have slipped to a new low, more Americans than not doubt his mental acuity, and his support against leading Republican challengers is far shakier than at this point four years ago…. 26 percent of independents who support charging Trump in any of the three cases say they would definitely or probably vote for him against Biden, while 48 percent back Biden and the rest would support neither, would not vote or are undecided.” The warning signs are flashing red, and the Democratic establishment ignores them at the country’s peril.
Biden faces broad negative ratings at start of campaign, Post-ABC poll finds

5/7/23 – Biden’s personal ambition and hubris is going to destroy our democracy. We need a different ticket.

5/7/23 – F—k with us enough, and we’ll bring this country to its f—king knees. Know it now. “Biden’s dominance was pronounced in the highest-output metro areas. Biden won 43 of the 50 metros, regardless of what state they were in, that generated the absolute most economic output; remarkably, he won every metro area that ranked No. 1 through 24 on that list of the most-productive places… From 2010 to 2020, Muro said, the share of the nation’s total economic output generated by the 50 most-productive metropolitan areas increased from 62 to 64 percent, a significant jump in such a short span…. ‘The basic story seems to be that where you are seeing rapid economic growth, where the nation’s GDP is produced, you are seeing an ongoing shift toward the Democratic Party.’”
Republicans’ Big Rich-City Problem

5/7/23 – It’s interesting how much more similar the Independents’ number is to Democrats than to Republicans. “Republicans view the news media less favorably than Democrats, with 61% of Republicans saying the news media is hurting democracy, compared with 23% of Democrats and 36% of independents who don’t lean toward either party.” Obviously, the press (reputable, reliable sources) could improve, but overall and excluding Fox, it is a force for good, and our democracy wouldn’t survive without the free press and courageous journalists.
Americans fault news media for dividing nation: AP-NORC poll

5/7/23 – Mending is better than spending.

5/7/23 – Taiwan does not belong to China. It belongs to Taiwan.

5/6/23 – The satanic Russia s—t is a f—king idiot of the first f—king order. Have a nice day.

5/6/23 – If it’s as the article argues, then Pope Francis is dead wrong. However, he might be taking this position so he can help broker POW swaps and the return of abducted children. If he had taken a more directly confrontational and critical approach to Russia and the satanic Russian s—t, would the Pope be able do either of these things? Would it have helped on any other matter? Probably not. PS No matter where one lives in the world, the villain is obvious or it should be. It’s Russia.
Why Pope Francis Isn’t With the West on Ukraine

5/6/23 – Too many to cite specifics, but ProPublica does great investigative journalism that has meaningfully positive impacts on our society.

5/6/23 – Less “orthodox” international economists have been making these arguments forever. Financial Times’s Luce is an indoctrinated hack. He can go f—k himself. Have a nice day.
Eyeing China, Biden official floats a new ‘Washington consensus’

5/6/23 – Absolutely! “We need to learn how to oppose the illiberalism of the left, the impulse to give up on the national story, to lose the thread of it, to declare the American experiment dead. ‘We must not be enemies,’ Abraham Lincoln urged; instead, we must all practice a conservatism that preserves the institutions and beliefs undergirding the shared liberal ideals of human freedom and equality. When the political game is played between these lines and by these rules, everyone wins.”
Illiberalism is a threat to democracy — on the right and left

5/6/23 – Who needs mergers and acquisitions when you have banking and financial crises. “Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) backed the FDIC’s decision to sell to JPMorgan but expressed reservations about ongoing banking consolidation — there are some 4,700 FDIC-insured institutions, roughly half the total 20 years ago.”
JPMorgan’s acquisition of First Republic revives too-big-to-fail talk

5/5/23 – The whole normal has changed. Can we elect someone who deeply understands that or what? Can we elect a fighter? We need a wartime president, and we have a peacetime president. Wes Moore has so many things that make for a great presidential candidate. Can we do this or what? PS Spare us the BS about maybe after he’s been governor for longer. The evil one was never elected to any other prior office.
Wes Moore: How to talk to veterans about the war

5/5/23 – Hey Kremlin, the next time you pretend an assassination attempt on the satanic poop, don’t pretend.

5/5/23 – Wes Moore.

5/5/23 – So, we’re supposed to reelect this, right? We told them to prevent the debt ceiling hostage-taking situation, and all we got were empty assurances. We told him to be more aggressive in their support of Ukraine, and all we got were empty assurances. We’re warning about 2024, and all we’re getting are empty assurances. This and the banking crisis are a replay of the Obama administration, in which Biden was VP. It’s a doom loop. Can we have a new ticket for 2024 or what? He’s too cautious and too weak. The one thing Democrats have in common with MAGA is that we also want a fighter. Instead, we’re getting someone who doesn’t understand the duplicitousness and ruthlessness of the people he’s dealing with. “Rather than join Biden in urging the GOP to simply raise the borrowing limit — as many administration officials had hoped — these groups have called for bipartisan budget negotiations, implicitly endorsing McCarthy’s position and rejecting Biden’s opposition to talks.”
How the Washington establishment is confounding Biden’s debt ceiling plan

5/5/23 – Democrats are way too weak.

5/5/23 – MAGA are evil monsters.
5 striking findings about what the GOP wants in 2024

5/5/23 – KKKlarence Thomas is one of the biggest traitors to black people in American history. He is a disgrace to this country and to the world. And yes, a kid is at risk of poor moral formation by having KKKlarence as his father. “In December 2012, the Judicial Education Project submitted an amicus brief in Shelby County v. Holder, a case challenging a landmark civil rights law aimed at protecting minority voters. The court struck down a formula in the Voting Rights Act that determined which states had to obtain federal clearance before changing their voting rules and procedures. Clarence Thomas was part of the 5-to-4 majority.”
Judicial activist directed fees to Clarence Thomas’s wife, urged ‘no mention of Ginni’
Crow tuition payment for Thomas relative adds to outcry over court ethics

5/5/23 – On what planet is the UAE an ally because it’s not on this one.
Buildup resumed at suspected Chinese military site in UAE, leak says

5/4/23 – Today is the National Day of Prayer. It wasn’t covered at all in the news. In any case, we have many things to pray for: peace, democracy, the annihilation of evil leaders, the freedom of all people, religious freedom, the end of poverty, to name a few. Prayer is the only thing that can truly save us.

5/3/23 – People spend far too much time using technology instead of being in the company of other people. It has had all kinds of negative effects on them.
Loneliness poses profound public health threat, surgeon general says

5/3/23 – They bail out big, rich investors, and it’s the small businesses that get hurt.
As Fed examines banking woes, small businesses already feel the crunch

5/2/23 – Zelensky is acting more honorably than any other politician right now. This is one of the many reasons we admire him. Glory to Ukraine!

5/2/23 – We are living in an age of incompetence. Wes Moore.
Guess what, White House correspondents: Biden’s joke was on you

5/2/23 – Yet, the Washington Post and many others are still on Twitter. We are in an age of hypocrisy.
Elon Musk’s Twitter is helping governments shut their citizens up

Notes from Underground – April 2023

4/30/23 – Use your relatively short time on this planet well. Use it for good. Happy Sunday!

4/30/23 – Slava Ukraini!

4/29/23 – This story should be made into a movie. It’s so interesting. Thank God for whistleblowers. They have courage and conscience and help all of us. MAGA, such schmucks! “In a filing, the company said it ‘cannot assure shareholders that there will be sufficient funds’ for the purpose of paying for its own liquidation costs or outstanding bills, and that the money in its trust account could ‘become subject to the claims of our creditors which would have higher priority than the claims of our public stockholders.’ Digital World’s unpaid debts could end up rolling onto the small-time, Trump-loving investors if the deal falls apart, said Michael Ohlrogge, a law professor at New York University who researches SPACs. ‘The vast majority of SPACs just don’t rack up these kinds of expenses … and the shareholders could be in some danger of getting pursued by the unpaid vendors,’ he said. ‘It could be an interesting and somewhat fitting end for Trump’s SPAC: that it ends in failure and liquidation and sticks its shareholders — presumably many or most of whom are his political supporters — with the bill.’”
He blew the whistle on Trump’s Truth Social. Now he works at Starbucks.

4/29/23 – All the Fed has to do is revise its target inflation to between 2% and 4% (core!) and call it day. A higher target isn’t the same as prioritizing employment over inflation as was the criticism in the 70s/80s, and the revision is long overdue. That’s still managing expectations. They and others need to stop being overreactive and unreasonable, or we’re going to end up in a very bad situation.

4/29/23 – Dorsey is one of the few CEOs who seems decent. He wasn’t particularly engaged at Twitter, but he was highly preferrable to Musk. His temperament is way more even. Many of us knew that Twitter needed to change and trusted Dorsey’s judgment on Musk, but as he started to reveal himself more prior to the sale, it became evident that he was not the right person to lead Twitter. As Dorsey said, it all went downhill from there. The board shouldn’t have forced the sale, and Musk should have paid the breakup fee and moved on. Now, he will likely lose a lot more money. (We told him as much way back when.) Hubris brings down a lot of people. This is just another example.
Twitter founder Jack Dorsey says Musk wasn’t an ideal leader after all
What to know about Bluesky, as Dril and AOC join the new Twitter alternative

4/29/23 – The Boomers are the worst generation in recent American history, and they are not going quietly into the night. They will try to retain power at all costs even if it means our democracy. Young people, don’t let them get away with it.

4/28/23 – Alito can go f—k himself, and then, f—k himself some more. Have a nice day.

4/28/23 – May Emmett Till’s accuser, whatever her name was, burn in hell.

4/28/23 – So, they’ll take out bin laden for attacking us, but they won’t take out the satanic putin for attacking us and nearly destroying our democracy. Logical. The problem with titles such as president or priest is that they disguise who and what the person really is. It’s not a coincidence that evil men seek these titles that are assumed by society to convey a certain respectability.
Newly released White House photos capture the day bin Laden was killed

4/28/23 – If the Fed continues to tighten, it will trigger a recession, which it is well aware of (the sacrifice ratio), and we will end up with stagflation. It will also potentially cause serious problems for 2024, geopolitically and internationally.

4/27/23 – Interesting conversation and book. “To kill the Indian but save the man.” But what is a Native man if not a Native? A person is well beyond just a physical being as we should appreciate staring at a mental health crisis. This also reprises the Ukrainian war. Is it enough to just be alive, or are we who we are because of who we identify ourselves to be? A person is physical, psychological and spiritual.
Also, relevant to our present condition, there is a clear tension between the federal government and the states as it relates to Native Americans. In general, the Supreme Court is trying to undermine the federal government’s powers, which could be convincingly argued as pulling us back to an antebellum or pre-Reconstruction era.
Lastly, native land is sovereign land.
Ned Blackhawk on ‘The Rediscovery of America’

4/27/23 – Can we stop being a security sieve? Can we take our national security seriously or what?
Fed’s Powell was tricked by fake call from Russia pranksters

4/27/23 – More evil terrorists need to get sick. Clean the house.

4/27/23 – Tuckyorose is a national security risk.

4/27/23 – When his head exploded from jealous rage of Zelensky, we broke out the popcorn. When his head exploded from being fired from Fox, we broke out the wine. Delicious. “But they had drawn furious blowback from powerful Republicans who see U.S. support for Ukraine as a bulwark in a fight for freedom and democracy — some of whom had Murdoch’s ear.” (Watch the videos. So good.)
For the Murdochs, Tucker Carlson became more trouble than he was worth
“But on Capitol Hill, every senior Republican gives a one-word answer to the biggest obstacle for supporting Zelensky: Tucker.” No more. Goodbye tuck tuck traitor. One of the most loathsome people in history.
With Tucker Carlson’s ouster, House GOP loses a key ally – and agitator

4/26/23 – The satanic ones, all of them, are cut from the same cloth. You can change their names, taliban, isis, al-qaeda, al-shabaab, vladimir putin, ruhollah khomeini, kim jong un, xi jingpin, mohammed bin salman, min aung hlaing, narendra modi, benjamin netanyahu, the evil one donald trump, adolf hitler, joseph stalin, pol pot, etc., but they are all from the same evil terrorist cloth. They are nominally attached to various faith traditions or no tradition: Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, atheism, etc., but they don’t practice them correctly or at all. They have negative value to the world. Their mere existence is a stain on humankind. They need to be eliminated.

4/26/23 – Perhaps the satanic putin has been secretly funding ISIS. How would MAGA feel about him and his best friend, the evil one, trump, if this is the case?
Afghanistan has become a terrorism staging ground again, leak reveals

4/25/23 – Schools are actually much like churches, which makes sense when you think about it because, in addition to worshipping God, one of the functions of a church is to teach the faith. Sometimes the teacher or the clergy gives a lesson, but one of the remarkable aspects about both environments is a certain quiet communality. Classrooms can often be quiet with everyone working on something individually while collectively, the students are all doing the same thing. This is similar to praying in a church. It can be silent with everyone praying quietly while collectively, the congregants are all doing the same thing. One would never think to replace churches with AI because it would make no sense at all. Schools and teaching are no different. People called Jesus, “teacher.” His parables (and his life) remain a source of endless reflection. Learning is a divine dance between teacher and student. Let us celebrate the beautiful simplicity of this human experience by keeping it human.
AI can’t teach children to learn. What’s missing?

4/25/23 – One of the best ways to keep healthy is to have healthy habits, such as reading and making art, spending time in nature, praying quietly in an empty church, etc. All of these things help focus the mind without the mind realizing it. There is quiet and the noises of nature. There is the world great authors have created for us. There is the natural gifts God has created for us. There is the testaments of love we have created for God. Escape to these places, and you will find peace and the strength to keep fighting…or even to just keep living.
“I believe that there is one story in the world, and only one,” Steinbeck writes. “Humans are caught — in their lives, in their thoughts, in their hungers and ambitions, in their avarice and cruelty, and in their kindness and generosity too — in a net of good and evil. There is no other story. A man, after he has brushed off the dust and chips of his life, will have left only the hard, clean questions: Was it good or was it evil? Have I done well — or ill?”
Why we must read fiction even as terrible times loom

4/25/23 – If you decide to have children, you need to clean your psychological house before you do so. If you can’t do this, you probably shouldn’t have children.

4/25/23 – Absolutely! “Brains wired by toxic stress, such as the sexual violence that 1 in 10 teen girls are facing today, have the ability to essentially heal when exposed to positive experiences. Good nutrition, adequate sleep, mindfulness practices all help. Adults as well as children have neuroplasticity, and family resilience and connection are positive influences.”
American teens are unwell because American society is unwell

4/25/23 – We must save our country from the dark forces.

4/25/23 – If you can, move to red states. We end minority rule or end in civil war.

4/24/23 – It was a genocide of the Armenian people, and it should be declared by all as such. Don’t forget that the person with no values or principles, who is so divisive that she barely held onto her House seat in one of the bluest parts of the country, Ilhan Omar, voted against doing so.
PS AP, get some better politicians to highlight instead of a—holes.
Torchlight march marks mass deaths of Armenians

4/24/23 – No more tuckyorose. Perhaps Dominion delicious isn’t over after all.

4/24/23 – Superior German genes. Degenerates.
Kremlin tries to build antiwar coalition in Germany, documents show

4/21/23 – The people who claim to be about freedom want to control everything about our lives. They are especially focused on their lies becoming our truth. That’s MAGhadis, and the evil one is their dear leader.

4/21/23 – A lot of the problems in the church have been created by the church itself. Many churches are not good at being Christ-like.

4/21/23 – In other news of the bizarre, Mike Lindell. That is all.
Mike Lindell’s firm told to pay $5 million in ‘Prove Mike Wrong’ election-fraud challenge

4/21/23 – In case anybody is in need of this guidance, this is not how to deal with a doppelganger. Some people are so bizarre.
Woman who tried to kill doppelganger with poisoned cheesecake gets 21 years

4/21/23 – The algorithms for Google Translate and Duolingo are close, but there are differences.

4/21/23 – Interesting article. Good point. “I suggested to von Ahn that, at this point in the life cycle of the Internet, it’s hard to hear about democratizing aspirations without thinking of other tech companies that set out to expand access and ended up perpetuating, or even accelerating, the inequality they ostensibly sought to address—all while concentrating tremendous wealth into fewer and fewer hands…. He’d begun by figuring out a way to distinguish people from bots; now he was helping humans train bots to be indistinguishable from people. Had it occurred to him that he had, in a way, come full circle?”
How Much Can Duolingo Teach Us?

4/19/23 – The GOP is so focused on the evil one, trump, it’s not doing anything for its constituents. It has one constituent, the evil one. The rest of us are not putting our lives on hold for him or for anyone. The rest of us are not focused on him. We’re focused on ourselves and our communities. This is the way it’s supposed to be.

4/19/23 – Life is so much better when you live in a sane state. You feel the love of community.

4/19/23 – Silicon Valley’s new business model is to start out as a nonprofit, then once others’ capital has built the company, change to for-profit. Apparently, this is legal.

4/18/23 – Fox should be apologizing not just to Dominion but to the entire country, including MAGA. Fox helped radicalize them. MAGA are American jihadis, aka MAGhadis.

4/18/23 – We need more justice. “‘The truth matters. Lies have consequences,’ Dominion lawyer Justin Nelson told reporters outside a Delaware courthouse after Superior Court Judge Eric Davis announced the deal.”
Fox, Dominion reach $787M settlement over election claims

4/18/23 – German a—holes, you’re not superior. It was all a lie. If anything, you’re inferior. Deal with it.

4/18/23 – Can the masses make or even participate in the appreciation of the arts without ruining them? This is a fair question. It’s like when beautiful, historic cities are swarmed with tourists. They end up changing their character. Maybe the arts are best when they are esoteric, and those small, quiet communities will never die.
What the death of a literary magazine says about our cultural decay

4/18/23 – Dominion delicious is over. Quite unfortunate. It was so good.

4/17/23 – The odd thing is sometimes one ends up with these doppelgangers to whom we’re not related yet they look like us more than our own family. They might be of the same “race,” whatever race really is, but they don’t have to be. More generally, there is a divine randomness in our physicality. Then again, maybe that’s God’s point. Kenyans, who are black, are tall like the Dutch, who are white. Many Asians, who tend to be pretty light-skinned, have features, including broad noses, like Africans, who tend to be dark-skinned. Indians, who on average are brown, and Caucasians, who are white, have similar hair, both on the body and the head. Ethiopians, who are black, have features that are more like white people than like other Africans, who are black. For many of the physical characteristics that are different, there are those that are similar. The idea that out of this rich combination and diversity, there is one standard of beauty is an absurdity. That is all anybody needs to know about the matter. (They aren’t prophets. They are dictators. Fascists of beauty.)
How I escaped the tyranny of the prophets of beauty

4/17/23 – The mark Saint Benedict left on much of the western world is often underappreciated.

4/17/23 – The East Syriac rite kept many of the Aramaic (the language Jesus spoke) or Syriac terms. “Vespers are known by the Aramaic or Syriac term Ramsha in the East Syriac liturgy which was used historically in the Church of the East and remains in use in Churches descended from it, namely the Assyrian Church of the East, the Ancient Church of the East, the Chaldean Catholic Church, and the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church.”
Vespers in the East

4/16/23 – Vespers is lovely and highly recommended. It is quite peaceful.

4/16/23 – As most people who know anything about academia know, academic publishing is riddled with corruption and exploitation. One of the great benefits to society that ChatGPT could offer is to eliminate them by having it serve as “peer review,” after which scholars could self-publish and actually reap the rewards of their own labor directly as is the case in every other area of intellectual property. As an aside, ChatGPT could also make the research process, which is generally extremely time-consuming, more efficient.

4/16/23 – Faith is more powerful than any evil. Hold it close to you always. God bless Ukraine. “Today we celebrate the Easter holiday with unshakable faith in our victory. We have already come a long way. Perhaps the most difficult of peaks is ahead. We will overcome it. And together we will meet our dawn, when the sun will rise over our entire country. This is a blue and yellow flag. It will certainly be raised in all our God-given land, in all territories temporarily occupied by devils. The sun will shine in the south, the sun will shine in the east, and the sun will shine in Crimea. The yellow-hot sun in a peaceful blue sky, and it is the light of justice. Christ is Risen!”
Zelensky – Easter 2023

4/16/23 – Happy Easter to our Orthodox Christian sisters and brothers! May the Lord bless you with an abiding peace. (Orthodox Christians use the Julian instead of the Gregorian calendar, but they are marking the same religious event.)

4/16/23 – Don’t be cynical. Have faith. God loves us.

4/16/23 – Somewhere along the way, a shift happened, at least in the US, but likely in much of the western world, from “what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger” to anything that doesn’t kill you is a deep trauma that you implicitly can’t recover from. This is not healthy. There are people who’ve experienced deep trauma that might be quite hard to recover from, but even among them, they can and do. So much of a person’s ability to recover from trauma and to be well-adjusted depends on the person’s perspective and spiritual and psychological approach. Work from a position of strength. Say to yourself, I am a strong person. Mean it. Know that you are because you are. And keep reinforcing your own resilience. Find ways to force yourself into your areas of discomfort and to tackle your demons head on. As Jesus drove them out, drive them out through faith in yourself (and in God’s infinite goodness). That’s a healthy approach to traumatic events or even just bad things that happen in life, which are an inevitability.
War is shaping a generation of Ukrainian schoolchildren and teachers

4/15/23 – Let’s all take this in about our supposed fellow Americans. What do people think would upset them more: the evil one, trump, actually hates them, or he actually hates America and engaged in espionage. Likely, the former, which says so much about the satanic cult that is MAGA.

4/15/23 – It is truly miserable to have to keep talking about the evil one, but until his evilness is eradicated, we must give it some of our time. Let us review some key findings.
1. People at Fox publicly support the evil one but privately hate him.
2. What might we find as this investigation proceeds? Perhaps obvious to the rest of us, and from a political perspective, more important than anything else, that the evil one and his enablers publicly support MAGA but privately hate them. “‘Not only did President Trump lie to his supporters about the election, but he also ripped them off,’ the committee’s seven Democrats and two Republicans concluded.” Discovery will likely show this if they actually comply.
3. Also, what the writers of the emails intended shouldn’t matter. (Intention has little to no bearing in financial communications, albeit there is an explicit fiduciary duty.) One could argue that there is an implicit fiduciary duty since the funds obtained in a campaign are a type of investment in the candidate and the vehicles are funds. If those funds are obtained through the dissemination of knowingly or unknowingly false statements, that should be illegal. Look at securities laws not just campaign finance laws. Why would this be any different when they are claiming that the money is going to a fund?
Special counsel focuses on Trump fundraising off false election claims

4/15/23 – The current reality is that the powers that be have been too timid. Give Ukraine everything they need to win decisively and regain all of their territory. Stop f—king around. “As Ukraine steps toward the moment of decision, the United States must be certain it has given them all the tools they need to succeed.” Either we commit in every respect, spiritually, intellectually, psychologically, to right makes right, or we just go home now. There is no half-a—ing it. That would be like being half-committed to our stated values, freedom, democracy, equality. How well is that going domestically? This is no different. As MLK said, be true to what you said on paper, America. Ukrainians gave up their nukes on our word. Be true to our word.
The leaks painted a grim picture of the Ukraine war. Here’s the current reality

4/15/23 – Not just this, but in general, there is a rot in the EU. We need investigative journalists to find out who has been corrupted by Russian influence. “Podoprigorov has been sanctioned by the United States, Britain and Canada (though not by the European Union).”
Absolutely! “The international community must continue to express its concern over the treatment of Kara-Murza and other political prisoners who have been jailed for aspiring to build a democratic Russia as well as for opposing the war.”
How Vladimir Kara-Murza’s case exposes the rot at the heart of Russia

4/15/23 – Under the demonic modi, India is aspiring to be poopy’s b—h. Gandhi’s India is dead.

4/14/23 – To our beloved Ukrainians, f—k the naysayers. If you fall, the western world falls. The idiots should know this, but they are idiots so who knows what they know. In any case, keep believing in yourself. Keeping slinging.

4/14/23 – Indian a—holes, f—k off, we’re not backing down on modi. He’s an evil monster. He needs to go. Get some real patriotism instead of the satanic cult you have now.

4/14/23 – Quality has a quantity all its own. “Just days into the war, spetsnaz troops arrived in the eastern city of Kharkiv in small numbers and without much support from conventional troops, Lee said. Many of them were killed or captured, he noted. Several of their specialized vehicles were destroyed, videos and photos show.”
Russia’s commando units gutted by Ukraine war, U.S. leak shows

4/14/23 – F—kheads, if you care about yourself or your kids, get off the f—king phone. You’re an addict. Admit it, and seek help.

4/14/23 – The feeling of awe is that there is something greater than us, and there is. “‘We have, as Western populations, become very disconnected from the natural world,’ said Smalley, a doctoral candidate at the University of Exeter in England. ‘When you see something vast and overwhelming or something that produces this feeling of awe, your own problems can feel diminished and so you don’t worry so much about them.’” Mathematically, the more parallel as opposed to orthogonal the sun’s path is to our line of sight, the more in awe we are. One could view it as the alignment of the sun’s path to our own posture on our planet reveals particles we couldn’t see before. More precisely, what one sees is actually dependent on individual variation not just the general mechanism of the human eye and the respective physical positions of the sun’s path and our planet. Not all people who can see, see equally well. One can interpret this both literally and figuratively. Don’t try to time it. Just marvel at God’s creation…if you can.
Why we should all be gazing at more sunsets

4/14/23 – Wise words that evil dictator Modi is unlikely to heed. “On Monday, Dzhaparova warned India against an over reliance on Russia. ‘India should be pragmatic in diversifying its energy resources, military contracts and political interactions. Because what we see in my country when you are dependent on Russia, they will always use this blackmail instrument,’ she told reporters.”
Ukraine wants India to play bigger role in ending war

4/12/23 – The Good Samaritan is one of the most famous parables in the Christian Bible, in the Gospel of Luke. When we think of extinction, we usually think about animals since they are experiencing a mass extinction, mainly due to human activity, but groups of humans can also go extinct. The war in Ukraine is an example of trying to make a group of people go extinct, which is what the satanic putin is trying to do to the Ukrainians. The genocide of the Uyghurs in China is another example. Obviously, there is the example of the Jews during the Holocaust. To those who believe in human evolution, they might argue that this is simply the mechanism at work. Might makes right after all. To those whose genes are the strongest, go the spoils. Those who believe in Jesus and his way know this is wrong. God’s way is about diversity, life and love. That’s the world he created. The world of genocide and extinction is the one man creates. The story of the Good Samaritan is worth reading and rereading. It is about the perversity and duplicity of tribal identities. The Samaritans nearly went extinct because of it. Remember: It wasn’t a Jew who stopped for the robbed and beaten man, also a Jew, but a member of the group that was nearly driven to extinction, the hated Samaritans. Jesus was sending a clear message and teaching an enduring lesson.
Once near extinction, the tribe called Samaritans lives on

4/11/23 – Слава Україні

4/11/23 – It’s important that we pace ourselves. These are dark times, and these are long battles. Let’s not waste time, but we must also finish the race, as the Apostle Peter said. To do that, we have to take (spiritual) breaks. We will never back down. We will never break. We will defeat evil.

4/11/23 – Maybe the BA (even in STEM) can’t get you a job, but it will help you to not get KKKonned by the grifter gang. MAGA, on the other hand, look over here while the grifter gang, including on the highest court in the land, robs you and our country blind. The GOP is the satanic putin’s political party. It’s modeled after him.

4/11/23 – The fur pelts and horns that she wears when sporting the shaman or is it the satanic cult look? Grifters dononymous. “Fresh controversy swirled around Ginni Thomas as reports emerged that a Republican megadonor paid for her fur pelts and horns. According to the reports, Thomas also accepted a set of red, white, and blue face paints from the same donor. A combative Thomas told reporters that the fur pelts and horns she received were not luxury items but were derived from budget-priced rabbit and bison. She said that she would ‘not let this latest tempest in a teapot interfere with all the good work I am doing on the United States Supreme Court.’ Her husband, Clarence Thomas, had no comment.”
Wealthy G.O.P. Donor Paid for Ginni Thomas’s Fur Pelts and Horns

4/10/23 – Every day, I read the paper. Every day, I dread reading it. I click thinking, what now? This relationship the news media has built with its readership is not sustainable, and it’s not healthy. We do need to know the news, but it can’t all be negative. There is genocide, war, human trafficking and slavery, child abduction and abuse, rape, torture, religious strife, the destruction and desecration of holy places and world heritage sites, etc. It is heavy and dark times. There have to also be stories about matters that aren’t miserable: resilience in the face of adversity, love triumphing over hate, unity and strength, etc. The news media needs to share the richness of the human experience, and it’s definitely not all bad. The media needs to make more of an effort to balance out its coverage, not just because it’s better for business but also because it’s the right thing to do. The increase in suicides and just general misery of the people is in part due to the seemingly endless problems in the world. We do have a lot of problems, but we also have a lot of goodness. And we always have hope. Share these stories.

4/10/23 – Zelensky is Jewish. His family members were murdered in the Holocaust by the satanic cult, the Nazis. “Fourth, we are adding a new tradition of respect to the official life of our state. Hundreds of thousands of Muslims in Ukraine and the Muslim community of the world – different countries, different nations – observe a strict fast during the holy month of Ramadan. When the sun sets, the Iftar dinner takes place. I had the honor of sharing Iftar with our soldiers, with representatives of the Mejlis, and with the entire Ukrainian Muslim community.”
Zelensky – Official Iftar Dinner

“Ukraine values every person, values every community. Ukraine is grateful to the Muslims of our country and everyone in the world Muslim community who, on an equal footing with us, seeks peace and protection from evil. We are all united by faith. And perhaps, we’ll never know for sure the entire path we have to pass ahead, but we are all sure of one thing: we will not be broken, not separated, and certainly not erased. Especially our main thing is not to erase our values because we go with respect, for the sake of unity and freedom.”
Zelensky – Muslim Community

We need more of this. Let’s keep breading bread and protecting religious freedom. Let’s keep sharing the love of God, no matter the religion. Let’s keep sharing love, period. The faithful believe in our respective God. No true believer claims to know because we don’t know, and that would be an untruthful statement, which is a sin. We believe. Let us respect each other beliefs. We all, including atheists, participate in the mystery of life and creation. It is a mystery. No amount of repeating the word “science” is going to change that. Let’s respect and honor the mystery.

4/10/23 – One of the changes that absolutely needs to happen across the country, the world really, is more diversity. This is not limited to race, ethnicity, religion, etc., but related to these categories, also perspectives and ideologies. For example, the Fed has too many people indoctrinated in neoclassical economics. On the other hand, the media has way too many nonreligious liberals, some of whom clearly hate religion. The polarization that we see in our society both reflects and is created by this lack of diversity of thought and beliefs. God didn’t create puppets. Stop acting like one. Be your own person, with your own ideas and insights. That’s how we honor God, by realizing and celebrating the rich, varied tapestry of his creation.

4/10/23 – Liberals should not fool themselves. No matter how much they shove their bigotry down our throats, Christianity is still growing and will continue to grow. White people are declining in numbers, and part of the demographic shifts are simply related to birth rates, not religiosity. Pew and other sources forecast the number of Christians worldwide to continue to rise. This is a huge demographic to ignore or denigrate routinely in the press.
Status of Global Christianity, 2022, in the Context of 1900–2050

4/10/23 – If Twitter is your religion and you take yourself for a member of its “priestly class,” well, that’s quite sad. It also supports the points made here.
Elon Musk excommunicates the priestly caste of Twitter

4/10/23 – The Ramadan, Passover and Triduum alignment for all three Abrahamic religions, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, respectively, happens only about every 33 years. (They also overlapped last year, but the world was still coming out of Covid.) The media missed this important opportunity to share how each religion was honoring their own traditions and engaging in interfaith worship. We saw nothing about any of this before Thursday. After that, it was too late, since Christians entered the Triduum (started Thursday evening) and Jews were already into their Passover (started Wednesday night). Why is it that what’s important to a huge percentage of the world’s population is not being covered in the news? Do no religious people work for the media? Why do the liberal media claim “anti-racism” but are obsessed with the small, mostly white liberal atheistic world that is like them? Why is it that religious matters are not covered in a way that’s not negative or demeaning to religious people? The larger question is why are so many liberals disgusting religious bigots, and why do they think they are so virtuous while they bear this obvious moral stain? There are houses of worship across the country that do good work for their communities and the world. They have beautiful interfaith exchanges. None of this is covered in the media. The ugly, orange evil one’s face and evil words are everywhere though. This is not good for our country or our world. We need more shalom, salaam, peace.
Inside Holy Week: Rare overlap of Easter, Passover and Ramadan

4/10/23 – The American people voted in 2020 to fire the evil one, trump. To the news media, please respect our voice and our vote. He exhausted us. He dominated our lives when they are supposed to be dominated by the things we actually care about. We don’t want him to exhaust us or dominate our lives anymore. Share the stories that must be shared about him. Then, stop. That’s what we, the American people, to whom this country belongs, told the press with our vote.

4/10/23 – The great irony is that for the press and the unfortunate believers who kept reading the news, the evil one dominated Holy Week. Many true Christians checked out by at least Thursday and avoided some of the intense exposure to his evilness. Thank you, God, for the peace and love of the church. From our Christian cocoon, we now have to reenter the secular world and all of the harshness it brings. May God grant us grace and patience. May we remain true and faithful to him and his Word.

4/9/23 – “May next year’s Palm Sunday pass in peace and freedom for all our people! May the sincere prayers for peace of all who celebrate Easter today be heard!” For Ukraine to have peace on their land, evil must be vanquished. Hearts of stone must be turned into hearts of flesh. May God grant Ukrainians peace in their souls, a deep, abiding peace that comes from surrendering to God’s will, and a strength beyond this world. We love them. God loves them.
Zelensky – Evil Acts on Holy Days

4/9/23 – If you are suffering, know that you are not alone. Everyone experiences pain at some point in their lives, if only because we are all mortal, and we will all die. Jesus, the Son of God, also suffered. He suffered for us. Taking one’s own life is not a solution to pain. A solution to pain, for as unintuitive as it may seem, is to lean into it. Jesus knew the path God the Father called him to take, and he walked down it of his own volition. Treat your pain like a path that you are choosing to walk down as an expression of your own humanity. Say to yourself, I am a human being, as God made me. He made me in his image, and just as he felt everything, I too will allow myself to feel everything. As you walk, talk to God. Share your pain, your fears, your sadness, your disappointments, your anger, whatever you feel, just as Jesus did. He was candid with God the Father. He asked him to take this cup but also said your will be done. You don’t have to hide anything from God. He made us in our nakedness. That’s how he wants to know us. Jesus’s resurrection is a story of salvation, but it’s also one of rebirth. If you trust God, your walks with him will transform you. You will be reborn, and your pain will be transformed into strength. Don’t lose hope. God loves you. Jesus loves you. That’s why he sacrificed his life for you. Honor his great sacrifice. Honor yourself.

4/9/23 – Happy Easter to everyone! May hope, love and peace fill your hearts, minds and souls!

4/9/23 – One never goes wrong with Dolly. “Beautiful song sung by the best. Dolly you don’t need a choir.” God bless her. “Thank you, Jesus!”
Dolly Parton “He’s Alive” Acoustic Easter 2020

4/9/23 – If you’re never been to Africa, go. If not for the warmth of the people (and, of course, the food…), then go for the song and the dance. God gave them great gifts, and their lovely souls share them with us as naturally as they breathe. (God bless the white girls in the choir who held their own. It’s not easy….)
The Resurrection | Easter Project | The Spirituals

4/6/23 – Please pray for the protection of the persecuted church, our brothers and sisters in Christ. May the Lord keep them safe, bring them comfort and healing, and provide them with everything they need. We love them. One church. One family.

4/6/23 – For tomorrow, Good Friday.
Blown Away (Official Video) – Hillsong UNITED

4/6/23 – The Latin chants are gorgeous. We pray that Jesus’s love pierces your hearts this Paschal Triduum.

