Notes from Underground – January 2023

1/31/23 – Every tyrant that puts himself above the law, the mechanism by which societies normally hold every and all individuals to account, opens himself up to justifiable extrajudicial justice, in other words, assassination.

1/31/23 – Every moronic MAGA, which means every MAGA, should read this article. “‘What Nixon did was just an ordinary crime,’ Luttig says. ‘What Trump has done is quite arguably the worst crime against the United States that a president could commit.’ Luttig sees ‘ample evidence’ of criminal activity and believes Trump will be indicted. But he has been judicious about not calling for an indictment. Instead, in his professorial manner, he’s been laying out the factors that he believes should be considered by Attorney General Merrick Garland.”
A conservative judge helped stop Trump on Jan. 6. He wants to finish the job.

1/28/23 – Can’t watch any more videos after George Floyd. It’s too psychologically damaging. So sick of this. It’s not changing! Two Americas on so many levels.
Two Americas

1/28/23 – It’s not about Russia or its survival. It never has been. It’s about the satanic one, putin. “While NATO is only now starting to ramp up military spending toward wartime levels, Mr. Putin has gone all in on a crusade he regards as existential for Russia — and for his own political survival.” Agreed! “He would be smart to direct that message to a broader international audience — in the Global South especially, where popular opinion could be mobilized against a conflict strikingly akin to an imperial war against a former colony.”
How to keep the West solid for Ukraine

1/28/23 – They don’t have this. “And it [raising the debt ceiling] will be done now, provided House Republicans have half a brain….  Obligations, to explain further, to holders of U.S. debt, including our largest foreign debt holders, Japan followed by China, as well as the Social Security Trust Fund and other institutions and individual investors. We, the people, are legally obligated to those creditors. The full faith and credit of the United States is on the line. A U.S. debt default would be cataclysmic both at home and abroad.”
It’s time to cancel Congress’s debt ceiling theatrics

1/28/23 – This article is about the potential war with China. India is a big country and has an increasingly tyrannical dictator as a leader, and we’re all already aware of the Russia problem. Are we seriously going to have the evil one as president when all of this happens? How crazy is MAGA exactly? “My gut tells me we will fight in 2025. Xi secured his third term and set his war council in October 2022. Taiwan’s presidential elections are in 2024 and will offer Xi a reason. United States’ presidential elections are in 2024 and will offer Xi a distracted America. Xi’s team, reason, and opportunity are all aligned for 2025.”
U.S. general warns troops that war with China is possible in two years

1/27/23 – There are far too many autocrats in the world, and we need to start taking them out. Take the f—king gloves off, people. End it now before millions of innocent people die!

1/27/23 – The BBC should make it available – to everyone – for free. There is no question. He is a dictator, and he needs to be assassinated just like poopy, the russian shit.
Make “India: The Modi Question” Free and Available to All, BBC

1/27/23 – F—k modi. Nobody decides for Indians what they can or cannot watch. From my dear friend Roy. (Assuming John Cusack is referring to Arundhati Roy.)

1/27/23 – Modi is not India. Modi is human garbage who should be eliminated.

1/27/23 – Elon Musk is a hypocrite of the first f—king order.
Elon Musk Caves to Pressure from India to Remove BBC Doc Critical of Modi

1/27/23 – The evil modi is a murderer unfit for any office in any land. Whatever it takes, get of him now.
India Banned a BBC Documentary Critical of Modi. Here’s How People Are Watching Anyway

1/27/23 – The monster modi is a despicable wannabee dictator, and the world should stop him now. “The idea of a government being the final arbiter of what is true or false is disturbing in any context. In India’s case, where the government is all too frequently pursuing political goals through the weaponization of narratives, this new amendment is setting off alarm bells. Last year, Reporters Without Borders ranked India 150 out of 180 countries in their annual press freedom report.”
India just took a dangerous step on disinformation

1/27/23 – Tears. Tears. Never forget!
Zelensky – International Holocaust Memorial Day

1/27/23 – Give Zelensky the f—king speed and volume that he has been asking for since the beginning. Thank you, f—kheads, and have a nice day!
Zelensky – Speed and Volume!

1/27/23 – Odessa is part of our global heritage. It must be protected! I will forever be angry about what ISIS and other extremists destroyed of our global heritage in the Middle East. What a loss of history, culture, and art! We can’t allow this massacre of our collective memories to continue.

1/27/23 – One of the great psychological tricks everyone should master for their own health is how to overcome the injustices the world almost invariably inflicts on oneself by throwing oneself into righteous fights: such as fights for justice, peace, equality, fights for others. It is a powerful antidote to the bitterness and brooding that can follow personal injustice, trauma or loss.

1/27/23 – In addition to Ukraine cleaning its own house and making the state more democratic and less vulnerable to corruption, I would also like to see Ukraine “pay it backward” if you will, obviously, after they have total and complete victory, which should be the goal and nothing less than that, meaning retaking all territory including Crimea. With other international organizations, Ukraine can help nascent democracies in Africa and elsewhere protect themselves against tyrants, imperialists, and backsliding. We need to build a global coalition of protectors of democracy and destroyers of corruption and autocracy. Ukrainians have gained valuable battlefield and other knowledge. The world made an investment in Ukraine. It can also make an investment in the world. It can be a great leader in more ways than one.
Zelensky – Ukrainian Leadership

1/27/23 – Remember the time when Ukraine stunned the world by fighting for democracy in an epic David versus Goliath battle. Oh, that’s right. That time is right now. Glory to Ukraine. Glory to heroes.

1/27/23 – This is absurd and a threat to our democracy. It must be changed in Arizona and elsewhere. Republicans are the swamp, and Americans across the nation have a right to know what they are doing to sabotage our democracy. “Last month, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled it had no power to enforce the state’s open-meetings law when it came to legislators. The ruling appeared to clear the way for the legislature, narrowly led by Republicans, to set its own transparency policies, which it has promptly done.”
Arizona Republicans exempt lawmakers from the state’s open-records law

1/27/23 – Democrats need to make it explicitly clear to voters that Biden and the Democratic Party are the reason for these positive changes. You only get credit for the policy if they know you’re the reason for the economic growth. Also, this revitalization of red areas and states will be much healthier for the country in terms of housing and climate. All of this needs to be explained to voters. “These places have a familiarity with manufacturing. These new programs are going to scale that up and accelerate new plant openings. We’re going to see tight labor markets, forcing higher wages. This could be a very healthy development in some regions that have been going sideways…. Jobs in chip plants are going to be some of the highest-tech, most sophisticated advanced manufacturing jobs in the world. Many workers will feel they are part of a compelling enterprise…. This work is a form of Americana.”
Biden’s devious plan to break the MAGA fever just might work

1/25/23 – May the satanic vladimir putin burn in hell.

1/25/23 – Yet another choice GOP contender for the presidency, Pompeo, who is openly kissing the a—of the murderer and tyrant, MBS. He’s defending the person who ordered this, does this. “Saudi agents dismembered Khashoggi’s body inside the consulate, and his remains have never been found. In the months that preceded that visit, Khashoggi had been writing columns for The Post that were sharply critical of the crown prince, who effectively rules Saudi Arabia and has carried out a harsh crackdown on rivals and dissidents.” Anybody seeing a pattern here? Why do the GOP’s main contenders for the presidency seem better suited for the world’s dictatorships than for the greatest democracy in the world, the USA?
Pompeo dismisses Khashoggi as ‘activist’ whose murder was overblown by media

1/25/23 – Jennifer Rubin’s points are entirely valid. However, DeSantis is still not as dangerous as the evil one, trump. The evil one is, well, evil. Let us not test this again, but he has no limits at all. DeSantis would make a terrible president, but for all of his authoritarian tendencies, he does have limits. Another term of the evil one would destroy our democracy. A DeSantis term would damage our country. It says everything about the state of the Republican Party that these are their two main contenders for the presidency. “Let no one be confused: DeSantis is not a break with the MAGA anti-democratic movement. He is only a less buffoonish version of the defeated former president. And that makes him all the more dangerous.”
A judge exposes DeSantis’s contempt for the First Amendment

1/24/23 – This is what the Boomer MAGA morons voted for. This is what a handful of MAGA GOP representatives are doing to our country: gutting Social Security and Medicare. It’s the blue states that make the money. We pay the bills, and now, they want to take our retirement savings and benefits that we paid for away from us. It’s economic injustice and financial terrorism. That’s the state of the GOP, and it’s also the evil one’s, trump’s, and MAGA’s fault. Tax cuts for the rich. Benefits cuts for everybody else.
House GOP eyes Social Security, Medicare amid spending battle

1/23/23 – Our international institutions need an overhaul, and global leadership needs to be better balanced. The USA can’t and shouldn’t be expected to continue in this role indefinitely. It’s too exhausting for us as a nation. People might not realize this, but because we’re a democracy (thank God), it’s our people that end up putting in the time, money and effort to keep the world from falling apart. It’s too much of a burden to put on one country, no matter how big, powerful and wealthy. We need to have a frank and productive discussion about how leadership is going to be shared and our expectations as Americans. From my perspective, Europeans can’t be about their f—king vacations while we work super hard in the USA, not just for ourselves but also for everybody else. We’re the most charitable country in the world. This imbalance within western countries needs to stop. Europeans need to step up to the plate and start sacrificing in a significant way.

1/23/23 – The satanic one, putin, needs to “disappear” from the world, and we should throw a party when he dies. The regime will likely discontinue the war because it’s too unpopular.
Vladimir Putin Set To ‘Disappear’ From Leadership Position As Intelligence Official Confirms There Is ‘Cleary Something Wrong’ With Russian Leader’s Health

1/23/23 – They aren’t good at crunching data, but they’re really good at angertainment. Don’t tell the GOP that even some Republicans are turned off by the MAGA crazies.
How bad a candidate was Kari Lake? This bad.

1/23/23 – It’s not foreign investment. It’s foreign espionage and disinformation. WaPo’s Editorial Board doesn’t want to tell American kids (maybe their own kids) to get off TikTok because they are spoiled with no discipline, and they are addicted to their phones and to TikTok. Too bad. It should be banned.
Don’t ban TikTok. Make it safer for the country.

1/22/23 – The Republican Party is always talking culture wars because it wants to distract people from the fact that they are the Plutocratic Party.

1/22/23 – You don’t have to go to college to have a respectable and productive life. This myth needs to end. It’s leading people who are not well-suited for college to waste their time and money, misdirect their talents and generally end up somewhat miserable until they (hopefully) find a better path that’s true to who they really are. As someone who has lived both an intellectual life but also loves making things and takes great pride in my ability to do so, f—k everyone else, and just do the thing that makes you happy. If you don’t want to go to college – don’t. Find a way to make a living doing the things you’re talented at and that you actually enjoy. The snobs are a—holes, who are often quite unhappy, so who cares what they think about your job. It’s not really rhetoric. It’s the truth. “His [Biden’s] rhetoric, like his program, reinforces the idea that Democrats celebrate the pride and dignity in the work done by those who lack university degrees, which happens to be a majority of Americans.”
Will American politics stay stuck? Biden has a plan for that.

1/22/23 – The coasts are beautiful, but they are also super obnoxious. The Midwest is arguably the country’s heart and soul. We make its food; we make lots of things; we serve our nation and its people; we are good people who love our communities.

1/22/23 – If you’re white working-class and voting Republican, you’re getting screwed. Unions are where it’s at for all working people, and there is one only party that supports unions, the Democratic Party. It’s the party that supports people who actually work in this country, whether it’s rural farmers, rural or urban blue-collar workers, urban white-collar workers, etc. of *all races and backgrounds*. America’s billionaires are parasites, sucking on the blood and sweat of the working people in this country, and the Republican Party is all about them. It wants to help them exploit the people who actually make this country and make it function. Don’t buy their BS about how great they are. They’re only great at talking game, being lucky and living off your labor.

1/22/23 – It was definitely an insurrection, and there should definitely be more of this. “New York, Connecticut and Virginia are among states where proposed legislation would prohibit anyone convicted of participating in an insurrection from holding public office or a position of public trust, such as becoming a police officer.”
Lawmakers seek to bar insurrectionists from holding office

1/22/23 – As WaPo’s Editorial Board explains, this is actually not a problem. It’s an opportunity. Downtowns have always been weird. Historically, there are many offices and few residential spaces. It’s better to have a 1 to 1 ratio or even slightly more residential to office spaces, in other words, the opposite of what presently exists. Why? Because the overall area will be more like a community, which is always better.

If cities use their one-time federal funds for office-to-housing conversions, the city can actually recover the costs in the future if it retains ownership of some of the rentals, and it can also maintain a presence of low-income housing in what might otherwise be or become an unaffordable part of the city.

The more diversity there is in residents and uses of the spaces, the stronger the sense of community will be. Also recommend creating more green spaces, with parks, trees, and community gardens, fountains in communal areas surrounded by retails shops (as they have in Europe), and sidewalks made of permeable material.

Good urban planning is an investment in a city’s current residents’ quality of life and makes it more attractive to potential residents. “As Lincoln, Neb., Mayor Leirion Gaylor Baird (D) put it, ‘We’re trying to use one-time dollars to have enduring impact.’ Her city is looking at more office-to-housing conversions.”
Downtowns are lifeless. It’s a once-in-a-generation chance to revive them.

1/22/23 – Get the f—k off their land, a—holes! And attack us, we will annihilate you back to the stone age.
Russia official warns West of destruction for arming Ukraine

1/22/23 – F—k Germany! “Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki vowed to build a ‘smaller coalition’ of countries ready to send tanks and other equipment. ‘I try to weigh my words, but I’ll say it bluntly. Ukraine and Europe will win this war – with or without Germany,’ Morawiecki told PAP news agency, calling Germany’s position ‘unacceptable.’ Germany ‘should not weaken or sabotage’ other countries’ activities, Mateusz Morawiecki said, adding that Poland would not look on passively while Ukraine bleeds.”
Polish PM: Ukraine, Europe to win the war ‘with Germany or without.’