4/6/23 – As is our tradition, this site will go silent starting tonight to observe Good Friday and will stay silent until Easter, Jesus’s resurrection from the dead. As with fasting, which Muslims have been doing during Ramadan and many other religions also do, it is a good spiritual practice to have extended periods of silence. In the Christian tradition, we have silent retreats. Words are beautiful and powerful, none more powerful than God’s. But silence is also powerful. Christians and our Abrahamic brothers and sisters who we love have been bombarded during our sacred time with the evil one, trump, and the media’s unrelenting coverage of him, which was particularly obvious because of the timing. This is not healthy for our own spiritual lives or, more generally, the national psyche. The media needs to find a better way of covering the evil one and his enablers and, more generally, the news such that it does not wear down people’s limited reserves. There are many journalists who risk their lives to bring us the truth and bring light to the darkness. We thank them. Democracy cannot survive without them. But there is also a dark side to the news media business, and this should be acknowledged and fixed. People aren’t to be exploited for money, and that is what the media is doing with this style of coverage. The media is also decidedly biased against religion, particularly Christianity, which gives millions of people around the world a stable source of strength, hope and joy. The right and the left need to do a thorough examination of conscience. We are all sinners. No one is exempt.

4/6/23 – How some countries observe Maundy Thursday, Holy Thursday or Pesaha. (It has other names.) The washing of the feet is so moving. People routinely cry. “Maundy Thursday is part of the Christian celebration of Easter and marks the night of the Last Supper as told in the Bible. At the Last Supper, Jesus commanded that people should love one another, he then washed the feet of his disciples as an act of kindness. The word Maundy comes from the Latin, ‘mandatum’, or ‘command’ which refers to the instructions Jesus gave his disciples at the Last Supper.”
What is Maundy Thursday and how is it celebrated?

Pesha is a Hebrew word meaning sin. Pesaha means Passover. It is derived from the Aramaic or Syriac word “Peshai” meaning Passover. Thomas Christians incorporated some of the Jewish Passover traditions, such as eating unleavened bread.
The Maundy Thursday in Kerala is incomplete without Indri appam and paal…

Basically, this year, it’s about food and Holy Week. There is always this risk though. “Is it good that I’ll be doing extra things in the kitchen to prepare for Holy Week? Am I being more of a Martha than Mary and detracting from the feast?” In some parts of the world, they eat a lot of greens.
Holy Thursday in the Home

Suggestion: As Christians, don’t copy Jewish traditions, which would not be respectful to them. Christians’ Last Supper should be authentic to the Christian faith, and the culture and history in which it’s being celebrated.

4/5/23 – There are more articles on Twitter that has never had a huge user base and is presently dead than on the three Abrahamic religions that collectively represent over one-half of the entire world population. Are the liberal media kidding us right now? Come on, f—kheads. Get some perspective.

4/5/23 – When will this national nightmare end? Like really end. People, just write about him a few times, not incessantly. It’s plastered on every f—king page, everywhere, and they’re more or less saying the same things. One can’t get away from the evil one. Does the liberal media understand how obnoxious that is, especially when people are trying to observe their religious traditions. Can they cover that at all?
The Return of the Non-stop Trump News Cycle
Did Media Learn Nothing From 2016? No, they did not.

4/5/23 – At least three different religions are in some of their most sacred times of their calendar, and all the liberal media has covered ad nauseum is the evil one. Yes, he’s evil. Yes, it’s long overdue. But the rest of us, unlike the “Washington party industrial complex,” actually have spiritual lives that we would like to have some coverage of and have other s—t going on other than the evil one’s small, sad life. Politics is important only to the degree that it serves or damages the rest of our lives. The rest of our lives is actually what matters. The entire country is held hostage to what interests the liberal media, and they generally care about shallow matters, not spiritual matters.

4/5/23 – Can’t wait for the moronic articles on or about Easter from the liberal media. We’re enlightened liberals. That’s why we hate Christianity. No, actually, you’re just bigoted a—holes. Christianity is the only religion they treat like this. On this score, the moronic conservatives have a point.

4/5/23 – It is true that many liberals hate Christianity. They love themselves though. It’s quite disgusting.

4/5/23 – Are people paying attention to North Carolina? The Republicans are trying to force through voter suppression laws.
“North Carolina Republicans tried to enact a ban in 2021, but Gov. Roy Cooper (D) vetoed it. This year, the legislature has stronger GOP majorities in both chambers — veto-proof in the Senate and just one vote shy in the House — and is expected to try again.”
Republicans push for stricter election laws, despite scant proof of fraud
“‘This is not about political vendettas. This is about the constituents that trusted Rep. Cotham to champion their values, who are now left with little reassurance that she will do that,’ Clayton added. ‘HD112 is a 60% Democratic district, y’all. And they did not choose to elect a Republican. They chose to elect a Democrat.'”
North Carolina Democrat switches parties giving Republicans veto-proof supermajority in state House

4/5/23 – This is a f—king joke.” U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield told reporters before the session that the United States strongly opposed the briefing and joined the United Kingdom in blocking the United Nations from outside broadcast of the meeting.” If Ukrainian kids can go home, then send them home, f—king b—h. War criminal.
Russian charged with war crimes: Ukrainian kids can go home

4/5/23 – Great images!
Holy Week Processions in Spain

4/5/23 – The things that liberal elites wring their hands about are a puzzle unto themselves. Why is it so bad that this case came first in the order of indictments. It actually makes sense that the easiest case, which is not the same as strongest, would come first. It’s also better for the cases to build in severity. What are we missing here? There is too much of an echo chamber in the “Washington party industrial complex.”

4/5/23 – There is an undertone of mocking the “Washington party industrial complex,” which is quite appreciated. Of all the people in the world, don’t we all want to “party” with rich, pretentious elites? The height of fun, right there.
Everybody in Washington wants the Ukrainian ambassador at their party

4/5/23 – The evil one, trump, is obsessed with the “documents” case because he knows he did something terribly wrong, and he’s worried it’s going to be found out.

4/5/23 – If you voted for the evil one, trump, you’re, at a minimum, an idiot. Just know that.

4/5/23 – This will go down as one of the stranger Holy Weeks because the sacred and the profane are in clear juxtaposition. A few days ago, on Palm Sunday, Jesus rode humbly into Jerusalem on a donkey to the praise of the common people raising palm branches. Yesterday, the evil one, trump, still ensconced in “the Beast” for some unknown reason, (if the Anti-Christ in Revelation comes to mind, that’s probably apt in this case), drives into Manhattan, his temple, to be held to account by the people (it’s not just the people of NY, or even the American people; it’s many of the world’s people). It’s all a bit spiritually surreal.

4/5/23 – One of the paradoxes of these men aspiring to greatness and conquest is how small and provincial they actually are. Imagine, your life’s ambition is not doing God’s will, spreading the good news of Jesus to bring hope and love to God’s people in acts of sacrifice, but conquering Manhattan, Ukraine or [insert the territory]. It’s not creating intellectual or artistic works that can withstand the test of time to bring enlightenment, intellectually, emotionally, and yes, even spiritually in acts of generosity. One of the ways to spread God’s love is to share your talents with the world, not for praise but as a gift. It was given to you as a gift. Honor God and give it to the world as a gift. Instead, these people (usually men) spend their time looking in the mirror and looking around to see if others see them the way they want to be seen. If you ever envy these people or God-forbid aspire to be like them, think about who they actually are and who they want to be. It’s not big and grand. It’s small and sad.
The Humiliation of Donald Trump

4/5/23 – The white “Christian” nationalists, aka the satanic cult or the slaveholder religion, are going to love this. The case for reparations has Biblical support. “So I will stretch out My hand and strike the Egyptians with all the wonders I will perform among them. And after that, he will release you. And I will grant this people such favor in the sight of the Egyptians that when you leave, you will not go away empty-handed. Every woman shall ask her neighbor and any woman staying in her house for silver and gold jewelry and clothing, and you will put them on your sons and daughters. So you will plunder the Egyptians.” That’s from the Books of Moses, the Torah, specifically, the Shemot, the Exodus.
Exodus 3:21

4/5/23 – From the sacred to the profane, the evil one, trump, can go f—k himself. He’s not a god. He’s not even a man. He is, however, a criminal.

4/5/23 – Clarification for “All but one of the Apostles were martyred,” this is from the point of what we call the Great Commission, not the Commissioning of the Twelve Apostles. Paul is also included in this even though he wasn’t part of the Commissioning of the Twelve Apostles.

4/5/23 – Jewish Passover begins tonight. The Passover table is a thing of beauty. We usually think about religious buildings, iconography, worship, vestments, but often not food. It’s not just about what one can’t eat, e.g. pork or beef. Religious meals are as important to a faith tradition as anything else. As Christians, we can imagine Jesus eating this holy meal and honoring the Hebrews deliverance from slavery and into the promised land, Israel, the Exodus, one of the greatest stories in the Bible. Chag of Sameach.

4/4/23 – Was John Edward’s indictment also nakedly political? It’s the closest example to the evil one, trump’s, situation. Hillary Clinton didn’t commit crimes that rose to the level of being prosecuted. Is this f—king hard? We’re eager to see the evil one’s mugshot because he should actually be executed for sedition and treason, some of the worst crimes in our land, as is the law in this country. Instead, this is the only thing that he has thus far been prosecuted for. Take your false equivalence, and shove it where the sun don’t shine. Thank you, and have a nice day.
Trump’s indictment will warp our politics for years to come

4/4/23 – To those people who think that’s not how evangelization is “supposed to work.” Remember Jesus would often just keep on walking. He didn’t try to change everybody’s heart. It’s a dance between God and his creation. They both have to want to tango. God didn’t create puppets.

4/4/23 – To all militant atheists, don’t really care if you go to hell. Have zero desire to evangelize to y’all. So, don’t flatter yourselves. In fact, we would like a smaller, but purer church, one rid of the satanic cult, the church as social club members, the “heritage Christians,” oh and the convince-me nonbelievers. Go convince yourself. Seriously, f—k off.

4/4/23 – As someone who personally understands the importance of tradition and doing justice to the legacy of family members who lived honorably, forcing a faith on someone is absolutely futile. The person might not “dishonor” one’s family, but it is also completely meaningless. Religious freedom is important so that people can fully realize their soul’s expression. It is a highly personal decision made between each individual and whichever God (or gods) the person chooses.

4/4/23 – YouTube. You start in one place, and end up somewhere else…. From chants in so many languages to this interesting story. The Apostle Thomas also didn’t want to go to India when Jesus called him to do so. Jews were already there though, and he likely ended up with the Cochin Jews. Jews are still there, even though most of them moved to Israel when it was created as a nation. “In Mumbai, India, Jews mimic the Passover lamb’s blood that was smeared across the entrances to Israelite homes in Egypt on the eve of their liberation. The Bene Israel Jews dip their hands in the blood of a sheep or goat. Then, they press their hands to blank pieces of paper and hang the prints above their doorway. The imprint resembles a hamsa, and like the amulet, symbolizes good luck and protection.”

The Hindu caste system is institutionalized slavery, and it is an abomination. But the pantheon of Hindu gods is no different than the pre-Christian Greek and Roman periods. Evangelizing in India now is likely more similar to when the Apostles were evangelizing in the “west,” Greece and Rome, than it is to evangelizing in the west now. (It’s debatable how western Greece really is….) All but one of the Apostles were martyred, so the risk of being martyred in India or in other places in the world is unfortunately quite real.
INDIA: Completely Sold Out for Jesus Christ

4/4/23 – We wish our Abrahamic brothers and sisters a peaceful Passover and a blessed Ramadan. God is good. God is great.

4/4/23 – The Gregorian chants are conducive to mediation. (Plus, you can practice Latin, which is a great language and quite practical to know.) “Celui ci est mon chant grégorien préféré. Merci!” It is a popular one.
Gregorian chant: Te Deum laudamus

4/4/23 – The evil one, trump, is a criminal, and the satanic one, putin, is a war criminal.

4/4/23 – We need more of this. Have courage, and do the right thing. “‘Our president has become a war criminal,’ he said. ‘It is time to end this war and stop being silent.’… Along with information on Putin, Karakulov’s testimony offers an intimate view of one man’s decision to defect — without telling his own mother, who he said remains a strong Putin supporter…. ‘I understand that he’s simply afraid,’ he said.” What a powerful person. Living his life in fear and in paranoia. Freedom. “‘Patriotism is when you love your country,’ he said. ‘In this case, our homeland needs to be saved, because something crazy and terrible is happening in our country. We need to fix this.’”
‘He’s a war criminal’: Elite Putin security officer defects

4/4/23 – Can we move this along or what, people?! Stop wasting time! F—king irritating. “Ukraine is capable of preventing the expansion of the war. Capable of defeating Russia on our land. I said this during an address to the U.S. governors. The enemy of freedom must lose – quickly and surely where he came with a criminal and unprovoked war of aggression. That is why we ask the USA for support, for weapons and finances. If Ukraine endures – your peace, your allies and partners endure as well. It is with Ukraine that America has the opportunity to protect its values, which match ours. The main thing is not to waste time, not to lose the chance we have. To act now, and help now. The Ukrainians do it so that the Americans do not have to fight. Together, we are gaining new strength of our nations. And I am sure that we will always be successful. Thank you, America for the help that lets us win!”
Zelensky – Ukraine will win. Thank you, Americans!

4/4/23 – Oh the delight so much of the world is experiencing right now watching the evil one being held accountable for his crimes.

4/4/23 – This is the Russian version of white “Christian” nationalism. It’s a satanic cult. “A priest of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate blessed Russian soldiers during the Russian occupation of Kharkiv Oblast, Security Service (SBU) reported on April 4. The church official organized a procession to commemorate the Baptism of Kyivan Rus and prompted local residents in Kupiansk to attend. During the ‘service,’ he blessed Russian forces and consecrated their convoys of military equipment. It is suspected that he used the religious service as a guise to urge locals to support the occupation.”
Kyiv Independent – Moscow Patriarchate official blessed Russian soldiers during occupation of Kharkiv Oblast

4/4/23 – History will decide if the defense of Bakhmut was strategically wise. It is worthy of dispassionate military analysis. The most important thing is Ukraine’s triumphant victory.
Bakhmut’s ‘slaughter-fest’ holds lessons for the West

4/4/23 – “America is a Nation with the soul of a church,” Chesterton. That church is true Christianity. Not some perverted version of it.

4/4/23 – MAGA supports the evil one, trump, because they are suffering from spiritual decay. The healthiest way to deal with adversity is to put the greatest commandment into action, love God, love others, and unite with those facing adversity. Americans’ (most of us) response to Ukraine is a testament to the underlying goodness of our country. In the midst of all the serious problems we’re facing, as we’re struggling to preserve our own democracy, we still did the right thing. History will remember us well for this. MAGA, as well as others who have supported demagogues, do the opposite during times of adversity. They scapegoat. Look at how the Germans treated the Jews and others during WWII when they were experiencing economic hardship. They turned to the devil, Hitler, and murdered millions of innocent people. This is exactly what one shouldn’t do. The Book of Job is an exploration of how to respond not during good times but during bad times. How one responds during hard times reflects one’s character and one’s spiritual health. Honor God and respond to adversity with an affirmation of goodness, his, your own and humankind’s.

4/4/23 – Ukrainians, facing down evil and winning. Good must prevail in this epic battle.

4/4/23 – Americans (well, except crazy MAGA) love Ukrainians. Such a great people! “Yesterday, I had a meeting with a delegation of politicians, businessmen and representatives of charitable organizations from the United States of America, led by former U.S. Secretary of State [insert that a—hole]. Such visits and meetings are a powerful signal of support for Ukrainians in our struggle for freedom and democracy. The United States stands by us and fights with us for common goals. We feel bipartisan support, support from the White House. Comprehensive American support is very important for us.”
Zelensky – USA and Ukraine Common Goals

4/4/23 – One of the most helpful books in the Bible is the Book of Job. It gives you a guide on how to develop a healthy relationship with God and a healthy perspective on life. Pain is a part of life. Loss is a part of life. When unfair or cruel things happen to you, turn to God in a posture of love and humility. Job interrogated God, and God’s answer was basically, I am God; who are you? You can ask a lot of questions of God, but ultimately, the answer is as simple and brutally honest as the one Job received. The way to get through everything hard in life is simply to love God and love others, to act in keeping with this greatest commandment. It is the only real remedy for brokenness. It will make you whole.

4/4/23 – If you care at all about your fellow human beings in your own country or in other parts of the world, you will stop doing drugs. They are being murdered, enslaved or worse so that you can ruin your body and your life. Drugs are not cool, and no drug will take away your pain. It will worsen it. The only remedy for spiritual problems is spiritual, not physical, not emotional, not intellectual. Spiritual.

4/3/23 – Take heart, good people. Evil will be vanquished because God loves his people. We need to pray as if the entire world depends on our petitions to God because it does. Rest, and fight again tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that. Keep the faith, and fight the good fight until the end. May the Lord bless you and keep you.

4/3/23 – Necessary reminder: Jesus was a poor, brown Jew from Nazareth. The world should never forget that. Crucified upon that cross, the weak, the meek, the poor, the lowly, we all, no matter our race, ethnicity, gender, nationality, culture, etc., see ourselves. That is the power of Jesus’s act of sacrifice. It is as powerful an act as there will ever be.

4/3/23 – Around the world, we need to eradicate the evil forces that are perverting Christianity. It is God’s providence that our paths, American and Ukrainian, would converge on this religious matter, just as they have in the secular matter of defending democracy. “Today, a step has also been taken to strengthen the spiritual independence of our state, to protect our society from the old and cynical Moscow manipulation of religion. Ukraine is the territory of the greatest religious freedom in our part of Europe. It has been so since 1991. It will always be so. I thank everyone who cares about Ukraine and our citizens! Thank you to everyone who supports the Ukrainian struggle for independence! Glory to our warriors! Glory to Ukraine!”
Zelensky – Religious freedom. Religious integrity.

4/3/23 – This is what the devil’s agents have done to the Lord’s house and other holy places of worship throughout Ukraine. Their souls have been taken over by dark forces. May they burn in hell. “Hundreds of religious buildings were destroyed, damaged or looted as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. All religions and denominations were affected, including churches, mosques, synagogues, educational and administrative buildings of religious communities of Ukraine. For Russia, everything is just a target. But the missiles and artillery of the terrorist state did not break our humanity and faith. Ukraine will win, life will win!”
Zelensky – Hundreds of religious buildings destroyed

4/3/23 – This was helpful regarding what arguments will or could be made to meet the standard for malice. Regarding MAGA (aka Fox viewers), what is becoming quite clear is that this isn’t an intellectual problem. It’s a spiritual problem. On an intellectual level, the endless lies are propaganda, and Fox lacks credibility. However, if you’re a member of a satanic cult, it’s a satanic mantra, and the devil is still in possession of their souls. Many people think that the demon-possessed people in the Gospel were effectively fictional. There is no such thing. Were they? Is there no such thing? Just like many Russians who support the satanic one, putin, MAGA can’t see that they have fallen prey to dark forces. Basically, one can’t solve a spiritual problem with an intellectual remedy. To quote someone who understood this well, Shakespeare, there’s the rub.
Fox News has been blown to smithereens

4/3/23 – As the puzzle comes together, what do we see? Perhaps that we have all been conned, by the “Enlightenment,” by the industrial revolution, by the technological revolution, by rich, greedy people, by the Protestant (work) ethic and the spirit of capitalism…oh, and by ourselves. “As the managerial revolution created a sense of professional progress, the decline of organized religion and social integration in the 20th century left many Americans bereft of any sense of spiritual progress. For some, work rose to fill the void. Many highly educated workers in the white-collar economy feel that their job cannot be ‘just a job’ and that their career cannot be ‘just a career’: Their job must be their calling…. many of them are also adherents to a cult of productivity and achievement, wherein anything short of finding one’s vocational soulmate amounts to a wasted life. They have founded a new kind of religion—one that valorizes work, career, and achievement above all else. And it’s making them a little bit crazy…. Here is a history of work in eight words: from jobs to careers to callings to …” Disenchantment?
Why Americans Care About Work So Much

4/3/23 – Good points! “If rural Whites who vote overwhelmingly for Republicans have noticed that today’s conservatism defines wealth, not work, as the true sign of virtue, it isn’t readily apparent. As far as Republicans are concerned, work is optional for the wealthy but required for the poor. Republicans want you to document your hours or risk losing your Medicaid coverage, but if you suggest that we ask the same of those who want to keep receiving the favorable tax treatment of capital gains, they’ll think you lost your mind.”
Americans care too much about hard work

4/3/23 – Advice to those doing the Lord’s work, especially in lower-paid positions, take breaks. The work is taxing, especially emotionally. Remember Jesus needed breaks. Sometimes, he would literally run away from people to spiritually rejuvenate.

4/3/23 – Advice to others seeking to do God’s will, don’t ask questions of God. In your discernment, trust him to lead you wherever you are to go. Go to him as you do to a gravitational force, unconsciously. It will all make sense later.

4/3/23 – Friday, March 31, was the one-year anniversary of the world witnessing the massacre in Bucha. This is also what genocide looks like. They raped children, including babies. They raped and mutilated women. They tortured men. This is what evil looks like. Look at these images and weep. We must never be silent. Silence is complicity. We must speak forcefully, truthfully, persistently until we, as a world’s people, driven by our divine mandate to love each other, stop the evil.
1 year ago, scenes of horror emerged from Ukraine’s Bucha
“When Bucha was de-occupied, we saw that the devil was not somewhere out there but on the ground. The heinous truth about what was happening in the temporarily occupied territories was revealed to the world. We will never forget the victims of this war, and we will certainly bring all Russian murderers to justice.”
Zelensky – The devil walks among us.

4/3/23 – Many of the proposed anti-abortion laws are dangerous to women’s health and undermine their God-given right to control their own bodies that God gave them because he gave human beings, who are made in the image of God, free will. Simultaneously, there is another very important freedom at stake: freedom of religion. We have so many serious problems. So, we have not focused on another genocide, in addition to the Ukrainian one, as we should have: the genocide of the Uyghurs in China. Remember that it was the evil one, trump, who gave these concentration camps the green light. Envision a country where 10-year-olds are being forced to have their rapists’ babies. Now, envision one in which anyone who is not a white “Christian” nationalist, i.e. part of their satanic cult, is being electrocuted while being raped to force the person to renounce their religion, along with their culture and their identity. The religion could be Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, or even true Christianity. It could be any other religion but white “Christian” nationalism, which is a satanic cult. This is what it means to vote for the evil one, trump, putin and other demonic demagogues. First, they come for “others.” Then, they come for you. Let’s not forget that Hitler murdered many Christians in his concentration camps. Why? Because they were practicing true Christianity. “‘Genocide is defined as an international crime for a reason,’ Turkel said. ‘Confronting is not an option,’ it’s a necessity, he said.” We must rid the world of this scourge, of these evil ones, of genocide.
House China panel turns focus to plight of Uyghurs

4/3/23 – “Homo rationalis,” in economics or in life more generally, is a f—king myth. The continuation of this myth will literally cost people their lives.

4/3/23 – Keep moving in this direction. Keep that connection as pure and unadulterated by the world as possible. “A lot of people have resiliency. They just don’t know how to tap into it.” One word. One name. Jesus. It could literally mean the difference between life and death. “[S]oldiers are, first and foremost, ‘a spiritual person, and he must have strength, he must have support.’” People are, first and foremost, a spiritual person, and he/she/they/whatever must have support. “[P]reserve a person as a person.”
Chaplains made part of Ukraine’s military as war drags on
US Navy deploys more chaplains for suicide prevention

4/3/23 – We have to see the thing for what it is. This is not just about power, money or politics. It is not even about grander ambitions, such as imperialism. It is a spiritual war. The evil ones are waging a war against true Christianity. True Christians and true Christianity must win. “The perceived grievances and antidemocratic instincts that gave rise to a massive Klan 100 years ago — our worst angels — have surfaced once again. The lesson of the past is to see the true face of it all, unmasked, and not be afraid to confront it.”
The Klan was not confined to the South. Nor were its foes.

4/3/23 – There are two main ways evildoers of the world have tried to subvert Christianity. One is to prevent it from being practiced. Various repressive regimes around the world, many Middle Eastern countries, China, North Korea, etc. do this. The second is by perverting it. This is what we have failed to fully recognize in our country and elsewhere, such as in Russia. There are two main types of Christianity being practiced, and they have nothing to do with denominations or theological differences. They have to do with evil and the corruption of Christianity to serve evil ends.

4/3/23 – The beautiful, powerful negro spirituals are liberation, literally, figuratively and spiritually. What a gift they (and black people) are to the world.

4/3/23 – Not about the band, but literally the black keys (on the piano). The writer of the lyrics to “Amazing Grace,” John Newton, was involved in the slave trade but sometime after his conversion to Christianity became an abolitionist. Slavery and true Christianity are wholly incompatible.
Wintley Phipps Amazing Grace on the Black Keys

4/3/23 – Every black Christian deserves praise for seeing the difference between the KKK’s demonic use of the cross, and the true meaning of the cross on which Jesus was crucified – sacrifice and salvation. By Jesus’s body and blood, we are given grace. The cross is freedom. The slaveholder religion is a satanic cult. Bless black Christians for seeing in the Bible the truth, and seeing in “the religion of the south,” the bastardization of Christianity for evil purposes.

4/3/23 – To every LGBTQ person in the world, focus on Jesus. Make him your guiding light. The religious establishment is not Jesus. White evangelical Christians are not Jesus. Slaveholder religious adherents are not Jesus. Don’t get confused about who is what. Jesus is priest, prophet, king. He’s all you need. Jesus loves all people. Jesus loves you.

4/3/23 – An epiphany during Holy Week…. Since the “Enlightenment,” the spiritual sustenance people need to survive a harsh world has slowly eroded. Our social fabric, which was to a large extent built on a religious foundation, has also been collapsing. Now, people in said enlightened countries are isolated and depressed. They resort to things that exacerbate these feelings, such as alcohol, drugs and social media. How shall one put this delicately? It was a huge f—king mistake. Some, perhaps many, of our religious institutions and the “Christian” culture built on them were toxic and antithetical to Christian values. However, it is very important that people have a stable source of hope and joy. They need to be able to trust God, to have faith in him, to surrender to him. People need Jesus. He is our rock, our light, and our love. If you are lost, be found. Find Jesus. With him, you will find yourself.

4/2/23 – Sometimes, the only thing between life and suicide, is one word, one name – Jesus. Call to him by name. What a beautiful name it is. What a powerful name it is. “I lost my husband 4years ago and I was left with a 4month old to take care of all by myself at the age of 22….I suffered so much depression and with all that I found my lord Jesus Christ 🙏🏾 he stood by my side throughout the journey”
What A Beautiful Name LIVE in Israel – Hillsong UNITED

4/2/23 – “Recorded on the Sea of Galilee on the Hillsong Israel Tour 2017.” “I have mental health issues and I’m 13 years old this is my mom’s account I always borrow it to listen this song cause it’s healing me and helping me to be okay” To all young people, your parents failed you; your schools failed you; your society failed you. Jesus won’t fail you. Go to him. Trust him.
Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) – Hillsong UNITED – Live in Israel

4/2/23 – Hosanna. Hosanna. Hosanna in the highest. The comments are various and in many different languages, just as Jesus would want. He loves all people. “I’m 15 and I’m asking y’all to pray for me. I can’t sleep at night and I’m depressed. I got no friends. But I know Jesus will always be with me no matter what.” He will.
Hosanna – Live from the Steps on the Temple Mount

4/2/23 – Jesus said, “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” We should keep something at all times on our person, in our homes, in our cars, anywhere and everywhere we can to remind us of his presence, to remind us of who we ultimately serve. “[A member of the persecuted church said,] ‘He never left me when I needed him,’ she said. ‘So how can I leave Jesus now?’” He never leaves us. We can never leave him.

4/2/23 – We must pray that our Lord Jesus Christ delivers us from the evil forces, including those who disguise themselves in his name. We must pray that God protects democracy around the world. Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, not on a chariot or any other symbol of conquest. He came with nothing and was greeted with palm branches. He did not carry with him the spoils of war or the marks of genocide: stolen children, raped women, tortured men, looted homes, destroyed cities. No, Jesus, the Son of God, came humbly as a man ready to die for us all, for our salvation. Perhaps Christians are fools for not aspiring to the things of this world and for loving someone who had no earthly glory. Or perhaps we are not the fools after all but have been blessed with the divine wisdom of knowing what matters and who is actually king.

4/2/23 – We must pray and pray and pray for Ukrainians’ liberty and victory, our martyrs for democracy. It is a battle of good versus evil. Good must prevail. “Francis said Holy Week will see ‘more intense prayer’ for the ‘martyred Ukrainian people.’ In a reference Russia’s war in Ukraine, he noted that the olive branches Catholics wave on Palm Sunday are symbols of Jesus’ peace.”
Rebounding Pope Francis marks Palm Sunday in Vatican square

4/1/23 – Tomorrow is Palm Sunday. Lent and Holy Week is the best time of the year for Christians. The entire human condition is encapsulated in one week. Yesterday, God said, spring is here. Today, God said, April fools! He has a good sense of humor. One day, Jesus dies. We are crushed. Three days later, Jesus rises from the dead. We are elated. God loves us. He gave us everything. We have everything: life, death, resurrection, hope, pain, predictability, surprises, all of it. And all he wants from us is love. The greatest commandment: love God, love each other. Simple. Perfection.

4/1/23 – There is an overlap between “Christofascism,” which incorporates Christian nationalism, and communism. MAGA are attracted to both fascism and communism, and neither is Christian in any way.

4/1/23 – True Christians are followers of Jesus Christ. What does it mean to follow Jesus Christ? It means you do your best to do what he asked. What did he ask? He asked us to give up everything of this world and focus on doing God’s will. Doing what Jesus asked of us does not actually appeal to many self-identified “Christians,” and it runs counter to the secular world. “He wrote that he abhorred what he called ‘the religion of the South,’ but also that he cherished ‘the pure, peaceable, and impartial Christianity of Christ.’ He was making a version of an argument that appears throughout American history: that this country is not truly Christian enough.” Agreed because, in reality, there aren’t that many true Christians. True Christians are the fish that swim counter to the current not because we are in the minority or for any other worldly reason, but because we don’t belong to this world. We belong to Jesus Christ.

4/1/23 – MAGA are devil worshippers.

4/1/23 – Support for point below. See how similar this Christian Nationalist’s views are to Nietzsche’s views. “He could almost be quoting Nietzsche, who excoriated Christianity for its ethic of mercy and self-sacrifice, for siding with ‘the weak, the low, the botched.’” “Wolfe thinks that there is something ‘weird’ about the way in which the U.S. and other Western nations reject ethnic chauvinism—officially, anyway—in favor of an ‘ideology of universality.’ But this weird universality is part of what sets Christianity apart from most other creeds.”

4/1/23 – Great article! “Gorski and Perry can tell us that Christian-nationalist beliefs reflect a tribal or partisan identity, but they can’t tell us why so many self-identified Christians seem uninterested in the religion itself.” It’s not hard to understand. Christian Nationalists are actually heathens. They aren’t Christians. They follow mammon or pagan gods, not Jesus Christ, the Christian God. “During his prayer, Angeli thanked God for the ‘divine, omnipresent white light of love and protection, peace and harmony’: this is the language of ‘lightworkers’ and of other contemporary spiritualists. Perhaps a shaman is the perfect figurehead for a movement defined by Christian heritage, not Christian faith.” It is. Christian Nationalism is a nationalistic cult that has a pre-Christian ethos. The name belies the true nature of the movement.
How Christian Is Christian Nationalism?

4/1/23 – Let’s ask the GOP, especially MAGA, what does it say that their dear leader, who they double down on the more toxic he becomes, is the worst possible candidate for the general election? What does it say that they claim voter fraud for losing elections but ignore this glaring truth? What does this say about the “base,” MAGA? It says that they are totally detached from reality. It says that they are a crazy, stupid cult. That’s what.
Trump’s Legal Problems Are Putting the GOP in a Vise

4/1/23 – This sorry excuse of a journalist seriously tried to equate the treatment of the evil one, the most treasonous traitorous wannabee dictator in American history, to the internment of Japanese-Americans during WWII. These two things have absolutely nothing in common. The evil one is a fascist. He is like Hitler and Stalin. Japanese-Americans were innocent people whose civil rights were clearly violated. The author should be ashamed of himself. Truly despicable.
How ‘no one is above the law’ became anti-Trump sloganeering

4/1/23 – This is how Gosar, the white nationalist, describes our military. “At another hearing, on the supposedly ‘woke’ U.S. military, Gosar declared that ‘today’s military leadership has become the world’s laughingstock,’ that the ‘military is recruiting mentally troubled people’ and that ‘military schools are focused on describing oral sex, masturbation and pornography.’… Discouraging young Americans from enlisting to defend our nation — how very patriotic!” Democrats pay for this. Remember that.
The GOP response to Trump is one hell of an indictment

Notes from Underground – March 2023

3/31/23 – Between the Christmas gift of Tuckyorose’s hair setting aflame from jealousy of Zelensky, the evil one’s long overdue indictment and his self-humiliating rage, and Dominion delicious, it’s been a generous few months of God’s goodness. Let’s pray to stay in his favor.

3/31/23 – Hope everyone appreciates how important it is to protect our judicial system if we are to protect our democracy.

3/31/23 – While we were drinking wine (or some other alcoholic beverage) in anticipation of the mugshot, “[i]n his ruling, Davis determined that the conservative cable-news network had undeniably broadcast falsehoods when it allowed allies of Donald Trump to float baseless conspiracy theories about Dominion supposedly rigging voting machines to boost Joe Biden.” Check, “harmed the company’s reputation, meaning that the impact on Dominion will not have to be debated at trial.” Question for lawyers, does selectively choosing to broadcast the conspiracy theorists while excluding the sane people prove “actual malice”? “Davis wrote that Fox undermined this line of defense by failing to also report statements from government officials and the company debunking claims of fraud.” Let’s all pray this goes to trial. Delicious.
Judge undercuts key Fox News defense as he sends Dominion suit to trial

3/31/23 – Who’s feeling more schadenfreude right now, the Republicans feigning outrage or the Democrats expressing genuine satisfaction? It might be a hard call.

3/31/23 – The Lord walks with the righteous. Never fear. Just do the right thing. Apply the law without fear or favor. The evil one is not being indicted for political reasons. He’s being indicted because he committed a crime, for which the severity doesn’t matter, and no person is above the law. “As unfortunate as this is, it may be the cost of accountability, something Trump has avoided his entire life. It has long been a source of pride for Americans to say that no person is above the law. And while that’s never been quite true, that aspiration is admirable, a kind of north star to guide our justice system.”
Accountability Arrives for Donald Trump

3/31/23 – We have said before that if MAGA continues to push for the evil one, the wannabee dictator, and tries to destroy our democracy, we will bring this country to its knees. We will appeal to our western allies, and we will destroy the evil one and his supporters. We end minority rule, or end in civil war. “Ironically, in a moment that recalls the Arab Spring, the religious, the secular, the business community, leading intellectuals, labor unions and even the military rose up to thwart, at least temporarily, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s scheme to subvert an independent judiciary.”
Unprecedented events in Israel hold lessons for U.S.

3/31/23 – Why doesn’t Pence get this? “Frankly, it’s time for Pence to stop trying to appeal to the MAGA base by withholding relevant, probative information about Trump’s attempt to subvert the election results. MAGA voters, to be blunt, are unlikely to select Pence for the 2024 nominee under any circumstances.”
Pence must testify. What he’ll have to reveal is an open question.

3/31/23 – Exactly. “Trump is being prosecuted not because he is a former president but because his status as a former president does not shield him from the law.” Let’s hope and pray. “The rule of law seems finally to have caught up to him.”
Trump is indicted, and justice is served

3/30/23 – Absolutely! “Protecting the principle that no person is above the law requires constant vigilance, as we have already come perilously close to losing it once. It was damaged nearly 50 years ago, when another modern president committed provable crimes in office. In 1974, President Richard M. Nixon escaped criminal accountability for his Watergate offenses when his successor, Gerald Ford, pardoned him to ‘shut and seal’ the book on what he had called ‘our long national nightmare.’ In fact, letting the most notorious political criminal of his day escape justice helped set the stage for the nightmare’s return — with a vengeance. Trump’s misconduct in office exceeded Nixon’s, and he came close to plunging our nation into chaos.”
By indicting Trump, Alvin Bragg restores our faith in the rule of law

3/30/23 – Let’s make what we expect very clear. At a minimum, the evil one, trump, ends up in prison for the rest of his life. True justice would mean that he receives the death penalty by firing squad.
Trump indictment follows 50 years of investigation on many fronts

3/30/23 – Well, what do we have here? Is it justice we hear?