1/21/23 – “Lawyers scouring President Biden’s garage in Wilmington, Delaware, have been unable to find any plans to overthrow the United States government through a violent insurrection, the lawyers have reported. In addition, the lawyers said, a thorough search had not turned up any instructions to subvert election results by spreading baseless claims about voter fraud or by promoting slates of fake electors.”
No Plans for Insurrection Found in Biden’s Garage

1/21/23 – Look at that. Clever. Clearly, DeSantis’s ivy league education is paying off. Right, Harvard? This what you invested in, this cruelty. Worthless institution. Are we going to start holding these awful institutions that lend credibility to these horrible people in addition to the people themselves accountable or what? “The case of the migrants flown to Martha’s Vineyard by DeSantis on Sept. 14 was different, he said…. The group of 49 people, nearly all from Venezuela, became eligible for a type of visa available only to victims of crimes who are assisting in law enforcement investigations, a process that also shields them from deportation.”
A lawyer and a sheriff help Martha’s Vineyard migrants get a ‘bit of justice’

1/21/23 – Stop making Ukrainians beg for something they shouldn’t have to beg for, all the weapons and support they need to defeat the global menace that is Russia. It’s disgusting, and any decent person in the world should be totally sick of it.

1/21/23 – Although, yes, Biden shouldn’t “sit pat in the face of it” (moronic Germans being moronic as usual), caving to those a—holes’ impractical demands is also not the right move. Leverage power! Come on, people. How can the most powerful country consistently come across as weak? Stop caving. Start fighting.
Germany is refusing to send tanks to Ukraine. Biden cannot let this stand.

1/21/23 – Saying Republicans are for the working class is like saying Republicans are for America. They are pro-plutocrat, pro-Russian terrorists.
Republicans are proving they’re no ‘workers party’

1/21/23 – Act preemptively. Finish Russia now!

1/21/23 – We need to tax the s—t out of the rich parasites and considerably increase our defense spending.

1/21/23 – This is supposed to be about how the world underestimates the USA. However, one could argue that Pax Americana might be more accurately described as Pax Anglo-Americana. If there has been one reliable voice of reason as it pertains to maintaining the global order, it is, rather ironically for the USA and for other former British colonies, including India, Great Britain. It’s a dual hegemonic world, with that little island somehow punching way above its weight, even now after its empire is no more. “As Churchill put it, ‘When the situation was manageable, it was neglected, and now that it is thoroughly out of hand, we apply too late the remedies which then might have effected a cure.’”
The America trap: Why our enemies often underestimate us

1/21/23 – That’s correct. Don’t negotiate with the MAGA terrorists. “If we can’t win on that, we can’t win on anything.”
Biden aides want to force GOP to abandon debt limit threats

1/21/23 – The Republican Party is the party of liars and conmen.

1/21/23 – Absolutely! “British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly also made the case in an op-ed that ‘now is the time to accelerate and go further and faster in giving Ukraine the support it needs.”… NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also jumped into the fray on Wednesday, calling for the allies to supply ‘heavier’ and more modern weaponry….’Because this is a fight for our values, is a fight for democracy and we just have to prove that democracy wins over tyranny and oppression.’”
‘They have us over a barrel’: Inside the US and German standoff over sending tanks to Ukraine

1/20/23 – Eat the rich. “‘Under the pandemic, while people struggled to put food on the table, we saw billionaires double their wealth,’ said California Assembly Member Alex Lee, a Democrat.”
Tax the rich? Liberals renew push for state wealth taxes

1/20/23 – We definitely need more of this. “‘The Plaintiff consistently misrepresented and cherry-picked portions of public reports and filings to support a false factual narrative,’ Thursday’s judgment found. ‘It happened too often to be accidental; its purpose was political, not legal.’”
Trump fined nearly $1M for ‘revenge’ lawsuit against Hillary Clinton, others

1/19/23 – Another day, another anti-semitic statement from the Kremlin. “Ukraine condemns statement by Russia’s FM Sergey Lavrov, who compared modern Russians with Jews killed by the Nazis during the Holocaust. ‘It tarnishes the memory of millions of the Holocaust victims,’ said Oleh Nikolenko, spokesman of Ukraine’s foreign ministry.”
Kyiv Independent – Ukraine condemns statement by Russia’s lavrov

1/19/23 – Dictators of the world unite! MAGA and other fascists of the world unite! Compromised frontal lobes unite!

1/19/23 – After this latest bout of weakening resolve, Europe, with its native population already going extinct, is heading towards total and complete annihilation. The white people never learn from their mistakes. Must be the enduring, invisible power of blond.

1/19/23 – That b—h Olaf Scholz works for the satanic one, putin.

1/19/23 – Our global governance institutions need a massive overhaul. Many countries need to be kicked out of them: Russia, China, Turkey, Hungary, and yes, Germany.

1/19/23 – Germany should be kicked out of NATO. When Russia comes for Germany (and it will), nobody should help. Let the Germans die in the bed they made.

1/18/23 – Those so superior Germans think they are god’s gift to mankind. Let’s take a poll. Who wants Germany to take over America’s leadership role (that frankly many if not most Americans would be happy to hand over to a suitable successor)? Right. We all know the answer to that question – and the reasons for it as well.

1/18/23 – F—k Germany. Who the f—k do those sociopaths think they are to make conditions on anybody else.
Kyiv Independent – Something about that a—hole country nobody likes.

1/18/23 – And please spare us the excuses of poverty and all that. You don’t think there is poverty in Asia or other parts of the developing world. You don’t think there is racism, sexism, indentured servitude or caste systems there. There are, in many cases, on a much greater scale than here. Yet they don’t have this problem. America has a cultural problem as it relates to parenting that then spills into the public education system, which has plenty of talented, dedicated teachers and other professionals. It’s the parents and therefore the kids. Period.

1/18/23 – This isn’t just a Newport News problem. This is an American problem. American parenting is atrocious and unworthy of being called “parenting.” These horrible, lazy parents dump their kids that they don’t want to discipline or raise correctly on the public school system, endangering educators and support staff, and blame the schools for all the problems that they have actually created. This is the only country in the world that has this problem on this scale even though the technological changes negatively impacting young people have affected the entire world. For example, Asian students do not act like this. American parents are an abomination. Don’t have children if you don’t actually want to do the hard work of being a parent, and own your own s—t and your kids’ s—t too because both are mainly the parents’ fault. The administrators also need to stop coddling these awful parents and kids.
Anger grows in Virginia city where first-grader shot teacher

1/18/23 – Zelensky’s point about speed being a critical factor for victory of good over evil is so true. The evil people in the world seem to have more urgency and are more aggressive about achieving their evil aims. The good people in the world need to surpass them in *both* urgency and aggressiveness. Every day that these people drag their feet and “think,” by which they really mean indulge in selfishness and cowardice, Ukrainians and ultimately the world pays the price. If the world had nipped Russian aggression and the rise of autocratic regimes in the bud, meaning acted faster and stronger, we likely wouldn’t be facing this level of global chaos and violence. Instead, the pseudo-leaders kicked the can down the road, deluded themselves on the magnitude of the problems, all the while collecting their salaries, which are paid for by their country’s citizens to do the exact opposite thing – to proactively act in their interests. There has been a global failure in leadership in this regard and many others. We have a deficit of leaders who are willing to act with the same urgency and passion as the evil monsters who want to destroy the civilized world, and we, the world’s citizens who aren’t privileged to be attending Davos, are the ones paying the price.
Zelensky – Davos 2023

1/17/23 – From holding sheets of white paper to this, the Chinese people’s ability to leverage their power in a repressive totalitarian state is impressive. This should be the global rallying cry against the tyranny of all despots, plutocrats and misogynists the world over: “We are the last generation.” Stop having children. Don’t give them your genes. The fewer the people, the more power the remaining people will have, and the planet will finally heal.
China’s population shrinks for first time in 60 years

1/17/23 – Seriously, shut the f—k up, and give them the weapons already. A—holes. “Polish PM calls on Germany to deliver ‘all kinds of weapons to Ukraine.’ Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said on Jan. 16 that ‘there is no reason to block support for Kyiv and delay it indefinitely,’ urging the German government to provide Ukraine with ‘all types of weapons.’ German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Jan. 13 complained about alleged pressure to supply Leopard tanks to Ukraine and said that Germany would not rush to deliver weapons and would ‘weigh every step carefully.’”
Kyiv Independent – Polish PM calls on Germany to deliver.

1/16/23 – On this day, let us remember that the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. was a religious man. The atheists and others, who talk in the shallowest of terms about defining and defending their own identities, have sanitized this most important aspect of his identity because they hate religion. Their revisionism is an affront to his person and his legacy, and it should be offensive to Christians everywhere. King was a genuine follower of Jesus, which as any good Christian knows, is a very hard thing to do. He knew that he would likely be assassinated, but he was willing to sacrifice his life for a righteous cause: the liberation of his people from the bondage of segregation. Today and every day, let us remember who King’s guide was – our light and our Lord, Jesus Christ. The evil people of the world can take away only your life, as they did our Christ’s. They can’t take away your soul. Many people choose to give theirs up though. King did not. He was chosen, and he belongs to God, not to Americans and not to this world.

1/16/23 – To the moronic MAGA, who know nothing about anything, true religious freedom is the separation of church and state. It is one of the hallmarks of our country that it was both founded on Christian values and I would argue because of this wisely kept church and state separate.
Church and State

1/16/23 – Happy Religious Freedom Day! Just as there are many different people, there are many different spiritual and faith traditions. Religious freedom is about respecting each person’s God-given right to choose their faith, and practice openly and in peace. Even when they are militant atheists who attack people of faith and think they are better than them, it’s also about respecting their right to choose no faith. (One doesn’t have to like them though because they are joyless, obnoxious and hard to like.)
A Proclamation on Religious Freedom Day, 2023
Our First (and Most Important) Freedom

1/15/23 – This said. There are many professors who have good intentions and are quite competent. However, we’re kidding ourselves if we think the present system is serving our society well. It’s clearly not on many levels.

1/15/23 – “Privilege is just really baked into the system in many ways.” No, privilege is baked into the system in every way. And it isn’t just the 1%. It’s also the middle-to-upper- and upper-class families as well. The “ivy leagues” and other “prestigious” colleges and universities are a joke, and they breed the worst people. They have narcissistic, self-important professors who write about esoteric topics not to further society but to further themselves and their careers. They teach spoiled, entitled students who become selfish, narcissistic a—holes. Also, simply because of demographic changes, i.e., less young people, many of these arrogant students are able to get into schools they wouldn’t have had a chance of getting into before. If the system was based on pure raw talent, which it has never been, they would never be able to get into them ever. These terrible, usually white, parents think they have actually earned their place in the world instead of having been given it by the grace of God (oh and through the legacy of whites’ subjugation of others, a fact they conveniently ignore.) They lack any semblance of humility. They then give their mediocre progeny every advantage in the world instead of focusing on furthering the betterment of all of God’s children. It’s about prestige and status to reflect well on them instead of fostering actually meaningful contributions to our communities, our country and the world. Academia, more generally, has become a (sometimes corrupt) business with, at best, a tenuous connection to talent.
Wealth looms big as ever in post-scandal college admissions

1/15/23 – One of my pet peeves is when people pick on other more vulnerable people. I hated it as a kid, and I still hate it now. It makes me so mad. F—king bullies!

1/15/23 – It’s always disgusting to make fun of people struggling with addiction. It’s even worse now when much of the nation is struggling with it. What is wrong with these MAGA Republicans? Why do they have no sense of decency ever about anything? Also, they are both of Irish heritage. Does McCarthy seriously need to be reminded of those stereotypes?
Joe Biden and Kevin McCarthy, wary opponents, prepare to work together

1/15/23 – If you don’t have principles, you don’t have anything.

1/15/23 – On this eve of the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, I would like to say to every child out there, do not let the adults in your life ruin your innocence and your soul. Other kids, no matter how they look, are kids just like you. They are made in the image of God just like you. Let God light your path. Play with them. You will have fun, and you will learn a lot. It will set you on a trajectory to live a deeply meaningful and varied life.

1/15/23 – 100%. Make. Them. Stop. “Polish PM on Dnipro attack: Russia must be stopped now. ‘Russia intentionally keeps on committing war crimes against civilians. It’s inhuman. We need to act now and make them stop,’ Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki wrote on Twitter in response to Russia’s Jan. 14 missile attack on an apartment building in Dnipro.”
Russia must be stopped now

1/15/23 – Are the international bodies going to do their goddamn jobs and hold them accountable for their war crimes? “Prosecutor General’s Office identifies Russian military unit responsible for Dnipro attack. Ukraine’s Prosecutor General’s Office said on Jan. 15 that only Russia’s 52nd Guards Bomber Aviation Regiment is capable of having launched the Kh-22 missiles that hit the apartment building in Dnipro on Jan. 14.”
Russian Military Unit Responsible for Dnipro Attack Identified

1/15/23 – Hey young people, shut the f—k up about TikTok and go read some books. Get a grip.

1/15/23 – MAGA will be remembered in history as the traitorous sociopaths that they are, and they will get justice in this life or on the day of judgment.

1/15/23 – Of course, they are. All Russia has to offer the world right now is evil. At present, they are collectively some of the vilest people in the world. “U.S. Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland said of the Wagner mercenaries. ‘And we worry that these forces are not interested in the safety and security of the people of Mali but, instead, are interested in enriching themselves and strip-mining the country and are making the terrorism situation worse.’”
Violence soars in Mali in the year after Russians arrive

1/15/23 – Just remember almost all of the super smart, ivy-league educated elites got played by the satanic sociopath, putin – who is also a moron. They think they are appeasing or delude themselves with other such flattering ideas. In reality, they are just getting played.

1/14/23 – F—k Khamenei. Burn in hell, sociopath.

1/14/23 – Assassinate the satanic one.

1/14/23 – Between the war, the (post) pandemic, domestic political chaos, and life, the days are all a blur. If our world ever becomes really boring, it will be great.

1/14/23 – Russia attacks civilians because they can’t win on the battlefield. Such men, they are so strong compared with defenseless old men and women and kids. Heinous and disgusting. Real men are heroes who help others. “This video published by Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Governor Valentyn Reznichenko shows how civilians help first responders clear out the rubble at the site of a Russian missile strike on a residential building in Dnipro. The Jan. 14 attack killed at least 12 people and injured 64, according to Reznichenko. ‘Thank you to everyone who stood side by side with the rescuers, doctors and policemen at the scene of the terrible tragedy,’ the official said.”
Kyiv Independent – Russian Attacks on Dnipro
Zelensky – Russia’s Never-ending Cowardly Terrorism

1/14/23 – One must say this about Biden. That old man gets s—t done. Quite impressive! All those years in Congress come in handy when you need governance, which this country desperately needs since all the GQP does is obstruct or even worse create chaos.

1/14/23 – Take in the superior white genes. F—king ugly, crazy and stupid, just like the evil one, trump, and the satanic one, poopy.
University: Student stabbed on bus because she is Asian

1/14/23 – The moronic MAGA with their pauper’s mentality are willing to remain slaves to their rich white masters as long as they get to remain white.