3/28/23 – This is why you don’t elect morons. They can get you killed. “The Pentagon is raising alarm over one Republican senator’s bid to block the promotion of nearly 160 senior U.S. military officers in a dispute arising from the Defense Department’s abortion policy, joining top Democrats in labeling the political showdown a threat to national security.”
Pentagon chief warns Senate amid abortion-policy showdown

3/27/23 – To poor Republicans, you don’t need to worry about rich people. They don’t worry about you. You can also stop trying to impress them. They aren’t going to be impressed by you. They’re busy spoiling their talentless kids.

3/27/23 – Nepo babies extend well beyond celebrities to all aspects of our society, and they are an abomination.

3/27/23 – Netanyahu is an existential threat to Israel. Also, this is another example of how the evil one, trump, is an existential threat to the USA. “U.S.-Iran tensions intensified following President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from a landmark nuclear deal with Tehran in 2018.”
Biden warns Iran after U.S. forces clash with proxy groups in Syria

3/27/23 – It is quite strange that Republicans who like to think of themselves as self-reliant and independent of government rely so heavily on blue states’ coffers and are the first to ask for government bailouts.

3/26/23 – Fifth Sunday of Lent. What Jesus taught us more powerfully than anyone else is that there is death, but more importantly, there is change. If death is the end, then there should be no change afterward. The state is final. If there is life after death, then it is not final. Death is just another state of change. However, change scares many people. Ironically, it doesn’t scare them as much as death, even though, for many nonbelievers, it would involve no more change. To believers, remember that our God is always with us, and the world he created is not static. Change is nothing to fear. We must seize it and make it ours. We must only say, “I trust in the LORD; my soul trusts in his word.”

3/26/23 – In the United States, the atheists and others, in particular, the media generally want to focus on the negative aspects of the church. The truth is that the church also does some very good things. It is often the last holdout for human rights, peace, liberty, democracy, etc., and its religious people sacrifice greatly for others. Let’s all pray for Bishop Álvarez. “Keeping this brave man’s name before the public may not be sufficient to liberate Nicaragua, but it is necessary.”
Do not forget this Nicaraguan bishop’s brave stand for human rights

3/26/23 – The most recent rise in authoritarianism started, unsurprisingly, after the 2008 financial crisis? Is the Federal Reserve responsible for destroying democracy?

3/26/23 – The satanic Netanyahu is a wannabee dictator. Anyone noticing a pattern?
Netanyahu fires defense minister who called for halt to judicial overhaul

3/26/23 – This tells you a lot about race, power, and money in America. It would be a very good move for Democrats to make this popular change happen, raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour. “About three-quarters of Hispanic (76%) and Asian Americans (73%) also favor raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, with 52% of Hispanics and 43% of Asians saying they strongly support the idea. White adults, by contrast, are divided: 51% favor raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour – including just 30% who strongly favor it – while 48% oppose it.”
Most Americans support a $15 federal minimum wage

3/26/23 – Is this actually a question? Get some f—king balls people. Move on s—t. “Those who hold Russian assets are entitled, under the international law of state countermeasures for a grave breach of international law, to cancel their obligations to the Russian state and apply Russian state funds to pay what Russia owes.”
The moral and legal case for sending Russia’s frozen $300 billion to Ukraine

3/26/23 – MAGA are stuck in a psychological doom loop. (Doom loop, great expression. So handy and multipurpose.)

3/26/23 – Generally, MAGA likes to blame victims. So, it’s psychologically related to see the perpetrator, the evil one, trump, as a victim and to rush to defend him at every chance. In their own minds, they view themselves as victims (see white grievance and diminishing numbers below), so they have merged their own sense of victimhood with his. This is why he’s able to play them so effectively. He’s a loser, but they don’t accept this. In their minds, he’s a victim of voter fraud, etc. They are also victims of what they perceive as a rigged system. It’s a cynical and dishonest political tactic, but it works because they are psychologically primed for it.

3/26/23 – MAGA aren’t just getting trolled by the evil one, trump, they’re also getting totally ripped off. They are total schmucks! (The media does get played by him too though. To other readers, don’t give it more time than it deserves. Read one story, take note of his autocratic moves, and then wait for something more material. There is a difference between taking in oxygen and giving it oxygen.)
Trolled by Trump, Again

3/26/23 – This is true, and ironically, it is MAGA’s unwillingness to accept reality, that their dear leader, the evil one, trump, is a loser that cost the Republican Party the midterms. Remember it was Fox and other Republicans that perpetuated the big lie, so they ended up bringing about their own losses. Perhaps there is justice in this life after all. “But his candidates’ abysmal record in the midterms and his own weak showing against Biden in public polls make him damaged goods. The reason Trump has gone to such lengths to deny the 2020 election results is because he can’t allow himself to be seen as a loser — it’s political poison with the base.”
Trump bleeds GOP base support

3/25/23 – There should be no doubt that the satanic modi is a (wannabee) dictator. “‘This is a direct murder of democracy,’ said Uddhav Thackeray, a former chief minister of Maharashtra and the leader of a right-wing party in the state, which includes the financial hub Mumbai. Other parties variously called Gandhi’s expulsion ‘a cowardly act’ and an attempt to ‘silence the voice of the opposition,’ and called for the withdrawal of the expulsion…. Hours before Gandhi was expelled on Friday, 14 opposition parties approached the Supreme Court asking it to stop the government from using law enforcement agencies to hobble political opponents. In a news conference late Friday, Congress spokesman Abhishek Manu Singhvi described Gandhi’s disqualification as part of the ‘systematic and repetitive emasculation of democratic institutions by the ruling party.’”
India’s top opposition leader Gandhi expelled from Parliament after conviction

3/25/23 – Without digging into the data, it seems as though the most strategic political move for Democrats would be to appeal to religious groups. The atheists can be rather obnoxious and carry too much weight in the party, so this would also be an overdue correction. “There is also a huge religious divide — White people who aren’t Christians are much more likely to be Democrats.… Among Latino voters, a big divide is religion. Latinos who are Catholic or who aren’t religious are much more Democratic-leaning than Latino Protestants are.”
The GOP gains among ‘voters of color’ are overhyped

3/25/23 – Exactly. “But as disheartening as our increasingly godless society can be to many of us, neither Christian doctrine — despite its cultural dominance — nor any other religious creed was intended to be government policy. Besides, the Bible repeatedly reminds believers not to be so concerned with the things of this world. But progressive Americans must adjust, too, by exhibiting tolerance for conservative social and religious beliefs rather than disparaging such views as bigoted or hateful. They must show more consideration for people who are asked again and again to reject beliefs and practices that their communities have sincerely held for generations.”
Americans need to rediscover the lost art of tolerance

3/25/23 – If for no other reason, this is a very good reason to never elect the evil one, trump, again. The world is changing fast. Africa (it’s a continent) actually has growing populations. It’s dynamic and important. “Harris’s trip is the latest step in an intensive courtship after U.S. relations with Africa deteriorated badly under President Donald Trump, who never visited the continent and whose reference to ‘shithole countries,’ at a closed-door meeting in 2018, was seen by many Africans as directed at them.”  We cannot have that f—king autocratic, racist moron as the head of state ever again.
Harris heads to Africa amid Biden’s urgent courtship of the continent

3/25/23 – We need a Schoolhouse Rock for genitals. “I’m just a boy with a penis that pees.” “Well, it’s a long, long journey through puberty.” “But I know I’ll be a man someday with a penis that can do more than just pee.” “Then, I’ll be able to find a pretty lady with a vagina and make cute babies because that’s what man penises and woman vaginas can do.” Something along those lines. Others can wordsmith the lyrics.

3/24/23 – Apparently, kids aren’t supposed to know that they have genitals even though they have genitals. Around 6th grade is when many kids start puberty. Their own genitals will be announcing quite clearly that they are indeed genitals. Yes, these are the times we’re living in. Genitals, they are a part of the human body that God created. He wasn’t ashamed of them. PS David remains one of the greatest pieces of art ever created, and Michelangelo was a devout Christian. Thank you and have a nice day.
Parents, be warned! There will be art in this art class!

3/23/23 – Basically, the mini-me idiot has no clue what he’s talking about.
DeSantis walks back ‘territorial dispute’ remark on Ukraine

3/23/23 – “As the old Wall Street saw goes, the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.” This was Keynes, who lost a lot of money in the stock market. So, he personally experienced this.
Surprised by interest rate hikes? Really?

3/23/23 – It is very important to be disciplined and hard-working. Religious people have such great lives. It’s a complementary balance of work and spirituality. Their spiritual lives give their work purpose, serving God and others. And their work gives their spiritual lives an earthly expression. For some of us, this is the perfect life.

3/23/23 – The full retirement age in the USA is 67, so we should have no sympathy for those lazy f—kers. 62! Give us a break! Many people work until 70. As long as one is treated with dignity, well-compensated and has a good work-life balance, work is fulfilling. It gives people purpose and meaning in their lives. It also keeps one’s mind and body healthy. France is the country that went from being slaves to monarchs to lazy, entitled a—holes who don’t care about anybody else but themselves.

3/23/23 – People are living longer. You have to work until later in life. So, shut the f—k up and go home.

3/23/23 – One million French a—holes didn’t protest for a worthy cause like Ukraine’s freedom and democracy, but they’ll protest to be lazy entitled f—kers. So self-centered.
Violent French pension protests erupt as 1M demonstrate

3/22/23 – The Fed, “we nearly had/created (how should one phrase this?) another financial meltdown, but everything is going according to plan.” They get paid for this with our tax dollars. Remember that.

3/22/23 – Right to work should be repealed in every state. If Michigan can do it, every state can do it. The race to the bottom for labor policies and protections will stop once every state repeals it. (Also, just because one can free ride, doesn’t mean one should.)
Michigan is set to repeal its decade-old right-to-work law, a big win for unions

3/22/23 – Zelensky is so attentive to his people and his troops. He celebrates them all the time. What a great leader! What a great people! Slava Ukraini!

3/21/23 – Being (like Jesus), believing (in Jesus), belonging (to Jesus’s church), and their relationship are common themes in Christian sermons. The common element is supposed to be Jesus, but generally speaking, most churches are only marginally successful at focusing exclusively on this. That said. At least, many of them try. At least, they make the unifying element clear. The creeds also state this. We also have a clear model for our behavior, Jesus. That is extremely helpful. We routinely fall short, but the goal is right there in the New Testament. We can read it, and try again. America, as an “institution,” does a poor job of all of this. It could learn from the church.

3/21/23 – As a thought experiment: Imagine the USA engineered immigration such that groups of various kinds: races, religions, languages, etc. were perfectly balanced. No one group was dominant in terms of numbers, and no one group was a minority. Would belonging increase, decrease or remain unchanged? Hard to say since it would depend if even in this perfectly balanced scenario in terms of numbers, one group was dominant outside of the numbers. Would this arrangement upset whites more than anybody else? Yes, it would because, presently, they are the dominant group. This is why they are doing everything possible to maintain political and economic power even if their numbers erode. Will it work? In a democracy, it’s less likely to work. To some degree, this might explain their drift to fascism.

3/21/23 – “Make Whites Belong Again” Is this catchy? In Christianity, believing and belonging are meant to go together. This isn’t how it usually plays out in practice. Why should one feel like they belong in any Christian church? Because they believe in the same God. Worldly things get in the way though. In the United States, we’re all supposed to feel like we belong because (theoretically) we all believe in our country. Again, this isn’t how it plays out in practice. Considerably complicating matters, unlike Christianity, which has no cap on believers, the United States does have a cap on Americans. Perhaps for this reason, belonging in the USA is being treated as a zero-sum game. If one group rises, it must mean that another group falls. Since whites are still the dominant group, the onus is on them to stop thinking of and treating belonging as a zero-sum game. Instead, they are lashing out because they think they are falling.
Why so many Americans feel left out

3/21/23 – Yes, the thing to do is to glorify dictators dictating dictatorships. “Smart diplomacy.” “Xi similarly used China’s close relations with Iran to make the diplomatic breakthrough between Riyadh and Tehran that the United States could never achieve.” Also, China is not a strong country. That’s an illusion. How does one define strong, and to what is China being compared?
Here’s the real lesson from the showy Xi-Putin meeting

3/21/23 – Ranked-Choice Voting is a no-brainer. It would help with a lot of our problems and ending the doom loop.
Montgomery County should adopt ranked-choice voting. So should everyplace else.

3/20/23 – The satanic poop in Russia, look over here [fill in the blank] while I rob the country blind. And the Russians fell for it.

3/20/23 – Rich people want you to work super hard (while they lazy about like the parasitic loafers they are) so that you won’t have time to fight for your rights, your dignity or to learn how they have been cheating you. They want you to be slaves.

3/20/23 – Don’t expect any of the pedigreed elites to actually admit they were wrong about interest rates or anything. They don’t do that. They and their egos are a big part of the doom loop. We must break the doom loop.

3/20/23 – The comments are quite fun to read. My first thought also. “Where can I get a copy of Trump’s mug shot to hang on my wall?” “Alexander posted on the Telegram platform. ‘Now, I’m retired.’” He can be retired, but we’ll never forgive him or other MAGA. Revolting traitors, and they are such schmucks. The evil one is paying his legal fees with the moronic MAGA’s retirements accounts and their children’s inheritance.
Trump calls for protests of what he claims is his imminent arrest
Suckers! Haha! They actually thought the evil one, trump, would pay their bills. “‘We’ve both got enough going on fighting the government,’ Alexander wrote. ‘No billionaire is covering our bills.’”
Trump’s call for protests gets muted reaction by supporters

3/20/23 – “Xi arrives in Russia to stand with Putin against West amid Ukraine war” Dictators of the world unite!

3/20/23 – Ukrainians have worked so hard for so long to win their freedom and independence. They must win!
‘We are warriors, not layabouts or loafers.
And our cause is righteous and holy.
We stand for independence,
that is why it is so hard for us.’
[3/19/23] is the birthday of the legend of Ukrainian poetry Lina Kostenko. Sometimes bitter yet apt words of the poetess describe the pain and at the same time the strength of Ukrainians. Thank you for your contribution to Ukrainian culture and for your indomitable virtue!”
Zelensky – Ukrainian Poet Lina Kostenko

3/20/23 – The war in Ukraine is a battle of good against evil. Good must win. Ukraine must win. Keep the faith. Keep fighting. “The war in Ukraine is one of the largest armed conflicts since the Second World War. The active front line reaches 1,500 km. Battles take place in fields, forests, on water, in the sky and in cities. We continue fighting for our native land. The liberation of all occupied territories is ahead. And Ukraine will definitely do it.”
Zelensky – Ukraine will do it.

3/19/23 – “Poverty abolitionists!” Love that. This is a great article and book for Lent. For the sanctimonious many, acknowledge that we are all sinners. We do things on a daily basis that harm our planet, God’s creatures or our fellow human beings. To quote Mark Twain, we are all guilty of “The Cruelty of ‘I Didn’t Think’.” Some really good suggestions in here, and there is hopeful change. “In fact, one of the more encouraging findings Desmond cites is a 2020 Pew survey showing that a large majority of Americans have come to blame structural obstacles, not personal failings, for poverty, and to believe that most of the rich got that way not through hard work but through advantages. That’s a big shift in a country that has long been enamored of bootstrap mythology. It seems like a precondition for taking poverty abolition seriously and believing it to be possible.” Bootstrap is a total myth. We were blind, but now we see.
How America Manufactures Poverty

3/19/23 – “As Jesus passed by he saw a man blind from birth.
His disciples asked him,
‘Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents,
that he was born blind?’
Jesus answered,
‘Neither he nor his parents sinned;
it is so that the works of God might be made visible through him.
We have to do the works of the one who sent me while it is day.
Night is coming when no one can work.
While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.’”

3/19/23 – Fourth Sunday of Lent. We should always honor the Sabbath, but we sometimes or even often fail to do so. After this exhausting week, let’s have a day of rest and prayer. Let us be one with God and his creation. Know that the devil will test us. He will test our resolve. He will test our faith. In the darkness, we must be the light. “I am the light of the world, says the Lord; whoever follows me will have the light of life.” We must conquer the devil. We must conquer evil. Never give up. Keep the faith. Spread the faith. Be the faith.

3/18/23 – We’re at a critical moment, and the powers that be need to act much more aggressively and urgently to eliminate the authoritarian threat.

3/18/23 – If this idiocy with monetary policy continues, all the genius elites who have been calling for interest rate hikes will be calling for interest rate cuts as soon as the recession hits, which is going to be much worse than the inflation that was moderately higher than what we had come to expect. How these people got and keep their jobs reflects the deep rot in our political and economic system.

3/18/23 – Necessary Changes to the Law: Credit card companies must be required to give a minimum 28-day grace period, the time between your statement’s closing date and your required minimum payment. Why? Because most people get paid biweekly, and it allows them to better manage their bill payments. We want a bill with just this one change to the law, which is popular with all Americans, and we want all lawmakers on the record as to where they stand, one easy to understand vote at a time. We want transparency and accountability. Do you work for the American people or for the banks?

3/18/23 – The Fed needs to announce that there will be no more interest rate increases in the near-term. That’s how it will calm markets. Would say that the garbage Jerome Powell, who is not an economist but a lawyer should be fired, but the f—khead economists are just as bad as he is, so you can’t win either way.

3/18/23 – Since Twitter is dead, no idea what happened here. “What role did social media-led coordination among customers play?” This needs to be looked into, and the rich f—kheads need to held accountable. Apply the law without fear or favor. If they broke the law, arrest them and put their whiny, talentless government needs to save our libertarian a—ses in prison.
Bank failures: Anger in Congress, but division on what to do

3/18/23 – We need to hold everybody, Democrats and Republicans to account. Everybody. Without fear or favor.

3/18/23 – The ICC issued an arrest warrant for the satanic one, putin. It was well overdue. The world needs to take aggressive action to hold dictators and wannabee dictators accountable. Crush them. Now.

3/18/23 – F—k the French and their lazy, entitled a—s. They are a self-centered group of people who think they are god’s gift to mankind yet they have nothing substantive to back up their s—t. They are self-glorifying often racists who think the only good Americans are WASPs, which excludes the French by the way, and who can’t deal with the fact that past “glory” (what was glorious about colonialism or being slaves to monarchs?) is not indicative of future performance.

3/18/23 – Being a good leader isn’t about always being cautious and moderate. Sometimes, you have to aggressively take people and s—t the f—k down. It’s knowing when you tap and when you crush. Biden, who in part due to temperament, in part due to age, is too cautious. This moment calls for new leadership that is bold and a fighter.

3/18/23 – Biden and the administration has been too cautious on Ukraine. He should listen to the Republican members of Congress who have for a long time wanted him to be more aggressive.

3/18/23 – To MAGA, we will not forgive you. Go f—k yourselves all the way to hell from now until eternity. You will be remembered in history as traitors. Know that now.

3/18/23 – David Sacks, Peter Theil and all of the other tech bros are f—king hypocrites and idiots. They are not libertarians. They have no principles and no solid values. They are evil opportunists. This country is addicted to morons who are lucky and greedy. It worships these false gods instead of worshipping the one true god.

3/18/23 – People need to get more creative in how they deal with inflation. Stop looking at the overall price level. Use the f—king technology, break down the economy into specific markets, and address whatever issues exist there, whether it’s supply-chain issues or a lack of suppliers/inadequate competition, whatever. That’s the way you manage this s—t. Not some blunt tool that inevitably triggers a recession, and given the nature of our financial markets and economy, possibly another financial crisis. The world will not be able to handle it, and you risk replaying the political turmoil of the world war years, especially WWII. You risk helping authoritarians rise to power, and you will regret it.

3/18/23 – You’ll see here that the effective fed funds rate is similar to where it was when the 2008 financial crisis was triggered/started (how should we describe that?). The Fed has to stop raising rates now! (No idea what the ECB is doing. They are often idiots. In fact, most economists in the world are well-credentialed idiots.)
Effective Fed Funds Rate

3/17/23 – Going to try to say this as calmly as possible. From the beginning, we have been saying (i.e., berating the Fed on Twitter, which is dead) not to raise rates. The a—holes with their econ 101 textbooks have been saying raise rates. A lot of the inflation was due to supply-side issues. Basic logic dictates that is what needs to be addressed to bring down inflation. Those are policy issues that the Biden administration and Congress need to tackle. This is not the god—m 1970s. Stop with the Milton Friedman s—t. The financial system, the economy, everything has changed, and on top of all of that, the world is emerging from a pandemic. The elevated demand was mainly due to that. And there is a war. Instead of taking a nuanced approach to economic policy, it’s a formulaic approach that does not suit this case. If the Fed is too incompetent to manage the economy, it needs to be completely overhauled. Fire and hire until it can do its job correctly. This entire f—king banking crisis fiasco, not to mention the higher debt servicing both for regular folk and the government, which is ultimately paid for by the taxpayers, is because of the higher interest rates. In addition, the financial system, which has been drunk at the punch bowl (low interest rate environment) for how long is it, almost a half a century, give or take, is an alcoholic. It is brittle. Raising rates this aggressively over a short period of time is going to destabilize it. So, f—k you to everyone who’s a bloviating moron about inflation, finance and economics. You are a contributor to this mess. Thank you, and have a nice day.

3/17/23 – Psycho, evil, traitorous MAGA’s “election integrity” is code for their own election fraud, rigging the election for the evil one, trump. White sociopaths like double speak.

3/17/23 – To our beloved Ukraine, the country, except for the traitorous MAGA, has not forgotten about you. Just doing some important housekeeping. Since our countries are friends and who has time for any BS anymore, just know that the USA is one f—king wild country. It’s both infuriating and inspiring. Hang in there, and hang in there with us. We won’t abandon you.

3/17/23 – There is a deficiency of regulation and regulators. It is not either/or. And Congress is a sewer. Both parties readily sell out the American people and the economy to line their own pockets and retain power.

3/17/23 – What the f—k is this? “Adding a potentially uncomfortable wrinkle, the since-ousted chief executive at Silicon Valley Bank, Gregory Becker, served as a director at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco until last week.” This should never be the case. We also need to put a stop to the revolving door. There is too much corruption and conflict of interest in our government.
After Silicon Valley Bank collapse, Washington asks: Is it to blame?

3/17/23 – Supervision of the country’s highly complex financial system needs to move out of the Federal Reserve’s responsibilities and purview to a new institution dedicated to this important function. Prior to the creation of the Federal Reserve, it was JP Morgan (who was a ruthless capitalist and generally horrible person) that helped during financial crises. (You will notice that JP Morgan continues to play this role to some degree.) We should ask how this lender-of-last-resort function can to be redesigned so that it is the country’s financial institutions that “bail themselves out,” in more technical terms, act as their own lender-of-last-resort. The Federal Reserve should be focused on managing the economy, which is a lot as it is.

3/17/23 – The world’s democratic powers need to start assassinating the world’s dictators who have been proliferating, and now. That’s all there is to it.

3/16/23 – Not a lawyer, but if we’re talking stare decisis, Judge Thomas Wheeler’s ruling in Starr v. US should be the basis for another lawsuit against the government. Unmitigated rage.

3/16/23 – “This is just a fundamentally different type of bank run.” It’s not. It’s the same s—t, different day, and it’s all “electronic” now…. “The speed at which this all happened is something that regulators were fundamentally not really attuned to.” It is always “fast,” and it doesn’t matter how the panic spreads, whether Slack, landlines, the newspaper, or the god—am telegraph. All that matters is that it spreads. “Silicon Valley Bank doesn’t exist anymore, so it’s not a bailout of anyone.” What are y’all saying right now? It doesn’t matter if the institution continues to exist or not, it can still be a bailout. They bailed out the f—king rich investors. “Those equity holders were fully wiped out.” Look at AIG. Are you telling us that wasn’t a bailout? What about the losses its shareholders incurred? F—k you. “And it’s not like it wasn’t clear that we were on the brink of a potential crisis, because you’ve had people for months saying, ‘Listen, if [Silicon Valley Bank] had to liquidate today, they wouldn’t have been solvent.’” Solvency and liquidity are two different things. People said Lehman wasn’t solvent either, and it remains debatable whether that was actually the case. It went down quickly irrespective of whether it was solvent. It might have been solvent until the panic hit. That’s the nature of the beast. Too annoying to read the entire thing. Enough misery for one day.
‘Financial Regulation Has a Really Deep Problem’

3/16/23 – The country does not hire based on merit and talent. It’s based on luck, connections, “faking it,” ass-kissing and academic ass-kissing, also known as pedigree. This is a big reason we’re having so many problems in our country. This happens throughout our economy, in both the private and the public sectors. So, here we are: the United States of Incompetence.

3/16/23 – See below. “The combination of a high level of longer-term asset maturities and a moderate decline in deposits underscores the risk that these unrealized losses [they haven’t sold the assets but their value has declined] could become actual losses [they had to sell the assets because they needed to meet withdrawals, and when they do this, the losses become actual/realized] should banks need to sell investments [at a loss, in this case, bonds that fell in value because the Fed raised interest rates] to meet liquidity needs [to meet withdrawals].” American CEOs are f—king idiots. That moron was running a bank and didn’t know s—t, and he was a corrupt a—hole. “And its chief executive officer had started cashing out his stock.” This definitely was not “balance-sheet minutiae.”
You Should Be Outraged About Silicon Valley Bank

3/16/23 – It is quite strange that evil moronic MAGA is so hellbent on isolationism when that means isolated with the other over half of the country that resents their very existence and hates their guts.

3/16/23 – “He may well be trying to sound like an ill-informed isolationist, because he is trying to capture the MAGA voters who now support Trump. The former president is the undisputed world heavyweight champion of ignorant views, and if you’re going to take him on, you’d better have some stunningly ignorant views of your own to bring to the table. That’s what the Republican base wants.” Sane people don’t want to be ignorant and stupid. MAGA are evil and crazy, and they will get us all killed.
DeSantis Will Betray Ukraine for MAGA Votes

3/15/23 – We are living in one of the dumbest periods in human history.

3/15/23 – This is coming from the evil Russian s—t’s supporters, you know the person who’s trying to recreate Soviet “greatness,” make russia great again. “Later, they get slightly more specific as ‘wokeness’ is compared to authoritarian states and the censorship that defined the Soviet Union.” We don’t know what woke means, but when we look up ignorant idiot in the dictionary, it says MAGA.
A viral moment reinforces the hollowness of ‘woke’ as an attack

3/15/23 – She says, you’re saying because “fair” doesn’t appear in the Constitution, the maps don’t have to be fair. [Now, we digress to some other argument.] He says, I’m saying you don’t have the authority to determine if the maps are drawn to be fair. It’s up to the people to decide. She says, if the maps aren’t fair, aren’t you preventing the people from deciding if they are fair? [Now, we digress to another argument.] He says, that’s a circular argument, you’re assuming you can define what fair is.” Wow! That was painful.
Actually, he argued that fair is definable since he says that voters can decide, meaning they can determine if it’s fair. (It’s ambiguous what “it’s” is referring to here, but the context is the maps.) So, if voters can decide if the maps are fair, so can the courts. Fair is “definable.” The question he raised in the middle of his grasping “argument” was about authority. Do the courts have the authority? The Supreme Court ruled they do if the maps are overly partisan. He got paid for this. Think about that.
N.C. high court mulls throwing out rulings on redistricting, voter ID

3/15/23 – Again, it seems the apocalypse is nigh.

3/15/23 – Still thinking about this Theil situation. Is it more akin to yelling “fire” in a theater or publicly stating an opinion? Could his “opinion” be construed as defamation? The legal limits for free speech are quite intriguing.

3/15/23 – What role did superior a—hole Theil play in SVB’s demise? “Thiel is back in the spotlight after Founders Fund, a venture capital firm he founded, urged companies to withdraw their money from Silicon Valley Bank last week.” The data usually show a precipitous decline (basically withdrawals/redemptions), so one could simply look at the timing (temporal proximity to his statement(s)) to determine. A question for legal experts: Does this open Theil up to lawsuits? (Not a lawyer, but it’s strange to me to sue SVB for not disclosing what is standard knowledge about bonds and interest rate risks. This is not some exotic risk. That’s like suing SVB for not disclosing that stock prices rise and fall. Should SVB also disclose that the grass is green and the sky is blue?)
After SVB collapse, bank stocks slide despite government intervention

3/15/23 – We can’t solve our problems if our country is full of nuts who are ignorant and stupid.

3/15/23 – All it really takes for a bank, whether commercial, investment, crypto, what have you, to go down is a loss of confidence. What triggers the loss in confidence could be either rational concerns and/or irrational fears about the bank’s balance sheet, its solvency and/or its liquidity. It’s usually some combination of both, rational and irrational. There are problems (rational), but the panic makes it a self-fulfilling prophecy (irrational). (Lehman also had plenty of good collateral.) This s—t isn’t hard f—kheads. It’s basically the same f—king thing over and over again in different contexts, given the ever-evolving nature of financial markets and economies.

3/15/23 – Catherine Rampell, the anthropologist, needs to shut the f—k up about economics. Pretty certain the only reason she got that job at WaPo is nepotism.

3/14/23 – In the midst of our misery, we must still celebrate pi day because math is amazing (even though it’s a human creation), and God is great.

3/14/23 – Let the rest of us say this as politely as we can, which means totally impolitely because we ran out of s—ts to give a long time ago. The reason we’re in this predicament is not just the greedy people’s greed. It’s also the stupid people’s stupidity. Combined, they are a force that could destroy the entire world.

3/14/23 – Pretty much every banking crisis is, loosely speaking, triggered by the same thing. There is a maturity mismatch between the assets and the liabilities. That’s the nature of their balance sheets. Depositors can come and get their money immediately. This is the liability side. But their assets are longer dated and/or less liquid. Even when you’re talking about Treasuries, which are generally highly liquid, there are other risks, such as interest rate risks, which can negatively impact the value of these assets. Even Lehman, which was an investment bank, not a commercial bank, basically also experienced a classic bank run, just with repo. Seriously, get a f—king grip on reality, people. Use the f—king Google. The rest of us are out of patience with your stupid a—ses.
Maturity Mismatch: Definition, Example, Prevention

3/14/23 – Just come right out and say it. We think our voters are psychotic idiots. So, we feed them crazy, stupid shit because that’s who they are. Every time, Republicans do this, that’s the unspoken message to their voters.

3/14/23 – Pedigree. Why do the Ivy League schools keep producing total and complete f—king morons? “Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, widely believed to be gearing up for a 2024 GOP presidential bid, said Sunday that Silicon Valley Bank’s diversity, equity and inclusion requirements ‘diverted from them focusing on their core mission.’” And what the f—k do Treasury bonds and the Fed raising interest rates have to do with ESG or DEI? If anyone actually falls for this s—t, they’re as stupid as these morons selling it, but remember, they have Ivy League degrees. Never in my rather extensive research on various crises have I ever come across one triggered by ESG or DEI. It doesn’t exist as a thing except in moronic MAGA world.
GOP blames Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse on ‘ESG’ policies. Here’s what to know.

3/13/23 – SVB is definitely not Lehman, and f—k those who claim that it is. They are ignorant or lying, or both.

3/13/23 – To those people who say that SVB failed to hedge against the obvious risk of rising interest rates. Who gave them the idea that interest rates would stay indefinitely low? The f—king Fed. That’s who.

3/13/23 – It is not moral hazard because they face the consequences. It’s not moral hazard because of deregulation, for as unwise as that is. It’s moral hazard because they keep getting bailed out. And who is bailing them out? Democrats, that’s who.

3/13/23 – Don’t deceive yourselves into thinking the American people are just going to fault the Republicans and the evil one, trump, for rolling back regulations. We’re also going to fault the Democrats, including Biden, for bailing out these f—kers time and time again. Both parties are to blame.

3/13/23 – Unadulterated rage.

3/13/23 – The evil one, trump, should be given the death penalty for trying to overturn an election and inciting an insurrection. Let’s go Brandon should resign immediately for bailing out the private sector – again. Americans have terrible politicians and a terrible political system that does not work for the people.

3/13/23 – GOP and DNC: Get us new, actually competent candidates with actions that match their stated values.

3/13/23 – “Don’t tell me what you value, show me your budget, and I’ll tell you what you value.” We see what you value all right. Brutal capitalism for the poor. Socialism for the rich. Look at the lines for food. Where is our money going? To rich people, stupid, f—king hypocrite.

3/13/23 – Hell is not other people. It’s being stuck in the same f—king doom loop, replaying it over and over and over again. The Republicans deregulate. The Democrats bail out the rich. The Republicans deregulate. The Democrats bail out the rich. And the entire country is looking forward to a reply of 2020, two geriatrics vying to lead a nation that wants to move on from both of them, as much as a godd—m root canal. We’re so f—king sick of this s—h we could scream. It’s kleptocrats to the right. It’s kleptocrats to the left. It’s corruption throughout our entire government no matter the party. It’s stupid, narcissistic politicians who don’t do anything for the American people and do everything for themselves. We’re f—king done. F—k them all!

3/13/23 – The Federal Reserve is the most incompetent and corrupt institution in the country. It is a disgrace to this great nation. How many f—king times is it going to bail out the blood-sucking financial industry? How many times is it going to ignore moral hazard? How many times is it going to screw over the American people to support greedy rich parasites? The Fed needs to be completely reformed.

3/12/23 – Third Sunday of Lent. God will give us justice.

3/12/23 – We could be in the middle of World War III, and Biden/Harris (or whoever the VP is) will not be getting our vote. There are no circumstances under which there will be a different decision. None at all.

3/12/23 – If it comes down to not voting in November 2024, that’s what will happen.

3/12/23 – It is really sad that a country like the USA with so many good people are stuck with these two choices: the evil one and let’s go Brandon.

3/12/23 – Let’s go Brandon. Let us know when you can actually hear and “see us.” Fake f—kers.

3/12/23 – The Democratic Party under Biden has lost our support. From now until the end, it will get nothing. Get a different nominee who has a moral compass.

3/12/23 – The third rail is not Social Security. It’s bailouts. They crossed a line. Let it go to hell.

3/12/23 – The Biden Administration is as corrupt as the Federal Reserve. The American government is held hostage by rich parasitic a—holes.

3/12/23 – F—k Biden. Let it all burn to the ground.

3/12/23 – War.

3/12/23 – If the elites in Washington, Silicon Valley, or the “captains of industry” think the resentments from 2008 have moderated. They have not. They have only intensified. The abuses of corporate America during the pandemic, when Americans were dying, are yet another insult. The vast majority of Americans (liberals, conservatives, independents) dislike all of the elites with an intensity they underestimate because they are blinded by their self-love.

3/12/23 – Apparently, the Biden Administration is also more concerned about the rich, tech moguls in Silicon Valley who want to privatize gains and socialize losses than about ordinary Americans who are struggling to pay their bills with high inflation. If there is one thing liberals and conservatives – oh and independents – are united about, it’s our common hatred of bailouts. Get ready for these attacks every day from now until election day 2024.

3/12/23 – The Federal Reserve is totally f—king corrupt. It keeps bailing out the private sector at the expense of American taxpayers. It is an elitist, even racist, institution that only cares about the ultrarich. It has screwed over everybody else, including upper-middle-class white people, and it’s getting worse every day. Instead of focusing on reining in the parasitic and abusive credit card industry and credit reporting agencies, instead of focusing on price gouging, instead of helping people who are waiting in food lines, who is the Fed concerned about? Rich, tech moguls in Silicon Valley.

3/12/23 – SVB does not pose a systemic threat. It would be an extreme overreach, and the American people will sue the government. Changes need to be made to the law and the Fed’s powers. It is abusing them at the expense of the American taxpayers. The Federal Reserve is owned by the rich parasites that want to enslave the American people. Jerome Powell is garbage. F—k you!

3/12/23 – The USA has the most overpaid CEOs in world history.

3/12/23 – If you run a bank, and you choose to ignore the risks that come with maturity mismatch, too bad for you. There is no free lunch in economics or in life.

3/12/23 – Any and all liberal excesses need to stop immediately. Stop the “virtue-signaling” garbage. Not only do you denigrate yourselves (no decent person respects people like that), but you’re putting our country in greater danger. You’re making it more susceptible to internal and external evil forces. The world is quickly getting really dangerous. Remember: for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. It applies to the laws of physics and societies. Hard truth: the extreme left helped bring the evil one, trump, to power.

3/12/23 – The evil one, trump, helped install MBS. They will collude against our nation’s interests.

3/12/23 – Our foreign policy needs to start thinking differently about Mexico, which spans our entire southern border. It is overridden by drug cartels. They are extremely dangerous. The political leadership is feckless, and the country is corrupt. It is ripe for a nefarious actor, such as Russia or China, to gain strategic influence. They would then have direct access to our country in the event of war.