1/14/23 – The WaPo’s Editorial Board’s analysis is deeply flawed and their argument is weak at best. Turkey is definitely not “an indispensable alliance member,” and in their own argument, they follow up that description with this: “Others reflect the disconnect between the intolerant and increasingly despotic state Mr. Erdogan has built and the robust democracies buttressed by vibrant civil societies in other NATO member states, as well as Sweden and Finland.” We’re also on the side of both the Kurds and separately Greece, which literally doesn’t want to get annexed by Turkey. “[A]pparently over human rights concerns in Turkey and at the behest of lawmakers sympathetic to Greece, which opposes the deal.” Don’t think imperialist ambitions are limited to Russia and China.

The solution to this supposed impasse is to kick Turkey out of NATO. It’s mind-blowing that liberals never understand how to leverage power and act forcefully. Conservatives rarely make the same mistake. Not to mention that given Erdogan’s despotic tendencies, it’s just a matter of time before he joins the infamous league of deranged global dictators. It would also preempt the twisted situation of having an alliance member that’s an aggressor and that spits in the face of other members, as Russia has done in the UN and on the UN Security Council. Russia and China should be kicked out of both. Make forceful changes to all of these institutions now! Without these changes, they will remain dysfunctional and an inescapable reminder of the fecklessness of the present global governance system.
NATO’s internal standoff is a gift to Putin

1/14/23 – Financial divorce! Let MAGA pay for themselves for a change.

1/14/23 – The inbred white degenerates who elect other inbred white degenerates cannot be allowed to hold the rest of the country hostage.

1/14/23 – Right now, the USA has a system of government where the people who contribute the most in terms of talent and treasure have the least power. This is an unsustainable situation. We end minority rule or end in civil war.

1/14/23 – The dumb, white MAGA who don’t contribute anything valuable to our society, neither financially nor otherwise unless one wants to count sowing chaos and all manner of evil a contribution, want to tell the American people who do contribute in numerous ways what we should do with our money and also to hold our money hostage. Go look at the numbers, MAGA degenerates, and tell us, which states are actually financially contributing to the country. Given their terrorism, the preferred solution is, at a minimum, a financial divorce from MAGA. Can the Biden administration make this happen? Right now, we have taxation without representation because of their legislative (and other) terrorism.

1/14/23 – Democrats should not negotiate with MAGA terrorists. If MAGA doesn’t want to raise the debt limit, the ramifications of that decision are on them.

1/14/23 – The GQP are domestic terrorists, and they want the USA to become an international terrorist state like Russia.

1/14/23 – What does Ukraine plan to do about this? “Civic watchdog: ‘Worst’ candidates with links to Russia appointed to top judicial body. The Congress of Judges on Jan. 12 appointed eight members of the High Council of Justice, the judiciary’s highest governing body. Most of the new members are controversial and violate ethics and integrity standards, while some have links to Russia, according to legal think-tank DEJURE and other civic watchdogs. They have denied the accusations of wrongdoing.”
Civic watchdog: ‘Worst’ candidates with links to Russia appointed to top judicial body.

1/13/23 – GQP, right here folks: We want to control other people (e.g., women, minorities, LGBTQ, basically most of the world) because we can’t control ourselves and all of our desires and weaknesses, and feel (subconsciously) ashamed. We are also going to project our s—t onto the “libs” and others and blame them for everything that we (subconsciously) hate about ourselves. Maybe they should invest in some therapy, and spare the country their deep-seated psychological problems.

1/13/23 – Aside from the narrow House majority, the evil one, trump, was a much worse liar than George Santos, so asking Santos to resign while not doing the same of the evil one would potentially call too much attention to the GQP’s obvious hypocrisy. Let’s face it: one of America’s two major parties, the GQP, thinks that if they say it, it’s so. It’s the 80s “fake it until you make it” on steroids. The GQP is the party of aging Boomers who can’t get beyond 80’s s—t, and the evil one is the epitome of their temporal inertia.

1/13/23 – Academia has become too much of a business. It needs to be about nurturing the intellectual and artistic life.

1/13/23 – Tax cuts are not fiscally responsible, and any conversation that starts with fiscal responsibility and ends with tax cuts is a farce.
‘He’s a proven loser’: Paul Ryan on Trump’s future in the Republican Party

1/12/23 – Hey MAGA, You will never be rich, so you can go ahead and vote to tax the rich. Your low-class a-ses will also never be accepted by rich people. So, give it the f—k up.

1/12/23 – This definitely doesn’t get talked about enough. Much of MAGA gives the evil one, trump, or the satanic putin a daily blowjob. “Does it surprise you the homoeroticism of some of the stuff [they are] into?” Is tuckyorose a closet homosexual?
Decoding Fox News with Juliet Jeske

1/11/23 – traitors?

1/11/23 – If only the entire world had this level of superior genes, the human species would likely be annihilated by now.

1/11/23 – The dumb white American KKKonned who feed like only amoeba brains can on a diet of Faux News and disinformation from the dumb white orange-stained KKKons like tuckyorose are so dumb and white that they will end up causing the death of other white people in Europe who they claim have superior genes just like they do. Yes, indeed, let’s cut off aid to Ukraine only to watch Europe fall into complete death and destruction until the USA has to bail it out – for the millionth time and at much greater expense. Superior genes.

1/11/23 – Forget Thiessen’s article. Just read the comments. The only people who buy this crap are the single-celled amoeba brains who watch Faux News, and they buy everything the KKKons sell because they are the dumb white KKKonned with inferior genes.

1/11/23 – Yes, exactly, so many good comments. “Total whataboutism and gaslighting. Garbage/trash from another of the orange fascist criminal’s moronic acolytes.”

1/11/23 – From the comments of that disgusting piece, “Theissen has major wood at the thought of leveraging the Debt Ceiling Limit by the Republicans to achieve all their wildest dreams. I can well recall his editorial in the Washington examiner frothing at the mouth to do this back when the debt ceiling limit had to be raised during Obama’s administration. He disgusted me then and he disgusts me now. Do better, Washington Post. Do better. Axe this yahoo.” Agreed.

1/11/23 – F—k Marc Thiessen’s false equivalence. The magnitude, the deliberate nature, the cover up, the likely espionage that the evil one, trump, engaged is not even remotely comparable to what Biden did. What the evil one did is criminal beyond “gross negligence.” It was an intentional effort to exploit his access to our classified material for his personal gain or purposes. Biden was simply irresponsible, the degree of which is still in question. Improvements do need to be made as to how classified documents are generally managed and tracked. However, Thiessen’s intellectual dishonesty is so blatant that he should not be taken seriously now or ever again. Have a nice life.
If Trump’s classified document mishandling was ‘irresponsible,’ so is Biden’s

1/11/23 – When the horrible Boomers die, Fox “News” will die with them.

1/11/23 – Democrats need to fight much more ruthlessly. They are too weak.

1/11/23 – We want all members of Congress, especially the Republican members who have shown themselves to be supporters of the satanic putin, to be investigated for being Russian agents and spies. They want the government investigated. Let’s do a proper and meaningful investigation. We also want the evil one, trump, to be executed for the treason he has clearly committed. His actions led to the murder of police and others. They want investigations presumably to serve justice. That’s justice.

1/10/23 – The satanic putin must be taken out for the world’s sake. He is a global menace.