3/12/23 – MAGA is evil. They are abettors of the devil.

3/12/23 – It has become a moral dilemma how to view these Russian people. They allowed or even supported the satanic s—t’s, putin’s, rise. They couldn’t be bothered to care about others or the awful things their country was doing in Russia and around the world. (They allowed him to steal their money.) They are racist f—kers who think they are better than others. Why should the world feel compassion towards them when they don’t care about anybody else? Now, their country has become a terrorist state, and they are being slaughtered in a genocidal war that their actions or inactions created.
It is a warning to every country. You reap what you sow. At least in the USA, over half the population, which is a lot of people, is vehemently against the evil one, trump. One needs to be informed, actually care and take action to root out evil. Once evil establishes itself, you’re screwed.
Russian wives and mothers call on Putin to stop sending mobilized men ‘to the slaughter’

3/12/23 – The axis of evil is growing (and fast): Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and soon to be Saudi Arabia and Mexico. Yes, Mexico. We need to be prepared.

3/12/23 – The evil one, trump, has gotten more evil and more dangerous. He must get the death penalty for his crimes against the state. “Historical experience suggests that it would be foolish to disregard this kind of statement by a man who commands such a large and unyielding portion of the electorate. Would-be authoritarians like Trump, given a chance to return to power, do not have a record of moderating their views.”
2024 Trump Is Even Scarier Than 2020 Trump

3/11/23 – Turkey is not to be trusted.

3/11/23 – No bailouts of any kind at all! Or you will pay the political consequences.

3/11/23 – Max Abrahms, professor of political science at Northeastern University, should be fired immediately.

3/11/23 – Absolutely! “I believe that today’s Trump supporters are people who are making a conscious, knowing, and morally flawed choice to continue supporting a sociopath and a party chock-full of seditionists…. What we’re seeing at Fox, however, is lying on a grand scale, done with a snide loathing for the audience and a cool indifference to the damage being done to the nation…. You can see this same kind of contemptuous elitism in Republicans such as Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and Elise Stefanik.”
The Ugly Elitism of the American Right

3/11/23 – “Dirty hands. Clean money.” That’s great. There need to be more pathways and options. Many students were going to college for a bachelor’s degree who were not well-suited for that particular path. At the same time, we need a well-educated populace that has broader knowledge than just in a particular industry or job. A combination of community college classes to fit work schedules in trade or other work is a good place to start. AA degrees should be required, but the timelines and paths should be flexible.
Jaded with Education, More Americans Are Skipping College

3/11/23 – Tuckyorose wanted the January 6 footage so that he could support his MAGA-ness when Dominion’s discovery, which did not support his MAGA-ness, was made public. That’s the timing.

3/11/23 – What the f—k is going on?!
Tennessee congressman Andrew Ogles’s résumé is too good to be true

3/11/23 – It could be argued that it isn’t until you get intimately familiar with war that you truly understand the value of freedom.

3/11/23 – So cute! God is great. “Bees work so well together — some scientists call hives ‘superorganisms’ — that people have long thought they had a sophisticated way of communicating.”
Bees teach their babies how to dance

3/11/23 – F—k you. No bailout. FDIC covers ordinary folks. Private investors take risks; they own the risks. Can we talk about credit card debt instead?
Silicon Valley Bank failure raises fear of broader financial contagion

3/10/23 – We see, and we cry. But the world does nothing. The UNHCR needs to be reformed. The only way forward for the world is to be united against hate and evil and to actually take action.
The Rohingya fled genocide. Now, violence stalks them as refugees.

3/10/23 – Interesting. Divide and conquer.
Head of private Russian army says he’s been ‘cut off’ by Putin

3/10/23 – Rich people and corporations in the USA have a disease. They are addicted to money. They need an intervention.

3/10/23 – Credit card companies are vampires that suck on the blood of hard-working Americans. The federal government does not regulate them or credit rating agencies adequately. Also, instead of bringing inflation down, the main effect of the rate increases is this: “Credit cards are one of the most expensive ways to borrow money. Currently, annual percentage rates, or APRs, are around 20%, an all-time high. If the Federal Reserve announces a half-point increase in its benchmark interest rate at the March meeting, those APRs will climb even higher. That will cost credit card borrowers an extra $3.4 billion in interest charges over the next 12 months, WalletHub calculated.”
Credit card debt is at an all-time high, putting households near ‘breaking point,’ study shows

3/10/23 – The endless winter is exhausting. The northern parts of North America are not for the faint of heart. But we have more water for our land, so that’s good. Let us be thankful. God is good.

3/10/23 – It is hard to find Ukrainian literature translated into English. Thanks for the translation.
“And glory to you, dark-blue mountains,
Frost and snow protect you;
And to you, great-hearted heroes,
God does not forget you.
Keep fighting – you are sure to win!
God helps you in your fight!
For glory and freedom march with you,
And truth is on your side!
Taras Shevchenko, 1845.”
Zelensky – Taras Shevchenko, 1845

3/9/23 – We must ramp up production capabilities and production now! Can we shift into a war-time economy now or what? Why the foot-dragging?
In race to arm Ukraine, U.S. faces cracks in its manufacturing might

3/9/23 – This is crazy. Just like the book-banning is crazy. The extremes on the left and the right have lost it, and the middle needs to push back forcefully. You have the controlling communists on the left and controlling fascists on the right. “At Stanford, a full-service, broad-spectrum educational institution, an ‘Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative’ several months ago listed words to avoid lest they make someone feel sad, unsafe, disrespected or something. Problematic words include ‘American,’ which suggests that America (this column enjoys being transgressive) is the most important country in North and South America.” (The article could have done a better job of staying on topic. It digressed into unrelated topics.)
Woke word-policing is now beyond satire

3/8/23 – Western Europe is leaderless, and their populace is indulgent and content with being dependent on the USA. They would do well to remember that we’re a democracy, and our citizens get to vote on how our blood and treasure is spent. If we don’t want to pay the price for European security because Europeans are more interested in taking vacations and keeping their pensions, it’s going to be tough s—t for Europe. Just know this. They would be wise to be prepared.
Europe is finally starting to face its threats. It should do more.

3/8/23 – Being able to deliver hard truths and withstand the unpopularity that comes with doing so is a valuable sacrifice and service to humankind.

3/8/23 – “On International Women’s Day, we want to celebrate women in Ukraine who withstand brutal Russian aggression and contribute to the fight against it. According to the United Nations, Russia’s all-out war has taken ‘a devastating toll on the well-being of millions of women, girls, and young people.’ Thousands of women have been killed since Feb. 24, 2022. Thousands more have lost their loved ones. Nonetheless, women have been an essential part of Ukraine’s resistance. Some 41,000 women are serving in Ukraine’s Armed Forces, according to the Military Media Center. Women also contribute as first responders, volunteers, journalists, and others.”
Kyiv Independent – International Women’s Day – Ukrainian Women

3/8/23 – Dominion’s discovery was delicious. Thank you.

3/8/23 – What a bunch of f—king cowardly phonies. “Carlson, in his text exchange with a colleague, expressed his ultimate frustration with Trump’s administration. ‘We’re all pretending we’ve got a lot to show for it, because admitting what a disaster it’s been is too tough to digest,’ he wrote. ‘But come on. There really isn’t an upside to Trump.'”
Trump spurred ‘existential crisis’ at Fox News, lawsuit exhibits show

3/8/23 – Schadenfreude. “‘Carlson texted with a colleague in early 2021 that his show was ‘very very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can’t wait.’ Carlson added of the then-president, ‘I hate him passionately.”… The Trumpty Dumpty thing was the declaration of war. Once producers saw that, they did not wonder: How are we playing that?’ a former Fox executive said.”
Inside the simmering feud between Donald Trump and Fox News

3/8/23 – On this International Women’s Day, let’s remember that there are billions of women around the world, and they have their own identities. They speak different languages, come from different cultures and have different values. They should not be judged by the west and western standards, especially with its obsession with excessive liberalism and virtue-signaling. They are their own people.

3/8/23 – Absolutely! “More than a year after an invasion that most outsiders believed would succeed within days, second-guessing Ukrainian tactics is the height of presumption as their citizens continue dying on the battlefield against a country with triple Ukraine’s population and an economy nearly 10 times its size. The burden is rightly on the West to ramp up production and shipment of the weapons and munitions Ukraine needs.”
Biden must follow Roosevelt’s ‘arsenal of democracy’ example

3/8/23 – Germany can go f—k itself. It’s ready for war when it’s the aggressor. It’s “pacifist” when it’s supposed to help another country defend itself. Nobody buys its selfish BS.
Germany must do more on defense. But critics should be patient.

3/8/23 – Some people think they’re helping, but they’re actually making matters worse. Some sins are also crimes, e.g. murder. Some crimes are not sins, e.g. parking violations. Some sins are not crimes, e.g. adultery. The guy (Pope) explicitly separated the two things for homosexuality, and the author brought them right back together. So annoying! The gay people who are criminalized or worse killed in certain countries really don’t need this person “advocating” for them. She has good intensions, but that argument undermines the Pope’s meaningful statement. Be more aware of what’s happening in the world and the stakes, or just be quiet.

3/7/23 – The author made a significant (and obvious) logical mistake. Homosexuality is a behavior. Race is a physical attribute over which one has no control. How one looks is not a behavior. False equivalences are not exclusive to the right. *Don’t engage in false equivalences.* The crux of the matter is: Did God make homosexuals that way? People will come to different conclusions – as is their right. Some might argue that even if God made them that way, it’s still sinful. Although a strange position, this is also their right. If a particular religious institution does not accept LGBTQ people, just move on and find one that does. There are many that warmly embrace LGBTQ. Also, the church is not the state, and vice versa. *Keep church and state separate.* We don’t want the state to control personal decisions, such as reproduction, based on religious values. The Pope made this clear when he said homosexuality shouldn’t be criminalized, meaning using the state to punish based on religious views. A sin is not necessarily a crime, and the author muddied this important distinction, which is not helpful! The state also shouldn’t control religious institutions unless it’s over violations of human rights. Whether or not LGBTQ people can attend or feel accepted at a religious institution is not a violation of human rights. Our collective freedom and our democracy depend on people accepting certain views and choices even if they disagree. It cuts both ways.
Why are we so tolerant of churchy bigotry?

3/7/23 –  Know this. Lies are evil, and when you engage in them, you engage with the devil.

3/7/23 – Didn’t Jesus say something about truth?
Democrats’ simple equation to win the culture wars: 2+2=4

3/7/23 – Do the Chinese people know that many Russians are total racists? Do the Russians know that many Chinese people are total racists. These two groups of people who both think they are superior are going to “collaborate.” Right. Even if they do, how long before that blows up?

3/7/23 – Many groups of people think they are superior. They are all wrong. White people have sold this myth more successfully than others because even after the Jesus revolution, the world still buys the other great myth that might makes right.

3/7/23 – Rich people think everybody else should suppress their humanity and human needs so that rich people can feed their money addiction. We won’t. Eat the rich.

3/7/23 – White grievance is a disease.

3/7/23 – “Indeed, just five months after McCarthy’s comments assuring ‘no one would disagree’ that it was an insurrection, the poll showed a majority of Republicans did in fact disagree.” That’s because MAGA are white sociopaths with inferior genes. They are dangerous.
The GOP backlash on Tucker Carlson
More evidence of their inferior white genes. “Despite there remaining no evidence that the 2020 election was compromised, 6 in 10 Republicans still ‘mostly’ agree it was stolen.”
Trump’s dark ‘I am your retribution’ pledge — and how GOP enabled it

3/7/23 – White sociopaths are a serious danger to mankind because they live in rich, powerful countries.

3/7/23 – Please support Kyiv Independent’s brave reporters however you can.
Kyiv Independent – Women Led

3/7/23 – MAGA are white sociopaths. They have inferior genes.

3/7/23 – Genocide.
Zelensky – Genocidal Kidnapping, Worst Since Holocaust

3/6/23 – The average American doesn’t respect educators but could also never do their job well. The reality is that it’s easier to automate jobs that are – presently – well-regarded, mainly because they are well-compensated, such as IT jobs or even doctors than educators, especially for primary and secondary schools. (As a thought experiment, if IT or medicine didn’t pay as well, would you still respect the profession? Would you still want to work in those industries?) Beyond the knowledge and communication skills, which is already a lot, teaching is a very person-to-person profession. It is demanding. There needs to be a sea change in how education is viewed and managed in the country, or we will fail as a nation.

3/6/23 – Glory to the brave. Glory to Ukraine, the world’s defenders of freedom, democracy and dignity. “Today, a video has emerged of the occupiers brutally killing a warrior who bravely said to their faces: ‘Glory to Ukraine!” In unity, we say:
“Glory to the Hero! Glory to the Heroes! Glory to Ukraine!”

3/6/23 – Anybody who has a functioning brain knows how difficult it is to create works that can endure. The reason these books have withstood the test of time is because they engaged and challenged their societies and continue to do so even now. This is how one makes it as a great writer, not by playing it safe or catering to white or any other grievance. Smart, well-educated parents will continue to have their kids read these classic works that force readers to think hard while these moronic parents do their children a gross disservice and damage their intellectual and moral formation. Somebody needs to put a stop to this madness.

3/6/23 – These are some of the things to understand about education in America. 1. Many parents are stupid and ignorant 2. Children are the future, and these parents are terrible. Don’t allow them to ruin their children who don’t know better. 3. If we want to fail as a nation, we’ll continue to allow these moronic parents to dictate what their children learn, overriding the judgment and expertise of the teachers whom they don’t value. 4. Wollstonecraft, Twain, Steinbeck, etc. are considered staples of the “western canon.” It is quite strange, to say the least, that these narcissistic white people with their fragile white egos and love of white grievance wouldn’t want their white children to study works within the (white) “western canon.” 5. Pretty certain this is one of the dumbest periods in human history.
‘Slavery was wrong’ and 5 other things educators won’t teach anymore

3/6/23 – When a group of people worships their skin color or anything else about themselves, this collective act of narcissism tells you how fragile their egos actually are. A house built well glorifies God not the self.

3/6/23 – Be honest with God and with yourself. God heals.

3/6/23 – There will come a day when every single MAGA, who are almost all known because of social media and other technology, will be remembered by future Americans as traitors.

3/6/23 – Smaller districts are called state government. What if we made the House smaller, and each representative had to moderate their views to win? Another benefit is that we won’t have to pay more of these often worthless people’s salaries.
The House was supposed to grow with population. It didn’t. Let’s fix that.

3/6/23 – White “culture”: You’re not smart if you’re not white. You’re not pretty if you’re not white. You’re not artistic if you’re not white. You’re not “cultured” if you’re not white. You’re not refined if you’re not white. You’re not cool if you’re not white. You’re not professional if you’re not white. You’re not talented if you’re not white. You’re not Christian if you’re not white. Et cetera. Unsurprisingly, after many decades (if not centuries) of having this BS shoved down their throats, the world has told delusional white “culture” to go f—k itself.

3/6/23 – To those who claim that we are a “Christian” nation, then why don’t you want us to feed our poor? Oh, that’s right. You’re just using Christianity to exploit the poor so that you can support your money addiction.
 A mile-long line for free food offers a warning as covid benefits end

3/5/23 – Second Sunday of Lent. Some of the most important people in the Bible are women. Blessed be the God of Abraham and Jesus, both of whom elevated women. God created Eve for Adam out of love. Adam and Eve sinned, but God continued to love them. As fallen people, even though we fail, love never fails. Jesus loves you.

3/5/23 – Ukraine’s military needs to withdraw from Bakhmut. Live on to fight another day in a more meaningful battle. Bakhmut would be a Pyrrhic victory at best.
Ukrainian soldiers in Bakhmut: ‘Our troops are not being protected’

3/5/23 – It is very important to be disciplined, hard-working and focused. We need more young people to get military training and join the military. Parents and society have failed them. They are decadent and undisciplined. They are addicted to their phones and their value system is skewed to indulgence. The education system’s resistance if not outright hostility to the armed services is insulting to our military, which is the best in the world, and a disservice to these young people and to the nation.
Army boss’ mission: Persuade schools to welcome recruiters

3/5/23 – We need more “nasty,” “demanding” women. “The 1990s were the first big breakthrough. The number of women in Congress rose from 33 to 54 after the ‘year of the woman’ election of 1992. The numbers have steadily risen since, finally rising above 100 (to 101) in 2013. The 2018 and 2020 elections were breakthroughs comparable to 1992.”
‘History months’ celebrate those who were written out of the story

3/5/23 – If not already, Minnesota is fast becoming the best state in the union, and it’s the blue enclave of Minneapolis that has put it in this position. (Red areas don’t know how to vote, but the people do work hard. They feed the country, and they build things.)

3/5/23 – Indeed. “Re-enfranchising millions of Americans who have paid their debts to society would be a powerful step in the direction of universal voting, a core principle of democracy…. The battle to preserve democracy won’t succeed in a week or a month or a year. But progress is still being made that can restore rights to millions of potential voters. There is reason for hope.”
Minnesota’s vote to re-enfranchise felons is a victory for democracy

3/5/23 – MTG is a traitorous moron. However, contrary to elite opinion, this is a democracy, and if we want to have a national referendum about a “national divorce,” that’s entirely in keeping with our democracy. It’s also definitely preferable to another civil war or to living in the totalitarian state that MAGA wants with their evil orange monster as its dictator.

3/4/23 – It has been said that American women are “demanding.” Thank you. We demand the full acknowledgement and respect of our freedom, our rights and our humanity, all of which God gave us.

3/4/23 – The Taliban are agents of the devil. “Changes to the country’s marriage laws are another wrenching example of how the Taliban has stripped women of their rights. Taliban rule also has severely restricted their access to education and employment, banned them from public parks and mandated ultraconservative female dress…. ‘I think now fewer women will come forward,’ she said. ‘More will stay in bad situations and more will die from domestic violence.’… ‘The Taliban have created the perfect situation for men seeking revenge,’ she said. ‘The courts have lost their effectiveness and instead we see on the news women receiving [public] lashings for adultery.’” “Dying” from domestic abuse is called murder. “Lashings for adultery” is injustice upon injustice. Only demonic people such as the Taliban would support this.
Divorced and remarried, these Afghan women are outlaws under Taliban rule

3/4/23 – Especially during Women’s History Month, let’s remember all the females around the world that pay the price for men’s aggression and use our collective voice to help them. Beyond our humanity, we have an important commonality with all of them, our gender. United, we are always stronger. “First Lady Olena Zelenska said at the United for Justice Conference in Lviv on March 4 that the number of acts of sexual violence undertaken by Russian troops in Ukraine indicates that such crimes are a deliberate policy of the Russian military.”
Zelenska: 171 cases of sexual violence by Russian troops recorded in Ukraine.

3/4/23 – Слава Україні!

3/4/23 – Money corrupts the soul.

3/4/23 – Union strong. Union proud. This guy wanted to run for president. Schultz lost his way. Once they make it, they forget their roots. All of these people are BS artists who want to oppress the working class, the people who actually make this country. For people who buy Starbucks products, wake the f—k up. Support your local coffeeshops. Stop being hypocrites. You’re supporting a company that engaged in an “aggressive and illegal union busting campaign.”
Starbucks displayed ‘egregious and widespread misconduct’ in union fight, judge says

3/3/23 – Fascinating! “The Yamnaya culture, known for its characteristic burial mounds, originated in what’s now part of Ukraine and western Russia, an area called the Pontic Caspian steppe. The horses they kept were distinct from modern horses – likely more easily startled and less tolerant of humans – although they may have been the immediate genetic ancestors of modern horses, which emerged a few centuries later, the researchers say…. ‘The spread of Indo European languages is linked to their movement, and they reshaped the genetic make-up of Europe,’ he said.”
First evidence for horseback riding dates back 5,000 years

3/2/23 – The USA’s democracy is still in peril. More needs to be done to protect it.

3/2/23 – This is the kind of technology we need more of, and these evil monsters need to be brought to justice. Are they going to be held accountable for their war crimes? International justice community – do your jobs!
Hundreds massacred in Ethiopia even as peace deal was being reached

3/2/23 – This is what happens when neoclassical economists dominate policy, particularly international economics. “Roughly 50 years after the broad decline in America’s industrial base began, the ability to make certain products (like casting and forgings, vital in arms manufacturing) is in short supply, as is depth in the skilled trades that make them possible.” Maybe they can live out their nerdy fantasies and defeat Russia and China with their superior math skills. Autarky now!
An uncompetitive defense industrial base puts the nation at risk

3/2/23 – Absolutely! “Without holding these enablers accountable, democracy and the rule of law will remain at risk.”
Trump’s enablers must face consequences, too

3/2/23 – The Chinese people are inspiringly creative in how they tell their overlords where they can go.

3/2/23 – It’s not just China. The whole world should tell the rich parasites in their country and abroad to go f—k themselves. Don’t give them your genes! Last generation. Eat the rich. “Yet China — amid social order and economic health, not apocalyptic upheaval — has just experienced its own harrowing birth plunge. Why? The answer most likely lies in the dispirited outlook of the Chinese populace itself…. More than any other factor, human agency matters in national birth patterns, a truth that should come as no surprise.”
China’s collapsing birth and marriage rates reflect a people’s deep pessimism

3/2/23 – Haha! Community is everything. “The plan might have been to prank her mother, but Adams ended up pranking herself. When she returned home last week from an evening with friends, she suddenly noticed Ape Ventura, staring at her in the dark. Adams screeched with fright. Her husband screeched with laughter. Ape Ventura screeched with screeching monkey noises.”
Buy Nothing is everything

3/2/23 – Employers have a “pedigree” (like people are dogs) obsession, and it’s damaging their institutions.

3/2/23 – Most people don’t need anywhere near as much tech as they’re getting or as they think they need.

Notes from Underground – February 2023

2/27/23 – True! “So long as the Carlson-DeSantis-Greene segment remains viable, Putin will hold out hope that the West’s resolve will falter. ”
The 2024 GOP presidential primary becomes a referendum on ‘America First’

2/27/23 – Absolutely! “Dithering over weapons for Ukraine is likely to translate into stalemate, which serves Russian President Vladimir Putin’s interests. The Kremlin dictator believes that his determination to subjugate Ukraine will outlast the West’s patience to stand steadfast with Kyiv. If he is right, U.S. and NATO credibility, influence and prestige will be irreparably damaged. Mr. Biden deepens the risk of that damage by withholding fighter jets, which could provide protection for Ukrainian forces and help deter further Russian aggression…. [T]he West would be wise to regard the threat from Moscow as an indefinite feature of the security landscape.”
Facing a long war, Ukraine needs Western fighter jets

2/27/23 – David. Providence. Complete victory. “Kuleba, the foreign minister, said Zelensky’s team believes only in victory.”
A year in the trenches has hardened Ukraine’s president

2/27/23 – Ukraine is its own country for many reasons, but borsch (without a t) is a good one. “‘Borsch is everything for Ukrainians,’ she said. ‘The war has made borsch even more important. … With borsch, we prove that we are a separate nation. It confirms us as a nation.’”
Borsch without a ‘t’: Kyiv chef uses food to reclaim culture

2/27/23 – That’s great, and it’s the right thing to do. “US House Foreign Affairs head Congress ready to ‘prioritize’ advanced weapons for Ukraine. House Foreign Affairs Committee Michael McCaul said on Feb. 26 of the delivery of fighter jets or long-range missiles that if approved, Congress ‘would take steps to move the process along.’ ‘We can certainly write into our appropriations bills, prioritizing weapons systems. We intend to do that,’ he said.”
Kyiv Independent – Congress ready to ‘prioritize’ advanced weapons for Ukraine

2/27/23 – There are far too few principled people in the world.

2/27/23 – “The primary point of any accountability process is deterrence.” The primary point of any accountability process is justice. Less cynicism and calculation. More principles. The satanic Russian s—t should have been put on trial the first day of the war.
Putin on trial? It’s not as far-fetched as you might think.

2/27/23 – Germany and France have become has-been countries. They have become soft, decadent, and hypocritical. Is anybody impressed with their leaders or leadership. No. The future of Europe is its eastern side.

2/27/23 – It isn’t that the satanic poop is too confident. It’s that his ego can’t bear the loss. He hates Zelensky. He hates Ukraine. He hates the west, that includes you moronic MAGA. It’s personal. F—k him. “I think Putin is, right now, entirely too confident of his ability … to wear down Ukraine.”
CIA director: Putin too confident he can grind down Ukraine

2/27/23 – Fox “News” needs to be de-nazified.

2/27/23 – The party of “family values,” the MAGA GOP, supports the child abductor, the satanic putin, who is engaging in communist-style “reeducation programs.” MAGA are total liars and hypocrites. And this is one of the worst practices in Russia’s genocidal acts in Ukraine.
They are just kids — and they are being sent to Russia from Ukraine

2/27/23 – The superior morons, aka MAGA, who know absolutely nothing about foreign policy, think China is our enemy, but they love the satanic Russian s—t. Said satanic poopy is working with the Chinese towards world domination. How do MAGA square this? Culture war! Genius.

2/27/23 – The evil one, trump, and his cronies were all about grift. America Last. We need more transparency of financial investments, especially foreign ones. Also, international sports have become corrupt.
After helping prince’s rise, Trump and Kushner benefit from Saudi funds

2/26/23 – The Jesus Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

2/26/23 – First Sunday of Lent. We are all sinners.

2/25/23 – Europe is not a museum. Eastern Europe is far more dynamic than Western Europe, but Western Europe cannot get over its self-importance and past glory.

2/25/23 – Ukraine has become the center, the beating heart, of Europe. More profoundly than any other country in Europe, Ukraine represents western ideals: freedom, democracy, rights. Europe, which likes to rest on its laurels, might want to come abreast of this glaring fact.
Winning the peace in Ukraine requires E.U. membership

2/25/23 – Fight like hell. “Give me liberty or give me death.” The world has your back. “A year of resilience. A year of forbearance. Year of unity. The invincible rose to fight in February. The invincible will prevail.”
Zelensky – Keep fighting

2/25/23 – China can go f—k itself. “China calls for end of sanctions against Russia, cease-fire in Ukraine.”

2/25/23 – The biggest problem for the south isn’t medical debt or poor credit scores. It’s that they don’t know how to vote to lift all boats because the white people are obsessed with feeling superior to nonwhites.
Why the South has such low credit scores

2/24/23 – I will never forgive Russia for what it did to those Ukrainian kids. Never.

2/24/23 – Some of images I saw coming out of Bucha and elsewhere. Some of those stories. They will haunt me for the rest of my life. If you have a conscience, they will haunt you too. We are fighting a righteous cause by helping Ukraine until they have complete victory. Know that. Go forth bravely and without hesitation. The Lord walks with the righteous.

2/24/23 – Harris gave a good speech. Biden can and should do more. Give the Ukrainians F-16 fighter jets and long-range missiles. “One Republican, moderate Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.), even saw fit to praise Vice President Harris’s speech in Munich…. Some Republicans have taken to criticizing Biden as doing too little rather than too much.” Oh and f—k tuckyorose, that traitorous scum who should get life in prison for his crimes against the state.
The GOP’s Ukraine supporters begin to summon their voice

2/24/23 – Another important example and apt comparison. “Putin’s abduction to ‘re-education camps’ in Russia of unknown thousands of Ukrainian children is an attempt at cultural erasure akin to what his Chinese soulmates are doing to the Uyghurs, which U.S. policy has branded genocide.” (Also, so many delicious snipes in this piece….)
Putin can win only if Josh Hawley-esque isolationists multiply

2/24/23 –So true! By chance, this piece touches on some of the points in “Russia’s War in Ukraine Is a War Against God and Identity.” Frankly, I didn’t know much about Ukrainian history specifically but knew this kind of thinking was fundamentally wrong because I had enough general knowledge and understanding of world history. One needs to have broad knowledge. It is necessary to understanding how the world works. “But if we deprive ourselves of history, everything is a surprise…. The past then becomes a realm of myth, in which those with power generate narratives most convenient to themselves…. When a dictator claims the power to define other people’s identity, then the question of their own freedom never arises. If identity is frozen forever at the whim of a ruler, citizens soon find themselves without choices.”
You can’t understand the war in Ukraine without knowing history

2/24/23 – McConnell is right. “‘Prime Minister Kishida of Japan has warned repeatedly that Ukraine’s fate today could be East Asia’s tomorrow if the free world flinches in the face of aggression,’ McConnell said. ‘He calls the fate of Ukraine and the future of Asia “inseparable.”’”
Mitch McConnell tells U.S. to ‘wake up’ to threat of Russia on Ukraine war anniversary

2/24/23 – “Kyiv has captured a part of my heart,” President Biden. Ours too.

2/24/23 – When we say “never again,” we need to actually mean it. If our words don’t carry weight, then what are they worth? We need to be a people whose words actually have meaning. “US Vice President Harris: Russia has committed crimes against humanity in Ukraine. United States Vice President Kamala Harris said on Feb. 18 at the Munich Security Conference that the U.S. had determined Russia committed crimes against humanity in Ukraine.”
Kyiv Independent – VP Harris: Russia has committed crimes against humanity in Ukraine

2/24/23 – Indeed. “Zelensky’s address on 1-year war anniversary: ‘Ukraine has surprised the world. Ukraine has inspired the world. Ukraine has united the world. There are thousands of words to prove it, but a few will be enough: HIMARS, Patriot, Abrams, IRIS-T, Challenger, NASAMS, Leopard.’”
Kyiv Independent – Give Ukraine More Weapons Now!

2/23/23 – Clarence Thomas’s wife Ginni Thomas was spreading the big lie and aided the insurrection. Clarence Thomas has said that the Sullivan standard should be revisited (thinking it would rein in the “liberal news media.”) Now, a very strong defamation case is proceeding against Fox “News,” which the plaintiff, Dominion, should win. Why is Fox being sued? Basically, for publicly doing what Clarence Thomas’s wife did. This is the state of the union. “‘We just don’t have examples of major media cases with this kind of evidentiary record,’ she said. West put it even more starkly. The messages, she said, are ‘incredibly damning.’”
‘Incredibly damning:’ Fox News documents stun some legal experts

2/23/23 – “It’s hard to care every single day about a big thing.” Really! Because I find it quite easy. Then again, I’m not a f—king idiot. A big thank you to all of the journalists who are risking their lives to bring us these important news and stories.
They risk it all to cover war in Ukraine. Are people still watching?

2/23/23 – Russia and China never colonized Africa until now, and unlike the last period of colonialization, this time, the Africans invited them in.

2/23/23 – Apparently, Nelson Mandela helped free South Africa from apartheid only to have the country choose to become Russian slaves.

2/23/23 – Hey “global south,” you make a Faustian bargain when you make deals with Russia and China. Just know that. The west will not feel sympathy for you when you didn’t show solidarity with a country fighting for freedom and democracy. You make your bed. Be prepared to lie in it. Russia and China will enslave you. “At stake is whether China agrees to forgive a portion of loan repayments from the developing world — as most other leading government creditors, including the United States and India, are ready to do.”
Huge debts to China come due. Will the world’s poorest have to pay?

2/23/23 – Hey “global south,” the satanic putin is the satanic ortega. It’s not hard. Get your global south heads out of your global south a-ses.
Nicaragua’s brutal regime targeted me. But our fight will prevail.
A global divide on the Ukraine war is deepening

2/23/23 – The response to a “historically tight labor market” isn’t to raise interest rates. It’s a legislative problem, not an economic one. The answer is immigration reform.
To solve our national immigration crisis, let states sponsor immigrants
Plan Z for Immigration

2/23/23 – The average person is a f—king idiot. Hard truth.

2/22/23 – There is something seriously wrong, seriously wrong, with Republican voters. They are sick f—kers.

2/22/23 – While the rest of us weep for the innocents and are haunted by the cruelty, some GOP members think cases like these are a “benefit to society.”
Another death roll of kids Minnesota didn’t save

2/22/23 – The quality of the GOP is something to behold. “An Alaska lawmaker with a history of incendiary remarks was censured by the state House Wednesday after he said it has been argued that cases of fatal child abuse can be a ‘cost savings’ because the child won’t need related government services.”
Alaska House censures GOP lawmaker over child abuse comments

2/22/23 – If they are “appalled” by this pathological liar who lied to get his job, why aren’t they appalled by the pathological liar, the evil one, trump, who lied to keep his job, by lying about winning the 2020 election to incite an insurrection?
Watch George Santos defend his claims in new Piers Morgan interview

2/22/23 – Absolutely!
Hear retired brigadier general explain ‘significance’ of Biden’s visit to Ukraine

2/22/23 – This year, Ash Wednesday is weird weather Wednesday. Quite unfortunate, but many of us don’t really need as much of a reminder of our own mortality right now with the world on the brink of WWIII.

2/22/23 – Western countries need to ramp up military production yesterday.

2/22/23 – Get it the f—k together, selfish, cowardly a—holes. “The European Union’s top diplomat Josep Borrell called upon the bloc’s members to step up their military support for Ukraine, saying that ‘a lot of applause’ is not helpful without actions. Critics argue that allies’ reluctance to supply F-16 and Typhoon fighters and long-range ATACMS missiles to Ukraine will prevent Kyiv from launching a counteroffensive. The U.S. has also promised to supply GLSDB missiles but they may arrive in 9 months, which may be too late.”
Kyiv Independent – Borrell: ‘Ukrainians receive a lot of applause, but not enough ammunition’

2/22/23 – Maybe this time France will get a pair instead of capitulating to their overlords, like they did with the Nazis. “French Defense Minister Sebastien Lecornu said on Feb. 19 that the training of Ukrainian pilots on Western fighter jets in France has not been ruled out. Speaking of the possible delivery of fighter jets to Kyiv, Lecornu said that ‘there are no taboos for France in the matter.’”
Kyiv Independent – France doesn’t rule out training Ukrainian pilots to fly fighter jets

2/22/23 – O grievances, grievances, wherefore art thou grievances. The great global irony is that it is the privileged people that are in love with their grievances. It is obviously unfair that the world doesn’t find them as superior as they find themselves.

2/22/23 – The bill passed! Hindu “high caste,” which translates to nobody, not even many other Indians, can tell you apart from all other Indians because your superiority is totally fictional, are so superior that they take advantage of and abuse other Indian people. Hindu high caste superiority. F—king delusional, inferior morons.
We Fled India to Escape the Nightmare of Caste Oppression. To Our Horror, We Found it in America, Too

2/22/23 – White people are so superior that they take advantage of and abuse other white people. White superiority.

2/22/23 – MAGA morons, including mini-me DeSantis, America First is not letting Europe fall into autocratic hands as it did during WWII. That’s what the US decided then. That’s what it’s deciding now – with good reason. You would think that the people who keep talking about how great and superior white people are would actually want to save said white kin, but apparently, they are so f—king crazy, they don’t care about anybody but themselves. White superiority.
DeSantis’s flop on foreign affairs comes as no surprise

2/21/23 – If you have control issues, please don’t involve Jesus. He doesn’t have those issues…or any issues at all.

2/21/23 – All Christian institutions need to understand how Christianity actually works. It is elected by people who were given free will by God. When people didn’t follow Jesus, he didn’t force his will on them, and he’s the Son of God. He kept walking. If Jesus didn’t do this, who are these “Christians” to impose their will on others. Liberalism did fail on many levels, but so did conservatism. Repeating past mistakes, liberal or conservative, is not progress.
The Catholic right wing takes a wrong turn

2/21/23 – That’s so sweet. We love those guys. Slava Ukraini! “Survey: Over 90% of Ukrainians have an overall positive view of US. According to a survey released by the sociological group Rating on Feb. 20, 90% of Ukrainians have a positive attitude toward U.S. President Joe Biden. Furthermore, 92% of Ukrainians consider the U.S. friendly toward Ukraine.”
Kyiv Independent – Ukrainians love Americans

2/21/23 – Zelensky isn’t the only person who ended up making history. It took him a little while to get there, but Biden got there.

2/21/23 – The extreme weather the entire world is experiencing in different ways is due to the climate change that the people who live in their own fictional world refuse to accept as reality. They also vote for extreme candidates, who are crazy, adding extreme to extreme. All of these people are dumb, crazy f—kers, and they are going to get the rest of us killed if we don’t stop them.

2/21/23 – The Russian s—t will be taken out before the Russian elite or the Kremlin allow him to start a nuclear war. He’s weak and out of options. He’s a f—king crazy idiot.