1/10/23 – The only thing the west has to fear is its own complacency. If it can’t persevere until Ukraine has decisively defeated Russia and expelled it from its lands, including Crimea, Russia will try to make territorial gains in other parts of Europe. It will not stop with Ukraine. Just know this now.
Ukraine sees ‘year of victory’ but Russia has other plans

1/10/23 – F—k off, Feinstein. We’re sick of you. You won’t be missed. Goodbye! (Anybody but Feinstein.)
Rep. Katie Porter announces run for U.S. Senate in California

1/10/23 – Tough, persevering people. Love them!
Support Kyiv Independent

1/10/23 – How many Russian agents and spies does the USA have *in* and out of the government, especially the Republican Party? Likely many. “Security Service has uncovered 600 Russian agents, spies in Ukraine since Feb. 24. Since the start of the full-scale invasion, over 1,500 investigations into suspected cases of treason and espionage have been opened. More than 340 of such cases have been sent to court.”
Kyiv Independent – 600 Russian agents, spies

1/10/23 – The evil one, trump, should be publicly executed for treason. He deserves the death penalty.

1/9/23 – The most frustrating thing for me as a Christian is to see people claim to be Christian but doing the exact opposite things as what Jesus taught us to do. It’s f—king mind-blowing.

1/9/23 – Without Jesus’s teachings, I wouldn’t understand much correctly. The world, including one’s own family, teaches you so many wrong things. It’s quite unfortunate, but luckily, there is the Bible.

1/9/23 – “Knowing what people need and helping to make it happen,” Biden said at the end of the video. There are a lot of broken people in the world, and if you can help them rise above their circumstances and their brokenness, you will rank among the most powerful people in the world. (It took me a long time to figure this out.) Power isn’t about prestige or titles, money or material possessions, which is what I had been taught. It’s actually about your effect on others. Empathy is powerful not simply because it consoles and understands. It’s powerful because, to use Christian language without which I wouldn’t be able find the right words, you are seeing Jesus/God in the other person. To MAGA, expressions of this great humanity, of seeing this spark of divinity in others are a weakness. They are terribly wrong, and it is Jesus who taught us this.
Jeffries governs in poetry, Biden in grace — and the GOP in thuggishness

1/9/23 – Bolsonaro and his supporters are traitorous fascists. Absolutely! “It is still too soon to tell whether Sunday’s attack marked the opening of a budding insurrection — or the final spasm of a failed one. The United States should support Mr. Lula’s efforts to ensure it is the latter.”
Brazilian democracy should stand strong against an insurrection

1/9/23 – Bill Gates is not a genius. Elon Musk is not a genius. Jeff Bezos is not a genius. You get the idea. They got lucky. Aspire to get lucky, I guess.

1/8/23 – Being an American is like forever being an adolescent that inevitably goes through growing pains, meaning managing our own democracy and country, but with the entire world potentially being affected by our actions, and criticizing and scrutinizing basically everything we do. Exhausting.

1/8/23 – It is really exhausting for us as a nation to play this leading role all the time. I’m sure some among us find it somehow flattering. I guess it is in some ways, but to me, it’s exhausting but apparently necessary. If any other – responsible – country would like to take this role over, I think many Americans would happily hand it over. Please let us know.

1/8/23 – Biden, “America is back,” and one G7 member responded, “For how long?” And if America can’t stage a long-term comeback, the world will fall apart. Hard truth, for Americans and for the world.

1/8/23 – So who’s going to remind McCarthy that he’s an American? Or is he so much of a chameleon that he might be Russian instead? Does he want putin to like him too?
What Kevin McCarthy Will Do to Gain Power

1/8/23 – MAGA wants violence. They’ll get more violence than they ever imagined. MAGA is playing with fire, but they are too stupid to realize it. “Like their MAGA counterparts, Bolsonaro supporters have been fed a steady diet of misinformation and disinformation for years, much of it modeled on the narratives pedaled by far-right influencers in the U.S.”
Assault on presidential palace, congress challenges Brazil’s democracy

1/8/23 – Everybody better bone up on their international relations and foreign policy because more global turmoil is coming. A pandemic and climate change weren’t enough for the world’s degenerates. They need to create more unnecessary problems. Bolsonaro definitely needs to be extradited. Be aware that January 6 didn’t just negatively impact our democracy. It sent a bad example for fascists, which is what MAGA are, around the world. MAGA is despicable. Fascists are death for the world. Act now to destroy them before it’s too late.
US lawmaker calls for Bolsonaro’s extradition to Brazil

1/8/23 – This is true. “‘The power that the extremists will yield over the next two years bodes ill for normal governance…. We [Democrats] don’t have an anarchist wing, they do,’ said Rep. Jim Himes (D-Conn.). One his party’s top moderates, Himes vigorously defended its left in an interview between ballots. Despite major policy differences in the last Congress, progressives ‘have been remarkable team players,’ he said.”
How the right took joy and profit in McCarthy’s misery

1/8/23 – From Zelensky to Jeffries, Gen X is killing it. Tough, principled and cool. Do our countries and the world proud.

1/8/23 – Who does this arrogant s—t think he is? F—k him. He needs to be put in prison. “Asked why he reversed course on McCarthy, Gaetz said, ‘I ran out of things I could even imagine to ask for.’” And why is he obsessed with the Armed Services Committee? Is he a Russian agent, like the evil one?
How McCarthy survived the House chaos to win the speaker’s gavel

1/7/23 – This speech is a case study in contrasts. The Republicans are so undignified, undemocratic, and unAmerican. The Democratic Party is dignified, the defender of democracy and of American values. No contest. (And we have fun. The alphabet was a cute touch.)
FULL SPEECH: House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries opens the 118th Congress of The United States

1/7/23 – Over ninety-five percent of the country doesn’t want to live the way the psycho white inbreds who voted for people like Gaetz, Boebert, et al. want to live. They want sociopathic anarchists. Why should the rest of the country be negatively impacted by this very small minority?

1/7/23 – A bunch of people are going to pass away after creating a s—t world for the rest of us who will still be living for many years to come. That’s just great. Don’t think we aren’t bitter about it because we are.

1/7/23 – And to the idiots on the left who like to posture and preen but are devoid of practical policy, you can’t wave your peace signs and repeat words such as “peace and love” or “military industrial complex” and deter aggression. That’s not how it works. So shut the f—k up. The rational world thanks you.

1/7/23 – Absolutely! “The only way to avoid such a scenario is for the United States and its allies to urgently provide Ukraine with a dramatic increase in military supplies and capability…. NATO members also should provide the Ukrainians with longer-range missiles, advanced drones, significant ammunition stocks (including artillery shells), more reconnaissance and surveillance capability, and other equipment. These capabilities are needed in weeks, not months…. It is better to stop him [the satanic putin] now, before more is demanded of the United States and NATO as a whole.”
Time is not on Ukraine’s side

1/7/23 – The biggest problem the world is facing is terrible leadership in so many places.

1/7/23 – Modi’s India is a failure on every possible level.
Sinking land forces hundreds to leave Indian temple town

1/7/23 – Apparently, McCarthy’s dad didn’t teach him even a basic sense of morality. He learned plenty about ambition though.

1/7/23 – Reckless ambition and greed are killing our country.

1/7/23 – The satanic one, putin, tried to do to the United States of America what he did to Belarus and Georgia. He helped a Manchurian candidate, the evil one, trump, win the presidency. If the evil one had not lost in 2020, Americans would be well on our way to becoming annexed by Russia. Never forget that Democrats and democrats saved our country in 2020. We need to annihilate MAGA.

1/7/23 – Don’t complain about the snow or the rain. It’s a blessing. Toughen up and deal with it.

1/7/23 – To the MAGA crazies who constantly engage in lies and gaslighting, just go f—k yourselves.

1/7/23 – If you’ve ever seen Frost speak, he’s a kind, mature person, even at his young age. This is what Democrats have to endure because the other side is filled with crazies. “‘I’m going to get sworn in 1 a.m. on Saturday after two members almost got into a physical altercation on the House floor after my 15th vote for speaker on my fourth day here,’ said Rep. Maxwell Frost (D-Fla.), who at age 25 is the youngest new member.”
The last-minute drama that momentarily derailed McCarthy — again

1/7/23 – Never forget that it’s Democrats who pay the bills in this country. We are this country’s brains and its purse. You want hostage taking. If this continues, we’ll show you hostage taking.

1/7/23 – The self-described “patriots” have a strange way of showing their “patriotism.” To any reasonable American, their version of patriotism, engaging in insurrection and electing some of the most unfit candidates in American history, doesn’t seem like patriotism. It seems like the opposite – treasonous and traitorous. They can continue to comfort themselves with their fiction, but it is still a fiction. The country and the world know it as such.

1/7/23 – The long day’s struggle into night reveals the utter ridiculousness of this situation. We can’t have a system of government that could potentially hold up the entire American governance system because some degenerates in some small part of the country vote for other degenerates and send them to what should be a place for mature adults to actually govern the country. This is not how our tax dollars are supposed to be spent. It’s a disgrace, unbecoming of an American political party. The Republican Party is an embarrassment to our country. It has been for a long time, and it’s getting worse every day. “On the 15th ballot, Republicans Eli Crane (Ariz.), Bob Good (Va.), Andy Biggs (Ariz.) and Matthew M. Rosendale (Mont.) switched their votes from opposing McCarthy to ‘present,’ joining Gaetz and Boebert, and allowing McCarthy to win with just 216 votes. Jeffries received 212 votes. The days-long struggle to choose a speaker has raised fears across the Capitol that McCarthy may not be able to manage his narrow majority or effectively govern.” 15th ballot. Was it an election or a negotiation with terrorists?
Kevin McCarthy elected House Speaker, breaking historic deadlock

1/7/23 – I still won’t like Germany, but I’ll hate it a little less intensely. That’s a lot.
Zelensky – Germany

1/6/23 – “A Democrat just shouted out to McCarthy, who has gotten out of his chair to speak to Gaetz, ‘On your knees!'” (NYT) Word has it that Gaetz wants McCarthy to pardon him.

1/6/23 – Round 14, and he’s still short one vote. Has 216, needs 217 because two voted present. This is what we, the greatest country in the world, has become: hostage to MAGA degenerates. This is what our taxes pay for. Every decent American should take great umbrage at this.

1/6/23 – Our country is being held hostage by Gaetz and Boebert. Think about that. How many people do they represent?

1/6/23 – And they applauded Gaetz’s present. Again, truly sad.

1/6/23 – They applauded Boebert’s present. Truly sad.

1/6/23 – At least Dems got some good zingers in.

1/6/23 – Can they cut to the chase and just vote.

1/6/23 – Given this s—tshow, the entire country will know who to blame if we default on our debt.

1/6/23 – Second-guessing my opposition to Democrats bailing out House Republicans. “Gaetz: If Democrats join up to elect a moderate Republican, I will resign.” He better mean this. (Gaetz is a child raping, human trafficking traitorous troll.) The Republican Party is an abomination. For the interests of the country, Democrats might have to save Republicans from themselves.

1/6/23 – Please help Saakashvili! Release him now! “His legal team recently distributed a medical report suggesting that he might have been poisoned. Recent images from the clinic where he is now held have shown him gaunt and disoriented…. Saakashvili’s death in jail would be a victory for Putin and a blow to Georgian democracy. No one understands this better than Zelensky, who last month appealed to the Georgian authorities to ‘show mercy’ by releasing the ex-president.”
The world can’t allow the ex-president of Georgia to die in detention

1/6/23 – Had the unfortunate experience of watching the insurrection in real time. It was a traumatizing and unforgiveable event. The evil one should be executed for it. It was treason. “Two years ago today, a pro-Trump mob stormed the U.S. Capitol to stop the certification of the 2020 presidential election. Seven people died as a result of that attempt. [May they rest in peace.] More than 140 police officers reported suffering injuries…. The many millions who watched the events unfold instantly knew that it would rank among the most anguished and horrifying days in American history…. [We did.] [T]he main actor was the nation’s president.” The evil one, treasonous traitor. He is unfit for any office. He is unfit.
The GOP Is a Battering Ram Against Truth

1/6/23 – Hell is not other people. If you’re the Republican Party, it’s your own party’s people.

1/6/23 – Is it Richneck or Redneck? Is that elementary or first grade? Tell me again that we don’t have a gun problem in this country.
Police: 6-year-old shoots teacher in Virginia classroom

1/6/23 – We pay these people’s salaries, the House Republicans. This is what the American people are getting in return for giving them our hard-earned money: delay, dysfunction, and drama. What are we not getting: good governance.
What happens if there’s no House speaker? These things can’t get done.

1/5/23 – Ukrainians, a bright spot in a dark world.
Zelensky – Another Diplomatic Day in the Life

1/5/23 – Hey MAGA, maybe being crazy morons isn’t a good look for the country. Just think about it.

1/5/23 – Instead of ambition, just focus on doing quality work.

1/5/23 – Happy National Bird Day! Chirp. Chirp.
National Bird Day

1/5/23 – God bless him, but he’s definitely not the greatest Catholic evangelist since Paul. Let’s not engage in pointless exaggeration. If we’re going to exaggerate, it should serve some valuable purpose, such as mocking MAGA. “Even if you don’t share my beliefs, and the beliefs of Catholics worldwide, perhaps you will want to know what our church actually teaches.” Which I know for sure most atheists don’t know. They just babble on spouting nonsense or fictional accounts of historical facts as it fits their preconceptions and prejudices.
The greatest Catholic evangelist since Paul is … from Duluth?

1/4/23 – Democrats should definitely not help House Republicans out. Let MAGA wallow in the sewer it created.

1/4/23 – McCarthy fails on his millionth ballot. Let’s simplify. McCarthy fails. MAGA fails. The GOP fails.

1/4/23 – Zelensky’s official Telegram channel is a historical archive, both textual and visual, of this war for global democracy. The photos honor all of the Ukrainian people in the various ways they have been impacted by the war and their sacrifices big and small. Maybe spend a little less time looking at your selfies and a little more time looking at the faces of the people helping you stay free.

1/4/23 – To the moronic MAGA who think we’re exaggerating or wrong when we say Democrats and democrats saved you from Russian serfdom, we’re not. Your man, the evil one, trump, is the opposite of a Zelensky; he’s a Lukashenko.