2/21/23 – Hey Europe, if you don’t want your children to become slaves to autocrats, you will continue to support Ukraine.

2/21/23 – The evil one, trump, was a complete embarrassment for the United States on the world stage. President Biden brings us honor and respect.

2/21/23 – To much of Europe, get some f—king balls, or get the f—k out of the arena. Maybe permanently go on vacation and rest on your laurels from your past “glory” that you remind the world of over and over again.

2/21/23 – President Biden was motivated to make this trip to help Ukraine, but it also made his legacy. It will go down in the history books. The 80-year-old president goes to a warzone on Presidents’ Day. Some might say he’s brave. To me, it’s belief, and belief is powerful.
Cloak-and-dagger moves allow Biden to sneak into Ukraine’s war zone

2/21/23 – To all of our enemies, do not underestimate the United States of America. You will lose that bet.

2/21/23 – So true! “It is now and in Ukraine that the fate of the world order, which is based on rules, on humanity, on predictability, is being decided. And today, President Biden and I talked, in particular, about how to do everything to ensure our common victory this year in the war that Russia unleashed.
The specific steps for this are known. Our defense needs for this are known. The active actions required for this – the actions of our warriors at the front first of all – are also well known to our partners. All we need is determination.
Today I saw such determination of President Biden and the United States of America. And I want to thank Mr. President for this visit and for the talks – really useful talks.
I am also thankful, on behalf of all Ukrainians, to all Americans – ordinary people and community leaders, members of Congress from both parties, and all members of President Biden’s team – for bringing our relationship – between Ukraine and America – to a historically most meaningful level. We can be called true allies, and our alliance with America truly strengthens the world.
Glory to all who fight for Ukraine!
Thank you to everyone who helps!
May the memory of everyone who gave life for the freedom of Ukraine live forever!
Glory to Ukraine!”
Zelensky – Fate of the world order

2/20/23 – Ukraine will win.

2/20/23 – Beautiful and historic! Please remember that President Biden represents the American people who elected him. We love Ukraine. Glory to Ukraine. Glory to heroes. “Ukraine feels the support of the United States and President Joseph Biden personally in these difficult times of struggle.”
Zelensky – Biden, UA & USA
Zelensky – St. Michael’s Golden-Domed Monastery

2/20/23 – “Ukrainians know what it means to fight for their freedom and defend it. In difficult and pivotal moments of history, we never give up and always show bravery and selflessness.”
Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Heavenly Hundred!

2/20/23 – What a message! “Slaves are not allowed to paradise. This is the essence of the Ukrainian interpretation of freedom. This is the reason why there will be no enemy left on our land. Today we honor the heroes who gave their lives for Ukraine and Ukrainians during the Revolution of Dignity. The Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred. People of different ages and professions, from different regions, but with the same and TRUE values. As we defend Ukraine today, we remember that our strength and fortitude are based on the strength and fortitude of many Ukrainians who did not give up, who dreamed and acted for Ukraine to live. An independent, free and powerful Ukraine, European and democratic, independent and united.”
Zelensky – Revolution of Dignity

2/20/23 – A big thank you to American parents for raising children who lack discipline and resilience. In phone we trust.

2/20/23 – When you walk with the Lord, you don’t fear. “In his 2007 book, ‘Promises to Keep,’ Biden wrote: ‘Maybe I should have been frightened at this point, but I felt calm. In fact, I felt becalmed, like I was floating gently in the wide-open sea. It surprised me, but I had no real fear of dying.’”
Biden’s Kyiv visit shows Putin seriously misjudged his courage

2/20/23 – The demonic Hindu caste system is so evil that it has infected Christianity whose tenets are antithetical to it. A reminder to all of the Christian Indian morons: there is no caste in Christianity. Jesus was a poor Jew. That’s how he lived, and that’s how he died. And Jesus is king.

2/20/23 – There is definitely casteism in the US. Glad to see they are considering passing this law. Also, Vice President Kamala Harris is the daughter of an Indian, supposedly high caste, whatever the f—k that means, and a black man. Please tell us: what is a black person’s caste? Last we checked, her genes are 50/50. So, to all the dumb racist, casteist Indian a—holes, are you going to claim her as your own if you’re “high caste” or shun her because she’s half-black? Or maybe you can just take your fabricated caste system, which is actually institutionalized slavery, and shove it up your delusional a—ses. Have a nice day.
Seattle considers historic law barring caste discrimination

2/20/23 – President Biden’s visit to Kyiv sends a message to more than an audience of one. It sends a message to the world.
Biden Just Destroyed Putin’s Last Hope

2/20/23 – Much of Asia’s population is rapidly aging, and unlike us, the USA, autocratic regimes, such as China, generally, aren’t attractive to immigrants. Democracy is good for business and, needless to say, for the long-term prospects of a country.

2/20/23 – MAGA are generally morons, but when it comes to foreign affairs, they are superior morons. Our guy formed a special relationship with Zelensky. Their guy, who they might vote for again!, formed a special relationship with putin and kim jong-un. This is all one needs to know to see how dangerous MAGA are to our country.

2/20/23 – In order to come back to earth and actually move forward as human beings, the Republicans who voted for the evil one, trump, need to try out these words, “I was wrong.” As we approach Lent (Ash Wednesday is two days away), the reason why we examine our conscience and confess our sins is because we cannot grow or find redemption without this penitent act. Confession grounds us in our fallible humanity and in reality. It also connects us with God. They were wrong. This is clear to all people of good conscience. The trump voters need to understand it, accept it, and speak those words aloud.
Feeling ‘overwhelmed’ and ‘fatigue,’ some GOP voters look beyond Trump

2/20/23 – Americans will stand with Ukrainians until they have complete victory. Slava Ukraini!

2/20/23 – Happy Presidents’ Day to President Biden and all of our living previous presidents, especially President Carter, except the evil one, trump, who was not a president but a treasonous traitor who deserves the death penalty for his crimes against the state. President Biden is standing up for democracy and showing American leadership. Americans should feel proud that we are continuing the hard work of perfecting our union and have built a legacy of being a light of hope and democratic ideals for the world. We must be a city on a hill.

2/20/23 – Freedom is priceless, but it is not free.

2/20/23 – One of the many things we should have learned is that people can get addicted to lies, liars and lying. “Clearly, biographical fiction is a trend among Republicans.” The voters aren’t getting scammed. It’s like the South Korean parents who starved their own real baby because they became addicted to their virtual baby. Their brains have become detached from reality because the truths it holds are too hard for them to understand and accept, and so they prefer the lies, which are tailored to their demented minds. The lies become their private reality, which is not reality at all but delusion. We have a mental health crisis in this country that goes beyond our kids. It actually starts with many adults.
More Republicans seem to have lied about their resumes. Who’s surprised?

2/20/23 – Regarding the debt limit, f—k the crazy, moronic MAGA. Unilateral action. Done.

2/20/23 – Yes! Justice must be served. “Harris told the assembled participants: ‘Let us all agree — on behalf of all the victims, both known and unknown, justice must be served.’ ‘Such is our moral interest,’ she said. ‘We also have a significant strategic interest.’”
US: Russia has committed crimes against humanity in Ukraine

2/20/23 – Absolutely! “People who suffered Russian captivity told me that Russians who were beating, raping and electrocuting them were convinced of their impunity. The democratic world must act to prevent impunity and to ensure that those who are guilty will be brought to account.”
There can be no real peace in Ukraine without justice

2/20/23 – One of the most despicable regimes in the world. Free Mr. Mashal. Women are created equal as dictated by the God of Abraham. Apparently, the Taliban does not listen to the God of Abraham. They worship a false god.
The Taliban’s campaign against women continues. Don’t look away.

2/20/23 – I’m not usually particularly sentimental about the passing of people I don’t know, but this is going to be hard. What a great man! What a great life! “‘I always told the truth,’ he says.” He was blessed.
The un-celebrity president

2/19/23 – The secular life has no contemplation or rest built into it. It treats people like slaves or hedonists. It doesn’t do justice to human beings or the gift of life. God is great. Happy Sunday.

2/19/23 – President Jimmy Carter is a patriot and a man of God. Tears, tears, already…. What an inspiration for the world! “She referenced this quote from Carter: ‘I have one life and one chance to make it count for something. I’m free to choose that something. … My faith demands that I do whatever I can, wherever I can, whenever I can, for as long as I can.’” Please pray for him and his family, especially Mrs. Carter. Presidents’ Day Holiday is tomorrow. He walked with God. God walks with him. Providence.
Fond remembrances for Jimmy Carter after entering hospice

2/19/23 – Zelensky is a story of providence. “At a press conference also Saturday, Penn said they returned to the hotel after the interview and the shelling started that very night. When they first met Zelenskyy, he had ‘a proper suit and a proper office.’ ‘The next time we saw him, he was in camos and his country was at war,’ Penn said.”
Zelenskyy ‘born for this moment,’ Sean Penn says at Berlin

2/19/23 – The analog world is superior to the digital world.

2/19/23 – Yes, yes and yes! Can we do this right here? We might then be able to do this amazing thing called teaching and learning. “‘A funny side effect’ of this policy, she said, ‘is when we write to families about moving into the school, we emphasize in all caps “YOU HAVE TO BUY AN ALARM CLOCK.” Because they can’t have their phones in their rooms overnight.’” No kid, including teenagers, should have smartphones. Just give them regular phones that they can use at reasonable times, such as after doing their homework and having a family dinner, like in the analog days. Every public school in the country should be requiring this. End of story.
The Schools That Ban Smartphones

2/18/23 – Worse than the Covid-19 pandemic, the world is experiencing a pandemic of lies.

2/18/23 – The psycho revisionists (who should be expelled from academia for their intellectual dishonesty) want to claim that “Harappans were the Vedic people” like the psycho revisionists in the USA want to claim that the original Americans were the Christian people. They can revise, lie and distort all they want. They can spread their propaganda and misinformation all they want. It doesn’t change the facts. The original Indians were not Hindus, and the original Americans were not Christians. Those are the facts. Deal with them, or just f—k off.

2/18/23 – Priorities. Values. Rather than truth, give me ratings

2/18/23 – If telling your audience the truth alienates them, then your audience is crazy, stupid and evil. Wow, something truthful actually came out of that a—hole’s mouth. “‘What Trump is “good at is destroying things,” Tucker Carlson noted at one point. ‘He’s the undisputed world champion of that. He could easily destroy us if we play it wrong.’” If the evil one is reelected, he will destroy the country.
4 takeaways from the bombshell Fox News legal filing

2/17/23 – So many evil dictators and dictator wannabees to hate. So little time.

2/17/23 – Why is the Secret Service protecting the evil one, trump. He needs to be given the death penalty for his crimes against the state. “He said he needed help from the government to serve a subpoena on Trump because the U.S. Secret Service continues to protect the former president. In opening statements last month, an attorney for longtime Proud Boys Chairman Henry ‘Enrique’ Tarrio argued that the former president was the one responsible for the deadly riot.”
Proud Boys move to subpoena Trump in seditious conspiracy trial

2/17/23 – Parents are not some sacred entities who can’t be criticized. The American parenting style is an abomination.

2/16/23 – The world allows these autocratic monsters to fester or take root at its own peril. Act aggressively now before it escalates into world war and millions of innocent people die!

2/16/23 – One doesn’t get to cherry-pick when a civilization starts. That’s recorded fact that doesn’t bow to any dictator’s demands or convenient revision. The fact is that Indian lineage, meaning to the original Indus Valley inhabitants, can be proved genetically and by other means, such as linguistically. The facts do not support the demonic dictator modi’s hateful propaganda.

2/15/23 – The only people who are original to Indian soil are the ancestors of the Indus Valley/Harappan Civilization. Everybody else are ancestors of the invaders. They have no legitimate claim to India and need to shut the f—k up, take their vile caste system and get the f—k out of the country. A—holes.
Indus Valley Civilization

2/15/23 – The world needs to get rid of the satanic putin and the tyrannical colonizer modi. Now!

2/15/23 – Spot on analysis.
Khodorkovsky warns West of war with China if Russia wins in Ukraine

2/15/23 – The Hindu Nationalist scum that is modi is not original to Indian soil. He needs to be shipped back to the Middle East where his colonizing ancestors came from. F—k you and f—k off, monstrous dictator modi.
Why India’s media are complicit in the Adani Group scandal

2/14/23 – Another day in the United States, another shooting.

2/13/23 – Kids are having a mental health crisis in this country in part because their incompetent parents took away the things that bring stability and community, such as religion, and replaced it with a phone.
Pandemic youth mental health toll unprecedented, data show

2/12/23 – If the Chinese declare war on us, are we still going to buy their products? Autarky now!

2/12/23 – So true! This is why Christianity emphasizes discipline and moderation. “However, this way of seeing the world overlooks the fact that our hearts and minds are shaped not only by reason but also by our experiences, affections, and, most important, our habits, which are just as often inexplicably self-destructive as they are reasonable.”
America Has Gone Too Far in Legalizing Vice

2/12/23 – For its own safety, the world needs to move beyond Starlink. End the monopoly.
Musk deputy’s words on Starlink ‘weaponization’ vex Ukraine

2/11/23 – If you’re still supporting the evil one, trump, you should have your head examined.

2/8/23 – The Fed is a cabal of white men engaged in a circle jerk of mathurbation while showing off how well they memorized neoclassical economics.

2/7/23 – All people are created equal in the image of God.

2/7/23 – With democracy, everything is possible. Without it, nothing is. President Biden. So true.

2/7/23 – Biden, that old man gets s—t done. God bless America.

2/5/23 – It’s OK to cry because Jesus’s love is so moving. The church is a place of comfort and candor. Bring your brokenness to God. He will make you whole.

2/5/23 – The Hindu extremists attack Christians and Christianity for one main reason: it disrupts the status quo. Christianity is the same radical countercultural force that it has always been. In India, it threatens the abhorrent Hindu caste system, which is institutionalized slavery. Christianity is powerful. When the Holy Spirit touches someone, it gives them true power that comes with a poverty of spirit. Blessed be the persecuted church for they belong to God. “The [Christian] couple took the child in, Sonari recalled, and invited her to their house church. Within three years, ‘everyone in the village saw how they took care of her, and they became inspired,’ Sonari Salam said. ‘One after another, they started to come.’… [Be the hands and feet of Christ.] Ten years ago, she suffered depression and attempted suicide before finding Christianity, she said. ‘He never left me when I needed him,’ she said. ‘So how can I leave Jesus now?’… [Jesus heals. Jesus saves.] ‘I’ve dedicated my life to spreading the word of Jesus. If I die a day early, so be it,’ he said. ‘It is in the hands of God.’” Amen. Faith. Hope. Love.
Hindu mobs, enraged by conversions, attack Christians in India

2/5/23 – Indeed, what self-respecting academic wouldn’t want to be censored by the murderous, monster dictator modi.
India might open to foreign universities. That could be a game-changer.

2/5/23 – The evil one’s primary campaign strategy is gaslighting. Will it work on the moronic MAGA again?
Trump’s early-state poll problem

2/4/23 – I said this over and over and over again. “So, it looks as if inflation could have been the result of transitory forces after all. Post-covid supply-and-demand problems, rather than the Phillips Curve logic, might have been largely responsible for last year’s price surges.” If you’ve studied it, the Fed’s incompetence is nothing new, and most definitely, the economics, the dependence on the Phillips Curve, needs a rethinking.

“But it would also present a conundrum. If the whole Phillips Curve thesis is in doubt, then the basis for Fed decision making is in doubt, too.” No, the whole Phillips Curve thesis is not in doubt. The main problem is that Fed’s thinking is formulaic. It has a difficult time distinguishing abnormal periods and taking a holistic analytical and policy approach to them. It depends on workhorse models when then don’t apply. Generally, the Phillips Curve holds, but not under all economic conditions. This is what the Fed failed to recognize.
Why the Federal Reserve needs a new plan

2/4/23 – Another reason not to live in an urban “jungle.” Why does nature have healing powers? Because the sky is blue and the grass is green. “Blue space — bodies of water such as lakes, rivers and oceans — and the amount of land dedicated to parks in a given Zip code were also associated with fewer hospital admissions for Parkinson’s disease, but not for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. Why that is remains unclear, but leading theories propose that nature reduces our body’s stress levels while heightening our ability to focus.” We also need to reimagine urban spaces to make them more connected with nature.
Spending time in nature may protect against the risk of dementia

2/4/23 – So much is wrong with our judicial system. Is it actually going to do justice and protect our democracy and country or what? “China’s balloon incursion coincides with recent warnings from the U.S. Air Force over proposed Chinese land purchases in North Dakota about 12 miles from a military facility where drone test flights are conducted. The pending deal for a corn milling site has fueled concerns that the purchase is a cover for Chinese surveillance activities. A U.S. interagency committee decided last year it did not have jurisdiction to oppose the sale.”
Chinese spy balloon flying over U.S. ‘right now,’ Pentagon says

2/4/23 – Obvious truth: the satanic one’s vanity project, aka the war in Ukraine, is going quite badly.

2/4/23 – The world has a mini-me epidemic of evil, moronic dictators: the evil one, trump, the satanic one, putin, the monster modi, the b—h bolsonaro, and others. “After the cries of ‘fraud’ died down, Kirk, who helped spread Trump’s own election fraud lies after the former U.S. president’s loss, replied, ‘All I can say is, that sounds very familiar.’ The event took place at Trump’s Miami hotel, underscoring the connection between two populist presidents who fanned suspicion of their democracies’ elections, leading supporters to turn violent after their losses. The two were political allies who shared an overlapping set of advisers. Shortly before Bolsonaro’s opponent, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, took office, Bolsonaro moved to Florida, the state where Trump has based himself.”
Bolsonaro ponders election defeat, as crowd chants ‘fraud’

2/3/23 – Across the entire world, there are two justice systems: one for the rich and powerful and one for everyone else.

2/3/23 – Yes, indeed. What a magnificent international justice system that can’t hold the main perpetrators to account. Seriously, get it the f—k together, you incompetent a—holes. “Whether there is a path to prosecuting the most senior figures who bear overall responsibility for the war, including Russian President Vladimir Putin, is increasingly in question, they say.”
66,000 war crimes have been reported in Ukraine. It vows to prosecute them all.

2/3/23 – Community is everything.
Tyre Nichols video shows policing must be done with a community — not to it

2/3/23 – They don’t feel rich because they aren’t rich. They pay outrageous sums of money to live in apartments or houses that by objective standards aren’t that nice. Assuming they own it, the value of this asset is almost entirely dependent on the value of the location. If, for some reason, this location is no longer desirable, the asset will also have almost no value. After taxes, which have to be high to provide the government services they need since the people who provide these services also live in these high cost-of-living cities, and their housing costs, they have considerably less relative income than people who make much less but also live in less expensive parts of the country. The question should really be: how exactly does one measure quality of life and success? It’s definitely not living in expensive urban cities or having fancy titles and degrees. The east coast elites and that lifestyle are mostly snobbery with little substance.
The $400K conundrum: Why America’s urban rich don’t feel that way

2/3/23 – The Christian moral life isn’t about controlling others. It’s about serving others. It’s about developing a relationship with God, asking for his divine grace and guidance. It’s about acknowledging one’s own sins and trying to live a life in keeping with Jesus’s teaching. The focus of the Christian moral life should be on improving oneself, building a strong relationship with God and helping others.

2/3/23 – Absolutely! “The Rev. James Martin, a Jesuit writer who has championed a shift in the Church’s attitudes toward the LGBTQ community, called the pope’s statement ‘a huge step forward’ on ‘what is essentially a life-and-death issue,’ since homosexuality is a capital offense in some nations…. Despite the views of conservatives in the hierarchy, U.S. Catholics are somewhat more supportive of LGBTQ rights than Americans overall.” And Pope Francis is blessed.
Why Pope Francis stood up for LGBTQ lives

2/3/23 – The irony! “It’s a sharp shift from previous years, when the companies positioned themselves as engines of innovation and change, despite the bulk of their money coming from traditional revenue streams such as e-commerce, digital advertising, and hardware and software sales.”
Lackluster earnings reports show Big Tech’s golden age is fading

2/2/23 – We need sophisticated AI detection software to tell if students used AI to do their schoolwork.

2/2/23 – What is this but the beginning of a kleptocracy, just like in Russia? If you don’t see what’s happening, then you’re blind or dumb. “Critics say its success is largely owed to its founder’s ties with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and the company’s business interests have closely aligned with the government’s policy goals.  The Post reported this week that Modi’s government has taken steps to aid the business, which receives a majority of its revenue from power generation, shipping, mining and electricity transmission operations related to coal.”
This trader bets against companies. Now he’s targeting one of the biggest.

Notes from Underground – January 2023

1/31/23 – Every tyrant that puts himself above the law, the mechanism by which societies normally hold every and all individuals to account, opens himself up to justifiable extrajudicial justice, in other words, assassination.

1/31/23 – Every moronic MAGA, which means every MAGA, should read this article. “‘What Nixon did was just an ordinary crime,’ Luttig says. ‘What Trump has done is quite arguably the worst crime against the United States that a president could commit.’ Luttig sees ‘ample evidence’ of criminal activity and believes Trump will be indicted. But he has been judicious about not calling for an indictment. Instead, in his professorial manner, he’s been laying out the factors that he believes should be considered by Attorney General Merrick Garland.”
A conservative judge helped stop Trump on Jan. 6. He wants to finish the job.

1/28/23 – Can’t watch any more videos after George Floyd. It’s too psychologically damaging. So sick of this. It’s not changing! Two Americas on so many levels.
Two Americas

1/28/23 – It’s not about Russia or its survival. It never has been. It’s about the satanic one, putin. “While NATO is only now starting to ramp up military spending toward wartime levels, Mr. Putin has gone all in on a crusade he regards as existential for Russia — and for his own political survival.” Agreed! “He would be smart to direct that message to a broader international audience — in the Global South especially, where popular opinion could be mobilized against a conflict strikingly akin to an imperial war against a former colony.”
How to keep the West solid for Ukraine

1/28/23 – They don’t have this. “And it [raising the debt ceiling] will be done now, provided House Republicans have half a brain….  Obligations, to explain further, to holders of U.S. debt, including our largest foreign debt holders, Japan followed by China, as well as the Social Security Trust Fund and other institutions and individual investors. We, the people, are legally obligated to those creditors. The full faith and credit of the United States is on the line. A U.S. debt default would be cataclysmic both at home and abroad.”
It’s time to cancel Congress’s debt ceiling theatrics

1/28/23 – This article is about the potential war with China. India is a big country and has an increasingly tyrannical dictator as a leader, and we’re all already aware of the Russia problem. Are we seriously going to have the evil one as president when all of this happens? How crazy is MAGA exactly? “My gut tells me we will fight in 2025. Xi secured his third term and set his war council in October 2022. Taiwan’s presidential elections are in 2024 and will offer Xi a reason. United States’ presidential elections are in 2024 and will offer Xi a distracted America. Xi’s team, reason, and opportunity are all aligned for 2025.”
U.S. general warns troops that war with China is possible in two years

1/27/23 – There are far too many autocrats in the world, and we need to start taking them out. Take the f—king gloves off, people. End it now before millions of innocent people die!

1/27/23 – The BBC should make it available – to everyone – for free. There is no question. He is a dictator, and he needs to be assassinated just like poopy, the russian shit.
Make “India: The Modi Question” Free and Available to All, BBC

1/27/23 – F—k modi. Nobody decides for Indians what they can or cannot watch. From my dear friend Roy. (Assuming John Cusack is referring to Arundhati Roy.)

1/27/23 – Modi is not India. Modi is human garbage who should be eliminated.

1/27/23 – Elon Musk is a hypocrite of the first f—king order.
Elon Musk Caves to Pressure from India to Remove BBC Doc Critical of Modi

1/27/23 – The evil modi is a murderer unfit for any office in any land. Whatever it takes, get of him now.
India Banned a BBC Documentary Critical of Modi. Here’s How People Are Watching Anyway

1/27/23 – The monster modi is a despicable wannabee dictator, and the world should stop him now. “The idea of a government being the final arbiter of what is true or false is disturbing in any context. In India’s case, where the government is all too frequently pursuing political goals through the weaponization of narratives, this new amendment is setting off alarm bells. Last year, Reporters Without Borders ranked India 150 out of 180 countries in their annual press freedom report.”
India just took a dangerous step on disinformation

1/27/23 – Tears. Tears. Never forget!
Zelensky – International Holocaust Memorial Day

1/27/23 – Give Zelensky the f—king speed and volume that he has been asking for since the beginning. Thank you, f—kheads, and have a nice day!
Zelensky – Speed and Volume!

1/27/23 – Odessa is part of our global heritage. It must be protected! I will forever be angry about what ISIS and other extremists destroyed of our global heritage in the Middle East. What a loss of history, culture, and art! We can’t allow this massacre of our collective memories to continue.

1/27/23 – One of the great psychological tricks everyone should master for their own health is how to overcome the injustices the world almost invariably inflicts on oneself by throwing oneself into righteous fights: such as fights for justice, peace, equality, fights for others. It is a powerful antidote to the bitterness and brooding that can follow personal injustice, trauma or loss.

1/27/23 – In addition to Ukraine cleaning its own house and making the state more democratic and less vulnerable to corruption, I would also like to see Ukraine “pay it backward” if you will, obviously, after they have total and complete victory, which should be the goal and nothing less than that, meaning retaking all territory including Crimea. With other international organizations, Ukraine can help nascent democracies in Africa and elsewhere protect themselves against tyrants, imperialists, and backsliding. We need to build a global coalition of protectors of democracy and destroyers of corruption and autocracy. Ukrainians have gained valuable battlefield and other knowledge. The world made an investment in Ukraine. It can also make an investment in the world. It can be a great leader in more ways than one.
Zelensky – Ukrainian Leadership

1/27/23 – Remember the time when Ukraine stunned the world by fighting for democracy in an epic David versus Goliath battle. Oh, that’s right. That time is right now. Glory to Ukraine. Glory to heroes.

1/27/23 – This is absurd and a threat to our democracy. It must be changed in Arizona and elsewhere. Republicans are the swamp, and Americans across the nation have a right to know what they are doing to sabotage our democracy. “Last month, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled it had no power to enforce the state’s open-meetings law when it came to legislators. The ruling appeared to clear the way for the legislature, narrowly led by Republicans, to set its own transparency policies, which it has promptly done.”
Arizona Republicans exempt lawmakers from the state’s open-records law

1/27/23 – Democrats need to make it explicitly clear to voters that Biden and the Democratic Party are the reason for these positive changes. You only get credit for the policy if they know you’re the reason for the economic growth. Also, this revitalization of red areas and states will be much healthier for the country in terms of housing and climate. All of this needs to be explained to voters. “These places have a familiarity with manufacturing. These new programs are going to scale that up and accelerate new plant openings. We’re going to see tight labor markets, forcing higher wages. This could be a very healthy development in some regions that have been going sideways…. Jobs in chip plants are going to be some of the highest-tech, most sophisticated advanced manufacturing jobs in the world. Many workers will feel they are part of a compelling enterprise…. This work is a form of Americana.”
Biden’s devious plan to break the MAGA fever just might work

1/25/23 – May the satanic vladimir putin burn in hell.

1/25/23 – Yet another choice GOP contender for the presidency, Pompeo, who is openly kissing the a—of the murderer and tyrant, MBS. He’s defending the person who ordered this, does this. “Saudi agents dismembered Khashoggi’s body inside the consulate, and his remains have never been found. In the months that preceded that visit, Khashoggi had been writing columns for The Post that were sharply critical of the crown prince, who effectively rules Saudi Arabia and has carried out a harsh crackdown on rivals and dissidents.” Anybody seeing a pattern here? Why do the GOP’s main contenders for the presidency seem better suited for the world’s dictatorships than for the greatest democracy in the world, the USA?
Pompeo dismisses Khashoggi as ‘activist’ whose murder was overblown by media

1/25/23 – Jennifer Rubin’s points are entirely valid. However, DeSantis is still not as dangerous as the evil one, trump. The evil one is, well, evil. Let us not test this again, but he has no limits at all. DeSantis would make a terrible president, but for all of his authoritarian tendencies, he does have limits. Another term of the evil one would destroy our democracy. A DeSantis term would damage our country. It says everything about the state of the Republican Party that these are their two main contenders for the presidency. “Let no one be confused: DeSantis is not a break with the MAGA anti-democratic movement. He is only a less buffoonish version of the defeated former president. And that makes him all the more dangerous.”
A judge exposes DeSantis’s contempt for the First Amendment

1/24/23 – This is what the Boomer MAGA morons voted for. This is what a handful of MAGA GOP representatives are doing to our country: gutting Social Security and Medicare. It’s the blue states that make the money. We pay the bills, and now, they want to take our retirement savings and benefits that we paid for away from us. It’s economic injustice and financial terrorism. That’s the state of the GOP, and it’s also the evil one’s, trump’s, and MAGA’s fault. Tax cuts for the rich. Benefits cuts for everybody else.
House GOP eyes Social Security, Medicare amid spending battle

1/23/23 – Our international institutions need an overhaul, and global leadership needs to be better balanced. The USA can’t and shouldn’t be expected to continue in this role indefinitely. It’s too exhausting for us as a nation. People might not realize this, but because we’re a democracy (thank God), it’s our people that end up putting in the time, money and effort to keep the world from falling apart. It’s too much of a burden to put on one country, no matter how big, powerful and wealthy. We need to have a frank and productive discussion about how leadership is going to be shared and our expectations as Americans. From my perspective, Europeans can’t be about their f—king vacations while we work super hard in the USA, not just for ourselves but also for everybody else. We’re the most charitable country in the world. This imbalance within western countries needs to stop. Europeans need to step up to the plate and start sacrificing in a significant way.

1/23/23 – The satanic one, putin, needs to “disappear” from the world, and we should throw a party when he dies. The regime will likely discontinue the war because it’s too unpopular.
Vladimir Putin Set To ‘Disappear’ From Leadership Position As Intelligence Official Confirms There Is ‘Cleary Something Wrong’ With Russian Leader’s Health

1/23/23 – They aren’t good at crunching data, but they’re really good at angertainment. Don’t tell the GOP that even some Republicans are turned off by the MAGA crazies.
How bad a candidate was Kari Lake? This bad.

1/23/23 – It’s not foreign investment. It’s foreign espionage and disinformation. WaPo’s Editorial Board doesn’t want to tell American kids (maybe their own kids) to get off TikTok because they are spoiled with no discipline, and they are addicted to their phones and to TikTok. Too bad. It should be banned.
Don’t ban TikTok. Make it safer for the country.

1/22/23 – The Republican Party is always talking culture wars because it wants to distract people from the fact that they are the Plutocratic Party.

1/22/23 – You don’t have to go to college to have a respectable and productive life. This myth needs to end. It’s leading people who are not well-suited for college to waste their time and money, misdirect their talents and generally end up somewhat miserable until they (hopefully) find a better path that’s true to who they really are. As someone who has lived both an intellectual life but also loves making things and takes great pride in my ability to do so, f—k everyone else, and just do the thing that makes you happy. If you don’t want to go to college – don’t. Find a way to make a living doing the things you’re talented at and that you actually enjoy. The snobs are a—holes, who are often quite unhappy, so who cares what they think about your job. It’s not really rhetoric. It’s the truth. “His [Biden’s] rhetoric, like his program, reinforces the idea that Democrats celebrate the pride and dignity in the work done by those who lack university degrees, which happens to be a majority of Americans.”
Will American politics stay stuck? Biden has a plan for that.

1/22/23 – The coasts are beautiful, but they are also super obnoxious. The Midwest is arguably the country’s heart and soul. We make its food; we make lots of things; we serve our nation and its people; we are good people who love our communities.

1/22/23 – If you’re white working-class and voting Republican, you’re getting screwed. Unions are where it’s at for all working people, and there is one only party that supports unions, the Democratic Party. It’s the party that supports people who actually work in this country, whether it’s rural farmers, rural or urban blue-collar workers, urban white-collar workers, etc. of *all races and backgrounds*. America’s billionaires are parasites, sucking on the blood and sweat of the working people in this country, and the Republican Party is all about them. It wants to help them exploit the people who actually make this country and make it function. Don’t buy their BS about how great they are. They’re only great at talking game, being lucky and living off your labor.

1/22/23 – It was definitely an insurrection, and there should definitely be more of this. “New York, Connecticut and Virginia are among states where proposed legislation would prohibit anyone convicted of participating in an insurrection from holding public office or a position of public trust, such as becoming a police officer.”
Lawmakers seek to bar insurrectionists from holding office

1/22/23 – As WaPo’s Editorial Board explains, this is actually not a problem. It’s an opportunity. Downtowns have always been weird. Historically, there are many offices and few residential spaces. It’s better to have a 1 to 1 ratio or even slightly more residential to office spaces, in other words, the opposite of what presently exists. Why? Because the overall area will be more like a community, which is always better.

If cities use their one-time federal funds for office-to-housing conversions, the city can actually recover the costs in the future if it retains ownership of some of the rentals, and it can also maintain a presence of low-income housing in what might otherwise be or become an unaffordable part of the city.

The more diversity there is in residents and uses of the spaces, the stronger the sense of community will be. Also recommend creating more green spaces, with parks, trees, and community gardens, fountains in communal areas surrounded by retails shops (as they have in Europe), and sidewalks made of permeable material.

Good urban planning is an investment in a city’s current residents’ quality of life and makes it more attractive to potential residents. “As Lincoln, Neb., Mayor Leirion Gaylor Baird (D) put it, ‘We’re trying to use one-time dollars to have enduring impact.’ Her city is looking at more office-to-housing conversions.”
Downtowns are lifeless. It’s a once-in-a-generation chance to revive them.

1/22/23 – Get the f—k off their land, a—holes! And attack us, we will annihilate you back to the stone age.
Russia official warns West of destruction for arming Ukraine

1/22/23 – F—k Germany! “Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki vowed to build a ‘smaller coalition’ of countries ready to send tanks and other equipment. ‘I try to weigh my words, but I’ll say it bluntly. Ukraine and Europe will win this war – with or without Germany,’ Morawiecki told PAP news agency, calling Germany’s position ‘unacceptable.’ Germany ‘should not weaken or sabotage’ other countries’ activities, Mateusz Morawiecki said, adding that Poland would not look on passively while Ukraine bleeds.”
Polish PM: Ukraine, Europe to win the war ‘with Germany or without.’

1/21/23 – “Lawyers scouring President Biden’s garage in Wilmington, Delaware, have been unable to find any plans to overthrow the United States government through a violent insurrection, the lawyers have reported. In addition, the lawyers said, a thorough search had not turned up any instructions to subvert election results by spreading baseless claims about voter fraud or by promoting slates of fake electors.”
No Plans for Insurrection Found in Biden’s Garage

1/21/23 – Look at that. Clever. Clearly, DeSantis’s ivy league education is paying off. Right, Harvard? This what you invested in, this cruelty. Worthless institution. Are we going to start holding these awful institutions that lend credibility to these horrible people in addition to the people themselves accountable or what? “The case of the migrants flown to Martha’s Vineyard by DeSantis on Sept. 14 was different, he said…. The group of 49 people, nearly all from Venezuela, became eligible for a type of visa available only to victims of crimes who are assisting in law enforcement investigations, a process that also shields them from deportation.”
A lawyer and a sheriff help Martha’s Vineyard migrants get a ‘bit of justice’

1/21/23 – Stop making Ukrainians beg for something they shouldn’t have to beg for, all the weapons and support they need to defeat the global menace that is Russia. It’s disgusting, and any decent person in the world should be totally sick of it.

1/21/23 – Although, yes, Biden shouldn’t “sit pat in the face of it” (moronic Germans being moronic as usual), caving to those a—holes’ impractical demands is also not the right move. Leverage power! Come on, people. How can the most powerful country consistently come across as weak? Stop caving. Start fighting.
Germany is refusing to send tanks to Ukraine. Biden cannot let this stand.

1/21/23 – Saying Republicans are for the working class is like saying Republicans are for America. They are pro-plutocrat, pro-Russian terrorists.
Republicans are proving they’re no ‘workers party’

1/21/23 – Act preemptively. Finish Russia now!

1/21/23 – We need to tax the s—t out of the rich parasites and considerably increase our defense spending.