1/4/23 – Belarus is basically part of Russia. If in your blind ignorance, you don’t appreciate Zelensky. Appreciate him now. He could have sold out his country. Instead, he put his and his family’s life on the line for his people’s freedom. “With the world looking away, Russia quietly took control over Belarus. Talks of dictator Alexander Lukashenko’s Belarus becoming Russia’s vassal gained ground in 2020 when the regime violently crushed all forms of descent, with Moscow’s full backing. Two years later, Lukashenko’s Belarus is barely independent from the Kremlin.”
Kyiv Independent – Russia quietly took control over Belarus

1/4/23 – House Republicans are going to have a productive session serving their constituents, many of whom could benefit from quality governance. No wait, they serve the evil one, trump. Oops. They are off to a great start then.

1/3/23 – To the short-sighted, selfish fools in all parties, democracy isn’t a mere political concept. It is the basis of our freedom and of peace. And freedom isn’t an invention born from man’s imagination. It is inherently tied to the concepts of man in the Hebrew and Christian Bibles. The imago dei dictates that humans are apart from all other creatures, and by our creator’s word have a right to be free. Therefore, this right can’t be taken away from us. The world wasn’t simply pulling away from a theoretical political concept of democracy. It was being pulled by dark forces to a violent, less free world. That is what tyranny entails. It is violence and subjugation. Also, to those who tire of funding Ukraine, get some goddam perspective. They are fighting for our shared values. They are putting their bodies and lives on the line – for us.

1/3/23 – Forget the average MAGA. They’re a joke. But even the average liberal is, relatively speaking, an idiot. People don’t know anything that actually matters anymore. (They’re too busy wasting their time on their “smart” phones to read smart books.) They think they are so enlightened, but they are so much less learned and intelligent than the Founding Fathers or many other people from previous decades, centuries, millennia. (And many of them were much better writers.)

1/3/23 – There is no greater defense for human freedom and against slavery than the Hebrew and Christian Bibles. The atheists and the “pagans” who think otherwise are biased morons. One can explain it to them a million times and a million different ways, and they still won’t get it because they don’t want to get it. “Ancient pagan philosophers believed some of this, but Christians emphasized the divine source of the natural law and of human equality. The natural law, they claimed, implies a lawgiver who is the creator of the world and the author of human nature. Human nature is stamped with the image of God, the imago dei — a notion that undermined the ancient practice of slavery in spite of conditions at the founding. This idea impressed itself on Abraham Lincoln, who claimed of the founders during a debate in 1858 that ‘in their enlightened belief, nothing stamped with the Divine image and likeness was sent into the world trodden on, and degraded, and imbruted by its fellows.’ The concepts of fundamental human dignity and moral equality are rooted, ultimately, in the book of Genesis…. Might does not make right, and power is not the same as authority. As Americans have long held, there is a law higher even than the king or the Constitution.” And that higher law is God.
Is America a Christian nation? Yes and no.

1/3/23 – Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes! The terrorists must lose not just for Ukraine but for the world. “We have no doubt that the current masters of Russia will throw everything they have left and everyone they can muster to try to turn the tide of the war and at least postpone their defeat.

We have to disrupt this Russian scenario. We are preparing for this. The terrorists must lose. Any attempt at their new offensive must fail. This will be the final defeat of the terrorist state. I thank all partners who understand this.

Russia mobilizes those whom it wants to throw to death, we mobilize the civilized world. For the sake of life.”
Zelensky – The terrorists must lose.

1/3/23 – The west needs to take an interest in all of these issues and force these authoritarian governments to fix them. Democracy must prevail everywhere for peace to prevail everywhere. “There are still other points of concern. India’s prime minister, Narendra Modi, has overseen a deterioration in civil liberties, and the country’s independent news media has slowly collapsed. Indonesia passed a law last month restricting free speech. Israel’s new government could threaten judicial independence. In Hungary, Prime Minister Viktor Orban won re-election after manipulating the rules in his favor. Coup attempts in Peru and Guinea-Bissau also exposed the fragility of democratic rule.” NYT

1/2/23 – The evil one, trump, is f—king insane.
‘That’s just deranged’: Tapper reacts to new testimony about Donald Trump

1/2/23 – Any nation that does not want to respect important international agreements, such as the Geneva Convention, needs to be brought to its knees.

1/2/23 – Walking is a great way to clear your head and have communion with nature. If you’re looking for a resolution, it’s a good one. Today is a national holiday, so it’s a good time to start this healthy habit.
Tradition of hiking in the new year reaches all 50 US states

1/2/23 – For people who aren’t religious, it might be hard to understand, but the spiritual life can be incredibly peaceful. It can feel like a cocoon shielded from the world and all of its worldliness. There is nothing else like it.

1/2/23 – “Lord, I love you.” I pray that when I die, I can be of sound enough mind and have the space and time to utter those same words (in any language) as my last. Whatever one thinks of his legacy, which like most if not all legacies is imperfect, the man was blessed.
‘Lord, I love you’: Aide recounts Benedict’s last words

1/2/23 – If you believe in the Hindu caste system, you’re a f—king idiot. All people are created in the image of God and all people are created equal. Have a nice day.

1/2/23 – Indians have perfected blaming women (and girls) for everything, always and everywhere. It is one of the most misogynistic countries in the world. I can understand traditional families not wanting their children to marry people of a different faith tradition, but there is no justification for blaming women because they fall in love, live in or other common emotions or decisions women – men and women actually – have or make. Get some perspective and a basic sense of fairness. This, “India and its laws — and maybe even its parents — have failed its women,” isn’t an argument. It is a f—king fact. India must change for the better.
A gruesome murder case in India pits traditional values against modern love

1/1/23 – Today and every day, thank God. Life itself is a blessing.

1/1/23 – This was supposed to stay a secret…. The woman had/has several good ideas. And this is true. “From the moment she entered the Senate in 2013, she has been fixated on presidential appointments, popularizing the mantra that ‘personnel is policy.'” Ultimately, the country as a whole needs good ideas and good people to prevail, so whatever label it comes with, who really cares.
Joe Biden is in the Oval Office. So are Elizabeth Warren’s ideas.

1/1/23 – Management, everywhere and at every level, is abysmally bad because employees get hired and promoted based on other reasons, such as who they know or a—kissing, instead of qualifications and competence. “‘Quiet quitters’ make up at least 50% of the U.S. workforce — probably more, Gallup finds…. It’s clear that quiet quitting is a symptom of poor management.”
Is Quiet Quitting Real?

1/1/23 – A great way to start the New Year 2023 is by sharing these lovely words of encouragement.

“If I can leave a record, I’ve done something meaningful. And so must you.

Writing is a fine art, but it is a democratic one too. So I hope whoever reads this, whether you write like Joyce or an ornery grader, that you claim the mantle of writing without hesitation. Leave a record for your families, loves, and communities. Consider all who will cherish hearing from you. Take up space in the archives of the future. We need it. It will be a long time before this period in history will be halfway understood. You can and should play a part in aiding our descendants.

To that point, my grandmother wrote letters. I keep the ones she sent me on my ancestor altar. I can’t imagine what I would have missed out on if she had hesitated. It is her sloping script and words of love that give me courage. I hope I can offer you some in kind.”
Writing Is a Democratic Art

1/1/23 – To our dear Ukrainians, don’t just return. Reinvent. Become even better than you were. It will be the greatest revenge to your enemies and reward to yourselves.
Zelensky – New Year 2023

1/1/23 – Happy New Year 2023! First and foremost: Слава Україні. Glory to Ukraine. Glory to Heroes.