1/21/23 – This is supposed to be about how the world underestimates the USA. However, one could argue that Pax Americana might be more accurately described as Pax Anglo-Americana. If there has been one reliable voice of reason as it pertains to maintaining the global order, it is, rather ironically for the USA and for other former British colonies, including India, Great Britain. It’s a dual hegemonic world, with that little island somehow punching way above its weight, even now after its empire is no more. “As Churchill put it, ‘When the situation was manageable, it was neglected, and now that it is thoroughly out of hand, we apply too late the remedies which then might have effected a cure.’”
The America trap: Why our enemies often underestimate us

1/21/23 – That’s correct. Don’t negotiate with the MAGA terrorists. “If we can’t win on that, we can’t win on anything.”
Biden aides want to force GOP to abandon debt limit threats

1/21/23 – The Republican Party is the party of liars and conmen.

1/21/23 – Absolutely! “British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly also made the case in an op-ed that ‘now is the time to accelerate and go further and faster in giving Ukraine the support it needs.”… NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also jumped into the fray on Wednesday, calling for the allies to supply ‘heavier’ and more modern weaponry….’Because this is a fight for our values, is a fight for democracy and we just have to prove that democracy wins over tyranny and oppression.’”
‘They have us over a barrel’: Inside the US and German standoff over sending tanks to Ukraine

1/20/23 – Eat the rich. “‘Under the pandemic, while people struggled to put food on the table, we saw billionaires double their wealth,’ said California Assembly Member Alex Lee, a Democrat.”
Tax the rich? Liberals renew push for state wealth taxes

1/20/23 – We definitely need more of this. “‘The Plaintiff consistently misrepresented and cherry-picked portions of public reports and filings to support a false factual narrative,’ Thursday’s judgment found. ‘It happened too often to be accidental; its purpose was political, not legal.’”
Trump fined nearly $1M for ‘revenge’ lawsuit against Hillary Clinton, others

1/19/23 – Another day, another anti-semitic statement from the Kremlin. “Ukraine condemns statement by Russia’s FM Sergey Lavrov, who compared modern Russians with Jews killed by the Nazis during the Holocaust. ‘It tarnishes the memory of millions of the Holocaust victims,’ said Oleh Nikolenko, spokesman of Ukraine’s foreign ministry.”
Kyiv Independent – Ukraine condemns statement by Russia’s lavrov

1/19/23 – Dictators of the world unite! MAGA and other fascists of the world unite! Compromised frontal lobes unite!

1/19/23 – After this latest bout of weakening resolve, Europe, with its native population already going extinct, is heading towards total and complete annihilation. The white people never learn from their mistakes. Must be the enduring, invisible power of blond.

1/19/23 – That b—h Olaf Scholz works for the satanic one, putin.

1/19/23 – Our global governance institutions need a massive overhaul. Many countries need to be kicked out of them: Russia, China, Turkey, Hungary, and yes, Germany.

1/19/23 – Germany should be kicked out of NATO. When Russia comes for Germany (and it will), nobody should help. Let the Germans die in the bed they made.

1/18/23 – Those so superior Germans think they are god’s gift to mankind. Let’s take a poll. Who wants Germany to take over America’s leadership role (that frankly many if not most Americans would be happy to hand over to a suitable successor)? Right. We all know the answer to that question – and the reasons for it as well.

1/18/23 – F—k Germany. Who the f—k do those sociopaths think they are to make conditions on anybody else.
Kyiv Independent – Something about that a—hole country nobody likes.

1/18/23 – And please spare us the excuses of poverty and all that. You don’t think there is poverty in Asia or other parts of the developing world. You don’t think there is racism, sexism, indentured servitude or caste systems there. There are, in many cases, on a much greater scale than here. Yet they don’t have this problem. America has a cultural problem as it relates to parenting that then spills into the public education system, which has plenty of talented, dedicated teachers and other professionals. It’s the parents and therefore the kids. Period.

1/18/23 – This isn’t just a Newport News problem. This is an American problem. American parenting is atrocious and unworthy of being called “parenting.” These horrible, lazy parents dump their kids that they don’t want to discipline or raise correctly on the public school system, endangering educators and support staff, and blame the schools for all the problems that they have actually created. This is the only country in the world that has this problem on this scale even though the technological changes negatively impacting young people have affected the entire world. For example, Asian students do not act like this. American parents are an abomination. Don’t have children if you don’t actually want to do the hard work of being a parent, and own your own s—t and your kids’ s—t too because both are mainly the parents’ fault. The administrators also need to stop coddling these awful parents and kids.
Anger grows in Virginia city where first-grader shot teacher

1/18/23 – Zelensky’s point about speed being a critical factor for victory of good over evil is so true. The evil people in the world seem to have more urgency and are more aggressive about achieving their evil aims. The good people in the world need to surpass them in *both* urgency and aggressiveness. Every day that these people drag their feet and “think,” by which they really mean indulge in selfishness and cowardice, Ukrainians and ultimately the world pays the price. If the world had nipped Russian aggression and the rise of autocratic regimes in the bud, meaning acted faster and stronger, we likely wouldn’t be facing this level of global chaos and violence. Instead, the pseudo-leaders kicked the can down the road, deluded themselves on the magnitude of the problems, all the while collecting their salaries, which are paid for by their country’s citizens to do the exact opposite thing – to proactively act in their interests. There has been a global failure in leadership in this regard and many others. We have a deficit of leaders who are willing to act with the same urgency and passion as the evil monsters who want to destroy the civilized world, and we, the world’s citizens who aren’t privileged to be attending Davos, are the ones paying the price.
Zelensky – Davos 2023

1/17/23 – From holding sheets of white paper to this, the Chinese people’s ability to leverage their power in a repressive totalitarian state is impressive. This should be the global rallying cry against the tyranny of all despots, plutocrats and misogynists the world over: “We are the last generation.” Stop having children. Don’t give them your genes. The fewer the people, the more power the remaining people will have, and the planet will finally heal.
China’s population shrinks for first time in 60 years

1/17/23 – Seriously, shut the f—k up, and give them the weapons already. A—holes. “Polish PM calls on Germany to deliver ‘all kinds of weapons to Ukraine.’ Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said on Jan. 16 that ‘there is no reason to block support for Kyiv and delay it indefinitely,’ urging the German government to provide Ukraine with ‘all types of weapons.’ German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Jan. 13 complained about alleged pressure to supply Leopard tanks to Ukraine and said that Germany would not rush to deliver weapons and would ‘weigh every step carefully.’”
Kyiv Independent – Polish PM calls on Germany to deliver.

1/16/23 – On this day, let us remember that the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. was a religious man. The atheists and others, who talk in the shallowest of terms about defining and defending their own identities, have sanitized this most important aspect of his identity because they hate religion. Their revisionism is an affront to his person and his legacy, and it should be offensive to Christians everywhere. King was a genuine follower of Jesus, which as any good Christian knows, is a very hard thing to do. He knew that he would likely be assassinated, but he was willing to sacrifice his life for a righteous cause: the liberation of his people from the bondage of segregation. Today and every day, let us remember who King’s guide was – our light and our Lord, Jesus Christ. The evil people of the world can take away only your life, as they did our Christ’s. They can’t take away your soul. Many people choose to give theirs up though. King did not. He was chosen, and he belongs to God, not to Americans and not to this world.

1/16/23 – To the moronic MAGA, who know nothing about anything, true religious freedom is the separation of church and state. It is one of the hallmarks of our country that it was both founded on Christian values and I would argue because of this wisely kept church and state separate.
Church and State

1/16/23 – Happy Religious Freedom Day! Just as there are many different people, there are many different spiritual and faith traditions. Religious freedom is about respecting each person’s God-given right to choose their faith, and practice openly and in peace. Even when they are militant atheists who attack people of faith and think they are better than them, it’s also about respecting their right to choose no faith. (One doesn’t have to like them though because they are joyless, obnoxious and hard to like.)
A Proclamation on Religious Freedom Day, 2023
Our First (and Most Important) Freedom

1/15/23 – This said. There are many professors who have good intentions and are quite competent. However, we’re kidding ourselves if we think the present system is serving our society well. It’s clearly not on many levels.

1/15/23 – “Privilege is just really baked into the system in many ways.” No, privilege is baked into the system in every way. And it isn’t just the 1%. It’s also the middle-to-upper- and upper-class families as well. The “ivy leagues” and other “prestigious” colleges and universities are a joke, and they breed the worst people. They have narcissistic, self-important professors who write about esoteric topics not to further society but to further themselves and their careers. They teach spoiled, entitled students who become selfish, narcissistic a—holes. Also, simply because of demographic changes, i.e., less young people, many of these arrogant students are able to get into schools they wouldn’t have had a chance of getting into before. If the system was based on pure raw talent, which it has never been, they would never be able to get into them ever. These terrible, usually white, parents think they have actually earned their place in the world instead of having been given it by the grace of God (oh and through the legacy of whites’ subjugation of others, a fact they conveniently ignore.) They lack any semblance of humility. They then give their mediocre progeny every advantage in the world instead of focusing on furthering the betterment of all of God’s children. It’s about prestige and status to reflect well on them instead of fostering actually meaningful contributions to our communities, our country and the world. Academia, more generally, has become a (sometimes corrupt) business with, at best, a tenuous connection to talent.
Wealth looms big as ever in post-scandal college admissions

1/15/23 – One of my pet peeves is when people pick on other more vulnerable people. I hated it as a kid, and I still hate it now. It makes me so mad. F—king bullies!

1/15/23 – It’s always disgusting to make fun of people struggling with addiction. It’s even worse now when much of the nation is struggling with it. What is wrong with these MAGA Republicans? Why do they have no sense of decency ever about anything? Also, they are both of Irish heritage. Does McCarthy seriously need to be reminded of those stereotypes?
Joe Biden and Kevin McCarthy, wary opponents, prepare to work together

1/15/23 – If you don’t have principles, you don’t have anything.

1/15/23 – On this eve of the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, I would like to say to every child out there, do not let the adults in your life ruin your innocence and your soul. Other kids, no matter how they look, are kids just like you. They are made in the image of God just like you. Let God light your path. Play with them. You will have fun, and you will learn a lot. It will set you on a trajectory to live a deeply meaningful and varied life.

1/15/23 – 100%. Make. Them. Stop. “Polish PM on Dnipro attack: Russia must be stopped now. ‘Russia intentionally keeps on committing war crimes against civilians. It’s inhuman. We need to act now and make them stop,’ Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki wrote on Twitter in response to Russia’s Jan. 14 missile attack on an apartment building in Dnipro.”
Russia must be stopped now

1/15/23 – Are the international bodies going to do their goddamn jobs and hold them accountable for their war crimes? “Prosecutor General’s Office identifies Russian military unit responsible for Dnipro attack. Ukraine’s Prosecutor General’s Office said on Jan. 15 that only Russia’s 52nd Guards Bomber Aviation Regiment is capable of having launched the Kh-22 missiles that hit the apartment building in Dnipro on Jan. 14.”
Russian Military Unit Responsible for Dnipro Attack Identified

1/15/23 – Hey young people, shut the f—k up about TikTok and go read some books. Get a grip.

1/15/23 – MAGA will be remembered in history as the traitorous sociopaths that they are, and they will get justice in this life or on the day of judgment.

1/15/23 – Of course, they are. All Russia has to offer the world right now is evil. At present, they are collectively some of the vilest people in the world. “U.S. Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland said of the Wagner mercenaries. ‘And we worry that these forces are not interested in the safety and security of the people of Mali but, instead, are interested in enriching themselves and strip-mining the country and are making the terrorism situation worse.’”
Violence soars in Mali in the year after Russians arrive

1/15/23 – Just remember almost all of the super smart, ivy-league educated elites got played by the satanic sociopath, putin – who is also a moron. They think they are appeasing or delude themselves with other such flattering ideas. In reality, they are just getting played.

1/14/23 – F—k Khamenei. Burn in hell, sociopath.

1/14/23 – Assassinate the satanic one.

1/14/23 – Between the war, the (post) pandemic, domestic political chaos, and life, the days are all a blur. If our world ever becomes really boring, it will be great.

1/14/23 – Russia attacks civilians because they can’t win on the battlefield. Such men, they are so strong compared with defenseless old men and women and kids. Heinous and disgusting. Real men are heroes who help others. “This video published by Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Governor Valentyn Reznichenko shows how civilians help first responders clear out the rubble at the site of a Russian missile strike on a residential building in Dnipro. The Jan. 14 attack killed at least 12 people and injured 64, according to Reznichenko. ‘Thank you to everyone who stood side by side with the rescuers, doctors and policemen at the scene of the terrible tragedy,’ the official said.”
Kyiv Independent – Russian Attacks on Dnipro
Zelensky – Russia’s Never-ending Cowardly Terrorism

1/14/23 – One must say this about Biden. That old man gets s—t done. Quite impressive! All those years in Congress come in handy when you need governance, which this country desperately needs since all the GQP does is obstruct or even worse create chaos.

1/14/23 – Take in the superior white genes. F—king ugly, crazy and stupid, just like the evil one, trump, and the satanic one, poopy.
University: Student stabbed on bus because she is Asian

1/14/23 – The moronic MAGA with their pauper’s mentality are willing to remain slaves to their rich white masters as long as they get to remain white.

1/14/23 – The WaPo’s Editorial Board’s analysis is deeply flawed and their argument is weak at best. Turkey is definitely not “an indispensable alliance member,” and in their own argument, they follow up that description with this: “Others reflect the disconnect between the intolerant and increasingly despotic state Mr. Erdogan has built and the robust democracies buttressed by vibrant civil societies in other NATO member states, as well as Sweden and Finland.” We’re also on the side of both the Kurds and separately Greece, which literally doesn’t want to get annexed by Turkey. “[A]pparently over human rights concerns in Turkey and at the behest of lawmakers sympathetic to Greece, which opposes the deal.” Don’t think imperialist ambitions are limited to Russia and China.

The solution to this supposed impasse is to kick Turkey out of NATO. It’s mind-blowing that liberals never understand how to leverage power and act forcefully. Conservatives rarely make the same mistake. Not to mention that given Erdogan’s despotic tendencies, it’s just a matter of time before he joins the infamous league of deranged global dictators. It would also preempt the twisted situation of having an alliance member that’s an aggressor and that spits in the face of other members, as Russia has done in the UN and on the UN Security Council. Russia and China should be kicked out of both. Make forceful changes to all of these institutions now! Without these changes, they will remain dysfunctional and an inescapable reminder of the fecklessness of the present global governance system.
NATO’s internal standoff is a gift to Putin

1/14/23 – Financial divorce! Let MAGA pay for themselves for a change.

1/14/23 – The inbred white degenerates who elect other inbred white degenerates cannot be allowed to hold the rest of the country hostage.

1/14/23 – Right now, the USA has a system of government where the people who contribute the most in terms of talent and treasure have the least power. This is an unsustainable situation. We end minority rule or end in civil war.

1/14/23 – The dumb, white MAGA who don’t contribute anything valuable to our society, neither financially nor otherwise unless one wants to count sowing chaos and all manner of evil a contribution, want to tell the American people who do contribute in numerous ways what we should do with our money and also to hold our money hostage. Go look at the numbers, MAGA degenerates, and tell us, which states are actually financially contributing to the country. Given their terrorism, the preferred solution is, at a minimum, a financial divorce from MAGA. Can the Biden administration make this happen? Right now, we have taxation without representation because of their legislative (and other) terrorism.

1/14/23 – Democrats should not negotiate with MAGA terrorists. If MAGA doesn’t want to raise the debt limit, the ramifications of that decision are on them.

1/14/23 – The GQP are domestic terrorists, and they want the USA to become an international terrorist state like Russia.

1/14/23 – What does Ukraine plan to do about this? “Civic watchdog: ‘Worst’ candidates with links to Russia appointed to top judicial body. The Congress of Judges on Jan. 12 appointed eight members of the High Council of Justice, the judiciary’s highest governing body. Most of the new members are controversial and violate ethics and integrity standards, while some have links to Russia, according to legal think-tank DEJURE and other civic watchdogs. They have denied the accusations of wrongdoing.”
Civic watchdog: ‘Worst’ candidates with links to Russia appointed to top judicial body.

1/13/23 – GQP, right here folks: We want to control other people (e.g., women, minorities, LGBTQ, basically most of the world) because we can’t control ourselves and all of our desires and weaknesses, and feel (subconsciously) ashamed. We are also going to project our s—t onto the “libs” and others and blame them for everything that we (subconsciously) hate about ourselves. Maybe they should invest in some therapy, and spare the country their deep-seated psychological problems.

1/13/23 – Aside from the narrow House majority, the evil one, trump, was a much worse liar than George Santos, so asking Santos to resign while not doing the same of the evil one would potentially call too much attention to the GQP’s obvious hypocrisy. Let’s face it: one of America’s two major parties, the GQP, thinks that if they say it, it’s so. It’s the 80s “fake it until you make it” on steroids. The GQP is the party of aging Boomers who can’t get beyond 80’s s—t, and the evil one is the epitome of their temporal inertia.

1/13/23 – Academia has become too much of a business. It needs to be about nurturing the intellectual and artistic life.

1/13/23 – Tax cuts are not fiscally responsible, and any conversation that starts with fiscal responsibility and ends with tax cuts is a farce.
‘He’s a proven loser’: Paul Ryan on Trump’s future in the Republican Party

1/12/23 – Hey MAGA, You will never be rich, so you can go ahead and vote to tax the rich. Your low-class a-ses will also never be accepted by rich people. So, give it the f—k up.

1/12/23 – This definitely doesn’t get talked about enough. Much of MAGA gives the evil one, trump, or the satanic putin a daily blowjob. “Does it surprise you the homoeroticism of some of the stuff [they are] into?” Is tuckyorose a closet homosexual?
Decoding Fox News with Juliet Jeske

1/11/23 – traitors?

1/11/23 – If only the entire world had this level of superior genes, the human species would likely be annihilated by now.

1/11/23 – The dumb white American KKKonned who feed like only amoeba brains can on a diet of Faux News and disinformation from the dumb white orange-stained KKKons like tuckyorose are so dumb and white that they will end up causing the death of other white people in Europe who they claim have superior genes just like they do. Yes, indeed, let’s cut off aid to Ukraine only to watch Europe fall into complete death and destruction until the USA has to bail it out – for the millionth time and at much greater expense. Superior genes.

1/11/23 – Forget Thiessen’s article. Just read the comments. The only people who buy this crap are the single-celled amoeba brains who watch Faux News, and they buy everything the KKKons sell because they are the dumb white KKKonned with inferior genes.

1/11/23 – Yes, exactly, so many good comments. “Total whataboutism and gaslighting. Garbage/trash from another of the orange fascist criminal’s moronic acolytes.”

1/11/23 – From the comments of that disgusting piece, “Theissen has major wood at the thought of leveraging the Debt Ceiling Limit by the Republicans to achieve all their wildest dreams. I can well recall his editorial in the Washington examiner frothing at the mouth to do this back when the debt ceiling limit had to be raised during Obama’s administration. He disgusted me then and he disgusts me now. Do better, Washington Post. Do better. Axe this yahoo.” Agreed.

1/11/23 – F—k Marc Thiessen’s false equivalence. The magnitude, the deliberate nature, the cover up, the likely espionage that the evil one, trump, engaged is not even remotely comparable to what Biden did. What the evil one did is criminal beyond “gross negligence.” It was an intentional effort to exploit his access to our classified material for his personal gain or purposes. Biden was simply irresponsible, the degree of which is still in question. Improvements do need to be made as to how classified documents are generally managed and tracked. However, Thiessen’s intellectual dishonesty is so blatant that he should not be taken seriously now or ever again. Have a nice life.
If Trump’s classified document mishandling was ‘irresponsible,’ so is Biden’s

1/11/23 – When the horrible Boomers die, Fox “News” will die with them.

1/11/23 – Democrats need to fight much more ruthlessly. They are too weak.

1/11/23 – We want all members of Congress, especially the Republican members who have shown themselves to be supporters of the satanic putin, to be investigated for being Russian agents and spies. They want the government investigated. Let’s do a proper and meaningful investigation. We also want the evil one, trump, to be executed for the treason he has clearly committed. His actions led to the murder of police and others. They want investigations presumably to serve justice. That’s justice.

1/10/23 – The satanic putin must be taken out for the world’s sake. He is a global menace.

1/10/23 – The only thing the west has to fear is its own complacency. If it can’t persevere until Ukraine has decisively defeated Russia and expelled it from its lands, including Crimea, Russia will try to make territorial gains in other parts of Europe. It will not stop with Ukraine. Just know this now.
Ukraine sees ‘year of victory’ but Russia has other plans

1/10/23 – F—k off, Feinstein. We’re sick of you. You won’t be missed. Goodbye! (Anybody but Feinstein.)
Rep. Katie Porter announces run for U.S. Senate in California

1/10/23 – Tough, persevering people. Love them!
Support Kyiv Independent

1/10/23 – How many Russian agents and spies does the USA have *in* and out of the government, especially the Republican Party? Likely many. “Security Service has uncovered 600 Russian agents, spies in Ukraine since Feb. 24. Since the start of the full-scale invasion, over 1,500 investigations into suspected cases of treason and espionage have been opened. More than 340 of such cases have been sent to court.”
Kyiv Independent – 600 Russian agents, spies

1/10/23 – The evil one, trump, should be publicly executed for treason. He deserves the death penalty.

1/9/23 – The most frustrating thing for me as a Christian is to see people claim to be Christian but doing the exact opposite things as what Jesus taught us to do. It’s f—king mind-blowing.

1/9/23 – Without Jesus’s teachings, I wouldn’t understand much correctly. The world, including one’s own family, teaches you so many wrong things. It’s quite unfortunate, but luckily, there is the Bible.

1/9/23 – “Knowing what people need and helping to make it happen,” Biden said at the end of the video. There are a lot of broken people in the world, and if you can help them rise above their circumstances and their brokenness, you will rank among the most powerful people in the world. (It took me a long time to figure this out.) Power isn’t about prestige or titles, money or material possessions, which is what I had been taught. It’s actually about your effect on others. Empathy is powerful not simply because it consoles and understands. It’s powerful because, to use Christian language without which I wouldn’t be able find the right words, you are seeing Jesus/God in the other person. To MAGA, expressions of this great humanity, of seeing this spark of divinity in others are a weakness. They are terribly wrong, and it is Jesus who taught us this.
Jeffries governs in poetry, Biden in grace — and the GOP in thuggishness

1/9/23 – Bolsonaro and his supporters are traitorous fascists. Absolutely! “It is still too soon to tell whether Sunday’s attack marked the opening of a budding insurrection — or the final spasm of a failed one. The United States should support Mr. Lula’s efforts to ensure it is the latter.”
Brazilian democracy should stand strong against an insurrection

1/9/23 – Bill Gates is not a genius. Elon Musk is not a genius. Jeff Bezos is not a genius. You get the idea. They got lucky. Aspire to get lucky, I guess.

1/8/23 – Being an American is like forever being an adolescent that inevitably goes through growing pains, meaning managing our own democracy and country, but with the entire world potentially being affected by our actions, and criticizing and scrutinizing basically everything we do. Exhausting.

1/8/23 – It is really exhausting for us as a nation to play this leading role all the time. I’m sure some among us find it somehow flattering. I guess it is in some ways, but to me, it’s exhausting but apparently necessary. If any other – responsible – country would like to take this role over, I think many Americans would happily hand it over. Please let us know.

1/8/23 – Biden, “America is back,” and one G7 member responded, “For how long?” And if America can’t stage a long-term comeback, the world will fall apart. Hard truth, for Americans and for the world.

1/8/23 – So who’s going to remind McCarthy that he’s an American? Or is he so much of a chameleon that he might be Russian instead? Does he want putin to like him too?
What Kevin McCarthy Will Do to Gain Power

1/8/23 – MAGA wants violence. They’ll get more violence than they ever imagined. MAGA is playing with fire, but they are too stupid to realize it. “Like their MAGA counterparts, Bolsonaro supporters have been fed a steady diet of misinformation and disinformation for years, much of it modeled on the narratives pedaled by far-right influencers in the U.S.”
Assault on presidential palace, congress challenges Brazil’s democracy

1/8/23 – Everybody better bone up on their international relations and foreign policy because more global turmoil is coming. A pandemic and climate change weren’t enough for the world’s degenerates. They need to create more unnecessary problems. Bolsonaro definitely needs to be extradited. Be aware that January 6 didn’t just negatively impact our democracy. It sent a bad example for fascists, which is what MAGA are, around the world. MAGA is despicable. Fascists are death for the world. Act now to destroy them before it’s too late.
US lawmaker calls for Bolsonaro’s extradition to Brazil

1/8/23 – This is true. “‘The power that the extremists will yield over the next two years bodes ill for normal governance…. We [Democrats] don’t have an anarchist wing, they do,’ said Rep. Jim Himes (D-Conn.). One his party’s top moderates, Himes vigorously defended its left in an interview between ballots. Despite major policy differences in the last Congress, progressives ‘have been remarkable team players,’ he said.”
How the right took joy and profit in McCarthy’s misery

1/8/23 – From Zelensky to Jeffries, Gen X is killing it. Tough, principled and cool. Do our countries and the world proud.

1/8/23 – Who does this arrogant s—t think he is? F—k him. He needs to be put in prison. “Asked why he reversed course on McCarthy, Gaetz said, ‘I ran out of things I could even imagine to ask for.’” And why is he obsessed with the Armed Services Committee? Is he a Russian agent, like the evil one?
How McCarthy survived the House chaos to win the speaker’s gavel

1/7/23 – This speech is a case study in contrasts. The Republicans are so undignified, undemocratic, and unAmerican. The Democratic Party is dignified, the defender of democracy and of American values. No contest. (And we have fun. The alphabet was a cute touch.)
FULL SPEECH: House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries opens the 118th Congress of The United States

1/7/23 – Over ninety-five percent of the country doesn’t want to live the way the psycho white inbreds who voted for people like Gaetz, Boebert, et al. want to live. They want sociopathic anarchists. Why should the rest of the country be negatively impacted by this very small minority?

1/7/23 – A bunch of people are going to pass away after creating a s—t world for the rest of us who will still be living for many years to come. That’s just great. Don’t think we aren’t bitter about it because we are.

1/7/23 – And to the idiots on the left who like to posture and preen but are devoid of practical policy, you can’t wave your peace signs and repeat words such as “peace and love” or “military industrial complex” and deter aggression. That’s not how it works. So shut the f—k up. The rational world thanks you.

1/7/23 – Absolutely! “The only way to avoid such a scenario is for the United States and its allies to urgently provide Ukraine with a dramatic increase in military supplies and capability…. NATO members also should provide the Ukrainians with longer-range missiles, advanced drones, significant ammunition stocks (including artillery shells), more reconnaissance and surveillance capability, and other equipment. These capabilities are needed in weeks, not months…. It is better to stop him [the satanic putin] now, before more is demanded of the United States and NATO as a whole.”
Time is not on Ukraine’s side

1/7/23 – The biggest problem the world is facing is terrible leadership in so many places.

1/7/23 – Modi’s India is a failure on every possible level.
Sinking land forces hundreds to leave Indian temple town

1/7/23 – Apparently, McCarthy’s dad didn’t teach him even a basic sense of morality. He learned plenty about ambition though.

1/7/23 – Reckless ambition and greed are killing our country.

1/7/23 – The satanic one, putin, tried to do to the United States of America what he did to Belarus and Georgia. He helped a Manchurian candidate, the evil one, trump, win the presidency. If the evil one had not lost in 2020, Americans would be well on our way to becoming annexed by Russia. Never forget that Democrats and democrats saved our country in 2020. We need to annihilate MAGA.

1/7/23 – Don’t complain about the snow or the rain. It’s a blessing. Toughen up and deal with it.

1/7/23 – To the MAGA crazies who constantly engage in lies and gaslighting, just go f—k yourselves.

1/7/23 – If you’ve ever seen Frost speak, he’s a kind, mature person, even at his young age. This is what Democrats have to endure because the other side is filled with crazies. “‘I’m going to get sworn in 1 a.m. on Saturday after two members almost got into a physical altercation on the House floor after my 15th vote for speaker on my fourth day here,’ said Rep. Maxwell Frost (D-Fla.), who at age 25 is the youngest new member.”
The last-minute drama that momentarily derailed McCarthy — again

1/7/23 – Never forget that it’s Democrats who pay the bills in this country. We are this country’s brains and its purse. You want hostage taking. If this continues, we’ll show you hostage taking.

1/7/23 – The self-described “patriots” have a strange way of showing their “patriotism.” To any reasonable American, their version of patriotism, engaging in insurrection and electing some of the most unfit candidates in American history, doesn’t seem like patriotism. It seems like the opposite – treasonous and traitorous. They can continue to comfort themselves with their fiction, but it is still a fiction. The country and the world know it as such.

1/7/23 – The long day’s struggle into night reveals the utter ridiculousness of this situation. We can’t have a system of government that could potentially hold up the entire American governance system because some degenerates in some small part of the country vote for other degenerates and send them to what should be a place for mature adults to actually govern the country. This is not how our tax dollars are supposed to be spent. It’s a disgrace, unbecoming of an American political party. The Republican Party is an embarrassment to our country. It has been for a long time, and it’s getting worse every day. “On the 15th ballot, Republicans Eli Crane (Ariz.), Bob Good (Va.), Andy Biggs (Ariz.) and Matthew M. Rosendale (Mont.) switched their votes from opposing McCarthy to ‘present,’ joining Gaetz and Boebert, and allowing McCarthy to win with just 216 votes. Jeffries received 212 votes. The days-long struggle to choose a speaker has raised fears across the Capitol that McCarthy may not be able to manage his narrow majority or effectively govern.” 15th ballot. Was it an election or a negotiation with terrorists?
Kevin McCarthy elected House Speaker, breaking historic deadlock

1/7/23 – I still won’t like Germany, but I’ll hate it a little less intensely. That’s a lot.
Zelensky – Germany

1/6/23 – “A Democrat just shouted out to McCarthy, who has gotten out of his chair to speak to Gaetz, ‘On your knees!'” (NYT) Word has it that Gaetz wants McCarthy to pardon him.

1/6/23 – Round 14, and he’s still short one vote. Has 216, needs 217 because two voted present. This is what we, the greatest country in the world, has become: hostage to MAGA degenerates. This is what our taxes pay for. Every decent American should take great umbrage at this.

1/6/23 – Our country is being held hostage by Gaetz and Boebert. Think about that. How many people do they represent?

1/6/23 – And they applauded Gaetz’s present. Again, truly sad.

1/6/23 – They applauded Boebert’s present. Truly sad.

1/6/23 – At least Dems got some good zingers in.

1/6/23 – Can they cut to the chase and just vote.

1/6/23 – Given this s—tshow, the entire country will know who to blame if we default on our debt.

1/6/23 – Second-guessing my opposition to Democrats bailing out House Republicans. “Gaetz: If Democrats join up to elect a moderate Republican, I will resign.” He better mean this. (Gaetz is a child raping, human trafficking traitorous troll.) The Republican Party is an abomination. For the interests of the country, Democrats might have to save Republicans from themselves.

1/6/23 – Please help Saakashvili! Release him now! “His legal team recently distributed a medical report suggesting that he might have been poisoned. Recent images from the clinic where he is now held have shown him gaunt and disoriented…. Saakashvili’s death in jail would be a victory for Putin and a blow to Georgian democracy. No one understands this better than Zelensky, who last month appealed to the Georgian authorities to ‘show mercy’ by releasing the ex-president.”
The world can’t allow the ex-president of Georgia to die in detention

1/6/23 – Had the unfortunate experience of watching the insurrection in real time. It was a traumatizing and unforgiveable event. The evil one should be executed for it. It was treason. “Two years ago today, a pro-Trump mob stormed the U.S. Capitol to stop the certification of the 2020 presidential election. Seven people died as a result of that attempt. [May they rest in peace.] More than 140 police officers reported suffering injuries…. The many millions who watched the events unfold instantly knew that it would rank among the most anguished and horrifying days in American history…. [We did.] [T]he main actor was the nation’s president.” The evil one, treasonous traitor. He is unfit for any office. He is unfit.
The GOP Is a Battering Ram Against Truth

1/6/23 – Hell is not other people. If you’re the Republican Party, it’s your own party’s people.

1/6/23 – Is it Richneck or Redneck? Is that elementary or first grade? Tell me again that we don’t have a gun problem in this country.
Police: 6-year-old shoots teacher in Virginia classroom

1/6/23 – We pay these people’s salaries, the House Republicans. This is what the American people are getting in return for giving them our hard-earned money: delay, dysfunction, and drama. What are we not getting: good governance.
What happens if there’s no House speaker? These things can’t get done.

1/5/23 – Ukrainians, a bright spot in a dark world.
Zelensky – Another Diplomatic Day in the Life

1/5/23 – Hey MAGA, maybe being crazy morons isn’t a good look for the country. Just think about it.

1/5/23 – Instead of ambition, just focus on doing quality work.

1/5/23 – Happy National Bird Day! Chirp. Chirp.
National Bird Day

1/5/23 – God bless him, but he’s definitely not the greatest Catholic evangelist since Paul. Let’s not engage in pointless exaggeration. If we’re going to exaggerate, it should serve some valuable purpose, such as mocking MAGA. “Even if you don’t share my beliefs, and the beliefs of Catholics worldwide, perhaps you will want to know what our church actually teaches.” Which I know for sure most atheists don’t know. They just babble on spouting nonsense or fictional accounts of historical facts as it fits their preconceptions and prejudices.
The greatest Catholic evangelist since Paul is … from Duluth?

1/4/23 – Democrats should definitely not help House Republicans out. Let MAGA wallow in the sewer it created.

1/4/23 – McCarthy fails on his millionth ballot. Let’s simplify. McCarthy fails. MAGA fails. The GOP fails.

1/4/23 – Zelensky’s official Telegram channel is a historical archive, both textual and visual, of this war for global democracy. The photos honor all of the Ukrainian people in the various ways they have been impacted by the war and their sacrifices big and small. Maybe spend a little less time looking at your selfies and a little more time looking at the faces of the people helping you stay free.

1/4/23 – To the moronic MAGA who think we’re exaggerating or wrong when we say Democrats and democrats saved you from Russian serfdom, we’re not. Your man, the evil one, trump, is the opposite of a Zelensky; he’s a Lukashenko.

1/4/23 – Belarus is basically part of Russia. If in your blind ignorance, you don’t appreciate Zelensky. Appreciate him now. He could have sold out his country. Instead, he put his and his family’s life on the line for his people’s freedom. “With the world looking away, Russia quietly took control over Belarus. Talks of dictator Alexander Lukashenko’s Belarus becoming Russia’s vassal gained ground in 2020 when the regime violently crushed all forms of descent, with Moscow’s full backing. Two years later, Lukashenko’s Belarus is barely independent from the Kremlin.”
Kyiv Independent – Russia quietly took control over Belarus

1/4/23 – House Republicans are going to have a productive session serving their constituents, many of whom could benefit from quality governance. No wait, they serve the evil one, trump. Oops. They are off to a great start then.

1/3/23 – To the short-sighted, selfish fools in all parties, democracy isn’t a mere political concept. It is the basis of our freedom and of peace. And freedom isn’t an invention born from man’s imagination. It is inherently tied to the concepts of man in the Hebrew and Christian Bibles. The imago dei dictates that humans are apart from all other creatures, and by our creator’s word have a right to be free. Therefore, this right can’t be taken away from us. The world wasn’t simply pulling away from a theoretical political concept of democracy. It was being pulled by dark forces to a violent, less free world. That is what tyranny entails. It is violence and subjugation. Also, to those who tire of funding Ukraine, get some goddam perspective. They are fighting for our shared values. They are putting their bodies and lives on the line – for us.

1/3/23 – Forget the average MAGA. They’re a joke. But even the average liberal is, relatively speaking, an idiot. People don’t know anything that actually matters anymore. (They’re too busy wasting their time on their “smart” phones to read smart books.) They think they are so enlightened, but they are so much less learned and intelligent than the Founding Fathers or many other people from previous decades, centuries, millennia. (And many of them were much better writers.)

1/3/23 – There is no greater defense for human freedom and against slavery than the Hebrew and Christian Bibles. The atheists and the “pagans” who think otherwise are biased morons. One can explain it to them a million times and a million different ways, and they still won’t get it because they don’t want to get it. “Ancient pagan philosophers believed some of this, but Christians emphasized the divine source of the natural law and of human equality. The natural law, they claimed, implies a lawgiver who is the creator of the world and the author of human nature. Human nature is stamped with the image of God, the imago dei — a notion that undermined the ancient practice of slavery in spite of conditions at the founding. This idea impressed itself on Abraham Lincoln, who claimed of the founders during a debate in 1858 that ‘in their enlightened belief, nothing stamped with the Divine image and likeness was sent into the world trodden on, and degraded, and imbruted by its fellows.’ The concepts of fundamental human dignity and moral equality are rooted, ultimately, in the book of Genesis…. Might does not make right, and power is not the same as authority. As Americans have long held, there is a law higher even than the king or the Constitution.” And that higher law is God.
Is America a Christian nation? Yes and no.

1/3/23 – Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes! The terrorists must lose not just for Ukraine but for the world. “We have no doubt that the current masters of Russia will throw everything they have left and everyone they can muster to try to turn the tide of the war and at least postpone their defeat.

We have to disrupt this Russian scenario. We are preparing for this. The terrorists must lose. Any attempt at their new offensive must fail. This will be the final defeat of the terrorist state. I thank all partners who understand this.

Russia mobilizes those whom it wants to throw to death, we mobilize the civilized world. For the sake of life.”
Zelensky – The terrorists must lose.

1/3/23 – The west needs to take an interest in all of these issues and force these authoritarian governments to fix them. Democracy must prevail everywhere for peace to prevail everywhere. “There are still other points of concern. India’s prime minister, Narendra Modi, has overseen a deterioration in civil liberties, and the country’s independent news media has slowly collapsed. Indonesia passed a law last month restricting free speech. Israel’s new government could threaten judicial independence. In Hungary, Prime Minister Viktor Orban won re-election after manipulating the rules in his favor. Coup attempts in Peru and Guinea-Bissau also exposed the fragility of democratic rule.” NYT

1/2/23 – The evil one, trump, is f—king insane.
‘That’s just deranged’: Tapper reacts to new testimony about Donald Trump

1/2/23 – Any nation that does not want to respect important international agreements, such as the Geneva Convention, needs to be brought to its knees.

1/2/23 – Walking is a great way to clear your head and have communion with nature. If you’re looking for a resolution, it’s a good one. Today is a national holiday, so it’s a good time to start this healthy habit.
Tradition of hiking in the new year reaches all 50 US states

1/2/23 – For people who aren’t religious, it might be hard to understand, but the spiritual life can be incredibly peaceful. It can feel like a cocoon shielded from the world and all of its worldliness. There is nothing else like it.

1/2/23 – “Lord, I love you.” I pray that when I die, I can be of sound enough mind and have the space and time to utter those same words (in any language) as my last. Whatever one thinks of his legacy, which like most if not all legacies is imperfect, the man was blessed.
‘Lord, I love you’: Aide recounts Benedict’s last words

1/2/23 – If you believe in the Hindu caste system, you’re a f—king idiot. All people are created in the image of God and all people are created equal. Have a nice day.

1/2/23 – Indians have perfected blaming women (and girls) for everything, always and everywhere. It is one of the most misogynistic countries in the world. I can understand traditional families not wanting their children to marry people of a different faith tradition, but there is no justification for blaming women because they fall in love, live in or other common emotions or decisions women – men and women actually – have or make. Get some perspective and a basic sense of fairness. This, “India and its laws — and maybe even its parents — have failed its women,” isn’t an argument. It is a f—king fact. India must change for the better.
A gruesome murder case in India pits traditional values against modern love

1/1/23 – Today and every day, thank God. Life itself is a blessing.

1/1/23 – This was supposed to stay a secret…. The woman had/has several good ideas. And this is true. “From the moment she entered the Senate in 2013, she has been fixated on presidential appointments, popularizing the mantra that ‘personnel is policy.'” Ultimately, the country as a whole needs good ideas and good people to prevail, so whatever label it comes with, who really cares.
Joe Biden is in the Oval Office. So are Elizabeth Warren’s ideas.

1/1/23 – Management, everywhere and at every level, is abysmally bad because employees get hired and promoted based on other reasons, such as who they know or a—kissing, instead of qualifications and competence. “‘Quiet quitters’ make up at least 50% of the U.S. workforce — probably more, Gallup finds…. It’s clear that quiet quitting is a symptom of poor management.”
Is Quiet Quitting Real?

1/1/23 – A great way to start the New Year 2023 is by sharing these lovely words of encouragement.

“If I can leave a record, I’ve done something meaningful. And so must you.

Writing is a fine art, but it is a democratic one too. So I hope whoever reads this, whether you write like Joyce or an ornery grader, that you claim the mantle of writing without hesitation. Leave a record for your families, loves, and communities. Consider all who will cherish hearing from you. Take up space in the archives of the future. We need it. It will be a long time before this period in history will be halfway understood. You can and should play a part in aiding our descendants.

To that point, my grandmother wrote letters. I keep the ones she sent me on my ancestor altar. I can’t imagine what I would have missed out on if she had hesitated. It is her sloping script and words of love that give me courage. I hope I can offer you some in kind.”
Writing Is a Democratic Art

1/1/23 – To our dear Ukrainians, don’t just return. Reinvent. Become even better than you were. It will be the greatest revenge to your enemies and reward to yourselves.
Zelensky – New Year 2023

1/1/23 – Happy New Year 2023! First and foremost: Слава Україні. Glory to Ukraine. Glory to Heroes.

Notes from Underground – December 2022

12/31/22 – 2022 was a good year in a strange way! Our hearts break for Ukraine and its people. That said. It was the year Ukrainians reminded the world of the value of freedom and democracy and showed us all how resilient we can be. It was the year we emerged from the pandemic having learned the value of relationships and communities. It was the year the world’s emperors, from tech titans to dictators, showed us that they wear no clothes. The world learned a lot about ourselves and each other. May God bless you and keep you in 2023.

12/31/22 – All Russia has to offer is terrorism: death and destruction. What a waste of a country.

12/31/22 – May he rest in peace. It’s interesting he said it in Latin. Perhaps he knew it would come as a shock and psychologically it was easier for him to say it in this relatively “neutral” language. (It’s also such a great language.) “Many people at the meeting did not understand Latin…. Pope Benedict, 95, died Saturday in the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery in the Vatican. His death was announced by the Vatican. The first resignation of the spiritual leader of the Catholic Church in 600 years would crystallize the full weight of the crises then battering the world’s largest Christian denomination. An intellectual giant and rock of moral certitude who had spent a lifetime defending the faith from outside forces, Pope Benedict would ultimately see his tenure as pope undone in large part by a rot within.”
Pope Benedict XVI, who resigned the papacy, dies at 95

12/30/22 – Younger people aren’t always better than older people. A more reasonable assessment is that they might be better in certain respects but worse in others.

12/30/22 – “Quiet quitting” has been going on for a long time, likely since the concept of work began. Would also say it’s the default approach for the labor force, many of whom hate their jobs but need the income and/or benefits. What’s arguably new is prostituting your personal life to make a buck, which is truly a pathetic way to live. “[T]his new generation embraced a voyeuristic digital vérité, characterized by the short video of a subject talking straight to camera about both everything and nothing at all.… For this generation, the personal had become intertwined with the economic.” Healthy, productive people live rather mundane lives. Take even Michelangelo, a genius who lived during a turbulent period, his daily life was likely quite boring and routine. He would never have wanted to film his every waking minute, and the world is better off for it. Your life is not your work, but your life is also not a body of work. His body of work is his legacy. This type of “work,” voyeuristic digital verité, is totally worthless.
The Year in Quiet Quitting

12/30/22 – Small dick energy needs to be put behind bars for the rest of his life.
Andrew Tate, brother charged in Romania with human trafficking

12/30/22 – Grade inflation and coddling students need to stop.

12/30/22 – The Midwest is definitely the warm center of the country at least. Nowhere better to live. The important thing is to keep your feet on the ground, put your heads down and do the work. Serve your communities. People talk too much. Just do the work. “[T]he Midwest when it was seen as (in the words of Minnesotan F. Scott Fitzgerald) [the] ‘warm center of the world.’”
In unsettled times, look to Midwestern values

12/30/22 – Obvious statements that still need to be made. Power is powerful. Be careful to whom you give it.

12/30/22 – The world’s warriors. God bless them. “We are fighting for Ukraine, for the values that unite Europe and the democratic world, for the global value of life. For everything that the terrorist state is trying to destroy.

It is not easy, it is hard, but I am confident that we will pull through and Russian aggression will fail so that all other potential aggressors of the world do not dare to repeat what russism does.”
Zelensky – The World’s Warriors

12/30/22 – The deranged lunatic who should be charged with war crimes and executed needs to get the f—k out of Ukraine. “He has gone no further than saying conditions in the four Ukrainian territories that he claims to have annexed, illegally, are ‘extremely difficult,’ and that his government would try to end the conflict ‘the faster, the better.’” And those who “want to escalate” are f—king psychotic morons.
Putin, unaccustomed to losing, is increasingly isolated as war falters

12/30/22 – The GOP likes liars. They got another pathological one. “They pledged only to enact whatever policies President Donald Trump might propose, ceding their political philosophy to a man who, by Post count, told more than 30,000 lies during his four years in the White House…. If you can ‘own the libs’ on Fox News and on Twitter, you can raise a lot of campaign cash; and if you can raise tons of money, you can have tons of power.” GOP voters like being conned. As long as they hear what they want to hear, they’re good. There’s a lot of money to be made with a base like that.
In George Santos, the GOP gets the representative-elect it deserves

12/30/22 – Overall, Boomers are the worst generation in recent American history. They did make good music though. Millennials and Gen Z listen to and have made the worst music in recent American history. Could they fix this? It’s embarrassing for us as a country.
America’s genius lies in its respect for rebellion

12/29/22 – Fella.

12/29/22 – Apparently, the GOP wants to back the blue while attacking the blue. The complete contradiction is entirely on point for them.

12/29/22 – We should accept more migrants, and empty buildings, such as offices, hotels/motels, restaurants, religious structures, etc., should be turned into housing for them and for other homeless people. If for no other reason, such as it’s the right thing to do, our economy needs the people, and we need to house all people.

12/29/22 – The great irony is that Musk bought Twitter thinking he could use it to make himself richer. He’s ending up considerably poorer because of the purchase. Also, if you want to stay a healthy, happy person, don’t become super rich. “Sifting through the desiccated wreckage of Twitter is raising endless questions about the fate of the platform and what it means for us all. But one question we don’t need to ask is how we got here. For that, we have Exhibit H.”
Elon Musk’s Text Messages Explain Everything

12/28/22 – As a thought experiment, if a state has say 500 people, what about 50, what about 5, should it still get 2 senators?

12/28/22 – Ken Griffin is an American parasite.

12/28/22 – Just because Christmas is over, doesn’t mean one can’t still get gifts. Is Tuckyorose still wetting himself with jealous rage about Zelensky? If so, please do share.

12/28/22 – So true! “Our warriors are not just servicemen. Not just soldiers and sailors, not just sergeants, not just officers and generals. They are the hope of millions of people for life. They are Europe’s hope for peace. They are the hope of the world that the era of empires cannot return.”
Zelensky – Warriors are not just servicemen.

12/28/22 – They showed everybody! Love those people. “Thanks to our unity, we have achieved what almost no one in the world believed possible. Hardly anyone except us. Ukraine has become one of the global leaders.

Our national colors are today an international symbol of courage and indomitability of the whole world. In any country, on any continent, when they see blue and yellow, they know that it is about freedom. About the people who did not give up, who endured, who united the world. And who will win.

Thanks to Ukraine, the world believed that values give strength. This belief emerged following our struggle. The world became convinced that tyranny will lose. Following our faith. The world saw that freedom can be victorious. Following our achievements on the battlefield. And all our warriors. It will definitely happen. Ukraine will definitely win.”
Zelensky – Ukraine is a leader.

12/28/22 – “Wanderlust,” such a great word. “[T]he desire to explore — ‘to lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies,’ as Kerouac wrote — is the American impulse that dominates…. Ozden told us, his voice urgent. ‘Our common traits are way, way bigger and more fundamental than our differences.’”
Millions of Americans have left the country. Where are they going, and why?

12/28/22 – If all you have to offer the world is hate, just sit the f—k down.

12/28/22 – All Americans (with legit exemptions) should have some military training. It will be good for us a nation. Discipline and patriotism are important.

12/28/22 – Cheney and Thompson showed why one should never bet against the USA. If war comes to us, we will never surrender, and we will annihilate you.
Bennie Thompson and Liz Cheney are the Jan. 6 committee’s unusual dynamic duo

12/28/22 – Russia is a terrorist and barbaric state. Psycho, the evil Russian sh-t needs to be taken out.

12/28/22 – Is anybody (hello, international organizations whose job it is to deal with this!) going to do anything at all about these horrific war crimes, or are they completely impotent? In that case, why pay a bunch of worthless bureaucrats’ salaries? “While the number of children taken is not clear, Daria Herasymchuk, Ukraine’s top children’s rights official, has estimated that nearly 11,000 Ukrainian children have been taken by Russia without their parents…. This is specifically prohibited by the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.”
Russia’s abductions of Ukrainian children are a genocidal crime

12/28/22 – The evil monsters keep targeting maternity hospitals. Is the west going to continue to allow this madness? “President’s Office: Russia shells maternity hospital in Kherson. Russian forces have shelled a hospital maternity ward in the liberated city of Kherson in southern Ukraine, Kyrylo Tymoshenko, a deputy head of the President’s Office, reported on Dec. 27. ‘They shelled a place where two children were born today. Before the attack, doctors managed to complete a caesarean section. There are five women after childbirth at the institution,’ he said, adding that ‘miraculously’ there were no casualties.”
Kyiv Independent – Maternity Hospitals

12/27/22 – The evil one, trump, needs to get one or the other punishment. “If the 14th Amendment had been rejected, he would almost certainly have been convicted of treason and immediately executed.”
Criminal prosecution is the wrong idea. Use the 14th Amendment on Trump.

12/27/22 – Such a great guy! Can’t wait to watch it. “‘Happiness happens when you mix different people and different colors and different places all in one plate,’ José Andrés says onscreen. In another moment, he offers this wonderful challenge: ‘Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are.’”
José Andrés and his daughters eat their way through Spain

12/27/22 – “Ukraine holds its lines and will never surrender,” Zelensky said.

12/27/22 – “Vladimir Putin is counting on America and NATO to tire and to falter. It is up to us to prove him wrong, and to warn the other dictators on the planet that they will never extinguish human liberty while America and its allies in this great battle—including Ukraine—are still standing.”
Ukraine’s Fate and America’s Destiny

12/27/22 – Just because the Republican Party has a high number of MAGA morons, that doesn’t mean the average American voter is a moron. “I’ve never really believed the president, no matter who it is … ever really controlled the inflation. They may have had an effect on it, but they didn’t really control it one way or the other.” Exactly. Does the right have anything but hate and fear to sell? No, it doesn’t.
GOP stumbles with independents contributed to midterm woes

12/26/22 – The west needs to give Ukraine the best weapons and all the weapons it needs to win completely. The west also needs to decapitate the Russian poop.

12/26/22 – Wow! It reads like fiction, but it’s real life. Reminded me of Hemingway. Incredible reporting and photography. They are so brave. “More than any other foreign volunteer I met, Doc seemed to be genuinely motivated by a conviction that the conflict was ‘a clear case of right and wrong.’”
Trapped in the Trenches in Ukraine

12/26/22 – Boebert didn’t learn anything because she’s not about learning. She’s also not about governing. She’s just about having power to have power. MAGA are an embarrassment to humankind.
Boebert ‘learned absolutely nothing’ – The Durango Herald

12/26/22 – Really hope advancements in AI, such as ChatGPT, lead to the revival of bluebook exams. They are hard, and that’s great. We need to be a nation that values and nurtures academic excellence.

12/26/22 – You would think Abbott, who’s in a wheelchair, would understand something about vulnerability. These migrants are vulnerable, and even on Christmas Eve, he treated them as Herod would and definitely not as Jesus would. Without putting their lives in danger, these cruel Republican governors can keep sending the migrants to the northern states. We have inclusive, caring communities. We will train and educate them, and they will contribute greatly to our communities, our culture and our economy.
More migrants dropped off outside vice president’s home in freezing weather on Christmas Eve

12/26/22 – This definitely should happen. “Ukraine has called on United Nations member states to deprive Russia of its status as a permanent member of the UN Security Council and to expel it from the UN, Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Dec. 26.”
Ukraine seeks to have Russia expelled from UN.

12/26/22 – Obvious fact that still needs to be said. White people have enslaved other white people throughout history. Simply being white does not protect white people from enslavement by their own people.

12/26/22 – Apparently, it needs to be said. Y’all, don’t travel in extreme weather conditions, such as a blizzard. Exercise some commonsense. You just hunker down. If you live in the northern states, invest in warm clothing, wear layers, and have food, bottled water, candles, and if you have a house, firewood, on hand. You can always collect snow or rain for water. Previous generations didn’t have electricity or running water. Prepare and plan, and toughen up. We can’t become a decadent nation of lazy whiners. We are Americans. We need to be disciplined, tough, hardworking and positive.

12/26/22 – “Shalom” and “inshallah” are such great words. Just because you have one mother tongue doesn’t mean you can’t incorporate words from other languages into your own. All languages, including English, does this. Free feel to make your mother tongue your own. God made us free so that we can fully express ourselves.

12/26/22 – Christians have the creeds for a reason. If you can say the Nicene or Apostles’ Creed and believe it, you can be a Christian. And there is nothing in them about abortion, homosexuality, etc. Just find a church that works for you. People love Jesus because Jesus knows how to love. Don’t give him up because others don’t know how to love.
Transgender or devoutly Christian? An Iowa teen refuses to choose.

12/26/22 – From poopy, the Russian sh-t, look at how unreasonable the west is. I want to negotiate, meaning give me all of Ukraine and let me enslave its people, and they won’t negotiate. I will keep repeating the word “negotiate,” like liberals keep repeating the word “science,” as if the word itself is an argument.

12/26/22 – “[T]he identity of the alternative is less important than the existence of an alternative.” The existence and identity of the alternative should be clear to all Christians. If you’re going to actually practice Christianity, your hope needs to reside in one person, Jesus Christ. Placing hope in anyone else is going to be misplaced. I see Christians of both parties doing this. Certain politicians, the narcissistic, AOC to the evil one, Trump, develop a cultlike following based on personality and promises. What does it mean to place your hope in Jesus? It means actually following him and doing what he asked of us.
How Much Longer Can Trump’s Con Endure?

12/26/22 – It’s cold and snowy, but people have to deal with it. The snow has been a Christmas gift. It will melt and give our land much needed water. God is great.

12/25/22 – If you are blessed to have a genuine conversion, it’s the most powerful thing in the world.

12/25/22 – One God, One Church, One Family.
Christmas Around the World

12/25/22 – If you’ve never gone to a Christian service in another language or a different rite and language, really recommend it. You will better understand the breadth and depth of the universal church. One God, One Church, One Family.

12/25/22 – Very popular series. I run into people all the time who love it. (Bigger cities aren’t as godless as the elites on the coasts like to pretend they are.) It’s crowd-funded. Episode 3 of Season 3 will be playing tonight. “The Chosen is the first-ever multi-season series about the life of Christ. It’s the free show that tens of millions of people won’t stop talking about.”

12/25/22 – From a Christian in the persecuted church where they have to celebrate Christmas secretly. If they are caught, they could be put to death. “It’s important that just as we received the greatest gift of God to save mankind, we should also have a giving heart, and love and serve. Thank you for praying for us—your prayers mean so much, knowing that you’re standing with our church. We pray for you, too. This season, I pray you will experience Christ’s love and peace anew. Elahe in Iran”

12/25/22 – “If we want it to be Christmas, the Birth of Jesus and of peace, let us look to Bethlehem and contemplate the face of the Child who is born for us! And in that small and innocent face, let us see the faces of all those children who, everywhere in the world, long for peace.

Let us also see the faces of our Ukrainian brothers and sisters who are experiencing this Christmas in the dark and cold, far from their homes due to the devastation caused by ten months of war. May the Lord inspire us to offer concrete gestures of solidarity to assist all those who are suffering, and may he enlighten the minds of those who have the power to silence the thunder of weapons and put an immediate end to this senseless war!” Pope Francis.

12/25/22 – Christianity has never belonged to the west, and it will never belong to the west. It’s God’s gift to the whole world, to all people of all backgrounds. People love the story of Jesus’s birth because it’s beautiful and moving. It’s a story of humble beginnings and God’s goodness and greatness. Today, our savior is born. Merry Christmas to all, and may God bless the persecuted church today and every day.

12/25/22 – Why is this considered an “inclusive approach”? They’re specifically choosing a Nordic holiday (so inclusive…), whose origins are in one of the most genocidal countries on the planet, Germany. Why not Hannukah with its beautiful symbolism, which would also help combat antisemitism, or is that too religious for them? No wait, maybe it’s just not cool enough. European pagans, you know those warring barbarians with no value for human life, are so much cooler! Also, I have no interest in “blurred imagery” (what does that even mean), and it has nothing to do with inclusion. Buy hey, who needs to make sense when you’re so cool. And please spare us the BS. There are many liberals and atheists who hate Christmas because they are religious bigots. It has nothing to do with their inclusion or exclusion and has everything to do with hate.
The war on ‘Happy Holidays’ isn’t about Christmas

12/24/22 – The Latin Rite at the Vatican. Urbi and Orbi is at noon Vatican City time. Merry Christmas!

12/24/22 – To the Russians, leave all Ukrainian land, including Crimea. It is not your land. You have a big country, with more than enough land. Go back to it, get rid of putin, and build a nation that’s actually worthy of your lives.

12/24/22 – To the Russians, stop listening to the evil voices of your leaders, and start listening to the divine voice of the Holy Spirit. Listen to the pleas of children, to the weeping of Rachel. Lay down your arms. Give yourself to the Lord, to the Prince of Peace.

12/24/22 – To refugees and migrants throughout the world, including our Ukrainian brothers and sisters, Jesus was also a refugee. God is with you.

12/24/22 – “Creche” is from Latin, meaning nativity scene. (In French, it also means nursery.) They are wearing Jerusalem crosses. (There are many different crosses.)

12/24/22 – From the comments, “Praying that everyone around the world may have a blessed Christmas, and that love, compassion, and peace may win over evil.”

12/24/22 – It’s OK to cry, even weep. God understands, and we understand. It’s been a hard few years, but the Lord has not forsaken us, and we have not forsaken each other.

12/24/22 – For the people who can’t go to church for whatever reason, Christmas Eve – Lessons and Carols at Washington National Cathedral. There are many other gatherings around the world of the universal church this Christmas 2022, and as always, our churches are open to all. Welcome, and peace be with you, friends!

12/24/22 – Seeing images of terrorism is always hard, but on Christmas Eve, it’s really hard. “Wherever we are, we will be together today. We make a wish. One for all. And we will feel joy. One for all. And we will understand the truth. One for all. We will celebrate our holidays! As always. We will smile and be happy. As always. The difference is one. We will not wait for a miracle. After all, we create it ourselves. Christ is born! Let’s praise Him!”
Merry Christmas to Western Rite Orthodox Christians!

12/24/22 – This Christmas eve, let’s pray that every Russian soldier surrenders to the Ukrainians and that the Ukrainians respect their humanity and treat them, their enemies who have waged an unjust war against them, with compassion.

12/24/22 – “Hitler followed his father’s religious path straight into infamy. He hated Judaism, gleefully murdering 6 million Jews. But he loathed Christianity, too. In Hitler’s eyes Christianity was a religion fit only for slaves.” The greatest honor one could bestow on true Christians is to say that we are God’s slaves. Only a godless, evil man wouldn’t understand this.
Hitler hated Judaism. But he loathed Christianity, too.

12/24/22 – To the pagans, atheists and other detractors, the world isn’t celebrating a bacchanalia pagan holiday. It practices that, debaucherous hedonism, most of the rest of the year to disastrous effects on the world, such as war and climate change. If you want to take away this gift of joy to the world that is Christmas simply because it’s associated with Christianity, then you’re seriously f—ked up, and I feel sorry for you.

12/24/22 – “Nearly universal association of Christmas with love, generosity and compassionate community.” Let that sink in. If Christians are “losing,” a terminology better suited to war than to faith, then what does “winning” look like? “[T]he unpopularity of these grumblers and naysayers speaks to the nearly universal association of Christmas with love, generosity and compassionate community — and the consensus that these should be embraced.” The whole world “won” by the birth of this baby in a manger. Emmanuel, God is with us whether or not we deserve it or believe it.
The wise men who helped me understand Christmas

12/24/22 – What is incredible is not the “secularization of Christmas.” It’s that a religious holiday associated with a small Jewish sect who later came to be known as Christians is celebrated the world over by people of various religious backgrounds and non-religious people alike because it is joyful. It’s the only holiday I can think of that fits this description. I would like to ask Christians: What is the point of saying that you believe in our Christian God, but then not acting like it? If you are worried about the decline in the numbers of practicing Christians, then you have no real faith in our God. Faith expressed is trust. There are Christians, right now and all over the world, the persecuted church, who are risking their lives to practice our faith and celebrate our holidays with us. They have put their faith and trust in our God, and you are worried about the power of our religion. Stop worrying. Start trusting.
The War on Christmas Is Winning

12/24/22 – And if people could remind the NatKKKons as much as possible that Zelensky is a Jew and draw comparisons to David, that would be the bow on this year’s Christmas present.

12/24/22 – This Christmas, let us keep our Ukrainian sisters and brothers in our prayers and hearts. Let us remember that Jesus, the Son of God, was born in a humble manger. Light up Ukraine. Donate generously to them. Pray for them.
EU buildings turned lights off in solidarity with Ukraine
Light Up Ukraine
After missile strikes, Ukrainians persist without electricity, water, heat

12/24/22 – Ah, no. This would put the evil one, Trump, above the law. “But banning him from seeking the presidency now could turn him into a martyr and benefit his cause, just as growing numbers of Republicans are showing a willingness to turn the page.” The only consideration is: Did he violate Section 3 of the 14th Amendment? He clearly did. And in a nation of laws that applies them without fear or favor, his punishment, which in this case is to never hold any public office again, must be applied. The WaPo Editorial Board is superimposing their political considerations where there should be the simple application of the law.
Jan. 6 committee recommendations would (mostly) help preserve democracy

12/23/22 – If someone could read all of these articles and endless words of praise of Zelensky to the NatKKKons and record their rage, it would be quite edifying, well actually quite entertaining, for the rest of us. He made history in the best way. They are making history in the worst way. And 99.9% of the world, oh wait, who are we now, the sanity party, no wait, the uniparty, right because unity, it’s so normie, who would want unity when you can have KKKrazy, well, the boring monolith that we are, we’re here for it.
Rising to a historic destiny, Zelensky embodies America’s values

12/23/22 – Don’t watch TV, so had no idea that the deranged rage of the what are they called now NatKKKons was so deep and broad. As a gift to ourselves this Christmas, we get to own the KKKons and the KKKonned. If the reporters could provide more details about how their hate affected them physically, we’d much appreciate it. Did their makeup artists need to wipe the froth away from their mouths? Perhaps their hair became ablaze and fell to the ground? Did horns grow out of their heads? Did they have any accidents? Nothing would be too much for us to handle. Please share. In any case, thank you all for this reporting. Such a hot gift at an otherwise cold Christmas time.
The Oddly Intense Anger Against Zelensky, Explained

12/23/22 – Cassidy Hutchinson’s attorney should be disbarred. He was definitely not acting ethically or in her (his client’s) interests.
Tapper: Hutchinson’s transformation from MAGA supporter to whistleblower is historic

12/23/22 – Clarence Thomas is the Kanye West of the Supreme KKKourt.

12/23/22 – Curious minds want to know: What are the ties between Eastman and Thomas?

12/23/22 – Put in the category of obvious things that are nice to get around Christmas: “This just in: McConnell says Trump’s political clout has ‘diminished’….’The former president may have other things to do,’” translated, f—k off, loser. (WaPo)

12/23/22 – Would Congress actually do something this practical? “It absolutely should be done. And at some point, the administration might simply announce that the Constitution obligates us to guarantee debts, so a congressional vote is superflous. It’s pure madness to allow Republicans to hold the national debt hostage, risking an economic calamity.”
WaPo, Rubin, QA

12/23/22 – The evil one, Trump, is never going to come right out and say, “Hey MAGA, I want to be a dictator and enslave you,” although that is what he wants. Instead, he appeals to their vanity by saying, “I will subjugate only the inferior people and elevate only you, superior people.” Understandably, reasonable people find MAGA revolting for finding this ploy appealing. However, they should keep in mind that MAGA is the one that is being manipulated, not the people who find the ploy (and MAGA) revolting. E.g., who is in a worse situation: the stupid Russians who believe Putin’s lies or the smart Russians who can’t stand him but are stuck with him because of the stupid Russians?

12/23/22 – Tucker Carlson, aka Tuckyorose, is a Kremlin sympathizer who should be arrested and tried for treason. In addition to many of the valid points in the article and aside from being on Russia’s payroll, as is the evil one, Trump, it’s also plain jealousy. Zelensky got everything the evil one and Tuckyo want – the world’s adoration. He was Time magazine’s man of the year. He is admired for his leadership. Jealous people make ridiculous characterizations of the person they are jealous of. (The irony is that this makes their jealousy entirely transparent.) Where I somewhat disagree is that Tuckyo and the evil one are not actually against something, “wokeness” or even immigration, as being for something – autocracy. They want absolute power. That’s what America first has been about all along. It’s a ploy intended to use hatred to rise to power only to subjugate the people who put them in power, the white racists and bigots who think they will benefit. They will turn them into slaves as dictators always do.
Tucker Carlson’s rage at Zelensky caps a year of getting things wrong

12/23/22 – To the Europeans who are complaining about their energy bills and other inconveniences, screw you. You were short-sighted, selfish and naïve, and now, you’re paying the price for your foolish choices. You have no one to blame but yourselves. You should thank God that the Ukrainians aren’t like you, or you’d be in an even worse situation than you’re in now.

12/23/22 – Dictators of the world unite!

12/23/22 – So that means that poopy is planning to annex Belarus. “Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Belarus on Dec. 19 didn’t deliver any particular results. Routine statements about joint exercises, a new round of nuclear blackmail, and assurances that Russia will not annex Belarus were among the key talking points during Putin’s press conference in Minsk. Russia again began increasing its military presence in the country, delivering more than 100 pieces of equipment to Belarus’ where Russian troops are stationed as part of the joint military command.”
Belarus Weekly: Russia transfers more military equipment to Belarus, deploys closer to Ukrainian border

12/23/22 – Are Russia, China, Iran and North Korea the new axis of evil? In any case, they are likely planning to wage war on the west. Stop worrying about provoking them. Start defending us. We must get rid of the evil one and his enablers now. Quit f—king around.

12/22/22 – How did American greatness come to be? We were a mere colonial outpost in an unforgiving climate. (Do we need to be reminded of the weather right now?) It’s not technology, industry, innovation, commercial enterprise, etc. It’s simply our people – all of our people in our glorious diversity. It’s the people who wake up every day and do their jobs well, jobs we need to function as a nation. It’s the people who serve their communities without fanfare. It’s the people who believe in and practice basic values like honesty and compassion. It’s the people who give their time, talent and treasure because they know it’s the right thing to do. Just the other day, I thought to myself how blessed I am to live in a place with so many good people. Some among us have given in to the forces of darkness. They think that this will “make America great again.” It won’t. If we’re going to stay a great nation, we need to be a great people. It’s as simple as that.

12/22/22 – The Federalist Papers sometimes feels like a crystal ball from the past looking into our present. “By a steady adherence to the Union we may hope, erelong, to become the arbiter of Europe in America, and to be able to incline the balance of European competitions in this part of the world as our interest may dictate.” Do we as Americans aspire to this position of arbiter? Personally, I do not, but arguably, this is the role Americans have found ourselves in. I would like to say to Hamilton, be careful what you wish for, what you strategize for, but also, if there must be a world arbiter, biased as I am, I trust America more than any other country because I have faith that its people, flawed as we are, can exercise a generosity of spirit and a sense of sacrifice that would be required of a country in this role.
Federalist Nos. 11-20

12/22/22 – I was (and still am) sick of Europe’s dependency on us, but I have fully supported Ukraine from day one. What’s different? They genuinely need us and deserve our help. In return, Ukrainians rekindled Americans’ fighting spirit. Let’s admit it. The years of the evil one exhausted us, but if we had given up, he would have won. Even though it’s not stated explicitly, the election outcomes are in part a reflection of Ukrainians’ positive effect on us. We fought for our own democracy because their existential fight for it reminded us, at least subconsciously, to never take it for granted. “‘So much in the world depends on you.’ Sometimes, Americans forget that. Zelensky reminded us. He came to say thank you. It’s a little embarrassing to hear that thanks, because what Americans gave, fundamentally, was just money. Zelensky’s people have given blood, home, comfort, and security—every precious thing that human beings can sacrifice. The answer we owe Zelensky, the answer Zelensky should hear from this country, revived by his visit, his cause, and his country’s heroic fight, is: No, no, no—thank you.”
Zelensky Recalled Us to Ourselves

12/22/22 – Not a war strategist, but it seems to me if you can’t figure out how to get blankets and basics to your troops, you might want to quit the war (before it quits you).

12/22/22 – Just when you think MAGA are the biggest chumps on the planet, they get stiff competition. Not only did poisonous poopy (alliteration is my thing) steal almost all of their money, engage them in a war that has cost them whatever national reputation they had and won them the world’s ire, a war in which they have become cannon fodder, but now, he has conned them into spending their own money to fund the war. They are funding their own deaths. Truly pathetic and sad.
Russians buy boots and body armor for the troops

12/22/22 – March to the beat of your own drummer. Do justice to the individuality God gave you.

12/22/22 – Elites of both parties, are you better than this man because of your status, profession or money? You’re not. Books saved and made him, as they did me. That’s the power of the written language. “‘To me, anything that starts to dominate everything about you — when you can only interact with an ideal instead of have a conversation — I’m skeptical.’ But what was most insulting to him of all was the assumption that he would go along with all of it because of how he looked and where he lived…. And that was who Cody Johnson had become by the time he rolled up to Beulahland Baptist Church on the day of the midterm elections: an Emerson-reading troublemaker who was not going to let things slide, and instead was going to cast a ballot for only the second time in his life.” The country owes people like them (him and his wife) a debt of gratitude. They are helping us save our democracy.
In rural Georgia, an unlikely rebel against Trumpism

12/22/22 – It is clearly genocide. “AP: At least 10,300 new graves dug in occupied Mariupol since March. The total area occupied by the new graves is more than 51,500 square meters, according to AP estimates. The video footage reviewed showed that Russian occupying authorities used heavy machinery to dig long trenches there, which were then backfilled.”
Genocide of the Ukrainian people

12/22/22 – This is now a great Christmas tradition that the next Pope should maintain. “Francis has long used his Christmas address for an annual dressing down of Vatican bureaucrats, taking them through a typical Jesuit-style ‘examination of conscience’ to help them repent in the run-up to Christmas.” And where are the atheists’ corrective mechanism, or do they not need it because they are holier-than-thou, because they are so superior and evolved? Spare us the BS. They are and have always been sinners too. The main difference is that they make no effort to acknowledge or atone for their sins. They are effectively devoid of a process for an examination of conscience or repentance, and they fill that vacuum with an insatiable and unhealthy self-love.
Pope warns Vatican staff an ‘elegant demon’ lurks among them

12/22/22 – Power Engineers Day! Who knew. Poetic timing. Such a tough people! Slava Ukraini!

12/22/22 – Apparently, the SEC is not going to do anything about the institutional investors who are clearly manipulating the market and likely window dressing.

12/22/22 – Absolutely! If you care at all about future generations, you will support Ukraine until they and we are victorious. “[Zelensky] may be saying thank you, but it is the free world that should be thanking Ukraine. Ukrainians are fighting a battle for freedom, democracy and the very notion of national sovereignty…. If Americans get tired of supporting Ukraine, if they listen to the ugly voices disparaging Zelensky, Russia could ultimately win, and the world as we know it would change. It would be a victory for autocracy and a grievous loss for democracy.”
Opinion: Zelensky’s powerful message to Putin

12/22/22 – Many atheists, especially the militant ones, like to hate religious people because atheists are just as likely to be immoral and sinful as anybody else. It is part of the human condition. The fact is that the Nazis were opposed to all religions, including Christianity. This is why they also murdered Christians. They were not Christian nationalists. They were a godless people who worshipped a false god, the evil one, Hitler, much like MAGA worships a false god, the evil one, Trump, now. The fact is that many of the people who defeated fascism in Europe were Christians who did so in part because they felt a moral obligation based on their religious convictions. They helped save the Jewish people, among other minorities, such as the Roma, who were neither Christian nor white. So, go ahead, hate religions all you want, atheists. It doesn’t change the facts, and the facts are not on your side.

12/22/22 – More important than the computer languages are the written languages. In this era, it’s vogue to think that a computer can write text. It can write text, but the quality of the text is primarily dependent on the quality of the ideas. And anyone who writes knows that coming up with original ideas is the hardest part. There are no real ideas in writing code. You write to execute a function or perform an action. You don’t write code to change the hearts and minds of people. Let us not deceive ourselves as to which type of writing matters more and what is harder to do.
What Elon Musk failed to understand about Twitter

12/22/22 – There are clearly many unethical atheists, and many of them work in technology. They do things they shouldn’t be doing because they, like Elon Musk, have thin skin, can’t handle the truth and want to control other people. They are also good at justifying their immoral actions. They should also be held accountable.

12/21/22 – Washington, like all people including the self-righteous atheists and other liberals who think they are perfect when they are not, was a complicated figure. He was a sinner like we all are. Being a slaveholder will remain a stain upon his character as it should be. “But in this case, the most esteemed American of his time plainly saw beyond the common prejudices of his era. For that reason, he earned a special place in the hearts of American Jews.” Like Zelensky is now, Washington put his life on the line for American freedom and democracy. Forget the degenerate “white Christian nationalist” crowd. They are crazy morons. How many liberal virtue-signalers are willing to do that? How many of them are willing to unequivocally support the Jewish people’s freedom of religion? The answer and the truth is: not that many.
Think America is a ‘Christian nation’? George Washington didn’t.

12/21/22 – History was made tonight. What a moment for the free world! So proud of our Ukrainian friends and President Zelensky.
Ukrainian President Zelensky visits the USA

12/21/22 – It’s in Americans’ interest to support Ukraine. Ukrainians’ sacrifice is saving democracy and freedom around the world. “President Volodymyr Zelensky profusely thanked the United States for its continued support in a brief but emotion-filled address to U.S. Congress. Speaking alongside House Speaker Nancy Pelosi at the Capitol, Zelensky said the speech he’ll deliver before members of Congress on Dec. 21 is not only for lawmakers but for all Americans.”
Zelensky thanks Americans for their support in brief remarks to US Congress

12/21/22 – “‘[O]ur weapon is truth, and our truth is that this is our land, our country, our children, and we will defend all of this.’… As you watch Zelensky on the podium before Congress, imagine the rage that Russian President Vladimir Putin must be feeling: His bets are losing.” Oh, we’re watching with delight. It is particularly gratifying that his evil Manchurian candidate bet is also losing. They are such losers, and it’s delicious. What will be even more delicious is when their judgment comes, and it will come. They will lose then too. Betting against God is always a losing proposition.
Zelensky’s role on the Washington stage is Ukrainian fighter

12/21/22 – Tears, tears. Love of country, freedom and democracy. In the future, history will ask, what did you do to help Ukraine in their time of need, and Americans can say, we did more than any other country. Such a great people! Slava Ukraini!
Stand with Ukraine.
Americans are inspired by Ukrainians.

12/21/22 – God’s plans are always greater. “At long last, Zelensky gets his White House meeting,” CNN. Granted the circumstances are hard, but this is way better than meeting with the evil one.

12/21/22 – Notes from prison. “‘Do you think you just printed leftist money? – the detective shouted. – No! You, bitch, got into Putin’s pocket!’ Poor Putin.”

12/21/22 – Most rich people would have been better off if they had lived simpler, more wholesome lives.

12/20/22 – Always keep in mind that most rich people are stupid and crazy.

12/20/22 – Elon Musk says that he can’t find someone who can keep Twitter alive who wants the job, implying that the only people who would want the job couldn’t keep Twitter alive. Perhaps he’s forgotten that he wanted the job before he didn’t want it, but now, he owns it. What does that say? Maybe it says that if Twitter weren’t doomed before, it’s doomed now.

12/20/22 – “Do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

12/20/22 – The evil one, Trump’s empleomania nearly cost Americans their democracy.

12/20/22 – Learning different languages, including learning more about one’s own native tongue, is one of the most enriching things to do. Don’t listen to the people who push nothing but STEM. Love them, study them, use them. They are never a waste of time.
Beautiful, useless, obscure-words

12/20/22 – While pussy pooty tries to deflect responsibility, in Zelensky we have a profile in courage and leadership. “President Volodymyr Zelensky greets Ukrainian fighters on the front line in Bakhmut in Donetsk Oblast during an unannounced visit on Dec. 20.” He and other Ukrainians are helping save democracy, and the world owes them a debt of gratitude for it.
President Volodymyr Zelensky greets Ukrainian fighters on the front line in Bakhmut

12/20/22 – Semantic bleaching, what an awesome term.

12/20/22 – Will they, no, but every day, MAGA should thank the Lord above, our Founding Fathers, and Democrats for saving their a—es from becoming slaves in Trumpistan.

12/19/22 – What’s sadder: the MAGA morons who actually gave the evil grifter money or the pretend “White House” at Mar-a-Lago with the lonely, crazy evil one?
“[T]he $99 that each gullible purchaser sent in went not to any political cause but to Trump himself.”
‘Conspiracy to defraud’ is the perfect charge against the grifter Trump
“A longtime Trump confidant termed his Mar-a-Lago existence, where he has tried to re-create the trappings of the presidency, as ‘sad.’ Comparing it to life at the White House, this person added, ‘It’s like a Barbie Dream House miniature.’”
How Trump jettisoned restraints at Mar-a-Lago and prompted legal peril

12/19/22 – Gee, where are the capital inflows coming from? “But it has tripled its trade with Russia, and capital inflows from unknown sources to Central Bank coffers — in the vicinity of $28 billion — have prevented an expected balance-of-payments crisis. That, in turn, has enabled the government to disburse new handouts to the public.”
Erdogan may have just made the biggest mistake of his political career

12/19/22 – MAGA are a disgrace to humankind. They will be remembered in history as traitors to the United States of America.

12/19/22 – The evil one, Trump, is unfit for any office.
WATCH LIVE: Jan. 6 Committee hearings – The Final Report

12/18/22 – Henry Kissinger is a menace to mankind, and when that monster, who terrorized innocent people in Southeast Asia, finally dies, the world will be a better place. F—k him and what he thinks about anything. The war criminal’s “wisdom” is worthless or even worse.

12/18/22 – The American education system – at all levels – has an administration problem. There is far too much of it. Can we focus on learning and on the people who actually make that happen?

12/18/22 – Union strong. Union proud. (FYI, being a professor is a s—t ton of work, and it’s hard, so f—k the colleges and universities for their exploitation of highly educated labor. Also, f—k prestige. They can take their elitism and shove it. Prestige and elitism don’t pay the bills.) “Labor victories managed to organize more than 43,000 workers — ‘more than double the number of workers organized in first-half 2021,’ Bloomberg Law said.”
Distinguished persons: Unions break through in 2022

12/18/22 – Elon Musk, I am now conducting a poll. Be careful what you say: Do you think I have thin skin?
After backlash, Elon Musk is staking his leadership on a Twitter poll

12/18/22 – Jealousy and love are incompatible. God is never jealous of you. Give yourself to God. He knows how to love. Happy final Sunday of Advent.

12/18/22 – May the devil’s abettor burn in hell. “Pavone had been laicized — he can no longer present himself as a priest — after being found guilty in a canonical proceeding ‘of blasphemous communications on social media and of persistent disobedience of the lawful instructions of his diocesan bishop.’”
Anti-abortion priest Pavone defrocked for blasphemous posts

12/18/22 – Republicans who speak out against the evil one, Trump, aren’t “RINOs.” They are simply not totally crazy and unpatriotic. MAGA morons are not more “conservative.” They are f—king crazy traitors. “‘I have heard from many, many formerly very pro-Trump voters that they think it’s time for our party to move on,’ Toomey told CNN’s Jake Tapper on ‘State of the Union.’”
Retiring GOP senator says Trump’s influence on party is ‘waning’

12/18/22 – Like much of the Middle East, the Qataris don’t give a s—t about human beings and human rights. F—k them, and f—k FIFA. Oh and f—k you too for watching the World Cup and being total hypocrites.

12/18/22 – “As the 2022 World Cup wraps up, there is an overarching takeaway: Holding it in Qatar was a huge mistake. FIFA, soccer’s global governing body, had numerous chances to take a stand for basic human dignities. It didn’t.”
This was a World Cup of human rights horrors

12/18/22 – FIFA is a corrupt organization.

12/18/22 – On this International Migrants Day, remember that people died so that you could scream stupidly for your team while you were being entertained. How different is this from screaming as Christians or others were being eaten alive by lions in Rome’s colosseum? Tell us again about human evolution. You are so evolved! Sign the petition.

12/18/22 – Russia, a nation that once contributed to arts and culture, has become nothing more than a terrorist state and has humiliated itself on the world stage.

12/17/22 – The Federal Reserve wants to plunge our economy into a recession because it wants to help the plutocrats enslave the American people.
US recession a growing fear as Fed plans to keep rates high

12/17/22 – Once we don’t need these terrible countries’ fossil fuels any longer, a day that will come sooner than some might think, they will have nothing the majority of the world wants. Stop buying their drugs, which hurts not just them, but also you, and they will be forced to find better ways to engage economically and otherwise with the world. “The elements needed are available in seawater. It’s also a process that doesn’t produce the radioactive waste of nuclear fission, Kammen said.”
EXPLAINER: Why fusion could be a clean-energy breakthrough

12/17/22 – Everywhere one looks, democracy is under attack. “She said the Parliament and European democracies were ‘under attack’ by ‘malign actors, linked to autocratic third countries.’… [P]olice in Belgium’s capital carried out multiple raids as part of the investigation and reported seizing cash, computer equipment and mobile telephones…. ‘There has never been such a massive corruption scandal hitting the Parliament’.”
Police raid more EU Parliament offices in corruption probe

12/16/22 – Integrity. Patriot. “Our democracy is not functioning…. Americans deserve a democracy that values truthful leaders and real dialogue between our parties.”
Representative Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) Farewell Speech

12/16/22 – It’s not about 2024. It’s all about 2042.

12/16/22 – White people are superior at sociopathology, and that’s it.

12/16/22 – And the Oscar goes to…. “I have already applied to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation so that it initiates the procedure for declaring France a state sponsor of terrorism, as well as conducting a thorough investigation of the terrorist methods of France and its Western allies – the United States and others.”
Russian linked to Wagner badly hurt in assassination attempt in Central African Republic

12/16/22 – Basically, McCarthy is a marshmallow who just wants the House gavel and will grovel to get it. Spell that right, OK, did I? Moron.
Is Kevin McCarthy okay?

12/15/22 – Absolutely! “‘Let’s have a more humble Christmas, with more humble gifts, and send what we save to the Ukrainian people, who need it,’ [Pope Francis] said.”
Pope urges to spend less on Christmas, send difference to Ukrainians

12/15/22 – This is what the Russian people are indifferent to. This is what they support when they support the Kremlin. This is what MTG and other MAGA are supporting. “Ukrainian authorities discovered a room that Russians used to detain and torture children during the occupation of Kherson, Dmytro Lubinets, the Human Rights Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada, said on Dec. 14. According to testimonies from locals, other torture victims in the facility knew that Ukrainian children had been kept there by Russian security services, who had called the room ‘a children’s cell.’”
Children’s torture chamber found in liberated Kherson

12/15/22 – The British “monarchy” like all monarchies everywhere and across time are a lie and a farce. They should all end forever. “‘[R]eally what they’re doing is blocking a grandson from seeing his grandmother,’ added Meghan.” The only King is Jesus.
Prince Harry says William ‘screamed’ at him over royal split with Meghan, in final episodes of Netflix documentary

12/15/22 – Liberals are as guilty as conservatives of associating Christianity with white people. Fact: The first Christians were brown people, and there are millions of Christians who are not white.

12/15/22 – The global church, which includes persecuted Christians, is a gift from God. “‘[H]ere, (there are) different nationalities and then they have different cultures,’ Gonzaga said. ‘I could feel the real spirit of the church, the universal church,’ he said, adding the different communities learn from each other.” Human beings should never be treated as slaves. Their dignity must always be respected. “Pope Francis lamented that much labor can be ‘dehumanizing’ and encouraged the promotion of equal rights for workers.” “‘It gives more peace and happiness in my life,’ she said. ‘Christmas is coming and when this is going on, we should … beautify our hearts to receive our Jesus Christ.’”
At ‘Church City,’ a taste of Catholic life in Qatar

12/15/22 – In practice, laïcité is self-imposed government dependency and control and individual isolation.

12/15/22 – Americans, we are weird, a pain in the a-s, but also great. “In her remarks, Pelosi thanked Boehner, who was teary at times, and noted that she would have been ‘a little disappointed if he did not get emotional.’” (Catholics….) “Pelosi’s portrait was created by artist Ronald Sherr, who died last week.” May he rest in peace.
Boehner’s tears, Obama’s tribute highlight Pelosi’s Capitol portrait unveiling

12/14/22 – Twitter is a toxic cesspool. By staying on it, you’re legitimizing the illegitimate, and you’re part of the problem. “Since launching his $44 billion takeover of the company, Musk has become so popular in QAnon circles that some regard him, not Trump, as the savior-like figure they had been waiting on to usher in ‘the Storm,’ a quasi-biblical moment in which the cabal that runs the American government, media, technology industry and education system would be vanquished through public executions.”
QAnon, adrift after Trump’s defeat, finds new life in Elon Musk’s Twitter

12/14/22 – This is absolutely ridiculous and a violation of Americans’ rights. “As the county prosecutor, he said, he would be ‘proud’ to bring a case against someone caught violating the abortion ban, a felony punishable in Texas by up to life in prison.” These organizations are “violating the law” because the law is violating women’s rights.
Antiabortion movement seeks to jail people for ‘trafficking’ illegal pills

12/14/22 – This is obvious. “‘Because Russia won’t stop until big blood is spilled, until everyone dies. Soldiers are cannon fodder to them. They don’t respect them,’ he said.” The question is: Do Russians respect themselves? People who have self-respect don’t act like this. They do not support someone like Putin. They do not act as if other human beings don’t matter. They do not seek empire. They do not commit war crimes.
‘There are maniacs who enjoy killing,’ Russian defector says of his former unit accused of war crimes in Bucha

12/14/22 – If Putin had been winning in Ukraine, how would the Russians be reacting? How would the world be reacting? Food for thought.

12/14/22 – The Hindu caste system is institutionalized slavery. The Dalits are the most original to the land of India. Seizing the current Hindu Nationalist zeitgeist, they should kick the foreigners, all other castes, out of India, and liberate themselves from their foreign oppressors, the Aryan colonialists. They can move back to where they came from, the Middle East/Central Asia.

12/13/22 – Never take freedom and democracy for granted. Fight for it. “Indeed, on a continent poisoned by revanchism and polarization, Castillo pulled off something remarkable: uniting the entire country — against him. Compatriots on the left, right and center rallied to reject his ham-fisted coup attempt.”
More than a new government, Peru needs one that can last

12/13/22 – Like so many other things, the Boomers destroyed the American higher education system.
How progressive can a college be when instructors make poverty wages?

12/13/22 – Absolutely! “Gaining access to longer-range ‘fires’ will enable the Ukrainians to more effectively strike such military targets across the width and breadth of Russian-occupied territory. That includes Crimea, which remains out of HIMARS range. Such strikes, in turn, will enable future offensives that can bring this awful war to a conclusion.”
Give Ukraine the ability to strike every inch of Russian occupied territory

12/13/22 – Elon Musk is an a—hole, and if you like him, you’re an a—hole too.

12/12/22 – Emmer is not a congressman. He’s a lobbyist for the crypto industry. “A nonprofit known as the Coin Center, which is funded by crypto companies and investors, claimed to help lawmakers form the blockchain caucus in 2016. It previously described its input in chartering the group as ‘instrumental.’ Emmer became its co-chair two years later, promising then to help Congress ‘embrace and support’ cryptocurrency for ‘the next generation and beyond.’… Emmer also worked to make it easier for crypto allies to contribute — in digital tokens — to GOP campaigns.”
Meet Tom Emmer, a powerful crypto advocate in a crypto-wary Congress

12/12/22 – Keep your traditions alive, whether of African, Asian, European or whatever descent.

12/11/22 – Jesus is our Lord and our Redeemer.

12/11/22 – Nip India’s democratic backsliding now before it’s too late and much harder to fix. “At the same time, manufacturers trying to bolster vulnerable supply chains are turning to Vietnam or India instead of China. ‘There’s a huge shift going on,’ said Andrew Collier, an economist with GlobalSource Partners in Hong Kong.”
U.S.-China economic ties continue to fray, despite Biden-Xi meeting

12/11/22 – If you’re still on Twitter, you’re a fool.

12/11/22 – India’s plutocrats are conspiring with the Hindu Nationalists, headed by Modi, to ruin the country and turn it into Russia and China. They turn newsrooms into “lapdog media” to pump out propaganda. Is the west going to do anything? Hello, Biden administration! India is too important of a country to allow it to fall into authoritarianism. “‘India never had a golden period of journalism,’ Kumar continued in his message, which quickly accumulated some 6.7 million views. ‘But it also didn’t have a devastating period like there is today. Every good thing about this profession is being destroyed’…. ‘The violence against journalists, the politically partisan media and the concentration of media ownership all demonstrate that press freedom is in crisis in “the world’s largest democracy,”’ it read.”
In India, warnings that independent news media are teetering on a precipice

12/10/22 – The plutocrats own the technocrats, the Federal Reserve.

12/10/22 – There is nothing more important for the world right now than Ukraine definitively winning this war. Go all out to help them and quit f—king around.

12/10/22 – Don’t be pennywise and pound-foolish. Not only is “slinking away” not the right thing to do morally speaking, but it would be a stupid thing to do practically speaking. We would be endangering ourselves. “While some in Congress contemplate penny-wise-and-pound-foolish economizing at Ukraine’s expense, Ukrainians are dying, freezing, starving, enduring torture and the targeting of civilians, and seeing their children kidnapped to Russia.”
Slinking away from aiding Ukraine would be a major strategic error

12/9/22 – Putin wants genocide. Instead, the world is learning Ukrainian and about its arts, culture, history and people. “Duolingo: Over 1.3 million people start learning Ukrainian after Russia invaded Ukraine. The number of people who started to learn the Ukrainian language has increased by over 1.3 million since Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, Duolingo, an American tech company with a language-learning app, said. The biggest trend of 2022 was the global spike in the number of people learning Ukrainian, according to the 2022 Duolingo Language Report. Duolingo said the number of people who learn Ukrainian in Germany and Poland has increased by over 16 times this year, compared to last year.”
Duolingo: Over 1.3 million people start learning Ukrainian

12/9/22 – Ukrainians, what a people! Congratulations to them, and thank you for reminding the world of the value of freedom and democracy and not to take them for granted. “TIME names Spirit of Ukraine and Zelensky ‘person of the year.’ President Volodymyr Zelensky was named Time magazine’s person of the year on Dec. 7, acknowledging his leadership amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. At the same time, the magazine recognized the ‘spirit of Ukraine,’ which was embodied by countless individuals contributing to the fight against Russian aggression.”
TIME names Spirit of Ukraine and Zelensky ‘person of the year

12/8/22 – Whether it is the Bible or secular law, liberals tend to take a big picture approach while “conservatives” like to cherry-pick the text to support their personal views.
Supreme Court majority questions massive shift of election authority

12/7/22 – Our founding documents are a thing of beauty. God bless America.

12/7/22 – White people are so superior that they have evolved beyond procreation.

12/6/22 – The evil one is just showing the world more of who he has been all along. If this kind of person got “conservatives” the policies and the people they want, why aren’t they questioning the quality of those policies and people?
With his call to ‘terminate’ the Constitution, Trump is spinning out of control

12/6/22 – The Russians are abducting Ukrainian children. It is pure evil. Russia is not just a terrorist state, but it is also a barbaric state. Human beings, especially children, are not spoils of war.
Ukrainians hid orphaned children from Russian deportation

12/6/22 – So well-deserved! “‘The president of Ukraine embodies the resilience of his people and has become a standard bearer for liberal democracy,’ Financial Times wrote. ‘The 44-year-old Zelensky has earned a place in history for his extraordinary display of leadership and fortitude,’ the newspaper added.”
Financial Times names Zelensky ‘person of the year

12/5/22 – This Christmas, donate to Ukraine. “The famous Ukrainian carol ‘Shchedryk,’ also known as ‘Carol of the Bells,’ was performed at Carnegie Hall in New York City on Dec. 4.”

12/5/22 – Amazon’s best product is the simple Kindle, which is still second to printed books and local bookstores, and the only thing the rest of the company is good for is finding hard-to-find items by connecting buyers and sellers. Does everything have to be a relentless march to more and more consumerism, or can we just be content with simple improvements to our lives?

12/5/22 – Netflix started out as a revolutionary company. Now, it’s just another s—t corporation like all the rest.

12/5/22 – The evil one, Trump, should be arrested and given the maximum penalty for treason.

12/5/22 – Was the Jan 6 “chaos” glorious too? “‘I love Elon Twitter so far,’ tweeted a user who goes by the name Some Dude. ‘The chaos is glorious!’”
As Musk is learning, content moderation is a messy job

12/4/22 – The preferred gauge of inflation should almost always be core PCE. It’s not supposed to be PCE. Some members of the Fed board seem to have been using alternative measures to justify their likely politically motivated decisions. (Also, there has long been talk about raising the inflation target to give policymakers more room.)
BEA – Core PCE

12/4/22 – So the supposedly apolitical Fed doesn’t expect to reach its inflation target until after the election. Right. “The central bank does not expect to reach its inflation goal until 2025.” Is the Fed’s interest rate setting related to this? “The cost of sending a standard 40-foot container from China to the U.S. West Coast is $1,935 — down more than 90 percent from its September 2021 peak of $20,586, according to the online freight marketplace Freightos.” All the Fed did was cause poor people who were already paying more for goods and services to pay more in interest. They just unnecessarily inflicted more economic pain on poor people when they could least afford it. Class warfare to help the rich. Was it also intended to affect the 2022 elections in Republicans’ favor?
From chicken wings to used cars, inflation begins to ease its grip

12/4/22 – The economics profession is narcissistic white men being overpaid to come up with bad theories that hide behind unnecessarily complicated math to hide the enslavement of the masses. The domination of white men in the profession isn’t really about Me Too. It’s about class domination, in which rich parasites control and oppress the working class. The sexism and the racism in the profession are just a natural extension of this entrenched enslavement of the working class.
Harassment in Economics Doesn’t Stay in Economics

12/4/22 – All countries need to make protecting democracy the first priority.

12/4/22 – The trend is your friend. The trend is up.

12/4/22 – A blank paper can say everything.

12/4/22 – That’s just what our democracy needs. “‘The bottom line is the impact of this fringe theory would be terrible,’ said former Attorney General Eric Holder, chairman of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee. ‘It could unleash a wave of gerrymandering from both parties.’”
Supreme Court weighs ‘most important case’ on democracy

12/3/22 – The evil one – the leader of the Republican Party – suggests that Americans throw out the document that our military, our leaders and all naturalized citizens swore an oath to – that little thing called our Constitution.
Trump calls for the termination of the Constitution in Truth Social post

12/3/22 – He’s kidding, right? Of the three branches of government, every single one of them reflects minority rule. For the Legislative branch, let’s set aside the House with its gerrymandering, the Senate: two senators for every state no matter the population; the Executive branch: electoral college, and the Judicial, which is affected by the Senate: nothing more needs to be said about it.
The midterms have busted the myth of conservative ‘minority rule’

12/3/22 – It’s not censoring. It’s sensible. It’s the right thing to do. “It all leads back to the same pathetic belief that abstract prejudices (usually rooted in personal grudges) are righteous and deserve to be enforced. A civilized society minimizes such ideas not just because they are displeasing but because they get people killed.”
Kanye West Finally Says What He Means

12/3/22 – People also listen to the godless Communists who worship themselves.

12/3/22 – The Christian God was the Jewish people’s God, and his son was a Jew. If you hate the Jewish people, you hate the Christian God. The GOP hates the Christian God. “Everything that happened to the Jews of Europe, to the African-Americans during the lynching terrors of Jim Crow, to Native Americans as their land was plundered and their numbers decimated, to Dalits considered so low that their very shadow polluted those deemed above them – happened because a big enough majority had been persuaded, centuries ago or in the recent past, that these groups were ordained by God as beneath them, subhuman, deserving of their fate.” (Caste, I. Wilkerson) That wasn’t God speaking. That was the devil, and these people listened.

12/2/22 – White people can’t get over the fact that the greatest man who’s ever walked the earth was a brown Jew, Jesus. Yes, God chose to take on human form as a Jew. At least subconsciously, this is one of the reasons they are jealous of the Jewish people. “His conclusion: ‘I find it impossible to defend Pat Buchanan against the charge that what he did and said during the period under examination amounted to anti-Semitism, whatever it was that drove him to say and do it.’”
The GOP is stuck in a doom loop begun 30 years ago

12/1/22 – A who’s who in degenerate morons. “Lake, Finchem, Dershowitz and other attorneys involved in the case did not respond to requests for comment. The case was financed largely by MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, who has promoted debunked claims about voter fraud.”
Ariz. county ordered to certify election as GOP lawyers are sanctioned

Notes from Underground – November 2022

11/30/22 – The American people need to stop glorifying rich, stupid a—holes and start demanding better compensation. The US is the most anti-labor country in the western world, and that’s one of the key reasons we have so many problems. “The idea that a job is fundamentally a generous favor granted to you by your boss is woven deeply into American law and culture, and one president can’t unwind it completely. But Biden could give voice to the Americans who know there’s something deeply wrong with how we think about work.” (Also, the shallow, sell-out Boomers are the worst generation in recent American history.)
Biden is averting a railroad strike but missing an opportunity

11/30/22 – “It’s profit over people in America, and it’s very frustrating.” We must bring an end to the plutocracy.
Railway union organizer has a message for Biden

11/30/22 – So true! If the evil one, Trump, becomes the Republican nominee again (God-forbid), they will all fall behind him. “What’s really going on here is something once explained to me (in a different context) by a China-watcher: ‘They say that an official who has done wrong will lose power. But what really happens is that an official who loses power will be accused of doing wrong.’” They are just trying to get rid of him because they think he’s a political loser not because they are outraged by any of his outrageous actions. The GOP is morally bankrupt.
A Ploy, Not a Principle

11/30/22 – Absolutely! “Both the impulse and the means [to steal an election] remain alive. That should be cause for action. Trump’s brazen effort to overturn U.S. democracy has created fleeting and unusual bipartisan urgency for [ECA] reform. It would be the height of folly to let that slip away.”
New Trumpist threats in Arizona make electoral college reform urgent

11/29/22 – What the f—k?
Russia’s Wagner Group recruits prisoners in Africa to fight against Ukraine

11/29/22 – Of course, the evil monster Hitler used a sacred symbol for the profane. The Nazis also called themselves, “Aryans,” even though that term has been used to describe the Aryans (basically Persians) who invaded India. Don’t let Hitler destroy a religious symbol as he tried to destroy a religious people, the Jewish people. Don’t let him win anything. “‘You cannot call it a symbol of evil or (deny) other facts that have existed for hundreds [thousands, actually] of years, just because of Hitler,’ he said…. Jain wishes people would differentiate between their symbol of peace and Hitler’s swastika just as they do with the hateful burning cross symbol and Christianity’s sacred crucifix.”
Asian faiths try to save swastika symbol corrupted by Hitler

11/29/22 – Wow, are these crazy people dumb! “If votes from this Republican stronghold somehow went uncounted, it could flip two races to Democrats.”
Rural Arizona county delays certifying midterm results as election disputes persist

11/28/22 – Fully agree! The West needs to give a full-throated defense of and material support to the Iranian protesters. “Now the talks are widely regarded as dead — and rightly so. Democratic leaders need to rethink their relationship with a barbaric regime that has no compunction about killing its own citizens. For too long, rather than placing the emphasis on Iranians’ human rights, the West has naively prioritized short-term goals of containing the Islamic republic’s nuclear ambitions through diplomacy.”
The West is finally waking up to the real problem in Iran

11/28/22 – Sanity is saving the Democrats and democracy.
Suburbanites are saving the Democrats in Georgia — and elsewhere

11/27/22 – Happy Advent! “China might not immediately come to mind when you think of Advent, but roughly 5.1% of the population of 1.41 billion is Christian. Chinese Christians light up their homes with colorful paper lanterns during Advent, and you might find red paper pagodas cut out and placed in windows. They follow many of the traditions that were brought by Western missionaries. An emerging Christmas tradition is the giving of apples, sometimes sold in stores wrapped in colored paper.”
What is Advent? And what traditions do people follow worldwide?

11/27/22 – Voter: What are you for? GOP: We’re for lower taxes for the rich, taking away your rights, and authoritarianism. Voting should be easy because that’s how democracies should work. Republicans want to suppress the vote because they know that when the people speak, it won’t be for this. “Griffin, a Republican, said she is concerned that the extra day will help Democrats. ‘I’m afraid it will. It is a fear, and Sunday also, because then they can bus the church people,’ she said.” If you’re afraid of the people’s voice, then your party and candidates have a problem. “‘We’ll do it again and again and again,’ said Robert Schofer, a Warnock supporter from Kennesaw. ‘And again.’” Vote blue Georgia, and shut out the crazy!
Early voters in Georgia head to the polls Saturday for Senate runoff

11/27/22 – Why are so many “conservatives” corrupt? SupremeKKKourt “Americans want the court to be above partisan politics…, but a growing number of voters think that the court is a partisan institution. Now, it seems the justices are not just delivering policy wins to one side of the aisle but have developed inside relationships with conservative organizations…. (The Code of Conduct for United States Judges provides ethical guidance for lower court judges but specifically does not cover Supreme Court justices.) The court seems convinced that it can continue on its current trajectory no matter how unhappy Americans are…[which] would be dangerous for American democracy.” Supreme Court justices should also be required to follow the Code of Conduct.
Opinion: Bombshell report deals another blow to the Supreme Court’s reputation

11/27/22 – Russia’s terror strategy is backfiring. Instead of reversing course, it’s doubling or tripling down. Genius. “But hope, resilience and defiance? Kyiv has all those in abundance. And perhaps more so now than at any time since Russia invaded Ukraine nine months ago…. ‘Anger turned into donations to charities to defeat the enemy as soon as possible,’ she says. ‘I plan to stay in Kyiv, work, study and donate to the armed forces.’… ‘The birth of a girl,’ says Mandrygol, ‘brings us peace and victory.’”
Hardship and hope: Winter, missile storms show Kyiv’s mettle

Never underestimate a group of people this tough.
Bombed, not beaten: Ukraine’s capital flips to survival mode

“He scoffed at Moscow’s attempts to intimidate Ukrainian civilians, saying that was the Russian military’s only option after a string of battlefield setbacks. ‘Either energy terror, or artillery terror, or missile terror — that’s all that Russia has dwindled to under its current leaders,’ Zelenskyy said.” Ukraine. Respect.
Europe scrambles to help Ukraine keep the heat and lights on

11/26/22 – Holodomor, 90th Anniversary “On Nov. 26, amid Russia’s war, Ukraine commemorated the victims of another tragedy: Holodomor, a man-made famine that killed millions of Ukrainians in 1932-1933.

Holodomor was imposed on Ukrainians, primarily Ukrainian villagers, by the Moscow-based Soviet authorities led by dictator Joseph Stalin. Ukraine has been fighting to get Holodomor recognized globally as an act of genocide against Ukrainians.

‘Ukraine has gone through one genocide,’ President Volodymyr Zelensky said in his address on Nov. 26. ‘And today we are doing everything possible and impossible to stop Russia’s yet another genocidal policy – although a new one, it is so similar to the one that killed millions of people in the 20th century.'”

11/26/22 – White people in particular are drawn to atheism because they love worshipping themselves.

11/26/22 – If there’s one group of people you can count on to do the wrong thing, it’s Germans. They are the worst of the worst.
Too many German voters are gravitating to the political extremes

11/26/22 – No matter how the disgraceful Ilhan Omar, who is not a congresswoman but an opportunist with no principles or values, votes, the Ottoman-era slaughter of Armenians was also a genocide.

11/26/22 – Academic opinion can go f—k itself. Pope Francis is right. The Holodomor was a genocide. Russia’s current terrorism is also a genocide. “Saturday [today] marks the 90th anniversary of the start of the famine, which Ukraine commemorates every fourth Saturday of November with a Day of Memory.” Pray for Ukraine. Слава Україні
Pope links plight of Ukrainians today to Stalin’s ‘genocide’

11/25/22 – The plutocrats are an abomination.

11/25/22 – The evil one, Trump, needs to be treated like everyone else. Lock him up.
Legal experts in new report conclude there’s a ‘strong basis’ to charge Trump

11/25/22 – It’s just a matter of time before Elon Musk’s selfishness and irresponsibility gets someone killed if it hasn’t already.

11/25/22 – What kind of an ally is this? “He said that the United States has an ‘ethical responsibility to protect the Kurds from being ethnically cleansed from this region.’ He urged U.S. officials to pressure Turkey to de-escalate its attacks before there is a disaster.” The US absolutely has an obligation to protect the Kurds. Do your jobs, Gen. Mark A. Milley, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, President Biden!
Turkey is playing with fire in northern Syria

11/25/22 – “Now a holiday has no connection with using a man either by beating or feeding him. When you give a man a holiday you give him back his body and soul.” G.K. Chesterton

11/24/22 – We’re thankful for freedom, democracy, and always and above all else, God. Happy Thanksgiving!

11/23/22 – “The French historian Ernest Renan said a nation is a ‘daily plebiscite.’ Ukrainians cast their votes daily by putting their lives in mortal peril. It does not diminish their individual heroism to note that they are well led. ‘In no field of man’s activities,’ Churchill wrote, ‘is the tendency to mass effects and the suppression of the individual more evident than in modern war.’ On this day, give thanks that you have lived to be reminded by Zelensky that some pugnacious individualism is magnificently resistant to suppression.”
Be thankful for the pugnacious Zelensky’s magnificent resistance to suppression

11/22/22 – “Musk’s ‘decisions over the last month have been erratic and alarming, but this decision is dangerous and a threat to American democracy,’ tweeted Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt. ‘We need to ask — is it time for Twitter to go?’” Yes.
Advertisers are dropping Twitter. Musk can’t afford to lose any more.

11/21/22 – DeSantis is not as evil as the evil one, but DeSantis is an autocratic monster. This is also the state of the GOP. “DeSantis’s contempt for dissent and his crackdown on critics should not be discounted. This is the profile of a constitutional ignoramus, a bully and a strongman. Voters should be forewarned.”
Beware, DeSantis is as much a threat to America as Trump

11/21/22 – It wasn’t the racism, sexism, religious bigotry, extortion, treason, traitorousness, evilness, incitement of insurrection, calling on other politicians to be murdered, authoritarianism, or attack on our democracy. It was that he has been losing. All else equal, if he hadn’t been losing, Paul Ryan and other Republicans would still support the evil one, Trump. This is the state of the GOP.
Paul Ryan invents a new category of anti-Trumpism

11/20/22 – Until it touches the Russians personally, they don’t care. “Sokolova said that the relatives of mobilized men ‘realize what is going on but people whose relatives were not mobilized see the world through rose-colored glasses. They have no idea what’s going on and they’re not interested.’”
And even when it touches them, they still believe the lies. This is MAGA. “She said she fears for her husband’s life but said she does not blame Putin, ‘because he is a smart person.’ ‘We are absolutely confused, at a loss and we feel abandoned,’ she said. ‘We’re crying from morning till night.’”
Angry families say Russian conscripts thrown to front line unprepared

11/20/22 – Don’t be deceived by the lies. (See Josh Hawley et al.) The GOP wants to enslave American workers and undermine the power of labor and the labor movement.
How the pandemic ended America’s bad romance with work

11/20/22 – Democracy is threatened by MAGA and the GOP. It is Americans’ civic obligation to step up and save it.